Dealing With Irrational Hatred (Acts 17:1-15) | TMBH #74

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024
  • Acts 17:1-15

Комментарии • 54

  • @TasJess
    @TasJess 6 лет назад +4

    Even second time around the manatee is a thing of beauty that brings joy to my heart.

    • @MattWhitmanTMBH
      @MattWhitmanTMBH  6 лет назад +3

      +Jessica Guest it has prefect proportions and a quiet confidence that's strangely enchanting.

  • @cupfulofeathers
    @cupfulofeathers Год назад

    That Office scene recreation/analogy was impeccabel. This video is 6 years old and I haven't typed the following phrase in probably that same amount of time, but you win the Internet today, Matt!

  • @MichaelSteeves
    @MichaelSteeves 7 лет назад +3

    The new name is far more appropriate. With the former title I was expecting something more revolutionary almost Lutheresque. Instead it was what I would consider pretty mainstream stuff.
    I like to live life based on Billy Graham's statement: "God's job is to Judge. The Holy Spirit's job is to convict of sin. Our job is to love."

  • @beautyreject9795
    @beautyreject9795 6 лет назад +3

    Thank you! you helped me with my sermon for tomorrow. May you be blessed!!

    • @MattWhitmanTMBH
      @MattWhitmanTMBH  6 лет назад +1

      Awesome! Very glad I could be useful. Go crush it Serena!

  • @billfucile1315
    @billfucile1315 7 лет назад

    Term Ferguson and Mike Tyson's Punch Out in the first minute?? Arrested Development reference? Pretty sure this is the best episode EVER!!

    • @MattWhitmanTMBH
      @MattWhitmanTMBH  7 лет назад

      I'd hoped you'd be the one to catch the Punch Bull reference.

  • @dillonfiles1731
    @dillonfiles1731 7 лет назад

    been dealing a lot with this lately. some just want to pounce when someone disagrees with a verse interpretation. called a heretic
    .false teacher. it is hateful. not in love. having a sensitive heart their words cut deep. but the lord is helping me to toughen up. and to try to give grace and compassion to others as well

    • @MattWhitmanTMBH
      @MattWhitmanTMBH  7 лет назад +1

      +Ericka Dillon that gets old. Hoping to avoid that here. I find it exhausting too. If you want to feel better you can go read the comments on my Acts 8:37 video. It's full of fun :)

    • @dillonfiles1731
      @dillonfiles1731 7 лет назад

      The Ten Minute Bible Hour thanks. I. just. might. do. that. lol

  • @DustinHarms
    @DustinHarms 6 лет назад +1


    • @MattWhitmanTMBH
      @MattWhitmanTMBH  6 лет назад

      +Dustin Harms Thanks Dustin. This one took a few tries.

  • @golfhound
    @golfhound 4 года назад

    As the passages show, some people hated Paul so much for his message that they wanted to kill him. And there is no dealing with irrational hatred except by either avoidance, force or legal means. Does everyone remember "The thorn in Paul's side?" That thorn was a man traveling from town to town looking for Paul in order to kill him. He eventually did. Hence, Paul's story about going to the third heaven. Sometimes you just have to cut your loses (if you have any) and change the subject. " Let a man meet a bear robbed of her cubs,
    rather than a fool in his folly." Pv 17:12

  • @MrKylehornsey
    @MrKylehornsey 7 лет назад

    Great to hear you back into Acts, Matt, and love the new graphics - much better. Yeah, very hard to break the cultural thing - I know - taken us years to break free of cult thinking, but I see it all around in sectarian Christendom. We get very defensive, even irrational, if our comfort zone is shown up as flawed. Meanwhile it helps me understand those Hindu readers in India. They're listening - so keep going mate!

    • @MattWhitmanTMBH
      @MattWhitmanTMBH  7 лет назад

      Thanks man, I've been having a lot of fun in the planning and editing phases with these homestretch Acts videos.

  • @EmethMatthew
    @EmethMatthew 7 лет назад

    Good stuff

  • @mtaylor30066
    @mtaylor30066 7 лет назад

    Love the work you put into this!

    • @MattWhitmanTMBH
      @MattWhitmanTMBH  7 лет назад

      Thanks Mark. It's a lot of work, but I enjoy doing it.

  • @jonnytex117
    @jonnytex117 6 лет назад

    Hey. There is Grimlock. Who made an appearance in the last No Dumb Questions podcast.

  • @jorowi
    @jorowi 7 лет назад +2

    Good stuff, Matt. Have you ever dealt with someone's irrational behavior? I've dealt with it in the Church more than outside the Church.

    • @MattWhitmanTMBH
      @MattWhitmanTMBH  7 лет назад +5

      I'm calling it 50/50, but it's crappier feeling when it's at church.

    • @AfRorschach
      @AfRorschach 7 лет назад

      Whoa foreshadowing to the best website of all time...

  • @patrickbarnes9874
    @patrickbarnes9874 2 года назад

    Why did you put a background behind the passage that made it impossible to read it?

  • @610garage
    @610garage 7 лет назад

    This was a great video. Even though you're just riffing on the office, I liked the backdrop. You have a nice place to add text, it's simple, but memorable. You may want to think about incorporating something similar into the rest of the videos. I also liked the sound effects. I don't remember them in any of your last videos. If they are a new addition, keep them.
    I also liked the pacing. You're more energetic and excited. It is also quicker. :)
    As a short tempered person, I do find it challenging to deal with hatred without hatred. If it comes from a place of ignorance, I can accept it. I mean, it's annoying and irritating, but you can't really blame ignorant people too much. But if it is hate for the sake of hate, that gets me mad. It's one of the things I like about the internet. If I feel myself getting angry over someone's hatred, I just step away and ignore it. If only real life where so easy. They can follow you in real life.
    P.S. "YOU ARE LITERATE" You can't prove that. :)

    • @MattWhitmanTMBH
      @MattWhitmanTMBH  7 лет назад +1

      Thanks amigo. I know I'm always messing with stuff, but it's because I want to get better and not stagnate, and because I want people to get excited about reading and understanding the Bible. Your opinion is one of the most important to me, and I'm really glad to hear that you like some of these format tweaks I'm doing. I want to talk about this for hours, but I think quicker is better for the medium. I've thought about doing an unedited podcast conversation (like the Ephesians series) on each passage and posting it in addition to the regular TMBH episode. Then we could have the fun, quick version and the fun, long, in-depth version for people who want more.
      Thanks for always being cool and thoughtful and for your patience with me as I bumble my through learning how to do this thing.

    • @610garage
      @610garage 7 лет назад

      Hey, were all bumbling here. You should see my last two live streams. There terrible. :) I'm just glad that you accept my critiquing. I love what you're doing and want you to be the best at. Trying new stuff is an important way to do that. And I hope I don't get annoying by throwing my 2 cents in.
      That doesn't sound half bad. Maby structure it like TMBH as the cliff notes. Short and energetic. Just to get the verses across and there basic meaning. Then have a second video explaining in depth about what we just red about. Kindof like a bible study.
      Then you can increase your younger audience with the short energetic videos and still have content for the older audience. And maybe get younger people to start watching the longer videos so that they can understand the bible better.
      You just have to read the text on the longer ones as you go along. I haven't watch the rest of the Ephesians series yet because I dread the read. I hate reading. :)
      I know, you didn't have the time with that. But bringing in other people for the longer videos might not be a bad idea. But over google hangouts/skype or something.

  • @IamGrimalkin
    @IamGrimalkin 7 лет назад +1

    Your channel name is TMBH again! Yay!
    0:06 I don't know what this is but it looks like it should be on the Thick of it. You might have to have censored it somewhat if it came from there, though.
    1:16 You've only gone and made it as hard to read as physically possible haven't you?
    1:34 I can't get on that bonus video.

    • @MattWhitmanTMBH
      @MattWhitmanTMBH  7 лет назад +1

      1) It's from the American version of the BBC show "The Office", and it was a lot of fun to do.
      2) That's exactly what I've done there. I've got a full reading of Acts TMBH style that we're editing right now. I'll be linking to that in the future.
      3) The bonus video should be done today. So much to edit.

  • @ayanbaqur571
    @ayanbaqur571 7 лет назад

    Annotations disabled. Bonus video doesn't exist. Am disappoint.

    • @MattWhitmanTMBH
      @MattWhitmanTMBH  7 лет назад +1

      +Ayan Baqur It's finished and in editing. I'll have it ready ASAP. Even with these bonus videos I usually don't release them immediately back to back, but give them a tiny bit of breathing room between them.

  • @inz1
    @inz1 7 лет назад +1

    So... how about that Pro Choice and gay marriage? Can we get some grace on those?

    • @andyjones7121
      @andyjones7121 7 лет назад

      Shut up jerk head. Oops, sorry:)
      I'm actually going to a gay wedding on May 6. I've been divorced and in no position to lecture anyone on the sanctity of marriage. I think it's perfectly acceptable for someone to think gay marriage is wrong though. If it is a sin, well, that makes gays sinners like the rest of us. There's a difference between thinking something is wrong and persecuting people doing it. I'm pretty sure I've checked off every one of the ten commandments and Paul himself thought he was the worst sinner. I don't discriminate against people that are into porn, tax cheats, people that drive 55mph in a 45 zone, etc, and I'm not sure if gay marriage is a sin or not. It's not my concern. There are cultural and translation issues (Paul also said women shouldn't speak and men can't have long hair). We're all sinners that receive grace, so we extend that grace to others.
      As for abortion, legally, it's a question of the rights of a baby vs the rights of the mother. If you believe that an unborn baby is a person instead of a growth in the uterus, you need to protect that life as much as any other. This doesn't mean we stone women entering abortion clinics. It means we help them through difficult times so she doesn't need to kill her baby. So yes, there should be grace concerning abortion and gay marriage.

    • @andyjones7121
      @andyjones7121 7 лет назад

      But you do have a valid point. There are definitely some judgemental Westborough Baptist types out there that we should all be against!

    • @inz1
      @inz1 7 лет назад

      tommy pinneri
      So is working on Sunday.

    • @andyjones7121
      @andyjones7121 7 лет назад +1

      tommy pinneri I really agree with inz1​ here. It's easy to get all worked up over someone else's sins. If you had to work on Sunday to keep your job (like I do sometimes), would you want the church protesting you with picket signs labeling you a sinner? It's easy for us to pass judgement on gays, only because for heterosexuals it's not a temptation. So you haven't committed this specific sin only because it's not a temptation. How noble! Yet you (and myself) have committed every other conceivable sin that we're capable of doing.
      Think about this. Who was Jesus more angry with? The "sinner" (prostitute, dishonest tax collector, demon possessed freaks hanging out in cemetaries) or the religious people that accused them of sinning (Pharisees)? I'd rather be in the group He defended than the group He called vipers and hypocrites.

    • @tommypin6925
      @tommypin6925 7 лет назад

      Andy Jones well technically the sabbath is saturday

  • @MrKylehornsey
    @MrKylehornsey 7 лет назад

    Oh yeah, I know all about Grace - until some jerk takes MY parking space!

    • @MattWhitmanTMBH
      @MattWhitmanTMBH  7 лет назад +1

      +Kyle Hornsey I hear you. Grace is easy for me to talk about sitting behind a desk in the comfort of my own office, but lately my capacity for it has been tested. Grace is counter to Human Nature, and it's a hard thing to embrace consistently.

    • @TasJess
      @TasJess 6 лет назад

      It's easy to believe you are gracious,loving and slow to anger until your toddler smears poop or your teenager.....behaves like a teenager. The closer I get to Jesus, the more clearly I see my need of Him.

    • @golfhound
      @golfhound 4 года назад

      The Ten Minute Bible Hour If we are serious in reciting the Lord's Prayer and living it, then we need to "Forgive others who sin against us." Paul said we were going to be led to the slaughter every day. The really hard part is putting our life in the same perspective as others living in extreme poverty in India, living in oppressed gangland countries like Somalia, or suffering from being crippled due to a land mined in Afghanistan. Then that parking space is meaningless and we don't have any problems.

  • @kylepfahl1652
    @kylepfahl1652 7 лет назад

    Love your channel but I really liked the old videos better as this felt rushed rather than working through it together not that there was much to explain in this passage

    • @MattWhitmanTMBH
      @MattWhitmanTMBH  7 лет назад

      +Kyle Pfahl (Doophus1) That's precisely it. This one was a pretty simple narrative with story elements we've mostly already processed. Others will require much more of a breakdown.

    • @kylepfahl1652
      @kylepfahl1652 7 лет назад

      great to hear and look forward to finishing acts

    • @kylepfahl1652
      @kylepfahl1652 7 лет назад

      Oh by the way 2 things 1) I don't comment on many things but the two times I commented on your videos both times I got a response which is awesome thank you! 2) you should invert your playlist orders because right now when we try and play them on our end they go in reverse order (there should be a drop down or something to sort them oldest to newest)love your work sorry for stalking you. 😄

    • @MattWhitmanTMBH
      @MattWhitmanTMBH  7 лет назад

      +Kyle Pfahl feel free to stalk away Kyle,and I'll flip the Playlist order per your suggestion.