100%, that interview was awesome, and really gave insight into their thought processes over the course of development, as well as moving forward, and really got me on board with paid expansion content as a means of building up their studio team to do more great things.
The playerbase must also stay in line by not demanding 'fun creep' and calling repeatedly for each new bottom tier effect (as a simple result of others being pushed up the ladder) to be buffed.
when 1.0 first came out and you completed the game, it would still say “killed by the planet”, implying that when you got on the ship captain just shoots you lmao
Just watched a video of you from august 2019. I see a difference in quality in the video but also on commentary and gameplay, but yet it's still very similar, pretty cool to see you've good better on many aspects over time .
Just want to say while I don't watch your streams, you videos are a joy to watch. The way you talk during a video is very different from your streams (which is fine, they are actually deferent mediums and require different approach) and is so relaxing and funny to listen to... Love all your videos 🤩 so keep em coming!
I was doing a 50 stage mercenary run, at this point my brain had turned to mush I had 100% tonic up time, and my attack speed had reached ungodly percent, on top of that I had like 2 57 leaf clovers and a purity, combine that with a couple alien heads, and I can use my r ability over and over again. I decide to fight the scavenger. I spam my r. I get him to 5000 Bleed stacks. He has so much bleed that the number stopped fitting on the icon. The thing is, the bleed wasn't even the thing that killed him, I honestly don't even know what killed him, he just suddenly lost all of his life at one point.
this is a quality video! would love more of this like diving in the real numbers for items (so I don't have to do it myself xD). great stuff man keep it up!
Meme ideas: Captain's microbots shoot down, removing from existence - chests containing rusty keys and meat - meteorite from your stupid friend's active item slot - instakill blackholes left by "allahakbar octopi" - goddamn engineer drones, lying around, waiting for you to accidentally lose your active item - death itself
I don't know if this has been asked but have you considered doing an updated one run challenge? With metamorphosis you can do all of the survivor challenges in a single run. I know it would be brutal, I just thought I would put the idea out there.
Now just stack 5 gestures 10 fuelcells and grab the sawblades that also do double bleed, once on the way out, once coming back. 2x10=20x16 per hit from items... Yeah you get the idea.
in the end, who doesn't want to throw away guns and fight with exclusively a thousand duct taped vaguely dagger shaped objects by stabbing it directly into your enemy and watching as they bleed out instantaneously?
yeah pretty much this, mainly balancing things out so others dont feel like the ONLY choice thats good. and they are doing this pretty successful i'd say
Yep, balance is required to the point that it keeps the game interesting and allows for some diversity in gameplay, but it doesn't need to be honed to precision.
Honestly, I'm much more concerned with how the items tier list is so static from hero to hero. Since the items are so strong regardless of hero choice, it makes me wonder if hero choice matters at all. Gunfire Reborn does a great job of making every gun/upgrade/scroll useful to some but not all of the classes/playstyles. I'd like to see RoR2 items favor specific classes instead of all classes like the focus crystal and the shrooms. What do you all think?
Honestly i'd love for the free patch to contain some survivor dependant items, for example " debuffs to enemies last x% longer " while this is extremely niche, it is much stronger on specific survivors, acrid, rex and artificer would benefit from it more than someone who has no built in debuffs. But it still scales for everyone else since things like slows, bleeds and stuns exist, making your item pickups early feel even more special.
i think at that point it would almost make it less fun, actually, especially for newer players who are already perplexed by the seemingly infinite amount of items when you first play. Yeah, it would be really fun if someone made a rebalance mod that made more items like the fungus (god tier for one meh tier for the rest) but i think the core idea about making all (most) items strong in some way is on purpose making hero choice not matter. choosing a hero isn’t supposed to be picking the best one, its about picking whichever play-style you want for that run, so if items were more hero specific balancing heroes would become very difficult for hopoo, and raise more issues than it would fix, imo. still, would love to see a mod do this tho :)
@@andrewr8461 "choosing a hero isn’t supposed to be picking the best one, its about picking whichever play-style you want for that run" Agreed, my concern is that the longer the run goes the less a class's playstyle matters. I don't want to be rewarded for picking the objectively best class, I want to be rewarded for mastering my favorite class. Since the items are one size fits all, then there still is a best class. But instead the list being dictated by unique abilities it's instead determined by which abilities can most efficiently proc chains. The more items acquired during a run, the more the playstyle of every class becomes efficiently procing chains and nothing more. In other words, once I'm able to god run consistently on one character what is the point of playing another character if there is no difference between any god run since it is dictated by items? Also given the lack of tutorial, the snide comments on death, and the minimal item descriptions I doubt new player experience is high on their list of priorities. This is after-all the roguelite genre so isn't learning through repetition one of the goals of this genre? If the game is already comfortable allowing players to learn the ropes through repeated perma-death then why is letting them learn item synergies a bridge too far? Finally, I agree this would make hero balance harder for Hopoo. However, the costs of heroes being unbalanced is a lot lower in a PvE game like RoR2 since the players can easily self correct by not playing any heroes that negatively affect their fun. I already do this when I co-op with an Eng friend because once the turrets gets Ceremonial Daggers there is nothing left for anyone else to do.
I am also of the opinion that bleeds are fine. Given how they need to stack to be effective, this means they're negligible on common monsters; their only utility is against bosses. Personally, I'm okay with a mechanic like this that allows me to skip the damage sponge portions of a fight.
Picked up the game today for Xbox & it’s great. Though I just got to stage 8 & couldn’t see a teleported anywhere..& I checked everywhere. I wanted to keep going too
Yeah, you said it. I think the biggest reason it doesn't need to be changed it that you have to be constantly firing at a single opponent. Until you have some good aoe you'll get swarmed if you're focussing on bleeding the bigger enemies.
There’s no issue with captain’s bleed, the ‘issue’ is that being able to hit things quickly allows you to apply a ridiculously powerful DoTs over time very easily. It’s just very noticeable on him since he can get up to 8 bleed per shot (or 16 with with shatterspleen) at a very high rate. Every other character can exploit the early power of bleed almost as effectively. It’s not really an issue though. The proc coefficient isn’t at all an issue, it is intentionally lower than other survivors, isn’t the only character with a
Devs should add a game mode that deliberately punishes efficiency and consistency and allows the payoff for really rare or high investment mechanics to multiply for e.g. the amount of time or the amount of attacks they don't occur. Maybe it could be a game rule that if the same proc happens too many times in a row it does unavoidable damage to the Survivor on each consecutive proc, whereas any item with below a certain proc rate gets a steady increase in multiplier or decrease in cost as more time or hits elapse since the last proc. That would create an entirely new tier list instantly with zero changes to the items themselves.
Bleed especially gets ridiculous with Ukelele which actually CAN proc bleed- allowing for a huge burst of bleed. Mix that with Gasoline and the Wisps, and you have an incredibly broken build
A nerf to the Blood Boss item needs to happen, but as for tri tip? *maybe* drop it to a 12.5% chance on hit or something, aside from that I agree entirely. ALSO, a potential buff to artificer: 2.0 proc coefficient primary
They should add a lunar item that replaces one of your skills with an attack ability that deals damage in percentage, bad thing is that it cannot proc and will never kill an enemy similar to poison
Bleeds damage should scale with proc co-officient, 240% at 1.0 proc and 0% at 0, with each stacks damage being based off the latest bleed procs damage. This adds some skill as to when you should stop spamming ( for example ) commandos m1 to scale bleed and instead swap to his m2 beam ( which has a 1.0 proc ) to buff the bleeds up to max damage. It also stops it being as DUMMY broken on captain.
Yeah I agree. Bleed is strong, especially early game, but I don't think it breaks anything. Ultimately, given the choice between a crit printer or tritip printer I'd take crit. Especially since loot is randomized, chase items are good since it's hard for them to be abused.
I got multi and hit a shrine of order and got 21 syringes then i stacked bleed and i could get like 500 stacks on the strongest targets before they went down so yes bleed is fun
Something entirely off topic: Would you also play modded for diluvian or syzygy difficulty maybe after your eclipse runs? I'd be very interested in seeing modded content in general too
So is there any way to make the TC drone spawn on the snow map? I’ve been playing Captain for like 14 hours and it hasn’t spawned once and it’s honestly making me wanna quit the game. I just want that hack tool but no the game wants me to shove it.
use the Sacrifice artifact & you should see one pretty much right away. it removes all chest & interactable spawns that cost $ (aside from drones) and frees up a LOT of space for the TC-280
@@Woolie thanks homie! Gonna have to watch your vid on how to get that artifact then! Really good videos by the way, pretty new to RoR and you’ve helped a bunch already.
@Woolie im a bit dumb and totaly brain afk how is it with huntress ? 100% crit and 9dagger mean every autohit are 6 hits does it mean i have insant the dmg from 6 bleed effects or only 1 ?
Nerf it to ~10-12% chance and it's fine. It's not that infinite stacking is op, it's that one common item does too much work for how little you need of it. Toning it down just a bit will mean that you can still very much get several and have plenty of damage, but it will require a few more to have the really scary numbers.
I think bleed does need to be nerfed. Yes, it's fun now, but eventually the fun will wear out and it will feel frustrating that other builds are just objectively worse. Maybe make the bleed have a lower initial cap and then have stacks of dagger raise the cap? Something like that, where you can still have an amazing bleed based run but you have to commit to it harder.
Bleeds take time to ramp up, in this period replace your 9 tri-tips with something like: 2 Syringe, 3 sticky bombs, 3 tri, and 1 tougher times. You'll be dealing damage faster, applying tri bleed and sticky bomb damage more often... and have survivability. Once you get a few sticky bombs and AtGs bleed starts to become irrelevant, at least for me.
Shatterspleen is too strong imo, ive watched builds that were good before the boss item update just get completely out paced by just full crit and one shatterspleen
CORRECT I was worried this video was going to crusade for bleed nerfs, but no! you agree fully with Hopoo's thoughts on the mechanic as per your interview with them.
Man, I'm really hoping that the 1.0 update comes to consoles soon. I know Hoopoo said it would be sometime this fall, but I need it now! None of my friends I play with on PS4 own a PC and I'd love to fight Mithrix with some buddies!
I wasn't gonna say nothin, but you cannot convince me that double purity commando is a bad choice for eclipse. Considering how amazing his shotty is compared to the rest of his loadout, and how jammin' jim-jamberino his slide is, too? You lose the need to chase after movement speed items and firerate items, and damage comes easy, letting you focus on defense, healing, and even more damage. Even better, if you find an alien head, you don't need both purities, and you just need one to achieve Street Sweeper status. After all, commando is extremely weak without proc chains and lots of attack speed otherwise. And that kind of build is much less consistent than getting a purity or two in a run and focusing on maintaining a good build that way. Only downside is it's hard to get the water out of my eyes every time I'm forced to scrap a sticky bomb.
Focus crystal and shaped glass are the only infinitely flat stacking damage increases in the game, with crit maxing out and behemoth being a one time damage increase.
everything doesn't reset - you unlock new items, survivors & abilities from playing and they are added to the loot pool permanently. the run-to-run gameplay, however, is reset and that's a main characteristic of the "rogue-like/rogue-lite" genre. more of an "arcade-y" feel to the gameplay loop of becoming immensely powerful, losing the power, and trying again
Bleed is like the AtG or the Sticky Bombs, the more you hit things the better it is... but bleed takes time to ramp up. In this period SBs and AtGs will destroy enemies. In a game about going fast. ...in that regard it is actually bad as sure I got 100% bleed chance. Shame I don't have bombs and syringes and Tougher Times... Captain with 9 bleeds or Captain with 4 bleed and 4 sticky bombs and 1 tougher time? Unless bleed damage could be increased by tri-tips by 10% per they don't stand a chance of becoming OP and tend to be that item that when it shines... it could've only shined better with other items and not just more tri-tips. Besides having fewer technically makes Clover better.
personally, i feel Mul-T is the worst bleed offender, because minigun go brrrrrrrrr... i have no joke (in a 10+ loop run) stacked over 50k bleed stacks on a boss (granted boss had many millions of hp...) but Mul-T's obscene firerate (once you get that breakpoint 100% at 12) coupled with crit shatter can make any being fall to its knees (especially with more than a few instincts piled in)
bleed is fine i dunno what you're talking about
not first :)
Bleed is what I go for.
i should know since i bleed a lot.
That's what they have been saying since the antiquity century while doing bloodletting
we just need poglips to proc bleed
"It's fun"
We must protect devs like those at all costs.
100%, that interview was awesome, and really gave insight into their thought processes over the course of development, as well as moving forward, and really got me on board with paid expansion content as a means of building up their studio team to do more great things.
The playerbase must also stay in line by not demanding 'fun creep' and calling repeatedly for each new bottom tier effect (as a simple result of others being pushed up the ladder) to be buffed.
7:06 - "It's just fun seeing how high the number gets
Me watching Woolie's stream getting his 7th chronobauble
"mr streamer it helps you with mithrix :)"
The amount of time woolie throws... it's fun seeing how high the number gets
when 1.0 first came out and you completed the game, it would still say “killed by the planet”, implying that when you got on the ship captain just shoots you lmao
"Did you kill Mithrix?"
"We did it, sir"
"Good...That's one less loose end"
Just watched a video of you from august 2019. I see a difference in quality in the video but also on commentary and gameplay, but yet it's still very similar, pretty cool to see you've good better on many aspects over time
means a lot man :)
Just want to say while I don't watch your streams, you videos are a joy to watch. The way you talk during a video is very different from your streams (which is fine, they are actually deferent mediums and require different approach) and is so relaxing and funny to listen to... Love all your videos 🤩 so keep em coming!
Mr. Streamer you put MUL-T in the thumbnail but didn't mention him once
How could you mr streamer?
Can we appreciate how well he can switch between entertaining and educational content
Imagine wearing 12 pairs of glasses for damage.
*This post was made by the tri tip bleed gang*
Zykler imagine haven’t 9 daggers attached to you this
*this post was made by the on hit/clover gang*
They can’t change it before I get to try on console
It’s very cool to see an enemy with 600 bleed stacks an hour into a run tho
I was doing a 50 stage mercenary run, at this point my brain had turned to mush I had 100% tonic up time, and my attack speed had reached ungodly percent, on top of that I had like 2 57 leaf clovers and a purity, combine that with a couple alien heads, and I can use my r ability over and over again. I decide to fight the scavenger. I spam my r. I get him to 5000 Bleed stacks. He has so much bleed that the number stopped fitting on the icon. The thing is, the bleed wasn't even the thing that killed him, I honestly don't even know what killed him, he just suddenly lost all of his life at one point.
@@gamerguy6544 that'd be the bleed, yep
@@gamerguy6544 lucky atg
Tri-tip? I only know the rusty knife...
And who is Mithrix? Providence is my G.
@Anden Wilkinson Weirdchamp
this is a quality video! would love more of this like diving in the real numbers for items (so I don't have to do it myself xD). great stuff man keep it up!
Just wanna say how happy I am to see that your channel has grown a lot! Keep up all the content mr streamer!
“NOOOO BLEED IS OP IT NEEDS A NERF” “it’s just fun lol”
In the end he just wanted to flex on us about talking with Paul and Duncan from hoppo games
Wait-wha? Captain's drone can protect you from wondering vagrants shock wave?
Meme ideas:
Captain's microbots shoot down, removing from existence
- chests containing rusty keys and meat
- meteorite from your stupid friend's active item slot
- instakill blackholes left by "allahakbar octopi"
- goddamn engineer drones, lying around, waiting for you to accidentally lose your active item
- death itself
Here's an unrelated idea: what if items that decrease equipment cooldown increased crowdfunder attack speed? Just a thought.
My friends and I in a 3 player game got almost 1.4k stacks of bleed on an Alloy Worship Unit and we weren't even that far into the run
i got 10k stacks like 3 hours into a run
That slowed down *_"H A H H A H H A H"_* can accurately describe pretty much any point where the run goes from "bad" to "good" to "god run".
I mixed bleed super late game with a crowd funder, literally at 800 stacks of bleed in an instant
I don't know if this has been asked but have you considered doing an updated one run challenge? With metamorphosis you can do all of the survivor challenges in a single run. I know it would be brutal, I just thought I would put the idea out there.
Stacking bleed with mulT is also fun... sadly you need many dagger and mobility items but he gets so strong
My boy moving on from the barely-cooled corpse of Shaped Glass to murder the Tri-Tip Daggers.
love your vids they are always so helpful
Now just stack 5 gestures 10 fuelcells and grab the sawblades that also do double bleed, once on the way out, once coming back.
2x10=20x16 per hit from items... Yeah you get the idea.
in the end, who doesn't want to throw away guns and fight with exclusively a thousand duct taped vaguely dagger shaped objects by stabbing it directly into your enemy and watching as they bleed out instantaneously?
I love that bcs this isnt a pvp game balance isnt hugely important
yeah pretty much this, mainly balancing things out so others dont feel like the ONLY choice thats good.
and they are doing this pretty successful i'd say
Yep, balance is required to the point that it keeps the game interesting and allows for some diversity in gameplay, but it doesn't need to be honed to precision.
one time i got over 500 bleed stacks on my 5 hour god run..... its pretty fair
Honestly, I'm much more concerned with how the items tier list is so static from hero to hero. Since the items are so strong regardless of hero choice, it makes me wonder if hero choice matters at all. Gunfire Reborn does a great job of making every gun/upgrade/scroll useful to some but not all of the classes/playstyles. I'd like to see RoR2 items favor specific classes instead of all classes like the focus crystal and the shrooms. What do you all think?
Honestly i'd love for the free patch to contain some survivor dependant items, for example " debuffs to enemies last x% longer " while this is extremely niche, it is much stronger on specific survivors, acrid, rex and artificer would benefit from it more than someone who has no built in debuffs. But it still scales for everyone else since things like slows, bleeds and stuns exist, making your item pickups early feel even more special.
I think removing universal cool down and just letting people go ham at their attack speed with their secondary, if they get enough purities.
i think at that point it would almost make it less fun, actually, especially for newer players who are already perplexed by the seemingly infinite amount of items when you first play. Yeah, it would be really fun if someone made a rebalance mod that made more items like the fungus (god tier for one meh tier for the rest) but i think the core idea about making all (most) items strong in some way is on purpose making hero choice not matter. choosing a hero isn’t supposed to be picking the best one, its about picking whichever play-style you want for that run, so if items were more hero specific balancing heroes would become very difficult for hopoo, and raise more issues than it would fix, imo. still, would love to see a mod do this tho :)
@@andrewr8461 "choosing a hero isn’t supposed to be picking the best one, its about picking whichever play-style you want for that run"
Agreed, my concern is that the longer the run goes the less a class's playstyle matters. I don't want to be rewarded for picking the objectively best class, I want to be rewarded for mastering my favorite class. Since the items are one size fits all, then there still is a best class. But instead the list being dictated by unique abilities it's instead determined by which abilities can most efficiently proc chains. The more items acquired during a run, the more the playstyle of every class becomes efficiently procing chains and nothing more. In other words, once I'm able to god run consistently on one character what is the point of playing another character if there is no difference between any god run since it is dictated by items?
Also given the lack of tutorial, the snide comments on death, and the minimal item descriptions I doubt new player experience is high on their list of priorities. This is after-all the roguelite genre so isn't learning through repetition one of the goals of this genre? If the game is already comfortable allowing players to learn the ropes through repeated perma-death then why is letting them learn item synergies a bridge too far?
Finally, I agree this would make hero balance harder for Hopoo. However, the costs of heroes being unbalanced is a lot lower in a PvE game like RoR2 since the players can easily self correct by not playing any heroes that negatively affect their fun. I already do this when I co-op with an Eng friend because once the turrets gets Ceremonial Daggers there is nothing left for anyone else to do.
it's nice to have something to compete with crit-stacking imo
Problem is that it does more dps than crit stacking much easier, also it has a much higher ceiling for dps
i just got off of a god run with commando with bleed build carrying me and i see this
Was literally discussing this in the official discord!
Just started this game and always wanted to do some fun with bleed, news is a big yay!
Whoa I was just thinking about when you'll upload a video again and now I'm this early yay!
a nice info you should added in the video is all survivors capbleed numbers
like cap is 9, comando, hunteress, loader is 7 but some are more
We’re really sitting here saying Bleed is OP when Will of the Whisp and ukulele exist
I am also of the opinion that bleeds are fine. Given how they need to stack to be effective, this means they're negligible on common monsters; their only utility is against bosses. Personally, I'm okay with a mechanic like this that allows me to skip the damage sponge portions of a fight.
Woolie is the best risk of rain 2 youtuber. Change my mind.
From experience, I noticed that the stacked bleed status really goes down the longer you play, but it sure as hell saves your back early on
And this my friends, is how shatterspleen came to be.
I swear, bleed in every game that has it is always one of the best mechanics. Elden ring, dead cells, ror2, you get the idea.
I was sooooo happy when I found out how strong bleed was in 1.0. Please NEVER GET RID OF IT!!
Give this man more SUBS !!!
I love when I have 25 daggers and get one shot by the final phase of the final boss losing 1+ hours of hard work.
What is that other thing at 2:10
I know brainstalks. is the other thing the rare ice elemental drop or something?
Picked up the game today for Xbox & it’s great. Though I just got to stage 8 & couldn’t see a teleported anywhere..& I checked everywhere. I wanted to keep going too
Yeah, you said it. I think the biggest reason it doesn't need to be changed it that you have to be constantly firing at a single opponent. Until you have some good aoe you'll get swarmed if you're focussing on bleeding the bigger enemies.
Sounds more like Captain's proc coefficient is the issue (if there even is an issue), not bleed itself
There’s no issue with captain’s bleed, the ‘issue’ is that being able to hit things quickly allows you to apply a ridiculously powerful DoTs over time very easily. It’s just very noticeable on him since he can get up to 8 bleed per shot (or 16 with with shatterspleen) at a very high rate. Every other character can exploit the early power of bleed almost as effectively. It’s not really an issue though. The proc coefficient isn’t at all an issue, it is intentionally lower than other survivors, isn’t the only character with a
Devs should add a game mode that deliberately punishes efficiency and consistency and allows the payoff for really rare or high investment mechanics to multiply for e.g. the amount of time or the amount of attacks they don't occur.
Maybe it could be a game rule that if the same proc happens too many times in a row it does unavoidable damage to the Survivor on each consecutive proc, whereas any item with below a certain proc rate gets a steady increase in multiplier or decrease in cost as more time or hits elapse since the last proc. That would create an entirely new tier list instantly with zero changes to the items themselves.
Are you ever gonna return to Gunfire Reborn videos? Great vid btw!
1.0 comes out on October 20th for consoles
Bleed especially gets ridiculous with Ukelele which actually CAN proc bleed- allowing for a huge burst of bleed. Mix that with Gasoline and the Wisps, and you have an incredibly broken build
A nerf to the Blood Boss item needs to happen, but as for tri tip? *maybe* drop it to a 12.5% chance on hit or something, aside from that I agree entirely.
ALSO, a potential buff to artificer: 2.0 proc coefficient primary
They should add a lunar item that replaces one of your skills with an attack ability that deals damage in percentage, bad thing is that it cannot proc and will never kill an enemy similar to poison
damn i am a consle player and i cant wait for captain to arrive the only character i currently dont have is rex
Bleeds damage should scale with proc co-officient, 240% at 1.0 proc and 0% at 0, with each stacks damage being based off the latest bleed procs damage. This adds some skill as to when you should stop spamming ( for example ) commandos m1 to scale bleed and instead swap to his m2 beam ( which has a 1.0 proc ) to buff the bleeds up to max damage. It also stops it being as DUMMY broken on captain.
Yeah I agree. Bleed is strong, especially early game, but I don't think it breaks anything. Ultimately, given the choice between a crit printer or tritip printer I'd take crit. Especially since loot is randomized, chase items are good since it's hard for them to be abused.
i mean the captain example is cool n all but what about engie's explodiballs and 2x turret bleed procs?
I got multi and hit a shrine of order and got 21 syringes then i stacked bleed and i could get like 500 stacks on the strongest targets before they went down so yes bleed is fun
Mr streamer u cut out at 1:42
NVM i have bad headphon
LMAO love the massively sped up footage at 4:52 to try and make bleed not look slow af, slick move tiger
Something entirely off topic: Would you also play modded for diluvian or syzygy difficulty maybe after your eclipse runs? I'd be very interested in seeing modded content in general too
Man i want this on Console
What about different ways to add a bleed? Like ukulele or splash from behemoth? Active items?
If the hit has proc coefficient, it can proc a bleed (and all on hits)
Ukulele has .2, so it can bleed, while Behemoth has 0, so it cannot
So is there any way to make the TC drone spawn on the snow map? I’ve been playing Captain for like 14 hours and it hasn’t spawned once and it’s honestly making me wanna quit the game. I just want that hack tool but no the game wants me to shove it.
use the Sacrifice artifact & you should see one pretty much right away. it removes all chest & interactable spawns that cost $ (aside from drones) and frees up a LOT of space for the TC-280
@@Woolie thanks homie! Gonna have to watch your vid on how to get that artifact then! Really good videos by the way, pretty new to RoR and you’ve helped a bunch already.
@Woolie im a bit dumb and totaly brain afk how is it with huntress ? 100% crit and 9dagger mean every autohit are 6 hits does it mean i have insant the dmg from 6 bleed effects or only 1 ?
You make my head hurt
Can you do hades content too?
Try mercenary with 3 purity and two alien heads for a infinite R.
More gunfire?
Woolie does ps4 have 1.0 update because I have ps4 it does not have the uptade for me
not yet - hopefully around November
Woolie actually October 20th
Bleed not good for late game? not enough bleed! its reliable and allows the character to focus on defense and healing once you get your 9 daggers.
Nerf it to ~10-12% chance and it's fine. It's not that infinite stacking is op, it's that one common item does too much work for how little you need of it. Toning it down just a bit will mean that you can still very much get several and have plenty of damage, but it will require a few more to have the really scary numbers.
Well there it is
ey first love the content man keep it up
I think bleed does need to be nerfed. Yes, it's fun now, but eventually the fun will wear out and it will feel frustrating that other builds are just objectively worse. Maybe make the bleed have a lower initial cap and then have stacks of dagger raise the cap? Something like that, where you can still have an amazing bleed based run but you have to commit to it harder.
Bleeds take time to ramp up, in this period replace your 9 tri-tips with something like:
2 Syringe, 3 sticky bombs, 3 tri, and 1 tougher times.
You'll be dealing damage faster, applying tri bleed and sticky bomb damage more often... and have survivability.
Once you get a few sticky bombs and AtGs bleed starts to become irrelevant, at least for me.
Shatterspleen is too strong imo, ive watched builds that were good before the boss item update just get completely out paced by just full crit and one shatterspleen
If fun is the determining factor and not so much balance, can we get old sticky bombs back? thanks
Is it possible to get the power saw on multi on ps4 ?
yes but it may be bugged (I've heard from other console players)
I was worried this video was going to crusade for bleed nerfs, but no! you agree fully with Hopoo's thoughts on the mechanic as per your interview with them.
Got the update now
Ugh when are consols getting the update
The 20th of October
100k sub special when
Man, I'm really hoping that the 1.0 update comes to consoles soon. I know Hoopoo said it would be sometime this fall, but I need it now! None of my friends I play with on PS4 own a PC and I'd love to fight Mithrix with some buddies!
It was announced yesterday to be coming Oct 20
@@Woolie Hell yeah, that's probably the best news I've heard all week! Thanks!
Bro I just want acrid blight to reapply like bleed (and m1 to apply blight)
I wasn't gonna say nothin, but you cannot convince me that double purity commando is a bad choice for eclipse. Considering how amazing his shotty is compared to the rest of his loadout, and how jammin' jim-jamberino his slide is, too? You lose the need to chase after movement speed items and firerate items, and damage comes easy, letting you focus on defense, healing, and even more damage. Even better, if you find an alien head, you don't need both purities, and you just need one to achieve Street Sweeper status. After all, commando is extremely weak without proc chains and lots of attack speed otherwise. And that kind of build is much less consistent than getting a purity or two in a run and focusing on maintaining a good build that way.
Only downside is it's hard to get the water out of my eyes every time I'm forced to scrap a sticky bomb.
Is there a legitimate way to boost base damage beyond chasing 100% crit or stacking crowbars? (Even though these don't technically boost base damage)
Focus crystal and shaped glass are the only infinitely flat stacking damage increases in the game, with crit maxing out and behemoth being a one time damage increase.
@@dracotoy I see. Thanks for the info friend!
Noooooo you cant just make a garunteeable effect stackable!
Hehe 7 tri-tips go brrrrrrrrrrt
what makes you keep playing this game if everything just resets?
everything doesn't reset - you unlock new items, survivors & abilities from playing and they are added to the loot pool permanently.
the run-to-run gameplay, however, is reset and that's a main characteristic of the "rogue-like/rogue-lite" genre. more of an "arcade-y" feel to the gameplay loop of becoming immensely powerful, losing the power, and trying again
Bleed is like the AtG or the Sticky Bombs, the more you hit things the better it is... but bleed takes time to ramp up.
In this period SBs and AtGs will destroy enemies.
In a game about going fast.
...in that regard it is actually bad as sure I got 100% bleed chance. Shame I don't have bombs and syringes and Tougher Times...
Captain with 9 bleeds or Captain with 4 bleed and 4 sticky bombs and 1 tougher time?
Unless bleed damage could be increased by tri-tips by 10% per they don't stand a chance of becoming OP and tend to be that item that when it shines... it could've only shined better with other items and not just more tri-tips. Besides having fewer technically makes Clover better.
Does anybody know when the new update is going to be released on console edition? :/
October 20th
Jacob Johnson Thanks! Good to know!
i swear i get more reds than i get tri tips
Aspect equipment vs Mithrix when?
Thank you for saying sorry consoles 😭
personally, i feel Mul-T is the worst bleed offender, because minigun go brrrrrrrrr...
i have no joke (in a 10+ loop run) stacked over 50k bleed stacks on a boss (granted boss had many millions of hp...) but Mul-T's obscene firerate (once you get that breakpoint 100% at 12) coupled with crit shatter can make any being fall to its knees (especially with more than a few instincts piled in)
0:07 That hurt :(
Thank you RoR 2 devs.
I think mul-t is second best at bleed abuse due to nail gun and saw's rate of fire
Bleed isnt op shatter spleen is, someone i was playing with cheese their build really hard with just crit and shatterspleen
I have another question... When the fuck is the console update? Seriously I need the update