Russian Turnipz Didn't stop the British from beating & humiliating America in the War of 1812 though ; ) That time it was the Natives (who were allies with the British) who used 'Guerilla Warfare Tactics' against the Americans. A lot of 'Yankees' lost their scalps around then!
bobbydylanio Well if you do all this nowdays and do the things you said...........against a modern army .......with tanks and modern rifles ............then my friend ...........YOU ARE A TRUE HERO !!!!
+Kian Doyle I think they mean panzer, and no technically the howitzer was their version of a tank, while the 95th rifles were more like the modern soldiers
StP. Lin 歷史上,當時歐美國家也的確是如此作戰... 另外,排好列隊一致開槍,是為了增加子彈落點密度,加大殺傷力,彌補滑膛槍射不準的缺點。 軍隊分各個列隊依序開槍,是避免火力中斷,持續輸出密集火力,給予敵人強大的心理壓迫,可以瞬間讓敵人士氣崩潰...尤其是面對訓練不足的民兵,這效果更顯而易見。
岡充太郎 yes, guns at that time didn't have much of a range so they had to get up close, they also took a long time to reload so they needed concentrated firepower
Adam Thorne I think the only gallant men like the British could do that. In our case the first gun battle was fought at Nagashino in 1575. The defending side with 3000 rifle men erected a fence and divided the troops into 3 groups and tried "barrage firing."by match lock guns.
An unfortunate reference to that Gibson film "The Patriot". A blatantly anti British piece of Mel Gibson trash! Almost as rubbish as Braveheart!... And I'm a Scot!!
+GERMANOPHILE I love the British Empire (I am an American going back to the early 17th century) but it is true that the British Army did commit atrocities against towns and villages of what were still then, at least from the British perspective, British citizens during the American War of Independence.
Hans Gruber We have never lost a war, only merely battles which led to the victory of a war for us or a near end of a rubbish campaign we didnt want to join any way.
Makes you proud to be British! Well apart from the aggressive imperialism and occupying a quarter of the world, the slave trade, the looting of India, the starving of the Irish, genocide of Aborigines etc... On a more positive note we did give the French, Spanish, American colonials, Arab slavers, Afrikaans-Boers, Zionists (well sort off!) , Germans and Japanese a good kick'in though! That should take a small fraction of the colonial guilt off the tab!
Biggest Empire ever in history, not bad for a small island nation!
Brythonic Fox Yup, until America used Guerilla Warfare tactics, and used this against the British... ;)
Russian Turnipz Didn't stop the British from beating & humiliating America in the War of 1812 though ; ) That time it was the Natives (who were allies with the British) who used 'Guerilla Warfare Tactics' against the Americans. A lot of 'Yankees' lost their scalps around then!
Brythonic Fox At least until Baltimore and New Orleans
Christopher Halim are you not forgetting the 2nd Battle of Fort Bowyer? : ) Look it up....
Brythonic Fox Fort George : ' (
Ach! Forget it! We've got a bigger problem. Napoleon
I'd stand in that line, in that red coat, for King and country, any day,
Thank u for fighting for our Country
thank u :)
bobbydylanio Well if you do all this nowdays and do the things you said...........against a modern army .......with tanks and modern rifles ............then my friend ...........YOU ARE A TRUE HERO !!!!
ok :)
bobbydylanio No you wouldn't.
I wouldn't.
Nobody today would.
Grenadiers the british version of a Panza tank
+Kian Doyle I think they mean panzer, and no technically the howitzer was their version of a tank, while the 95th rifles were more like the modern soldiers
yeah he said panza not panzer
Name of the movie with the officers standing on the ridge watching the battle? (NOT revolution, which was shown earlier.)
A LITTLE BIT of the footage is from THE PATRIOT
From which movies are these scenes taken from?
what is the name of the movies where u got this clips?
Caplocks weren't around during the revolution @ 9:42
Riley Larcombe Haha good eyes
The was a scene from the patriot, one of the most historically inaccurate movies of all time
it was from Revolution
British has a brilliant history
what's the name of these movies?
Wich movie was the 1st video? 2ed is barry lyndon
+martin mikoš First film is called "Revolution". It's from 1985.
+The CZARNY Thank you very much for your help.
what film does this come from?
c'est quoi le nom pour le premier extrait (film)
what movie is that? is it the patriot?
what the movie name
Ghosts Logan 我觉得是为了保证所有士兵手里的枪都能打出伤害,必须要有严明的纪律性保证士兵们到有效射击范围内再开枪。没到就乱开枪的话就会出现开枪打不到目标而浪费宝贵的一发弹药。后果参见《最后的武士》一开始美国训练的朝廷火枪军被幕府传统军队打败的情节
StP. Lin
the sun never set in the British empire
This must've been an awesome time to be alive, if u didn't die or get injured that is
Did British soldiers really charge without cover like this?
岡充太郎 yes, guns at that time didn't have much of a range so they had to get up close, they also took a long time to reload so they needed concentrated firepower
Adam Thorne I think the only gallant men like the British could do that. In our case the first gun battle was fought at Nagashino in 1575. The defending side with 3000 rifle men erected a fence and divided the troops into 3 groups and tried "barrage firing."by match lock guns.
I looked that war up and it sounds pretty interesting, the riflemen in your war where fighting off cavalry men, that takes bravery.
岡充太郎 So the British victory in the Burma
Adam Thorne I think the rifle men were trained by Oda Nobunaga who defeated Takeda clan. He conquered almost half of Japan.
i will rebuild my ancestors world from a margin!
no Russia is the biggest country in the world
+Carson Morgan not the best it old boy
+GroveStreetBoss judo your dreams.
The empire is long dead and Britain now is a class 2 country, just like France or Germany
+Nicov55 and what is a class 1 country in your opinion?
An unfortunate reference to that Gibson film "The Patriot". A blatantly anti British piece of Mel Gibson trash! Almost as rubbish as Braveheart!... And I'm a Scot!!
+GERMANOPHILE Keep crying, you butthurt?
+carmikaze - joinsquad. com Shut up! You are obviously an embicile!
+pilkomut Omg a bloody Royalist Scot, quick bag him before the other jocks try to corrupt him!
+GERMANOPHILE I love the British Empire (I am an American going back to the early 17th century) but it is true that the British Army did commit atrocities against towns and villages of what were still then, at least from the British perspective, British citizens during the American War of Independence.
As did the independence supporters! Native Americans and Royalists were killed on a wide scale! Washington was a Slave Trader too!!
British should have won...
The battle or the war?
ToxiconGaming all of them just because fuck it
Hans Gruber We have never lost a war, only merely battles which led to the victory of a war for us or a near end of a rubbish campaign we didnt want to join any way.
+Genlock Gaming Fuck England man, France was the strongest empire back then.
Jeremy Whitman Kinghorn lol u know nothing about Waterloo man.
Ahh Brits, Time to play Empire total war again
***** 这句话YY了,如果舔屁眼能给我的国民带来福利,舔就舔咯。何况你看看英国大学那么多中国学生,到底谁舔谁阿
***** 瞎鸡巴胡说
+Jun Huang 那是因为视频中的画面是1756年-1763年的英法七年战争。换算成中国纪年是乾隆二十一年到乾隆二十八年。 等到了1860年。。。。
+司此雷 对我说这个干什么………要对那个jun huang 说…
which movies are these ?
+Yuehan Chung I know one of them is "The Patriots", others I've never seen before.
+Yuehan Chung I know one of them is "The Patriots", others I've never seen before.
+Yuehan Chung The Patriot, starring Mel Gibson; Barry Lyndon, starring Ryan O'Neil, and finally Revolution, starring Al Pacino.
I like it🇬🇧❤️
movie at 1:34??
HawkeyeGaming The Patriot
of course i should've. sorry about that just didn't remember. by chance do you know whats the movie at the beginning or the video?
seems stupid to fight in that way, facing the bullets in a parade... because of the honor?
great i very like history
James D What is the film at 7:40?
The only one I know is the one with Mel Gibson is the patriot.
Makes you proud to be British! Well apart from the aggressive imperialism and occupying a quarter of the world, the slave trade, the looting of India, the starving of the Irish, genocide of Aborigines etc... On a more positive note we did give the French, Spanish, American colonials, Arab slavers, Afrikaans-Boers, Zionists (well sort off!) , Germans and Japanese a good kick'in though! That should take a small fraction of the colonial guilt off the tab!
我只知道2分12秒的那部是 梅爾·吉勃遜主演的The Patriot 台譯:決戰時刻 中譯:愛國者
Deco Perasion 谢了
eye buddy
從05:00-07:30是一部《Barry Lyndon》,台灣叫亂世兒女,中國叫巴里林登
陳立軒 謝了
亂世兒女-Barry Lyndon
5:10 .... 蘇聯?Soviet? Dafuq?
紅衫軍 明明就沒有錯 前面是決戰時刻
colinylt 沒錯阿 是有決戰時刻
Frankie W 你在帝國‧全面戰爭中,找得到清朝中國嗎?
我不懂最後一段的決戰 為什麼是有掩蔽的那方輸
Basker Lee 這們說應該反是優勢才對吧,如果採用散兵作戰並採用狙殺軍官的做法,沒道理會打輸吧? 好吧可能我有點是後諸葛,用現代眼光看待戰列步兵...
Basker Lee 全軍破敵系列都有大概摸過 不過幾乎都是潰敗方就是了...
beutiful god save the queen
6:50 Bonjur ? wtf?
En joue, feu!*
playlistsuniversity Thank
Igor Torres You're welcome :)
i like
From which movie is the first scen?