@@truecullurz8o8 I wish they could rescue mama cat too and let all three of them go to a foster home. I would love to see them be adopted into a loving home and never be homeless again.
@@lisahorsepony I don't understand why they didn't check the health of the mama cat along with her kittens. Why only the kittens? And yes i agree with you that they should've kept all 3 and tried to adopt them out. I don't know how they could put them back out on the streets again to fend for themselves. So sad ☹
@@truecullurz8o8 the mama cat was completly fine as it was not trapped or hurt, and adopting the cat and her kittens would not be such a good idea as the mama cat would prob be super protective of her kittens and would be fierce against humans. so its best to let them in the wild togethr!
Kritter Kulb team Rescuers are real Super Hero lsalute to you. All Homeless Cats and dogs are your Angels. Thank you for saving them with your efforts. GoD bless
If you love your child, they say you are a good person. But if you love the children of animals and treat them kindly and help them, you are an angel and the galaxy will definitely respond.
I'm a animal rescuer, behaviorist, vet, and animal teacher. But did you know one thing? Well....... I'm all of these jobs at *_-12 years old-_* yes I'm a 12 year old animal rescuer, behaviorist, vet, and animal teacher. It's not difficult. I even did at 8 years old.
Thank you Kritter cat Rescuers your Team is really kind and loving Patience hope affordable people will. Generously support you for saving so many lives with care. God loves you guys Amen
the ladi informant is a very kind person.thank you maam for looking out to them and making actions to get and rescue them.thank you kritter klub,you always bright my day.thank you to all the people who make the impossible possible. i hope the kind lady adopt all of them.
Какие Вы все молодцы,спасибо Вам всем кто спасал котят,они ведь тоже живые как и мы.Я Вас всех люблю мне 65лет а кошек люблю всю свою жизнь.Спасибо Вам!!!
Tracy Watson Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..? JESUS IS LORD
Makasih banget untuk tim medis dokter, dan ibu anda memang 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 baik hati dan peduli ama kucing kcl dan smua hewan liar yg membutuh kan pertolonga. Sy hanya bs berdo'a yg ter baik untuk anda smua smoga slalu ke suksesan, keselamatan, kesehatan ada pd anda anda. Amiinnn.....👍👍👍👍👍
Dana L Jaslin Ong they can be saved I have rescued a stray from the street before and have found them a wonderful home these animals are not evil and viscous they ares scared and sad from living alone in the cruel world they are extremely sweet and able to be placed in homes isn’t it atleast worth it to try shame on kritter klub!
@@diannem8573 …. its correct….. we have responsibility to these innocent animals and shame on those people who let them live outside in this inhumanity world which they make it for them.... but about KRITTER KLUB, l think they try to save them from crisis and they do not have enough possibility to find a save place or adoption in their network……. but they re doing fine ….even they call the vet to come and help it to the crisis situation....which is very good and helpful….. but as you say….it is not enough….they should place them in a safe home with kind heart people…..and do wide their help network….l wish they ,ll do it fast.
Esos gatitos quedaron atrapados. La señora les daba comida.pobre la mamá y los pobres gatitos con la lluvia.Que Dios los bendiga por éste rescate y gracias por devolverselos a la madre🐱🐱🐈🐈💓💓💕💖💗💙💚❤😻😻😻😸😸💜💜😜😜Que bien.Estarán felices con su mamí😺😺😻😻 Gracias kritterklub.🎆🎆
Thx for all rescuer and also the lady who kindly gave them food every day. Wish them reunite and move to save place..it would be dangerous if they go back to the same place..
Иностранные языки не учила,но судя по всему, что люди всего мира остались довольны работой по спасению малышей 😢😢😢 спасибо всем тем кто помогает не смотря на трудные условия спасания животных 😆😆😆,мира и добра вам
Thank you to everyone involved in rescuing those precious kittens and treating them so they can be healthy again. I don't think they should go back outside, try and rescue mom cat , have her spayed and bring her inside also. Kittens should not go back out , they can be socialized and find loving homes or stay with that nice lady.
@@_Professor_Oak I have seen so many videos and the foster organization I support where cats & kittens come in and they are so malnourished, unhealthy, abused by mean people. So I am sorry but I disagree that kittens can take care of themselves, even adult cats have a hard time. We unfortunately live in a not so kind world.
@@_Professor_Oak maybe you live in a fantasy world that everything is perfect but maybe 100 years ago when people through their trash out and it was open own available for animals to scrounge in this is not the reality today pollution Etc is on the street people are abusive there are people who purposefully poison these animals the toxins that are just from automobiles going back and forth again and again you see these animals hit by cars I just don't get what you would even think that they can survive especially in the city on the street even animals in rural areas get hit by car in harmed when they're outside cats don't belong outside you might think they're the outdoor pet but they're not they need to be spayed or neutered and given a loving permanent home where they cannot harm the environment that they don't belong in or the environment could not harm them because they are not suited to it believe me I have cats would literally come to my house and beg to be allowed in they literally walk in the door and they will never walk out no matter how much I try to get them to leave on their own I have cats that will not go outside even to play in a guarded shielded backyard because they want nothing to do with the environment that gave them the heartache and loneliness and starvation that they found and I live in a beautiful outdoor environment that should have been successful for cats but no there's not enough food for them to survive on and parasites just loved kill these little animals cats only survive for two years and the outdoor normal he's is there an indoor outdoor cat I can gain 5 to 6 years without constant medical Intervention which means constant deworming with heavy toxins constantly being vaccinated and the rabies vaccine will kill your cat after the age of 10 Etc my indoor cats on the average live to 22 24 years of age they don't have to be vaccinated again for rabies and they live a Wonderful Life that I have a specially-built room where they have climbing mechanisms toys and then they have the whole rest of the house and yet people don't know I have the five cats I do because I keep it clean they go and sleep where they want and make sure I have enough litter boxes and I keep those clean it's lazy people or hoarders that give it a bad name I even have Birds and that is an interesting dichotomy or environment the cats love them and the birds just enjoy teasing the hell out of the cats
ValiantsFelines McCarty the mama cat was no doubt wild so it’s nearly impossible to tame her, due to being feral, it’s best to leave them in the wild, because the mama cat may attack an owner if adopted, so don’t assume please that all cats can be adopted. Despite that, cats are more likely to survive in the wild then humans and dogs, from what I’ve seen, it’s too risky to have them be adopted.
The Fallen One The Fallen One excuse me u think I care if u reply to my comment I would just ignore it and not reply if u have seen the responses people agree 100 percent with me if u go to a rescue almost all animals are rescued from the streets then adopted u are so ignorant u sound dumb no they cannot survive in the wild better than us or dogs animals are like babies they can’t work cook meals go to a house they pay for they sleep outside cold or rain or hot sometimes they go days without food or water they look for food in trash cans they die of starvation or get run over it’s always worth it to rescue an animal and get them adopted it always works out in the end even if they stay in a rescue shelter until they die atleast they had meals and water and love everyday people really care about animals in those shelters..ITS NEVER THE RIGHT THING TO DO TO LEAVE AN SNIMAL TO DIE IN THE STREETS ITS ALWAYS THE RIGHT THING TO DO TO RESCUE THEM AND WORK IT OUT THE RIGHT WAY IN JESUS NAME JESUS IS LORD
Mocha Sandie Smith Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..? JESUS IS LORD
Lyela Peterson Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..? JESUS IS LORD
The lady who was watching over the kittens was absolutely wonderful❣️ even when mama cat was so anxious about her being there. The mama cat loved her kittens and was so afraid of them being in danger from people 💞
Just Mona Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..? JESUS IS LORD
Dianne M the mama cat was no doubt wild so it’s nearly impossible to tame her, due to being feral, it’s best to leave them in the wild, because the mama cat may attack an owner if adopted, so don’t assume please that all cats can be adopted. Despite that, cats are more likely to survive in the wild then humans and dogs, from what I’ve seen, it’s too risky to have them be adopted. I’ll keep saying this to you if you keep posting that comment.
Yvonne Sandie Smith Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..? JESUS IS LORD
Yvonne Jaslin Ong they can be saved I have rescued a stray from the street before and have found them a wonderful home these animals are not evil and viscous they ares scared and sad from living alone in the cruel world they are extremely sweet and able to be placed in homes isn’t it atleast worth it to try shame on kritter klub!
bethpat9 Right! What was the point of several people planning & executing the rescue, only to put them back in potential danger? Most kittens could be socialized, even if they were born to stray/feral cats. I like the rescues on this program, but it’s frustrating that they hardly ever show the recovery. They just end with, “Well, we wish them the best of luck...”, and the viewers are thinking, “So, did the kittens LIVE or not?!?”
bethpat9 Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..? JESUS IS LORD
chxrcoal u are crazy ur the ignorant one! Do u know what rescues are they are animals rescued from the streets and they are adopted all the time! She only scratched her not attacked her and she was trying to protect her babies..y is there always a person who has to be ignorant and say something stupid? Go to a shelter a lot of those animals are rescues from the street ..how would these cats survive in the wild just fine can they buy meals and cook them for themselves no they would probably get run over starve or keep getting pregnant I can’t believe u calling me ignorant when u obviously are lol
bethpat9 Jaslin Ong they can be saved I have rescued a stray from the street before and have found them a wonderful home these animals are not evil and viscous they ares scared and sad from living alone in the cruel world they are extremely sweet and able to be placed in homes isn’t it atleast worth it to try shame on kritter klub!
@@diannem8573 plz do some research or think twice before accuse some1 else Those cats are probably feral, they're belong to their colony. If u put them indoor they're gonna having stress and being argressive. The mother cat does need TNR i believed, but it's extremely expensive, so if u love animal that much do me a favour, support or donate them instead of bigmouthing. Abt those kittens, they re too big to even try to socialize them at the begining. Not to mention abt the foster cost, money and manpower, which can be spent on another rescues in future (equipments do cost alot). Life is hard so have a brain and mind ur own business if u cant even help.
Mi corazón se entristece cuando empiezo viendo estos videos pero cuando aparecen ustedes los veterinarios mi espíritu se alegra y admiro toda la labor que hacen y no solo los atienden sinó que también se dan el trabajo de ir y rescatarlos. Muchas gracias por todo lo que hacen.
Bless you for reporting the kittens trapped in a basement and getting them rescued. Even vet checked also. The only thing I would have done differently would be to catch the mother, check for signs of her having other kittens somewhere else, foster the while family and then find loving homes for them. Returning the kittens to the street almost always ends badly for a homeless pet. Thank you for caring about helpless pets.
Jane Church Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..? JESUS IS LORD
CAN POLAT Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..? JESUS IS LORD
CAN POLAT Jaslin Ong they can be saved I have rescued a stray from the street before and have found them a wonderful home these animals are not evil and viscous they ares scared and sad from living alone in the cruel world they are extremely sweet and able to be placed in homes isn’t it atleast worth it to try shame on kritter klub!
Thank you for the love of this little kitten you are amazing god bless you!now they are safe and full of care and love they have a home now hope the mom will join too
My favourite vet! 🥰 Also, subtitler, I love how you can be funny when it’s appropriate (in other videos) but you can also be serious when necessary. Well done!
elflikek Sandie Smith Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..? JESUS IS LORD
Musa Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..? JESUS IS LORD
Its hard because it's a korean channel, and most people just too lazy to read subtitles.. 😢 But 1,5M subs is still a lot.. (plus 2M subs on SBS TV동물농장x애니멀봐 , which also a korean channel with similar topic)
mikecrack Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..? JESUS IS LORD
Diane&Wyatt Only Sandie Smith Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..? JESUS IS LORD
Odete Aparecida de Souza balduino Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..? JESUS IS LORD
The lady kindness saved the kittens...
God bless her....
Greetings from Malaysia ❤️
siz ne kadar vicdanlı yüreği güzel insanlarsınız bu hayvanları kurtarıp tekrardan hayata bağlıyorsunuz karışıksız
This woman (who fed the kittens twice daily) is such a wonderful good person!! God bless you
I agree she's so wonderful and bless for such a good heart
Hayvan. Sever. Mərhametli. İnsanlara. Təşəkkürlər.
Thanks for saving the kittens. Please save the mama cat too. T T
Their returning the kittens back to their mom so mom and her kittens will continue to be homeless. 😥
@@truecullurz8o8 I wish they could rescue mama cat too and let all three of them go to a foster home. I would love to see them be adopted into a loving home and never be homeless again.
@@lisahorsepony I don't understand why they didn't check the health of the mama cat along with her kittens. Why only the kittens? And yes i agree with you that they should've kept all 3 and tried to adopt them out. I don't know how they could put them back out on the streets again to fend for themselves. So sad ☹
@@truecullurz8o8 I completely agree!
@@truecullurz8o8 the mama cat was completly fine as it was not trapped or hurt, and adopting the cat and her kittens would not be such a good idea as the mama cat would prob be super protective of her kittens and would be fierce against humans. so its best to let them in the wild togethr!
Kritter Kulb team Rescuers are real Super Hero lsalute to you. All Homeless Cats and dogs are your Angels. Thank you for saving them with your efforts. GoD bless
Bless the lady who took care of the kittens before the rescue.
If you love your child, they say you are a good person. But if you love the children of animals and treat them kindly and help them, you are an angel and the galaxy will definitely respond.
God bless you. Thank you for Rescue ❤❤❤ Greetings to all animal lovers
Impossible to hate cats ! So friendly so cute ! Another mothersucker like hit cats need to burn in hell!!!!!!!
I'm a animal rescuer, behaviorist, vet, and animal teacher. But did you know one thing? Well....... I'm all of these jobs at *_-12 years old-_* yes I'm a 12 year old animal rescuer, behaviorist, vet, and animal teacher. It's not difficult. I even did at 8 years old.
@@bored-rs6fz woah, I checked out your channel and you're legit.
Türk de izlermiş gözlerim yaşardı :d
@@diannem8573 what's the video called?
Thank you Kritter cat Rescuers your Team is really kind and loving Patience hope affordable people will. Generously support you for saving so many lives with care. God loves you guys Amen
I needed to see the family reunite 😭
Can you tell that to Donald Trump? Please
@@willwilly5069 so true ugh fuck trump
Same but its alright atleast they are fine now
Sadly I doubt they could send the kittens back to their mom.. They probably captured only the kittens and in such a case in general mother cat leaves
Will Willy fuck off liberal
the ladi informant is a very kind person.thank you maam for looking out to them and making actions to get and rescue them.thank you kritter klub,you always bright my day.thank you to all the people who make the impossible possible. i hope the kind lady adopt all of them.
it is 2 a.m i should sleep...
kritter klub posts
Terima kasih sudah menyelamatkan kedua anak kucing yg terjebak dengan selamat semoga mereka bisa berkumpul lagi dengan ibunya...
Ustedes son increíbles hacen de todo para poder salvarles la vida. Gracias y saludos
It's the interest of people towards animals that make the difference. GOD BLESS.
So happy to see these wonderful people successfuly rescued these cute kitties. Thank you so much 🧡🧡🧡
Once they were big enough, they probably became someone's dinner.
@@alan30189 no I don't think so...😅
alan30189 this is Korea, not China
i cried more when I saw these 2 innocent poor kittens face thanks you so much for saved these 2 little Angels did their mom cat saved too 😓😓😓😓🙏🙏🙏
You are a really good person 👏💕💕 We need more of this type of person
yay they are saved
Noup... Because the cats still in the streets
Of course
Yes uwu
I agree with you.....
My heart jumps with joy the moment they were inside the cage. Hope they are healthy today.
Какие Вы все молодцы,спасибо Вам всем кто спасал котят,они ведь тоже живые как и мы.Я Вас всех люблю мне 65лет а кошек люблю всю свою жизнь.Спасибо Вам!!!
Great job guys...i hope kittens mom was saved and united with her babies...God Bless the lady and all involved with the kittens safety 🐈
Спасибо за спасение малышей. Котятам мама тоже нужна .
А как же мама- кошка!?
Всем здоровья, мира и добра!
Tracy Watson Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..?
Makasih banget untuk tim medis dokter, dan ibu anda memang 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 baik hati dan peduli ama kucing kcl dan smua hewan liar yg membutuh kan pertolonga. Sy hanya bs berdo'a yg ter baik untuk anda smua smoga slalu ke suksesan, keselamatan, kesehatan ada pd anda anda. Amiinnn.....👍👍👍👍👍
Aap logo ka Bahot Bahot shukriya aap logo in be bol masum jaanvaro ki madad ki
I hope you got mom also and they'll get fixed. And find a true forever home. Thank you for helping.
Heartbreaking thanks so much kind people xx
God bless you for helping these animals in need of help it is an extremely good deed to do!❤️😺
Want to THANK YOU, LADY for feeding these kitties. Just hope ALL the kitties have been rescued and given medical attention. THANK YOU ALL🤗💕💙🐱🐈🤗
That lady is priceless person. She is good heart
God bless her 😘🍁
such a beautiful woman with big heart…..we need more people like her and this amazing rescue team....
Dana L Jaslin Ong they can be saved I have rescued a stray from the street before and have found them a wonderful home these animals are not evil and viscous they ares scared and sad from living alone in the cruel world they are extremely sweet and able to be placed in homes isn’t it atleast worth it to try shame on kritter klub!
@@diannem8573 …. its correct….. we have responsibility to these innocent animals and shame on those people who let them live outside in this inhumanity world which they make it for them.... but about KRITTER KLUB, l think they try to save them from crisis and they do not have enough possibility to find a save place or adoption in their network……. but they re doing fine ….even they call the vet to come and help it to the crisis situation....which is very good and helpful….. but as you say….it is not enough….they should place them in a safe home with kind heart people…..and do wide their help network….l wish they ,ll do it fast.
You are my hero 😍😍😍😍what u done for those kittens is something beautifull. Thanks for rescue them.. GOD bless you ❤️
Thank you dr kritter klub,,,, 😍😊😊👏👏👏👏👌👌💞💞
Хороший доктор, с самым большим сердцем. Храни Вас Бог. Аминь.
Merciiiiiii beaucoup à tous les soigneurs 🐾❤️❤️🐈🐈👍👍🐾🐾❤️🐈🐈👍
Смотрю такое доброе видео и понимаю что среди китайцев есть все таки добрые люди, чего я совсем от них не ожидал. Спасибо добрым людям всем на свете.
Майкл это Корея
They are korea
all those people who report kitty cases deserve a lot of blessings 💖
Благодоря вам я все ещё верю что есть хорошие люди. И что не так все плохо в этом мире!!!
Such sweet kittens love them plus a beautiful mommy cat too!! Wish them a happy life ahead for love them ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Coitadinhos são tão lindos. Merecem sai e desse lugar. Tomara q sim.
Esos gatitos quedaron atrapados. La señora les daba comida.pobre la mamá y los pobres gatitos con la lluvia.Que Dios los bendiga por éste rescate y gracias por devolverselos a la madre🐱🐱🐈🐈💓💓💕💖💗💙💚❤😻😻😻😸😸💜💜😜😜Que bien.Estarán felices con su mamí😺😺😻😻 Gracias kritterklub.🎆🎆
I mean they saved them but they really need to fix (spay/neuter) the mom and the kittens so this situation doesn't perpetuate.
What if she wants more kittens boss?
What? I think U need to be fixed first in some ways.
Khadz Adil ikr
And most likely they will die another day from exposure hit by car or attacked by another animal.. Them and their mom need off the street.
🐱🐈🐱 Wie süss! Tolle Rettung! Danke, Ihr lieben Helfer!!!!! 👍👍👍💖💖💖💖
счастья котейкам здоровья, счастья, мира, заботы, любви и спокойствия
Oh merci beaucoup pour les chats ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️❤️❤️
What a good mother, staying up all night to look after them.
Dr Park and his staff are wonderful:)
Thx for all rescuer and also the lady who kindly gave them food every day. Wish them reunite and move to save place..it would be dangerous if they go back to the same place..
Иностранные языки не учила,но судя по всему, что люди всего мира остались довольны работой по спасению малышей 😢😢😢 спасибо всем тем кто помогает не смотря на трудные условия спасания животных 😆😆😆,мира и добра вам
Kind people help you out with love your pets and beautiful animals thank you for sharing your beautiful pets love you all thanks again
Que linda señora 😊
Gracias por recatar a los gatitos !! 🙏🐈
Muito obrigado moça por você eXistir, que as energias Inteligentes do Universo te resguardem EEMPRE 🐾🐾👏👏🙏🐾🐾🇧🇷🐾🐾💖🐾🐾🇧🇷🐾🐾🙏🐾🐾👏👏🐾🐾
Trabalho lindo de vocês. Muita luz e paz no caminho de todos os que cuidam dos animais.
Хвостики живите счастливо и сытно 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😙
Thank you to everyone involved in rescuing those precious kittens and treating them so they can be healthy again. I don't think they should go back outside, try and rescue mom cat , have her spayed and bring her inside also. Kittens should not go back out , they can be socialized and find loving homes or stay with that nice lady.
Cats can happily live on the street, they're not as hopeless as you think.
@@_Professor_Oak I have seen so many videos and the foster organization I support where cats & kittens come in and they are so malnourished, unhealthy, abused by mean people. So I am sorry but I disagree that kittens can take care of themselves, even adult cats have a hard time. We unfortunately live in a not so kind world.
@@_Professor_Oak maybe you live in a fantasy world that everything is perfect but maybe 100 years ago when people through their trash out and it was open own available for animals to scrounge in this is not the reality today pollution Etc is on the street people are abusive there are people who purposefully poison these animals the toxins that are just from automobiles going back and forth again and again you see these animals hit by cars I just don't get what you would even think that they can survive especially in the city on the street even animals in rural areas get hit by car in harmed when they're outside cats don't belong outside you might think they're the outdoor pet but they're not they need to be spayed or neutered and given a loving permanent home where they cannot harm the environment that they don't belong in or the environment could not harm them because they are not suited to it believe me I have cats would literally come to my house and beg to be allowed in they literally walk in the door and they will never walk out no matter how much I try to get them to leave on their own I have cats that will not go outside even to play in a guarded shielded backyard because they want nothing to do with the environment that gave them the heartache and loneliness and starvation that they found and I live in a beautiful outdoor environment that should have been successful for cats but no there's not enough food for them to survive on and parasites just loved kill these little animals cats only survive for two years and the outdoor normal he's is there an indoor outdoor cat I can gain 5 to 6 years without constant medical Intervention which means constant deworming with heavy toxins constantly being vaccinated and the rabies vaccine will kill your cat after the age of 10 Etc my indoor cats on the average live to 22 24 years of age they don't have to be vaccinated again for rabies and they live a Wonderful Life that I have a specially-built room where they have climbing mechanisms toys and then they have the whole rest of the house and yet people don't know I have the five cats I do because I keep it clean they go and sleep where they want and make sure I have enough litter boxes and I keep those clean it's lazy people or hoarders that give it a bad name I even have Birds and that is an interesting dichotomy or environment the cats love them and the birds just enjoy teasing the hell out of the cats
ValiantsFelines McCarty the mama cat was no doubt wild so it’s nearly impossible to tame her, due to being feral, it’s best to leave them in the wild, because the mama cat may attack an owner if adopted, so don’t assume please that all cats can be adopted. Despite that, cats are more likely to survive in the wild then humans and dogs, from what I’ve seen, it’s too risky to have them be adopted.
The Fallen One The Fallen One excuse me u think I care if u reply to my comment I would just ignore it and not reply if u have seen the responses people agree 100 percent with me if u go to a rescue almost all animals are rescued from the streets then adopted u are so ignorant u sound dumb no they cannot survive in the wild better than us or dogs animals are like babies they can’t work cook meals go to a house they pay for they sleep outside cold or rain or hot sometimes they go days without food or water they look for food in trash cans they die of starvation or get run over it’s always worth it to rescue an animal and get them adopted it always works out in the end even if they stay in a rescue shelter until they die atleast they had meals and water and love everyday people really care about animals in those shelters..ITS NEVER THE RIGHT THING TO DO TO LEAVE AN SNIMAL TO DIE IN THE STREETS ITS ALWAYS THE RIGHT THING TO DO TO RESCUE THEM AND WORK IT OUT THE RIGHT WAY IN JESUS NAME
THANK YOU for saving those poor kittens!!!
Que linda cara de gatito con una mirada inocente
Wonderful people 😘😘😘💕💕💕God bless you 😇😇😇
3:36 "good morning. are my kittens ok?" this breaks my heart!
Thank you for helping all these beautiful cats!
Дай Бог здоровья неравнодушным людям помогающим пушистикам 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💞💞💞💞
Animal vets, you did a fantastic job in careing for them. Such sweet babies-Thank you again!🤗🐈🐱💕💙🤗
Thank you thank you thank you so very much God bless your souls
Thanks so much to the people who helped save them!!!! *♡♡♡*
Mocha Sandie Smith Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..?
@@diannem8573 which video do they show this?? And thanks so much for the info!
Thank you for helping these poor kittens so they wouldn’t starve🙏 Also God bless the kind lady who fed them♡
EL GATI um saved as in helped so calm down before you get report
Zeynep CAN there it is fixed now shush
Lyela Peterson Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..?
Dianne M I agree it wouldve been better if they got the mom and kept them both
Que hermoso, ojalá que los hayan regresado con su madre 😍
Лайк спасибо большое за спасение котят с любовью из Москвы.
The lady who was watching over the kittens was absolutely wonderful❣️ even when mama cat was so anxious about her being there. The mama cat loved her kittens and was so afraid of them being in danger from people 💞
Just Mona Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..?
thank you💖💖
Спасибо за то, что вы есть)
They need their mama. You should catch her, too.
they captured the kittens to help them then give to there mom
KiwiPanda Thank you!
@Jayne Eyre I agree with you
Dianne M the mama cat was no doubt wild so it’s nearly impossible to tame her, due to being feral, it’s best to leave them in the wild, because the mama cat may attack an owner if adopted, so don’t assume please that all cats can be adopted. Despite that, cats are more likely to survive in the wild then humans and dogs, from what I’ve seen, it’s too risky to have them be adopted. I’ll keep saying this to you if you keep posting that comment.
الف شكر لكم ع الاهتمام بهم وقطع الحديد لانقاذهم والمرأه العظيمه التي تولت أطعامهم طول هذه المده تحيه وتقدير لكي سيدتي 💟💟
Great job, everybody, especially to the lady who fed the kittens and suffered the mother's over-protectiveness.
Yvonne Sandie Smith Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..?
Yvonne Jaslin Ong they can be saved I have rescued a stray from the street before and have found them a wonderful home these animals are not evil and viscous they ares scared and sad from living alone in the cruel world they are extremely sweet and able to be placed in homes isn’t it atleast worth it to try shame on kritter klub!
God bless you a thousand times. You are a woman with a heart of gold xx
I am glad they were rescued but also sad that they were put back out on the street.
bethpat9 Right! What was the point of several people planning & executing the rescue, only to put them back in potential danger? Most kittens could be socialized, even if they were born to stray/feral cats. I like the rescues on this program, but it’s frustrating that they hardly ever show the recovery. They just end with, “Well, we wish them the best of luck...”, and the viewers are thinking, “So, did the kittens LIVE or not?!?”
@@marthahowley3758 I think they want to reunite the mother cat.
bethpat9 Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..?
chxrcoal u are crazy ur the ignorant one! Do u know what rescues are they are animals rescued from the streets and they are adopted all the time! She only scratched her not attacked her and she was trying to protect her babies..y is there always a person who has to be ignorant and say something stupid? Go to a shelter a lot of those animals are rescues from the street ..how would these cats survive in the wild just fine can they buy meals and cook them for themselves no they would probably get run over starve or keep getting pregnant I can’t believe u calling me ignorant when u obviously are lol
bethpat9 Jaslin Ong they can be saved I have rescued a stray from the street before and have found them a wonderful home these animals are not evil and viscous they ares scared and sad from living alone in the cruel world they are extremely sweet and able to be placed in homes isn’t it atleast worth it to try shame on kritter klub!
Tuhan yg membalas kebaikan semua yg sdh bekerja sama menolong pus2 kecil GBU
please ! help the mama cat too...
I think the kittens got sent back to their mama
@@diannem8573 plz do some research or think twice before accuse some1 else
Those cats are probably feral, they're belong to their colony. If u put them indoor they're gonna having stress and being argressive. The mother cat does need TNR i believed, but it's extremely expensive, so if u love animal that much do me a favour, support or donate them instead of bigmouthing. Abt those kittens, they re too big to even try to socialize them at the begining. Not to mention abt the foster cost, money and manpower, which can be spent on another rescues in future (equipments do cost alot).
Life is hard so have a brain and mind ur own business if u cant even help.
I Love these kinds of people who help these kittens 🤗😻
Продолжайте в том же духе молодцы!🙏👏😇
Mi corazón se entristece cuando empiezo viendo estos videos pero cuando aparecen ustedes los veterinarios mi espíritu se alegra y admiro toda la labor que hacen y no solo los atienden sinó que también se dan el trabajo de ir y rescatarlos. Muchas gracias por todo lo que hacen.
Thank you for saving them.
Bless you for reporting the kittens trapped in a basement and getting them rescued. Even vet checked also.
The only thing I would have done differently would be to catch the mother, check for signs of her having other kittens somewhere else, foster the while family and then find loving homes for them. Returning the kittens to the street almost always ends badly for a homeless pet. Thank you for caring about helpless pets.
Jane Church Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..?
Aawww poor kittens😿❤️😿❤️😿❤️😿❤️😿❤️😿❤️ Thank you for saving the sweethearts🙏🏻
Good that you are,on behalf of humanity (Kritter klub we support) 🙏🙏🙏🇹🇷
Sonunda bir türk
CAN POLAT Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..?
CAN POLAT Jaslin Ong they can be saved I have rescued a stray from the street before and have found them a wonderful home these animals are not evil and viscous they ares scared and sad from living alone in the cruel world they are extremely sweet and able to be placed in homes isn’t it atleast worth it to try shame on kritter klub!
@@diannem8573 honey repeating the same message over and over will not help your situation
Thank you for the love of this little kitten you are amazing god bless you!now they are safe and full of care and love they have a home now hope the mom will join too
My favourite vet! 🥰
Also, subtitler, I love how you can be funny when it’s appropriate (in other videos) but you can also be serious when necessary. Well done!
elflikek Sandie Smith Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..?
Heroes. I Love this Channel. These People Are Saving Lives.
no matter how small.
These are helpless animals. and They need Love and Care.
Thankyou for saving cat
Где сообщение от Турции,там и от младшего брата, младший всегда следует за старшим))
Did you not pay attention? They returned the kittens to the streets to be with their mom. I think they should have found them a human home to live in.
@@sueb2898 no that's didn't.
Musa Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..?
@@sueb2898 I agree they should live with there mom in home
شكرا لكم على هذا العمل الجميل👏👏👏👏👏❤❤😍😍😍😍😍😍😙😙😙
They should have more subs so people can see how good people they are, I love to see when they rescue animals keep it up!
Its hard because it's a korean channel, and most people just too lazy to read subtitles.. 😢
But 1,5M subs is still a lot.. (plus 2M subs on SBS TV동물농장x애니멀봐
, which also a korean channel with similar topic)
@@TakTakSub yes :c
mikecrack Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..?
the lady who feeds them is so sweet
Wonderful people!!🥰🥰
Thank you so much for rescue this lovely kitten 😃👍
Diane&Wyatt Only Sandie Smith Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..?
Una dama espléndida 👏🏼👏🏼 mil gracias por ayudarlos 😽😽💕
Achei q eu era a unica br aqui😂
Tbm amo animais❤😍
Geysse Morais também pensei nisso , pelo o jeito não estou sozinha
Odete Aparecida de Souza balduino Omg u guys another Kritter klub video where they leave the animals homeless to take care of themselves..animals are like babies they have no means or way to take care of themselves I really do like kritter klub and love that they help the animals but to leave them like that is horrible what was the point of helping them in the first place just to leave them so they can get in a similar situation or worse get run over in the future.. I agree with the vet they should be with their mother but rescued together in a foster home ready for adoption many people would take them it’s just about finding someone willing ..omg please help me to make everyone else aware to this fact so kritter klub never does this again ALL animals should be rescued or what was the point of helping them at all..?
God bless you kittens..live happily and safely with mom now..thanks to the people who made this rescue possible..
Почему вы не забираете мам котят?!Им конфортнее с их родной мамой кошкой!😭❤
Vous me redonnez confiance en l’être humain. Bravo !
You guys are miracle workers
Merciiii aux sauveurs,vous êtes tous formidables 🐾👍❤️🐈🐈🐈👍🐾👍👍🐾🐾