The Rumors Were TRUE - RWBY Volume 9 Blu-Ray Commentary News

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 87

  • @rebeccamichel539
    @rebeccamichel539 11 месяцев назад +35

    Honestly, I don’t think I can ever get over them having that conversation about Jaune killing Ruby off screen. Like, why even have Jaune kill Ruby’s best friend only for it to never be discussed by the pair on screen 😑 Penny’s death was such a dramatic moment that it almost feels like a crime that the two people most impacted by her death never talk to each other about it on screen.

    • @wingadept8793
      @wingadept8793 10 месяцев назад +10

      To make it worse, Jaune really didn't have to be the one to kill her, and for them to talk an important thing like that like it was a no big deal is baffling. They literally used the staff to make Penny into a human, and thus pretty much doomed Atlas and Mantle in the process. They made such a big deal of helping Penny only for them to not talk about it on screen? That is such a huge cop out imo.

    • @kidprime6863
      @kidprime6863 6 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@wingadept8793Even worse, Penny didn't even apologize to Jaune nor reassure him before making him to do it. Like she really wanted out of the cruel world. The whole "There is no time would've made more sense if Jaune's Aura was depleted and can't use his Semblance to heal her because he has to recharge first. She was completely oblivious of the consequences and had ro regrets.

    • @SamusV4
      @SamusV4 2 месяца назад

      I know right? That and the seeming just no reaction from anyone after Ruby drank the tea and offed herself on screen effectively.

  • @Narutonarutonaruto85
    @Narutonarutonaruto85 11 месяцев назад +19

    I just figured Neo's semblance was interacting with the weird physics of the Everafter and she would lose her new abilities if she ever returned to Remnant.

    • @kidprime6863
      @kidprime6863 10 месяцев назад +4

      That would've made a lot more sense. Plus, I believe her Jabberwalker copies had the same abilities as the real one was because Ever After needs a consumer to control overpopulation.

  • @Obi-Wan_Kenobi
    @Obi-Wan_Kenobi 11 месяцев назад +13

    Even if Volume 10 gets greenlit, I don't know how much longer RWBY can go on for. They need at least 3 more volumes to adequately wrap up the story but even then it risked feeling very rushed given the show's previous pacing. For RWBY to tell its story in a well paced manner would require no less than 5 volumes minimum.
    Volume 10 is up in the air, can RWBY really keep the momentum going until volume 15 or even volume 13? I'm very skeptical. We may get Volume 10 but they might end production after that and we'll be left on a cliffhanger regardless.

    • @deamontana596
      @deamontana596 10 месяцев назад +5

      Personally, was largely in the "the show has been downhill since the end of volume 3" camp, but volume 9 felt like a big high point for me. I obviously don't know the behind the scenes finances and politics, but I think after this, as long as volume 10 gets green lit, there will be a resurgence that can keep the show running long enough for a satisfying ending.

    • @SamusV4
      @SamusV4 2 месяца назад

      I think now that RT is no longer at the helm, RWBY will be in better hands and not be subject to so much crap holding it back.

  • @BranwenOWynter
    @BranwenOWynter 11 месяцев назад +12

    Thank you so much for covering the Vol9 Commentary, especially in regards to the late-in-production budget cuts and final state of the volume. Definitely easier to wrestle my own critiques and feelings with this information confirmed outright. We had those hints and rumors but knowing WHEN those cuts where made and WHY helps immensely.

  • @masteroflag
    @masteroflag 11 месяцев назад +26

    I felt while they needed a line about it was pretty clear Ruby blamed herself.
    Jaune didn’t kill Penny for Ruby to be blamed. Ruby’s plan was a bust for not taking cinder into account, Ruby okayed making Penny human instead of finding a way to keep her off till they got her to her dad. Ruby basically put Juane in that situation because she wasn’t strong enough

    • @kidprime6863
      @kidprime6863 6 месяцев назад +1

      Yes, Ruby was so caught up in the success of her plan that she wasn't vigilant.
      However, in a way, Penny killed herself. They told her to go through the portal to Vacuo because she had the Relic in hand but she didn't listen. Because she was done listening. Done with people telling her what to do including the ones who had her best interest at heart. She wanted to do her own thing even if it killed her. She was so wrapped up in her own guilt that she failed to understand that none of her friends give a damn about whose fault it was. Even if it was hers. All they wanted to do was help her fix it. If she didn't take the Maiden powers, Winter would've been killed, SHE would've killed, Cinder would've killed the Maiden and take her powers, go to the Vault, claimed the Relic and Atlas would've fallen before everyone realized it. Her actions saved not only Winter but the whole kingdom. Yes, Atlas still came under siege but that's better than complete annihilation. Ironwood and the Ace-Ops gaslighted her even going as far as to lie to her face about Winter's condition just guilt trip her into surrendering. She didn't get the memo that Winter only got a few scapes and bruises, nothing more and pretty conscious. Cinder even mocked her for being a machine. Then she gets hacked. All of those worries were proof that Penny is human and didn't need to become one to BE one. Her clouded judgment prevented her from thinking rationally and by not listening, she jeopardized the mission and practically handed the Relic to Cinder. If she really wanted to help her friends, she should've thrown the Relic into the portal when no one was looking and THEN stay to help out. Two birds, one stone. Even getting impaled didn't wake her up, she still believed that sacrificing herself was only solution to fixing everything. Thus, she made Jaune do the unthinkable without taking the grave consequences it would entangle into consideration. She didn't even apologize nor try to reassure him. Sacrifice is only noble when the implications are fully understood and when its purpose is just. At this point, Penny lost herself all thanks to the guilt, gaslighting, hacking and that accused Relic and Maiden powers.

  • @PervertedNovaxc3
    @PervertedNovaxc3 11 месяцев назад +9

    You know, I'll give the writer's credit for admitted that they made bad decisions storywise and now it's coming back to bite them and it's irritating.

    • @PervertedNovaxc3
      @PervertedNovaxc3 8 месяцев назад

      @@DocMicrowave Really? What did it say in particular?

  • @mauriceisaac3646
    @mauriceisaac3646 8 месяцев назад +2

    They had the Herbalist tell Jaune that humans already had everything they needed to change and yet they decided that Neo had to ascend so she could change?
    Kind of a mixed message.

  • @TearfulFriend18
    @TearfulFriend18 11 месяцев назад +21

    Honestly the only episode where I really felt the cuts detracted from the story was in the translation from Chapter 8 to Chapter 9, with the gems and stuff.
    However even then it’s just that opening portion, once they actually get to the tree I think the remainder of the volume moves as a great pace. I love the intercutting between fighting the Cat and Ruby’s dialogue with the Blacksmith, I think it works incredibly well.
    And this may be a contrary opinion, but I’ve personally always felt that the actual end points of RWBY’s volumes are always better than what was intended.
    Vol. 6 ending on getting to Atlas and seeing the fleet gave me all the nervousness and dread that the scene needed, a big smack of “holy shit, what’s next?” instead of the ending just solely focusing on Penny being alive which I feel is a much better volume opener.
    Same here with Vol. 9, yeah I would’ve been nice to see Vacuo and the time skip but I think it works a lot better just ending things just as they leave the Ever After. Plus pacing wise I think opening Vol. 10 with everyone not knowing RWBY+J has returned makes more a more effective start. Thats just me.
    I really hope everyone supports RWBY however they can by buying Vol. 9 on physical or streaming.

    • @pokeloon15
      @pokeloon15 11 месяцев назад

      Yeah. I feel like we should have had a scene with the group still in that house Neo made and Yang's pulling on those vines that were created to seal that hole back up screaming Ruby's name and the others telling her they need to go since the house was falling apart around them. (At least that's what it looked like in the previous episode.) Other than that though the rest of the episodes flowed real well and I can understand why they wern't able to include that there.

  • @cristinamatias5562
    @cristinamatias5562 11 месяцев назад +4

    vol 10 will be grand finale
    ruby,cinder,yang and oscar will fight salem
    All For One + *Madara=* Salem
    Shigaraki + *Obito=* Cinder

  • @AnthonyP118
    @AnthonyP118 11 месяцев назад +11

    I suspect that the budget cuts were a result of Kdin and the rigging department justifiably calling RT out. Given how many first members they must have lost during that time (plus those that just wouldn't come back) they probably made a deal with Crunchyroll and cut the budget to make a profit (if not just break even).

  • @thewarminecraft4983
    @thewarminecraft4983 11 месяцев назад +18

    Hey dude nice video explanatory, I’m hoping that rwby volume 10 will be released after the justice league crossover pt 2 is finished

    • @cristinamatias5562
      @cristinamatias5562 11 месяцев назад +1

      yeah,vol 10 will be like great ninja war
      Cinder- Obito
      Salem- Madara
      true order of series
      ¤ Volume 1-3
      ¤ Volume 4-6
      ¤ Volume 7
      ¤ Justice League part 1 & 2
      ¤ Volume 8-10

    • @thatguyinamask9789
      @thatguyinamask9789 10 месяцев назад

      @@cristinamatias5562 JL part 2 is actually after v9, essentially somewhere in v10ish

    • @ShockStormwing
      @ShockStormwing 10 месяцев назад

      Who’s gonna tell them?😬

  • @cyrus9424
    @cyrus9424 11 месяцев назад +36

    Even with all the cuts that had to be made: Vol.9 is easily one of my favorite volumes. It's crazy to me that people are blaming the writers for decisions made way above their heads. Mind blowing even.

    • @graveyardshift6691
      @graveyardshift6691 11 месяцев назад +8

      If Volume 9 was cut entirely and instead of being dropped into Wonderland the team instead went to Vacuo and during the leadup to the supposed rally at the end of this volume... would the volume even matter?
      Could the events of this volume have just as easily taken place in Vacuo?
      Could some of the unpleasantness been addressed properly like Ruby's mental state without driving her to suicide?
      And most damningly, why did they feel the need to break the Rule of Three in Atlas and then just abandon Remnant?
      The volume is filler and it's not even good filler. It is the animation equivalent of purple prose. They wasted a bunch of screentime on unnecessary elements like drama and realized too late that they didn't have enough for actual plot relevant stuff.
      While RWBY is wasting time in the void angsting for the drama boners, Atlas just pretty much invaded Vacuo for the second time in 80 years while Atlas, Vale, and Mistrial are in no shape for any kind of fight while Mercury and Tyrian are in Vacuo about to stir up the same kind of controversy at the Fall of Beacon as Cinder did framing Atlas as invading Vale. And they are doing this virtually uncontested since Emerald hasn't once volunteered this information.
      Finally, keep in mind that Vacuo has perhaps the weakest tech base out of all the kingdoms. If Atlas couldn't stop Salem, what chance does Vacuo realistically have unless they were hiding what they can do REALLY well? And don't try to convince me that some united effort is going on here. The other three are shattered with no ability to actually carry the fight. Not to mention that RWBY has been utter abject failures at countering Salem's Special Ops to keep the kingdoms divided and at each other's throats. Salem is 3-0.
      This is the situation as set up for the writers and they'd rather go rip off Alice in Wonderland. Hell they don't even address Alix or whatever her name was. I can't even bring myself to care since this is a filler episode and nothing that happens there is important or relevant to the main plot. So that's a writing problem.

    • @Knight6831
      @Knight6831 10 месяцев назад

      Grimm that is why it couldn't happen in Vacuo

    • @greyjedi4794
      @greyjedi4794 10 месяцев назад

      Never have I been so angry at something I completely agree with....

  • @thedarkemperor334
    @thedarkemperor334 11 месяцев назад +13

    Do you think Vol 10 will actually get green lit? Because I'm nervous that we might not get any news after when the movie comes out. Plus the merch isn't going to help.

    • @thedarkemperor334
      @thedarkemperor334 11 месяцев назад +3

      I hope we do because I want to see the story continue. #GREENLIGHTVOLUME10 #greenlightrwbyvolume10

    • @robinrising_
      @robinrising_  11 месяцев назад +13

      I don't know when it will happen, but yes, I do believe it will eventually happen.

    • @thedarkemperor334
      @thedarkemperor334 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@robinrising_ as long as we have hope. #GREENLIGHTVOLUME10 #greenlightrwbyvolume10.

    • @SEGAjunky
      @SEGAjunky 10 месяцев назад +4

      I hope so. Would love to see a proper conclusion. Especially for Monty Om's legacy.

    • @Tacocat0804
      @Tacocat0804 10 месяцев назад +2

      Feel free to donate, but keep in mind that if you donate, you are saying you agree in the direction that the writer has chosen to go. If v10 happens, it will be at the expense of the fan base. What's left of it.

  • @SpectreBagels
    @SpectreBagels 10 месяцев назад +7

    The reason people felt the narrative was on the side of Team RWBY's actions is because they got little to no pushback on the things they were obviously not doing right. From withon the team and out of it. Yang's one moment and having consequences with Ironwood doesnt change the treatment before that moment and even afterward with the attitude. The acknowledgement of doing something wrong didnt come with proper acknowledgement and usually with someone softening what was done to mitigate the feeling of responsibility. That and its been a years long thing with the Team so......yea

    • @kidprime6863
      @kidprime6863 6 месяцев назад +1

      I get what you're saying. Having the characters acknowledge their own failures and mistakes would've helped them humble themselves. They talking about it to each other while sharing their opinions and trying to rationalize their reasons for doing so as well as learning from it and figure out how to fix their situation. It's something they should've done with V8's "Tea Scene" instead of them just sitting around doing nothing.

  • @EthanKironus8067
    @EthanKironus8067 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you for your videos, I've only watched a few but I really appreciate your even-handed, non-negative presentation of things. I don't care how many flaws RWBY has, there's an unwarranted amount of hate videos on this site alone.
    ...yes, I discovered the cesspit while catching up on Vol. 9 news (I refuse to watch it on Crunchyroll, not for boycotting RT specifically but just because I hate the sudden paywalling).
    EDIT (having watched the video) - This explains so much about the criticisms (beyond predisposed hating). And is also a wonderful summary of the changes, it'd be hard to look that kind of stuff up on my own. I deeply apologize to all the crew for my uninformed criticism.

  • @mauriceisaac3646
    @mauriceisaac3646 11 месяцев назад +37

    I'm sorry, but them deeming Ruby's teammates reacting to her ascension as "unnecessary" and worth cutting out was probably one of the worst decisions they could've made. Their leader/best friend/sister just decided to end herself in front of them and them just nonchalantly moving on from it just made them look like terrible friends who could care less about what happens to her. Why was what Ruby was going through considered a subplot compared to that of Jaune, when that was previously built up to be the main focus? Once again, Jaune is given priority character focus at the expense of other characters in greater need of it.
    They claim that they intended for RWBY for fail in Atlas and learn something from it, but that's not really how it came across. All they basically say is, "Yeah, we failed, but that's okay because Huntsmen before us have failed also. We're just fine the way we are." How is that something to grow from? That's not learning from their mistakes, that's just defending them, or making them seem like less of a big deal. Even if other Huntsmen have failed, that doesn't excuse how much they screwed up. Even then, Ruby, Weiss, and Jaune were the only ones willing to admit they failed, while Blake and Yang don't really come to terms with it and just cling to the small bit of good they did. They never really reflect on how they mishandled things and don't really gain anything that could help them going forward. If there's anything they learned they did wrong, it was to ever doubt themselves, even when they're clearly out of their depth.
    Even with the reported reasons for why certain things were cut from the final product, that doesn't make some of the decisions they made any less questionable or make the volume look any better. In the end, it still comes off as a narrative mess. They really need to work on how they manage their budget, since for the past few years, that's only hurt the show in terms of pacing and execution.

    • @robinrising_
      @robinrising_  11 месяцев назад +7

      I appreciate you taking the time to bring these up. As the crew said and as I reported - there's no clear right answer for what to cut over something else. Everything had its positives and negatives, which is what happens when multiple interwoven subplots are involved.
      For the distinction between Team RWBY's reaction versus the scene that focused on Jaune - I already said why Jaune's scene was necessary. The writers wrote the plot specifically so that "the only way to get to the tree at all is via acceptance," so showing that acceptance is _necessary._ WBY+J magically teleporting to the Tree when they couldn't get there at all at the beginning of the volume would be met with just as much criticism as what ended up happening. At least with the end result, a central point of the narrative makes sense. WBY+J not reacting to Ruby's choice is still a major drawback worth critiquing, but the overall story of the volume would be worse if that scene were in the show over a much more glaring plot hole.
      Team RWBY grew from their mistakes in Atlas - yes, they did. They smashed a kingdom on itself, giving Salem both Relics, because of the decisions they made when not trusting Ironwood. That's part of their grief and their acceptance of it in Volume 9. And now, we'll have to see how that growth manifests when they return to Vacuo and handle things there (as this story is very much not over),
      As far as "they really need to work on how they manage their budget," the crew did that. This budget mishandling was not on them, as I explained in great detail in the video. They wrote the volume with the budget that they were promised, and if the money weren't ripped away from them in the last minute when production was well underway, nobody would be having this discussion. All the subplots would have been fully developed. It's absurd to think the crew mishandled the budget for Volume 9 when it's much, much more of an issue with higher-ups.

    • @mauriceisaac3646
      @mauriceisaac3646 11 месяцев назад +7

      @@robinrising_ I'm not gonna pretend I know what it's like to work on a show that regularly deals with budget/production issues, but it just seems like something that has been plauging the show since at least Volume 5 for one reason or another, and it can only be for so long that it's a passable excuse for a subpar product. I'm sure plenty of shows and movies have dealt with similiar issues, but were still able to come out of them telling a decent narrative, which is hard to say the same for RWBY. While budget problems can definitely be a factor, the team still shares some responsibility for how they decided to handle their storylines, which ultimately affects the show's image. Maybe they feel they did the best they could, but they shouldn't be surprised when there are those who believe otherwise.

    • @genyakozlov1316
      @genyakozlov1316 11 месяцев назад +4

      @@mauriceisaac3646 Where are all those shows which do things so much better? I keep hearing about them but am still yet to see them.
      I literally just finished Avatar the Last Airbender, and while it was good, even great in a few rare places such as when Iroh or Sokka got the focus, in terms of tension, plot, and character development it felt nowhere near RWBY. Outside of Zuko no one of the main cast feels like a different character by the end of the show. I got teary eyed watching Volumes 7, 8, and 9, while in Avatar the only time I felt emotional was when Iroh mourned his son in a compilation episode, not once during the last season.
      So I repeat: where are all those better shows you people keep talking about? The Owl House was great, better than Avatar, but too short to reach RWBY level. Gravity Falls I outright hated, as none of the characters are likeable to me.
      Even in terms of Anime, Attack on Titan didn't impress me, not even to Avatar level, the Shonen series like Naruto or Bleach focus too much on fighting to resonate like RWBY, and I couldn't make it past episode 5 of One Piece, at least for now. Berserk isn't my cup of tea, and neither is stuff like Chainsaw Man and jujutsu kaisen. I absolutely hated episode 1 of One Punch Man.
      RWBY isn't even my favourite show, that would be Fullmetal Alchemist 2003, not Brotherhood god forbid, and after it come Yu-Gi-Oh, Sonic X, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and only then RWBY, and I would say those shows are better than RWBY is, but that's still not a lot of shows and none else from outside Japan. From my experience with that extended backlog of animation RWBY is definitely above average, not some mess struggling to find footing.
      Art is subjective, you know. One Punch Man and Gravity Falls weren't made for me and RWBY isn't made for you, that's fine. Explaining your feelings through criticism is necessary, and hating certain things is unavoidable, but don't confuse your opinion for objective problems with the work, as in art there is no such thing, as everyone somehow thinking Avatar or any of the Ghibli movies are the best thing ever proves, I just can't understand it but I respect their opinion.

    • @FiercesomestDragon
      @FiercesomestDragon 10 месяцев назад +2

      Totally agree-- while it sounds like there were a lot of tough decisions made as far as cutting material, dropping the team's reactions to Ruby drinking the tea and skipping straight to 'acceptance' and group hugging made the team look like dirt bags.
      Also "we failed, but that's okay because everyone fails sometimes" is a great message for like, trying to bake a cake. They destroyed a country (debatable) and dropped all the survivors on an unsuspecting and extremely geographically dangerous second country (definitely their fault). The writers should 100% milk that for angst for the rest of time-- the 'we failed but it's okay' message makes me worry that they're just moving on.
      That whole ascension plot was pretty messed up haha-- in my opinion even including the extra scenes probably wouldn't iron it all out. They did the best they could though, it sounds like, and I hope volume 10 comes out sooner rather than later because man I can't wait to see how wild that gets.

    • @mauriceisaac3646
      @mauriceisaac3646 8 месяцев назад

      @@FiercesomestDragon Exactly. Failure isn't okay when it's at the cost of people's lives and livelihood.

  • @whiskeyii4515
    @whiskeyii4515 11 месяцев назад +10

    Y'know what? I'll go to bat for the decision to make these cuts. It sounds to me like while we may have gotten the inferior version of what Volume 9 could have been, at the very least, the production crew didn't choose to try and crunch their animators into impossible deadlines (looking at you, Spiderverse 2). And if nothing else, I can respect them getting their priorities straight in an industry that very often doesn't.

    • @robinrising_
      @robinrising_  11 месяцев назад +9

      It's great that the team wasn't crunched, for sure! But it would have been better if higher-ups let them keep the budget they were originally given. That was the more important distinction in my opinion.

    • @SaiyanGamer95
      @SaiyanGamer95 11 месяцев назад

      I sort of have no reason to believe V9 wasn't under heavy crunch, since RT is infamous for the massive amount of crunch time, even after they were called out on is several times.

    • @robinrising_
      @robinrising_  11 месяцев назад +3

      @@SaiyanGamer95 I understand not wanting to blindly believe that. And for Volume 9, there had been some news about the rigging team, so I get it. But there's more to it.
      The rigging team (more specifically, a member of it that left months before Volume 9 finished) was crunched. However, multiple animators have said publicly that they haven't crunched in years.

    • @SaiyanGamer95
      @SaiyanGamer95 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@robinrising_ I think I remember hearing that crunch was still a thing after the V8 finale. If you recall, that had some of the worst of RT's dirty laundry being aired in front of everyone; not paying VAs (including the ones who voice the main girls of RWBY), threatening said VAs with being replaced if they complained (specifically referring to the VAs for Blake and Pyrrha), massively toxic work culture, and I believe a few other things.

    • @robinrising_
      @robinrising_  11 месяцев назад +2

      I wouldn't be surprised if Kdin were crunched. I remember her talking about how little of time she had to direct the cast of Ice Queendom in comparison to the time the actors usually have doing voicework for the show proper. And I'm not going to dismiss anything she wrote in that letter, but I also know it was meant to be all-encompassing for the over a decade of time she worked at RT. So not all of it was current (though ofc much of it was). And none of it directly spoke for the crew - just the cast as you'd said. And I don't consider the voice actors part of the CRWBY/crew. (Hence, "cast and crew.")

  • @BoyHedgehog
    @BoyHedgehog 4 месяца назад

    This is a very interesting video since a lot of people think this volume was filler... BUT now that we can see the "cuts" NOW can people start to understand that this was NOT filler at all. Besides productions problems are the ones that affect the product the most in most cases, not the writers themselves had that problem since they were made to take the hit for executives faults.

  • @SpectreBagels
    @SpectreBagels 10 месяцев назад +6

    I mean Ruby can not completely blame Jaune and still have emotions about the fact it was him that killed her. Like just a sense of having an emotion about it. It makes Jaune killing Penny feel like emotion bait because of the lack of impact it had. Ruby's issue was solely being a failure as a leader and didn't even have anywhere close to 50% to do with Penny, someone that it should have been more than half about. Yes, she had the moment with the sword........and that was it. Penny was barely present at all in Volume 9 when she reasoanbly should have been. A picture and moment arent anough for something of that magnitude and that has so much narrative weight for the narrative and 2 of the main characters

    • @kidprime6863
      @kidprime6863 10 месяцев назад

      I do get the feeling that Penny was going to be an important topic in V9 and was probably going to get revived somehow or at least come back as a ghost and reveal to Ruby about what happened before apologizing but it was cut. It's a shame it never reveals what happened to her lifeless body after it fell into the void. Nor what happened to the people Cinder blasted. I always suspected Little was the ascended Penny.

    • @SpectreBagels
      @SpectreBagels 10 месяцев назад +3

      @@kidprime6863 Oh they just said all the people who fell died. Every last one of them just.....dead.....somehow. And "having no aura" doesnt explain it when 3 out of the 5 people who fell had their aura broken. Where are their bodies? Who knows, maybe they all landed in the wayer or the Jabberwalker got to them somehow. But no, I don't believe Penny’s ghost was ever meant to show up. But what's more agregious is that it seems that a basic discussion about Penny’s death was also apparently never MEANT to happen. Which was something that should have always been on the table and one of those important things that should never have been cut. THAT is one of the things they should have definitely had in the volume. And there are things that could have been cut since they had no payoff anyways and replaced with a discussion about Penny. There really are just only so many excuses to be made for how they handled things. Their explanations don't answer or explain everything and can only be reasonably taken so far

    • @kidprime6863
      @kidprime6863 10 месяцев назад

      @@SpectreBagels Well, I only believed that Penny's ghost would appear or at least reveal that Little is Penny ascended was because of several hints that were shown. From the unconfirmed status of her body, to the presence of her crystal sword, to the idea of Ascension, to Little's significance, to the Blacksmith's possession of said sword and to the Blacksmith's cryptic "No one is truly gone". Teasing the suspension of her return was one thing but no payoff is where I draw the line. Either that was actually one of her swords or it was just a mental projection the tree created from their memories of her, considering the Blacksmith had it, Summer's axe and Alyx's dagger. It's still stupid. Just like her death, Penny's sword only served to advance the plot. If Penny wasn't actually supposed to die like you said. It makes me wonder why they killed her anyway. That's just a "Woman in Refrigerator" load of crap. I hate those.
      I can get the reasons Jaune isn't telling Ruby about the part he played in Penny's death is because he's too traumatized about it to share and doing so would only make their current predicament even worse. Ruby would probably get mad at Penny for suggesting and at Jaune for following through with it regardless if it was about the Maiden powers. Plus Ruby would also be even more upset that because of Penny not listening to her, they lost the Relic, Salem is now two steps ahead of her goal and Atlas fell for nothing. Ruby probably won't even want to go home.
      Those people Cinder blasted were very much alive. They screamed as they fell. If the void sent Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Neo and Jaune to Ever After, then there's a chance the people were sent there, too. I doubt it sent them to oblivion because if it did the Heroes (and villain) would've gone there, too. How are the heroes (and villain) in Ever After and not them? Bad writing? Luck?

  • @lhhOriginalGrey
    @lhhOriginalGrey 11 месяцев назад +5

    Its sad how much had to be cut but they still made a phenomenal Volume. ❤
    I think its very important to understand what was going on behind the scenes, this was a great breakdown.
    When we do get Volume 10 I hope we get some of the moments that were cut remade like the team talking to Ruby about what happened etc

  • @SamusV4
    @SamusV4 2 месяца назад

    I hate to say it, but I think that RT was the thing really holding RWBY back. Noting how badly this volume was cut to ribbons really shows that, especially with how Eddy confirms it wasn't the writers, but management's fault. I'm hoping that VIZ lets the show breathe the way it was meant to after all this time.

  • @EthanKironus8067
    @EthanKironus8067 9 месяцев назад +1

    I watched the epilogue and I am BAWLING on the inside (in addition to wondering if Qrow will have a love life, sue me).

  • @littlenice-ve5pb
    @littlenice-ve5pb 8 месяцев назад +2

    Simply put, we were robbed
    We could have more

  • @animeforever1962
    @animeforever1962 11 месяцев назад +1

    Interesting to see what was cut but I don't think anything could have saved this Volume for me. I can only hope that V10 will be better but my expectations are low.

  • @user-iq2lg2vx1u
    @user-iq2lg2vx1u 11 месяцев назад +2

    They walked and had a talk about nothing most part of the volume. What is so important in the lost chapter? More important then a talk about their sad life and the Red prince who has questionable importance.

    • @robinrising_
      @robinrising_  11 месяцев назад +2

      I admit I'm a little confused about what you are saying, so I apologize if my response doesn't answer you. The reason nothing from earlier on in the volume was cut was because it was all already completed. The problem came up when those episodes were finished. So cutting those things wouldn't give the production its money back. But not so much money had been spent on the end of the volume yet, so cutting those parts helped them not spend over their budget.

  • @MrNinjaBurger
    @MrNinjaBurger 11 месяцев назад +4

    So i guess the question is did they forget ruby and weiss are canon best friends? Cause they interact about as much as Ruby and Ren do now.

  • @tkzershia2541
    @tkzershia2541 9 месяцев назад

    nice to see a rwby channel that covers the news and doesnt spend 20 extra mins reading twitter comments and shitting on the show.

  • @BeetleTricks411
    @BeetleTricks411 11 месяцев назад +2

    Did the team cut later episodes mainly because they found the issue later?

    • @robinrising_
      @robinrising_  11 месяцев назад +5

      Yes, that's the key. Chapter 1 through 7 were mostly done, so they couldn't cut any of it because the money was already spent on it. It wouldn't save money. So they could only cut the things that came afterward.

  • @saiyanscaris6530
    @saiyanscaris6530 8 месяцев назад +1

    so uh whos here after the news about rtx, among other things

    • @robinrising_
      @robinrising_  8 месяцев назад +1

      Yup, it's true. Though I'm taking time off for the holidays and likely won't make a video about it.

    • @robinrising_
      @robinrising_  8 месяцев назад

      @DocMicrowave That's a valid interpretation, but unlike gen:LOCK, I don't see them ever selling RWBY off just for the sake of it continuing. So I'm not sure exactly what its future holds.

    • @robinrising_
      @robinrising_  8 месяцев назад

      @@DocMicrowave I wouldn't say RWBY could only continue as a 3D animated show either. It depends what RT might be willing to compromise for the story to continue. But selling it off isn't one of those things. More so, it could be via other art forms than 3D animation. Ones that don't cost as much. Written books, online comics with voice dialogue attached, etc. I don't think it's likely, but it's more likely than nothing. To say RWBY is entirely finished is a little too defeatist for my taste despite recognizing that there's little to no chance for anything else.

    • @saiyanscaris6530
      @saiyanscaris6530 8 месяцев назад

      @@robinrising_ not well if warner bros merges with paramount since there both in dept and roosterteeth is also in financial trouble so if the merge happens alot of things will likely get cut and if things that are profitiable can even be cut and rwby is no longer profitable or fundable you can see where this is going

    • @robinrising_
      @robinrising_  8 месяцев назад

      @@saiyanscaris6530 I understand what you mean. The show's budget has grown over the years, but we can't even say for certain WB got involved. RT saiD V7-9 were funded internally, and the head of licensing said they don't get a huge sum of money for the show back before V9 came out when the Crunchyroll deal was announced. The show's budget has grown over the years, but we can't even say for certain WB got involved. The only thing we actually know WB ever funded was the two JL movies. So I don't know if that merger would factor in too much anyway.

  • @LiveAndLearned
    @LiveAndLearned 11 месяцев назад +3

    Where can I buy the Vol9 dvd??

    • @spinoirrex2433
      @spinoirrex2433 11 месяцев назад


    • @joshuaball5916
      @joshuaball5916 11 месяцев назад


    • @robinrising_
      @robinrising_  11 месяцев назад +2

      Amazon and Right Stuf Anime as others have said. But even large supermarkets that carry physical DVDs like Walmart, Target, etc. have carried other RWBY volumes in the past, at least in the US. You can probably check online there and see if they have it in the store close to you before you go.

  • @matteomiriello1661
    @matteomiriello1661 11 месяцев назад

    The next volume is far from us?

  • @willanrac
    @willanrac 11 месяцев назад +2

    What sucks with all of these complaints is everyone wants everything spoonfed to them

  • @deadpoolchimichangas7111
    @deadpoolchimichangas7111 11 месяцев назад +1

    Despite the cuts, it’s still amazing and hopefully Volume 10 will happen.

  • @koichibambi
    @koichibambi 10 месяцев назад

    I'm still trying to piece together how Blake is considered bi-sexual within her character's background/when blake discovered this. So I'm re-watching rwby to make sure I didn't miss anything cuz I still didn't understand that.
    That aside. I feel after they realized the money was pulled the whole Blake/yang dynamic should have been of less importance compared to some of the cuts mentioned in this video because these cuts relate to the overall main rwby story. Yes the Blake/yang thing was a part of the story but I feel putting it under one big scene felt more rushed then then story itself and that it would have made more sense to replace it with smaller romance hints that they might get together in a future volume which takes up way less screen time then making it into a bigger scene.
    By doing this it would have made the Blake/yang thing feel more impactful plus cutting some screen time which was necessary for vol 9. This also can also give yang more character development and additional screen time to work with to work up to this bond for them and would ultimately discover her sexually more since the writers admitted yang was still unsure even in that moment. Not saying that their character development isn't important. The ruby/neo dynamic was perfect and made a lot of sense. Ruby lashing out made sense. But a romance dynamic in general wasn't needed in this volume in my opinion. I see them as stuck in this world that they know nothing about and that the first priority should be trying to get back to their world considering what was at stake to begin with and along the way they discover what this crazy unknown world is like and how wacky it is. Volume 9 has content that was very different then most of the rwby volumes and it seems like there were some things that sounded interesting to know based on this video.