It is the exact same road, just I wasn't able to synchronize the footage. With all the turns is hard to keep the same speed on a mountain road for about 10 km in length. Watch the whole video.
I have a criticism, the white vision clip was on a dark road, while diamond vision was on a lit one. you should keep the routes and time of day and location exactly the same. Other than that, love your videos. Had bought diamond vision, but changing to whitevision after seeing your videos! Thank you!
Thank you for your suggestion. I appreciate very much all criticism expressed in an elevated manner. I have driven on the same road, at the same late hours. The reason you saw the light part of the road, in one of the videos, is because I haven't manage to synchronize the footage very well, but mostly you can see the picture. I've driven with the WhiteVision on the exact same mountain road. I shall try to edit the videos better in the future. I am also honored I could be of help and glad you switched to WhiteVision, from DiamondVision. Now you'll have a proper visibility at night :) Take care!
Brilliant comparison..good to view, easy to understand and really helpful to choose which is get better performance in the dark street without using high beam. Higher temp of lights doesn't mean good lighting at all. Thank you so much for your helpful video. :D
The WHiteVision rated @ 4300k was the first version, which Philips lied about, only out of pure marketing. Now in the new package of c.2 let.s call it like that, the WhiteVision are rated @ 3700k, which is a lot closer to reality. The bulbs remained the same, the only thing changed was the package and what is written on it. The CrystalVision (simple, non-ultra) halogens are one of the worst bulbs you can buy, along with the other 5000k xenon-like bulbs. They are very dim, at around 900 lumens. They have a pronounced blue coating and a matte silver finish cap on top. Stay away from those. The CrystalVision that is worth buying are the ultra ones ("CrystalVision ultra") with a soft blue coating and a matte blue coated cap on top. In Europe they were sold back in 2012-2013 as BlueVision ultra, rated @ 4000k, the H7 fitting. They are these ones: The downside, as you probably guessed it is the lifespan. If they are like BueVision ultra, expect them to last 6-8 months tops.
If you want a stylish look I suggest installing WhiteVision on all the beams. If you want the most powerful and best build quality halogen then install the new Philips RacingVision; keep in mind though they are warmer in light color than WhiteVision.
m3rovingian So it's going to give a Dull Yellow Look whilst the WhiteVision it's a modern style effect? What's your thoughts on BlueVision my friend?:)
can i replace my stock halogen bulb on my company fitted projector lights??? and which one should i go for white , or xtreme vision?? plus will white vision perform better than my stock lights in high beam?? please help.
Philips WhiteVision will perform way better than your stock halogens, on all the beams, even on the high ones. I like WhiteVision more than XtremeVision; it's just a personal opinion. As long as you know what fitting you have on your projector, if Philips WhiteVision is available on that one, then you can install it without a problem.
m3rovingian so brother u are advisng me for white visions for my all lights that is low and high beams and fog lights too? And will white vision be less yellowish than my stock lights and will be better in terms of visiblity?
I never had a pair of Philips DiamondVision bulbs before at all as I always run on 6000k HIDs in projectors! I couldn’t really tell on camera of the DiamondVision is yellow or white on camera while the top one is pure white
They are pure white and they are the top one. The problem is they are weak as night. All 5000K halogens are like that and are not worth buying. If you want pure white and bright light get the HIKARI LEDs.
Hi, I recently commented on a review of GT200. I fitted these to my car today and they didn’t seem to give a further light output than standard bulbs. Maybe my headlights do not have a great reflective system but i could tell they was brighter for the short distance. I normally have LEDs at 6000k and I definitely miss the white look. I was going to buy the diamond vision as they’re the closest halogen bulb at 5000k but after reading in some forums and watching this I’m going to now buy Philips White Vision as they seem very bright, great distance and a nice white look. If for any reason these are no good I may result back to LEDs. I just want to see as much as possible with a white light
If white light is what you want I will spare you the time and money spent. Don't buy WhiteVision or any other halogen. What you ask for is impossible. RacingVision are above any standard halogen from all the aspect. Maybe you didn't set them as much or as further. There is no comparison between them and lets say Osram Original, which is the standard on most cars.
So you’re saying the GT200 from Philips are the best bulbs? They don’t seem to be great on my car and I don’t think they have that much difference over the standard bulbs - maybe my headlights are not in good condition, but if I’m not gaining distance I may as well have the white for aesthetics?
@@J44ELO Buy whatever you want. It seems I speak in vane with you also. When you say that RacingVision GT200 isn't any different than a normal halogen, I simply cannot take you seriously anymore :). Welcome to the troll list.
To answer your questions: 1 Yes; 2 yes. You will have way more light with standard halogens. WhiteVision looks yellowish compared to DiamondVision, but I would take them anytime over the weak light of the DiamondVision, even if it's crisp white.
My position lights are LED. Could I add a Diamond for the high beam so it looks great with the LED lights and a Whitevision for the dipped beam lights? (In the event of insufficient lighting, I can always turn on the dipped beam lights) Thanks you!
A newbie here. Pls help. I'm having stock lamps of 60w which is very bad. So when I upgrade for white vision, should I hav to get the wiring changed or it's directly plug and play? And I only see high beam used in ur video. Can u also switch to low beam and show the difference in the distance covered? Thanks.
Search on my channel "long beam" in order to see the videos. WhiteVision are my personal favorite halogens. They are very good in all weather conditions
i just bought the diamond vision for my mazda and for my car it definitely has a bluish/green tint which is kind of annoying and they're not bright at all. returned them on amazon and bought the crystal vision hopefully they're a bit better
They aren't good on rain or wet road. Also you cannot find a white light halogen with good visibility. get WHiteVision 3700k and accept the reality. They will be way colder than standard bulbs. if you want white light get the HIKARI LEDs.
Ups, I just bought the Diamond Vision ones I didn´t know that the light wasn´t bright enough. I´m going to be waiting for them cause I´m in Mexico and the seller is in Russia so it´s going to take a long time to ger here. So the Diamond Vision are not recommended?
Sorry to hear than. Yeah, trust me, the light output is so weak, you'll envy the drivers with standard halogens. They look awesome on the car, when you stare at the headlights, but from the driver's seat POV, oh man, it's blind xtreme driving. On a rain I don't even want to think about it.
Hi, I plan to buy the whitevision 4300k, is it true it is the same color as 3700k in reality? And is 4300k good at night while raining? How about the lifespan?thanks
The answer is yes to all the questions. they are exactly the same in all aspects including lifespan. the only difference is the 4300k were produced earlier, so they have been unsold for many years and sitting on the shelf.
Thanks for the reply and insights, your video was really helpful for us. I decided to buy whitevision since even on your other videos you mentioned that your favorite and you recommend is the whitevision 👌
@@jepoyski7969 I am honored to know that. I wish you to receive them as soon as possible and to last you at least 2 years. After that period of time you'll need to replace them anyway because all halogens lose their intensity over time, in normal conditions of usage.
@@florentinstroescu7187 Cele Ultra de 4200k sunt mai slabe si nu lumineaza bine pe ploaie. Se ard si repede cam in 6 luni. WhiteVision simple de 3700k sunt foarte bune si tin vreo 2 ani in conditii normale de condus.
I haven't had the chance of testing CrystalVision. From what I heard they are crisp white, but illegal on road use, there for they must be weaker. WhiteVision are yellowish but colder than standard halogens and can last 2 years without a problem
Sure, but I would install them the other way. have WHiteVision on low beams and RV on high beams. RV tend to burn much faster and on the low beams WV offers better visibility sensation.
m3rovingian I actually was now thinking of the same! Thank you, I will order white vision and then wait another day. So I will install whitevision on the low beam and racing vision on high beam! Also, I will buy whitevision H8 to put these in my fog light! Do whitevision lamps last a lot longer?
m3rovingian I still doubt however, when I look at your comparison then you do really see a difference. Racing vision offers so much brightness! However, the whitevision provides beautiful white light as well from the outside and performance is good. So I will indeed put the racing vision in high beam!
Farurile sunt in stare f buna. Te intreb pt ca am avut pe masina asemenea becuri si eram f multumit de cum luminau noaptea. Lumina era intr-adevar f alba si puternica. Singura problema aparea pe asfaltul ud, pe timp de noapte, in sensul ca nu se cunostea prea mult ca e luminat, ramanand tot negru... Am vazut in videoclipul tau cu bad weather, ca asfaltul ud se vede la fel cum se vedea la mine. Momentan folosesc osram nightbreaker laser, lumineaza intr-adevar f puternic, dar lumina e mult mai galbena fata de cum m-am asteptat. Imi poti recomanda te rog niste becuri cu o lumina alba, dar cu indeajuns de mult lumeni incat sa faca fata cu brio asfaltului ud pe timp de noapte? Ceva gen nightbreaker laser dar cu o lumina mai alba? Multumesc!
***** Inteleg. Singura varianta in cazul asta e Philips WhiteVision. Am fost foarte multumit de becuri, indiferent de vreme. Pot spune ca le prefer. Daca le vei instala si pe faza lunga, vei remarca diferenta de culoare a luminii. Iar ca sa aiba o tenta cat mai rece te sfatuiesc sa instalezi pe pozitii Philips X-tremeVision LED w5w T10 de 6000k. MI-au placut cel mai mult, comparativ cu 4000k si 8000k. Cele de 6000 au o lumina alba rece, fara pic de albastru.
Am si acum pe faza lunga white vision - e sublim. Nighbreaker laser folosesc acum pe faza scurta. Sunt becuri puternice, insa atunci cand folosesc amandoua fazele e sesizabila diferenta de culoare intre cele 2. Am folosit white vision ani de zile pe amandoua fazele, si tin sa precizez ca o senzatie mai mare de confort vizual nu am mai intalnit. Dar, in momentul in care mi s-a ars un bec de pe faza scurta am vrut sa testez si altceva. Dupa ce am urmarit indelung videoclipurile tale m-am hotarat la osram nb laser, insa de fiecare data cand le folosesc, desi sunt multumit de lumina ce o dau, ma incearca dorul de lumina ce o dadeau becurile white vision. :) Desi asa cum am mai spus pe timp de ploaie nu isi faceau efectul la fel ca pe asfalt uscat. Oricum, nb laser sunt excelente pe timp de ceata, am fost placut surprins zilele acestea de cat de bine fac fata acestui fenomen, din punctul asta de vedere le intrec un pic pe cele de la philips.
Apropo, sunt legale astfel de becuri pe pozitii? Mi-am achizionat astfel de becuri, dar inca nu am gasit un raspuns credibil in privinta asta pe nicaieri! De asemeni de la philips am folosit niste becuri total albastre, la fel cum sunt cele H1, o nuanta mai deschise si nu luminau la fel de alb ca ele, dar dadeau o lumina destul de alba oricum. Sa fi fost o versiune mai veche de white vision?...
Salut! Ce parere ai despre CougarMotor si Beamtech. Ca alternativa la Hikari ultra? Diferenta de pret este considerabila dar nu stiu daca si calitatea este reflectata in pretul celor de la Hikari. (Ma refer la H7, pe far cu lupa, culoare 6k)
Salut. Toate celelalte modele de LEDuri, si sunt o tona, incearca sa imite performanta de la HIAKRI si sa-ti ia ochii cu designul lor. Nu cred ca se compara, mai ales cu Ultra. Ce-i drept nici nu le-am testat pe cele mentionate de tine dat iti spun ca HIKARI Ultra sunt ca xenonul curat. Merita banii.
@@m3rovingian o ultima intrebare. Kitul de la Hikari H7 vine si cu adaptor pentru a se mufa in far? Eu am becuri cu halogen, simple si destul de micute. Vreau sa le pun pe un Peugeot 308 2017
@@oliverparaschiv7323 Daca te uiti la reviewurile facute pentru ledurile individuale poti sa vezi ca au extensie de mufa si asta le face sa poate fi instalate mult mai usor decat un halogen obisnuit. Faza e ca avand masina mai noua, cred ca ai martor de bec ars in bord. Daca da, atunci iti vor trebui si anulatoarele de eroare de la HIKARI. Altfel o sa-ti palpaie sau nu se vor aprinde deloc. Practic sunt ca un balast la kit de xenon. La masina mea din 2011 nu mi-a trebui nimic in plus decat setul de leduri.
+m3rovingian At this point im not sure, which bulbs to purchase. Philips White Vision or Osram Cool Blue Hyper Plus. I would definately take Osrams, but I'm afraid of that off-road use only.
nnLexus Between the light color of the 2 there can be no comparison. The Osram will look just like the xenon, for sure. But as you said they will probably not offer a good visibility, and you will also drive worried you might have problems with the police. WhiteVision are my favorites. Paired up with a w5w t10 philips XtremeVision LED 4000k parking lights they will be a perfect match
+m3rovingian At the moment I'm using Osram Cool Blue Intense. But I want a bit brighter beam and more visibility. So I guess I'm gonna get Philips and use it without any worries.
nnLexus Just so you know. There will be almost no difference in the color temperature between the Osram Cool Blue Intense and philips WhiteVision. You can see my comparative videos here. Still, WhiteVision tend to output a bit, just a bit more light. But the aspect is the same.видео.html
They can't look the same. WhiteVision has 3700k or 4300k depending on the packaging you have there, while CrystalVision is dark blue coated with a metallic silver cap and have 4300k but are very weak and bad in brightness. I don't recommend you to buy those. Just keep in mind there are another ones, called Philips "CrystalVision ultra" @ 4000k which we're sold in Europe as "BlueVision ultra". Those are road legal and look very similar to WhiteVision. Are blue coated also blue on the cap. Those I recommend, but not the CrystaVision, simple, without the "ultra" in the name.
you save me hahaha,thanks a lot my friend,i have in my country the white vision 4300k,one last question from those lamps you test(osram-philips etc)who has the best lifespan?i am thinking and the osram nigtbrake laser.
Glad I could help. Philips WhiteVision have the best lifespan out of all. they should last 2 years without a problem. The Lasers have an impressive brightness, but will not go past 6 months.
@@m3rovingian Eu sunt din Serbia, Banatul Sârbesc si la noi sa poate gasi pe pret de 30-35e. Eu am pus la scurt diamond si acum imi trebuie si la lung dar nu stiu ce sa pun.. SALUT
Thanks a lot for videos, by the way, the best results of comparing would beable to get in rainy night. On dry road surface most all famous brands bulbs works fine. I have some experience that usual halogen bulbs with more than 4500K at rain works terrible. Thank you
Hi, Following your review, i have bought the white vision. I really liked them, today, 10 months after i installed one of them burned. Do you suggest any other bulb, from Philips or osram, that has the same look but with more lifespan? Since I drive only in the city, if there is something i am disposed to sacrifice in order to get more lifespan is the luminosity. If there are some you can recommend, i would be very happy. Thank you!
Hello. Sorry to hear that! The lifespan will depend on how often you use them. You can increase it by not using them at daytime on sunny weather inside the city limits, of if you have automatic lights try not to have them turned one at once with the engine start, because that initial electric tension and fluctuation really harms them in the long run. Out of all the halogens I tested I would still go for WhiteVision every time!
m3rovingian Thank you for the reply! Honestly the only reason i found for it got burned earlier was the vibration. What do you think about Philips Led Ultinon? It has 3000 hours lifespan and a beautiful white looking.
Yeah, the vibration kills them fast, especially the H7 fitting The Ultinon are illegal in my country, that why I don't bother testing LED's. i'm pretty sure you can find something way brighter and half in price than those.
m3rovingian Are you referring to led bulbs or incandescent? I mean, do you think there are incandescent bulbs that are brighter and half of the price? In my country led headlights are legal, you only need to inform that you are changing the original bulb for led. In this case, from what you know about it, do you think Philips ultinon is a good choice? Comparing the lifespan of this bulb to Philips white vision, the price seems to be fair. Philips White vision has 450 hours and Philips ultinon has 3000 hours, while for me, Philips white vision costs 27 usd and ultinon costs 90 usd. Other than that, in my opinion, Ultinon has better color temperature compared to white vision. What are your thoughts about it? Again, thank you for all the information you give to us!
I'm referring to the incandescent ones. If your country has a different legal system then you can try it. Personally I cannot tell you anything bout LED's because I haven't tried them, but I can assure you you will need a projector for them. In a reflector like mine you will blind everything in front of you. You cannot compare halogens to led's. It is simply not a fair match.
Salut. Nu pot spune daca rezista sau nu, fiindca le-am schimbat in ziua urmatoare. Pot sa-ti spun ca sunt foarte slabe si nu-ti recomand sa conduci cu asa ceva noaptea, fiindca nu vei vedea nimic. Indiferent cat de bine arata, atunci cand te uiti la faruri, sunt foarte periculoase noaptea; pe timp de ploaie sunt sport extrem...In septembrie o sa fac un review la un set de becuri ce pot fi o alternativa pentru DiamondVision: Osram Cool Blue Hyper+. Am inteles ca au 1500 de lumeni, cat halogenele obisnuite, dar culoarea de 5000k exact ca xenonul. Pana atunci nu pot decat sa astept.
hi! I am from Brazil and i realy want buy the White Vision bulbs in the power bulbs website. Power bulbs ships products to Brazil? Last time i eas obligated to buy the Osram cool blue intense from a eBay seller...
Oi! É bom ouvir que você quer comprar o WhiteVision . Pelo que eu sei , enviar sua lâmpadas a nível mundial , para que eles devem fazê-lo para o Brasil também. Por favor use este link ou aquele na descrição e também certificar-se de selecionar a tomada bulbb certo! Você deve recebê-los em 5 dias úteis. Eles vêm com garantia de 1 ano e um par livre de side- luzes W5W . Desejo-lhe para usá-los tanto tempo quanto possível , depois que você vai levá-los ! Todo o melhor da Europa. P. S. Eu amo Rio de Janeiro. Espero que eu vou ter a oportunidade de visitá-lo um dia! :)
+m3rovingian Oi! Tentei comprar as lâmpadas no website do Power bulbs e quando fui fazer o check out no PayPal o site enviou a mensagem dizendo que não envia o produto para o Brasil... :( . Não encontro essas lâmpadas para vender no meu país. eu encontrei apenas uma versão da Crystal Vision chamada de "Ultra", não sei se tem a mesma intensidade de iluminação que a White Vision. Quando você vier ao Brasil novamente aproveite para visitar Florianópolis durante o verão do Brasil, recentemente estive lá, é incrível! Did you understand what I am writting ? 😃
HankSFC Lamentamos saber que você não pode solicitar que o site . Eu pensei que eles realmente enviar mundialmente . Vou pedir-lhes no futuro. Em relação à Philips visão de cristal "Ultra" , don'y comprar esses. Eles têm brilho muito pobre, apesar de serem anunciados em 4300k , eles só produto em torno de 915 lumens , assim como DiamondVision ( 5000k ) . Você terá uma experiência de condução muito ruim durante a noite e na chuva , você não verá anithing . Obrigado pela sugestão. O nome em que lugar é realmente bonito. Ainda assim, eu não viajar para o Brasil em tudo, mas eu espero que eu vou chegar lá um dia e visitar Florianópolis também. Meu conselho a você , obter o WhiteVision , se você pode encontrá-los onde você vive. Desejo a todos o melhor e espero que você vai receber suas lâmpadas o mais rápido possível ! Cuidar!
No. Philips WhiteVision are 100% road legal, you can use them without a problem. They have enough lumens to give you a safe ride at night, on all the beams of the car, low, high or fog lamps.
Almost bought the diamondvision 5000K but thanks to this video I’ll be getting the whitevision instead. By the way, is the whitevision better for night/wet weather compared to standard halogen bulb?
Yes, they are very good in all weather conditions. Just make sure it's WhiteVision 3700K and not WhiteVision Ultra 4200K. The Ultra are different halogen and are bad on rain. Also don't expect white light from WhiteVision. They will be colder than the standard bulbs though but still yellowish compared to LED or xenon.
Daca nu te deranjeaza lumina putin mai galbuie, insa foarte puternica, Philips RacingVision. Daca vrei lumina mai rece, WhiteVision. insa sper ca nu ai avut xenon inainte, fiindca atunci vei fi dezamagit de intensitate.
m3rovingian Da am avut xenoane timp de 1 an dar acum am becuri normale si nu imi place cum bat noaptea abea vad gropile mai ales ca merg pe drum accidentat problema e ca nusitu ce sa aleg am vazut la emag osram cool blue intense la 57 lei setul si philips white vision la 87 lei e ceva diferenta de preturi dar intre ele e diferenta asa mare s au sa iau osram am vazut ca bate bine osram la lupe am vazut pe net scuze de deranj
m3rovingian Thanks so much bro. I have a medium tint on my car and the stock halogen headlamps (reflector housing) looked non-existent after having full tint on my windscreeen. I'll trust you on this one bro. I just ordered a pair of WhiteVision H4 bulb. Correct me if I'm wrong, I only need just a pair of H4 bulb for low and high beam right? Fingers crossed they would do well with my tinted windscreen 😁. One more thing, whats the best bulb for fogs can you suggest to go with the WV? I'm thinking of Osram Fogbreaker or maybe something yellow/golden yellow bulbs because rainy season is coming in here. Could be anything as long as it good in rainy night driving condition... Thanks a lot bro your vids are very helpful in deciding which halogen bulb is the best out there!!!
@@rafvierthstein5210 Very well. Yeah, H4 are for both beams on the same bulb. On the fog lamps i still have Osram NB Unlimited H11. WhiteVision on fog lamps are very expensive and really not worth it. I could almost buy a pair of HIKARI Thunder 9600lm for about the same price of WhiteVision H11...and the difference is night and day. Try not to break the bank and get something a bit better than standard. You will not use them that much anyway. Here we can only use them on rain snow or fog, otherwise the Police is on our back right away :)
m3rovingian I use foglamps and headlamps at the same time in my car and it's all legal 😄. I'll try the same setup. Is 4300K different from 3700K White Vision in lifespan and brightness bro?
hi i have the diamond vision butt im not happy with the clarity of the road with thease bulbs and when i put my high beams on..its bad news..cant really see... they look very white and amazing on the car but on the road where is counts .not really from this video it looks like the white vision shows the road much clearer..... i was thinking of replacing the diamond vision to the white vision what is your suggestions thnks for your video... Ash ( South Africa)
Hello. I am sorry you had to find it on the hard way. indeed, the DiamondVision are very unsafe to drive with. They look amazing from the front, while staring at the headlight, but from the drivers seat point of view they are terrible. Your only option to have a compromise between visibility and style, is to get the Philips WhiteVision. they are very bright and resilient. that's why i prefer them the most. But in comparison with DiamodVision they will look warm in color with yellowish shades. it's just the way it is; you cant have both worlds, the xenon light color and the good visibility. It's the same thing with all blue coated halogens. I would go for WhiteVision for the low beams and the X-tremeVision LED's 4000k version for parking lights, if you have the T10 w5w fitting there; that will perfectly match the light color of Philips WhiteVision. All the best from Romania!
Thanks alot for your response Really appreciate it. Yeah I think I will replace these diamond vision with the white vision... I like the white look But to see the road is more important Thnks again for your response Keep up the good videos
I work as a driving instructor and I need a high quality lighting especially in evening classes so I will change the lamps to (white Vision) ... thank you for this helpful information :-)
@@m3rovingian Però dalle foto in rete e dei rivenditori, le White vision ultra sono più celesti rispetto alle White vision. Poi dall altro tuo video, le ultra sembrano più forti. Quindi non sono le stesse..?
@@giulio551 Non lasciarti ingannare dalla pubblicità. Inoltre la fotocamera può registrarlo in modo diverso rispetto alla realtà. è impossibile imitare il modo in cui sono effettivamente sulla strada quando le differenze sono piccole. Sono rigidi. Quando guidavo con WVUltra sotto la pioggia non vedevo molto.
Stay away from all the halogens that are above 3700K. They are really bad on rain. Get the Philips RacingVision GT200 and you will have the best halogens of the moment.
@@m3rovingian well, I did rechecked my numbers.. would take me 209 hrs of daily use with occasional weekend long rides for a year, sounds alright to me. Awesome video man.
@@Astrix_Jaeger Thank you so much. i am glad to know that. I wish you to use them as much as possible. After 2 years they will need to be replaced anyway, even if they still work, because they loose intensity over time.
I don't recommend the white vision. I bouoght it and was very disappointed because it shines almost as yellow as the normal H7 bulb. No white at all. The Diamond Vision is much better.
The DiamondVision is better only if you judge them from the xenon-like light point of view. Otherwise, from the brightness and visibility offered, the DiamondVision are as bad as it can get. It's your choice, if you want to feel like your practicing an extreme sport like driving blindly at night, but they are no match for any halogen. Even the standard yellow ones, which you do not like, are better than the DiamondVision.
my car has H7 lower beam and H7 full beam. The lower beam has H7 diamond and looks great. But now I bought the H7 Whitevision because I thought it was white but it isn't. When I turn on the lower and full beam, it looks very ugly. The one shines white the other yellow.
That is to be expected since the DiamondVision have 5000k and the WhiteVision 4300k, at least the first gen of WhiteVision. As I said, you are looking for the xenon aspect out of a halogen. You can get that from DiamondVision, but the visibility and brightness on the road they offer is close to 0. Plus the bluish light will amplify the fatiguing sensation when you'll drive on a long road at night and you'll feel more tiered because of it, similar to the blue light effect of a PC monitor. On rainy night I assure you will have to think twice if you turned on the low beams with those bulbs.
@@Jadzwing Yes, but the 4300k was a lie written on the package, that's what i meant. I had that version also, but the bulbs themselves remained exactly the same as they are now with the 3700k new package.
@@m3rovingian thank you for clearance, i ordered diamond vision since i done only 9k kms a year and already have Dectane X Xenon Look which are whiter than standard osram cool blue or white vision with homologation but not as white as diamond vision
well frend.. i bay today the whitevision.. H1 model... ( for mi bike ) ant i am ferry suprising normal i drofe a osram,, batt now the philips ... ant good white licht... so.. i am happy... tonicht i try is in the dark !! gr ant thans.
That is caused not by the light of the bulbs, but by the improper headlight alignment and adjustment of the bulbs themselves. it's not enough to install them, you also have to go to a car service an have them adjusted by a professional with the proper tool, more precise a special lens. But yeah, many drivers don't give a damn about the others. It's not my case; I had all of them adjusted the right way and it cost me a lot for all the halogens I tested over the years. Not to mention the time spent there.
yeah but most people don't install them the right way, they think know it all , it's good you have the money and know how but 98% of the other people don't , like a guy i saw today he took all the screws out of the head light array just to put the new light in then screwed it all back not caring how tight he put them back i told him you need to adjust them so they don't blind people , he in turn told me he don't give a shit ,, so yeah yet another dumb ass on the road .
I encountered a similar driver yesterday night on the road. He literally blinded me with the way he had the bulbs lighting, so I thought I would let him see the long beam performace of the RacingVision for a split second, as he passed me by :)
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SYLVANIA SilverStar Ultra
SYLVANIA SilverStar zXe
BOSCH Gigalight Plus 120
Amazon UK
Philips XtremeVision +130%
Philips RacingVision
Philips XtremeVision LED T10
Philips WhiteVision
Philips CrystalVision
Philips DiamondVision
Philips SilverVision
OSRAM Silverstar 2.0
OSRAM Night Breaker Unlimited
OSRAM Night Breaker LASER
OSRAM Cool Blue Intense
SYLVANIA SilverStar Ultra
GE Megalight Ultra +130
RING Automotive Xenon 150
BOSCH Gigalight Plus 120
Philips XtremeVision +130%
Philips RacingVision
Philips WhiteVision
Philips BlueVision ultra
Philips CrystalVision ultra
Philips DiamondVision
OSRAM Silverstar 2.0
OSRAM Night Breaker Unlimited
OSRAM Night Breaker LASER
OSRAM Cool Blue Intense
OSRAM Cool Blue Hyper Plus
SYLVANIA SilverStar Ultra
SYLVANIA SilverStar zXe
BOSCH Gigalight Plus 120
Philips XtremeVision +130%
Philips RacingVision
Philips WhiteVision
Philips CrystalVision ultra
OSRAM Night Breaker Unlimited
OSRAM Night Breaker LASER
OSRAM Cool Blue Intense
SYLVANIA SilverStar Ultra
SYLVANIA SilverStar zXe
Philips XtremeVision +130%
Philips RacingVision
Philips WhiteVision
OSRAM Night Breaker Unlimited
OSRAM Night Breaker LASER
OSRAM Cool Blue Intense
Philips XtremeVision +130%
Philips RacingVision
Philips WhiteVision
Philips DiamondVision
OSRAM Night Breaker Unlimited
OSRAM Night Breaker LASER
OSRAM Cool Blue Intense
Philips XtremeVision +130%
Philips RacingVision
Philips WhiteVision
Philips DiamondVision
OSRAM Night Breaker Unlimited
OSRAM Night Breaker LASER
OSRAM Cool Blue Intense
Philips XtremeVision +130%
Philips RacingVision
Philips WhiteVision
OSRAM Night Breaker Unlimited
OSRAM Night Breaker LASER
OSRAM Cool Blue Intense
Amazon 日本
Would have been nice to compare on the same stretch of road (i.e. no street lighting)
It is the exact same road, just I wasn't able to synchronize the footage. With all the turns is hard to keep the same speed on a mountain road for about 10 km in length. Watch the whole video.
Very happy with my White Vision Xenon look 4300 (3700k real) you recommended. Absolutely fantastic.
I am glad you like them. They offer the best price/performance/lifespan.
I have a criticism, the white vision clip was on a dark road, while diamond vision was on a lit one.
you should keep the routes and time of day and location exactly the same.
Other than that, love your videos. Had bought diamond vision, but changing to whitevision after seeing your videos! Thank you!
Thank you for your suggestion. I appreciate very much all criticism expressed in an elevated manner. I have driven on the same road, at the same late hours. The reason you saw the light part of the road, in one of the videos, is because I haven't manage to synchronize the footage very well, but mostly you can see the picture. I've driven with the WhiteVision on the exact same mountain road. I shall try to edit the videos better in the future. I am also honored I could be of help and glad you switched to WhiteVision, from DiamondVision. Now you'll have a proper visibility at night :) Take care!
Synchronising the video would have made more sense to compare them fairly
Check out: Philips vs Osram Performance
Brilliant comparison..good to view, easy to understand and really helpful to choose which is get better performance in the dark street without using high beam. Higher temp of lights doesn't mean good lighting at all. Thank you so much for your helpful video. :D
Thank you as well for your appreciation and support. I try my best.
Could you explain to us, what's the difference between "White Vision" (not ultra one) and "Crystal Vision" because it's same 4300K.
The WHiteVision rated @ 4300k was the first version, which Philips lied about, only out of pure marketing. Now in the new package of c.2 let.s call it like that, the WhiteVision are rated @ 3700k, which is a lot closer to reality. The bulbs remained the same, the only thing changed was the package and what is written on it.
The CrystalVision (simple, non-ultra) halogens are one of the worst bulbs you can buy, along with the other 5000k xenon-like bulbs. They are very dim, at around 900 lumens. They have a pronounced blue coating and a matte silver finish cap on top. Stay away from those.
The CrystalVision that is worth buying are the ultra ones ("CrystalVision ultra") with a soft blue coating and a matte blue coated cap on top. In Europe they were sold back in 2012-2013 as BlueVision ultra, rated @ 4000k, the H7 fitting. They are these ones: The downside, as you probably guessed it is the lifespan. If they are like BueVision ultra, expect them to last 6-8 months tops.
So in your Opinion, Put WhiteVision H7 in your Dipped Beams & for your HighBeams/FogLamps use Extreme Vision? I have a Golf MK7 2013
If you want a stylish look I suggest installing WhiteVision on all the beams. If you want the most powerful and best build quality halogen then install the new Philips RacingVision; keep in mind though they are warmer in light color than WhiteVision.
m3rovingian So it's going to give a Dull Yellow Look whilst the WhiteVision it's a modern style effect? What's your thoughts on BlueVision my friend?:)
can i replace my stock halogen bulb on my company fitted projector lights???
and which one should i go for white , or xtreme vision??
plus will white vision perform better than my stock lights in high beam??
please help.
Philips WhiteVision will perform way better than your stock halogens, on all the beams, even on the high ones. I like WhiteVision more than XtremeVision; it's just a personal opinion. As long as you know what fitting you have on your projector, if Philips WhiteVision is available on that one, then you can install it without a problem.
m3rovingian so brother u are advisng me for white visions for my all lights that is low and high beams and fog lights too?
And will white vision be less yellowish than my stock lights and will be better in terms of visiblity?
yes on both questions
m3rovingian thanks a lot brother. It was a headache for me to decide to go for which ones. Thanks a lot. Love from INDIA❤️
Thank you as well. Glad I could help. All the best!
I never had a pair of Philips DiamondVision bulbs before at all as I always run on 6000k HIDs in projectors! I couldn’t really tell on camera of the DiamondVision is yellow or white on camera while the top one is pure white
They are pure white and they are the top one. The problem is they are weak as night. All 5000K halogens are like that and are not worth buying. If you want pure white and bright light get the HIKARI LEDs.
Ce becuri H1 pe far cu lupa imi recomanzi? Care sa lumineze cel mai puternic.
WhiteVision 3700k. Sunt cele mai bune.
Hi, I recently commented on a review of GT200. I fitted these to my car today and they didn’t seem to give a further light output than standard bulbs. Maybe my headlights do not have a great reflective system but i could tell they was brighter for the short distance.
I normally have LEDs at 6000k and I definitely miss the white look. I was going to buy the diamond vision as they’re the closest halogen bulb at 5000k but after reading in some forums and watching this I’m going to now buy Philips White Vision as they seem very bright, great distance and a nice white look.
If for any reason these are no good I may result back to LEDs. I just want to see as much as possible with a white light
If white light is what you want I will spare you the time and money spent. Don't buy WhiteVision or any other halogen. What you ask for is impossible.
RacingVision are above any standard halogen from all the aspect. Maybe you didn't set them as much or as further. There is no comparison between them and lets say Osram Original, which is the standard on most cars.
So you’re saying the GT200 from Philips are the best bulbs? They don’t seem to be great on my car and I don’t think they have that much difference over the standard bulbs - maybe my headlights are not in good condition, but if I’m not gaining distance I may as well have the white for aesthetics?
@@J44ELO It must be something with your headlights, yes.
So you would not suggest I buy Philips White Vision? What about if I just buy another H7 LED such as Nightbreaker for the white look?
@@J44ELO Buy whatever you want. It seems I speak in vane with you also. When you say that RacingVision GT200 isn't any different than a normal halogen, I simply cannot take you seriously anymore :). Welcome to the troll list.
Hi comparing the diamond vision to the visibility of standard bulbs worsens?
Are the white vision much yellow than the diamond?
To answer your questions: 1 Yes; 2 yes. You will have way more light with standard halogens. WhiteVision looks yellowish compared to DiamondVision, but I would take them anytime over the weak light of the DiamondVision, even if it's crisp white.
Thank you for the reply. I really appreciate your work
Thank you as well for your support! All the best!
Hi I’m looking for the best pure white H7 bulbs. What do you recommend?
the HIKARI 2021 ACME-X LEDs :)
Nice vid. IMO the white vision is a bit brighter on the high beam mode and whiter on DRL mode
Thank you. They are my personal favorite!
My position lights are LED. Could I add a Diamond for the high beam so it looks great with the LED lights and a Whitevision for the dipped beam lights? (In the event of insufficient lighting, I can always turn on the dipped beam lights) Thanks you!
Feel free to do whatever you like
A newbie here. Pls help. I'm having stock lamps of 60w which is very bad. So when I upgrade for white vision, should I hav to get the wiring changed or it's directly plug and play? And I only see high beam used in ur video. Can u also switch to low beam and show the difference in the distance covered?
They are 55/60W so it's no problem. They will work just fine. In this video I used only the low beams, not the high beams.
m3rovingian any video of urs Whr u Hav used high beam? And how is the visibility of white vision on the rainy days.?
Search on my channel "long beam" in order to see the videos. WhiteVision are my personal favorite halogens. They are very good in all weather conditions
So I hav only single slot for the headlights in my car. In that case what should I do??
You should buy the exact same bulb fitting you have on your car, probably H4. Just make sure which fitting it is.
i just bought the diamond vision for my mazda and for my car it definitely has a bluish/green tint which is kind of annoying and they're not bright at all. returned them on amazon and bought the crystal vision hopefully they're a bit better
This is the reality with all the 5000k halogens. Stay away from CrystalVision as well. only Crystal Vision ultra give enough light.
Thank u for the effort to share this. Drive safe
Thank you as well! I try my best! ;)
What are the two blue small bulbs that also come in the box what's the size? And what are they for thanks!
Those are for the parking lights w5w T10 fitting. But they are just as the regular ones. The LED's T10 from Philips are 5 times better than those.
Are the Whitevision ultra good ?
Or what do you recommend ?
I want white light but i also want to see the streets.
They aren't good on rain or wet road. Also you cannot find a white light halogen with good visibility. get WHiteVision 3700k and accept the reality. They will be way colder than standard bulbs. if you want white light get the HIKARI LEDs.
Ups, I just bought the Diamond Vision ones I didn´t know that the light wasn´t bright enough. I´m going to be waiting for them cause I´m in Mexico and the seller is in Russia so it´s going to take a long time to ger here. So the Diamond Vision are not recommended?
Sorry to hear than. Yeah, trust me, the light output is so weak, you'll envy the drivers with standard halogens. They look awesome on the car, when you stare at the headlights, but from the driver's seat POV, oh man, it's blind xtreme driving. On a rain I don't even want to think about it.
Hi, I plan to buy the whitevision 4300k, is it true it is the same color as 3700k in reality? And is 4300k good at night while raining? How about the lifespan?thanks
The answer is yes to all the questions.
they are exactly the same in all aspects including lifespan. the only difference is the 4300k were produced earlier, so they have been unsold for many years and sitting on the shelf.
Thanks for the reply and insights, your video was really helpful for us. I decided to buy whitevision since even on your other videos you mentioned that your favorite and you recommend is the whitevision 👌
@@jepoyski7969 I am honored to know that.
I wish you to receive them as soon as possible and to last you at least 2 years. After that period of time you'll need to replace them anyway because all halogens lose their intensity over time, in normal conditions of usage.
@@jepoyski7969 anytime! sunt mai bune white vision ultra sau white vision xenon effect?
WhiteVision xenon effect :)
Le gasesti la emag cu 99 lei
@@m3rovingian locuiesc in uk si pe amazon le-am gasit pe amandoua la acelasi pret doar ca nu stiu care e diferenta
@@florentinstroescu7187 Cele Ultra de 4200k sunt mai slabe si nu lumineaza bine pe ploaie. Se ard si repede cam in 6 luni.
WhiteVision simple de 3700k sunt foarte bune si tin vreo 2 ani in conditii normale de condus.
@@m3rovingian deci astea xenon effect sunt alea simple?
@@florentinstroescu7187 Da. Sa nu scrie ultra pe ele.
@m3rovingian I am thinking of White Vision vs Crystal Vision. What are the pros and cons for these 2 as they are around the same colour. Thanks
I haven't had the chance of testing CrystalVision. From what I heard they are crisp white, but illegal on road use, there for they must be weaker. WhiteVision are yellowish but colder than standard halogens and can last 2 years without a problem
Just bought CrystalVision. It also has 4300k color as the white vision.
Which one ll work better in rainy season??
@@m3rovingian thank you..
@@amargaikwad3144 anytime!
Hola... cuál usaste en el video superior?? White vision?
Hi, I ordered Philips Racing vision for my low beam. Now I also need for my high beam. Can I just order a set of white vision for the high beam then?
Sure, but I would install them the other way. have WHiteVision on low beams and RV on high beams. RV tend to burn much faster and on the low beams WV offers better visibility sensation.
m3rovingian I actually was now thinking of the same! Thank you, I will order white vision and then wait another day. So I will install whitevision on the low beam and racing vision on high beam! Also, I will buy whitevision H8 to put these in my fog light! Do whitevision lamps last a lot longer?
m3rovingian I still doubt however, when I look at your comparison then you do really see a difference. Racing vision offers so much brightness! However, the whitevision provides beautiful white light as well from the outside and performance is good. So I will indeed put the racing vision in high beam!
@@nickdegroot2445 Yes, Whitevision last up to 2 years, while RV can burn after 6 months on H7 or after 1 year on H4.
@@nickdegroot2445 Very well. The RV are very nice on the high beams, just the downside, as I said will be the shorter lifespan.
Salut! Ce fel se vad philips white vision h7 pe ploaie (asfalt ud) noaptea?
Sunt foarte bune in orice conditii, atat timp cat ai farurile in stare buna.
Farurile sunt in stare f buna. Te intreb pt ca am avut pe masina asemenea becuri si eram f multumit de cum luminau noaptea. Lumina era intr-adevar f alba si puternica. Singura problema aparea pe asfaltul ud, pe timp de noapte, in sensul ca nu se cunostea prea mult ca e luminat, ramanand tot negru... Am vazut in videoclipul tau cu bad weather, ca asfaltul ud se vede la fel cum se vedea la mine. Momentan folosesc osram nightbreaker laser, lumineaza intr-adevar f puternic, dar lumina e mult mai galbena fata de cum m-am asteptat. Imi poti recomanda te rog niste becuri cu o lumina alba, dar cu indeajuns de mult lumeni incat sa faca fata cu brio asfaltului ud pe timp de noapte? Ceva gen nightbreaker laser dar cu o lumina mai alba? Multumesc!
***** Inteleg. Singura varianta in cazul asta e Philips WhiteVision. Am fost foarte multumit de becuri, indiferent de vreme. Pot spune ca le prefer. Daca le vei instala si pe faza lunga, vei remarca diferenta de culoare a luminii. Iar ca sa aiba o tenta cat mai rece te sfatuiesc sa instalezi pe pozitii Philips X-tremeVision LED w5w T10 de 6000k. MI-au placut cel mai mult, comparativ cu 4000k si 8000k. Cele de 6000 au o lumina alba rece, fara pic de albastru.
Am si acum pe faza lunga white vision - e sublim. Nighbreaker laser folosesc acum pe faza scurta. Sunt becuri puternice, insa atunci cand folosesc amandoua fazele e sesizabila diferenta de culoare intre cele 2. Am folosit white vision ani de zile pe amandoua fazele, si tin sa precizez ca o senzatie mai mare de confort vizual nu am mai intalnit. Dar, in momentul in care mi s-a ars un bec de pe faza scurta am vrut sa testez si altceva. Dupa ce am urmarit indelung videoclipurile tale m-am hotarat la osram nb laser, insa de fiecare data cand le folosesc, desi sunt multumit de lumina ce o dau, ma incearca dorul de lumina ce o dadeau becurile white vision. :) Desi asa cum am mai spus pe timp de ploaie nu isi faceau efectul la fel ca pe asfalt uscat. Oricum, nb laser sunt excelente pe timp de ceata, am fost placut surprins zilele acestea de cat de bine fac fata acestui fenomen, din punctul asta de vedere le intrec un pic pe cele de la philips.
Apropo, sunt legale astfel de becuri pe pozitii? Mi-am achizionat astfel de becuri, dar inca nu am gasit un raspuns credibil in privinta asta pe nicaieri! De asemeni de la philips am folosit niste becuri total albastre, la fel cum sunt cele H1, o nuanta mai deschise si nu luminau la fel de alb ca ele, dar dadeau o lumina destul de alba oricum. Sa fi fost o versiune mai veche de white vision?...
Salut! Ce parere ai despre CougarMotor si Beamtech. Ca alternativa la Hikari ultra? Diferenta de pret este considerabila dar nu stiu daca si calitatea este reflectata in pretul celor de la Hikari. (Ma refer la H7, pe far cu lupa, culoare 6k)
Salut. Toate celelalte modele de LEDuri, si sunt o tona, incearca sa imite performanta de la HIAKRI si sa-ti ia ochii cu designul lor. Nu cred ca se compara, mai ales cu Ultra. Ce-i drept nici nu le-am testat pe cele mentionate de tine dat iti spun ca HIKARI Ultra sunt ca xenonul curat. Merita banii.
@@m3rovingian mersi mult man de informatii! Toate cele bune
@@oliverparaschiv7323 CU multa placere, oricand!
@@m3rovingian o ultima intrebare. Kitul de la Hikari H7 vine si cu adaptor pentru a se mufa in far? Eu am becuri cu halogen, simple si destul de micute. Vreau sa le pun pe un Peugeot 308 2017
@@oliverparaschiv7323 Daca te uiti la reviewurile facute pentru ledurile individuale poti sa vezi ca au extensie de mufa si asta le face sa poate fi instalate mult mai usor decat un halogen obisnuit. Faza e ca avand masina mai noua, cred ca ai martor de bec ars in bord. Daca da, atunci iti vor trebui si anulatoarele de eroare de la HIKARI. Altfel o sa-ti palpaie sau nu se vor aprinde deloc. Practic sunt ca un balast la kit de xenon. La masina mea din 2011 nu mi-a trebui nimic in plus decat setul de leduri.
Salut, pentru faza scurta(cu lupa) ce imi recomanzi? H1 white vision Philips sau H1 bluevision ultra
Salut. WhiteVision sunt mai noi si mai bune decat BlueVision ultra, din toate punctele de vedere, inclusiv lumina putin mai rece.
Cu mare placere.
Is it possible to put them as high beam?
The WHiteVision, sure.
nice videos. Does Osram Cool Blue Hyper Plus is road legal headlight bulb? Because on the package its written just for off-road use only.
Thank you. indeed, they are not road legal. I am curious, though, if they truly have the same amount of brightness as a normal road-legal halogen.
+m3rovingian At this point im not sure, which bulbs to purchase. Philips White Vision or Osram Cool Blue Hyper Plus. I would definately take Osrams, but I'm afraid of that off-road use only.
nnLexus Between the light color of the 2 there can be no comparison. The Osram will look just like the xenon, for sure. But as you said they will probably not offer a good visibility, and you will also drive worried you might have problems with the police. WhiteVision are my favorites. Paired up with a w5w t10 philips XtremeVision LED 4000k parking lights they will be a perfect match
+m3rovingian At the moment I'm using Osram Cool Blue Intense. But I want a bit brighter beam and more visibility. So I guess I'm gonna get Philips and use it without any worries.
nnLexus Just so you know. There will be almost no difference in the color temperature between the Osram Cool Blue Intense and philips WhiteVision. You can see my comparative videos here. Still, WhiteVision tend to output a bit, just a bit more light. But the aspect is the same.видео.html
hello my friend do you know the diference between white vision and crystal vision,i have both of them in my country ,it looks exactly the same.
They can't look the same. WhiteVision has 3700k or 4300k depending on the packaging you have there, while CrystalVision is dark blue coated with a metallic silver cap and have 4300k but are very weak and bad in brightness. I don't recommend you to buy those. Just keep in mind there are another ones, called Philips "CrystalVision ultra" @ 4000k which we're sold in Europe as "BlueVision ultra". Those are road legal and look very similar to WhiteVision. Are blue coated also blue on the cap. Those I recommend, but not the CrystaVision, simple, without the "ultra" in the name.
you save me hahaha,thanks a lot my friend,i have in my country the white vision 4300k,one last question from those lamps you test(osram-philips etc)who has the best lifespan?i am thinking and the osram nigtbrake laser.
Glad I could help. Philips WhiteVision have the best lifespan out of all. they should last 2 years without a problem. The Lasers have an impressive brightness, but will not go past 6 months.
then i will go for the white vision,except that looks great you think that perfoms and better than the regular hallogens?
Yes, they are way better than regular halogens
Care zici ca sunt mai bune whitevision?
Da, insa nu se mai fabrica si nici nu se mai gasesc la noi. Asa ca ia Philips RacingVision GT200. Sunt cele mai bune halogene acum.
@@m3rovingian Eu sunt din Serbia, Banatul Sârbesc si la noi sa poate gasi pe pret de 30-35e. Eu am pus la scurt diamond si acum imi trebuie si la lung dar nu stiu ce sa pun..
@@denismuncan7760 30-35 de Euro sa dea mamele lor. Nu merita atat. Cat costa RacingVision GT200?
@@m3rovingian Dar nu stiam ce sa pun acum la lung... Dar sa pun diamondu la lung si la scurt sa iau h7 led
@@m3rovingian 35e gt200
Thanks a lot for videos, by the way, the best results of comparing would beable to get in rainy night. On dry road surface most all famous brands bulbs works fine. I have some experience that usual halogen bulbs with more than 4500K at rain works terrible. Thank you
Thank you as well for your appreciation. You can see these 2 halogens on a bad weather, in my video here:видео.html
Following your review, i have bought the white vision. I really liked them, today, 10 months after i installed one of them burned. Do you suggest any other bulb, from Philips or osram, that has the same look but with more lifespan?
Since I drive only in the city, if there is something i am disposed to sacrifice in order to get more lifespan is the luminosity. If there are some you can recommend, i would be very happy. Thank you!
Hello. Sorry to hear that! The lifespan will depend on how often you use them. You can increase it by not using them at daytime on sunny weather inside the city limits, of if you have automatic lights try not to have them turned one at once with the engine start, because that initial electric tension and fluctuation really harms them in the long run. Out of all the halogens I tested I would still go for WhiteVision every time!
m3rovingian Thank you for the reply! Honestly the only reason i found for it got burned earlier was the vibration.
What do you think about Philips Led Ultinon? It has 3000 hours lifespan and a beautiful white looking.
Yeah, the vibration kills them fast, especially the H7 fitting
The Ultinon are illegal in my country, that why I don't bother testing LED's. i'm pretty sure you can find something way brighter and half in price than those.
m3rovingian Are you referring to led bulbs or incandescent? I mean, do you think there are incandescent bulbs that are brighter and half of the price? In my country led headlights are legal, you only need to inform that you are changing the original bulb for led. In this case, from what you know about it, do you think Philips ultinon is a good choice?
Comparing the lifespan of this bulb to Philips white vision, the price seems to be fair. Philips White vision has 450 hours and Philips ultinon has 3000 hours, while for me, Philips white vision costs 27 usd and ultinon costs 90 usd. Other than that, in my opinion, Ultinon has better color temperature compared to white vision.
What are your thoughts about it?
Again, thank you for all the information you give to us!
I'm referring to the incandescent ones. If your country has a different legal system then you can try it. Personally I cannot tell you anything bout LED's because I haven't tried them, but I can assure you you will need a projector for them. In a reflector like mine you will blind everything in front of you.
You cannot compare halogens to led's. It is simply not a fair match.
Salut. Pana la urma rezista in timp diamond vision ? Stiu ca le ai de ceva timp dar nu stiu daca le-ai folosit zilnic
Salut. Nu pot spune daca rezista sau nu, fiindca le-am schimbat in ziua urmatoare. Pot sa-ti spun ca sunt foarte slabe si nu-ti recomand sa conduci cu asa ceva noaptea, fiindca nu vei vedea nimic. Indiferent cat de bine arata, atunci cand te uiti la faruri, sunt foarte periculoase noaptea; pe timp de ploaie sunt sport extrem...In septembrie o sa fac un review la un set de becuri ce pot fi o alternativa pentru DiamondVision: Osram Cool Blue Hyper+. Am inteles ca au 1500 de lumeni, cat halogenele obisnuite, dar culoarea de 5000k exact ca xenonul. Pana atunci nu pot decat sa astept.
OK. De unde le comanzi ?
Kenssyo De la
Ola amigo qual lampadas esta no vídeo de cima? De 4300k ou 5000k?
4300k para cima e 5000k para baixo
White vision on the top ?
hi! I am from Brazil and i realy want buy the White Vision bulbs in the power bulbs website. Power bulbs ships products to Brazil? Last time i eas obligated to buy the Osram cool blue intense from a eBay seller...
Oi! É bom ouvir que você quer comprar o WhiteVision . Pelo que eu sei , enviar sua lâmpadas a nível mundial , para que eles devem fazê-lo para o Brasil também. Por favor use este link ou aquele na descrição e também certificar-se de selecionar a tomada bulbb certo! Você deve recebê-los em 5 dias úteis. Eles vêm com garantia de 1 ano e um par livre de side- luzes W5W . Desejo-lhe para usá-los tanto tempo quanto possível , depois que você vai levá-los ! Todo o melhor da Europa. P. S. Eu amo Rio de Janeiro. Espero que eu vou ter a oportunidade de visitá-lo um dia! :)
+m3rovingian Oi! Tentei comprar as lâmpadas no website do Power bulbs e quando fui fazer o check out no PayPal o site enviou a mensagem dizendo que não envia o produto para o Brasil... :( . Não encontro essas lâmpadas para vender no meu país. eu encontrei apenas uma versão da Crystal Vision chamada de "Ultra", não sei se tem a mesma intensidade de iluminação que a White Vision. Quando você vier ao Brasil novamente aproveite para visitar Florianópolis durante o verão do Brasil, recentemente estive lá, é incrível! Did you understand what I am writting ? 😃
HankSFC Lamentamos saber que você não pode solicitar que o site . Eu pensei que eles realmente enviar mundialmente . Vou pedir-lhes no futuro. Em relação à Philips visão de cristal "Ultra" , don'y comprar esses. Eles têm brilho muito pobre, apesar de serem anunciados em 4300k , eles só produto em torno de 915 lumens , assim como DiamondVision ( 5000k ) . Você terá uma experiência de condução muito ruim durante a noite e na chuva , você não verá anithing . Obrigado pela sugestão. O nome em que lugar é realmente bonito. Ainda assim, eu não viajar para o Brasil em tudo, mas eu espero que eu vou chegar lá um dia e visitar Florianópolis também. Meu conselho a você , obter o WhiteVision , se você pode encontrá-los onde você vive. Desejo a todos o melhor e espero que você vai receber suas lâmpadas o mais rápido possível ! Cuidar!
nice white vision but is not legal drive. ? legal is up 4.2k so no past test this one. ? but I can use for fog lights
No. Philips WhiteVision are 100% road legal, you can use them without a problem. They have enough lumens to give you a safe ride at night, on all the beams of the car, low, high or fog lamps.
Almost bought the diamondvision 5000K but thanks to this video I’ll be getting the whitevision instead. By the way, is the whitevision better for night/wet weather compared to standard halogen bulb?
Yes, they are very good in all weather conditions. Just make sure it's WhiteVision 3700K and not WhiteVision Ultra 4200K. The Ultra are different halogen and are bad on rain. Also don't expect white light from WhiteVision. They will be colder than the standard bulbs though but still yellowish compared to LED or xenon.
@@m3rovingian great, thanks!!
@@aunWWc with great pleasure, anytime
Ce becuri recomanzi am o skoda superb 1 cu lupe?
Daca nu te deranjeaza lumina putin mai galbuie, insa foarte puternica, Philips RacingVision. Daca vrei lumina mai rece, WhiteVision. insa sper ca nu ai avut xenon inainte, fiindca atunci vei fi dezamagit de intensitate.
m3rovingian Da am avut xenoane timp de 1 an dar acum am becuri normale si nu imi place cum bat noaptea abea vad gropile mai ales ca merg pe drum accidentat problema e ca nusitu ce sa aleg am vazut la emag osram cool blue intense la 57 lei setul si philips white vision la 87 lei e ceva diferenta de preturi dar intre ele e diferenta asa mare s au sa iau osram am vazut ca bate bine osram la lupe am vazut pe net scuze de deranj
In cazul asta iti recomand Osram Cool Blue intense. halogene legale mai reci decat alea nu exista.
m3rovingian din pacate am dat comanda azi pentru philips white vision am gasit la 96 lei si osram cool blue intense era 56 lei doua becuri ..
Sa nu-ti para rau. Te vor tine 2 ani fara probleme. plus ca sunt preferatele mele. Doar ca se vor ingalbeni putin peste 8 luni
where is your favorite diamond or white vision ?
m3rovingian okay thank you
My pleasure
Bro, is White Vision still good on a rainy night driving?
They are very good in all weather conditions.
m3rovingian Thanks so much bro. I have a medium tint on my car and the stock halogen headlamps (reflector housing) looked non-existent after having full tint on my windscreeen. I'll trust you on this one bro. I just ordered a pair of WhiteVision H4 bulb. Correct me if I'm wrong, I only need just a pair of H4 bulb for low and high beam right? Fingers crossed they would do well with my tinted windscreen 😁.
One more thing, whats the best bulb for fogs can you suggest to go with the WV? I'm thinking of Osram Fogbreaker or maybe something yellow/golden yellow bulbs because rainy season is coming in here. Could be anything as long as it good in rainy night driving condition...
Thanks a lot bro your vids are very helpful in deciding which halogen bulb is the best out there!!!
@@rafvierthstein5210 Very well. Yeah, H4 are for both beams on the same bulb.
On the fog lamps i still have Osram NB Unlimited H11. WhiteVision on fog lamps are very expensive and really not worth it. I could almost buy a pair of HIKARI Thunder 9600lm for about the same price of WhiteVision H11...and the difference is night and day.
Try not to break the bank and get something a bit better than standard. You will not use them that much anyway. Here we can only use them on rain snow or fog, otherwise the Police is on our back right away :)
m3rovingian I use foglamps and headlamps at the same time in my car and it's all legal 😄. I'll try the same setup. Is 4300K different from 3700K White Vision in lifespan and brightness bro?
@@rafvierthstein5210 no, no difference what so ever. it's the exact same bulb.
i have the diamond vision
butt im not happy with the clarity of the road with thease bulbs
and when i put my high beams on..its bad news..cant really see...
they look very white and amazing
on the car
but on the road where is counts .not really
from this video it looks like the white vision shows the road much clearer.....
i was thinking of replacing the diamond vision to the white vision
what is your suggestions
thnks for your video...
Ash ( South Africa)
Hello. I am sorry you had to find it on the hard way. indeed, the DiamondVision are very unsafe to drive with. They look amazing from the front, while staring at the headlight, but from the drivers seat point of view they are terrible. Your only option to have a compromise between visibility and style, is to get the Philips WhiteVision. they are very bright and resilient. that's why i prefer them the most. But in comparison with DiamodVision they will look warm in color with yellowish shades. it's just the way it is; you cant have both worlds, the xenon light color and the good visibility. It's the same thing with all blue coated halogens. I would go for WhiteVision for the low beams and the X-tremeVision LED's 4000k version for parking lights, if you have the T10 w5w fitting there; that will perfectly match the light color of Philips WhiteVision. All the best from Romania!
Thanks alot for your response
Really appreciate it.
Yeah I think I will replace these diamond vision with the white vision...
I like the white look
But to see the road is more important
Thnks again for your response
Keep up the good videos
Thank you as well for your support! Will try my best!
I would like to ask you white vision or stock ?
My cars stock is
@@xountaoop Itțs nice to know that. Still WhiteVision is better.
@@m3rovingianafter all this tests which one you think is best by your opinion
@@xountaoop WhiteVision 3700k
I work as a driving instructor and I need a high quality lighting especially in evening classes so I will change the lamps to (white Vision) ... thank you for this helpful information :-)
Nice to know that. Thank you as well for taking my advice into consideration. All the best!
does this fit in Nisan Extra?
Le whitevision 4300k erano migliori delle 3700k oppure erano uguali?
Loro sono la stessa cosa.
prendi i 3700k perché sono prodotti più nuovi.
Però dalle foto in rete e dei rivenditori, le White vision ultra sono più celesti rispetto alle White vision.
Poi dall altro tuo video, le ultra sembrano più forti.
Quindi non sono le stesse..?
Non lasciarti ingannare dalla pubblicità. Inoltre la fotocamera può registrarlo in modo diverso rispetto alla realtà. è impossibile imitare il modo in cui sono effettivamente sulla strada quando le differenze sono piccole. Sono rigidi. Quando guidavo con WVUltra sotto la pioggia non vedevo molto.
Great video good i was about to buy the diamond philips after watching the video i wont now
Stay away from all the halogens that are above 3700K. They are really bad on rain. Get the Philips RacingVision GT200 and you will have the best halogens of the moment.
Good job..thanks a lot.
Thank you as well.
Visual contrast is always better with 4300k whether halogen, led or xenon
WhiteVision actually have 3700k. A true 4300k halogen will not be good on rain or wet roads.
@@m3rovingian Quite strange because most of use tout 4300k better in rain
@@awaisiqbal8934 For LED and Xenon maybe the case. For halogen is too high and the light is weak.
life span of 400hrs? or just 16 days?
that would be using non stop. You don't drive for 16 days straight. WhiteVision last about 2 years in normal driving conditions.
@@m3rovingian well, I did rechecked my numbers.. would take me 209 hrs of daily use with occasional weekend long rides for a year, sounds alright to me. Awesome video man.
@@Astrix_Jaeger Thank you so much. i am glad to know that. I wish you to use them as much as possible. After 2 years they will need to be replaced anyway, even if they still work, because they loose intensity over time.
Top one looks better
Which one is top one extreme or diamond
DiamondVision looks bad ass, but is very very weak. you will not see anything with them. up is WhiteVision
I don't recommend the white vision. I bouoght it and was very disappointed because it shines almost as yellow as the normal H7 bulb. No white at all. The Diamond Vision is much better.
The DiamondVision is better only if you judge them from the xenon-like light point of view. Otherwise, from the brightness and visibility offered, the DiamondVision are as bad as it can get. It's your choice, if you want to feel like your practicing an extreme sport like driving blindly at night, but they are no match for any halogen. Even the standard yellow ones, which you do not like, are better than the DiamondVision.
my car has H7 lower beam and H7 full beam. The lower beam has H7 diamond and looks great. But now I bought the H7 Whitevision because I thought it was white but it isn't. When I turn on the lower and full beam, it looks very ugly. The one shines white the other yellow.
That is to be expected since the DiamondVision have 5000k and the WhiteVision 4300k, at least the first gen of WhiteVision. As I said, you are looking for the xenon aspect out of a halogen. You can get that from DiamondVision, but the visibility and brightness on the road they offer is close to 0. Plus the bluish light will amplify the fatiguing sensation when you'll drive on a long road at night and you'll feel more tiered because of it, similar to the blue light effect of a PC monitor. On rainy night I assure you will have to think twice if you turned on the low beams with those bulbs.
is there a second gen of white vision, i've seen on the internet they have 4300k white vision AND 60% brighter as advertised
4300k is still white considering stock oem halogen bulbs are 3200k.
Check out: Philips vs Osram Performance
ok ty
i cant find the 4300k, why? im from germany
Get the 3700k ones. they are the same and the package is newer. 4300k was only marketing
@@m3rovingian no, it wasn't, previously there was 4300 variant
@@Jadzwing Yes, but the 4300k was a lie written on the package, that's what i meant. I had that version also, but the bulbs themselves remained exactly the same as they are now with the 3700k new package.
@@m3rovingian thank you for clearance, i ordered diamond vision since i done only 9k kms a year and already have Dectane X Xenon Look which are whiter than standard osram cool blue or white vision with homologation but not as white as diamond vision
@@Jadzwing You will have only half the visibility. DiamondVision are the worst halogens possible to buy when it comes to brightness.
Ai si la vanzare becuri s au ?
Nu. E doar o pasiune, atata tot.
m3rovingian ee ok nu pai nu are rost sa iau dinalea chioare dau bani degeaba
well frend.. i bay today the whitevision.. H1 model... ( for mi bike ) ant i am ferry suprising
normal i drofe a osram,, batt now the philips ... ant good white licht... so.. i am happy... tonicht i try is in the dark !!
gr ant thans.
All the best. i am honored to know that. I hope you'll like the light and visibility they'll offer.
где 4300 и где 5000?
4300k вверх и 5000k вниз. Вы можете ясно видеть, что это светлый цвет
А почему сверху 4300 светят ярче намного чем снизу 5000к?
very helpful to choose, thanks
I feel honored by your appreciation. Thank you as well!
Merci beaucoup!
ever have your eyes hurt from overly bright lights , mine do any time a car comes at me with all these blue lights , STOP JUST STOP .
That is caused not by the light of the bulbs, but by the improper headlight alignment and adjustment of the bulbs themselves. it's not enough to install them, you also have to go to a car service an have them adjusted by a professional with the proper tool, more precise a special lens. But yeah, many drivers don't give a damn about the others. It's not my case; I had all of them adjusted the right way and it cost me a lot for all the halogens I tested over the years. Not to mention the time spent there.
yeah but most people don't install them the right way, they think know it all , it's good you have the money and know how but 98% of the other people don't , like a guy i saw today he took all the screws out of the head light array just to put the new light in then screwed it all back not caring how tight he put them back i told him you need to adjust them so they don't blind people , he in turn told me he don't give a shit ,, so yeah yet another dumb ass on the road .
I encountered a similar driver yesterday night on the road. He literally blinded me with the way he had the bulbs lighting, so I thought I would let him see the long beam performace of the RacingVision for a split second, as he passed me by :)
White vision is much better
Indeed. 2 times better
Salve, ci sono le nuove lampadine Philips White vision ultra
ok ty
Absolute useless comparison test. Use the same road in the same conditions, nothing here.
It is the same road in the same dry conditions. Looking for your absolute best comparison test then.
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