Til then

  • Опубликовано: 14 окт 2024
  • This is a letter from our beloved pets who have crossed over to the other side. I created this as a tribute to such love and devotion that only such creatures can share. Please check-out the sequel to this:Lessons (Til then 2), Cookie's Ears and Typhoon Ketsana(Til then 3)

Комментарии • 663

  • @angekriekenbeek5935
    @angekriekenbeek5935 4 года назад +3

    The pain of losing a pet is undescribable.It hurts so much.😍🌹🌞

  • @shirlcrane5465
    @shirlcrane5465 10 месяцев назад +2

    My beloved Harley of 19.5 years passed away a few weeks ago. We just had the aquamation process done and picked his remains up from the funeral home yesterday. The first two weeks my husband and I did nothing but cry everyday! It’s been a rough few weeks and Just can’t seem to find peace. The memories we all made together comes flooding to mind and just weighs so heavy on our hearts. We miss him so very much. We would not want you back in the shape you were in before passing. We know you are now young and pain free! We will always remember you and love you forever!!! R.I.P.

  • @cindywitter9741
    @cindywitter9741 8 лет назад +106

    Well this destroyed me for the afternoon. I still miss him so much my heart hurts. Every now and then, if we're lucky, a fur baby comes into our lives we have a bond with like none before. And when they have to leave, a piece of our heart and soul go with them.

    • @beefcake222
      @beefcake222 5 лет назад +9

      a piece of me died today

    • @12234rachelle
      @12234rachelle 5 лет назад +4

      Sending you love and hoping it’s getting better, lost my best friend 2 months ago

    • @mrt723
      @mrt723 3 года назад +5

      I know how you feel ,ive lost 6 of my very best friends over the years, its never easy ever to say good bye to them .

    • @MJYouAreNotAlone1
      @MJYouAreNotAlone1 3 года назад +6

      I miss My Harley so much! It was four months ago today we put my baby to sleep. I am absolutely shredded. I miss him desperately 😭😭😭 I pray it is not long till I am reunited with him in Heaven. I need him, please pray for me. My heart literally aches. I cry many times every single day. Someone told me that grief is like the ocean waves....they come crashing in....then they roll out...over and over again. It is just unbearable. I don’t know how to do this. I am a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe Harley is in Heaven where I will be reunited with him one fine day. However, how, please tell me, how do you survive until that day? My life is so empty, I need him like I need air! 😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. RIP HARLEY October 20, 2006-August 27, 2020. The most beautiful 14 years of my life! Thank you Jesus for lending him to me. My precious, precious Harley! I will love you forever and ever! This pandemic, the COVID 19, and the loss of my baby, I WILL NEVER FORGET! 😭😭😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. 2020, A devastating year!

    • @barrykidd1977
      @barrykidd1977 2 года назад +4

      1 week ago, I took my 16 year old Shih Tzu Zoey to bed for the last time. She passed that night snuggled as close me as she could get during the night. I woke up just in time to hear her last breath. I’m still destroyed, but I know she is in a better place. I would take another 16 years with her if I could. Best fur baby I ever had.

  • @charitiklassen1071
    @charitiklassen1071 8 лет назад +133

    the hardest part of love is letting go.

    • @animals4ever177
      @animals4ever177 7 лет назад +9

      I agree it is so tough and it isn't fair and the quote , 'grief is the price we have to pay for love.' , that is so true

    • @davidadams188
      @davidadams188 6 лет назад +4

      Chariti Klassen true.the wages of love is grief.at least when you have loved the same pet as long as I have.To my best mate Buddy who passed away on1st of December he was with me For,16 years.
      Buddy.6/2/01-1/12/17.miss you Buddy.not the same with out my Buddy.

    • @mrt723
      @mrt723 6 лет назад +2

      This is so very wonderfull ,all they ask is to be loved and cared for always
      yes your right ,its darn hard to loose our much loved family members
      we will always love and miss our loved pets,they are always with us .
      i had my 2 best friends cremated when i lost them both in 2015 , when it my turn to pass they will be with me always.
      Middle C was 17 ,i lost her to kidney failure , Simba was 15 was i lost him to cancer .
      It broke my heart to have to put them to rest ,its still gets to me 3 years later .
      I watched Middle C being born so from as long as she could walk she was always by my side ,i miss her so much.
      their ashes and their photos are together. on my china cabinet ,
      when it my time they go with me .
      2015 i lost my Mother suddenly also all 3 were gone in 4 months .its never easy to say goodbye to her,i miss her so much .
      i have lost 6 of my best friends over the years
      Middle C 17
      Simba 15
      Buffy aged 15
      Momo aged 12
      Bartman aged 4 years he was shot by a mongrel
      Paddles aged 4 years ,she was shot by the same mongrel
      Middle C ,Paddles were twins and Bart was also from the same mum
      they all are so very much missed every single day ,life isnt the same with out my family here .

    • @mrt723
      @mrt723 4 года назад +3

      so very true, saying goodbye is even harder when you have to put them to sleep,i had to do that twice in 4 months, both of my fur friends had health problems, middle C 17 years from kidney trouble , Simba at 15 with cancer , i still feel bad for having to say goodbye to them. so much missed every single day

    • @kendracrump3005
      @kendracrump3005 3 года назад +1

      Yes for sure💔

  • @michael.hodgetts5841
    @michael.hodgetts5841 8 лет назад +86

    I think pets know when it's their time to leave you, I think that they can sense your sadness, it sounds crazy but I'm 100% positive this is so.

    • @graceeind
      @graceeind 8 лет назад +10

      I know so.... Our Skooter was so strong until the end....He knew.

    • @laurianni
      @laurianni 7 лет назад +5

      Oh, Brian, I am so sorry.....my heart aches for you....the knowing what this is like. My hope is that we are reunited with our beloved pets after this life here. I think of that reunion, and I cannot imagine feeling happier. I lost my Beagles in 2010, 3 months apart. I have 2 pups now that I adore as well. It doesn't stop me from missing my Beagles, and there is room in my heart for all of them. It is a simple, pure love, and not complicated. Perfection...I hope time and the hope of being with them one day helps to heal your pain. Bless you.....

    • @michael.hodgetts5841
      @michael.hodgetts5841 7 лет назад +5

      Brian Jones
      I'm so sorry for your loss, the loss of a much loved pet leaves a massive void in your life, my thoughts are with you.

    • @RabuHina
      @RabuHina 7 лет назад +2

      I believe its very true. I've heard once when a woman had her dog when she was a teenager and it was old (I think it was a border collie dog) and the dog ran off somewhere and when they found the dog it was sitting or laying down in a field. The dog was brought back home but about 2 weeks later it ran off and sadly died in the same field but I don't think its in the same area dead. So I don't think what you're saying is really crazy. I think they (pets) do know when its their time and if they could, will run off to die peacefully. Maybe in a way to do so to spare their best friend (humans) the choice of having to put their pet to sleep while dealing with the sorrow after.

    • @erinoakley9522
      @erinoakley9522 7 лет назад +2

      I miss u Fiona I am sorry that u good to hit by a car u will always have a special place in my heart ❤️

  • @frantrictantric
    @frantrictantric 6 лет назад +62

    A Man and his Dog
    A man and his dog were walking along a road.
    The man was enjoying the scenery, when it suddenly occurred to him
    that he was dead.
    He remembered dying and that his dog had been dead for years.
    He wondered where the road was leading them.
    After a while, they came to a high, white stone wall along one side of
    the road. It looked like fine marble. At the top of a long hill, it was broken
    by a tall arch that glowed in the sunlight.
    When he was standing before it, he saw a magnificent gate in the arch
    that looked like mother of pearl and the street that led to the gate
    looked like pure gold.
    He and the dog walked toward the gate and as they got closer, they
    saw a man at a desk to one side. When they were close enough,
    he called out, “Excuse me, where are we?”
    “This is heaven, sir,” the man answered.
    “Wow! Would you happen to have some water?” the traveler asked.
    “Of course, sir. Come right in, I’ll have some ice water sent right up.”
    The man gestured and the gate began to open.
    “Can my friend,” gesturing toward the dog, “come in too?” the traveler asked.
    “I’m sorry, sir, but we don’t accept pets.”
    The man thought for a moment, and then, turning back towards the road,
    continued the way they had been going.
    After another long walk, and at the top of another long hill, they came to
    a dirt road which led through a farm gate that looked as if it had never been closed.
    There was no fence. As they approached the gate, he saw a man inside,
    leaning against a tree and reading a book.
    “Excuse me!” he called to the reader. “Do you have any water?”
    “Yeah, sure, there’s a pump over there”. The man pointed to a place that
    couldn’t be seen from outside the gate. “Come on in.”
    “How about my friend here?”. The traveler said, gesturing to the dog.
    “There should be a bowl by the pump” said the man.
    They went through the gate, and sure enough, there was an
    old fashioned hand pump with a bowl beside it.
    The traveler filled the bowl and took a long drink, then gave some to the dog.
    When they were full, he and the dog walked back toward the man
    who was standing by the tree waiting for them.
    “What do you call this place?” the traveler asked.
    “This is heaven,” was the answer.”
    “Well, that’s confusing,” the traveler said. “The man down the
    road said that was heaven, too.”
    “Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and the pearly gates?
    Nope, that’s hell.”
    “Doesn’t it make you mad for them to use your name like that?”
    “Nope, I can see how you might think so, but we’re just happy
    that they screen out the folks who’ll leave their best friends behind.”
    - Unknown

  • @brazil10able
    @brazil10able 15 лет назад

    my dog was put to sleep due to cancer 13 days ago.......he was aged 8 and we never spent a day apart during his life......dogs are the best creatures God ever made....i hope its true that we see our pets again.........i would give everything i've got to see his face again

  • @francesjames7055
    @francesjames7055 6 лет назад +102

    I wrote this poem for all of us who have suffered the loss of our furry babies. I hope you all like it:
    "I can't believe you're gone from me, I've cried so many tears, you filled my life with laughter, we had such happy years.
    I knew the time was getting close when you would have to go, I knew that you felt tired, and that soon you would go home.
    The rainbow bridge was calling you, there was nothing I could do, I had to say goodbye to you.......it broke my heart in two.
    But I know that there will come a day, that I too will go home, and when that day arrives, I'll no longer be alone.
    I know you'll come to meet me, just like you used to do.......but until that day arrives.....just remember.....I love you.

    • @sherithomas5815
      @sherithomas5815 5 лет назад +5

      Absolutely beautiful thank you for this wonderful words I just lost my dog in Oct 2018 and I feel so lost the tears are non stop for her she truly was my angel😢😢😢

    • @beachgirl9304
      @beachgirl9304 5 лет назад +2

      Tears are flowing! This poem is so beautiful. My cat, Wendy (17 1/2), died yesterday 3/18/2019.

    • @sbrowning54
      @sbrowning54 5 лет назад +1

      Absolutley beautful!!!

    • @cathyrzyczycki5141
      @cathyrzyczycki5141 5 лет назад +1

      How true the words...

    • @anitannerupe635
      @anitannerupe635 4 года назад +1

      That's a fabulous poem

  • @sophdragondragon
    @sophdragondragon 12 лет назад

    I cry everyday for my cat, she was about 19 years old. She was with me my whole life and my mom and i just couldent accept it when the euthenised her.This is beautiful.It reminds me of you, Hina, my sweet little kitty.God bless.

  • @QuizzySox14101
    @QuizzySox14101 14 лет назад

    i usually don't cry watching videos this like this. But remembering my passed dog, Abbey, but this really helped me know that she is o.k. and still alive.. just not where i can see her. i really miss her and i wish she was still here. thank you so much... this really helped.

  • @rosebud97044
    @rosebud97044 12 лет назад +1

    Thank you for that. I just lost my shelby after 11 yrs. It's so unbearable the pain. It made me cry but it was good.

  • @lionesskiara
    @lionesskiara 12 лет назад

    wow 19 years ... you are in the few lucky ones that are given so much time with their beloved pets ... i lost my beloved cat Mimi one year ago at the age of 12 ... heart failure

  • @DarkQueenOfChaos01
    @DarkQueenOfChaos01 12 лет назад +4

    R.I.P. Harry my beautiful boy 2001-2012. i'll never stop loving you.

  • @4gelc
    @4gelc 12 лет назад +7

    Tears are running, I miss my beloved cat so much. I can only say "Thank you" for this video.

  • @TimBowers1950
    @TimBowers1950 8 лет назад +16

    i cry each time i watch this one.

  • @hardtogetdaddy
    @hardtogetdaddy 12 лет назад +1

    my dog died last August 29 2012 11:15 in the morning,faith had only given me sweet 8 months I miss her so bad, she is so young and had many things to experience with us. each morning I wake up i always go to her dog house at our backyard only to see that she was gone all i could do was look up the heavens and sometimes share a portion of my snack on her food plate, I feel there is something missing in my life now.. but i promise to move on and continue life that my friend left behind

  • @LMBehr03
    @LMBehr03 13 лет назад

    My Tibby was 11 years old when I got her from a shelter. I had her less than two years when pneumonia and a stroke took her away. It's so hard being without her. This video is so special. Thank you.

  • @mo9504
    @mo9504 14 лет назад +1

    That was brutal, We love them and they leave us, I do not know if I could ever get a dog again, it is so painful to lose them, it hurts too much, thank you for the video, it was well done.
    Hendrix 1996 to 2008 Cancer

  • @Tomjohnson188
    @Tomjohnson188 5 лет назад +8

    I watched this almost 5 years ago when I first lost my kitten Suki and till this day I watch this video and can’t stop crying because of how much I loved her

    • @chloemoore4199
      @chloemoore4199 2 года назад +1

      I'm Sorry For Your Loss But You Will See Her Again Soon On Rainbow Bridge🌈
      I See The Pain In Your Eyes

  • @meandan13
    @meandan13 15 лет назад

    this video made me cry it was sooooo close to home more so the last few comments as these are just how it was for me and my family when our dog died R.I.P FEN we love you and miss you loads xxxxxx

  • @futureRRB
    @futureRRB 16 лет назад

    This video never ceases to make me cry. It makes me think of little kitty Tinker Bell (2003-2006) up at the Bridge...

  • @thecutellama76
    @thecutellama76 8 месяцев назад

    I am preparing a memorial for my little boy Buddy who passed last week and looking for best dog songs. So far this is the best one. Thank you.

  • @animallover7879
    @animallover7879 15 лет назад

    Awsome job on the video. We lost our beloved dog Missy this week. Loosing a pet is very very hard. I have been crying for days, but we will be toghther forever in heaven, never to be seperated again.

  • @johndittman3761
    @johndittman3761 4 года назад +5

    What a beautiful and awesome video that you put together in memory of all of our fur babies. I have watched this video many times and each time it makes me cry. I'm in extreme dog lover and I have a 11 year old Rottweiler named Titan. I know our days together are numbered and I try to make each and every one special for both of us. God bless you and I hope that God will help you to begin the healing process.

  • @fluffynator
    @fluffynator 12 лет назад

    Touching and beautiful. It really made me cry...
    My beloved dog has passed away at the end of December 2011...
    The hole in my heart is still wide open...
    I think that such videos are very needed cause it really can help.
    People who have never lost a pet friend will never understand the ones who did...
    The truth is THIS pain, after such loss, never goes away...We just learn to live with it...
    I'm sending my love,prayers and hugs to those who have lost their beloved pet friend...
    You're not alone.

  • @StarBright1976
    @StarBright1976 6 лет назад +5

    Thank you, this is so beautiful. As I cry my eyes out, missing my dear friend Maggie, that passed away rather suddenly yesterday.

  • @Silly_LunaMoonie_.143
    @Silly_LunaMoonie_.143 3 года назад +1

    This touched my heart.... :(

  • @snowdesk
    @snowdesk 16 лет назад +2

    This is truly beautiful and very touching, especially since we just lost our dog of 16 years. Thanks for making it and posting it.

  • @Neolia83
    @Neolia83 13 лет назад +1

    they are in heaven waiting for us .. they are angels.. I miss my Oliver so much but i know he is watching over me and waiting for me

  • @SuziSpooks
    @SuziSpooks 8 лет назад +15

    My beautiful cat Phoebe died today this video has had me in tears. I feel so lost without her, she was my baby girl who lost her battle with cancer at 8 years old.

  • @AnimalLvr22
    @AnimalLvr22 15 лет назад +4

    Thank you for all the work you put into this beautiful tribute. I bawled my eyes out and dont see how anyone who's lost a pet wouldnt do the same while trying to "feel" them again. As my pets in heaven wait for me, I wait for them as well. Love to all those dearly departed animals who brought us all so much love and joy. We'll be seeing you.

  • @marianmoser-otto3590
    @marianmoser-otto3590 5 лет назад +2

    I lost my furbaby two days ago. I miss her so much. I'm devastated.

  • @spidershow
    @spidershow 7 лет назад +5

    my dog passed today, and i’m having the hardest time accepting the fact that’s he’s gone. he’s been my best friend for 11 years and i don’t know what to do without him

  • @VanSile
    @VanSile 13 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the nice video. It made me feel good that I will see my beloved pets again one day.

  • @Stampida1
    @Stampida1 11 лет назад +1

    This is beautiful, My father and I lost one of our dogs this week. He had liver disease and was deteriorating in health day by day. In the end we had to accept that this was it and that he was not going to get any better and so then came the heartbreaking decision to have him put to sleep. I have been crying and hurting ever since and this video and the words in it just blows me away as it is just like his story. I shall doubt I'll ever get over him...

  • @sandirandy
    @sandirandy 13 лет назад

    I still have not been able to watch the whole thing yet... I miss my pets .. they had good lives, but in every relationship you wish you could have done better.. they were so loved.. I miss them.

  • @micahelking5570
    @micahelking5570 5 лет назад +1

    Three months ago I lost my very first dog lady. When I say that dog has been through so much with me from graduateing high school to ups and downs of navigating early adulthood. It was always nice to know I had my best friend by my side no matter what. I know you'll be seating to me when I start my paramedic classes tomorrow

    • @jodywilke4642
      @jodywilke4642 4 года назад

      My prayers are with you. I had to have my little miniature Dachshund, Daisy, put to sleep in May, and it seems like only yesterday. They're not just your dogs--they're your whole life. It does get easier, but I just take it one day at a time, and next Spring, I'm going to adopt a new little pooch, from a shelter. Take care.😔💒

  • @normski262
    @normski262 14 лет назад

    I know what it's like to loose a pet you love so much, it's very painful, I am sure we shall all see our friends again, they are special gifts which are given for us to love and enjoy. God bless you all!

  • @pzs441969
    @pzs441969 16 лет назад

    I watch your video on a regular basis and each time I watch it I cry. It reminds me of what once was and what lies ahead. Thank you for such a marvelous video.

  • @Sue-gh4in
    @Sue-gh4in 3 месяца назад

    I had my dog put down at 16 by our mobile vet at home bc I didn’t want the clinical atmosphere. She had dementia and had an unexpected stroke. It was the hardest thing I ever did but at least she was at peace quickly. That was in October of 2023. I’m so sorry for your loss. You just don’t want to let them go but you know you need to. God bless you. Take your time and grieve… you have every right to. Your pet is safe in the arms of God and is waiting for you when your journey is done. But live your life for your pet bc that’s what it would want. You will see it at the rainbow bridge. Much love♥️♥️♥️

  • @jodywilke4642
    @jodywilke4642 4 года назад +1

    What a nice video.😢I had to have my sweet little miniature Dachshund, Daisy, put to sleep in May, and I know she's running around and playing, healthy and happy as a puppy, and waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge. I was just thinking, a few days ago--"I wonder if they have Christmas, at the Rainbow Bridge, so all the dogs and cats get a new toy?" RIP, Daisy--I love you and miss you, every day, sweetie.😔💒

  • @dandelion2020
    @dandelion2020 14 лет назад +1

    Ahhh this makes me want to just have one last minute with my beautiful greyhound Houdi. He was the love of my life, and I hope he knows just how much I love and miss him. I would give anything to have him back to me. I didn't want him to go, but I guess god needed him more. RIP my wonderful doggie boy, we miss you. :-((((((

  • @guguigugu
    @guguigugu 15 лет назад

    i just lost my cat. he was 13, and he spent his entire life with us. i was with him till the end, watching his last breaths, holding his paw. it's so painful to lose someone who loved you so unconditionally...
    very nice video

  • @peanutstrawberryjam720
    @peanutstrawberryjam720 7 лет назад +24

    i lost my dog last sunday. :( i miss my dog so much.

  • @bettygirlsboy
    @bettygirlsboy 13 лет назад

    Beautiful Video... I miss my fur baby so much, 15mths has passed since he had to be euthanised, he had lymphoma cancer. I would have done anything to save him but it wasn't to be. I never spent a day without him in the 10yrs he was with me, I loved him so much, still do, always will. So long absent from my life, but never absent from my heart, Love you baby, wait for me.....

  • @mcmlxii4419
    @mcmlxii4419 Год назад +1

    This made me start sobbing. Everything they said here reminds me of my precious boy cat who I lost November 27th. I miss him so much I can't stand it. He and I were so bonded we became a part of each other.

  • @sonrouge
    @sonrouge 12 лет назад

    Cherish every moment you have with the pets you love. When their last days approach, let them be filled with thoughts of the good times. And when their time comes, let them go with your loving smile as the last thing they see.
    It's the last and greatest gift you can give them.

  • @Mutt919
    @Mutt919 10 лет назад +1

    RIP Toby, I miss you my boy. Jan 1st 2001 - Dec 20th 2013

  • @chrisjones6435
    @chrisjones6435 11 лет назад

    I lost my Kitty 2 months ago to Cancer. He was almost 12 years old. He was my Buddy and My best Friend. I miss him so much and I still cry everyday. When he went to heaven he took with him Half my Heart. I watch this video once everyday. It not only makes me cry but also makes me Smile. Because I know if he could write a letter to me he would say exactly what is in the video. This is the most touching video I have ever seen. Thank you so much for sharing this. It helps to make each day easier

  • @lacey356
    @lacey356 16 лет назад

    I cry every time I see this, today I came here just to read the comments, I didn't even watch the video, but the tears came rolling anyway. Our pets bring us such joy and love into our hearts that sometimes we don't realize it until it's their time to go or you make the decision to end their suffering which is what I did and I was with them until their last breath, that was probably one of the hardest things I ever had to do but it was the least I could do for them. He was 16 she was 18.

  • @juliahlira
    @juliahlira 9 лет назад

    I lost my best friend not even a week ago, he was a thirteen year old half Bernese mountain dog half sheltie, he was so amazing, he was so strong, I know he's up in paradise waiting for us, it's just so so hard to live every day with out him. Rest easy Milo

  • @Yutsu131
    @Yutsu131 9 лет назад +20

    My dog died last evening... how could I stop to cry.. I crying until right now..my heart all broken, I put him down behind my home Near my bedroom's window.. I wishes he will see me that how much I missing him..

    • @glendapeterson1180
      @glendapeterson1180 9 лет назад +5

      +ベルサイユボーン I am so sorry your dog died. Of course he sees you crying. He wants to lick away your tears. He'll be waiting for you.

    • @Yutsu131
      @Yutsu131 9 лет назад +3

      Glenda Peterson thank you so much...and now I'm better ^_^but I'll never could forget my puppy...thanks for your great word...it made my day..
      (Sorry my for my bad English )

    • @johnledford694
      @johnledford694 3 года назад

      I know - I have the same scenery. I know that each evening and dawn he knows I am here, smiling down at him as he smiles at me. Again. And then again

  • @idhungw
    @idhungw 14 лет назад

    thank you so much for this wonderful video! my dog Coco passed away peacefully yesterday, and I am glad to see this video. she was 15 or 16 years old, chow/retriever mix. She was my baby, my everything. I cried so much yesterday, and teared up watching this video. Thank you soo much!

  • @KatieKedavra
    @KatieKedavra 8 лет назад +12

    I'm putting my cat to sleep on Tuesday after a long battle with cancer... the past week he's been declining so much. it's time.. and it is killing me... He's 17 and I've had him since I was 9. I turned 26 Friday.... my heart is breaking...

    • @donnasweet8642
      @donnasweet8642 8 лет назад +2

      I'm sorry about your cat. I will keep you in my prayers. There a song named rainbow bridge I listen to it every day it helps to know that we will be with our pets one day. I hope the song helps you. Big hug to you. I understand your pain my cat Rozzie passed away from a heart attack. Take care

    • @gregh7400
      @gregh7400 6 лет назад +1

      It's been a year since you posted. I hope you are doing okay. I have asked myself if the pain of the loss when a pet dies, is worth it or not. Of course it is. The joy , happiness and companionship a pet provides is incalculable.

  • @hanito69
    @hanito69 13 лет назад

    Thanks for the video. We have lost our beautiful baby boy. He is only 2 years old. He is loved and will sadly missed!

  • @snowrose9132
    @snowrose9132 11 лет назад

    OMG!The tears...my baby girl of 15yrs is passing from cancer & the wrenching pain as my heart is breaking is too much to bear.This is so very comforting as I can almost hear her saying it.Don't cry for me, mama,I'll still be w/u.No more pain, whole again, I wait for u over the Rainbow Bridge.Bless you so much.

  • @marcelamascarenas6985
    @marcelamascarenas6985 10 лет назад +1

    My beloved dog passed away today. She was my first dog. She was my best friend. I'll miss coming home and seeing her all happily. I'll miss going on car rides with her. I'll miss our warm summer days when we would just lay outside together. I'll miss having someone as loyal as she was. I miss you Lola. I hope to see you in heaven.

  • @ilserayner2
    @ilserayner2 9 лет назад +12

    This is make me cry and I won't forget about my dog

    • @l.salisbury1253
      @l.salisbury1253 6 лет назад

      Check out another RUclips piece "If Jesus had a dog"...

  • @joostsavelkoel
    @joostsavelkoel 11 лет назад

    my dog past last year but i stil can`t get over it. I mis her every day

  • @audreyheather
    @audreyheather 4 года назад

    This is the Most beautiful & truest Video. It captures The Unconditional Love our Fur Babies give us.
    I lost my Sweet Boy Snoopy 2 years ago. It feels like it just happened yesterday 😥 I watch this video often & cry & cry, Wishing I could hold my Boy again. Til Then My Dear Snoopy. I Love you, Always & forever 💜 And my Angel, Gizmo. She passed away in 2006. 2 holes in my heart where they should be...

  • @ndog2005
    @ndog2005 14 лет назад

    This Is Truly Special.....I have had some pass, then met this 1 mix, became
    My best bud, sure got me thru some tuff times, then 11-21-2005, he left this
    Earth, a special girl, our friend, she passed 1-7-2007, I';m still in grief ...

  • @imaswmr1
    @imaswmr1 13 лет назад

    I watched with tears running down my face. I lost my dear, gentle Destiny in August, 2010. She came into my life when I was alone, and filled it with love and joy. I miss you Destiny.

  • @frankarcuri8785
    @frankarcuri8785 11 лет назад

    Very well said. Beautiful video. I had to put my dog to rest this past September. He was 15 years of age the last 2 years he lived with congestive heart failure. did all i could for the little guy. congestive heart failure took him but it didn't win. you see i still have all those memories of us and thats something that can't be taken away. this is my go to video every morning before i go to work.....i love you my son..i love you elvis

  • @Gibsonburgman
    @Gibsonburgman 13 лет назад

    Love the video and the song. Lost my beloved cat Shadow four years ago to Feline AIDS and Feline Leukemia; he was only seven years old. I still miss him very much but I keep him in my heart. They say angels have wings, sometime times they have four feet, fur and sometimes they even purr. RIP Shadow,

  • @Spaycats
    @Spaycats 12 лет назад +1

    WOW !! this must have hurt to make. Thank you for helping us all remember there is NO distance in the Spirit, and I believe we will be reunited. God Bless You.

  • @timothypaulsen4598
    @timothypaulsen4598 8 лет назад +1

    This is the most beautiful loving tribute I have yet to see. Thank you for helping people during their times of such intense grief

  • @vendalina
    @vendalina 12 лет назад

    Had to put my cat Scrappy down on Saturday she was 10yrs old was there the day she was born and saw her to the end. This was beautiful. I'm crying. I miss her so much. Thank you for this video.

  • @bellajackable
    @bellajackable Год назад

    That is so beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes as I remember all my pets gone before

  • @kylala5430
    @kylala5430 11 лет назад

    thank you my little puppy died on saturday he was too young and having to make the decision to end his life due to the pain he was in was horrible but i know he is in a better place now and i hope i will see him again someday as the angel he is

  • @countrycache1
    @countrycache1 14 лет назад

    I've watched this video at least 50 times and still cry. I had to make that dreaded decision December 18 2006. My dog Cache had been with me 15 1/2 years. I still miss him and still cry because I miss him. Now my 12 1/2 pitbul mix is starting to show signs that I might have to do the same for her. I'm not ready, I don't think I'll ever be ready. I feel like I'm loosing my children.
    You have done a great job with all your videos, thank you.

  • @VegasGull
    @VegasGull 16 лет назад

    I want to thank you for doing this wonderful video even tho I can't stop crying. I have some loved furry friends that await me also. Just found out yesterday that our beloved golden/chow who just turned 13 who battled cancer earlier this year, it has come back again. My heart hurts and the tears are flowing. I don't know how long we have with her at this point, but I do know that she is loved and she loves us.
    Thank You and God Bless you for this tribute to our loved ones.

  • @animecrazy1
    @animecrazy1 14 лет назад

    Thank you so much for posting this beautiful video. I shed tears, but it will forever remind me of the love that me and my best buddy shared. That reminder, though it may bring back pain, is somehow comforting to me, serving as a reminder to say that love is real....so i thank you again.

  • @louannhalpin4389
    @louannhalpin4389 10 лет назад

    We just lost our Ruby dog tonight to cancer. I've watched this several times as my heart is broken and I've cried all day. Thank you for sharing this, it has touched my heart.

  • @notsoearnesthemingway582
    @notsoearnesthemingway582 15 лет назад +2

    To my beloved pets, our dearest memories will be left unforgotten, until we meet again. :)

  • @y0ngmulaa
    @y0ngmulaa 12 лет назад

    i feel so bad that our loved animals have to go but you have the memories of them.

  • @marines696bb
    @marines696bb 11 лет назад

    Thank you for making this video. my dog just passed away this morning:'(.. this video means a lot, and too everyone else who has lost an animal they will all be at peace.

  • @8ZakattacK9
    @8ZakattacK9 14 лет назад

    Man i am still whimpeing 10 minutes after thes vid. Daddy misses you so much Shelby. till then sweetheart

  • @WHEEZER205
    @WHEEZER205 11 лет назад

    No comment,my tears won't stop falling.I HAVE BEEN LOVED BY THE BEST & "TIL THEN" ,We'll be together again. R.I.P. MY LOVES "Til Then"

  • @davidharris4652
    @davidharris4652 3 года назад

    Every so often I come to revisit this video and remember my best friend. He left me on 5/11/21. I don't believe I'll ever fully recover from his passing. I sort o feel like I never want to. Of course I think of happy times but they lead me to now with him not with me anymore. Maybe someday I'll find another dog that I can give that love to . There's so many that need it. With a love that's closer than a brother it's the only one that comes close to how God wants us to love each other to me. I pray Heaven has him or I could never be happy there and that's not possible. In loving memory I miss you much my Scrappy.

  • @remuslupin4458
    @remuslupin4458 8 лет назад +9

    I lost my soul-cat, my Baby Girl in mid July. I had her since she was 3 months old. she passed away in her sleep at age 17. I can't stop crying...I miss her so much.

    • @xionnnn
      @xionnnn 5 лет назад +2

      You'll meet her one day at, a place where all animals go. The Rainbow Bridge. Until then, she'll wait for you, forever and ever, until you meet her again.

  • @frantrictantric
    @frantrictantric 6 лет назад

    The grief of those who mourn the loss of beloved animals is as important and significant as the grief of those who mourn the loss of beloved humans.

  • @bl49120
    @bl49120 15 лет назад

    I lost my beloved cat, Sparkee, in '96. She was going on 18 years old, I had helped her to be born and had her all her life. She was one in a million. I still grieve for her, even though I have rescued 3 kittens, who are now getting up in age themselves, and I know that in the next few years I'll be going thru the same heartbreak. But I made a difference in the lives of these kitties. So don't hesitate to adopt a new pet who needs someone like you so much, after you've lost a beloved pet.

  • @xKamehameha
    @xKamehameha 12 лет назад

    Elliott gave me 11 wonderful years of the best friendship I will ever have, and it broke my heart to let him go yesterday. I miss him so much.
    R.i.P Elliott - 29.11.2000 - 02.07.2012

  • @garybrad55
    @garybrad55 16 лет назад

    a truly beutiful video it brings back all the happy and sad times i had with my beloved boxer lewis who crossed rainbowbridge on the 23/7/2008.my heart is broken in two i yern to hold him in my arms and tell him once more how much i loved him he gave me 14 years of joy i mss so much so until we meet again my baby run free never forget mummy loves you xx

  • @2000Jburks
    @2000Jburks 12 лет назад

    I watch this beautiful video and think of my wonderful dog biscuit. I remember the last time I saw her at the vet. Even though it was painfull she stood up and wagged her tail . It was so hard to let her go but I know she was suffering she is happier now

  • @Samalabear
    @Samalabear 15 лет назад

    So many that I have loved and lost. It never gets easier, the parting, but I know that heaven will not be heaven if we do not all meet again at the end and live happily ever after. Thank you so much for this.

  • @ndog2005
    @ndog2005 13 лет назад +1

    This Is So Beautiful, then thinkin of the special pets I've had, now moved on, I'm typing this thru tears.

  • @tonymccarthy6713
    @tonymccarthy6713 3 года назад

    Such reassuring words. Very conforting.

  • @EvieDragonborn
    @EvieDragonborn 14 лет назад +2

    This made me wept as I mourn the loss of my loving amazing dog!!

  • @94FlashlingLights
    @94FlashlingLights 10 лет назад

    Just lost my Best FamiLee/friend last night and im up all night thinking my dog. RIP to the wonderful cats and dog that came in to those they were meant to be with til the day they left.. I love and miss her!! thanks for a beautiful song and words...

  • @ultimateskinsfan
    @ultimateskinsfan 15 лет назад

    i am sobbing like a baby now......my puppy, gilbert, age 16 was put to sleep today and i was not able to be there for him......he was always there for me and i failed to be there for him i cant stop crying

  • @jimduffy1967
    @jimduffy1967 6 лет назад

    Thanks so much for this lovely, sad and poignant upload, I have lost a lot of dogs over time and miss all of them, it never gets any easier when you loss your friend.

  • @allison6842
    @allison6842 9 лет назад +5

    9 years, its been 9 years since I lost Randy my rough coated collie, he was 2 when I was born and was there through every milestone till I was 12. every video like this I cry my eyes out just thinking about him. Same with Oliver my rollie pollie orange cat who has been gone for 8 years. I have lost many pets but my collie and my first cat were the worst losses I have ever dealt with. I want my best friends back... but at least they are in heaven with all the others.

    • @zarabenton
      @zarabenton 8 лет назад +3

      +allison sharkey I am so very sorry for your losses. I lost my Collie 9 years ago too on Wed 3rd Feb 2016, not one day has passed since we had him pts that I have not thought of him, cried for him and mourned his loss. Zak was an old man ~ 16 years old but it still hurt like hell the day we held him and let him go to rainbow bridge. Just maybe they met and play together .... veterans of the bridge, never forgotten and forever loved

    • @alessianae781
      @alessianae781 4 года назад


  • @sswaits2
    @sswaits2 13 лет назад

    I just love this video - It's awesome ,the pictures say it all ,the love we have and bound with our pets is for a life time, There love can never be replaced .and will never be forgotten .Thank You for this video.

  • @KatieChap1996
    @KatieChap1996 13 лет назад +1

    thank you so much for this video its helping me find at least a little peace, I've never hurt so hard in my life, I can't let go, I lost my dog I've grown up with since being a baby of 15 years, I love him so much, It brings me peace to know that hes waiting and that one day I will see him again :')

  • @JosLemmers
    @JosLemmers 13 лет назад

    Today it is one year ago that i have lost my greatest friend "my cat , Last One" and it still hurts , i miss him so much .
    This here is a good place to drop by and find some peace .
    Thanks for that .

  • @curleyblue777
    @curleyblue777 14 лет назад

    This is a truely beautiful video, so emotional but so heartwarming - it made me cry as I watched it + thought of my beautiful girl Storm who I had to put to sleep last february. I have shared it with so many of my friends via facebook who all said they cried but that it is beautiful. Thank you x

  • @mruresm8
    @mruresm8 16 лет назад

    I can hardly type this for weeping so much, very very very moving indeed, utterly beautiful, ..... thank you.

  • @MsHatesHaters
    @MsHatesHaters 13 лет назад

    This is the most beautiful tribute.... I lost my Kitty, who I had for 17 years, 3 days ago. Now she's waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge, and my little brother Dennis is taking care of her for me there until I meet them again, 'til then.

  • @deisenutt
    @deisenutt 12 лет назад

    15 best years of my life i had with my little man bob put to sleep the other night were so so heartbroken xxx