Old War Gaming Stories - Tom and Ben

  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 21

  • @BlueWasAlreadyTaken
    @BlueWasAlreadyTaken 9 месяцев назад +121

    The Kroot conga line is amazing

    • @TheBiomedZed
      @TheBiomedZed 6 месяцев назад +3

      Can you explain a bit more about why it "works"? I dont have any 40k knowledge at all

    • @BlueWasAlreadyTaken
      @BlueWasAlreadyTaken 6 месяцев назад +12

      @@TheBiomedZed Yea so Tau player goes first on turn one, so to prevent the tau shooting him the White Scars player put all his units in reserve so his opponent couldnt shoot them with the plan to come on the board from his board edge on his go with his full might. However the Tau have a unit called kroot who among other things work as the Tau's scouts.
      These scout (Kroot) units can deploy anywhere on the table that isnt 12 inches or so from an enemy unit (these numbers might be wrong this edition of the rules was awhile ago but the gist is the same) as there are no enemy units on the table during Tau's turn 1 the Tau player deploys his unit of kroot in a massive line across the White Scars board edge (the board edge that White Scar HAS to come from reserve on)
      The beauty of it is that you cant come from reserve in base contact with an enemy model, so all the White Scar units legally cannot come on in from reserve. The Kroot have left NO space on the board edge, not a single unit can get on the board without being in base contact with the enemy (which counts as being in close combat) you CANNOT end your move being in base contact with an enemy unless you are charging, which you CANT do when moving in from reserve.
      As the White Scar cannot get anything on the board the Tau wins.
      Hope this helps! I can explain more if I've forgotten anything :)

  • @MerchantVenus
    @MerchantVenus 8 месяцев назад +34

    Having a crew with these fixed big guns represents wounds, with the last wound being the gun itself. The earthshaker carriage datasheet has an extra line that saying that the crew are tokens only and not modules for rules purposes, meaning you can move through them or even end your turn on top of them. The player using them to screen the gun itself was in the wrong. Saying that, GW could make this more clear in an FAQ

  • @AcceptTheNull
    @AcceptTheNull Месяц назад +5

    As a Guard player who had to deal with my friend only ever getting more and more deep strike heavy with his marines, the guy losing by the rules, 100 percent is cathartic.

  • @Daktangle
    @Daktangle 8 месяцев назад +23

    It is a shame that most wargame stories do play out exactly how Rimmer tells them in Red Dwarf. I think the Mek Gun/Eldar Support Weapon thing is why GW started putting units like that on a single large base like the new Imperial Guard artilley weapons.

    • @RAFMnBgaming
      @RAFMnBgaming 2 месяца назад

      it makes channels like Games Night even more impressive in a way.

  • @whosadaman8326
    @whosadaman8326 9 месяцев назад +10

    Man this really brings me back to going to card shops

  • @Kill3rballoon
    @Kill3rballoon 9 месяцев назад +15

    And there were never any disputes about rules interpretations ever again… wait…

  • @Geesuv
    @Geesuv 3 месяца назад +4

    To be fair, using what is obviously a cheesy exploit to stop anyone from charging your unit is a pretty shitty move.

  • @xieatunicorns
    @xieatunicorns 9 месяцев назад +15

    The guy in the white T-shirt, glasses and dark hair is my mate Wayne, from Edinburgh. Aka wheels, if you want his take on what happened drop me comment and I will reach out.

    • @StalkTheHype
      @StalkTheHype 13 дней назад

      He always got such a raw deal. Everyone shitting on him cause he had the audacity of try harding in a tournament, as if it's a bad thing.

  • @choo-choo4922
    @choo-choo4922 9 месяцев назад +5

    IG doesn't have this problem cause they just give their art guys stats and sticks them to the same base

    • @MerchantVenus
      @MerchantVenus 8 месяцев назад

      Not quite, there are a few forgeworld artillery pieces that use crew models as "tokens". The earthshaker battery has an extra line than other such models saying the crew aren't models and can't be treated as such so you could move through them or end your movement on top of them, they can't be used as screens

  • @Nomnomnomnomie
    @Nomnomnomnomie 6 месяцев назад +2

    They should all, ALL!!! Be on bases

  • @RatioHatesTheGame
    @RatioHatesTheGame 9 месяцев назад +20

    Honestly, that Warhammer story says more about the organizers to me than about the players. Competitive players expected to "work out their differences" during a competitive match?? Doesn't sound very competitive to me. It amazes me how seriously people take Warhammer and then they just tolerate these issues and say that you're petty if you don't.
    Apparently the issue's been fixed in 10th edition.

  • @RtxtDriver
    @RtxtDriver 9 месяцев назад +9

    Who were the two youtubers that got DQ’d 😂

  • @someperson8641
    @someperson8641 9 месяцев назад +1

  • @IndigoWhiskey
    @IndigoWhiskey 4 месяца назад +7

    wow thats dumb.
    obviously you don't have immortal artillery defenders, allow the charge.
    literally trying to edge case an exploit.

  • @kdhlkjhdlk
    @kdhlkjhdlk 9 месяцев назад +2

    You can make the charge through the wound markers. The opposite rules makes the game bad. And nobody plays bad games.

    • @Kill3rballoon
      @Kill3rballoon 9 месяцев назад +6

      This stream was from 9th edition before the crew just became wound tokens in 10th