Iron Sky - German UFO's vs The US Airforce

  • Опубликовано: 12 мар 2022
  • From the film Iron Sky
  • ИгрыИгры

Комментарии • 53

  • @Boskov01
    @Boskov01 11 месяцев назад +192

    As absurd as this movie is, I still like the idea of the space zeppelins.

  • @Swindle1984
    @Swindle1984 11 месяцев назад +96

    The most unrealistic part of this video is the A-10 engaging aircraft.

    • @nafisfuadayon6832
      @nafisfuadayon6832 11 месяцев назад


    • @kennykewn5182
      @kennykewn5182 11 месяцев назад

      You're looking for realistic?....get a grip

    • @alannatherson7721
      @alannatherson7721 11 месяцев назад +2

      I know right, those things are for killing friendly infantry not shooting down enemy aircraft.

    • @traphimawari7760
      @traphimawari7760 11 месяцев назад +1

      I mean a gun is a gun, plus those German UFO fighters are quite armored they are essentially flying tanks and A-10's were designed to take on tanks and heavy armor with its 30mm GAU avenger so it actually makes sense to use A-10's against heavily armored flying nazi tanks not to mention A-10's got more carry loads and hard points for mounting the appropriate ordinance to deal with them pesky armored fascists, it might not be realistic but it is smart and whoever deployed those had great intuition regarding the force they were up against then again it might just be an accidental genius and the film writers had no idea regarding jets

    • @Swindle1984
      @Swindle1984 11 месяцев назад

      @@traphimawari7760 The A-10 is a dedicated close air support aircraft. It doesn't have a radar capable of tracking aerial targets, can't mount air-to-air missiles, and the gun is designed around strafing stationary or slow-moving ground targets while pointing nose-down. It also isn't agile enough to keep the gun aimed at a maneuvering aircraft, and anti-tank missiles don't have the range, speed, maneuverability, or tracking system for aircraft. This is like saying a 120mm mortar can be used against aircraft because the 88mm flak gun doubles as artillery and anti-air.

  • @Kokuyous3ki
    @Kokuyous3ki 11 месяцев назад +16

    After Crimson Skies, the sight of such zeppelins warms my heart.

    • @picoletor
      @picoletor 11 месяцев назад +1

      kirov reporting! elium mix optimal! bombardiers, to your stations!

    • @samuelaresbatko
      @samuelaresbatko 11 месяцев назад

      Loved that game!

  • @huntclanhunt9697
    @huntclanhunt9697 11 месяцев назад +12

    That F22 was well below stall speeds.

  • @FureyinHD
    @FureyinHD 11 месяцев назад +20

    VFX in this movie were on point

  • @avazquez01
    @avazquez01 Год назад +143

    Seems like a cool movie but.. aside from the a-10, fighter jets wouldn't really come that close to slow moving craft with swivel turrets. They'd just rocket them from a distance, lol.

    • @wouterkessel4852
      @wouterkessel4852 Год назад +10

      to be fair the things came in from orbit and are flying among the buildings in a city. You really do not want to try firing missiles and rockets into a city from long distance against a flying enemy, they'll just move around or behind a building and that will then take the hit instead.

    • @avazquez01
      @avazquez01 Год назад +23

      @@wouterkessel4852 And also to be fair, they would have detected the flying vehicles long before they even get that close to the city. And in a city that has become an active battleground, collateral is a secondary concern, they'd probably still use missiles from a little further away.

    • @Swindle1984
      @Swindle1984 11 месяцев назад

      @@avazquez01 It took the space shuttle 25 minutes to go from low orbit to landing on a runway, and it was slowing down from mach 25 to subsonic speeds the whole way. The moon Nazi saucers aren't landing, so they're not decelerating as much and there would be less time to react to them. Very few radar systems exist capable of detecting things coming from space, mostly around military installations that would be targeted by ICBM's and space launch facilities, not major cities. They have less than 25 minutes to detect the incoming spacecraft, figure out what they are, decide that they need to scramble aircraft, get all their pilots (many of whom would be off duty and at home, or out at a restaurant, or doing whatever and need to be summoned back to base) suited up, have their fighters fueled, loaded with missiles and gun ammunition, go through a pre-flight check, then take off and figure out where they need to go and what they need to do when they get there. There is no feasible way for them to intercept the moon Nazis before they attack NYC unless they already had aircraft in the air waiting for an attack they knew was coming and knew when, where, and from what direction.
      And fighters only carry a few missiles, and missiles miss their targets on a regular basis due to the target changing speed, making sudden evasive maneuvers, launching decoy chaff and flares to misdirect the missile, firing guns at the missile to blow it up, or even just missiles not being 100% accurate in the first place. Missiles also fail regularly against aircraft flying at low altitude because the radar and thermal signature get lost in the clutter of terrain, buildings, trees, etc. Combine that with the flying saucers maneuvering through a city full of skyscrapers to dodge behind, and this is gonna devolve into a gun battle real quick.
      Honestly, the only unrealistic part of this is the A-10 engaging aircraft; its 30mm gun isn't designed to shoot at things that aren't largely stationary targets on the ground, requiring time to spin up and having excessive recoil that makes it impractical to shoot at fast, maneuverable targets. It also isn't equipped with radar or thermal sights designed for targeting aircraft, it's purely focused on shooting at ground targets. I don't know if it's even capable of mounting an air-to-air missile on its racks, rather than just anti-tank missiles and bombs, but even if it is it lacks the targeting systems to actually lock onto an aircraft and guide the missile to it in the first place.

    • @tabchanzero8229
      @tabchanzero8229 11 месяцев назад +5

      And to also be fair, rationalizing the things in this movie is... perhaps a bit irrational.

    • @avazquez01
      @avazquez01 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@tabchanzero8229 and to be fair.. even scifi should be a little grounded if it wants to be taken seriously.
      For example, if you say an a-10 fly backwards, 360-noscope ten nazi spaceships at once, it looks silly and ruins the immersion and atmosphere of the movie.
      Dont get me wrong, I still enjoyed the scene and it looks awesome. What I said was just an observation that I thought was worth pointing out.
      With that out of the way, let me address something else:
      For what you said, you're half wrong. Depending on the type of movie, rationalizing or even irrationalizing a movie is okay as long as it's within the confines of the goal of your movie. Star Wars having laser guns? Makes sense. Star Wars having magic? Not really unless you're able to explain it as having some connection to the Force (like Sith Alchemy or smth). A regular medieval movie having swords? Its expected. Same movie having a hummer or machine guns? Sounds cool but unless it's part of the story you're trying to build, not really fitting.
      This movie is a scifi, sure. So some reality bending works. But it's a scifi based off of our modern world, so you can't get away with bending reality too far. So me pointing out that the fighter jets would shoot from further away isn't irrational at all, because that's what would be more "realistic" for the set rules of the scene.
      It's mostly about moderation. Movies are expected to bend the truth based off of the goal of the movie itself. And most movies require to be grounded within our understanding.
      Anyways, all in all, my original comment was just a harmless observation on a movie that seems silly but still cool, but it was a nice opportunity explaining my view on taking movies seriously or not.
      Here, have a like.

  • @picoletor
    @picoletor 11 месяцев назад +9

    this movie seems to be a love letter to red alert 2, you got kirov airships (but nazis) you got yuri flying disks (but nazi) even Udo Kier, yuri himself appears in the movie! is like they tried to do a red alert 2 movie, but EA didnt gave them the rights, so they altered it

  • @chazs9425
    @chazs9425 Год назад +11

    thanks for posting these clips of iron sky

  • @kevint1929
    @kevint1929 11 месяцев назад +3

    The Thunderbolts going in to dogfight was a real 💀 moment

  • @shaggiepapi9974
    @shaggiepapi9974 Год назад +19

    Aw they used the halo reach mounted gun noises for their mini gun there towards the end

    • @tedytarrify
      @tedytarrify 11 месяцев назад +2

      ... and I think starcraft 2 marine. One of my most hated sound effects. So anaemic, muffled, quiet and underpowered.

  • @oscarmanzanoserna3115
    @oscarmanzanoserna3115 11 месяцев назад +2

    A couple of well placed conventional missiles (Nuclear ones if you're feeling cheeky) would obliterate that space sausage in a couple seconds

  • @one2tre960
    @one2tre960 11 месяцев назад +2

    1:18 de verdad usaron el sonido del arma del marine de starcraft 2

  • @Cjdergrosse
    @Cjdergrosse 11 месяцев назад +14

    Show A10s but not brrrrrrrrrrrrr S H A M E

  • @theexoticone3478
    @theexoticone3478 11 месяцев назад +6

    Least absurd ww2 german idea:

  • @WeazelGamingHI
    @WeazelGamingHI 11 месяцев назад

    Ah, yes space-faring zeppelins.

  • @orkako
    @orkako 11 месяцев назад

    I have three questions:
    1. why did the F-22 which should fly at a very high altitude and destroy targets beyond its line of sight fly first between buildings and then fly into machine gun range?
    2. why was an A-10 aircraft sent against air targets, which is used to destroy ground targets?
    3. why did the air defense not respond?
    It's a pity that the authors didn't read more deeply into the conspiracy theories about the German UFO, because there was a theme of an electromagnetic field that bends the flight of missiles. I think it would have been better than nooby-pilots.

  • @belfordmcpimface3482
    @belfordmcpimface3482 11 месяцев назад +1

    The most absurd part are the awful haircuts everyone has

  • @BlackSkull1984
    @BlackSkull1984 11 месяцев назад

    Imagine these space nazis challenge against Galactic Empire and First Order

  • @stevenpivornik9982
    @stevenpivornik9982 11 месяцев назад +1

    This is just the movie Independence Day with a Nazi Reich twist to it. I do like the concept though.

    • @deveryhenderson8335
      @deveryhenderson8335 11 месяцев назад

      The Nazis were hindu. Hitlers priestess was a Hindu.

  • @DaliborPerkovic-sw8mh
    @DaliborPerkovic-sw8mh 11 месяцев назад +1

    I am just interested what drug they used that guys who written scenario for that foolish and absurd movie? What a waste of many and time. That is possible today just in decadent USA movie industry.

    • @picoletor
      @picoletor 11 месяцев назад +3

      the movie is finnish, not from usa... and i gess you never played red alert 2...

    • @DaliborPerkovic-sw8mh
      @DaliborPerkovic-sw8mh 11 месяцев назад

      @@picoletor I really did know that the movie is finnish. Very strange for me, because I know that Finland was allies of Germany in ww2. I understand that is a movie for fun, but something like that I more expected from USA than every other countries. Yes, I never played Red Alert 2. Thank you for your information for me.

    • @oscarmanzanoserna3115
      @oscarmanzanoserna3115 11 месяцев назад

      ​@@picoletorITS WHAT?!

    • @TheRafale5231
      @TheRafale5231 11 месяцев назад +3

      Dude looked at Iron Sky and said "yeah, thats a movie i can take seriously" 💀💀💀

    • @DaliborPerkovic-sw8mh
      @DaliborPerkovic-sw8mh 11 месяцев назад

      @@TheRafale5231 I will watch that movie and than I will tell you what i think about that. Thanks for suggestion!

  • @DaliborPerkovic-sw8mh
    @DaliborPerkovic-sw8mh 11 месяцев назад +1

    Finally, people, I looked the movie Iron Sky and my opinion was not to much changed after watching that film. I was shocked that Germany and Finland participated in creation of that travesty of film industry. For Australia I am not surprised and I can expected something like that from that Kangaroo land. But, Germany and Finland?! I am really disappointed with them. Even for USA is logic that kind of movie is created there. I must, first, told you people what I do not like in the movie. Because, second one is very small part and that i really like. I like just two things: when the Nazi guy shot American astronaut in the head, on the Moon and that Americans were not first humans on the Moon - Nazis were present there before 1969. OK! What I really do not like in the movie?! There are so many stuffs, but I will try to mention the most important elements of that Bullshit. First, that movie, I supposed to be a comedy or funny thing, but for me is horrible thing who tell the people that Nazis was idiots, naive and completely evil. All of that is not nothing a true. Second, they dreamed how they would invaded free world who is really under USA world dominance and truly not free. Like real world today, under real American domination and occupation. So, Nazis were very rigid , evil and backwards? And the true is that Nazis were never existed today will be no Nuclear, Rocket and Space programs for USA, USSR, Great Britain, France, China, India, North Korea, Israel, Iran, Pakistan, ect. When I start watching the movie I was know on the beginning that USA will triumphed against 4th Reich from the Moon, be a saviour of the planet and that is so giant stupid, because in ww2 Germany was at least 50 years in advantage about technology, medicine, science, ect in opposite of USA, Great Britain, France, USSR, Australia, Japan, Italy, Canada, ect. So, if that was in ww2, why in the movie The New Reich is so backward and inferior of USA and rest of the race mixing world? And finally, in that movie White people are bad, stupid, naive and evil. But, race mixing or Black race people are good, smart and gentile. So, then I ask you why they does not made a space, rocket or nuclear program for USA? Why were all American scientists, after ww2 were pure german scientists who were white and no race mixed? Finally, the worst thing for me in the movie is that when evil white people convert " good black astronaut" to white skin, blue eyes and blond human, who liked to be Black, but they changed that guy all race. Bullshit! You know why? Because, race is a fact of your genetic system and it is not just color of your skin. Is more than that. PS: I am white guy, I am proud about my origin and who I am. I am not masochist and I love my race. But, I am not racist either, because I do not suppressed nobody because he is a different than me. So, I do not like that movie and I am sad if somebody like that bullshit. Sorry!