I had sleep apnea much of my life. I no longer eat sugar, vegetable oil, grains nor processed foods. I eat a low carb/high fat diet. I no longer have sleep apnea and sleep regularly through the night at regular times.
Sooo I realized this morning I may have mild sleep apnea. I thought it was nightmares that were waking me up, but today I realized I was obstructed. I am a very slim female, I go to the gym, I run sprints with 30 seconds rest. I eat healthy 80% of the time. I only get sleep apnea lying on my back, but I cannot sleep on my side due to shoulder injuries and spine issues (Seeing a chiro for this too). I think I may have to tone my mouth with exercises like those I've seen online. Very strange. I will try these tips too. I refuse to wear a mask to bed to help. I'll keep everyone posted on any progress! Apparently the mouth exercises can take about 2-3 months to help toning
I have exactly the same issue, torn rotator cuffs on both shoulders so I have no choice but to sleep on my back as it’s too painful not to. Hope you manage to get it sorted 🙏 keep us posted!
The dietary recommendations that were mentioned don't just benefit patients with sleep apnea, but pretty much anyone. Great advice! Exercise as well has a multitude of benefits. However I would stress the importance of using conventional therapy in addition to these lifestyle changes. It's very hard to eat right, and reap the benefits of exercise if the body has no capability of staying in REM sleep (the most restorative stage of sleep). You need something to stent the collapsed airway open in order for you to continue breathing! Always consult your sleep doctor for treatment recommendations. We're rooting for you guys!
This guy knows what he's talking about. During my excursion through various doctors, one hinted that it might be gut related. I am cleaning up my diet and started exercising regularly; my sleep quality is improving. Cutting out grains and switching to Raw Buckwheat in particular made a world of difference for me, in conjunction with eating at least two cloves of garlic a day.
I eat clean,dont drink, smoke and workout every day. I even bought an expensive mattress and pillow to help with sleep to even doing the oils and nasal sprays . Still I have issue with sleep apnea, now I have a cpap machine and sleep great
So simple. Like with any other health issue, it goes back to diet and exercise eating anti-imflamatory foods. Throwing away toxic prescription drugs. Getting oxygen into the lungs and cells. So important.
Exactly. This guy is simply cashing in on the the 'good and healthy' vibe in the name of good empirical science and realities bigger than will power and 'clean living'. Makes me angry. But the sleeping on your side does help. Don't sleep on your back folks!
Me 5, two bits of advice become aware of your quality of sleep, try to find a metric. Change something you think may work and try to make the metric better. This problem is way under stated and appears have many symptoms and/or causes. Ketosis is the best way to avoid damage from lack of oxygen and although the guy in video doesn't state this as the reason for his advice his recommendations when taken hard core will get some into ketosis and thus protect the brain in a profound way. I could write a long post on Ketosis but a you tub video or 30 youtube videos should get you started.
You don't eat spoon of sugar? Including soda, and everything else containing sugar!? What about vegetable oils? What about medication history. Ppl seem not really know what they are taking
yeah this video is basically horshit. He's just giving a bunch of trendy dietary advice, and surprise surprise, he happens to sell supplements for a lot of it. It's great dietary advice but, it's certainly not going to cure sleep apnea.
Dr. Josh Axe Thanks for the Video clip! Apologies for chiming in, I would appreciate your opinion. Have you researched - Letochy Fast Apnea Plan (erm, check it on google should be there)? It is a smashing one off guide for curing your sleep apnea without the hard work. Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my close friend Aubrey finally got amazing success with it.
I'm low d don't go in sun enough they say do 10 _15 min3 times a day early sun up mid day n later something to do with levels worth a try for d n relax , not easy but give it a go cut sugar !
That's why we need to try everything ! So mine started when I stoped excersizing n got flaby even around my neck so doing facersize n neck too doing rebound ing too to try to get rid of water retention and clear lymphs just in case 10 min a hr weekend any other ideas gratefully will try
Sleep apnea and snoring are due to the shape of the airway. I'm a skinny guy who doesn't drink alcohol and who is physically active, and I have sleep apnea.
Thank you for sharing this. I've used a CPAP for 10 years and have now this year developed chronic sinus and ear infections so can no longer use the machine. Using a neti pot also, but still no luck. I'll work on all of these suggestions. Thanks again.
When I sleep on my side my arms go numb and I wake up with a night terror. The only thing that helps is sleeping elevated even tho it’s very uncomfortable. I’m trying essential oils now too. I’ve had insomnia, apnea, and night terrors for many years. It comes in cycles. Lately it’s been bad but I’m trying to implement all of these things. I also have a lot of nasal congestion/post nasal drip which contributes to that choking feeling in the middle of the night
Dr.Axe, you are talking about Obstructive Sleep Apnea, but what about Central Sleep Apnea. This is when your brain doesn’t send proper signals to the muscles that control breathing. Basically, a person stops breathing for moments, but it’s not related to the throat being obstructed. What are your thoughts on that?
I use Lavender in my CPAP and look forward to using Peppermit tonight. This will be controversial but I assume that you said to avoid smoking for the damage it does the lungs. But the research I have read says that nicotine increases the oxygen to the brain. So if I need a good night sleep I use a nicotine patch and I wake up less hung over. Apnea in my experience creates two problems a hung over feeling from lack of oxygen and drowsiness from lack of deep sleep. Nicotine helps with the former, when I wake up I don't feel like I just went a round with Tyson, maybe half a round. Pretty sure I have more central sleep apnea because all my success in opening up my sinuses has done little to help my sleep. Sleeping with nicotine is tough because it takes me almost 4-5 minutes to fall asleep rather than the normal 30 seconds. Also taking anti oxidents before and after sleeping helps reduce the damage from hypoxia (lack of oxygen to the brain). I am bad and mix oral Thyme and hydrogen water. Lately I have been limiting my sleep to 3 hours and taking lots of naps that allow my body to recover before going another round. Hypoxia is a nasty nasty problem that does way more damage than most know while they sleep.
Ive been using a cpap machine for obstructive sleep apnea for years...im athletic with a healthy diet....the sleep clinic told me specifically not to swim or lift weights as you hold your breath .so i do curcuit training now....
Sound advice, but didn’t mention myofunctional therapy which is the most helpful. People really need to consult professional sleep dentist and doctors and myofunctional therapist and ENT that specialize in sleep, this is not a DIY project, and will have serious consequences if not treated well.
great thx cpap machine changed my life, I know sleep staight 8 hours a night. No more night terrors, hallucinations, sleep walking. Not sleeping dipped me into HPB, diabetes, homornal and emotional problems. Don't be afraid of getting a sleep tes
Dr, I know it’s not natural, but for the past few weeks I have been taking Gabapentin for shingles treatment. Been sleeping like a dog. Prior to the shingles I was beat with sleep problems so much that I hated to go to bed. I’ll be off the Gabapentin in a few weeks, just in time for my new CPAP machine!
I've heard about the apple cider vinegar being good to use for acid reflex. Unfortunately for me, I have such severe sleep apnea that positional sleeping won't help. Mine comes from a structural deformity with my jaw.
All these dietary advices are concerned with decreasing vitamin B1 depletion (B1 deficiency, which causes 'Beri Beri,' mimicks a whole basket of other diseases and ailments like so called "Air Hunger" which also hits hardest at night). Vitamin B1 deficiency is a MAJOR cause of respiratory issues because the nerve centres of the brain stem responsible for breathing (both when you are awake and asleep) need B1 to support proper nerve conduction. Try supplementing with B1 and back it up with a natural source of B-Complex like brewers yeast to prevent deficiency in the other B-vitamins . . .
He mentions eating fish, turkey, beef, but then says eat a diet that is anti-inflammatory. But meat is pro-inflammatory. Then he says avoid a diet high in carbohydrates then mentions eating plenty of nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, grains... but carbohydrates means plant food.
Yeah....as long as I sleep on my side I don't have sleep apnea, but as soon as I turn on my back, or attempt to sleep on my back for the sake of preventing wrinkles. I wake up in the middle of the night and cant breathe. :(
Let the real medical professionals who specialise in sleep disorders consult people. Your tips are fine for people to lose weight. Don't make false statements about a very serious condition.
Western medicine doesn't have an answer for everything and seems to be more about the business than a patient's health. Also, what is saying nicely is lose weight and eat better.
Soory to say, sir. But you know nothing about OSA. Please don't provide false statements. They aren't proven remedies. Weight loss, sleep hygiene & side position, no (alcohol, caffeine or sedative drugs), use of oral appliances and use Cpap in severe case.
Why does everyone discuss only the Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Can you please do a video about Central sleep apnea or do a video so people understand the difference? Thanks
There is but most also include Obstructed sleep apnea. Which from my understanding a CPAP or other breathing tool wouldn't help because if it's just central then there's no obstruction.
which is more effective the humidifier or the air purifier for the room? i have a c-pap and i just can't adjust its too invasive and makes me feel like I'm being suffocated.
Hi I know you sent this 3 years ago but I seem to be struggling with the same thing and apparently it's a sign of being vitamin b1 deficient. Try getting a great vitamin B supplement and up your magnesium too. Wishing you the very best.
This is awesome, i opened a half dozen other "cure apnea" videos and they were all BS, just trying to direct you to their websites and giving no information at all. This video offers the best advice i have heard so far and now i am actually interested to find out what is on the website. Thanks Dr Axe.
Dr. Axe, I really need help. I use a cpap and it doesn’t help me. I can sleep and feel like I’ve had no sleep. This is everyday. I can sleep for two or three days straight. This can effect my concentration, memory, speech, and response time. The sleep doctor says I have idiopathic hypersomnia. I am going to try everything in your video. But I have questions and a schedule and what to do. Please can you help me?
Dr Josh. I have been doing all the tips you suggest in this video, for nearly 2 years now, but I still find myself waking 7 or 8 times a night. My bed room is just used for sleeping and only contains my bed and a bed-side cabinet. What else can I do to help get a more solid nights sleep? Thank you.
Thanks Dr. Axe. I just got a Bi-Pap Machine and it is worthless. The mask leaks and causes worse dry eye symptoms. Also, it makes my nose very sore and makes my sinus problems worse. I am going to try some herbals (found on Amazon) and some pycnogenol. Swimming does seem to improve things. I have all the exercise videos here and I need to use them. I think it would help with weight loss.
Of course the BiPAP will be useless. It simply cannot work without a properly fitting mask. Go to a respected therapist and get a correctly fitted mask. You are not just losing sleep, but your health is also effected. Heart problems, stroke, diabetes etc.. Sure lose weight and watch what you eat, but that is mid to long term.
If your mask leaks,then is it the correct size.If it is correct,then suggest you tighten up the lower straps.You may need them pretty tight.I have a cpap and now that I am used to it,i could not be without it.It has reduced my daytime sleepiness considerably.The cpap m/c is supposedly the gold standard in treatment.
your mask should be fitted and tested by a technician. You should have had 2 nights in the sleep lab. 1 to test your problem, the other to test your new equipment. In that last test the tech should have had you fitted for the right machine, nose pillows, mask, air pressure. YOu should NOT be having these problems. You are NOT going to find herbs that help a serious apnea sleep problem.
I sleep on m back but with pillows below my back pitched up like an incliner, not flat down. I never move till I wake up sometime during the night only getting 3-4 hours. . But if I sleep on my side, it hurts my shoulders and they ache for days. SO I still sleep on my back, inclined. Any helpful ideas for sleeping?
You could experiment with a body pillow in front or behind you so your body weight iscsifted off your shoulder. Try to acheive a neutral neck position so your head is not turned to either side.
Sleep apnea causes acid reflux. The day I got my CPAP machine my "night" acid reflex disappeared completely and forever. Acid reflux does not cause sleep apnea, . . . just saying.
absolutely. .true..he's an eejit saying acid reflux causes sleep apnia..it's one of the basic facts re it we discover as osa sufferers that sleep apnia causes acid reflux..one of the many effects of the oxygen deficit involved. it can kill us...heart failure. .people work hard to benefit from cpaps but thru no fault of their own. .they wake at the 2 holy points where going into deeper sleep the breathing gets heavier and the cpaps fail us..no matter how variable re pressure and sophisticated we' re told they r...we wake every 2 hrs and suffer constant daily exhaustion as a result. it's a known firm of torture to be woken every 2 hrs preventing deeper refreshing sleep. so if osa is to kill..then rather it be a coronary in sleep. ..than breathing stoppage leading to stroke. ..and vegetative state...with locked in syndrome ..unable to alert anyone u r still actually alive!! will they ever design a cpap that works for everyone with osa. .lay folk play it down. .osa..as just poor quality sleep and therefore common. .but if more knowledge re the horrendous medical probs osa causes got into the general consciousness including its 25 per cent of over 60's develop osa and it causes altzheimers when older. .then and only then will society push for more research to lead to more equally and effectively given treatment fir is a. .regardless of financial social status. good luck to all with it tho.
Acid reflux definitely can cause it. I'm speaking from experience. I have chronic heartburn and when I was on PPI's shortly after my heartburn stopped, so did my sleep apnea. Once I got off of it, my heartburn returned and so did my apnea.
interesting points ,if anyone else needs to find out about best cure for sleep apnea try Knewreck Amazing Apnea Guide(just google it ) ? Ive heard some interesting things about it and my co-worker got amazing success with it.
Thank you so much for sharing this info with all of us. Wondering if you're familiar with laryngospasms which I suffer with and it scares me so much. When I have an attack I think this is it, I'm going to die. Mine is possibly caused by GURD which I don't understand since I eat pretty clean. I do a lot of throat clearing but use very little dairy products. Been trying some breathing techniques that I'm hoping will help. Maybe the air purifier and humidifier would be good. I found mint & fragrances to be a trigger for me. I'v started back using apple cedar vinegar in my morning health shake. Not sure whats a good amount to sue without upsetting my stomach. Any help you can give would be appreciated.
also, I recommend Dr. Dakota snoring stop, cpap accessory. If you're just starting to have sleep issues or first time user with a CPAP, it helps a lot. No more drying out, when you use this product. It helps to direct the forced air coming from your CPap. I actually stop using my C Pap , but go back and forth. But never sleep with out my Dr. Dakota now, ever.
When i exercised at night or in the afternoon the problem is when i go to bed at night i really feel tired and it really make me feel sleepy but the momenth i shut my mouth and i Started deep sleep then it happen sleep apnea appears blocking the air in my mouth and it just shook me up to wake up cause i couldnt hardly breath i mean the deep sleep i felt cause of exercise really worsen my sleep apnea so not advicesable to exercise at night and get very tired and you will feel very sleepy only to encounter breathing diffuculties at night so what i do is just read a book or using my ipad before i sleep and automatically i just dosed off and sleep and pray your sleep apnea will not occur
i was just researchign and came acrossed this video. i think i do have it. my oldest sister is concerned. the hardest part is finding time to exercise. i get home about 7:30 at night so im exhausted at the end of the day. basically on going from 6:30 am-7:30 pm. all i wanna do is get my dinner and sleep. dieting i can do. i have school (my last year of college) starting soon so there goes more free time. when school starts i will have acess to a gym on wed and saturdays.body pillow is great idea. i sleep with a back rest pillow and 2 extra pillows. i recently just bulked up a blanket behind the back rest. it dont work i sleep on my side and end up on my back. i will get one of those body pillows. target sells them. any suggestions on getting me back to sleeping on the side when im a tosser/turner?
I was just told I have mild sleep apnea. I don’t usually ever wake during my sleep so idk. Does mild apnea require the cpap machine? I would hate to have to wear that thing :( I am regular weight for my height
I had sleep apnea much of my life. I no longer eat sugar, vegetable oil, grains nor processed foods. I eat a low carb/high fat diet. I no longer have sleep apnea and sleep regularly through the night at regular times.
How many days it took for regular sleep?
prob a wheat alergy that inflammed your throat
Thats amazing. Do you have a diet plan you could share and anything that helped keep to it?
Thats some positive news ,i hope your still going well...
Not very one can go high fat because of cholesterol
I’ve been suffering from mild sleep apnea and what have helped me is having a steamer/humidifier close it has dramatically improve my sleep quality
Sooo I realized this morning I may have mild sleep apnea. I thought it was nightmares that were waking me up, but today I realized I was obstructed. I am a very slim female, I go to the gym, I run sprints with 30 seconds rest. I eat healthy 80% of the time. I only get sleep apnea lying on my back, but I cannot sleep on my side due to shoulder injuries and spine issues (Seeing a chiro for this too). I think I may have to tone my mouth with exercises like those I've seen online. Very strange. I will try these tips too. I refuse to wear a mask to bed to help. I'll keep everyone posted on any progress!
Apparently the mouth exercises can take about 2-3 months to help toning
where can i see those videos of mouth excercises?
I have exactly the same issue, torn rotator cuffs on both shoulders so I have no choice but to sleep on my back as it’s too painful not to. Hope you manage to get it sorted 🙏 keep us posted!
@abigails3270 any updates about your progress?
The dietary recommendations that were mentioned don't just benefit patients with sleep apnea, but pretty much anyone. Great advice! Exercise as well has a multitude of benefits. However I would stress the importance of using conventional therapy in addition to these lifestyle changes. It's very hard to eat right, and reap the benefits of exercise if the body has no capability of staying in REM sleep (the most restorative stage of sleep). You need something to stent the collapsed airway open in order for you to continue breathing! Always consult your sleep doctor for treatment recommendations. We're rooting for you guys!
This guy knows what he's talking about. During my excursion through various doctors, one hinted that it might be gut related. I am cleaning up my diet and started exercising regularly; my sleep quality is improving.
Cutting out grains and switching to Raw Buckwheat in particular made a world of difference for me, in conjunction with eating at least two cloves of garlic a day.
I eat clean,dont drink, smoke and workout every day. I even bought an expensive mattress and pillow to help with sleep to even doing the oils and nasal sprays . Still I have issue with sleep apnea, now I have a cpap machine and sleep great
So simple. Like with any other health issue, it goes back to diet and exercise eating anti-imflamatory foods. Throwing away toxic prescription drugs. Getting oxygen into the lungs and cells. So important.
How do we get oxigen into the lungs and cells?
Losing weight and sleeping on my sides helped me my sleeping apnea big time from Severe 2 mild 👍
Lucky you! Mine got worse after weight loss and excercising… no sugar etc…
Side sleeping helps me a lot, if I 4get on lay on my stomach, I get attack n jump off bed to gasp for air
@@emmanuellight2170 Do u use a cpap machine.
I've had apnea since I was a kid. Even during the best shape in my life and didn't drink coffee, smoke, and drink, I still had it.
Me too
Same situation here. 21 and I weigh 135 and suffer still. I even had tonsillectomy!
Exactly. This guy is simply cashing in on the the 'good and healthy' vibe in the name of good empirical science and realities bigger than will power and 'clean living'. Makes me angry. But the sleeping on your side does help. Don't sleep on your back folks!
Me 5, two bits of advice become aware of your quality of sleep, try to find a metric. Change something you think may work and try to make the metric better. This problem is way under stated and appears have many symptoms and/or causes. Ketosis is the best way to avoid damage from lack of oxygen and although the guy in video doesn't state this as the reason for his advice his recommendations when taken hard core will get some into ketosis and thus protect the brain in a profound way. I could write a long post on Ketosis but a you tub video or 30 youtube videos should get you started.
I have done 95% of what you have suggested for years. I was recently diagnosed with Severe Sleep Apnea.
You don't eat spoon of sugar? Including soda, and everything else containing sugar!? What about vegetable oils? What about medication history. Ppl seem not really know what they are taking
@@martinkulik9466 Most people consume these things at some point, and most don't have sleep apnea.
yeah this video is basically horshit. He's just giving a bunch of trendy dietary advice, and surprise surprise, he happens to sell supplements for a lot of it. It's great dietary advice but, it's certainly not going to cure sleep apnea.
@@martinkulik9466all that helps though no sugar weight goes down that helps
My cpap machine has made very little difference. Losing weight has helped me the most
Approximately how many pounds did you loose in order to notice the change?
Alonzo Munyeneh I lost almost 40 lbs. I still need to lose another 30+ and hopefully have a bigger change
Wow. I was very skinny in my teenage and adolescent years. I think my sleep apnea might be due weight.
Dr. Josh Axe Thanks for the Video clip! Apologies for chiming in, I would appreciate your opinion. Have you researched - Letochy Fast Apnea Plan (erm, check it on google should be there)? It is a smashing one off guide for curing your sleep apnea without the hard work. Ive heard some unbelievable things about it and my close friend Aubrey finally got amazing success with it.
Hoow tooo Fix Neuraal Imbalances and Cureee Insomnia => twitter.com/7827568b9ea28eb1d/status/822777083591999489
Dr Berg says sleep apnea can be related to a B1 deficiency. What are your thoughts on that?? Thank you for the tips=)
And vitamin D deficiency
It's worth a try
I'm low d don't go in sun enough they say do 10 _15 min3 times a day early sun up mid day n later something to do with levels worth a try for d n relax , not easy but give it a go cut sugar !
I have high vit D and still have sleep apnea@@Acordeonistain805
I had a sleep study and I woke up about 92 times without REM sleep.
That's why we need to try everything ! So mine started when I stoped excersizing n got flaby even around my neck so doing facersize n neck too doing rebound ing too to try to get rid of water retention and clear lymphs just in case 10 min a hr weekend any other ideas gratefully will try
Sleep apnea and snoring are due to the shape of the airway. I'm a skinny guy who doesn't drink alcohol and who is physically active, and I have sleep apnea.
Central sleep apnea or obstructive?
Same with me-----only I am female. Hoping some of Dr. Axe's advice will help people like us.
@@valorieb5297 I've heard playing the didgeridoo even with thin people.
Didgeridoo may help.
Being slim doesn't make you healthy, what's your diet like?
I heard that taking vitamin D on daily basis help also. I appreciate your tips and will give it a try.
Thank you for sharing this. I've used a CPAP for 10 years and have now this year developed chronic sinus and ear infections so can no longer use the machine. Using a neti pot also, but still no luck. I'll work on all of these suggestions. Thanks again.
stop eating and drinking dairy. Forever, this might help that problem so you can go back to using your machine and getting good sleep.
I have done all 7 of those listed above, plus I have a slender body type and still have sleep apnea. Currently using a CPAP.
How are you doing now ??? Anything else worked? Have you balanced your hormones
When I sleep on my side my arms go numb and I wake up with a night terror. The only thing that helps is sleeping elevated even tho it’s very uncomfortable. I’m trying essential oils now too. I’ve had insomnia, apnea, and night terrors for many years. It comes in cycles. Lately it’s been bad but I’m trying to implement all of these things. I also have a lot of nasal congestion/post nasal drip which contributes to that choking feeling in the middle of the night
yeh! dead arms are so not fun :-(
Histamine. Try low histamine dieet.
And take quecertine.
I have practically doing everything you recomend for many year. However i gain 9 to 10 lbs after menopause and I have sleep apnea since 2008.
Taking pharma drugs!? Look no further. Eating crap food? Detto
Dr.Axe, you are talking about Obstructive Sleep Apnea, but what about Central Sleep Apnea. This is when your brain doesn’t send proper signals to the muscles that control breathing. Basically, a person stops breathing for moments, but it’s not related to the throat being obstructed. What are your thoughts on that?
Pharma drugs interference.... corticosteroids, hormones. Big pharma is dangerous and one drug causes other diseases, but ppl think they are messiah
thank u for sleeping on your side tip! i did this last night and i slept fine all night
I use Lavender in my CPAP and look forward to using Peppermit tonight. This will be controversial but I assume that you said to avoid smoking for the damage it does the lungs. But the research I have read says that nicotine increases the oxygen to the brain. So if I need a good night sleep I use a nicotine patch and I wake up less hung over. Apnea in my experience creates two problems a hung over feeling from lack of oxygen and drowsiness from lack of deep sleep. Nicotine helps with the former, when I wake up I don't feel like I just went a round with Tyson, maybe half a round. Pretty sure I have more central sleep apnea because all my success in opening up my sinuses has done little to help my sleep. Sleeping with nicotine is tough because it takes me almost 4-5 minutes to fall asleep rather than the normal 30 seconds. Also taking anti oxidents before and after sleeping helps reduce the damage from hypoxia (lack of oxygen to the brain). I am bad and mix oral Thyme and hydrogen water. Lately I have been limiting my sleep to 3 hours and taking lots of naps that allow my body to recover before going another round. Hypoxia is a nasty nasty problem that does way more damage than most know while they sleep.
Thank you, Dr. Axe.
Overcome sleep apnea was to look at your diet..
Me: closed youtube.........
Ive been using a cpap machine for obstructive sleep apnea for years...im athletic with a healthy diet....the sleep clinic told me specifically not to swim or lift weights as you hold your breath .so i do curcuit training now....
I suffer from sleep apnea I'm in perimenopause and have underactive thyroid my own snorring wakes me up and make my anxiety worse! ❤
So nice to hear you again. Thanks.
Looks like the good doctor got some sun!
than you Dr. I'm going to do what you prescribed!!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for sharing.
Thanks for the information
Sound advice, but didn’t mention myofunctional therapy which is the most helpful. People really need to consult professional sleep dentist and doctors and myofunctional therapist and ENT that specialize in sleep, this is not a DIY project, and will have serious consequences if not treated well.
Thanks doc
Thank u so much Dr Axe.. really love your videos..
Thank you for this video
Awesome. Thanks !
Great tips.
You are the Best Dr. Axe.. You have helped me so much... thanks Josh...
Thank you Dr. a lot of people don't want to tell us this!
Thank you.
great thx cpap machine changed my life, I know sleep staight 8 hours a night. No more night terrors, hallucinations, sleep walking. Not sleeping dipped me into HPB, diabetes, homornal and emotional problems. Don't be afraid of getting a sleep tes
Great info cutie Doc , thank you 😊
Dr, I know it’s not natural, but for the past few weeks I have been taking Gabapentin for shingles treatment. Been sleeping like a dog. Prior to the shingles I was beat with sleep problems so much that I hated to go to bed. I’ll be off the Gabapentin in a few weeks, just in time for my new CPAP machine!
Great tips, thanks a lot
Very useful tips, thank you Dr.!
I've heard about the apple cider vinegar being good to use for acid reflex. Unfortunately for me, I have such severe sleep apnea that positional sleeping won't help. Mine comes from a structural deformity with my jaw.
@maegan hill I'm still just doing CPAP.
Sorry you are & have you had it all you're life ?
@@lynlawley8903 Got diagnosed in 2013.
Thanks for teaching
All these dietary advices are concerned with decreasing vitamin B1 depletion (B1 deficiency, which causes 'Beri Beri,' mimicks a whole basket of other diseases and ailments like so called "Air Hunger" which also hits hardest at night). Vitamin B1 deficiency is a MAJOR cause of respiratory issues because the nerve centres of the brain stem responsible for breathing (both when you are awake and asleep) need B1 to support proper nerve conduction. Try supplementing with B1 and back it up with a natural source of B-Complex like brewers yeast to prevent deficiency in the other B-vitamins . . .
Thank you!
I will be trying that too
Thanks for the video. Great tips. I know some people have not had success with a CPAP, in some cases Adaptive Servo Ventilator is prescribed instead.
thanks for all your help I'm back and my question is does this apply to 5 year
Thanks for your video, any suggestions for diabetes patients with high blood pressure ?
He mentions eating fish, turkey, beef, but then says eat a diet that is anti-inflammatory. But meat is pro-inflammatory. Then he says avoid a diet high in carbohydrates then mentions eating plenty of nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, grains... but carbohydrates means plant food.
Very nice information 👍🙏
Helpful, thank you!
I was sleeping on a sofa chair to sleep better but I think humidifiers help a lot
I loved sleeping on my side (with a body pillow) until i got Cubital tunnel syndrome /numb arms and hands
Yeah....as long as I sleep on my side I don't have sleep apnea, but as soon as I turn on my back, or attempt to sleep on my back for the sake of preventing wrinkles. I wake up in the middle of the night and cant breathe. :(
me too
So how does metabolism affect apnea? Please clarify
Let the real medical professionals who specialise in sleep disorders consult people. Your tips are fine for people to lose weight. Don't make false statements about a very serious condition.
Western medicine doesn't have an answer for everything and seems to be more about the business than a patient's health. Also, what is saying nicely is lose weight and eat better.
Fantastic tip I can't wait to start trying them out. Thanks Josh
Thanks dr.Axe
You look good dr axe!
Soory to say, sir. But you know nothing about OSA. Please don't provide false statements. They aren't proven remedies. Weight loss, sleep hygiene & side position, no (alcohol, caffeine or sedative drugs), use of oral appliances and use Cpap in severe case.
Ajay Kumar sleep apnea
Would a face down sleeping pillow help?
Love the info
Why does everyone discuss only the Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Can you please do a video about Central sleep apnea or do a video so people understand the difference? Thanks
There is but most also include Obstructed sleep apnea. Which from my understanding a CPAP or other breathing tool wouldn't help because if it's just central then there's no obstruction.
which is more effective the humidifier or the air purifier for the room? i have a c-pap and i just can't adjust its too invasive and makes me feel like I'm being suffocated.
That's exactly how I feel too I was wondering about the same question
Would you recommend a cold or warm humidifier?
Dr Axe, your advice is spot on, once again-really holistic-looking at the whole body to find solutions...
Probably you need to update this video. Look into Butyeko Breathing and mouth taping and Mewing.
what have you discovered.
Will any of these tips work for central sleep apnea? Thanks for your videos, very informative.
Hi I know you sent this 3 years ago but I seem to be struggling with the same thing and apparently it's a sign of being vitamin b1 deficient. Try getting a great vitamin B supplement and up your magnesium too. Wishing you the very best.
@@blancamandujano7867 Yes, B1
This is awesome, i opened a half dozen other "cure apnea" videos and they were all BS, just trying to direct you to their websites and giving no information at all. This video offers the best advice i have heard so far and now i am actually interested to find out what is on the website. Thanks Dr Axe.
Dr. Axe, I really need help. I use a cpap and it doesn’t help me. I can sleep and feel like I’ve had no sleep. This is everyday. I can sleep for two or three days straight. This can effect my concentration, memory, speech, and response time. The sleep doctor says I have idiopathic hypersomnia. I am going to try everything in your video. But I have questions and a schedule and what to do. Please can you help me?
Dr Josh. I have been doing all the tips you suggest in this video, for nearly 2 years now, but I still find myself waking 7 or 8 times a night. My bed room is just used for sleeping and only contains my bed and a bed-side cabinet. What else can I do to help get a more solid nights sleep? Thank you.
His recommendation is garbage
Thanks Dr. Axe. I just got a Bi-Pap Machine and it is worthless. The mask leaks and causes worse dry eye symptoms. Also, it makes my nose very sore and makes my sinus problems worse. I am going to try some herbals (found on Amazon) and some pycnogenol. Swimming does seem to improve things. I have all the exercise videos here and I need to use them. I think it would help with weight loss.
Of course the BiPAP will be useless. It simply cannot work without a properly fitting mask. Go to a respected therapist and get a correctly fitted mask. You are not just losing sleep, but your health is also effected. Heart problems, stroke, diabetes etc.. Sure lose weight and watch what you eat, but that is mid to long term.
If your mask leaks,then is it the correct size.If it is correct,then suggest you tighten up the lower straps.You may need them pretty tight.I have a cpap and now that I am used to it,i could not be without it.It has reduced my daytime sleepiness considerably.The cpap m/c is supposedly the gold standard in treatment.
your mask should be fitted and tested by a technician. You should have had 2 nights in the sleep lab. 1 to test your problem, the other to test your new equipment. In that last test the tech should have had you fitted for the right machine, nose pillows, mask, air pressure. YOu should NOT be having these problems. You are NOT going to find herbs that help a serious apnea sleep problem.
Thank u Dr.Axe💚👌🌞
You're very welcome, Ninfa!
Thanks Dr. Josh this info is very helpful.
I sleep on m back but with pillows below my back pitched up like an incliner, not flat down. I never move till I wake up sometime during the night only getting 3-4 hours. . But if I sleep on my side, it hurts my shoulders and they ache for days. SO I still sleep on my back, inclined. Any helpful ideas for sleeping?
You could experiment with a body pillow in front or behind you so your body weight iscsifted off your shoulder. Try to acheive a neutral neck position so your head is not turned to either side.
GREAT Thanks for sharing
Sleep apnea causes acid reflux. The day I got my CPAP machine my "night" acid reflex disappeared completely and forever. Acid reflux does not cause sleep apnea, . . . just saying.
absolutely. .true..he's an eejit saying acid reflux causes sleep apnia..it's one of the basic facts re it we discover as osa sufferers that sleep apnia causes acid reflux..one of the many effects of the oxygen deficit involved. it can kill us...heart failure. .people work hard to benefit from cpaps but thru no fault of their own. .they wake at the 2 holy points where going into deeper sleep the breathing gets heavier and the cpaps fail us..no matter how variable re pressure and sophisticated we' re told they r...we wake every 2 hrs and suffer constant daily exhaustion as a result. it's a known firm of torture to be woken every 2 hrs preventing deeper refreshing sleep. so if osa is to kill..then rather it be a coronary in sleep. ..than breathing stoppage leading to stroke. ..and vegetative state...with locked in syndrome ..unable to alert anyone u r still actually alive!! will they ever design a cpap that works for everyone with osa. .lay folk play it down. .osa..as just poor quality sleep and therefore common. .but if more knowledge re the horrendous medical probs osa causes got into the general consciousness including its 25 per cent of over 60's develop osa and it causes altzheimers when older. .then and only then will society push for more research to lead to more equally and effectively given treatment fir is a. .regardless of financial social status. good luck to all with it tho.
Totally agree with you from experience
Acid reflux definitely can cause it. I'm speaking from experience. I have chronic heartburn and when I was on PPI's shortly after my heartburn stopped, so did my sleep apnea. Once I got off of it, my heartburn returned and so did my apnea.
Love your videos dr, very informative
Thanks for the positive feedback, shirvy.
shirvy vegetable
interesting points ,if anyone else needs to find out about best cure for sleep apnea try Knewreck Amazing Apnea Guide(just google it ) ? Ive heard some interesting things about it and my co-worker got amazing success with it.
Thank you so much for sharing this info with all of us. Wondering if you're familiar with laryngospasms which I suffer with and it scares me so much. When I have an attack I think this is it, I'm going to die. Mine is possibly caused by GURD which I don't understand since I eat pretty clean. I do a lot of throat clearing but use very little dairy products. Been trying some breathing techniques that I'm hoping will help. Maybe the air purifier and humidifier would be good. I found mint & fragrances to be a trigger for me. I'v started back using apple cedar vinegar in my morning health shake. Not sure whats a good amount to sue without upsetting my stomach. Any help you can give would be appreciated.
Nettle leaf
Now I know not to eat to eat to much sugar before bed! Should I have a vegetable or fruit instead? Thanks Dr. Josh Axe!
Thank you , Dr. Axe. USA follower
Thank u doctor
im doing everything you said ..and still
hey dude its been 6 years how are you
I had sleep apnea and he is correct! I don't have it any more!
How did you get rid of your sleep apnea?
thank you
also, I recommend Dr. Dakota snoring stop, cpap accessory. If you're just starting to have sleep issues or first time user with a CPAP, it helps a lot. No more drying out, when you use this product. It helps to direct the forced air coming from your CPap. I actually stop using my C Pap , but go back and forth. But never sleep with out my Dr. Dakota now, ever.
I'm skinny... and exercise regular but still feel sleepy and have sleep apnea :(
koifnen same here
Look up Dr. Schmidt on You Tube Apnea cure. He recommends taking RNA. Your apnea may be due to cerebellum problem. Watch his video.
Me too. And my level of vitamin D is 100, but I have apnea.
I got sleep apnea after I started taking pain meds. I really don't know what to do here. I'm old etc. Main thing is my hands. Help
this is a very good video well done I really like this channel
Thanks for your positive feedback and support, Amit! Stay tuned because I have new videos out each week.
Acid reflux: quiting carbonated drinks gets rid of it entirely. Fast foods, spicy foods, brewed beverages just trigger the reflux that's already there
When i exercised at night or in the afternoon the problem is when i go to bed at night i really feel tired and it really make me feel sleepy but the momenth i shut my mouth and i Started deep sleep then it happen sleep apnea appears blocking the air in my mouth and it just shook me up to wake up cause i couldnt hardly breath i mean the deep sleep i felt cause of exercise really worsen my sleep apnea so not advicesable to exercise at night and get very tired and you will feel very sleepy only to encounter breathing diffuculties at night so what i do is just read a book or using my ipad before i sleep and automatically i just dosed off and sleep and pray your sleep apnea will not occur
i was just researchign and came acrossed this video. i think i do have it. my oldest sister is concerned. the hardest part is finding time to exercise. i get home about 7:30 at night so im exhausted at the end of the day. basically on going from 6:30 am-7:30 pm. all i wanna do is get my dinner and sleep. dieting i can do. i have school (my last year of college) starting soon so there goes more free time. when school starts i will have acess to a gym on wed and saturdays.body pillow is great idea. i sleep with a back rest pillow and 2 extra pillows. i recently just bulked up a blanket behind the back rest. it dont work i sleep on my side and end up on my back. i will get one of those body pillows. target sells them. any suggestions on getting me back to sleeping on the side when im a tosser/turner?
You did not mention how to use the essential oils on your forehead or your tongue in your water, how often and what proportions?
U are Great Dr.Axe!!! Thank u:) gut day🌞
I was just told I have mild sleep apnea. I don’t usually ever wake during my sleep so idk. Does mild apnea require the cpap machine? I would hate to have to wear that thing :( I am regular weight for my height
I guess I have to give up alcohol.I have noticed that when I drink my sleeping is worse.
What do you know about giving patients RNA supplements to help most overcome sleep apnea?? Would love an answer.