i thought this video would talk about the champions which a kit that does not make sense, like miss fortune, but i see that you only included champions that you thinck are op or fruatrate you.
lucas garcía Not really, he stated that these champions are not necessarily op, they are poorly designed because they have some bs mechanics, which are unhealthy to the game.
lucas garcía he stated at the beginning that he doesn't think these champion are op, just that they offer little counterplay or just have a very anti fun kit.
I hate these type of video topics, they always appeal to every bronze player who blames everything else as why the suck, which nobody likes to hear. Then we got the mains of these 'unfair' champs who also don't want to hear it, you know what's frustrating, complaining about the game all the time.
NortexG - Art Yeah Ive noticed that the most people who say for example Riven is OP havent even played her, ofc you are going to have a hard time playing against a Riven if you dont know her weaknesses and also people who say a X champion is to OP in that moment takes away the fault on themselves and therefore never learns from their mistakes which makes them think that the champion is a lot stronger then it actually is. Like I personally think Diana is OP and I realized that I should stop have that mentality and every time I die to a Diana not just say: OMG Diana to stronk, thats probably why I hate her so much because I literally paint out a picture of her which is un.avoidable since I dont even think about the possibility of that I maybe should have played it differently except for the obvious DODGE HER Q. Anyways a bit rambly but really wanted to get that out. So tired of people being ignorant.
I have to disagree on the #2 spot. I don't know why but in every video about unbalanced, poorly designed champion or anything bad related to champions that Jeremy puts on youtube, there's ALWAYS a safe spot for Rengar there. That imo is a bit of butthurting on his part. Rengar is one of those champions that change the way the match is played, and people simply don't realize that. He has ONE chance to one-shot you, every 150/110/70 seconds, and the only thing you have to do is deny that. If Rengar can't get a flank on a important member of the enemy team, his utility on the overall game falls drastically. When you see the "!", its not just a "!", its a "Ok enemy team, there's a cat with insane burst potential just about to rape your carries. CC him." and its just that what you need to do to kill him. CC him. "Ooh but champion related mechanics don't count and bla bla", for that Riot gave you Zhonyas. The only thing you need to do is Recognize that HE IS AN ASSASSIN. He has 3.6k hp? Still an assassin. So what you should do is deny him the only chance he has to kill you. A lot of people don't know, but you can actually hit and/or apply CC on Rengar mid-jump. The 3.6k hp thing is just his tradeoff for not having a failsafe scape like every other assassin does. You think invisibility makes Rengar unfair to play agains? Well, Akali has invisibility and it's worse because she can hit you and simply walk back to her smokescreen and voila, she's invisible again. LeBlanc? She can one shot both your carrys, press W and voila, she's on the other side of the map. But no, Rengar is OP, Rengar having ONE SINGLE CHANCE to murder your carries with no way to get out once he's in is unfair. Of course it is. You disapointed me on this one, Jeremy.
JhoaoCkuNdari it's weird you think akali is worse to play against, because the only thing you need to do to counter her "escape" is buying a pink PLUS she does not have 3.6k hp like rengar. On top of that, akali is pretty much useless before lvl 6, while rengar... Akali is in a weak spot right now, that's why they are planing to rework her.
DantinozMC Well... That's not true. While I do like Rengar very much, I wouldn't go as far as saying he's not strong. But in this video you see him being mentioned as a "Bad designed champion" while he's the only assassin in the whole game that doesn't have the "Get in, kill as much people as you can, get out" mechanic. He's the only assassin that can get "tanky", because once he decides to jump in someone there's no way back. He doesn't have a scape or anything that can put him out of a fight. I don't see how you can call that a bad design, as he has clear weaknesses, and if you don't exploit them is either because you didn't look close enough to find them, or because you simply find saying "GG rengar op rito pls nerf" on /all chat much easier.
sorryforthewaitpx Rengar can be countered by pinks as much as Akali, in a matter of fact, any champion with stealth on its kit can be, that's why I didn't even bother mentioning that. Also, her "scape" isn't her stealth but her ulti, a good Akali player knows that her R isn't just a gapcloser, it can get you in and out of a fight if used correctly, not to mention that her stealth can be used over and over and over by simply walking back to her smoke screen. And I didn't even mention that now her ulti makes so she goes behind your character, which means that it's a lot easier for you to miss an akali when she ults you, because she'll move to your back. As I stated before, the 3.6k thing is the tradeoff Rengar has for not having a single scape and one hard-cc that if used, takes off a lot of his burst potential in exchange. Also Akali isn't in a bad spot, you just have to build Will of the Ancients on her instead of hextec gunblade, try this: WoA, Rilay & Liandry's as your core items, you have room for 3 more situational items. I swear to you, try this and you'll see that she's strong and people just didn't realize that yet. And the fact that she's useless before 6 is a valid point but it's far from compensating the fact that after she gets her ulti she can pretty much just spaghetti all over the keyboard and it will work, I know that because I play her a lot. And as I said before, Rengar can be stopped mid-jump, just keep that in mind when playing against him and you'll see that it is a lot easier to kill him by simply CC-ing him mid-jump, it doesnt even need to be a hard CC, it can be soft CC like Cait's E or Draven's E, you just need to see him coming and have a decent reaction time.
+TheCrasherOf Noon OMG Morde is designed so badly !2 of his abilities heal him and he has an shield that scales with his health! And he still has an negative Winrate as Top,Mid and ADC. I hope you can see the sarcasm in the first sentence without having to read this sentence.
+Jamal Hunter I'm pretty sure it's not because of that. It's more the fact he says "x ability has no counter play" (Tryndamere R, Kayle R) when in fact they do have counterplay (CC??) Also, you can say a champion is unhealthy for the game but calling a champion strait up stupid (Annie) made him seem unintelligent without showing any backup evidence.. TL;DR- Jeremy thinks if 2 frustrating things are on the same champion then they're poorly designed. (Stealth, burst, invulnerability, CC, ect...)
+Jacob Morris You can counter almost everything with CC. CC is not a good reason for "Counterplay", every ADC is weak against CC and yes Tryndamere & others are also weak against CC, but they still have their abilities, making them to strong. You need to run away from a Tryndamere if he activates his ult, no chance to fight him. You can't afford to stand in annies ult + flash range if you don't want to die. I really like Annie, but I think she is broken only tanky champions have a chance against her, that's why I use her so often.
+Colorado0091 most of the champions he named can be beat by simply walking away at a curtain time in a fight or using that thing called a "team" this is a team game kid its what they are for.
+Jamal Hunter no, this list is bad because OP is NOT the same thing as badly designed. Rengar, Olaf, and Vi aren't bad. They're powerful. Kat, Urgot, Yorick, Poppy, Akali, Yi, Yasuo, Garen, Fizz, and Annie are all either badly designed or stupidly powerful while taking no skill to play OR has a high risk/low reward ratio.
greg hrastar Not really... All in champions can deal with Vlad very well, It's common knowledge how badly Vlad loses lane against Irelia, Riven or Malphite. If you try to beat him in HIS game (sustain and small trades), he'll most likely win. He's now less about sustain now that spellvamp was nerfed again
Gabriel Rengifo Any Vlad who loses lane to Malphite is seriously bad. Vlad counters him in almost every way. Sustain, range, magic damage, etc. The only trait they both have is a weak early game, so Malphite must get ganks in his favour in order to win.
Irelia should be here with her 0 counterplay 2 sec stun, 2 sustain spells, refreshing gapcloser, true + physical + magic dmg, free tenacity, and high base dmg so u can still 1v4 when almost full tank.
NightcoreAnimeLoLAssassinPlayer o counter play, she can be CC'ed, Almost anyone can out damage her with burst and her sustain is very insignificant without atleast one item, her true damage is AA reliant unlike Olaf which is much strong and easier to apply cause it's just one hit
vvvortics fried chicken Well I mean Malphite, Olaf and Tryndamere can counter her kinda well. Plus she loses very hard to Riven if she can't play the matchup well. She has counterplay, but she is very strong.
Poppy as #1 is really unexpected, and I can deal with it. But saying that her gap closer is "strong" is pure heresy. It's a short range target spell, that has a chance of stunning, but it's knockback is a negative aspect because it puts Poppy and her target closer to the target's teammates, making its real utility very situational. There is a large variety of champions that have better gap closers. Even just the stupid Trynda, even if it's defined as dash
Echo TheEcho Renekton is such a problem when he has engaged, but I wouldn't call his gap closer good. Same for Garen. And Flash + R + Hourglass doesn't make anyone strong at gap closing.
Doran Martell I literally was decently fed (Not over fed tho) so I went in 1v4 and killed everyone I think?Anyways pick more than one and lived that's for sure,Poppy was made like the balance in DotA was,did you know Annie had a 5 second on her passive?
IMO Vi is one of best designed champions in game. She isnt overpowered, there is always place in meta for her and also she isnt as frustrating as everyone says. Her nice and friendly to play kit makes her one of ''most-softy'' LoL champions.
Sapphire Panda I agree with this, but I can understand why she is on the list. Her ultimate is pretty strong, and she can escape almost any situation by q'ing through a wall, etc. However, her damage output and cd's make her balanced imo, so I agree with both you and Jeremy.
Jeffherson Vega Skarner has even worse ulty. Malza too Zed too Urgot too But they arent on the list because their ulties define themselves and without them they are 0.
Andrei Moisi that's because he has one of the hardest kits to deal with in the game. Really, if they just gave his e a decent cooldown, something like 12-14 seconds at max level (with no cd reduction) , then fizzes would have to be a lot more careful about charging in and thus he has more counterplay. i just 100 % ban the champion because the risk of a fizz snowballing out of control from me making one or two misjudgements or mistakes is higher than just about any other champion. For me at least; some people are just a lot better at dealing with him.
Ätharrr They do exsist, but no one notice they are there. Some games can run fully without getting killed. Search in youtube: "the little ward that could" and see what I mean >.>
Riven is a really strong champion, I agree on that. Heim is just annoying and not many people play him in high Elo, but Yasuo? He is very well designed and you definitely have to know how to play him to carry.
Lelouch I don't main any of those champ but when you ear something like "tryn RNG" you understand it's only rage cause their is no tryn RNG just crit one and it's the same for every champs
+Lelouch For me the felling of raging stems from the fact that on the clips the enemies are getting outplayed super hard. It is not. Like those games looked like "silver against diamond" -level crap. Not only did the enemies get pwned, but they pwned themselves too. The message on narrative and on video clips mismatch in that regard. All in all, he makes good points what are problems in these champs. P.S. I do not really play any of those champions, bu neither have I faced such games portrayed in the clips. Annoying champions, yes, but nothing overpowering.
seems like some1 is an adc main or mage that spams abilities w/o even knowing what his main is Example: He is zed and laning against fizz. fizz:'e' zed:'USES EVERY ABILITY KNOWN TO MAN WHILE FIZZ IS IN THE AIR' fizz:'q,auto,w,auto' zed:THIS IS THE MOST BROKEN CHAMP EVER all chat:zed you idiot give the account back to owner
***** God, maybe cc her with a targeted skill or a well executed skillshot like a Xerath or annie maybe almost any caster can beat a leb with equally skill players
Well, we can all agree that outsmarting leblanc is the counterplay to her, but as someone who is currently climbing the ladder with her, below maybe Gold III, people really just don't
+Laatikkomafia Trynda gets 35% crit-chance at lvl1 without items or runes Yasou gets 35% at lvl1 by having to buy Items for it and have runes that give crit-chance See the difference now?
Yasou is not in the video and he didn't say that his passive isn't RNG only that Trynda's is RNG. And i think that he said that it's RNG because he gets even more Crit-chance when he crits.
I highly disagree with Annie being poorly designed, she is a PERFECT champ for new players to learn the game with. She is the perfect training wheels that is why I would take her off this list. Basic mechanics for basic players.
+gage kellogg If "Basic mechanics for basic people" is a rule you think Riot should abide to, then 450 IP champions should be banned from ranked queues. Master Yi and Annie require no skill whatsoever aside from timing and build paths to be useful in a team, let alone take on an entire team on their own.
+Juan Correa its not about op champs its about champs which arent designed very good. And Quinn is not a very well designed champ. She is a ADC which has to go in meele range to use her ult. The rest of her kit isnt strong as well in comparison to other adcs. She only has a semi random dmg amplifier and her w only reveals a little bit around her.
Juan Correa actually ever played vs quinn top? u think gnar or teemo is annoying? play vs quinn and u will really have the feeling of having no chance to defeat her / outplay her.. additionally quinn isnt even picked much in lower elo - in diamond to challenger she is picked on toplane to denie the shit out of a normally dominant toplaner
***** The thing is, I am too. I don't know why it's hard to place pinks. Also with Zed, like why can't you wait for him to use his ult and W to flash/use a movement item and get away from him
I am Gold 3 dunno if its low elo. Also I cant have pink wards all over the place especially when I am the Jungler^^ also to remind you: the zed r has a lower cooldown than flash^^
wilkatis ashe's crits aren't as powerful as a normal crit, unless u build a certain amount of crit chance, thus making trynda the only champ with "normal" crits within their kits. I think that's at least what he meant
wilkatis If you don't build anything on ashe her crits are like, 110% damage? Which basically aint too much different.... However, like 2-3 lucky crits on top lane early on can mean you lost your lane and the tryn snowballing from top lane to bottom lane and onto your nexus... Well, only way to really outplay tryn is cc... or malzahar ult (5 sec supress vs 5 sec of undying , ur undying rage is bound to run out first.......)
Atukaski Malzahar's ult is kinda like Bane's ult from DotA 2 but say thanks to Rito gods his ult is not actually 5 seconds and longer like Bane's ult is
8:20 I was actually premade with Lucian and Fizz and was the Sona who died right at the start of the clip xD it hits me right in the feels to see this clip since neither of them play anymore (both quit around 2016-2017) and it's so nostalgic. Since we were pretty noob we never expected to even do well in the game let alone show up in a league of legends video of a youtuber we all regularly watched so even if it seems like something that doesn't really mean much it did to us back then as kids So thank you Jeremy, for hav ing made our days.
mattflash14 Don't group ? it's ridiculously easy to fight annie all you have to do is not bunch up like idiots, if she has to use her ult to kill one target she will die after that cause she had to go melee range, also you can flash her ult or zhonya and many other ways to avoid it. Just predict it ?
I honestly disagree with like 80% of this list. Saying a champion is poorly designed because he is unkillable when fed/ahead is very wrong. You can shut down poppy/olaf/rengar so hard in lane they'll have nightmares, if played correctly. Also, kayle's ultimate is designed to counter assassin's. Etc, etc.
Olaf? olaf is "broken" cuz you cant cc him for 8 seconds? just use an escape ffs, "adcs know the fear of playing against an olaf" from top 5 adcs that are played right now (vayne jinx caitlyn graves sivir, in that order) only 1 has to worry about olaf, and thats jinx, vayne can just tumble out of his axe and go invisible for 9 hours and get 3 autos on him and he dies, cait can just net out, graves can either kill him with one combo or E out of an axe, sivir can spellshield an axe and match his move speed with ult, practically 80% of adcs dont fear olaf,maybe twitch urgot ashe varus and jinx do but thats it, and also, why the fuck is vlad not on the list? the only thing he needs in a game is to hit 150 cs, no matter how far he is if he finishes that rylai and rabadons with speel vamp, you know ur fucked cuz he can heal every 2 secs, fuck ur adc with one rotation, and did i mention he also has 3k plus hp? all in all this is a list of "i dont how to play against these champs so i consider them broken" not the worst designed, sure annie and fizz are broken, trynda too, but kayle? she needs a retarded jungler against her to let her get an early devourer
Shaman King i agree with you but nobody in lcs or something like that Plays caitlyn or graves anymore :D the top 5 adcs are sivir, kalista, vayne, jinx and corki right now.
Shaman King Cait and Corki both have long CD escapes and in high level of play people will know how to coordinate a re-engage and guess what the escape wont be up.
vviheifc if you are talking about high level play then the adc will also know not to over extend and his team will know how to protect him, and thus the olaf will be useless unless he has a homegaurd and doesnt get hit, or engages after the fight started
Thats the thing at that same level that Olaf player will know other ways to get to the adc and because he deals true dmg to the enemy he can help a team get through a front line faster while taking more dmg with his ult, and a homegaurd play with Olaf is devasating, IMO a tp play with him is just as devastating as a hecarim or maokai tp play
Where's Skilven ? Not that she is ez to play its just that she has what 2 stuns insane dmg 4 gap closers on no cd and 300+ shield on 2 sec cd which makes her unkillable with full ad build.
Remember the time where the red buff and blue buff has 2 little guys fighting for them together and killing one of the small little guy and killing the buff leaving one little guy for the enemy?
ArtyfexRS QSS does not remove knock ups. She will knock you up, for one second, thats it. Riot actually said that they made it like that on purpose, so you can effectively screw over one enemy, which is the purpose of her kit
Yeah I'd say Vi is probably one of the best designed champions actually. She's always been strong but never really op. Her ult is very telegraphed and if she doesn't have backup she will probably just die.
1. Katarina (3 Sec Pentakill) 2. Zed (Ultimate that when you think you got out, Boom! Death) 3. Yasuo (You have a skill shot ultimate? Let me block it) 4. Fizz (I like to be Untargetable) 5. Annie (Do you like stuns? I like stuns) 6. Shaco (I like to vanish) 7. Fiora (Like dancing? So do I. ) 8. Heimerdinger (Don't come near me. I have turrets) 9. Master Yi (Trying to run away? NOPE.) 10. Rengar (See that exclamation mark? It's your death call)
+Notsofat The Gamer Your list is BS, most of these have counterplays: - Katarina: ANY CC - Zed:Just tell your support to watch for the zed, and ap buy zhonyas. - Yasuo: if you play it right, it will be quite hard to let him into the fight. Unless, of course, you've fed him early game. - Shaco: with the vision changes, Shaco got buffed, but he still too weak. For the champion to be effective, the player needs to master it, which takes time and the result isn't that great. - Heimerdinger: just watch out for the turrets, learn how aggro works. - Master Yi: Snare and exhaust.
man i know this comes up a lot but just comparing to heroes in dota, some of these things that feel "unfair" or little outplay mechanic seems kinda ridiculous. These champions have their own negatives, they also are just extremely powerful in certain situations. Should annie be allowed to stunlock and burst down squishy heroes, as is her job? yes, prevent her from doing so. The list goes on and on with all your reasons for "acceptable forms of counterplay". Some champions have to be worked around with how you handle them in the game, not just in each laning situation.
+Flogron Yeahhh i have around 1.5k hours, it just feels like some champions in league do have some pretty strong kits that must be counter picked against, i guess like kat and some of the others mentioned in the video. Some of the champions in league are just so underwhelming at times even with a decent farm position it feels off
+Flogron so yes as in many cases just prevent from snowballing. I guess the issue is as Jeremy said we should not look at this as a balance issue, certain champions have very little counterplay to while still not being "overpowered". Id just argue that this is an ok situation to have
I don't think it's viewed as a balance issue by Riot. There are tons of champions designed to get a kill in lane or be underwhelming until you get some items.
I disagree with Vi completely. She has hardly been nerfed since release compared to some champions. Her kit is also very healthy for the game in my opinion. She's easy to pick up but difficult to master and is a ton of fun to play as and against.
Latt Her ult is one of the least fun, interesting, or dynamic abilities in the entire game to play against. The ONLY way to disarm the stun is Morgana shield, and then she is still in your face, possibly with another one or two gap closers in reserve, doing tons of damage while being too tanky to kill first. The ult is also on a pretty low cooldown, so it's very hard to find an engagement opportunity between her 'up-time'. I'm not saying she's obviously overpowered or you can't win against her, but she's frustrating as hell for squisheys, epecially ones without a dash.
QSS 1. Doesn't remove knock-ups, and 2. Doesn't protect from CC after it's activated. What I should do is sacrifice Summoner Heal for Summoner Cleanse. Oh wait, that doesn't work on knock-ups either.
Respectfully I disagree with around half of your choices. Vladimir surely takes the cake closely followed by Xin and Nautilus. A poorly designed champion isn't just öne that can duel well, it's one that is either totally weak or ridiculously OP depending on the item /ability numbers that you assign to them. Trynd needs plenty of uninterrupted farming (hint, ganks) to get to his unstoppable state, Fizz requires top notch mechanics and can be safely bullied in lane by many ranged champions. Good video though, it's interesting to hear other's thoughts on what is bad design.
+qzxerty "top notch mechanics" he can have 10 cs and solo kill any laner just by using a defensive/offensive ability that gives you a 1 second window of invulnerability.
+Christian Huang not really imo. For the sake f full disclosure im platinum V atm not a challenger player. Im a viktor main so i see a lot of fizz mids. Hes just like leblanc you have to be able to predict where hes going to land and chasing him around jungle isnt going to end well for most junglers. The invuln is annoying but he has to land at the end of it. Granted this video was made during the ad tank fizz meta which got fizz nerfed.
qzxerty fizz has characteristics a lot like what you talk about (really bad with bad numbers really good with good numbers) like a lot of other assassins. I think what makes fizz inherently anti fun is the same that makes vlad dumb to deal with, except vlad whittles you in lane whereas fizz all ins you.
nearly all the things you mentioned have to do with balance and not champion design. A champion being weak is not attributed to their kit, but to the damage numbers on the kit.
+Spartacus Art™ These champs are not overpowered. Many of them are/were underpowered even. They simply have a kit that prevents them from riot ever making them viable, since once they are viable, they are automatically OP.
+Pierre Akol Why Shaco is poorly designed? He is actually one of the better designed champions in the game, specially considering that he is one of the oldest champions in the game. You have two ways on his kit to proc your passive in extended fights (boxes for jungle clears, possibly the clon for 1v1) 3 of his abilities are EXTREMMELY versatile and can perform numerous combos, offensive and defensive, and he is not unhealthy at all. He is just a burst assassin with a versatile kit.
+Vinícius Silva Moraes Shaco has stealth and essentially has a longer range flash on his q. He is EXTREMELY difficult to keep up with and is just generally frustrating to play against since he has SO much outplay potential. He doesn't even have to commit because of how slippery his kit makes him.
***** And that's how an assassin is supposed to be. His Q might be overloaded, I agree, but still, just a pink ward and he is done. Many, many champions can jump over walls, and stealt is easily countered by true sight, and in Shaco's case is even worse because he have no other sources of mobility. You HAVE to use all of your spells if you want to escape a sticky situation against an agerage player. Deceive them with the clon, have a escape route with boxes, while still using your Q wisely. If you think he is poorly designed just because he is slippery, Zed, LeBlanc, Ekko, Fizz, Kassadin and maaaaaaaany other assassins share this feature, and even some other champions like Kalista, Udyr and Vayne too. If you think that Shaco is frustrating to play against, how about hard snowballing champions like Katarina, Riven and Yasuo, that if ahead, seems to just kill everything thrown at them? Or Gnar and even Kalista that is just impossible to get close without proper mobility?
+Pierre Akol Shaco is VERY well designed because stat wise, he is terrible. The only way he can keep up with other champions is the fact that his kits allows players to outwit their enemies
What I don't like about this topic is the fact that "bad design" is much more subjective than you think. Everything is relative because, as a Dota 2 and Season 1 LoL player, I'm used to dealing with characters that seem batshit-crazy-overpowered in certain situations and the "counterplay" to them is better team strategy that exploits their obvious weaknesses. I know that most of champions on this list are going to be characters with dumb, overloaded kits, but it's a shame that other kinds of characters with an interesting strategic niche or a novel mechanics (Olaf) have been (or will be) neutered because Riot painted themselves into a corner with their design choices.
+Rasmus Willi that is stupid, have you ever played illaoi? she is very easy to counter just dont fight with her tentacles and when she ults just run. shes op if you fight her with her ult but just dont,
+Monochromicornicopia It was a longe time ago, i think it's fair because it was too easy to counter trynd. I disagree with a lot of champions in this list, trynd is one of them. His kit makes him VERY STRONG 1v1 but pretty much useless in a teamfight.
+Monochromicornicopia no offense but this would be an awful solution and it would straight up destroy the chances he ever has to see challenger elo/competitive play.
'Kayle with her uky having no counter play' Jesus Jeremy, for real? I don't even play or like Kayle but really? She can't cast it while stunned and she's not a particularly tanks champion so u just stun her and kill her and what can she do? Smh not even close to trynd ult
Xelix977 And then you have something called positioning, yes it exist and because kayle is ranged unless you´re fucking bronze you won´t get to her easiely. Kayle has not counterplay over all and the champion should be reworked, whenever she´s powerful everybody wants to rip their balls out and when shes weak everybody rejoices, kind of like akali which is also fucking bullshit as far as design goes.
"no counterplay in his kit with targeted abilities, massive sustain and harass, and ridiculously low cooldowns, and high ranges " oh so every ADC in the game?
bon pham right compare a Shield to a Untargetable, Unstoppable or even combine the two, She is balance and well design compare to the champs on this list so deal with it
I disagree on a few of these and I'll say why: Annie - She absolutely has counterplay in the form of prediction(which is a huge part of counterplay) and she is EXTREMELY immobile. She has low-ish base move speed and the only move speed item that you're likely to build on her, aside from boots, is Luden's. She is also medium-low range, at least in the current state of the meta, where ranged champions are favored in the mid lane. Rengar - I strongly disagree that having stealth is an >unfair< advantage. Stealth is a sort of high risk high reward ability in league because, in most cases, it only works until you start hitting someone. It can be a huge advantage and catch people off-guard, but the downfall is that if your combo fails and your target gets away, you're likely too deep in to get away. Also, being a difficult champion to play to his full potential makes him weaker for most of us. Champions that I think would fit better into this list: Shaco/heimer - They're champions that are super susceptible to crowd control and have very limited use in a group setting. They have to catch you in their territory, where they are ridiculously overpowered and their options are basically either get fed and do so much damage that you can carry team fights or split push and pigeon-hole your team into having to play 4v5 in many cases. I don't like champions that force the rest of your team to feel like they have to play around you. You should pick(and riot should create) champions that are a beneficial component to the whole of your team.
Kayle? But no Yi, Heimedonger, Volibear and Irealia and Teemo? What the fuck? :D I liked the video because of Fizz and old Poppy. Wouldn't put Rengar here. He's maybe an ass but freaking cool and awesome. Game wouldn't be the same without him. Also, I would like the video that you put Yi. That's champion which shouldn't exist, together with Teemo and Heimedonger. Irelia needs huge nerf or rework, together with Fizz. Voli also but these 3 bitches are plea to the game.
Solutions: Yi: Knock him up Or stun him Heiner: DONT FIGHT IN HIS TURRETS Voli: Kite until he dies ( so You Can Kite looooong) but it works Teemo: Don't play AA based Champs against him
I highly disagree on the first one. She's actually as strong as she is because she is well designed. Mostly does one thing and does it well. She does have lots of counterplay. I also see no problem with Annie.
+HisingenWolf A support who can one shot ADC with a face roll on keyboard ? A non/projective ultimate stun with no travel time ? Yeahhhhh sure "no problem".
Muffin8r because there are quite a few champions that have the upper hand in lane, and may be somewhat easy to learn but is one of the hardest champions to master.
Rengar "lacks counterplay completely". Well. I'm pretty sure he really needs his ultimate to "one shot you with his overloaded kit", which has a long cd early, and basically has once chance to do something in mid-late game, where all other assassins have plenty. If he fucks up his ult / combo he is practically useless. A pink ward and one person with CC = Dead Rengar, even if fed. Also, there are games when he's behind as hell. I don't see a 2/7 rengar one shotting you. He is very reliant on getting ahead and snowballing, on not fucking up his combo and on his ultimate. I don't see him fucking up everybody, 1v5 ing everyone like Yasuo, Katarina, or Vayne. If there's more than 2 people together he can't do much unless they're low or he's so far far ahead.
katarina ZED akali yasuo master yi xin xhao etc etc, all champs that can one shot you and make the game unfun as hell and take no skill AKA easy kills for lazy players
It's a ragelist. Kayle is not the least bit broken, but she could be frustrating to play against. He probably lost one game against her and put her on the list. Old Poppy makes sense at #1, but most of these are silly.
+Sakana Her E is in reality just a passive, but for some reason forces you to spam the same key. Her Q is a boring point and click slow. Her W is a boring point and click heal. It's true that she doesn't deserve a spot on the list, but she's definitely badly designed.
one note on annie. if you dodge her q's stun, it doesnt remove her 3 stacks. like yi's q and yasuos windwall. she can simply w or ult u and get the stun after u dodge.
Trynd, Fizz, and Olaf are probably the most frustrating to play to me personally. Lack of counterplay is truly what makes the game not fun to play. Trynd can go unkillable even during cc, Fizz can go untargetable every 8 seconds, and Olaf can go bruiser tank and ignore all forms of cc without worrying about not getting a kill. At least with Kayle you can stun her and not worry for a bit ;w;
I think Riven deserves a spot in this list. She has incredible damage and snowball potential, and she has literally no weakness. Her kit provides really everything: a dash and a shield, a stun, a knockup , a jump, AoE damage, damage amplification and ranged execution with her ult. Her kit is completely overloaded, and she has almost no lane matchup that isn't in her fasvor.
I really disagree with most Champs on this video and here's why: Vi: Yeah she's a crazy initiator with damage, cc and tankyness but if she is behind, there is no way she is gonna get 1 good ultimate off. She is either not gonna be tanky enough and killed or she lacks damage if nobody is following up on her. If her kit was broken, Jarvan's, Malphite's or Leona's would be, too. Ryze: Yes, he is a late game monster. That's what his role is. Counterplay: Camp him like crazy in the early game and he is gonna be completely useless untill like 50 minutes. On Tryndamere, I agree, but there is counterplay possible, if you kite him or camp him early game. Also he can't jump into 4 or 5 people and get anything done, so group, cc him and kill his team. Kayle: Her Ult lasts for only a couple of seconds... just cc her, wait, kill her. Also she lacks damage early game. Annie: Seriously? If Annie is that bad, why are other burstmages that have waaayyy more range like Syndra or Lux not on this list? Okay she has a burst, a stun and that's it. Don't group for her stun, bait it out with only your support and then kill her instantly. On top of that, she has no mobility, a flashless annie is completely useless. Olaf: If he is behind, he will absolutely get nothing done. He runs in and dies. That's it. He is also very kiteable with, for example Lucian or Ezreal and his ult doesn't last that long. And even if he's ahead and runs in, he will likely be dead after he kills one guy. Yorick: What?! Just stay under tower and farm during laning phase, get a towerport to not get denied that much xp and you have won. Yorick is literally only built to win lane. He has nothing else but an average ulti that makes him a second support. Fizz: Also a late game monster that gets pooped on by most lane bullies. Bait his jump and then cc and kill him. Rengar: Ok, I thought you would say Leblanc at this point. Or any other Assassin. Rengar is vunerable to ganks and he can get nothing done if you just group if you see the exclamation mark and then cc and kill him. If he is fed, he can get one kill maybe and then you have killed a fed member of the enemy team. Also if you camp him and he gets too far behind, there is no way for him to come back. Poppy: Ok I'll give you that one. But that is why she is reworked. And she was never played that much, she has always been a niche pick that can be op, but is just cannon fodder most of the time. Also I find it unfair that you show crazy outplays with godlike mechanics that the players probably worked really really hard for and then just say "Yeah you play broken champs and that's how you win". You're not 15 anymore, are you? Riot was has always tried to patch unbalanced or unfair mechanics out and in my opinion they did a great job.
Poppy's new kit still arguably lacks counterplay, her ult can turn a 5v5 team fight into a 5v3, and her W completely screws over champions with dashes like Lucian and Corki, forcing them to burn their flash or die if it's on cooldown. She also now has waveclear and poke tools which were some of the things that made her laning lackluster before.
She has the lowest Win-Rate of all Top-Laners/Junglers with 42% so i guess those points aren't that valid as one might think when reading this for the first time. And her Ult has two problems:It's only useful as an disengage and can be dodged easily by somewhat mobile champions.
tbh with this list I can only agree with fizz, I wanted to make this list to show how I think this top 10 is biased in my opinion, im a noob at LoL so some of my points might not be a good idea or true. #10 Vi: With Vi's ult she has to be cocky enough to rush towards you and your team, and with a champion with movement (Kassadin, LeBlanc, etc.) she will rush even further away from help, getting herself into nasty situations. #9 Ryze: Ryze's only problem is his rune prison right? so if you have a champ with high range auto/abilities (Trist, Sivir etc.) you can stay out of range of his rune prison most of the time. #8 Trynd: Yes his undying rage can be a pain but if you have a good thresh, nautilus, or blitz, you can hook him back into range of you and your team in time for his ult to wear off and his crit chance is bad, but not yasuo bad. #7 Kayle: Kayle's ult can be difficult to deal with, but its not as bad as it could be because it can only protect one ally from dying, so in a team fight or 2v2 you can more than likely get at least 1 kill. #6 Annie: She isn't as bad as you make her seem, you cant dodge her ult, but if you run after her ult she cant do much. #5 Olaf: Olaf's ability to slow/be immune to disables is really frustrating, but if he ults while running away, chase him if you have speed and try your best to dodge the axes he'll throw at you if he ults while running to you, do your best to run while it wears off. #4 Yorick: I haven't played/seen anything about him really so I cant give any opinion. #3 Fizz: I agree he is bs, I know there's a counter to him but I haven't found it yet. #2 Rengar: As +JhoaoCkuNdari said rengar has 1 chance to deal loads of dmg to you, as most assassins have multiple #1 Poppy: Since poppy got re-worked I cant say much about her on this list now, but I feel like she was more of a juggernaut counter with her % of health dmg on her Q and ability to knock dangerous champs away from her allies with her E I know this list is a bit rambley but I wanted to make my opinion clear
I used to really enjoy Olaf top because Reckless Swing would chunk people for a ton of damage in laning phase back in season 1/season 2. Now he's a different champion because he's only decent as a jungler IMO, and even in the jungle you can get owned if the enemy comes to gank you while you're running around on 5% HP for maximum attack speed.
So this is the list of champions you hate not the worst designed, you got to update that, just because you hate them dose not mean they're worst designed.
The only thing I really agree with in this video is that Tryndamere has a bad kit, he may have his strengths but his kit really feels like it lacks depth and the same thing goes for Yorick, his concept is really interesting, but it really feels like his kit could have been so much better and interesting, with the ghouls and all, neither are overpowered, but even the play of the character feels unfulfilling.
Honestly, most champions in this game will always be called "OP", "broken", "poorly designed", "easy to play" by some people.. Just look at the comment section of this video.. At least 50% of the champs are being called out for being broken here alone.. Every champion is different and counters some champs and sucks against some other champs.. Just because the champion you play a lot sucks going against some other champs, it doesnt make them broken.. Fizz is OP? His laning phase isnt that great.. He gets poke a lot and not the best at csing in the mid lane. Especially when he goes against someone like Heimerdinger, theres nothing fizz can do.. Oh, now Heimerdinger is op? Someone with long range and yasuo can easily destory his turrets.. He is nothing without his turrets. You get my point.
Fizz is VERY well designed. I mean dont get me wrong, i hate him cuz i get rolled and i cant figure out how to play him, but fizz's whole character is about being nimble and weily and that is EXACTLY how fizz works.
If you think Annie and Kayle are ridiculous on SR, try ARAM, Kayle's splash can knock out multiple champs by itself when she is fed, and given ARAM is just a bridge, good lord she gets fed quick. Annie at one point had the highest all time win rate of any champ on ARAM, because of her ult and ult alone. When she stacks her spells to queue a stun spell, and when enemies are forcibly grouped together, she can stun all 5 which can lead to an easy Ace every time. I know this because I love playing as them in ARAM and it feels so damn good when I get it going between the 2.
Funny thing is that if you play ANY of these champions, you will wipe bronze division's face in the dirt, it becomes so easy to pubstomp. This is also what makes Fizz such a strong champion. He just shuts down bronze players and he is decent in higher leagues as well.
katarina- mobility, resets, no resources, poke. Graves- adc that takes no dmg and also does too much burst dmg, Ahri too much mobility combined with cc, true dmg and spell vamp. Kalista - passive, Ekko - assassin with heal, tankiness and insane mobility. Diana "assassin" with tankiness and crazy burst.
+Damn Son Every Champion has a weaknes, so they cant be totally dominant without chance to couter them. Katarina is really weak pre 6 and most champions can kill her before she reaches the piont where she can jump in and kill half of your team with her Ult. Graves has like no attack speed. Ever seen a Graves clearing a Vision Ward? Ahri gets shut down by any form of (ranged) cc and so on.
Uh no, the number 1 on the list is now Tawm Kench. His kit causes him to be useless in all roles, he's "forced" to build tank, he removes a primary target from a teamfight on either side. "And he gets you banned by spitting u into team fights at 1/4 health and claiming u a feeder." I'm done with league!! Hello Heroes of the Storm!
#10 - gang up and cc her to death. #9 -olaf or someone with tons of cc/burst like riven. #8 -cc and randuins. #7 -hard cc and and shutting her down early. #6 -pay attention to passive and time her ult. kill her when she doesn't have it. #5 -shut him down early. force him to ult then kill after. actually not to much counterplay #4 -cc like crazy and go extremely tanking. #3 -Wait for ult then dodge it. Play extremely bursty and mobile champ. ex.zed is good if the player is good at zed. #2 - pink wards and zhonyas even if your an adc, get zhonyas anyways. #1 -Become faker My point. play taric. Tons of defense, has built in sustain. Has a point a click stun. 18 powerspike. What more do I have to say. Counters everyone
Riot has talked about how they regret releasing vlad since he is so frustrating to play against. they nerfed him down to a spot where he has to play as passive as possible early game but then cannot be fought late game.
As a Fizz main, i can completely understand that he is extremely in the tier of bad design. He's super fun to play but very hard to counter, i never even get mad when i play against him because i see all the bs and give it out later by playing him myself. He dodge's a majority of ults/moves and his burst is ridiculous along with his super mobility and the passive only makes it psychotic. Do i wish it would change? No. There are ways to counter him, maybe hard but there are ways, although another thing that makes him poorly design is that he's the type of assassin that not only cleans up at the complete last minute, but also can jump in and out without completely contributing anything to a fight imo. It's hard not to be selfish and take all the kills, and honestly, when a team fight goes bad, the ult is the only thing that could maybe stop a rampage of enemy champions on your tail. Other than that, you save yourself, often getting yelled at for not being able to save anyone else. I think that part is just an assassin thing (reminds me kinda of kat in a way), but eh, i defiantly see flaws on my favorite champ.
Annie is rather well designed champion. I can kinda understand the reasons you hate on her, but you just ignore that: Annie is a Short-Range (which u kinda mention but don't attribute to her for some unknown reason) mage with 0 mobility in her kit, which already limits her immensly compared to so many other champions. You make a point about her Q stun being reliable without noticing that you trade off AOE effect for that reliability. She doesn't fit any of 4 points from my "Worst Designed" list. Worst Designed list (a champion must fit at least 2 to be considered broken): 1. No mana. 2. Insane mobility. 3. Strong at every stage of the game. 4. High Skill unlocks extreme abuse. But even without strict guidlines Annie has neverending list of downsides. Easily dies to ganks. EXTREMELY addicted to having Flash avaliable to make anything meaningful happen. Magic resistance is very effective against her, as well as any spell-shield effects, banshee, zhonya etc. She can be zoned, ran down and even killed by any frontline champion in a team-fight before or after she does her combo. She has only one full-burst rotation, which means missing even one part of it is a huge problem for her. List goes on. Addressing the rest of the list: 1. Poppy - yes, poorly designed, not broken cause weak. 2. Rengar - no, but very close to being broken. 3. Fizz - no, but very close. 4. Yorick - yes, poorly designed, but weak, same as poppy. 5. Olaf - no, and not close. 6. Annie - no. 7. Kayle - no, not too close. 8. Tryndamere - no, not close. 9. Ryze - no, not close. 10. Vi - no, not close, and while I understand complains about Kayle/Olaf/Tryndamere/Rengar ults (and Fizz E) - her ult is the one you shouldn't bitch about, it has a drawback of guaranteed follow and still has a ton of couter-play avaliable with spell-shield, invulnarability, untargateble and even enter-stealth effects - don't have those, not a problem buy zhonya, banshee.
I need to dissagree with number 2. Rengars' one shot is a bit hard to land , his early jungle is bad cause of no gank ability , his toplane phase is bad cause no escapes (only if you can use the bushes somehow) his ultimate has big cd and his only source of power is his q (and a bit e) when played ad and w when ap . His e is a skillshot now and his w is a bit useless for late game . His one shot is hard to land because you need to press 4 buttons + in less than 1 second and do it perfectly . About the late game , as assassin , he can one shot carries and thats normal for almost all assassins (leblanc , diana , zed , talon) . But this is my opinion over that nice video
And that is why I love Yorick and he's a nightmare to gank. Jarvan swag flags in, Yorick ults and picks up a double. Though my KDA isn't usually terribly great, the lane is just shut down.
Why can't Fizz stay in his pole forever ? Because he is unbalanced.
Cyrax Kung ;D made my day
Cyrax Kung lol
Cyrax Kung LMAO :)
Cyrax Kung Old but cool
hahahahah i laughed so hard
i thought this video would talk about the champions which a kit that does not make sense, like miss fortune, but i see that you only included champions that you thinck are op or fruatrate you.
Same here.
lucas garcía What's wrong with Miss Fortune? She's a crazy spoiled sexy teenage girl, I see nothing out of the ordinary in her kit.
lucas garcía Not really, he stated that these champions are not necessarily op, they are poorly designed because they have some bs mechanics, which are unhealthy to the game.
lucas garcía he stated at the beginning that he doesn't think these champion are op, just that they offer little counterplay or just have a very anti fun kit.
dkz nikolaj "Her damage lategame is easily around Vayne's"
i'm not sure what you're smoking but I want some
This video is like the essence of bronze.
I hate these type of video topics, they always appeal to every bronze player who blames everything else as why the suck, which nobody likes to hear. Then we got the mains of these 'unfair' champs who also don't want to hear it, you know what's frustrating, complaining about the game all the time.
So why the fuck are you watching his videos ? If you don't like them, stop watching them and be mature
NortexG - Art if you don't complain about the game nothing gets changed ergo you have to lane against these boring "I'm totes balanced" champs
NortexG - Art Yeah Ive noticed that the most people who say for example Riven is OP havent even played her, ofc you are going to have a hard time playing against a Riven if you dont know her weaknesses and also people who say a X champion is to OP in that moment takes away the fault on themselves and therefore never learns from their mistakes which makes them think that the champion is a lot stronger then it actually is. Like I personally think Diana is OP and I realized that I should stop have that mentality and every time I die to a Diana not just say: OMG Diana to stronk, thats probably why I hate her so much because I literally paint out a picture of her which is un.avoidable since I dont even think about the possibility of that I maybe should have played it differently except for the obvious DODGE HER Q. Anyways a bit rambly but really wanted to get that out. So tired of people being ignorant.
NortexG - Art havent you realized that this game is broken ?
haudau naruto Things that are broken can be reforge
- Riven
Hahaha I not a Riven Main but I do commend their hard work on mastering her
I have to disagree on the #2 spot. I don't know why but in every video about unbalanced, poorly designed champion or anything bad related to champions that Jeremy puts on youtube, there's ALWAYS a safe spot for Rengar there. That imo is a bit of butthurting on his part.
Rengar is one of those champions that change the way the match is played, and people simply don't realize that. He has ONE chance to one-shot you, every 150/110/70 seconds, and the only thing you have to do is deny that. If Rengar can't get a flank on a important member of the enemy team, his utility on the overall game falls drastically.
When you see the "!", its not just a "!", its a "Ok enemy team, there's a cat with insane burst potential just about to rape your carries. CC him." and its just that what you need to do to kill him. CC him. "Ooh but champion related mechanics don't count and bla bla", for that Riot gave you Zhonyas.
The only thing you need to do is Recognize that HE IS AN ASSASSIN. He has 3.6k hp? Still an assassin. So what you should do is deny him the only chance he has to kill you. A lot of people don't know, but you can actually hit and/or apply CC on Rengar mid-jump. The 3.6k hp thing is just his tradeoff for not having a failsafe scape like every other assassin does.
You think invisibility makes Rengar unfair to play agains? Well, Akali has invisibility and it's worse because she can hit you and simply walk back to her smokescreen and voila, she's invisible again. LeBlanc? She can one shot both your carrys, press W and voila, she's on the other side of the map. But no, Rengar is OP, Rengar having ONE SINGLE CHANCE to murder your carries with no way to get out once he's in is unfair. Of course it is. You disapointed me on this one, Jeremy.
+JhoaoCkuNdari Besides it takes really good map awareness and control to efficiently execute with Rengar.
JhoaoCkuNdari it's weird you think akali is worse to play against, because the only thing you need to do to counter her "escape" is buying a pink PLUS she does not have 3.6k hp like rengar. On top of that, akali is pretty much useless before lvl 6, while rengar... Akali is in a weak spot right now, that's why they are planing to rework her.
JhoaoCkuNdari butthurt rengar player spotted!
DantinozMC Well... That's not true. While I do like Rengar very much, I wouldn't go as far as saying he's not strong. But in this video you see him being mentioned as a "Bad designed champion" while he's the only assassin in the whole game that doesn't have the "Get in, kill as much people as you can, get out" mechanic. He's the only assassin that can get "tanky", because once he decides to jump in someone there's no way back. He doesn't have a scape or anything that can put him out of a fight. I don't see how you can call that a bad design, as he has clear weaknesses, and if you don't exploit them is either because you didn't look close enough to find them, or because you simply find saying "GG rengar op rito pls nerf" on /all chat much easier.
sorryforthewaitpx Rengar can be countered by pinks as much as Akali, in a matter of fact, any champion with stealth on its kit can be, that's why I didn't even bother mentioning that. Also, her "scape" isn't her stealth but her ulti, a good Akali player knows that her R isn't just a gapcloser, it can get you in and out of a fight if used correctly, not to mention that her stealth can be used over and over and over by simply walking back to her smoke screen. And I didn't even mention that now her ulti makes so she goes behind your character, which means that it's a lot easier for you to miss an akali when she ults you, because she'll move to your back.
As I stated before, the 3.6k thing is the tradeoff Rengar has for not having a single scape and one hard-cc that if used, takes off a lot of his burst potential in exchange. Also Akali isn't in a bad spot, you just have to build Will of the Ancients on her instead of hextec gunblade, try this: WoA, Rilay & Liandry's as your core items, you have room for 3 more situational items. I swear to you, try this and you'll see that she's strong and people just didn't realize that yet.
And the fact that she's useless before 6 is a valid point but it's far from compensating the fact that after she gets her ulti she can pretty much just spaghetti all over the keyboard and it will work, I know that because I play her a lot. And as I said before, Rengar can be stopped mid-jump, just keep that in mind when playing against him and you'll see that it is a lot easier to kill him by simply CC-ing him mid-jump, it doesnt even need to be a hard CC, it can be soft CC like Cait's E or Draven's E, you just need to see him coming and have a decent reaction time.
well.. It's basically any champion that has an ability that can keep you from dying for a bit....
+TheCrasherOf Noon OMG Morde is designed so badly !2 of his abilities heal him and he has an shield that scales with his health!
And he still has an negative Winrate as Top,Mid and ADC.
I hope you can see the sarcasm in the first sentence without having to read this sentence.
The simple fact that a champion refuses to reward your efforts by simply refusing to die is pretty anti fun if you ask me
+TheCrasherOf Noon Lol good old Trynd
+Luan Andres well then they should also remove all gap closing and escape mechanics while they are at it
Kien Soyokaze And all Sustain mechanics
here comes the hate since he said a person's fav champ is poorly designed. it's an opinion lol
Jamal Hunter Yup, and when there's a well designed champs list, "where is mine? dislike""
+Jamal Hunter I'm pretty sure it's not because of that. It's more the fact he says "x ability has no counter play" (Tryndamere R, Kayle R) when in fact they do have counterplay (CC??) Also, you can say a champion is unhealthy for the game but calling a champion strait up stupid (Annie) made him seem unintelligent without showing any backup evidence..
TL;DR- Jeremy thinks if 2 frustrating things are on the same champion then they're poorly designed. (Stealth, burst, invulnerability, CC, ect...)
+Jacob Morris You can counter almost everything with CC. CC is not a good reason for "Counterplay", every ADC is weak against CC and yes Tryndamere & others are also weak against CC, but they still have their abilities, making them to strong. You need to run away from a Tryndamere if he activates his ult, no chance to fight him. You can't afford to stand in annies ult + flash range if you don't want to die. I really like Annie, but I think she is broken only tanky champions have a chance against her, that's why I use her so often.
+Colorado0091 most of the champions he named can be beat by simply walking away at a curtain time in a fight or using that thing called a "team" this is a team game kid its what they are for.
+Jamal Hunter no, this list is bad because OP is NOT the same thing as badly designed. Rengar, Olaf, and Vi aren't bad. They're powerful. Kat, Urgot, Yorick, Poppy, Akali, Yi, Yasuo, Garen, Fizz, and Annie are all either badly designed or stupidly powerful while taking no skill to play OR has a high risk/low reward ratio.
i think vlad has a stupid kit with a hextech he can stay in lane for ever
greg hrastar Not really... All in champions can deal with Vlad very well, It's common knowledge how badly Vlad loses lane against Irelia, Riven or Malphite. If you try to beat him in HIS game (sustain and small trades), he'll most likely win. He's now less about sustain now that spellvamp was nerfed again
greg hrastar I played a lot of rankeds with vlad and i disagree with you, he can't stay on lane forever :)
greg hrastar ya idk why vlad wasnt on here. Riot themselves said vlad shouldnt have even been released.
Gabriel Rengifo Any Vlad who loses lane to Malphite is seriously bad. Vlad counters him in almost every way. Sustain, range, magic damage, etc. The only trait they both have is a weak early game, so Malphite must get ganks in his favour in order to win.
Yea, but he also has 0 CC, so I think he is kinda balanced
Gotta love how this is just a list of champions you don't like facing. Huh.
+Nonon Nation He explained that in the first ten seconds of the video, "unfair mechanics/no counterplayer" nice visual and audio comprehension!!!!!
If Singed isn't on here I'm going to be disappointed.
I'm disappointed.
Robert Fancyman rofl
Robert Fancyman Singed is a rather tough champ to dominate with imo
DodgyDan4 I never said he was good. However, Proxy Singed is the most annoying thing in League by a country mile.
Robert Fancyman What?! Singed is so well designed his name is an anagram of "design"
Irelia should be here with her 0 counterplay 2 sec stun, 2 sustain spells, refreshing gapcloser, true + physical + magic dmg, free tenacity, and high base dmg so u can still 1v4 when almost full tank.
NightcoreAnimeLoLAssassinPlayer o counter play, she can be CC'ed, Almost anyone can out damage her with burst and her sustain is very insignificant without atleast one item, her true damage is AA reliant unlike Olaf which is much strong and easier to apply cause it's just one hit
NightcoreAnimeLoLAssassinPlayer I mean... An alright Malphite does it.
Jeffherson Vega She can be cc'd...
Pfft, what about her passive?
NightcoreAnimeLoLAssassinPlayer "0 counterplay" ??? Have you ever played Irelia? D:
vvvortics fried chicken Well I mean Malphite, Olaf and Tryndamere can counter her kinda well. Plus she loses very hard to Riven if she can't play the matchup well. She has counterplay, but she is very strong.
After all these months, I'm still suprised there's no Vladimir, for fuck sake, Riot regretted releasing him.
Poppy as #1 is really unexpected, and I can deal with it.
But saying that her gap closer is "strong" is pure heresy. It's a short range target spell, that has a chance of stunning,
but it's knockback is a negative aspect because it puts Poppy and her target closer to the target's teammates, making its real utility very situational.
There is a large variety of champions that have better gap closers. Even just the stupid Trynda, even if it's defined as dash
Doran Martell doesn't matter if she gets close to the enemy, she has her ult
Echo TheEcho
Renekton is such a problem when he has engaged, but I wouldn't call his gap closer good.
Same for Garen.
And Flash + R + Hourglass doesn't make anyone strong at gap closing.
Doran Martell with a % health dam and combine ult of Olaf and kayle, that's just wrong and that's the reason she is #1
Doran Martell its not great but it's good enough. Lets her get a free insanely powerful Q off too.
Doran Martell I literally was decently fed (Not over fed tho) so I went in 1v4 and killed everyone I think?Anyways pick more than one and lived that's for sure,Poppy was made like the balance in DotA was,did you know Annie had a 5 second on her passive?
IMO Vi is one of best designed champions in game.
She isnt overpowered, there is always place in meta for her and also she isnt as frustrating as everyone says. Her nice and friendly to play kit makes her one of ''most-softy'' LoL champions.
Sapphire Panda I agree with this, but I can understand why she is on the list. Her ultimate is pretty strong, and she can escape almost any situation by q'ing through a wall, etc. However, her damage output and cd's make her balanced imo, so I agree with both you and Jeremy.
Sapphire Panda No just no.
You obviously aren't a main adc....
Quindayo B that's why she is so low in the list despite having an unstoppable ult with hard CC and % dam with armor pen if I am correct on her kit
Jeffherson Vega Skarner has even worse ulty.
Malza too
Zed too
Urgot too
But they arent on the list because their ulties define themselves and without them they are 0.
Lol fizz is at the front of everything negative about league of legends.
agree :D
drash79 xd holy shit your salty
well, he may be salty, but he's also right.
Andrei Moisi that's because he has one of the hardest kits to deal with in the game. Really, if they just gave his e a decent cooldown, something like 12-14 seconds at max level (with no cd reduction) , then fizzes would have to be a lot more careful about charging in and thus he has more counterplay. i just 100 % ban the champion because the risk of a fizz snowballing out of control from me making one or two misjudgements or mistakes is higher than just about any other champion. For me at least; some people are just a lot better at dealing with him.
how to counterplay rengar, pink wards. . . ???
Notelirivers pinkwards doesn't exist below plat
Ätharrr as a mid laner i cant stop buying them lol
Notelirivers Sometimes it doesn't matter if you see Rengar if he does 1000+ damage to you in 1 hit and jumps on you the instant you see the "!"
ForEvergreen CS so many champions can do that though.
Ätharrr They do exsist, but no one notice they are there. Some games can run fully without getting killed.
Search in youtube: "the little ward that could" and see what I mean >.>
Ok three questions, Where is riven, Where is Heimerdingerdongerfucker, and Where is Yasuo.
SlySpyKurt None of those champs are unkillable like Fizz, Poppy, or Trynd.
Riven is a really strong champion, I agree on that. Heim is just annoying and not many people play him in high Elo, but Yasuo? He is very well designed and you definitely have to know how to play him to carry.
+SlySpyKurt What about Garen and Trundle?
+SlySpyKurt Btw name of the video is: Top 10 Worst Designed Champions in League of Legends not
Top 10 OP Champions in League of Legends
Fine, :/
i cant help but get the feeling that this video is just ragey instead of the normal informative style of these videos
+Onyxiboy Indeed, it looks more like a "champs which make me rage" video than anything else.
lol? do you main one of these retarded champions or whats your problem? he justified everything he said just right, and its all the truth obviously.
Lelouch I don't main any of those champ but when you ear something like "tryn RNG" you understand it's only rage cause their is no tryn RNG just crit one and it's the same for every champs
+Lelouch For me the felling of raging stems from the fact that on the clips the enemies are getting outplayed super hard. It is not. Like those games looked like "silver against diamond" -level crap. Not only did the enemies get pwned, but they pwned themselves too. The message on narrative and on video clips mismatch in that regard.
All in all, he makes good points what are problems in these champs.
P.S. I do not really play any of those champions, bu neither have I faced such games portrayed in the clips. Annoying champions, yes, but nothing overpowering.
+Onyxiboy You are just butthurt :C
Seems to complain at ults being powerful but isn't that their point? Also seems to dislike any character that can kill adcs
Stilll Vi is bullshit and always was, thanks god I rarely see her nowadays.
seems like some1 is an adc main or mage that spams abilities w/o even knowing what his main is
He is zed and laning against fizz.
all chat:zed you idiot give the account back to owner
Counterplay-wise, you forgot leblanc. q, r, w, e you're dead. Rinse and repeat
Build magic resist,GG
Maliksi Zymon then she just does the combo twice. Not like you can punish her for going in cause she'l just teleport back.
***** leblanc really isnt, just outsmarting her will work, if you can outsmart the W shes fucked
***** God, maybe cc her with a targeted skill or a well executed skillshot like a Xerath or annie maybe almost any caster can beat a leb with equally skill players
Well, we can all agree that outsmarting leblanc is the counterplay to her, but as someone who is currently climbing the ladder with her, below maybe Gold III, people really just don't
"Tryndamere's passive is RNG", meanwhile Yasuo gets same bonus with 17,5% crit chance..
+Laatikkomafia Trynda gets 35% crit-chance at lvl1 without items or runes
Yasou gets 35% at lvl1 by having to buy Items for it and have runes that give crit-chance
See the difference now?
Yasuo's passive becomes mathematically better than Tryndamere's after 19% crit chance.
Yet Yasuo's passive isn't RNG, Tryndamere's is -.-
Yasou is not in the video and he didn't say that his passive isn't RNG only that Trynda's is RNG.
And i think that he said that it's RNG because he gets even more Crit-chance when he crits.
Yasuo gets double the crit chance even without attacking.
But he has to spend gold while trynda only needs to AA once to get 1,75% crit-chance i think which is doubled when critting.
I highly disagree with Annie being poorly designed, she is a PERFECT champ for new players to learn the game with. She is the perfect training wheels that is why I would take her off this list. Basic mechanics for basic players.
+gage kellogg the problem aren't the new players trying to learn the game the problem are the good enough players abusing her
Fair enough
+ChimpyCheese if she flash stuns you, than it's pretty much over if you weren't to CC her beforehand.
+gage kellogg If "Basic mechanics for basic people" is a rule you think Riot should abide to, then 450 IP champions should be banned from ranked queues. Master Yi and Annie require no skill whatsoever aside from timing and build paths to be useful in a team, let alone take on an entire team on their own.
annie got like no counterplay like pantheon
my list:
Quinn ?? LOLOLOL i can now tell which division you are in.
+Juan Correa Ikr
+Juan Correa its not about op champs its about champs which arent designed very good. And Quinn is not a very well designed champ. She is a ADC which has to go in meele range to use her ult. The rest of her kit isnt strong as well in comparison to other adcs. She only has a semi random dmg amplifier and her w only reveals a little bit around her.
Red Shell with quinn yas and teemo in it i guess u r a toplane main? - just guessin ^^
Juan Correa actually ever played vs quinn top? u think gnar or teemo is annoying? play vs quinn and u will really have the feeling of having no chance to defeat her / outplay her..
additionally quinn isnt even picked much in lower elo - in diamond to challenger she is picked on toplane to denie the shit out of a normally dominant toplaner
i think the most ubfair champ is shaco. he is like the old eve. Suddenly he is next to you and you are dead. just ridiculous
you're joking right?
+.cUp ツ - Gaming Content i hope he is
***** The thing is, I am too. I don't know why it's hard to place pinks. Also with Zed, like why can't you wait for him to use his ult and W to flash/use a movement item and get away from him
I am Gold 3 dunno if its low elo. Also I cant have pink wards all over the place especially when I am the Jungler^^ also to remind you: the zed r has a lower cooldown than flash^^
Fabienne wtf why does that matter
10. Vi
Trynda the only champ in game who can crit naturally? Someone forgot about Ashe
wilkatis ashe's crits aren't as powerful as a normal crit, unless u build a certain amount of crit chance, thus making trynda the only champ with "normal" crits within their kits. I think that's at least what he meant
wilkatis If you don't build anything on ashe her crits are like, 110% damage?
Which basically aint too much different....
However, like 2-3 lucky crits on top lane early on can mean you lost your lane and the tryn snowballing from top lane to bottom lane and onto your nexus...
Well, only way to really outplay tryn is cc... or malzahar ult (5 sec supress vs 5 sec of undying , ur undying rage is bound to run out first.......)
Ashe actually doesn't even crit normally only when she has her slow/stun onto the target which means she has to meet cetain conditions to crit
But your auto attacks on ashe has passive slows.
Atukaski Malzahar's ult is kinda like Bane's ult from DotA 2 but say thanks to Rito gods his ult is not actually 5 seconds and longer like Bane's ult is
8:20 I was actually premade with Lucian and Fizz and was the Sona who died right at the start of the clip xD it hits me right in the feels to see this clip since neither of them play anymore (both quit around 2016-2017) and it's so nostalgic. Since we were pretty noob we never expected to even do well in the game let alone show up in a league of legends video of a youtuber we all regularly watched so even if it seems like something that doesn't really mean much it did to us back then as kids
So thank you Jeremy, for hav
ing made our days.
This video reeks of the "everybody is a winner" attitude. There's always something you can do regardless of champion... It's called get good
Javier Navarro except for tryndamere and annie
Nothing you can do vs annie
support olaf bot, pop her and her adc cherry every day :D
mattflash14 Don't group ? it's ridiculously easy to fight annie all you have to do is not bunch up like idiots, if she has to use her ult to kill one target she will die after that cause she had to go melee range, also you can flash her ult or zhonya and many other ways to avoid it. Just predict it ?
Javier Navarro *git gud please know your memes
I honestly disagree with like 80% of this list. Saying a champion is poorly designed because he is unkillable when fed/ahead is very wrong. You can shut down poppy/olaf/rengar so hard in lane they'll have nightmares, if played correctly. Also, kayle's ultimate is designed to counter assassin's. Etc, etc.
ThundersLeague You must play cancer champs then
the salt of this video is bad designed
+David Almaguer He didn't put riven XD
Riven isn't poorly designed
David Almaguer your grammar is badly designed.
Olaf? olaf is "broken" cuz you cant cc him for 8 seconds? just use an escape ffs, "adcs know the fear of playing against an olaf" from top 5 adcs that are played right now (vayne jinx caitlyn graves sivir, in that order) only 1 has to worry about olaf, and thats jinx, vayne can just tumble out of his axe and go invisible for 9 hours and get 3 autos on him and he dies, cait can just net out, graves can either kill him with one combo or E out of an axe, sivir can spellshield an axe and match his move speed with ult, practically 80% of adcs dont fear olaf,maybe twitch urgot ashe varus and jinx do but thats it, and also, why the fuck is vlad not on the list? the only thing he needs in a game is to hit 150 cs, no matter how far he is if he finishes that rylai and rabadons with speel vamp, you know ur fucked cuz he can heal every 2 secs, fuck ur adc with one rotation, and did i mention he also has 3k plus hp? all in all this is a list of "i dont how to play against these champs so i consider them broken" not the worst designed, sure annie and fizz are broken, trynda too, but kayle? she needs a retarded jungler against her to let her get an early devourer
Shaman King i agree with you but nobody in lcs or something like that Plays caitlyn or graves anymore :D the top 5 adcs are sivir, kalista, vayne, jinx and corki right now.
Perfekt still only jinx can get caught :P
Shaman King Cait and Corki both have long CD escapes and in high level of play people will know how to coordinate a re-engage and guess what the escape wont be up.
vviheifc if you are talking about high level play then the adc will also know not to over extend and his team will know how to protect him, and thus the olaf will be useless unless he has a homegaurd and doesnt get hit, or engages after the fight started
Thats the thing at that same level that Olaf player will know other ways to get to the adc and because he deals true dmg to the enemy he can help a team get through a front line faster while taking more dmg with his ult, and a homegaurd play with Olaf is devasating, IMO a tp play with him is just as devastating as a hecarim or maokai tp play
Where's Skilven ? Not that she is ez to play its just that she has what 2 stuns insane dmg 4 gap closers on no cd and 300+ shield on 2 sec cd which makes her unkillable with full ad build.
Remember the time where the red buff and blue buff has 2 little guys fighting for them together and killing one of the small little guy and killing the buff leaving one little guy for the enemy?
That moment u go vs trynda top rengar jg fizz mid kayle support and annie apc
Vi's ultimate can be QSS'ed easily. She will still jump to you but it wont knock you up.
ArtyfexRS QSS does not remove knock ups. She will knock you up, for one second, thats it. Riot actually said that they made it like that on purpose, so you can effectively screw over one enemy, which is the purpose of her kit
Yeah I'd say Vi is probably one of the best designed champions actually. She's always been strong but never really op. Her ult is very telegraphed and if she doesn't have backup she will probably just die.
1. Katarina (3 Sec Pentakill)
2. Zed (Ultimate that when you think you got out, Boom! Death)
3. Yasuo (You have a skill shot ultimate? Let me block it)
4. Fizz (I like to be Untargetable)
5. Annie (Do you like stuns? I like stuns)
6. Shaco (I like to vanish)
7. Fiora (Like dancing? So do I. )
8. Heimerdinger (Don't come near me. I have turrets)
9. Master Yi (Trying to run away? NOPE.)
10. Rengar (See that exclamation mark? It's your death call)
most of these characters kits are fantastic... your list is "10 champs I hate"
+Notsofat The Gamer Your list is BS, most of these have counterplays:
- Katarina: ANY CC
- Zed:Just tell your support to watch for the zed, and ap buy zhonyas.
- Yasuo: if you play it right, it will be quite hard to let him into the fight. Unless, of course, you've fed him early game.
- Shaco: with the vision changes, Shaco got buffed, but he still too weak. For the champion to be effective, the player needs to master it, which takes time and the result isn't that great.
- Heimerdinger: just watch out for the turrets, learn how aggro works.
- Master Yi: Snare and exhaust.
man i know this comes up a lot but just comparing to heroes in dota, some of these things that feel "unfair" or little outplay mechanic seems kinda ridiculous. These champions have their own negatives, they also are just extremely powerful in certain situations. Should annie be allowed to stunlock and burst down squishy heroes, as is her job? yes, prevent her from doing so. The list goes on and on with all your reasons for "acceptable forms of counterplay". Some champions have to be worked around with how you handle them in the game, not just in each laning situation.
+Flogron Yeahhh i have around 1.5k hours, it just feels like some champions in league do have some pretty strong kits that must be counter picked against, i guess like kat and some of the others mentioned in the video. Some of the champions in league are just so underwhelming at times even with a decent farm position it feels off
+Flogron so yes as in many cases just prevent from snowballing. I guess the issue is as Jeremy said we should not look at this as a balance issue, certain champions have very little counterplay to while still not being "overpowered". Id just argue that this is an ok situation to have
I don't think it's viewed as a balance issue by Riot. There are tons of champions designed to get a kill in lane or be underwhelming until you get some items.
The only one I'd really agree with is Fizz.
"Top 10 most frustrating champions to play against" is the real name on this list. There's a difference between design and effectiveness.
I disagree with Vi completely. She has hardly been nerfed since release compared to some champions. Her kit is also very healthy for the game in my opinion. She's easy to pick up but difficult to master and is a ton of fun to play as and against.
Latt Let me guess, Vi main?
Latt Her ult is one of the least fun, interesting, or dynamic abilities in the entire game to play against. The ONLY way to disarm the stun is Morgana shield, and then she is still in your face, possibly with another one or two gap closers in reserve, doing tons of damage while being too tanky to kill first. The ult is also on a pretty low cooldown, so it's very hard to find an engagement opportunity between her 'up-time'.
I'm not saying she's obviously overpowered or you can't win against her, but she's frustrating as hell for squisheys, epecially ones without a dash.
Viron Darkstar You can zhonya her ult if you're adc you can QSS so stop bitching...
QSS 1. Doesn't remove knock-ups, and 2. Doesn't protect from CC after it's activated.
What I should do is sacrifice Summoner Heal for Summoner Cleanse. Oh wait, that doesn't work on knock-ups either.
+Viron Darkstar if you QSS her ult she stops charging at you.
Respectfully I disagree with around half of your choices. Vladimir surely takes the cake closely followed by Xin and Nautilus. A poorly designed champion isn't just öne that can duel well, it's one that is either totally weak or ridiculously OP depending on the item /ability numbers that you assign to them.
Trynd needs plenty of uninterrupted farming (hint, ganks) to get to his unstoppable state, Fizz requires top notch mechanics and can be safely bullied in lane by many ranged champions.
Good video though, it's interesting to hear other's thoughts on what is bad design.
+qzxerty "top notch mechanics" he can have 10 cs and solo kill any laner just by using a defensive/offensive ability that gives you a 1 second window of invulnerability.
+Christian Huang not really imo. For the sake f full disclosure im platinum V atm not a challenger player. Im a viktor main so i see a lot of fizz mids. Hes just like leblanc you have to be able to predict where hes going to land and chasing him around jungle isnt going to end well for most junglers. The invuln is annoying but he has to land at the end of it. Granted this video was made during the ad tank fizz meta which got fizz nerfed.
qzxerty fizz has characteristics a lot like what you talk about (really bad with bad numbers really good with good numbers) like a lot of other assassins. I think what makes fizz inherently anti fun is the same that makes vlad dumb to deal with, except vlad whittles you in lane whereas fizz all ins you.
nearly all the things you mentioned have to do with balance and not champion design. A champion being weak is not attributed to their kit, but to the damage numbers on the kit.
How is vlad there. Hes w is 20 secnd cooldown. All his attack are aoe. Execpt his q which isnt strong until he is fed.
Every of your clips is just showing the skill of the player and not the OPness of the champ.
+Spartacus Art™ These champs are not overpowered. Many of them are/were underpowered even. They simply have a kit that prevents them from riot ever making them viable, since once they are viable, they are automatically OP.
+Warren Graham that makes no sense
jamieson grosseibl Au contraire, it makes a shitton of sense. You just dont seem to get it.
no i get that you contradicted everything you said in less than 2 sentences.
jamieson grosseibl Explain where I contradict myself.
Take Vi out of the list and put shaco high up there
+Pierre Akol Why Shaco is poorly designed? He is actually one of the better designed champions in the game, specially considering that he is one of the oldest champions in the game.
You have two ways on his kit to proc your passive in extended fights (boxes for jungle clears, possibly the clon for 1v1)
3 of his abilities are EXTREMMELY versatile and can perform numerous combos, offensive and defensive, and he is not unhealthy at all. He is just a burst assassin with a versatile kit.
+Vinícius Silva Moraes Shaco has stealth and essentially has a longer range flash on his q. He is EXTREMELY difficult to keep up with and is just generally frustrating to play against since he has SO much outplay potential. He doesn't even have to commit because of how slippery his kit makes him.
***** And that's how an assassin is supposed to be. His Q might be overloaded, I agree, but still, just a pink ward and he is done. Many, many champions can jump over walls, and stealt is easily countered by true sight, and in Shaco's case is even worse because he have no other sources of mobility. You HAVE to use all of your spells if you want to escape a sticky situation against an agerage player. Deceive them with the clon, have a escape route with boxes, while still using your Q wisely.
If you think he is poorly designed just because he is slippery, Zed, LeBlanc, Ekko, Fizz, Kassadin and maaaaaaaany other assassins share this feature, and even some other champions like Kalista, Udyr and Vayne too.
If you think that Shaco is frustrating to play against, how about hard snowballing champions like Katarina, Riven and Yasuo, that if ahead, seems to just kill everything thrown at them?
Or Gnar and even Kalista that is just impossible to get close without proper mobility?
+Pierre Akol Shaco is VERY well designed because stat wise, he is terrible. The only way he can keep up with other champions is the fact that his kits allows players to outwit their enemies
i would be mad if someone played yorick...
but no one plays yorick...
i planning to buy yorick but my friend say everyone gonna hate me if i play him
I main Yorick :/
+Elitezealot123 me too, and also I've got a Undertaker Yorick skin... xd
+Raptor Jesus lvl 5 yorick here not my proudest achievements in lol
i'm lv 5 on yorick too :P
What I don't like about this topic is the fact that "bad design" is much more subjective than you think. Everything is relative because, as a Dota 2 and Season 1 LoL player, I'm used to dealing with characters that seem batshit-crazy-overpowered in certain situations and the "counterplay" to them is better team strategy that exploits their obvious weaknesses. I know that most of champions on this list are going to be characters with dumb, overloaded kits, but it's a shame that other kinds of characters with an interesting strategic niche or a novel mechanics (Olaf) have been (or will be) neutered because Riot painted themselves into a corner with their design choices.
Yorick made the list but Graves cant have a fucking cigar... smh
this isnt the 10 worst designed champions.. These are YOUR 10 most frustrating champions to play against.
Was this after or before the juggernaut patch?
After I believe
+Isaac COD & More! it was before
+Isaac COD & More! Juggernaut patch was worlds patch. For some fucking reason.
basically any champion that has a targeted ability or an invulnerability...pretty dumb video imo, thats like 95% of old champions
+Rasmus Willi She wasn`t available six months ago, but yes, a tank without CC, like illaoi, is a really bad idea for this metagame.
+Rasmus Willi that is stupid, have you ever played illaoi? she is very easy to counter just dont fight with her tentacles and when she ults just run. shes op if you fight her with her ult but just dont,
+Bush Wookie The point is that she is weak, not op
Doozku DX I will agree that she is op in some ways but not broken.
+Rasmus Willi this was before illaoi was released dude, just check the date..
How to outplay Tryndamere's ult: Ignite and walk away
How to outplay Fizz: Stun and burst before he can use his E
Tryndamere's op status could be easily fixed by preventing his ult from being cast while stunned/knocked up/etc.
+Monochromicornicopia or just tank thornmail.. he'll just die from it without him even knowing..
That's only a solution for a small minority of champions/positions.
+vanthursday Because he has to hit the guy with the thornmail...
+Monochromicornicopia It was a longe time ago, i think it's fair because it was too easy to counter trynd. I disagree with a lot of champions in this list, trynd is one of them. His kit makes him VERY STRONG 1v1 but pretty much useless in a teamfight.
+Monochromicornicopia no offense but this would be an awful solution and it would straight up destroy the chances he ever has to see challenger elo/competitive play.
then they rework poppy and she is strong but beatable
I main Rengar. I love seeing enemies run around paranoid because they know I'm somewhere but they don't know when I'll strike
'Kayle with her uky having no counter play' Jesus Jeremy, for real? I don't even play or like Kayle but really? She can't cast it while stunned and she's not a particularly tanks champion so u just stun her and kill her and what can she do? Smh not even close to trynd ult
Ult *
Xelix977 And then you have something called positioning, yes it exist and because kayle is ranged unless you´re fucking bronze you won´t get to her easiely.
Kayle has not counterplay over all and the champion should be reworked, whenever she´s powerful everybody wants to rip their balls out and when shes weak everybody rejoices, kind of like akali which is also fucking bullshit as far as design goes.
Xelix977 And you can actually CC her while she's invulnerable...
polydipsiac Except AnnieBot admits that Annie is ridiculously easy and cheap...
Everyone is vulnerable to burst mages and champions with dashes... lol
"no counterplay in his kit with targeted abilities, massive sustain and harass, and ridiculously low cooldowns, and high ranges "
oh so every ADC in the game?
Because at level 3, most ADCs have a fuck ton of damage and lifesteal.
Where's Riven...
bon pham have fun in bronze
Lol, im in Gold...
Abdul Haleem Habeeb Ah ok, you mean that riven is "balance"... a AD scaling shield that is a dash too... ok "balance"
without that shield, she'd be a shit champion, so theres nothing you can do about it.
bon pham right compare a Shield to a Untargetable, Unstoppable or even combine the two,
She is balance and well design compare to the champs on this list so deal with it
I thought teemo would be on the list
agree i played teemo im so OP XD but hes not so handsome
Je Tacac :c
+Teemo the Swift Scout but i like thug life teemo XD so handsome AF
I disagree on a few of these and I'll say why:
Annie - She absolutely has counterplay in the form of prediction(which is a huge part of counterplay) and she is EXTREMELY immobile. She has low-ish base move speed and the only move speed item that you're likely to build on her, aside from boots, is Luden's. She is also medium-low range, at least in the current state of the meta, where ranged champions are favored in the mid lane.
Rengar - I strongly disagree that having stealth is an >unfair< advantage. Stealth is a sort of high risk high reward ability in league because, in most cases, it only works until you start hitting someone. It can be a huge advantage and catch people off-guard, but the downfall is that if your combo fails and your target gets away, you're likely too deep in to get away. Also, being a difficult champion to play to his full potential makes him weaker for most of us.
Champions that I think would fit better into this list:
Shaco/heimer - They're champions that are super susceptible to crowd control and have very limited use in a group setting. They have to catch you in their territory, where they are ridiculously overpowered and their options are basically either get fed and do so much damage that you can carry team fights or split push and pigeon-hole your team into having to play 4v5 in many cases. I don't like champions that force the rest of your team to feel like they have to play around you. You should pick(and riot should create) champions that are a beneficial component to the whole of your team.
Stealth is not OP fam. pink wards.
True. But its not always easy to keep a pink in your lane to prevent a stealth champion from ganking you.
Kayle? But no Yi, Heimedonger, Volibear and Irealia and Teemo? What the fuck? :D I liked the video because of Fizz and old Poppy. Wouldn't put Rengar here. He's maybe an ass but freaking cool and awesome. Game wouldn't be the same without him. Also, I would like the video that you put Yi. That's champion which shouldn't exist, together with Teemo and Heimedonger. Irelia needs huge nerf or rework, together with Fizz. Voli also but these 3 bitches are plea to the game.
Yi: Knock him up Or stun him
Voli: Kite until he dies ( so You Can Kite looooong) but it works
Teemo: Don't play AA based Champs against him
Teemo is the best champion in this game
accept that :d
I highly disagree on the first one. She's actually as strong as she is because she is well designed. Mostly does one thing and does it well. She does have lots of counterplay.
I also see no problem with Annie.
+HisingenWolf A support who can one shot ADC with a face roll on keyboard ? A non/projective ultimate stun with no travel time ? Yeahhhhh sure "no problem".
*Reads title* incoming title wave of dislikes
How on earth is Yasuo nowhere on this list?
Muffin8r because there are quite a few champions that have the upper hand in lane, and may be somewhat easy to learn but is one of the hardest champions to master.
men i just love you for the fact that you have outro song in the discripsion
Rengar "lacks counterplay completely". Well. I'm pretty sure he really needs his ultimate to "one shot you with his overloaded kit", which has a long cd early, and basically has once chance to do something in mid-late game, where all other assassins have plenty. If he fucks up his ult / combo he is practically useless. A pink ward and one person with CC = Dead Rengar, even if fed. Also, there are games when he's behind as hell. I don't see a 2/7 rengar one shotting you. He is very reliant on getting ahead and snowballing, on not fucking up his combo and on his ultimate. I don't see him fucking up everybody, 1v5 ing everyone like Yasuo, Katarina, or Vayne. If there's more than 2 people together he can't do much unless they're low or he's so far far ahead.
+ChimpyCheese true that, every time an assassin gets fed, it's "OMG SO BROKEN RITO PLZ NERF" without understanding the definition of "fed as fuck"
+Quentin Mollard Everyone becomes Op when they get fed.
Haha None of these champs can possibly 1v5 if not SUPER ahead. And with rengar it's just too easy to get that lead.
And now he is reworked and shitted on.
Someone's mad
master yi
xin xhao
etc etc, all champs that can one shot you and make the game unfun as hell and take no skill AKA easy kills for lazy players
zed and yasuo need skill buddy
zed and yasuo need skill buddy
zed and yasuo need skill buddy
Ok you probably main support girl
Siebe Lenie Yes i main support and mid laners
It's a ragelist. Kayle is not the least bit broken, but she could be frustrating to play against. He probably lost one game against her and put her on the list. Old Poppy makes sense at #1, but most of these are silly.
+Sakana Her E is in reality just a passive, but for some reason forces you to spam the same key.
Her Q is a boring point and click slow.
Her W is a boring point and click heal.
It's true that she doesn't deserve a spot on the list, but she's definitely badly designed.
Is this guy a noob?
Totally agreed with Fizz being broken af.
not broken, but poorly designed
one note on annie. if you dodge her q's stun, it doesnt remove her 3 stacks. like yi's q and yasuos windwall. she can simply w or ult u and get the stun after u dodge.
so much whining
I ve been playing since season 1 and the only one I agree with is Yorick. Everything else "can" be annoying at certain times.
Trynd, Fizz, and Olaf are probably the most frustrating to play to me personally. Lack of counterplay is truly what makes the game not fun to play. Trynd can go unkillable even during cc, Fizz can go untargetable every 8 seconds, and Olaf can go bruiser tank and ignore all forms of cc without worrying about not getting a kill. At least with Kayle you can stun her and not worry for a bit ;w;
I think Riven deserves a spot in this list. She has incredible damage and snowball potential, and she has literally no weakness. Her kit provides really everything: a dash and a shield, a stun, a knockup , a jump, AoE damage, damage amplification and ranged execution with her ult. Her kit is completely overloaded, and she has almost no lane matchup that isn't in her fasvor.
I really disagree with most Champs on this video and here's why:
Vi: Yeah she's a crazy initiator with damage, cc and tankyness but if she is behind, there is no way she is gonna get 1 good ultimate off. She is either not gonna be tanky enough and killed or she lacks damage if nobody is following up on her. If her kit was broken, Jarvan's, Malphite's or Leona's would be, too.
Ryze: Yes, he is a late game monster. That's what his role is. Counterplay: Camp him like crazy in the early game and he is gonna be completely useless untill like 50 minutes.
On Tryndamere, I agree, but there is counterplay possible, if you kite him or camp him early game. Also he can't jump into 4 or 5 people and get anything done, so group, cc him and kill his team.
Kayle: Her Ult lasts for only a couple of seconds... just cc her, wait, kill her. Also she lacks damage early game.
Annie: Seriously? If Annie is that bad, why are other burstmages that have waaayyy more range like Syndra or Lux not on this list? Okay she has a burst, a stun and that's it. Don't group for her stun, bait it out with only your support and then kill her instantly. On top of that, she has no mobility, a flashless annie is completely useless.
Olaf: If he is behind, he will absolutely get nothing done. He runs in and dies. That's it. He is also very kiteable with, for example Lucian or Ezreal and his ult doesn't last that long. And even if he's ahead and runs in, he will likely be dead after he kills one guy.
Yorick: What?! Just stay under tower and farm during laning phase, get a towerport to not get denied that much xp and you have won. Yorick is literally only built to win lane. He has nothing else but an average ulti that makes him a second support.
Fizz: Also a late game monster that gets pooped on by most lane bullies. Bait his jump and then cc and kill him.
Rengar: Ok, I thought you would say Leblanc at this point. Or any other Assassin. Rengar is vunerable to ganks and he can get nothing done if you just group if you see the exclamation mark and then cc and kill him. If he is fed, he can get one kill maybe and then you have killed a fed member of the enemy team. Also if you camp him and he gets too far behind, there is no way for him to come back.
Poppy: Ok I'll give you that one. But that is why she is reworked. And she was never played that much, she has always been a niche pick that can be op, but is just cannon fodder most of the time.
Also I find it unfair that you show crazy outplays with godlike mechanics that the players probably worked really really hard for and then just say "Yeah you play broken champs and that's how you win". You're not 15 anymore, are you?
Riot was has always tried to patch unbalanced or unfair mechanics out and in my opinion they did a great job.
Sylas and Neeko should watch this video
-- League was so innocent and pure at these days...
Poppy's new kit still arguably lacks counterplay, her ult can turn a 5v5 team fight into a 5v3, and her W completely screws over champions with dashes like Lucian and Corki, forcing them to burn their flash or die if it's on cooldown. She also now has waveclear and poke tools which were some of the things that made her laning lackluster before.
She has the lowest Win-Rate of all Top-Laners/Junglers with 42% so i guess those points aren't that valid as one might think when reading this for the first time.
And her Ult has two problems:It's only useful as an disengage and can be dodged easily by somewhat mobile champions.
tbh with this list I can only agree with fizz, I wanted to make this list to show how I think this top 10 is biased in my opinion, im a noob at LoL so some of my points might not be a good idea or true.
#10 Vi: With Vi's ult she has to be cocky enough to rush towards you and your team, and with a champion with movement (Kassadin, LeBlanc, etc.) she will rush even further away from help, getting herself into nasty situations.
#9 Ryze: Ryze's only problem is his rune prison right? so if you have a champ with high range auto/abilities (Trist, Sivir etc.) you can stay out of range of his rune prison most of the time.
#8 Trynd: Yes his undying rage can be a pain but if you have a good thresh, nautilus, or blitz, you can hook him back into range of you and your team in time for his ult to wear off and his crit chance is bad, but not yasuo bad.
#7 Kayle: Kayle's ult can be difficult to deal with, but its not as bad as it could be because it can only protect one ally from dying, so in a team fight or 2v2 you can more than likely get at least 1 kill.
#6 Annie: She isn't as bad as you make her seem, you cant dodge her ult, but if you run after her ult she cant do much.
#5 Olaf: Olaf's ability to slow/be immune to disables is really frustrating, but if he ults while running away, chase him if you have speed and try your best to dodge the axes he'll throw at you if he ults while running to you, do your best to run while it wears off.
#4 Yorick: I haven't played/seen anything about him really so I cant give any opinion.
#3 Fizz: I agree he is bs, I know there's a counter to him but I haven't found it yet.
#2 Rengar: As +JhoaoCkuNdari said rengar has 1 chance to deal loads of dmg to you, as most assassins have multiple
#1 Poppy: Since poppy got re-worked I cant say much about her on this list now, but I feel like she was more of a juggernaut counter with her % of health dmg on her Q and ability to knock dangerous champs away from her allies with her E
I know this list is a bit rambley but I wanted to make my opinion clear
I used to really enjoy Olaf top because Reckless Swing would chunk people for a ton of damage in laning phase back in season 1/season 2. Now he's a different champion because he's only decent as a jungler IMO, and even in the jungle you can get owned if the enemy comes to gank you while you're running around on 5% HP for maximum attack speed.
So this is the list of champions you hate not the worst designed, you got to update that, just because you hate them dose not mean they're worst designed.
The only thing I really agree with in this video is that Tryndamere has a bad kit, he may have his strengths but his kit really feels like it lacks depth and the same thing goes for Yorick, his concept is really interesting, but it really feels like his kit could have been so much better and interesting, with the ghouls and all, neither are overpowered, but even the play of the character feels unfulfilling.
Honestly, most champions in this game will always be called "OP", "broken", "poorly designed", "easy to play" by some people..
Just look at the comment section of this video.. At least 50% of the champs are being called out for being broken here alone..
Every champion is different and counters some champs and sucks against some other champs..
Just because the champion you play a lot sucks going against some other champs, it doesnt make them broken..
Fizz is OP? His laning phase isnt that great.. He gets poke a lot and not the best at csing in the mid lane. Especially when he goes against someone like Heimerdinger, theres nothing fizz can do..
Oh, now Heimerdinger is op? Someone with long range and yasuo can easily destory his turrets.. He is nothing without his turrets.
You get my point.
Fizz is VERY well designed. I mean dont get me wrong, i hate him cuz i get rolled and i cant figure out how to play him, but fizz's whole character is about being nimble and weily and that is EXACTLY how fizz works.
Jasper Hilliard just because you cant play against him doesnt make him poorly designed
You can flash his Q. And yeah his Eis bullshit. But his mana costruins early
Wanna hear a joke? Ok. Yorick walked into a bar, there was no counter.
If you think Annie and Kayle are ridiculous on SR, try ARAM, Kayle's splash can knock out multiple champs by itself when she is fed, and given ARAM is just a bridge, good lord she gets fed quick. Annie at one point had the highest all time win rate of any champ on ARAM, because of her ult and ult alone. When she stacks her spells to queue a stun spell, and when enemies are forcibly grouped together, she can stun all 5 which can lead to an easy Ace every time. I know this because I love playing as them in ARAM and it feels so damn good when I get it going between the 2.
remember when fizz applies grievous wounds...the feeling of overkill your ult is just their to hold the opponent down
Funny thing is that if you play ANY of these champions, you will wipe bronze division's face in the dirt, it becomes so easy to pubstomp.
This is also what makes Fizz such a strong champion. He just shuts down bronze players and he is decent in higher leagues as well.
katarina- mobility, resets, no resources, poke. Graves- adc that takes no dmg and also does too much burst dmg, Ahri too much mobility combined with cc, true dmg and spell vamp. Kalista - passive, Ekko - assassin with heal, tankiness and insane mobility. Diana "assassin" with tankiness and crazy burst.
+Damn Son Every Champion has a weaknes, so they cant be totally dominant without chance to couter them. Katarina is really weak pre 6 and most champions can kill her before she reaches the piont where she can
jump in and kill half of your team with her Ult. Graves has like no attack speed. Ever seen a Graves clearing a Vision Ward? Ahri gets shut down by any form of (ranged) cc and so on.
Uh no, the number 1 on the list is now Tawm Kench. His kit causes him to be useless in all roles, he's "forced" to build tank, he removes a primary target from a teamfight on either side. "And he gets you banned by spitting u into team fights at 1/4 health and claiming u a feeder." I'm done with league!! Hello Heroes of the Storm!
#10 - gang up and cc her to death.
#9 -olaf or someone with tons of cc/burst like riven.
#8 -cc and randuins.
#7 -hard cc and and shutting her down early.
#6 -pay attention to passive and time her ult. kill her when she doesn't have it.
#5 -shut him down early. force him to ult then kill after. actually not to much counterplay
#4 -cc like crazy and go extremely tanking.
#3 -Wait for ult then dodge it. Play extremely bursty and mobile champ. ex.zed is good if the player is good at zed.
#2 - pink wards and zhonyas even if your an adc, get zhonyas anyways.
#1 -Become faker
My point. play taric. Tons of defense, has built in sustain. Has a point a click stun. 18 powerspike. What more do I have to say. Counters everyone
Well not seeing teemo in this list,better think about humanity again...
Maokai Sapling + Nami Ult + Leona ult = tree?? :o
Riot has talked about how they regret releasing vlad since he is so frustrating to play against. they nerfed him down to a spot where he has to play as passive as possible early game but then cannot be fought late game.
As a Fizz main, i can completely understand that he is extremely in the tier of bad design. He's super fun to play but very hard to counter, i never even get mad when i play against him because i see all the bs and give it out later by playing him myself. He dodge's a majority of ults/moves and his burst is ridiculous along with his super mobility and the passive only makes it psychotic. Do i wish it would change? No. There are ways to counter him, maybe hard but there are ways, although another thing that makes him poorly design is that he's the type of assassin that not only cleans up at the complete last minute, but also can jump in and out without completely contributing anything to a fight imo. It's hard not to be selfish and take all the kills, and honestly, when a team fight goes bad, the ult is the only thing that could maybe stop a rampage of enemy champions on your tail. Other than that, you save yourself, often getting yelled at for not being able to save anyone else. I think that part is just an assassin thing (reminds me kinda of kat in a way), but eh, i defiantly see flaws on my favorite champ.
Annie is rather well designed champion. I can kinda understand the reasons you hate on her, but you just ignore that:
Annie is a Short-Range (which u kinda mention but don't attribute to her for some unknown reason) mage with 0 mobility in her kit, which already limits her immensly compared to so many other champions. You make a point about her Q stun being reliable without noticing that you trade off AOE effect for that reliability.
She doesn't fit any of 4 points from my "Worst Designed" list.
Worst Designed list (a champion must fit at least 2 to be considered broken):
1. No mana.
2. Insane mobility.
3. Strong at every stage of the game.
4. High Skill unlocks extreme abuse.
But even without strict guidlines Annie has neverending list of downsides. Easily dies to ganks. EXTREMELY addicted to having Flash avaliable to make anything meaningful happen. Magic resistance is very effective against her, as well as any spell-shield effects, banshee, zhonya etc. She can be zoned, ran down and even killed by any frontline champion in a team-fight before or after she does her combo. She has only one full-burst rotation, which means missing even one part of it is a huge problem for her. List goes on.
Addressing the rest of the list:
1. Poppy - yes, poorly designed, not broken cause weak.
2. Rengar - no, but very close to being broken.
3. Fizz - no, but very close.
4. Yorick - yes, poorly designed, but weak, same as poppy.
5. Olaf - no, and not close.
6. Annie - no.
7. Kayle - no, not too close.
8. Tryndamere - no, not close.
9. Ryze - no, not close.
10. Vi - no, not close, and while I understand complains about Kayle/Olaf/Tryndamere/Rengar ults (and Fizz E) - her ult is the one you shouldn't bitch about, it has a drawback of guaranteed follow and still has a ton of couter-play avaliable with spell-shield, invulnarability, untargateble and even enter-stealth effects - don't have those, not a problem buy zhonya, banshee.
Notice how pretty much none of these are in meta and are all pretty easily counter picked.
I need to dissagree with number 2. Rengars' one shot is a bit hard to land , his early jungle is bad cause of no gank ability , his toplane phase is bad cause no escapes (only if you can use the bushes somehow) his ultimate has big cd and his only source of power is his q (and a bit e) when played ad and w when ap . His e is a skillshot now and his w is a bit useless for late game . His one shot is hard to land because you need to press 4 buttons + in less than 1 second and do it perfectly . About the late game , as assassin , he can one shot carries and thats normal for almost all assassins (leblanc , diana , zed , talon) . But this is my opinion over that nice video
And that is why I love Yorick and he's a nightmare to gank. Jarvan swag flags in, Yorick ults and picks up a double. Though my KDA isn't usually terribly great, the lane is just shut down.