Mad props to Robert for the clear communication between phases and what he was doing all the time. I am curious why in Game 3 Max didnnt go with the line of saga sac, map, get bounce land, pact, grab titan, play bounce land 2 times and leave mana floating then cast titan and just pop off or even set yourself up for the following turns. I think he had a real chance to win the game right there or even set up to win the following turn.
Mad props to Robert for the clear communication between phases and what he was doing all the time. I am curious why in Game 3 Max didnnt go with the line of saga sac, map, get bounce land, pact, grab titan, play bounce land 2 times and leave mana floating then cast titan and just pop off or even set yourself up for the following turns. I think he had a real chance to win the game right there or even set up to win the following turn.
Subscribed too support. Dont really play modern myself so i'll give a shoutout to Legacyligan