I’m overwhelmed and humbled by the encouraging comments so many of you have taken the time to write. I deeply appreciate it. I have started to reply to comments, but I realize I need my Amaric typists by my side and since it’s Sunday, I will start that tomorrow. Have a great day all and a special special shout out To Eshe and the entire Donkey Tube community.
በእሼ ስም Subscribed 😊In my life time, atleast once, I wish to work with you ..Keep up the good work aydu. Tip -Please help us to like it and share .For us to see and support it should respect the culture and norms of Ethiopians.😍😍😍
This is amazing! Thank you, Ayda! Shout out to Eshé for the intro! Need to add more, I love love, love the content, ur interaction with the kids is genuine, and your positive spirit is so contagious. Can't wait to watch the rest of the videos.
ሰላም አይዳ። I’m one of your admirers on your ኢትዮጵያዬ channel. I was watching your interview on EBS and came up with an idea that could support your project. Could you Please consider picking an Ethiopian from a different ethnic group languages with Amharic translations ? Your personal touch to your community is amazing 😻 Love your work ❣️
Your bravery to move and work in Ethiopia alone is commendable...it is one thing I can't get my head around ..just the thought of it kills me as my experience has never been easy...despite the fact that I love and LOVE my country and my people...please correct me if I am wrong, it is a tough place to navigate life...the crazy driving( before you judge me I lost a loved one in car accident in Addis) I have a trauma from that...the corruption and what not, traumatizing...how about you do a program about it?but I admire you for your courage...respect 🙏.
I subscribed to this channel in the name of Eshetu the Comedian. And I have a comment for you, I really enjoyed your show but to be seen in a world wide try to add English subtitles to your videos, so everyone in the world can understand our country. Keep up the good work.
Thank you Ayida, everything is beautiful and well organized. I'm really excited. I can say I also have shared deep experince with Blen. Even though we have seen each of her reaction from her face in each restaurant, I wish if you gave her a chance to talk about her feelings before you close this episode. I hope you she had a lot to say. Thanks!
Aida, you are an amazing woman who exudes positive energy and motivates others to be their best selves. Your adorableness is simply charming. It's fascinating to be around someone like you. I truly appreciate watching you and find that you possess a unique quality.
You have no idea how much I liked all your contents. The freedom and the way you talked with them is so natural and amazing. I am not a person who write comment easily but I can't be silent for such amazing job! I wish we can have such posts daily. Thank you for respecting the audience and deliver such a great video. I have seen all the posts and i have the same feeling for all!
Am jealous 😫 It's taking me longer to find my purpose to go back home to immerse with my people learning from them & sharing mine. LOVE ❤️ what you're doing....came from Donkey tube
Wow... how i can get to you ......i never know this kind of restaurant existed in Ethiopia. All of them are mt favorites food. What a privilege to be invited and cooked your food by Australian Ambassador. Wow ....me big time.
Please all I can say is keep our culture authentic with everything you do. You already know how our Ethiopian youth. Get influenced by the Western culture. Please inspire the youth to look into their beautiful Ethiopian culture. You are a big role model. I love what u doing so far God be with you.
I am very impressed by your talent, self-esteem, and experience as an Ethiopian woman. You make me proud of you and our country. Keep up the good work and don't stop pursuing your passion. I like your interesting questions, your body language, your confidence, and your positive mindset. You are an optimist and a role model. I wish you all the best in your beloved Ethiopia.
ሁለተኛዋን ጥሩሰው ላስተዋወቀኝ ለእሸቱ እና ለአስተማሪው እረጂም እድሜ ይስጥልኝ
አይዳዬ እስካሁንም ዘግይተሻል ማንም እውቀት ሳይኖረው የቀለደበትን አንቺ ባለሞያ ሆነሽ ሳለ መዘግየትሽ 😢 እሼ ተባረክ ድንቅ ሰው ስላስተዋወከን✌️
የባህር አትክልት በካስቴሌ አዲስአበባ ላይ በካስቴሊ ፒያሳ የቀይ ባህር ሽሪምፕ በቀይ ባህር አሳ ቤት ስንቱን አስታወስኩት አይዳ ወደኋላ አርባአመት ነው የመለስሽኝ Red sea ኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ያልነበረ የለም አባትሽን ነፍሳቸውን በሰላም ያሳርፍልን።
ማነው ከእሼቱ ቤት የመጣው እጅ ወደላይ በዛውም ሴ/ብ እያደረጋችሁ ግቡ😊
እንኮን በደህና መጣቹህ
Is this a he or a she??
I’m overwhelmed and humbled by the encouraging comments so many of you have taken the time to write. I deeply appreciate it. I have started to reply to comments, but I realize I need my Amaric typists by my side and since it’s Sunday, I will start that tomorrow. Have a great day all and a special special shout out To Eshe and the entire Donkey Tube community.
I am really happy to know you 😊keep it up 🥰. Since yesterday night i watched all your youtube videos i really enjoyed it i wish you all the best 😍 😊😊
አማርኛ እስከ ነገ አስጠበቀች
Your narration has its own beauty...cant admire u enough...love u aidiaye
በ እሸቱ መጣሁ። ጉድ እኮ ነው!!!🤔 ኢትዮጵያዬ እንዲህ የመሳሰሉ ሰዎች አሏት።
I am so proud of you both ❤
በሼ ሰም
Ene kesifu new yemtahut eskahun yet koyhu bey tenadedku
አይዳ አሸናፊ በጣም ጎበዝና ጠንካራ ነሽ። ስላየሁሽ ደስ ብሎኛል። ከፊልም ኤዲቲንግ ጋር የተያያዘ ትምህርቶችን ሰርተሽ ብትለቂልን ብዬ አስባለው። ብዙ ማወቅና መማር ስለምፈልግ ነው። ቅንነትሽን አምላክ ያብዛልሽ
በእሽ ስም መተናል ሀገርሽን የምትወጂ ጀግና ሴት❤❤❤
እሸቱ ሁለተኛ ጥሩ ሰው ወደ ምድራችን ኢትዮጵያ ስላመጣክልን እና እድናገኛት ስላደረክ እያመሰገንኩ እህታችንን እግዚአብሔር እዲረዳት እመኛለሁ 🙏🙏🙏
ይሄው በእሼ ስም ግን ውድድድድድድድድ ነው ያረኩሽ እንዳየሁሽ እማ እረጅም እድሜ ከጤና ጋር ይስጥሽ ❤❤❤
ፈታ ያለች ምርጥ ኢትዮጵያ አገር ወዳድ ነሽ ❤❤🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
እጅግ በጣም አመሰግናለሁ
በእሼ ስም! መድሐንያለም ጨምሮ ይባርከው!
በእሼ ስም በሁለት ስልክ ነው subscribe ያረኩት ምርጥ ኢትዮጵያዊት ነሽ ልዩ ክብር አለኝ
ኢትዮጵያ የምትፈልገው አገርዋን የምትወድ የምታገለግል እውቀትዋን የምታካፍል የአንቺ አይነት እድሉን ላላገኙት በቅርብ ሆነሽ ማካፈል እኛንም አስቢን እድሜና ጤና ይስጥሽ ላይክ አለን እናስተባብራለን በርቺልን ውሾቹ ዋው ...
ማን እንደሆነችና አላማዋ ምን እንደሆነ አውቀን ብናመሰግን አይሻልም ችኩል ለምን እንሆናለን ከመሪያችን አንማርም?
ምንድናት ልትይን ለየት ያለ ነገር አትወዶም
😊 በጣም አመሰግናለሁ
Meder gegena eko new ye ethio hizeb selzgh manem eyemetachu yegemamabetal . Amargha becha yawera cheger yelewm. Gen lemen ezawe hagerachew endezgh ayeserummm???
ኢትዮጵያ የምትፈልገው እንዳንቺ አገር ወዳድ ፍቅር የሆነ ሰው ነዉ❤
የኔ እናት እንዴት ደስ እንደምቲይ እሸቱ ነው ያስተዋወቀኝ እግዚአብሔር ረጅም ጤና ይስጥሽ
😊 Amen!
አይዳ ትልቅ ሰው በዮቱብ መምጣትሽ በጣም ደስ ይላል ብዙ ወጣት ዮቱበር ኢትዮጵያውያን ብዙ ካንቺ አቀራረብ ይማራሉ ብዬ ተስፋ አደርጋለሁ በርችልን
እንደዚህ አይነት ሙሉ ኢትዮጵያዊ ሰው እንኳን ወደ ሶሻል ሚዲያው ብቅ አልሽልን
በጣም አመሰግናለሁ
ኢትዮጵያዬ ደስ የምትይ የእናንተን የአዘጋጇን የመሰሉ ሰዎች መኖርን እንድንወድ ስለምታደርጉኝ አመሰግናለሁ። በርቺ መልካምነት ሁሌ አሸናፊነት።
በ እሼ ስም subscribed i am from Eritrea 🇪🇷 ❤❤❤ loved our original culture.
እኔም በእሸቱ ነው የመጣሁት አይዳ በጣም ደሰ ትላለች ፈሪ ነፃነት፣ለሰው ያላት አቀራረብ ክብሯ በረች የኔ ፈልቅልቅ ❤
የኔ ውድ መልካም የስራ ዘመን ይሁንልሽ ኢትዮጵያ እንዳንቺ ያለ ነዉ የምትፈልገው❤❤❤❤
😊 በጣም አመሰግናለሁ
Loved your interview with Eshetu. Love ኢትዮጵያዬ❣️
What a great production series!! Exactly what Ethiopiaye needs, God bless you, love and light🙏🏽❤️✨
Thank you for watching :)
በጣም ደስ የሚል ዝግጅት ነዉ ሀገርሽ ላይ ለመስራት ማሰብሽ ❤ የቡና ቤት እህቶቻችን ጋር ብቅ ብትይ ደሰ ይለኛል Please 👏👏👏
ከእሼ ቤት ነው የመጣሁት ጥሩ ነገር እንዳለ እርግጠኛ ነኝ ❤❤❤
ይህ show የተለያዩ ሀገሮች ምግብ መቅመስ ለሚያምራቸው የተለያዩ ሀገራት ምግብ ከምን እንደሚዘጋጅ ለማያውቁ አስተማሪ ነው ሰው ከእምነቱ ጋር የሚጣረስ ምግብ ከመመገቡ በፊት ከምን እንደሚሰራ መገንዘብ ያስፈልጋል
Keafe yeweta enji wede afe yegeba ayarekeseme
What an amazing adventure Blaine and her friends had,!! Thank you Aida for taking them on an amazing adventure!!!
አንቺ ጀግና ሴት ነሽ አገራችን እንዳንቺ አይነት ሰዎችን ያብዛላት ❤❤❤❤ እናመሰግናለን እሼ
በእሼ ስም Subscribed 😊In my life time, atleast once, I wish to work with you ..Keep up the good work aydu.
Tip -Please help us to like it and share .For us to see and support it should respect the culture and norms of Ethiopians.😍😍😍
በጣም ነው የወደድኩሽ ነፃነትሽ ጉብዝናሽ አይዳ
Hip Hip 🎉. Lovin’ it. Very genuine. Uniquely authentic. Gives the Ethiopian viewers a fresh new look. Different from the usual. Spodiodi 👍🏾🇪🇹
አይዲ መልካም ሰው ጥሩ ፕሮግራም ነው ሰብስክራይቡን እናባዛዋለን በርቺ
በርቺ አይዳ ኢትዮጵያዬ ጥሩ ታሪክ ነው!! እሼ ጋ ታሪክሽን ሰምተን ብዙ ያልተዘመረላቸው ሰዎች እንዳሉ አሳይቶናል::
በጣም ደስ ትያለሽ ትክክለኛ ኢትዮጵያዊ ነሽ❤❤
በእሼ ስም እድሜና ጤና ለሁለታችሁም🎉🎉🎉🎉
በሼ ስም መተናል ምርጥ ኢትዮጵያዊ ነሽ ተባረኪ
አመሰግናለሁ አሜን
This is amazing! Thank you, Ayda! Shout out to Eshé for the intro!
Need to add more, I love love, love the content, ur interaction with the kids is genuine, and your positive spirit is so contagious. Can't wait to watch the rest of the videos.
😊 Yes, shout out to Eshe!! and Thank you so much for your input.
አንደ እሸቱ ምርጥ ሰው ተመስገን አምላኬ እወድሻለሁ
ሰላም አይዳ። I’m one of your admirers on your ኢትዮጵያዬ channel. I was watching your interview on EBS and came up with an idea that could support your project. Could you Please consider picking an Ethiopian from a different ethnic group languages with Amharic translations ? Your personal touch to your community is amazing 😻 Love your work ❣️
Thank you! 😊
Aida, you are one in a million 👌
እንኩዋን ኢትዮጵያዊ ሆንሽ 🫶
Thank you for coming on RUclips.
በጣም አመሰግናለሁ
Your bravery to move and work in Ethiopia alone is commendable...it is one thing I can't get my head around ..just the thought of it kills me as my experience has never been easy...despite the fact that I love and LOVE my country and my people...please correct me if I am wrong, it is a tough place to navigate life...the crazy driving( before you judge me I lost a loved one in car accident in Addis) I have a trauma from that...the corruption and what not, traumatizing...how about you do a program about it?but I admire you for your courage...respect 🙏.
I wish I had met you inperson. You've very incrediblpersonality and good heart. God bless you and your family
ዋው እንኳን ደህና መጣሽ ለሀገራችን በፊልምና በዩቲብ ከፍ ያለ ቦታ እንደምታደርሽው ነው
በጣም አመሰግናለሁ 😊
You are a marvelous, caring person. Your sincerity shows in each of your action. Our country needs your kind of people. Brava
Thank you so much for your kind words
I subscribed to this channel in the name of Eshetu the Comedian. And I have a comment for you, I really enjoyed your show but to be seen in a world wide try to add English subtitles to your videos, so everyone in the world can understand our country. Keep up the good work.
ቀለል ያለ ጨዋታ በጣም ደስ ይላል
Thank you Ayida, everything is beautiful and well organized. I'm really excited.
I can say I also have shared deep experince with Blen.
Even though we have seen each of her reaction from her face in each restaurant, I wish if you gave her a chance to talk about her feelings before you close this episode. I hope you she had a lot to say.
ስራወችሽን በyou tube ማግኘት በመቻላችን በጣም እድለኞች ነን።Please keep up the good job dear ayda and the team.
Aida, you are an amazing woman who exudes positive energy and motivates others to be their best selves. Your adorableness is simply charming. It's fascinating to be around someone like you. I truly appreciate watching you and find that you possess a unique quality.
Thank you so much!
በጣም አሪፍ ነው! ሁሉም ሊለምደው ይገባል ።አማራጭ የለንማ
አሪፍ ነው ግን በኢትዮጵያ ከተለመደው የአመጋገብ የተለየ ፍጥረትት አየበሉ ማሳየትሽ ምናልባት ተቃውሞ እንዳያስነሳብሽ አንደምታቂ ህዝቡ ሀይማኖተኛ ነው ችግር እንዳይገጥምሽ ጥንቃቄ ብታረጊ አሪፍ ነው በተረፍ በጣም ጥሩ ፕሮግራም ነው ወድጄዋለሁ🙏
I like Ayda's passionate communication skills.
In the name of Eshetu I subscribe this channel. Aida you are an incredible person
Thank you!
Thanks for coming Aida and Eshe thanks for the promotion .
You have no idea how much I liked all your contents. The freedom and the way you talked with them is so natural and amazing. I am not a person who write comment easily but I can't be silent for such amazing job! I wish we can have such posts daily. Thank you for respecting the audience and deliver such a great video. I have seen all the posts and i have the same feeling for all!
Thank you so much! This means a lot to me.
ጥሩ ዝግጀት ነው እኔም እንግዳ እሆናለሁኝ ኢትዮጵያ ስመጣ እና ፕሮግራም መጀመርብን በEBS ላይ የሰማሁት እና በርቺልን ካሜራ እነካካለሁኝ ኤዲቲንግ ብችል ደስ ይለኛል ስጀምረው ብዙ እውቀት ስሌለኝ እሰለቻለሁኝ በትምህርት መደገፍ እንዳለብኝ ይሰማኛል አይዲ የኤዲቲንግ ውሀ ልክ ነው ።❤❤❤
በሼ ስም የእሼ አስተማሪ ❤❤❤❤
በርቺ ጀግኒት የኢትዮጵያ ልጅ እግዚአብኤር ይርዳሽ ረጅም እድሜ ይስጥሽ
በጣም አመሰግናለሁ
Am jealous 😫 It's taking me longer to find my purpose to go back home to immerse with my people learning from them & sharing mine. LOVE ❤️ what you're doing....came from Donkey tube
እናመሰግናለን ተባረኪ እሸተጋር አይቼሽ ነው
It's a blessing to learn just your great works .... Hope many Ethiopian girls will be inspired by you and make a difference in their endeavour 👌
Thank you!
💚💛❤ ኢትዮጵያዬ 💚💛❤ Thanks Aida❤
Wow... how i can get to you ......i never know this kind of restaurant existed in Ethiopia. All of them are mt favorites food.
What a privilege to be invited and cooked your food by Australian Ambassador. Wow ....me big time.
It is in the description box the details of the restaurants
መልካም እህት ተባረኪ በጣም እወድሻለው
Please all I can say is keep our culture authentic with everything you do. You already know how our Ethiopian youth. Get influenced by the Western culture. Please inspire the youth to look into their beautiful Ethiopian culture. You are a big role model. I love what u doing so far God be with you.
ይገርማል ደስስስ ሲል እሼ ቅን ሰው ያንተን ማንነት አብረህ የዋልካቸው ሰዎች ውጤት መሆናቸውን አሳየኸን ደስስስስ ሲል !
እንጀራው በዛ ላይ ቤተሰብጋ ሰብሰብ ብሎ መመገብ እንዴት ይናፍቃል በሥደት የምትኖሩ በተለይ በየ አረብ ሀገራት የማዳም ጓዳ ውሥጥ የምትኖሩ ኢትዮጵያዊያኖች ለእናት ሀገራችሁ አብቅቷችሁ እንዲህ ሰብሰብ ብላችሁ ቤተሰብጋ ለመመገብ ያብቃችሁ ሀገራችንና ህዝቦቿን ፈጣሪ ይጠብቅልን
የምር ምርጥ ሰው አሳወቀን እሼ ሲበዛ አድናቂሽ ነኝ።
የእሼ መንገድ ከፋች ስለመጣሽልን ደስ ብሎናል በእሼ ስም subscribe አድርጌያለሁ
Blain what a great person .I watched almost all your videos in 2 days.Please Keep up the good job
እስካሁን ያንቺ youtube ባለማወቄ ተናድጃለሁ ስላወኩት ደስ ብሎኛል እሼ እናመሰግናለን
You deserve more esha you are brave . Liyaye good to see you
God bless you I love you so much❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
ኢትዮጵያየ በርችልን
Very interesting. Keep on the goooood job.
በእሼ ስም መጥቻሐሁ በጣም ነው ምወድሽ ጀግና ሴት ነሽ
Fantastic! Loved it from beginning to the end! Thank you for what you are doing. Educating the world. And, being a lovely person at the same time!
This is by far the best you tube channel that I decided to follow. Thank you so much.❤
Love how all trips end up in Ethiopia. trip star ⭐
እንዴት እንደምወድሽ እድሜሽን ያርዝመው
ገላገልሽን ከእነዚህ ፉለጠው ቁረጠው
You are real diamond heart Ethiopian keep going
ምርጥ ሴት ጀግና ተባርኪ
wow በጣም ነው የሚመቸው እናመሰግናለን
በጣም አመሰግናለሁ
አይዳ እንዳንቺ አይነት የሀገር ሀብቶችን ያብዛልን። ሀገሬን ከፍ ስላረግሽልኝ አከብርሻለሁ። የሀገራችን image ለመቀየር ገና ብዙ ይቀረናል። በርችልን ሁሌም ከጎንሽ ነን። እሸቱ ሰሰትኩህ። እግዚያብሄር ዘርህን ይባርከው።
አይዳዬ : በጣም : ደስ : የሚል : ስራ : ነው : የምትስሪው : ከውጭ : የምንመጣ : ስዎች : ለልጆቻችን : በጣም : እንቸገራለን : እባክሽ : ፅፍልን : ሆቴሎችን : ስም : ቦታ :
ደስ ትይኛለሽ ሳይሽ እሼ የበለጠ ስላሳወከን እናመሰግናለን ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
እንዲ አይነት ፕሮግራም ናፍቆኝ ነበር አመሰግናለሁ እሼ
በእሼ ስም
አቦ እሼ ተባረክ!
ሀሪፍ ነገር ነው የሰጠኸኝ!
በጣም ነው የምትመቹት በርቱ ይመቻቹ
I am very impressed by your talent, self-esteem, and experience as an Ethiopian woman. You make me proud of you and our country. Keep up the good work and don't stop pursuing your passion. I like your interesting questions, your body language, your confidence, and your positive mindset. You are an optimist and a role model. I wish you all the best in your beloved Ethiopia.
I agree 100 percent.
ብእሼ ስም እግዚአብሔር ይባርክሽ ሀገርሽን ስለምትወጂ እናመሰግናለን ።
ውዴ በጣም ደስ ትያለሽ አላህ ይጠብቅሽ፡፡
በጣም ደስ ይላል።የቀንድ አውጣውን ምግብ ምን እነደሚሉ ጠብቄ ነበር ግን እንደፈራሁት አልሆኑም።መጨረሻ ሁሉንም የሚያስረሳ የኢትዮጵያዬ ምግብ ሰለተመገቡ ብዙም አልተከፉም።ሲመገቡ ግን አኔ.......
ደስ የምትይ ቅን ሰው እድሜ እና ጤና ይስጥሽ ማሚዬ ብዙ እንጠብቃለን እሼይንም እናመሰግናለን ስላስተዋወቀን
በጣም አስደናቂ ሴት ነሽ❤❤❤
አኔ በጣም ነው የወደፊቱ ማየት ነው ምፈልገው ❤❤❤wow thank you so much i love
Thank you so much!
waw ገራሚ ቀረፃ ጥሩ ሀሳብ በርች
Thank you, Eshetu, for introducing Ethiopiaye, youtube channel ❤
Welcome, Thank you!