The Heart of a Mercury Neptune Square

  • Опубликовано: 6 сен 2024

Комментарии • 123

  • @ErinLiu1015
    @ErinLiu1015 3 года назад +34

    Acyuta, i got to tell you. When I am having tough times, I long to see your videos, they are able to calm me down. I am surprised and happy to see this afternoon upload, much needed in my life right now!! Thank you! 💗

  • @carlyheath7265
    @carlyheath7265 3 года назад +29

    "we take on the karma of the people that we judge"

    • @tracysmith245
      @tracysmith245 3 года назад

      we are never judge never now what is going on unless u are other person u are judging

    • @chuniarts3591
      @chuniarts3591 3 года назад +1

      That's a vague statement. That is like saying "I judge a pedophile which means I will take on their karma".

  • @christinapitcher5069
    @christinapitcher5069 3 года назад +4

    I have a good friend with Neptune trine mercury. She is psychic 🔮 but has to be very careful with emphatic energy drains.

  • @caseygannon8467
    @caseygannon8467 3 года назад +12

    Acyuta, I don't leave comments frivolously. My aim in a comment is to show my appreciation for your ability to convey wisdom so wonderfully. But when I gush with wordy gratitude it never seems to read the way that I meant it. So, I vow from then on to keep it short and sweet. But then I always feel that I haven't done you justice. You deserve justice,
    accolades, appreciation. When you deliver a beautiful offering like today's video it should be acknowledged. It's not just "this" video. You consistently blow me away as a teacher. I feel so lucky. You're that loving parent that takes my plate of food that I'm not even sure I like and cut it up into perfect bite sized pieces that seem to melt in my mouth.
    Ha, maybe that's my problem- my analogies are too strange!
    Anyway, you're a blessing to me. Thank You!

  • @theplayofsunandshadow7062
    @theplayofsunandshadow7062 3 года назад +7

    Here's the quote:
    The evidence accumulates as you get older that things are not going to turn out exactly as you wish them to turn out, and that life has a dreamy quality that suggests that you have no control over the consequences. You may believe you have some control over the decisions, but certainly not the consequences. But you live your life as if it’s real … as if you’re directing it, but with the intuitive understanding that it’s unfolding as it should and you are not running the show. (Leonard Cohen; Singer-Songwriter)

    • @yurix_xroblox
      @yurix_xroblox 3 года назад

      Having a natal Mercury square Neptune, and fifty plus years on this plane, I have to agree.

  • @annekehakman2031
    @annekehakman2031 3 года назад +1

    Many, many great teachers have explained many times why we should not judge. This is the first time I see it explained from an astrological point of view. Amazing! Thank you!

  • @mariaravener
    @mariaravener 3 года назад +12

    Thank you for that-we are all connected-how what we judge ends up happening to us, hahaha. It’s so true. That’s our gift and lesson from the universe.

  • @cedarmountain1525
    @cedarmountain1525 3 года назад +3

    I have Mercury in Pisces in the 8th house. Mercury is also at the apex of a Yod with Neptune and Pluto at the base. For years I struggled with what I thought was sometimes incoherent thinking. For the last 15 to 20 years (I am 72) I have learned to lean into this "fate". Loving my fate. As I have done so, the inner world unfolds into the outer world and vice versa with little resistance. The veil is thin. This helps me in my professional life, as part of it involves the working with and interpretation of dreams. As such, I experience more and more that some dreams are not for interpretation, from even a Jungian point of view, but are rather Visitations that come to us when we can let them in - without trying to demand the rational and conscious understanding of what we call interpretation. This Neptune/Mercury combination takes "getting the knack of the groundlessness of being" (thank you Pema Chödrön) on so many levels (for me). As I have learned to surrender to that, what I thought was incoherent thinking has become rather another way of seeing. A way that has been under appreciated in our largely extroverted and rational way of the temporal world.

    • @katelouise717
      @katelouise717 3 года назад

      I have a ex lover, now dear friend that has Mercury in Pisces in 8th house (and Sun). He’s has been having difficulty with perceptions of reality but one of the most compassionate people have ever met, so long as he’s not in a fear-response of real or perceived immediate threat. I’m wondering if a Jungian psychotherapist would be most supportive to this current transit... or perhaps a quest for a new creative outlet. I much appreciate your share here and your years of self-study. Very fascinating!

    • @cedarmountain1525
      @cedarmountain1525 3 года назад

      @@katelouise717 Just today I came across, once again, a quote by Otto Rank. It is this: "The new meaning of soul is creativity and mysticism. These will become the foundation of the new psychological type and with him or her will come the new civilization." For some reason, this feels like a possible answer to your question. Indeed, I am a Jungian analyst (the psychology of which was influenced, in part, by Rank) and from my personal perspective, along with this idea put forth by Rank, feel that given the right combination of energies a Jungian perspective that includes Rank's idea quoted here would be supportive of "this current transit," as you say. Jung's own crisis of perception yielded some of his most profound ideas when he was able to come through to the other side of his crisis. Thank you for the generosity and honor of your question.

  • @Sentientdreamer
    @Sentientdreamer 3 года назад +6

    Beyond the significant value of your words, your laughter is so wonderful!

  • @chrysalis-sanctuary
    @chrysalis-sanctuary 3 года назад +14

    My Mercury is conjunct my ascendant in Capricorn and sextile my Neptune in Scorpio. I am a writer of spiritual topics.
    People tell me I’m psychic and I do Tarot readings but I don’t like to do them for other people. I don’t feel like I’m “psychic“, I just feel connected to something that most people don’t seem to be able to access or more likely, don’t want to. I don’t make a big deal about it, I don’t go around telling people about it, it’s just something that’s always been a part of my life, I didn’t think it made me any different than anyone else until I got older. Now those differences seem to set me apart in ways that isolate me. My Saturn is in Aquarius squaring my Neptune and I wonder sometimes if that cancels out anything positive. I don’t like being different but I also can’t (won’t) conform so that makes me somewhat of a loner.

    • @sarabell6454
      @sarabell6454 3 года назад +1

      🙋🏼‍♀️ I get you!

  • @SteinClaudia
    @SteinClaudia 3 года назад +3

    I have Mercury trine Neptune in my chart, not a poet, but I do like writing stories and floating my way through rabbit holes. ;) Thank you!

  • @fflurmedi9781
    @fflurmedi9781 3 года назад +2

    I have neptune on my ASC in sag square to mercury in the 10th in virgo. I am an actor, but recently diagnosed with ADHD. I found this is the part that this talk spoke into. I sometimes feel like i melt into situations - emotional or natural or both and have a drive to 'understand' why things are the way they are. My mind sometimes feels awash with thought/ feeling/fantasy that wants to 'take me away' on a ride and i realise ive been daydreaming for the past 20mins. My parents called this 'Planet Zog' 🙏🏽

  • @susanna7125
    @susanna7125 3 года назад +4

    What a beautiful and soul nourishing talk. I have a Mercury Neptune trine in my chart. It’s always been easy for me to dive and dwell into the realm of imagination, dreams and mysticism. Like a second skin for me. Sometimes it’s escaping, sometimes it helps to cope with this reality, but it’s a great assistant in making art.

    • @lkd06
      @lkd06 3 года назад +1

      same here exactly...mercury in cancer trine neptune in scorpio

  • @jojiaraki2894
    @jojiaraki2894 3 года назад +11

    I have mercury square Neptune (exact degree)(Venus and mercury in mutual reception), I'm excited to see how it manifests for I'm still a teenager. maybe ill be some philosopher lmao :)

  • @jbates725
    @jbates725 3 года назад +3

    This is one of my favorites of your videos.

  • @egeegee7146
    @egeegee7146 3 года назад +7

    I’m very Neptune and this was a meditation in love for me. Bless you thank you.

  • @bonniesimms8726
    @bonniesimms8726 3 года назад +2

    Always love your wisdom dear one. I have Venus square Neptune as part of my T-Square with Saturn. This energy has brought poor judgment in many love relationships. Neptune is presently conjunct my Moon and squaring my Mercury, opposing my Jupiter. Feels like a a very sacrificial time of my life. Loved the Leonard Cohen quote. Thank you for your wonderful contributions to our astrological community. Blessings....

  • @musiclover12369
    @musiclover12369 3 года назад +6

    I have Mercury in Taurus square Neptune in Aqaurius at an almost exact degree and I’m a writer. I find my ideas are great but it’s hard to pin them down into something concrete or something that makes sense. My mind also “runs away” a lot.

  • @gwenniemay2304
    @gwenniemay2304 3 года назад +3

    Thank you 🙏🏽🦋

  • @herbzrgreen
    @herbzrgreen 3 года назад +3

    The more we love Truth and Wisdom, the more we can connect with other soulful beings🙏🔥💚

  • @curranelizabeth28
    @curranelizabeth28 3 года назад +3

    I have Mercury retrograde in Libra square Neptune, which is conjunct my Ascendant (and natal Uranus) in Capricorn. This reflection resonated a lot! I have a gift with the written word and a highly subjective outlook on life~ I’m so absorbed in my own mind that I struggle with social interactions at time, although the Libra placement smoothes some of that over. Also, I’m an escapist through and through, forever escaping reality with sci-fi, exploring the occult and paranormal, etc. Another form of escape for me is studying various wisdom traditions, although I find it difficult to bridge the chasm between what I learn and how I live, as a more heady and emotional person. I also love dream interpretation and have felt compelled to start studying Carl Jung’s work with dreams lately. A downside of the Mercury-Neptune aspect is that I have lost a lot and experienced negative health effects due to distorted mental perceptions of beauty and/or romanticized, unrealistic notions. Moreover, I have the Moon in Gemini, so the current transits are intensifying such life themes as nebulous thoughts, indecision, disillusionment with temporary obsessions, etc. on many fronts. Another strange thing I associate with this aspect is that I used to take on some characteristics of the characters I read about in books, idolized in other forms of media, etc.~ it was being untrue to myself at times, but it came very naturally, was somewhat fun, and was not something I processed as being dishonest until after the phase eventually passed. Lastly, I plan on taking advantage of Jupiter in Pisces to quit some Neptunian vices soon, or at least I’ve been thinking seriously about it for the first time in years. I appreciate your sermons from the stars more than I could express, Acyuta~ thank you for all you do, and I would love to take your classes one day.

  • @nataliezaf
    @nataliezaf 3 года назад +1

    I listened, I cried, I laughed, I understood thank you AB 🙏🤩

  • @megsdub
    @megsdub 3 года назад +2

    I have a 2° sextile between Neptune (in Sag/12th) and a Mercury/Saturn/Pluto conjunction (in Libra/10th). I'm a pre-law student, and my husband and I are both musicians. Many of these Mercury Neptune points resonate.

  • @meglivesey981
    @meglivesey981 3 года назад +1

    Sharing your personal examples adds such an amazing effective boost to understanding thanks for the trust. Bless ypur daughters.

  • @JOI2CoCo963
    @JOI2CoCo963 3 года назад +2

    your story of your daughter and her articulation was profound for us. we never could do that and we could never do anything right for our father. really we were his mirror and he couldn't handle that and we suffered. he sexually abused us at 4 after mums suicide and for year, mildy but thats irrelevant boundaries crossed and once at 15 & we've suffered.
    we understand from a perspective now how special this is for our heart body mind spirit soul consciousness growth connection this is but are yet to fully understand & appreciate due to all the pain we are processing now after years of supression & repression and the collective we purge too from catholic religion as hes from southern ireland!
    Thank you for sharing your profoundness!
    you and your daughters & sure also wife are lucky to experience and have each other, replace whatever word better than lucky as we dont like or mean that word but not sure one we do,

  • @katewenzell
    @katewenzell 3 года назад +3

    Your description of your tongue reaching up/ connected to a flower in your head and also a flower in the heart is a completely yogic description. Baba Muktananda described in his yogic journey that at a certain point when you reach the Sahasrara (thousand petaled lotus in the crown chakra), a nectar (amrita) begins to drip down to your tongue. I think the yogic lock, kechari mudra, attempts to stimulate this. The chakras are sometimes described as lotuses, not just wheels, so the heart chakra is a lotus as well, and Baba once explained in a talk that the true mind is in the heart. One devotee challenged him on that because he said scientifically the mind is in the brain. A couple days later while meditating, he suddenly had the experience of his mind sinking into his heart space. Gurumayi has said something along the lines that everything you say, or even think, reverberates out into the Universe eternally (yikes!). What a blessing that you got to have a direct experience of this!

  • @sekh0420
    @sekh0420 3 года назад +1

    Surrounding to the heart is the Sufis way too, and all mystical traditions. Of course, this experience has its layers. The deeper you go, the experience is more profound. One is to experience your soul meeting that innocent self that is submitted and without malice, which is a beautiful experience. But even at its initial stages of your meditation, the magnetic center of your heart takes over your mind, and it is an intoxicating experience; by the way, I love Bhagavad Gita.

  • @rebecka9714
    @rebecka9714 3 года назад +4

    I guess yesterday wasn't a good day for me to have asked for a sign from the universe 😆
    Since this morning I've been receiving pretty much the same message that you shared in this video. Seriously. Everywhere I go and everything I see...there it is!
    I need to somehow figure out how to forgive or at minimum let go of all the anger in my heart against a person who I feel has wronged and hurt me in ways I didn't even know were possible.
    It's turning me into something I'm not and it's keeping me from fully moving on to what ever the universe has planned for me. For the first time ever, I find myself angry at God, the universe, the world, all of creation, maybe even myself. I want to bend the universe to my will and decide the karmic fait of the other person. All I'm doing though is sealing my own fait and blackening my own heart. Energetically, I'm no longer the victim; I've become the perpetrator. How can I ask the universe for grace when I'm giving no such thing to the other person.
    I'm so glad that I've been singing kritan in the mornings and trying to develop a relationship with Krishna for the last few months. It feels like this transit is pulling me towards resolution not into the fray. I hope so. Living stuck in righteous indignation feels like living in a type of hell. I think I finally understand the importance of Scorpio's water sign description as frozen.

  • @blueplanethand
    @blueplanethand 3 года назад +1

    This is my favorite message you ever posted. Very profound. Thank you 🙏

  • @drai7196
    @drai7196 3 года назад +2

    That was a very deep, insightful overview of this transit, thank you! 🙏🏼 I have mercury in Gemini opposite Neptune....I’ve read a lot of negative stuff about this natal aspect. I think the way I experience it is that I never go by the words that come out of a persons mouth... instead, I instinctively couple their words with their facial expressions, their body language and their vibes and I “hear” something quite different to what they’re actually saying. I will say that a majority of the time, what I “hear” is spot on ( their true meaning or intention is often revealed later). I should also mention I have Mars and the moon conjunct my ascendant in late pisces. It baffles me how others can’t see beyond the words as people clearly communicate how they truly think or feel in ways that go well beyond their words. There are so many times that my husband and I walk away from a conversation with someone with very different interpretations of what was just discussed. This reading in between the lines also makes for really really uncomfortable interactions with people. Does this make sense for this natal placement? It might just be my misinterpretation of this aspect 🤷🏻‍♀️😊

  • @LizLondonWWA
    @LizLondonWWA 3 года назад +1

    Love this video talk.
    Mercury conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius 6th house. Been dealing with the mental constraints. My saving grace has been my heart. Compassion...
    ‘Mental illness’ runs in our family which can be just a story in itself.

  • @LVSpeedweLL
    @LVSpeedweLL 3 года назад +1

    Lol, just perfect, the time delay, your laughter at yourself with the La Croix and really 💖beautiful your honest communication with your daughter, hope the zoo 🦒🦦was fun.
    Gifts, all of it, 🙏🏼for sharing stories with us to illustrate Mercury and Neptune 🟦 porosity. Oh Leonard🤍💖 Mercury quintile Neptune here.

  • @missmosh
    @missmosh 3 года назад +3

    The 29 degree / 12th house Mercury is square Neptune in my chart. Humaning is damn near impossible most times.

  • @SimpleMandy
    @SimpleMandy 3 года назад +2

    This was wonderful. I have Neptune (Sagittarius) in trine to Mercury (Leo) and helped me to understand a bit of what could be going on for me. Transit wise, Neptune Pisces is in square to my natal Neptune while Mercury in Gemini is opposing it.

  • @3-dwalkthroughs
    @3-dwalkthroughs 3 года назад +3

    Thank you Acyuta! Your description of your love and appreciation for the spiritual heart of one of your mentors you visited in the hospital was humbling and striking; an immediate reminder of the importance of seeking and appreciating the real depth of every spiritual being, especially one's guides and mentors. All of the other info was so helpful personally too, for understanding my natal Mercury/Neptune trine. Haribol :-)

  • @DREAMER-uq4gh
    @DREAMER-uq4gh 3 года назад +1


  • @jemmabutterfly7484
    @jemmabutterfly7484 3 года назад +4

    Can't wait to start your program! ✨🙏✨

  • @HauntedCerebralAstrology
    @HauntedCerebralAstrology 3 года назад +1

    It is true, LaCroix is the DANGER ZONE!!!
    Is it REALLY just water!? Hahaha, love that! Hopefully, all went well at the Zoo

  • @agingwithgracegratitudeand140
    @agingwithgracegratitudeand140 3 года назад

    It’s so very obvious to me that you were born to do this. You’re very gifted. I don’t get to all your videos because I’m a girlie- girl and I tend to listen to the divine feminine.
    Thank you for sharing your gifts.

  • @73geisha
    @73geisha 3 года назад +1

    I have a Mercury trine Neptune. My coworkers seem to get a kick out of my turn of phrases. Thank you for sharing!

  • @cosmichouseofrose9788
    @cosmichouseofrose9788 3 года назад +2

    Love your down to earth exampmes, along with knowledge and wisdom. Great combination.

  • @samanthabirdx
    @samanthabirdx 3 года назад +2

    I was just looking up Leonard Cohen’s birth chart! He’s been one of my dream guides for a little while now ☺️

  • @nicolewilson9868
    @nicolewilson9868 3 года назад +1

    I have Mercury 15 degrees and Neptune 17 degrees in my natal chart of Sagittarius in my 10th house. I feel like I have a hard time communicating about some thing I’m passionate about. But if it’s something to do with work I’m great I can explain the ends and outs. Idk... I also have Mars at 9:58 degrees in Sag maybe that’s why? I also air on the side of hope and that everything will be fine and one day be Great! Thanks to a Jupiter ruled house ❤️

  • @emilyrosaasen-cook8854
    @emilyrosaasen-cook8854 3 года назад

    I have been surrendering so much of the mind through the heart. Especially with this square. I am a Neptune conjunct sun and Mercury in Sagittarius, trined by Jupiter and Sextiled by Pluto.

  • @danyellerobinson5940
    @danyellerobinson5940 3 года назад +1

    My Mercury is in a stellium (conjoined with Sun, Pluto and Uranus in 6th house -- Virgo) that sextiles Neptune and my moon in my natal chart. I also have Gemini North Node. I am a retired writer and international sustainability consultant. While most of my colleagues see sustainable development as a modern concept, I see the ancient roots of Animism, adapted in practical terms. Despite having been connected to Indigenous people and stories all my life, I am only beginning to understand the deeper connection to this spiritual foundation which was once shared by all my ancestors, worldwide. The idea that rocks have spirit can seem out there. In fact there was a time it seems so to me. But after experiencing the call of ancient stones, I finally understand. I think this is how two people experiencing the same thing can walk away with very different feelings about the same experience; or, how even one person call perceive things differently at different stages in life or through various cultural filters.

  • @annahollings5336
    @annahollings5336 3 года назад +3

    Great talk today thank you, I really appreciate the examples. I love these little story illustrations 💕

  • @katelouise717
    @katelouise717 3 года назад

    The meditative insight of your heart-mind and tongue as a pulsating flower is profound- thank you for sharing this beautiful insight. I find myself in moments when I’m speaking about blurry Neptunium or murky perceptions have almost immediately repercussions lately - even the subtle lingering taste of these spoken perceptions can flavor my behaviors thereafter. One of my most recent insights about these Neptunium perceptions is that with them comes great responsibility...whether it’s actually psychic perceptions of great accuracy or not - the message has been loud and clear to not run with it wildly. Temper them with mindfulness. As a Jupiter, Uranus, south node and Neptune in Sagittarius - this proves not always easy for me to move my mind towards my North node in Gemini of facts and rationality. I consider myself still a complete newbie at astrology but it’s helped me understand my mind or samskaras so much better than through meditation alone. I’m so grateful to find this channel as this particular time in my spiritual evolution. So clarifying, inspiring and digestible content. Thank you Acyuta for this one!☝️🤍✨♓️

  • @danyellerobinson5940
    @danyellerobinson5940 3 года назад +3

    Often, the "good/bad" sides of the connection are directly tied to the understanding of the individual experience it.

  • @OLIVIA-mb9pb
    @OLIVIA-mb9pb 3 года назад +2

    Thank you I really needed to hear this. ✨

  • @iheartastrology7877
    @iheartastrology7877 3 года назад +1

    "our soul receives the criticism we give (!) it can't tell the difference really" - acyuta(!) omg yes! thank you! thank you! thank you for this clarifying spark!

  • @Lil_Lite_O_Mine
    @Lil_Lite_O_Mine 3 года назад

    I don't know how to express, the intensity that I have experienced this last year - a severe allergic reaction thrown in - has brought me to this very realization, but with only my own flailingness in trying to grasp the heart of the meaning of what I have witnessed... You have brought it all into the most vital, important, serious focus for me here. Thank You so gratefully 🙏⚘

  • @nvtheatre
    @nvtheatre 3 года назад +1

    Your messages are always authentic and this current space is certainly needing this. This time delay thing is important sometimes we don’t realize when our wishes or prayers have been answered until long after when we reflect back.
    It’s such a confusing time right now it’s good to focus on the good stuff. Taking more time out and it sounds like that’s what your doing too.

  • @Tanner_Star-Tree
    @Tanner_Star-Tree 3 года назад +1

    I can see a complete change in your energy, that must've been a powerful conversation with your little angel. Pisces rising, sag sun and cancer moon here, I have mars in gemini as well. I feel very profoundly as if your heart was speaking directly to mine. Thanks always for sharing your experiences, insight and heart, brother!

  • @catchyouri
    @catchyouri 3 года назад +1

    Great tribute to your brillant friend, Robert Schmidt I recall on my Twitter feed Astrologers asking for prayers if you are remembered in #Death the message is indelible. Thank you! I am so glad I listened tonight.

  • @melanieepstein7916
    @melanieepstein7916 3 года назад +2

    Powerful! Thank you

  • @anthropomorphizedrock
    @anthropomorphizedrock 3 года назад +5

    “New La Croix flavors!
    -transported in a truck near bananas
    -hint of hint of lime
    -single skittle dissolved in water
    -shy watermelon
    -imagine like, a strawberry, but with low battery”
    La croix memes are works of art
    The waiting until the last 10 minutes for overstimulation was brilliant 🤯

  • @melaniebruce3923
    @melaniebruce3923 3 года назад +3

    My Mercury in Virgo is is square Neptune in Sagittarius. Someone sent me a meme the other day that I think sums up this transit. it says “I hunt shadow people for tweakers, it ain’t much but it’s honest work”. 😂

  • @HoneyLemonDrops25
    @HoneyLemonDrops25 3 года назад

    Thank you for sharing the insights you gained from your experience with ayahuasca.

  • @aliceterry108
    @aliceterry108 3 года назад +1

    Mercury (conjuncts Venus in Leo) squares Neptune (conjuncts south node in Scorpio) in natal chart. Life is sad and beautiful. Victor Hugo's Notre Dame de Paris is the bomb!

  • @garysummers3771
    @garysummers3771 3 года назад +2

    Resonates , you speak with much beauty 🐂

  • @honeybadger8250
    @honeybadger8250 3 года назад +2

    I really love your laugh.

  • @myrrhseart
    @myrrhseart 3 года назад

    I have Neptune sextile Mercury and this relates! I am building my business as an intuitive and card reader. I also am very interested in learning the art of hypnosis, as I feel my soul smile when I give guided sivasana meditations. Most of the conversations I have are about spiritual and esoteric topics. Also, I just shared an old Facebook post a few days ago reflecting on the beautiful process of writing down each of the people you admire most and why... to lift them up as well as embed more love in your aura. I told people that it would be extra potent to do because of Jupiter in Pisces 🥰 thanks for the talk 🙏

  • @lroeck1
    @lroeck1 3 года назад

    This has been such an amazing video and the timing is absolutely perfect. Big Thanks!

  • @imumcohelios
    @imumcohelios 3 года назад

    Here I am, Uranus-Saturn rx on the ascendent + Neptunes rx very near them, squared by Mercury from my IC. Loving your point of view/analysis on this aspect 🧿🪲 thanks from Rome, Italy 🌞

  • @tamorose
    @tamorose 3 года назад +1

    Funny that... I have a Mercury (retrograde in the 9th Pisces) square Neptune (in the 6th Sagittarius). My whole life my mind has been somewhere else. Love learning about other worldly things.

    • @tamorose
      @tamorose 3 года назад

      Definitely more sensitive. And I have to make extra efforts when it comes to communications.

  • @natalie9584
    @natalie9584 3 года назад +2

    i love the book recommendations!

  • @Xyz5159-c4n
    @Xyz5159-c4n 3 года назад

    No way!:) Shout out to Renn! The Archetypal Universe is completely unusual and highly useful. I literally only go through transits with his book to hand:) He’s a gem!

  • @christellesmit7799
    @christellesmit7799 3 года назад

    Really curious...just at the beginning of diving deeper into astrology…have mercury-Neptune square in my birth chart...thank you for your work and sharing so generously ! 🙏🏻💜🌷

  • @carolynperkins1306
    @carolynperkins1306 3 года назад +2

    Yep, have Mercury conjunct Neptune within a degree in my chart. I'm hyper-sensitive and all that, but somehow have learned to articulate feelings and write with clarity (i'm told), especially in academic settings. I attribute this to the need to be understood and redeem being a Jungian Feeling type, offering it as healing in the form of being a psychotherapist. Neptune does seem to draw me to other worlds, particularly that of the ancestors and finding what subtle remnants their lives leave on descendants and on the land. (I've lived where my ancestors lived during the California gold rush -- on the very piece of land.) I am always wondering what their legacy is that seems to come through me in terms of talents (music particularly), values, karmic agendas, etc. It's so hard to grasp and put this into words, but it feels like a life mission, probably because my Sun is conjunct the Mercury & Neptune.

  • @bonniepearce6155
    @bonniepearce6155 3 года назад

    Best video you have ever made and I've watched many. Love the insight from books as I am a book nerd and am going to purchase both of those books.

  • @aquagoatgal1021
    @aquagoatgal1021 3 года назад

    Such a wonderful message, especially during these times. Thank you!! 💕

  • @Kate-hh8yi
    @Kate-hh8yi 3 года назад

    Pluto is transiting my 28° natal mercury now.
    Natal merc sq pluto & moon. I think (Lol 😉), communicating & all it encompasses is a life lesson.

  • @jayceeshay
    @jayceeshay 3 года назад +1

    I am dying laughing... the basketball game and la croix... you always act like watching sports are bad! I love that you do.

  • @JOI2CoCo963
    @JOI2CoCo963 3 года назад +1

    also love this cause our mind, mercury is in pisces and our neptune is in sagittarius. this upcoming eclipse & super full moon. so currently dunno how to word now whats in head so going to leave & say bye bye xxx

  • @gladysayala6902
    @gladysayala6902 3 года назад +2

    I can relate thank you 🙏 for those insightful words

  • @JOI2CoCo963
    @JOI2CoCo963 3 года назад +1

    There's a Physical Trend Reversal at 13:27 today. there's also and emotional and spiritual today too. there's this app that tells us but we don't full understand what these are have you come across them before?

  • @NaturalizedAlienResident
    @NaturalizedAlienResident 3 года назад +1

    I have a big difficulty to understand surrender. I can picture the monk or priest visually but I have no clue how it feels like.

  • @JOI2CoCo963
    @JOI2CoCo963 3 года назад

    Surrender the mind through the heart! love it.
    we understand it too and this is fab external validation for us to show us how far we have come since seizures on the scorpio new moon day after we shaved our head. our lunar cycle being the dark moon. in october 2016. IT was this that showed us (cause we were finally ready to accept and see our denials DID being the biggest of all, Disociative Identity disorder extreme end of C-PTSD) we had DID leaving us regresse in all these different personalities and ages mostly young and baby at times incapable of using body.
    so with each alter having its oqwn brain network and correlating body network if we are in a 4 yr old personality we have a 4 years brain and body ability.
    so with this and our processing language disorder langage can't be extremely challenging for us to comprehend especially from the collective objective perspective.
    emotionally for us going from not even undertanding values and beliefs to now saying we aim to live from a heart value based system which then filters the mind belief based systems, brings in bruce lipton and epigentics here too along with all our yoga, sacred geometry, jung psychology, tarot etc
    we see your phrase as a wonderful simplified summary of what we say. know we still got a wee way to go but we prefer to focus our awareness/attention/energy on our successes although not in denial of the other but to a ration of 78 to 22 78=spiritual career, number of cards i traditional tarot made of 7 self growth & 8 manifestation = 15 the devil capricorn or as we like to say 5th limb of yoga pratayhara made of 1 new beginnings and 5 change which brings freedom = 6 unconditional love and centre of tesla code and 22 = intuition master builder number, the fool starting his journey backwards made of a double dose of patience, choices, balance = 4 structure perserverance, foundations mother gaia the emporer masculine energies made from the double dose of male+femal the merkaba.
    we are also autistic and understand words better through numbers.
    we are so grateful to have found you and recieve you perspectives!

  • @lotushealingsanctuary
    @lotushealingsanctuary 3 года назад +1

    Namaste Achutya, would you say the aspects all relate in this way if a chart has aspect between these 2 planets, or would you say you're talking the square here between Mercury/Neptune?
    I mean, how about a trine, sextile, etc. between these planetary Gods/Goddesses.?

  • @MADHippiesLife
    @MADHippiesLife 3 года назад

    This transit conjuncts exact my natal Saturn in Pisces squaring my natal Jupiter in Gemini. 🤔 Coming up to my natal Mercury Rx in Pisces at 27 degrees.

  • @anjijack5392
    @anjijack5392 3 года назад

    I have the same relationship with TopoChico! 😅 Basketball is my JAM! 😁

  • @lisamarie163
    @lisamarie163 3 года назад +1

    My mercury is conjunct my Neptune at 0 degrees in Capricorn.. is this at all a harmonious aspect?

  • @noxnoctis04
    @noxnoctis04 3 года назад +1

    Why are we not one? The universe (we) is one in some dimensions, seperated in others and they all coexist, or am I missing something..

  • @Its-Lulu
    @Its-Lulu 3 года назад +3

    Hey Acyuta in the spirit of sharing books, have you heard of Alice Sparkly Kat's newly released book Post-Colonial Astrology? I just received it in the mail today and it's such a fresh and powerful take on astrology and I definitely think it's worth buying and reading

  • @jackietatum2245
    @jackietatum2245 3 года назад +1

    I literally had a dream like three nights ago, where I saw someone die and then be born again, etc.!!

  • @sarabell6454
    @sarabell6454 3 года назад +1

    Please, share with us the Larry Cohan quote? Thank you

  • @JOI2CoCo963
    @JOI2CoCo963 3 года назад

    just curious have you ever attempted chanting or even just sounding, buzzing humming in inverted poses or half inversion to start with? feel it will facilitate more awareness of body and reflux situation so easing! xx

  • @garysummers6828
    @garysummers6828 3 года назад

    Healing my mars, mercury neptune aspect. My mars is in pisces house 6, 🐏

  • @JOI2CoCo963
    @JOI2CoCo963 3 года назад +1

    The main thing that has driven us on this journey is we want to be a mum and have kids but not subconsciusly accidentally continue this cycle and pass on this shit. didn't realsie we would first learn to parent by parenting our many children from within but not done from within as this all happens externally through body & voice. hence all 3 of our youtube channels to become our witness in our unique way of which some of our alters started in psych ward last year!
    time is a very interesting concept in our realities! lol almost non existent!

  • @Catherine-zq1kb
    @Catherine-zq1kb 3 года назад


  • @AngelHonolulu
    @AngelHonolulu 3 года назад

    Primal narcissism? How do? Or expressed how?

  • @nadiabeaudry5298
    @nadiabeaudry5298 3 года назад

    I just found out that there is a Mercury-Neptune square in my natal chart... getting curious haha

  • @witchcraftandlizardry
    @witchcraftandlizardry 3 года назад

    My Mercury & Venus are square Neptune & I’m autistic & I have adhd so um😂 I’m confused about mutual reception like they are both in Aries? Also my Venus is retrograde. My Mars is in Taurus and my Venus Aries so that means they are in mutual reception? I just looked up what mutual reception means and that was my understanding. I’m 36 & I feel like if y’all need an expert in the Mercury square Neptune I’m your girl. The lack of boundaries esp since Venus is square too means I can’t tell the difference between me & someone else & also the difference between emotional & physical sensation although I included my age to show that I have gotten some control over this over time but I have a ways to go. I often flip flop between extreme invasive empathy where I have to censor myself like a child because if I see or hear of a disturbing thing happening I will get what I call 2nd hand traumatized by it and keep re-living it as if it happened to me and then there’s the severely alexithymic part of me where I can accidentally seem cold and clueless even tho I’ve learned to mask this just like all neurodivergent ppl do like masking is a big part of our lives. I also make it a point to not make assumptions or draw my own conclusions about how other people feel esp in reference to me based on their communication style. I more just analyze and see the thoughts I have on it as reflections of what’s going on with me because I’m aware of the squares ability to deceive me. My intuition about the motives of others is amazing but when vibrating low the same quality that makes me so amazing at pattern seeking and insight out of seemingly no where like this same quality I really love about me can become my enemy and can confer meaning that is used for self destruction rather than advancement. All my seemingly hard or tough things in my chart always become my absolute favorite qualities about myself that my ego sees as badass and attaches itself too. I mean I could talk on this all day but I really really needed this video today because of something I’ve been anticipating tomorrow and I’m very grateful for your channel. Also I have the same problem with fuzzy water and acid because I have interstitial cystitis(it’s a bladder autoimmune disease) & I have to practice being aware in the moment of my current internal states emotionally and physically( there is no difference between the two for me) & how they could affect me later like my bladder contracting all night or how I often mistake heartburn for a panic attack. I mean the whole basketball analogy really describes how I am all day in trying to regulate and keep an optimal balance of stimulation & awareness that I need to get through existence. I probably shouldn’t tell you that having a fuzzy water machine is the BEST and saves you so much monies although stuff from cans do be hittin dif

  • @ErinLiu1015
    @ErinLiu1015 3 года назад +1

    My friend has Mercury conj Neptune in Scorpio, he is a writer and his writing is often very dark, some find it quite disturbing.

  • @yelojazz6199
    @yelojazz6199 3 года назад +1


  • @oliviaromao
    @oliviaromao 3 года назад +2

    Hi Acyuta - I slept to one of your áudios a few days ago and as consequence I dreamt I was at your home and you were cooking pizza for your family… I was your student and my concern in the dream was that I wasn’t get taught by you or was allowed to approach you even tho you were my teacher, I was kept in a separate room and I wasn’t allowed to approach.
    At the very end of the dream I was leaving your house and you appeared as a bubble speech on top of my head - you had a black moustache, lots of hair and you were making crazy faces at me, I felt like you were one of those crazy characters in mulholand drive from David Lynch 😁
    I have been following your videos for the last year and a half and at the moment, I am in the middle of doing a registration for this years astrology class. I am just wondering if you will be teaching the classes most of the time and how many students will there be in one class.
    After the dream I felt like I needed to clear that before finishing the registration. Thank you 🙏 😊

    • @Adam-Elenbaas
      @Adam-Elenbaas  3 года назад +1

      Lol 😆 amazing 👏

    • @oliviaromao
      @oliviaromao 3 года назад


    • @melt4769
      @melt4769 3 года назад +2

      Those charts do look like pizzas - twelve slices.

  • @JOI2CoCo963
    @JOI2CoCo963 3 года назад

    wanted to share our latest fb awareness & connections. this is fab for us littlelons as we getting stuff out of our head & proud of us. a 23 yr journey since 18 & lucky to be here after overdose.
    Everything is Energy!
    All that is physical/matter/ form/macro/unsubtle/the seen tangible objective outer world/Atomic Energy/Newtonian physics is compressed Sub-Atomic Energy/ formless/ micro/ subtle/ the unseen non tangible subjective inner world/Quantum physics!

  • @weedforkids
    @weedforkids 3 года назад

    It's really difficult to predict future events by projecting desires / aversion - attachment type thought forms. Kind of intuitive (for me) at first associating zodiac signs with people I know and making up kind of composite events and cross referencing a first guess of things - better is to absorb the information (mytho-poetic or whatever) and then just stick to a jib-like intuition - KISS (keep it simple, stupid). 🥩

  • @tamelashafer8852
    @tamelashafer8852 3 года назад +1


  • @atmanand5802
    @atmanand5802 3 года назад

    💖🥗much love to you and your beloved daughter always🌏✨
    For this re-birth, beloved Lord MERCURY is Retrograde in ♈ Aries in the 2nd house and Lord NEPTUNE is Retrograde conjuncting the MC from the 9th house in ♏ Scorpio. Both ruled by beloved Lord MARS conjuncting Lord VENUS in Pisces, in the 1st house.
    Lord NEPTUNE is currently being triggered by the upcoming Super Moon Eclipse in 11 degrees of Scorpio ♏ (Sidereal Vedic Astrology), near the fixed star Antares, popularly known as the HEART 💖 of Scorpio ♏.
    🌕Teyata 🕉 Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi Svaha🌅
    🌠📿🥥eternally grateful🩺🕉🙏