Interesting. I've seen them on a few elevators, I didn't know they were California edition though. I'll also change the title and info to 400AE to correct the specs.
upanddownadventures in this situation, I was able to find the speed on the building's website and info pdfs. In most cases though, I look at the floor heights and top floor height. If those aren't available, I find the total building height and try to find floor heights based on that.
Yeah, these are VERY NICE elevators too!!! I like 400A. Since this was installed in 2012, it's probably 400AE. But not 100% sure. Still, a very nice Schindler
These are VERY IDENTICAL to the ones at Portland International Airport at the Long Term Park Garage.
Outside is California code compliant EPCO button.
Interesting. I've seen them on a few elevators, I didn't know they were California edition though. I'll also change the title and info to 400AE to correct the specs.
ElevatorsinRussia So does the inside.
How do you get the speed information in states where it is not listed on the elevator records, or the elevator records are not public?
upanddownadventures in this situation, I was able to find the speed on the building's website and info pdfs. In most cases though, I look at the floor heights and top floor height. If those aren't available, I find the total building height and try to find floor heights based on that.
Forgot to mention I also use the travel time with the heights. The equation is distance/time.
This would be 400AE
+Cherry City Elevators You are indeed correct. Thanks for telling me, I'll fix that right away.
thank god they didnt put hydro or else it woulda sucked big time
Yeah, these are VERY NICE elevators too!!! I like 400A. Since this was installed in 2012, it's probably 400AE. But not 100% sure. Still, a very nice Schindler
Superduper Julien The indicator number's color looks a lot like the OTIS series 1 I just rode a few mins ago at my moms doctors office.
+Floridian Elevators It is a 400AE because if it was installed after 2012.