I can recommend having a few words of humor at every funeral. A few months ago my grandmother passed away and i was allowed to say something. Unintentionally i almost made all attendances laugh with excerpts of moments i had with her.
What a banal thing to say, Keyser. If some people think that her policies and implementation of them were largely awful then they are not going to choose to agree that 'she was an incredible woman'. She herself would have hung herself by her own stated beliefs on that score because she claimed to be an ultra realist by saying such stuff as 'there is no such thing as society'. She caused huge psychological damage and people were either forced to somewhat shift to this 'me and my family and no-one else matters' solipsism or become regarded as part of the socially , emotionally , 'needy'. She destroyed true emotion.
@@Picnicl I think it's the fact that people like you look for "true emotion" in politics, that prevents you from humanizing your political enemies and allows you to stoop so low as to find some catharsis in the death of an old lady who suffered from a horrible disease in her last days. Don't look for humanity in politics, see the human behind the rhetoric and slogans and ideologies. A person's humanity isn't decided by a vote. It's inherent.
I was very sad, actually, that Margaret Thatcher passed away. She did have some fine sensibilities and personal warmth. I was shocked and disappointed when I heard she'd resigned because Labour was more associated with industrial workers, actors, and Hampstead intellectuals and, being an arts type of person at school in the north east, I was neither. I guess saying 'people like you' made you, in a way, dehumanize me. Privatisation of public services like railways is something that I disagree with in democratic countries like the UK where the safety checks of being in the public sector are better as they have less incentive to cut costs. It seems that even the Conservatives now broadly agree as, after 3 fatal disasters in 4 years under Railtrack, the new name National Rail is now owned by the Department of Transport with no shareholders. Do you remember the 'Labour isn't working' poster that the Conservatives shamefully put out about the the 1 million unemployment rate? Under Margaret Thatcher it got to about 3 million. It did come back down but the notion that the Conservatives weaved that they were anti-welfarist didn't chime with the actual results of their policies. In the short term, it was hurtful towards some dedicated workers. In the long term, some of our towns and cities have more small businesses. And what with the new aesthetic fashion for steampunk and the so called 'snowflake generation' and more cyclists, it's like we've been returned to a kind of good medieval meets Victorian UK. Parts of the UK are really pleasant places. It took about 40 years but a more benevolent form of Thatcherism combined with a more practical form of socialism have combined.
@@Picnicl Forgive me if I thought you were part of the ding dong the witch is dead crowd. But you did attack the OP for making a rather innocuous statement about her character. I'm not a Brit so I can't get in the weeds of UK politics from thirty years ago. But I do know that she did what so many male politicians before her were too cowardly to do. Which was to put to the interest of her country above popularity. She broke the unions when they had too much power, and got rid of businesses the British government had no place running, let alone the competency to do so.
Child, child, child. No seriously I looked at your profile. You're like 12 years old or something so what the fuck would you know? Stop listening to your parents and think for yourself.
She was one of the strongest and most diligent leaders any country ever had. She was working class and expected the country to be equally industrious and adept at progress. The unions didn't agree.
@@DingleDangle66 don’t worry their all the northern half-wit inbreds who know nothing of Britain and Werner alive during the 60s and 70s with the mass poverty and high taxes with a worthless currency, and oppressive things like the miners union stealing peoples money.
"There is no such thing as society. There is living tapestry of men and women and people and the beauty of that tapestry and the quality of our lives will depend upon how much each of us is prepared to take responsibility for ourselves and each of us prepared to turn round and help by our own efforts those who are unfortunate." - Margaret Thatcher.
It's a lovely quote that, unfortunately, had little basis in what actually happened. The 'tapestry' WAS what we call society, Margaret! Why would you rip that up and make the hardworking manufacturing base so vulnerable? You destroyed the tapestry forever!
There are a lot of people in the North East of England, and other areas of the UK that were heavily dependent on Coal Mining that don't have fond memories of her. I myself, born during the 84'-85' miners strike saw the impact of the pit closures in and around the Town where I was born. These areas are still suffering economically to this day, nearly 40 years later. However, her achievements and dedication to serving the crown and the people of the United Kingdom brings a tear to my eye.
Most people of the people commenting here that dislike Thatcher only dislike her because they have been told to... and it shows! It's actually rather pathetic that people can't think for themselves.
@@burningjamie9924 We were, as a country, in a terrible state financially. We were pouring money into industries that didn't make any money and benefits we couldn't afford, and we were addicted to them like an addict is to heroin. Fair enough if you think the whole nation should have stayed poor to keep those things going and keep piling up debt, but Thatcher haters never say so. They either act like there was never any problem to begin with or that there was some magic way to get out of it without cutting back, there wasn't. Both are dishonest and both aren't anywhere near as compassionate as they pretend.
We still love you Maggie. You bought this sad little country that the left had bought to it knees back to a country standing as a beacon to the rest of the world. You put the unions in there place and gave us hope for a better future, God bless you.
she took away milk from school children as her first act as education minister, funded illegal paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland, was friends with Pinochet and Jimmy Saville and destroyed miner's unions
@@burningjamie9924 + Not much wrong with that, apart from Saville, but the whole bloody country was friends with him mucker, so you point now is frankly stupid.
@@henryvagincourt4502 not much wrong with funding illegal paramilitary death squads who are responsible for over 1000 deaths of innocent civilians including children, despite it being a literal war crime?
@@henryvagincourt4502 jesus that reply is heartless, so you see nothing wrong with the deaths of over 1000 civilians and the destruction of many more's means to support their families?
At the end of the day we should pay respect nomatter what we all think about her, Baroness Margaret Thatcher was the most strong minded woman of all time,a strong Libran woman so to all Librans big up yourself, woman power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Nomatter how you can call her witch but at least she was blessed to be the leader of you all and she will always go with her blessing and intergrity.R.l.P MY LADY
@@zsoltkeresztesi1409 much more diplomatic and pragmatic than the Brexidiots. As much as I hate her for what she did _nationally_ , THAT is how to do politics internationally.
What a absolutely amazing powerful women. We need someone like Baroness Thatcher to take control of political agenda that they believe, not just worried about being elected for another term. She was extremely intelligent, extremely witty and stood by her agenda. She was an absolute powerhouse. Rip Mrs Thatcher.
I'm Brazilian. Here (like in south america in general) we have never had a liberal and firm president like Thatcher. In general we have presidents more or less on the left side of economic and political position, respectivily Dilma Rousseff (keynesian and too much populist) and Fernando Henrique Cardoso (social democrat). Like Thatcher said when was in Brasil in 1994, we have a state big and weak. Brazilian political groups have ever believe that more state will solve our problem and the incentives are all in the direction to make the believe eternal. Exemple: more than 80% of our youth want to have a public job because they pay more them private sector and the employees can't be fired. Because of this, the govern of our states have now big problems to simple pay public employers. A country where the entrepreneurship isn't valued and facilitated, will never be big. Brazil, the eternal country of the future. I really miss Thatcher and, the most important, what she represents.
People have problem to see the cause and effect in social problems. The "solutions" defended by the economic left are in general based in increase the spent in short term. It will never solve the problem. They are not atacking the origin of a social problem, but just treating their symptoms. Here in Brazil we are leaving a good exemple. Today a lot of groups assosciated to the left are protesting against the reform of our social security sistem. They just say that we can't lose rights (like if it were given by God), but the fact is that the taxes we pay (one of the biggest of underdevelopment world) will never be enought. Our debt in the security sistem will just increse if we don't reform, and a big piece of this problem was caused by the public employees that receive a lot of benefits (they are 10% of labor force and represent more than 50% of this debit). Obs: thanks to the correction.
The real breaker of glass ceilings. In a time where real sexism existed, (not this over-sensationalised crap we see today), she managed to plough through and become an MP after series of failures and knockdowns. Yet after all this she became arguably the best Prime Minister this country has ever seen.
Yeah, she was such a feminist icon, not appointing any woman to a senior position in her cabinet in 11 years in office. What an advocate for women's rights! The only glass she ever broke was probably one filled with gin.
yet despite her struggles and prejudice she forgot the common man... the common cause! She rose from a working class background and yet when in a position to influence and change the lives of those who were in similar situations to her own, once, she forgot them.
Despite the fact unemployment began dwindling by 1986.... and all wage levels had actually risen much higher after she reformed the tax system to more acceptable levels.
Good riddance, she brought nothing but suffering to millions of ordinary working people. Her legacy is one of every man for himself and pure greed. The woman had zero empathy.
Not a great fan of Margaret, though I do respect her. The achievements of her life were quite something! However, as someone has said in the comments “She put the great back in to Great Britain". Well she may have done that in the eyes of other countries. However, it was at the expense and to the disadvantage of a large amount of the British population. I also do not agree with this funeral, this was not discussed enough thoroughly in the commons and was certainly not the will of many Britons. Another thing, which I found essentially distasteful in Margaret Thatcher, is the fact that she not only started the rather pointless war in the Falkland’s, the cost of which could have paid for relocation of all islanders to Britain. Mitigating the expense of sending the fleet across to the south Atlantic, the loss of two capital ships and loss of life. In addition, when the forces returned, Margaret insisted she take the salute (Her words from her narrated biography), this raised eyebrows at the palace, as not even the great Churchill took sole salute after WW2, it was taken by the royal family, particularly King George VI as he is head of the armed forces. Therefore, rightly so, the queen should have taken the salute of her armed forces. That’s my piece said, RIP Margaret.
You bash her, then you praise her. It would be wonderful for yourself to make up your mind, you say she put great back into Great Britain at a high price, of course there should be a wearing on the population, equity doenst build itself, a diamond must be cut over and over again and polished, is it easy? but it was worth it! On the Falklands issue you preferred to use the method of getting out of the way type of thing, as if Britain was the intruder,
Tom Barlow The Falkland Islands are a UK overseas territory. Should the UK government allow an invasion of UK overseas territory, given that the UK is responsible for its defence? The people there are British and wish to remain so. Should British citizens not be allowed to remain so? They want to continue living on those islands. Should those citizens be forced to move? The invader was an unlawful military dictatorship. Should the UK respect an action by an unlawful military dictatorship? Did you notice that after its defeat, Argentina became a democracy. Democracy spread from there on right across South America as far as the Venezuelan border, where it screeched to a halt.
@@ahuman7033 I wouldn't say not suitable, because I'm fairly certain both parties spew hate but don't mean it, but I find it funny. The guy who was in charge of seating was probably having a good laugh
1:39 you can hear in the reverb that an edit was made there - was there more to Thatcher's letter to the 9 year old boy, that the broadcasters didn't want us to hear?
I dont think there was a living soul in england who wanted her there,she was power crazy and ALWAYS wanted and had her own way. She was always going against us,it was like " i will ask the british people what they want they want,then and we'll do it my way anyway . That was probably the song at her funeral my way.
One never knows the effect a PM or a President truly has on a country. Is it the natural movement of an economy, a technology, and a confluence of world events or their injection of policy and leadership? It's often theater in search of a story. And in that context, she was a grand thespian of intelligence, strength, and hard work. There were many weaknesses and faults too but an undeniable presence on the world stage that the UK hadn't seen since Churchill.
I never liked her, her politics, her actions as PM. Though, what she overcame to become PM was more than impressive. It shows her, as a person, to have great determination and willpower. One of the saddest things was that little grey men in grey suits stabbed her in the back to get rid of her. And you can see almost all of them in the crowd here. John Major, John Redwood, Ken Clarke etc etc Cowards, bullies and idiots to a man. They deserve nothing.
Wasn't she related to Vicount Norwich through a tryst between his lordship and a maid(her grandmother) . There is no way this lady didn't have aristocratic DNA..It could have been her anger at not being recognised as an aristocrat that fuel her rage against these entitled men.. She did indeed enjoy cleaning the floor with them..
Charles Moore talks about this in his biography of Margaret. The timelines don't match to make it possible. Something along the lines of he was dead years before the child in question was born.
Keeps the Royals as tourist attractions, but to get back on track you need a strong LORD PROTECTOR to rule over Parliament & the prime minister. I want to buy china, aftershave, soap, electronics, bicycles, maybe a car, MADE IN ENGLAND. Is there an Oliver Cromwell in the house?
Easy to view her record through the cosy rose tinted specs of history - short of leading us to victory in a World War as Churchill did no Prime Minster should ever get a state funeral.
In retrospect, her Party had to take tough action against Trade Unionsim that was crippling the nation, holding the sitting PM to ransom, if you will. She did revolutionize the country and make It a leading economic powerhouse once more but, sadly, to the detriment of many. One can only hope that it was unintentional and a consequence of embracing free markets with little oversight. Like her or loath her, she left her mark on British modern politics and the United Kingdom. Blair followed her lead in 1997 with 'New Labour' and the Labour Party has been dead ever since.
Not one? You believe that? Tears are still being shed - now - this moment - for someone who had the balls - who had the vision - to stand against all odds. Ah, laddie, your sad vision depicts a fallen Western world that has no sense of itself. Maggie knew who she was. Knew what we were. What we can be.
I can recommend having a few words of humor at every funeral. A few months ago my grandmother passed away and i was allowed to say something. Unintentionally i almost made all attendances laugh with excerpts of moments i had with her.
Whatever you think of Thatcher's politics she was an incredible woman.
What a banal thing to say, Keyser. If some people think that her policies and implementation of them were largely awful then they are not going to choose to agree that 'she was an incredible woman'. She herself would have hung herself by her own stated beliefs on that score because she claimed to be an ultra realist by saying such stuff as 'there is no such thing as society'. She caused huge psychological damage and people were either forced to somewhat shift to this 'me and my family and no-one else matters' solipsism or become regarded as part of the socially , emotionally , 'needy'. She destroyed true emotion.
@@Picnicl I think it's the fact that people like you look for "true emotion" in politics, that prevents you from humanizing your political enemies and allows you to stoop so low as to find some catharsis in the death of an old lady who suffered from a horrible disease in her last days.
Don't look for humanity in politics, see the human behind the rhetoric and slogans and ideologies. A person's humanity isn't decided by a vote. It's inherent.
I was very sad, actually, that Margaret Thatcher passed away. She did have some fine sensibilities and personal warmth. I was shocked and disappointed when I heard she'd resigned because Labour was more associated with industrial workers, actors, and Hampstead intellectuals and, being an arts type of person at school in the north east, I was neither. I guess saying 'people like you' made you, in a way, dehumanize me. Privatisation of public services like railways is something that I disagree with in democratic countries like the UK where the safety checks of being in the public sector are better as they have less incentive to cut costs. It seems that even the Conservatives now broadly agree as, after 3 fatal disasters in 4 years under Railtrack, the new name National Rail is now owned by the Department of Transport with no shareholders. Do you remember the 'Labour isn't working' poster that the Conservatives shamefully put out about the the 1 million unemployment rate? Under Margaret Thatcher it got to about 3 million. It did come back down but the notion that the Conservatives weaved that they were anti-welfarist didn't chime with the actual results of their policies. In the short term, it was hurtful towards some dedicated workers. In the long term, some of our towns and cities have more small businesses. And what with the new aesthetic fashion for steampunk and the so called 'snowflake generation' and more cyclists, it's like we've been returned to a kind of good medieval meets Victorian UK. Parts of the UK are really pleasant places. It took about 40 years but a more benevolent form of Thatcherism combined with a more practical form of socialism have combined.
@@Picnicl Forgive me if I thought you were part of the ding dong the witch is dead crowd. But you did attack the OP for making a rather innocuous statement about her character. I'm not a Brit so I can't get in the weeds of UK politics from thirty years ago. But I do know that she did what so many male politicians before her were too cowardly to do. Which was to put to the interest of her country above popularity. She broke the unions when they had too much power, and got rid of businesses the British government had no place running, let alone the competency to do so.
Like or loath her, Margaret Thatcher was someone's mum, someone's granny, and someone's friend.
Child, child, child. No seriously I looked at your profile. You're like 12 years old or something so what the fuck would you know? Stop listening to your parents and think for yourself.
Mother, granny or friend? Thatcher was only interested in her own glory, and fucked up a whole nation in the process!
Its people like you who fuck up the nation, always out to blame someone for your own inadequate life.
Your saying he is 12 years old yet ur hurling abuse at a Child, I hope u have no kids so the low IQ ends with you.
You can not deny that she was a very intelligent lady.
You can`t deny we had a party up north when the witch died !
She was smart, mainly wrong, but smart.
She was one of the strongest and most diligent leaders any country ever had. She was working class and expected the country to be equally industrious and adept at progress. The unions didn't agree.
@@joseki6644 The stupid left-wing didn't agree.
@@DingleDangle66 don’t worry their all the northern half-wit inbreds who know nothing of Britain and Werner alive during the 60s and 70s with the mass poverty and high taxes with a worthless currency, and oppressive things like the miners union stealing peoples money.
God ordained her at the right time. She pulled GB from filth to hope.
Said no one ever.
So true!
Hear hear
@@TheMarioManiac well mdb831 said it so at least person did.
"There is no such thing as society. There is living tapestry of men and women and people and the beauty of that tapestry and the quality of our lives will depend upon how much each of us is prepared to take responsibility for ourselves and each of us prepared to turn round and help by our own efforts those who are unfortunate." - Margaret Thatcher.
It's a lovely quote that, unfortunately, had little basis in what actually happened. The 'tapestry' WAS what we call society, Margaret! Why would you rip that up and make the hardworking manufacturing base so vulnerable? You destroyed the tapestry forever!
Iconic politicians from across the UK and world in attendance. Says it all. Only the Queen will top such a gathering
Well the Queen did.
I don't even think most people know why they hate her
Sold off British Gas , British coal , British Rail , Powergen , British Steal , BP , British Airways , Rolls Royce and our Water ! What a BITCH .
@@peterkirk123 What was the alternative option. Britain was going down the tubes.
There are a lot of people in the North East of England, and other areas of the UK that were heavily dependent on Coal Mining that don't have fond memories of her. I myself, born during the 84'-85' miners strike saw the impact of the pit closures in and around the Town where I was born. These areas are still suffering economically to this day, nearly 40 years later.
However, her achievements and dedication to serving the crown and the people of the United Kingdom brings a tear to my eye.
mad woman who makes 1/3 of people poor and enriches 1/3 again
Most people of the people commenting here that dislike Thatcher only dislike her because they have been told to... and it shows!
It's actually rather pathetic that people can't think for themselves.
nah, she was just a horrible old boot
@@burningjamie9924 She should have let us keep our heroin addiction, right?
@@SpeedfreakUK ?
@@burningjamie9924 We were, as a country, in a terrible state financially. We were pouring money into industries that didn't make any money and benefits we couldn't afford, and we were addicted to them like an addict is to heroin. Fair enough if you think the whole nation should have stayed poor to keep those things going and keep piling up debt, but Thatcher haters never say so. They either act like there was never any problem to begin with or that there was some magic way to get out of it without cutting back, there wasn't. Both are dishonest and both aren't anywhere near as compassionate as they pretend.
They hate her because she was a woman
May Lady Margaret Thatcher's memory and legacy shine on for posterity.
We could piss on her grave for posterity!
Sang Tonsing 😂😂
@@sangtonsing1531 well, I can do the same on yours... Gladly!
@@PetrolHeadBrasil you sure got me there bootlicker
We still love you Maggie. You bought this sad little country that the left had bought to it knees back to a country standing as a beacon to the rest of the world. You put the unions in there place and gave us hope for a better future, God bless you.
andy richardson is that a joke?
+OutdoorLifeFamily maybe thats because she didn't destroy your country
+squeezle 31121999 she didn't destroy this one either. Labour beat her to it!
Thatcher destroyed a third of British industry. She was a traitor.
Margaret Thatcher was the best woman in history since Helen of Troy.
Mmm. Maybe since Joan or Arc? Or Elizabeth I?
Greatest Prime Minister Britain has ever had.
Haha, your a funny guy
@@DannyBoi2112 funny how?
that spot belongs to Churchill, but she must be the 2nd no doubt.
To quote her, "no,no,no!"
Definitely in my life time
MT was the greatest, RIP.
I hope she burns in hell
+peeky poo the poor got poorer // she wanted us in the gutter // eternal hell i hope for her with fire and brimstone
+peeky poo shut up
Zavi Karim Hello uncle tom
Ja Z 😂😂😂
Undoubtedly she made it in the slim list of great Premiers to have led n served one of the G8 countries in the 20th century....!!
God bless Baroness Thatcher. The most elegant Prime Minister we ever had.
she took away milk from school children as her first act as education minister, funded illegal paramilitary death squads in Northern Ireland, was friends with Pinochet and Jimmy Saville and destroyed miner's unions
Well said. The lady had intelligence, style and stamina
@@burningjamie9924 + Not much wrong with that, apart from Saville, but the whole bloody country was friends with him mucker, so you point now is frankly stupid.
@@henryvagincourt4502 not much wrong with funding illegal paramilitary death squads who are responsible for over 1000 deaths of innocent civilians including children, despite it being a literal war crime?
@@henryvagincourt4502 jesus that reply is heartless, so you see nothing wrong with the deaths of over 1000 civilians and the destruction of many more's means to support their families?
Loved Margaret Thatcher. A great leader
At the end of the day we should pay respect nomatter what we all think about her, Baroness Margaret Thatcher was the most strong minded woman of all time,a strong Libran woman so to all Librans big up yourself, woman power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Nomatter how you can call her witch but at least she was blessed to be the leader of you all and she will always go with her blessing and intergrity.R.l.P MY LADY
I remember when she said within an EU-Meeting in Dublin 1979: "I want my money back and I want it now!" She was really a bit bizzar.......
She was right- and we got the money back.
That is always misquoted, this is what she actually said: ruclips.net/video/rNLVeAQvzn8/видео.html
@@zsoltkeresztesi1409 much more diplomatic and pragmatic than the Brexidiots. As much as I hate her for what she did _nationally_ , THAT is how to do politics internationally.
A great British woman rip Maggie
we still celebrate 🥳 the death of the witch
2:22 Kissinger is slipping. Sleep in the funeral - its a classic!
"No one can know that I, the man who drafted the Paris Peace Accords, dropped my glasses in the toilet"
Я вот чувствовала, что пишет русский человек
@@valeriaboudovskaya1646 sosat rusnya
We need another Reagan and Thatcher
+Liam Blackman No we don't.
+yardgoods yes we do.
no we dont
We need another Nixon.
We need Trump
1.57 - "dont touch the duck pate!" - guffaw guffaw!
What a absolutely amazing powerful women. We need someone like Baroness Thatcher to take control of political agenda that they believe, not just worried about being elected for another term. She was extremely intelligent, extremely witty and stood by her agenda. She was an absolute powerhouse. Rip Mrs Thatcher.
Very British humor! Love it!
She was a real leader! Iron Lady, we miss You!
mad woman who makes 1/3 of people poor and enriches 1/3 again
This is why Britain is still great
"and let ligh perpetual shine upon her!" - I'll remember and honor your name, PM, as long as I live! RIP - Baroness Margaret Roberts Thatcher
Trust me Lucifers light is burning the witch eternally !
@@peterkirk123 shut up... that "joke", again? Please....
God Bless Lady Thatcher and may her legacy and achievement live on!
There's not many will not forget her.
Mrs Major is doing a great job of obscuring Cherie's unfortunate face.
damn that was a really cool speech and with such a cool voice aswell plus the echo
I absolutely worshipped her and we will never see her like again.
Aw, Goddess bless.
You worshipped a false idol who decimated the UK's manufacturing base. Who encouraged a country of conspicuous consumers, not of makers.
Picnicl boy how would you know anything🤣🤣 go back to playing uncharted 😭
You try to give the video more brightness it will be great if you do
I'm Brazilian. Here (like in south america in general) we have never had a liberal and firm president like Thatcher. In general we have presidents more or less on the left side of economic and political position, respectivily Dilma Rousseff (keynesian and too much populist) and Fernando Henrique Cardoso (social democrat). Like Thatcher said when was in Brasil in 1994, we have a state big and weak. Brazilian political groups have ever believe that more state will solve our problem and the incentives are all in the direction to make the believe eternal. Exemple: more than 80% of our youth want to have a public job because they pay more them private sector and the employees can't be fired. Because of this, the govern of our states have now big problems to simple pay public employers. A country where the entrepreneurship isn't valued and facilitated, will never be big. Brazil, the eternal country of the future. I really miss Thatcher and, the most important, what she represents.
People have problem to see the cause and effect in social problems. The "solutions" defended by the economic left are in general based in increase the spent in short term. It will never solve the problem. They are not atacking the origin of a social problem, but just treating their symptoms. Here in Brazil we are leaving a good exemple. Today a lot of groups assosciated to the left are protesting against the reform of our social security sistem. They just say that we can't lose rights (like if it were given by God), but the fact is that the taxes we pay (one of the biggest of underdevelopment world) will never be enought. Our debt in the security sistem will just increse if we don't reform, and a big piece of this problem was caused by the public employees that receive a lot of benefits (they are 10% of labor force and represent more than 50% of this debit).
Obs: thanks to the correction.
The real breaker of glass ceilings. In a time where real sexism existed, (not this over-sensationalised crap we see today), she managed to plough through and become an MP after series of failures and knockdowns. Yet after all this she became arguably the best Prime Minister this country has ever seen.
Yeah, she was such a feminist icon, not appointing any woman to a senior position in her cabinet in 11 years in office. What an advocate for women's rights! The only glass she ever broke was probably one filled with gin.
@@licencedtospill Because she knew feminism was actually about man hating and not about empowering women.
Queen Elizabeth II only attended 2 funerals of former PMs, Churchill, and Thatcher, but the later is the only PM under her reign.
No Churchill was PM in her reign
Did you hear the one about how I cheated Scotland out of its Oil reserves and deceived them. What fun she must have had.
We will remember her. We so need her likes today.
yet despite her struggles and prejudice she forgot the common man... the common cause! She rose from a working class background and yet when in a position to influence and change the lives of those who were in similar situations to her own, once, she forgot them.
Despite the fact unemployment began dwindling by 1986.... and all wage levels had actually risen much higher after she reformed the tax system to more acceptable levels.
She wanted the common man to compete, but the common man wants to be taken care of.
the united states needs a woman like mrs. thatcher.
so touching for an excellent video
Good riddance, she brought nothing but suffering to millions of ordinary working people. Her legacy is one of every man for himself and pure greed. The woman had zero empathy.
Not a great fan of Margaret, though I do respect her. The achievements of
her life were quite something! However, as someone has said in the comments “She
put the great back in to Great Britain". Well she may have done that in
the eyes of other countries. However, it was at the expense and to the
disadvantage of a large amount of the British population. I also do not agree
with this funeral, this was not discussed enough thoroughly in the commons and
was certainly not the will of many Britons. Another thing, which I found
essentially distasteful in Margaret Thatcher, is the fact that she not only
started the rather pointless war in the Falkland’s, the cost of which could
have paid for relocation of all islanders to Britain. Mitigating the expense of
sending the fleet across to the south Atlantic, the loss of two capital ships and
loss of life. In addition, when the forces returned, Margaret insisted she take
the salute (Her words from her narrated biography), this raised eyebrows at the
palace, as not even the great Churchill took sole salute after WW2, it was
taken by the royal family, particularly King George VI as he is head of the
armed forces. Therefore, rightly so, the queen should have taken the salute of
her armed forces. That’s my piece said, RIP Margaret.
Thankfully the old witch is now rotting in hell along with her bessie mate Jimmy Saville :)
You bash her, then you praise her. It would be wonderful for yourself to make up your mind, you say she put great back into Great Britain at a high price, of course there should be a wearing on the population, equity doenst build itself, a diamond must be cut over and over again and polished, is it easy? but it was worth it! On the Falklands issue you preferred to use the method of getting out of the way type of thing, as if Britain was the intruder,
Tom Barlow The Falkland Islands are a UK overseas territory. Should the UK government allow an invasion of UK overseas territory, given that the UK is responsible for its defence? The people there are British and wish to remain so. Should British citizens not be allowed to remain so? They want to continue living on those islands. Should those citizens be forced to move? The invader was an unlawful military dictatorship. Should the UK respect an action by an unlawful military dictatorship? Did you notice that after its defeat, Argentina became a democracy. Democracy spread from there on right across South America as far as the Venezuelan border, where it screeched to a halt.
Josh Lawson “witch” LMAOOO what century u living in boy 🤣🤣
i love the thumbnail of the video
pol tax was her biggest mistake other than that she was a good PM and politician compared to most today.
By the look of things people commenting on here are gonna blame thatcher on their death bed for doing fuck all with themselves
Oh my, Mahathir sitting beside Netanyahu
Yeah...i noticed that... it's not suitable
@@ahuman7033 I wouldn't say not suitable, because I'm fairly certain both parties spew hate but don't mean it, but I find it funny.
The guy who was in charge of seating was probably having a good laugh
1:39 you can hear in the reverb that an edit was made there - was there more to Thatcher's letter to the 9 year old boy, that the broadcasters didn't want us to hear?
mujer extraordinaria 100%catolica amen.
"There is no such thing as society" --Margret Thatcher.
The full quote is ‘there is no such things as society, there are individual men and women and there are families.’ Nice try
A great leader. RIP Margaret Thatcher
Mr. Whippy. I did not know that.
Most mps are not even worthy to be compared in the same breath.
Amen xxx.
The best!! RIP Maggie!
She is in hell burning in her own EXCREMENT !
we still celebrate 🥳 the death of the witch
This could have been a Rowan Atkinson sketch.
The kings daughter attending the funeral of the grocers daughter
I dont think there was a living soul in england who wanted her there,she was power crazy and ALWAYS wanted and had her own way. She was always going against us,it was like " i will ask the british people what they want they want,then and we'll do it my way anyway . That was probably the song at her funeral my way.
The British people elected her to office three times; somebody must have liked her.
we still celebrate 🥳 the death of the witch
A true liberal Britain would always remain Christian, and conservative. Even if UK dies, its spirit shall remain in Texas.
What wonderful day for England - The Xenophobic Slug dead
How was Thatcher xenophobic?
2:12...lol Kissinger is asleep in the first row, on the right
Chris Ducat he's evil too
Rest eternal grant her O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon her! Amen!
My favourite funny moment was that time she forgot her own kids names as her brain rotted 🥰🥰
Not funny
margaret thatcher was methodist, and i see this is in st paul's cathedral, but is it a methodist service?
Thatcher converted to the Church of England in her thirties.
Which church ?
St Paul's
I must admit Samantha look's cute
3:09 Philip is confused on how he hasn't died yet
I was younger small toddler in Africa when Maggie was prime minister she was extrodinary
Yep, she was definitely extrodinary. Whatever that means.
Na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na-na-na now
Maggies in the mud, in the mud.
Maggies in the mud!
as to all people. RIP.
Rest in peace, lady Thatcher
Jenny Veenetton.............i think you meant RUST IN PEACE for the Iron Lady
Who's "Lady Thatcher?"
No dry eye on Osborne
rust to pieces.
the lies that are told she was a terrible person
Ding dong the witch is dead!
One never knows the effect a PM or a President truly has on a country. Is it the natural movement of an economy, a technology, and a confluence of world events or their injection of policy and leadership? It's often theater in search of a story. And in that context, she was a grand thespian of intelligence, strength, and hard work. There were many weaknesses and faults too but an undeniable presence on the world stage that the UK hadn't seen since Churchill.
The Queen next
7 years lmao
I never liked her, her politics, her actions as PM.
Though, what she overcame to become PM was more than impressive. It shows her, as a person, to have great determination and willpower.
One of the saddest things was that little grey men in grey suits stabbed her in the back to get rid of her. And you can see almost all of them in the crowd here. John Major, John Redwood, Ken Clarke etc etc
Cowards, bullies and idiots to a man. They deserve nothing.
BULLIES? Thatcher was the ultimate bully. She got back what she did to the north.
She was incredible. Incredibly greedy and imperial.
It's funny to have seen the queen there as she hated her but I guess she was doing her duty.
Margaret said in her memoirs that she always got on fine with Elizabeth.
Bruh even Tories are smiling in the thumbnail.
Wow! Seeing all those demons sitting there in the front rows, from Netanyahu to Kissinger! YUK!
Rip iron lady the greatest pm UK has ever seen
Winton Churchill was the greatest PM not sell out thatcher
Wasn't she related to Vicount Norwich through a tryst between his lordship and a maid(her grandmother) . There is no way this lady didn't have aristocratic DNA..It could have been her anger at not being recognised as an aristocrat that fuel her rage against these entitled men.. She did indeed enjoy cleaning the floor with them..
Charles Moore talks about this in his biography of Margaret. The timelines don't match to make it possible. Something along the lines of he was dead years before the child in question was born.
all the traitors that attended Mrs Thatcher's funeral should meet their judgement day
Keeps the Royals as tourist attractions, but to get back on track you need a strong LORD PROTECTOR to rule over Parliament & the prime minister. I want to buy china, aftershave, soap, electronics, bicycles, maybe a car, MADE IN ENGLAND. Is there an Oliver Cromwell in the house?
Ditch the office of Prime Minister, the U.K. needs a Lord Protector, like Oliver Cromwell & not his idiotic son RIcky.
If there is send back to Ireland, the people would love to meet him
So sad
Easy to view her record through the cosy rose tinted specs of history - short of leading us to victory in a World War as Churchill did no Prime Minster should ever get a state funeral.
Nice organ song.
Kissinger has nodded off
Every women should see her as a modl.
In retrospect, her Party had to take tough action against Trade Unionsim that was crippling the nation, holding the sitting PM to ransom, if you will. She did revolutionize the country and make It a leading economic powerhouse once more but, sadly, to the detriment of many. One can only hope that it was unintentional and a consequence of embracing free markets with little oversight. Like her or loath her, she left her mark on British modern politics and the United Kingdom. Blair followed her lead in 1997 with 'New Labour' and the Labour Party has been dead ever since.
Tramp the dirt down...
Rip Maggie
check out the schnozz on the guy at 2:08.
And not a single tear was shed that day.
Not one? You believe that? Tears are still being shed - now - this moment - for someone who had the balls - who had the vision - to stand against all odds. Ah, laddie, your sad vision depicts a fallen Western world that has no sense of itself. Maggie knew who she was. Knew what we were. What we can be.
knew that we should all be fucked and homeless. thatcher was evil
TIL Thatcher helped make Mr Whippy
The only true feminist of the last century. She walked the talk.