www.congofuneralhome.com/obituary/DrLozelle-DeLuz Obituary Dr. Lozelle J. De Luz, age 90, departed this life on July 20, 2018; wife of the late Anthony “Tony” De Luz; beloved mother of Patricia “Pat” Bennett and Anthony Michael "Mike" De Luz. An Educator, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist, Dr. De Luz lived an abundantly blessed life. She began her career as a teacher and worked her way into administration. She then moved into publishing and became the first African American female Editor-In-Chief for the Elementary and High School Language Arts Division at J.B. Lippincott, Inc. As an entrepreneur, she joined her late husband Tony, as an owner/operator franchisee of three McDonald’s Restaurants in Wilmington and Claymont. During this time, Dr. De Luz was devoted to her faith and has always been engaged in giving back to the community. She believed you could not take from the community, you must always give back. As a member of various service organizations, including The Links Inc., and the Wilmington Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., she served as a mentor, nurturer and encourager to all those who came in contact with her no matter their station in life. Upon retirement from McDonald’s after 30 years of ownership, she began consulting work in an effort to provide mentorship and encouragement to the community at large. As a devoted member of Ezion Mount Carmel United Methodist Church, she served as chair of Staff Pastor Relations Committee and Stewardship, always working towards the betterment of the church.
Soror DeLuz! Excellent interview.
Dr. Lozelle J. De Luz, age 90, departed this life on July 20, 2018; wife of the late Anthony “Tony” De Luz; beloved mother of Patricia “Pat” Bennett and Anthony Michael "Mike" De Luz.
An Educator, Entrepreneur and Philanthropist, Dr. De Luz lived an abundantly blessed life. She began her career as a teacher and worked her way into administration. She then moved into publishing and became the first African American female Editor-In-Chief for the Elementary and High School Language Arts Division at J.B. Lippincott, Inc. As an entrepreneur, she joined her late husband Tony, as an owner/operator franchisee of three McDonald’s Restaurants in Wilmington and Claymont. During this time, Dr. De Luz was devoted to her faith and has always been engaged in giving back to the community. She believed you could not take from the community, you must always give back. As a member of various service organizations, including The Links Inc., and the Wilmington Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., she served as a mentor, nurturer and encourager to all those who came in contact with her no matter their station in life. Upon retirement from McDonald’s after 30 years of ownership, she began consulting work in an effort to provide mentorship and encouragement to the community at large. As a devoted member of Ezion Mount Carmel United Methodist Church, she served as chair of Staff Pastor Relations Committee and Stewardship, always working towards the betterment of the church.
I worked at 1 of here McDonald’s restaurant that she owned nice lady