Akhee JazaakAllahu khair for the beautiful recording, just a correction though, when Shaykh Muqbil mentioned Abdul Aziz having enjoined upon the rulers lofty treatment towards the 'Ulama he was speaking in reference to the Founder and Ameer of Saudi Arabia Abdul Aziz Al Saud and not Shaykh bin Baz. BaarakAllahu feek.
Allahu Akbar The correct Aqeeda is that which our LAST BELOVED PROPHET(pbuh) AND HIS COMPANIONS WERE APON. COMPANIONS=SALIF US SAALIH. The best of his Ummah, the rest that deviate from that is in the hell fire.
he gave it to shaykh abdul aziz al bura3ee! alhamdulilah shows us he is trusted him with matters on manhaj regards to knowledge and takfeer. Tayyyib so these dammajis say he is one who supports ahlul biddah and praises the sufi peers? LIARS WALLAH
Assalam Aleykoum: Please do you have something (advise from Oulema) about Tableegh Jamaa in Russian Language for my friend, Jazakoum Allah Kheir, if there is DawaSalafiyaah in Russian. Jazakaoum Allah Kheir
May ALLAH have mercy upon shaykh muqbil and bless the kingdom of Saudi Arabia with correct aqeeda and enforcing authentic shar'iah
Unfortunately many do not about know such great scholars and have felt into the trap of listening to the likes of Noman Ali Khan etc
جزاكم الله خيرا أحسن الجزاء فى الدنيا والآخرة و بارك الله فيكم و حفظكم الله من كل سوء وشر و تقبل الله منكم صالح الاعمال
Alllah protect the blessed kingdom of Tauheed
رحمك الله يا شيخنا رحمة واسعة.
SubHanAllah SubHanAllah May Allah have mercy upon our shaykh
Akhee JazaakAllahu khair for the beautiful recording, just a correction though, when Shaykh Muqbil mentioned Abdul Aziz having enjoined upon the rulers lofty treatment towards the 'Ulama he was speaking in reference to the Founder and Ameer of Saudi Arabia Abdul Aziz Al Saud and not Shaykh bin Baz. BaarakAllahu feek.
Allahu Akbar The correct Aqeeda is that which our LAST BELOVED PROPHET(pbuh) AND HIS COMPANIONS WERE APON. COMPANIONS=SALIF US SAALIH. The best of his Ummah, the rest that deviate from that is in the hell fire.
رحمه الله.
he gave it to shaykh abdul aziz al bura3ee! alhamdulilah shows us he is trusted him with matters on manhaj regards to knowledge and takfeer. Tayyyib so these dammajis say he is one who supports ahlul biddah and praises the sufi peers? LIARS WALLAH
Assalam Aleykoum: Please do you have something (advise from Oulema) about Tableegh Jamaa in Russian Language for my friend, Jazakoum Allah Kheir, if there is DawaSalafiyaah in Russian. Jazakaoum Allah Kheir