You should look up karen Bass's past, do a deep dive. She praised Castro and made many trips to Cuba, about every 6 months, she also went just to hear him speak. She worked her way up as a community organizer to be the head Brigadista and had ties to the radical group Venceremos Brigade and other radical groups that bombed government buildings and even blew up a wing in the whitehouse and she worked her way up to being mayor in LA. I grew up in those times with all those things. Californian people are crazy and don't even check the background of the people they put in office.
You should look up karen Bass's past, do a deep dive. She praised Castro and made many trips to Cuba, about every 6 months, she also went just to hear him speak. She worked her way up as a community organizer to be the head Brigadista and had ties to the radical group Venceremos Brigade and other radical groups that bombed government buildings and even blew up a wing in the whitehouse and she worked her way up to being mayor in LA. I grew up in those times with all those things. Californian people are crazy and don't even check the background of the people they put in office.
Good lord!!! We might need to do that...