There's quite a few social programs to help with raising kids actually, especially if your family is lower income. Stuff like CHIP for example covers kids medical expenses. Many people just don't want kids because they don't want kids. They want to spend their money on themselves and most have terribly poor financial intelligence., complaining about how they can't afford rent, but will buy the newest Iphone anyway. The funny thing is a lot of people who site cost for why they don't want kids will buy dogs or cats, both which can have hilariously high expenses as well, especially if they get sick and you have to take them in to an emergency clinic.
This infomercial for investing is a trip. I get your point, but that isn't the point of the video. Its still greed putting kids on the financial chopping block. It turns out the rich/cnbc don't want to pay for your kids either. The current external cost of kids is money they could spend somewhere else as well...hmmm, to lower taxes further for the rich?
@@fnorgen To concur: isn't the nations motto, some cold war troupe, "Capitalism". People are finding out that money, money making, amassing money, new financial vehicles that cause market bubbles that destroy millions saving and retirements EACH TIME...isn't a "value system". In the cliche of the donkey and the carrot it is interesting to hear what people pick as their metaphoric place holders. As it is, family isn't really "family" unless they make it....make what again? Greed is our Nations Motto...check out our nations/kings "new" clothing. Our country is naked, and it only takes those that have the "courage" to say what they notice...nothing more.
You're absolutely right. Everyone says "have kids" but no one is doing anything to make kids genuinely affordable. They're all more concerned with their FAKE "home values" and endless no limits at all costs self-serving lies and nonsense. Then try to cover it up with FAKE "free market" and FAKE "religion."
@libertarian4323 you could've just described everyone on epsteins list. They're all thoughtful, professional, yada yada. If you don't know red flags when you see them, that's your problem bud. I know a LIAR(S) as soon as they speak
It's depressing. I have one friend who became a dad at 21 when he was pretty much broke, due to getting a little carried away with an exchange student who was very very catholic. That relationship didn't even last 2 months. Still, he loves his daughter more than anything in the world. Pity he doesn't get to see her much, and child support eats away an considerable portion of his modest income. Got another pair of friends who have much better jobs and have been in a stable relationship for 8+ years. They plan to have multiple children ...eventually. Though, they're waiting an awfully long time for the perfect conditions. In the meantime they fill the void with cats. I just hope they don't wait too long. They would make great parents. I don't find the Idiocracy intro sequence very funny anymore.
I don't have kids just because I don't want to be a mother. Not wanting to be a parent is a valid enough reason on it's own. If people don't like my childfree choice then that's their problem not mine.
Enjoy your life. You can do whatever you want with it. I, medically, financially and mentally can’t deal with kids so I’m not having them either. Rather the company of dogs than kids you need to support for the rest of your life
"This will be bad for the future economy" OK so then society needs to make childcare affordable, raise wages to a living wage to match inflation, productivity, and cost of living, lower income taxes, etc.
@@dwaynebrooks2764 kids costs 310k to raise to 18 at TODAY's wages, per kid. It will likely be double that when they reach 18 if you start now. Good luck.
@@guillermocas2877 Women are the same everywhere. He'd just take the spot of another poor man. Where would that guyy flee to? Cant keep running to poorer and poorer countries
All women do with their status and wealth is raise their standards even higher, to the point of no one being worthy, but that's da man's fault for not trying harder. Save for an android wifu, or whatever. Try nonut for a mont, it'll unblock chakras, and you will realize you are giver of love, not the receiver, in as much the world will tell you otherwise
Stop lying to yourself. Majority of these people will grow old and seriously regret not having kids. The data on this is clear. If you think money will replace the biological inclination to procreate, you are unbelievably naive
@@grumpycat9065I think it's not the right mindset to think of children as an investment, I think we should think of them as providing a future for humanity
This part! I had to stop myself in my tracks when I said "I can't afford them" to my stepma. I explained more simply by saying I can't afford them emotionally either right now. Still working through trauma.
@@kamanijefferson638 Exactly. There are plenty of rich people who have kids and buy them everything they could ever want, but they don’t emotionally support their kids, nor are they physically available for their kids. Kids are a huge responsibility and unless a person is capable of being financially, emotionally, physically, and mentally present for their child, they shouldn’t have kids. It’s not like I’m saying people have to be 100% on point, cuz real life doesn’t work that way, but everyone who wants kids or chooses to be a parent needs to be on a certain level with regards to these factors.
Exactly this. While I'm single and definitely can't afford children, my realization on not wanting kids came when I was 22. I was living at home still and was between jobs. The brother of my mom's boyfriend at the time had aome family issues and needed us to look after his two little girls, aged five and six. Since I was going to be home for the next few months...the job fell to me, even though I had my reservations. The little girls were very sweet and polite. But I hated having to tend to them at all. I became the very kind of "parent" that shoves an iPad in a kid's hands and lets that entertain them (except, it was my laptop and approved sites for Nickelodeon and Disney games. They played so much, though, that the computer got a Blue Screen of Death from the motherboard crashing). I began to resent being responsible for them, wanting to just keep to myself in my room. When they finally left after spending the summer and the start of the school year with us, I have never felt such relief in my life. I knew after that that I never wanted children and the next time I was asked to babysit, I would say no. I'm super happy as well that my brothers don't have kids and I hope like hell they don't. They're anti-vax conspiracy theorists, and I just know any of their children would suffer medical abuse (such as not going to a doctor for treatments) by them. Which then leaves me to either turn a blind eye to that, or speak up but assuming the child was removed, it would be expected I would care for them...and I admittedly do not want to. I could only hope the child's mother's side of the family is more sane. But, that dark timeline so far hasn't happened and as we're in our 30's, I'm really hoping it never happens and both have realized that they don't want kids.
I whole heartedly support people who choose to be childfree. Not everyone has the ability to be a good parent. I used to work as a teacher; most of the parents I met were horrible people raising little monsters. I got so tired with dealing with them I quit teaching altogether.
There’s so many entitled parents in the comment section here. Ugh, I can’t even imagine dealing with them in real life smh. As if procreation is contribution on its own 🙄 There’s a lot of lost children today due to the amount of over-parenting control freaks leading children down an obsolete path. So many irresponsible parents out there flooding our foster care system too. Which only offsets our monthly donations to children in need. Many of us are trying to work together. We need more responsible people on both sides here smh.
@@SugarMilk99 as a foster kid how dare you I had bad things happen to me but I choose to be alive and I work and have my own place and I am thankful for being alive Sounds like you have a lot of self loathing
@@Liberalcali What are you talking about? I donate money to my local facility. So how dare I donate money? 🤔 This was all I said about foster care “So many irresponsible parents out there flooding our foster care system too. Which only offsets our monthly donations to children in need.” It’s not okay for children to go thru what you went thru. Yes, some can rise above but not all children from foster care make it. It’s not like parents ask their children if they want to be born into that situation. You deserved better than that and the other children that are still in foster care deserve much more as well. Cite where I said otherwise …
Take it from a teacher himself, having kids aint for the weak. Children will put a huge financial/physical/mental strain on you. And a lot of parents these days dont want to actually parent or dont know how. If you’re not ready to step up and do the work of being a mom/dad then you dont need to be having kids and that’s completely ok.
I raised a daughter, practically by myself due to her mentally ill mother (which was diagnosed years after). The thing that surprised me the most is once she reached adulthood, I learned it is at least as much work (and more costly) as when she was a child. No one ever told me that part. Having a child is a lifetime commitment, not just for 18 years. If you are not suited for it, do everyone a favor and don’t have kids. Looking back in hindsight that is now 20/20, would I do it again? Probably not. However, there are rewards that I received that made me a better man which I do appreciate now. If I never would have had a child, I would not have had these experiences. I have a grandchild now and that experience is like a “do over” without all the responsibilities of being the parent.
The thing is, I don't even know how a family really works, due to my family story. I don't want to have a kid to experiance the same. Growing up in constant fight and arguments destroys someone. Not everyone is made for kids I believe
Reminder for those with kids: a childfree lifestyle is not an attack on you or your family. People are allowed to make the choices that make sense for THEM.
"Reminder for those with kids: a childfree lifestyle is not an attack on you or your family" But it is, purposefully refusing to replace yourself in the labour force means that you want the kids of those who have to pay more tax and work more hours to accomodate you when you become a useless consumer in old age.
@@dekev7503 The planet is overpopulated. If only there was a way to have people from those overpopulated countries move to yours, to replenish the workforce. When someone comes up with that solution, we should call it immigration.
@@dekev7503 Immigration is the answer. The population of the US keeps going up despite birthrates going down. Immigrants are going to be the ones who do all the work in the labor force.
The 300, 000 bill is assuming the kids are healthy. People don’t factor in health issues for either kids or parents and the financial devastation of medical bills.
The $300k bill also assumes you have to pay for childcare all the way. If you have family (grandparents) who can help, it can go a long way towards reducing that burden.
@@damnjustassignmeone not to mention that all the subsequent children can use clothes and toys from the older child(ren), making the cost that much less. And what's the price of seeing your children and then grandchildren being born?
300k is not all at once and it is adjusted for inflation of 18 years. If you spend 2k per month on rent, that's 24k per year, but that turns in to 40k per year after 18 years of 3% inflation.
The wife and I make 200k a year and will not have kids. We enjoy life with very little stress. We carry zero debt and buy what we want within reason while investing heavily for retirement. We know we are "sacrificing" the enjoyment of a traditional family but we are fine with that. We don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks of us. Watching people struggle with tight budgets and fighting over money and kids isn't something we are interested in.
We're in the same situation...plenty of money no regrets! We live in a high income neighborhood and the kids I see here are F'ed up....not all but many. Just weird kids compared when I grew up. They seemed depressed.
@@KE-yq2eg You can stfu and move on because their life decision isn’t your call. Besides, child-free adults are totally capable of donating to children in need on a monthly basis. Stop worrying about how others are contributing to humanity. Worry about yourself 🤦♂️
Spoken like a true YOLO libtoid. And who’s going to keep working to pay taxes to keep civilization running when you’re ready to retire? I hope while you’re “living life to the fullest” that you are saving a LOT of money and have someone in mind to take care of you when you’re old that you trust implicitly.
living life to the fullest, for most, involves continuation of bloodline and the valuable stuff that comes from that i.e love, care, purpose, pride, happiness and so on.. I understand it's subjective to an extent but the evidence for psychological (and other) benefits of having children is profound
Well that's being happy. 95% of the population was peasants in the middle ages = no money. And they had a lot of kids. No plan needed it can be argued.
Blame global leaders. You want your citizens to work and pay taxes, yet you do not support them with child care, education, health care costs, you can't have both ways. I only had one child when wife wanted 3, zero regrets, couldn't afford to have 3. Now I'm planning my golden years with wifey.
@@imperialmotoring3789 nice, then you can have a child and have a good life. I can live on SS that is taxed from your future childrens' income. So nice of you, thank you.
I was doing this 40 years ago, today I am dying alone and I’m fine with it too. Staying childless by choice allowed me to experience places and things others never see in one lifetime. Life was rich, to say the least 😊
Exactly; having kids is like having a pet. It's a choice, NOT an obligation. It's especially tough if you're the child of Asian immigrants, where the family tree plays such a huge role in upbringing. Your immediate family questions and looks down on you for not having children.
@@nahor88 I’m not Asian and my mother always wanted grandkids too, she just couldn’t see how her whole life was almost a century of suffering and demanded I created other beings to come join her and myself, who never wanted to come here either. Misery loves company for real, what a shame.
I have one child, and his daycare cost is as much as our monthly rent. Yes, rent…because we can’t afford a house. And we can’t afford another child. If I was being faced with this now, I’m not sure I would have a child.
The US government does not incentivize people to have kids. Wages have not kept up, and kids are not as subsidized as before with costs rising for everything. Not having kids just makes more financial sense in the current environment.
That first sentence isn't actually true. You receive a large tax benefit if you have children. Understood that it may not be adequate compensation but there technically is a built in incentive to do so.
@@Barboy0 You mean the government takes a little less money from you ...but they still take almost the full amount .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@Barboy0 Having children is not just a financial cost but also an opportunity cost. Imagine all the time used to raise children could've been used to further your career or business prospects? The cost is priceless!
@YBM2007 if you really think like that is because you've been one of the very lucky minority. Throughout all history, and for majority of people in the world today, life is very painful, scary and not rewarding at all. So put your "life is wonderful" up wherever fits you...
@@blbjg5294 Thats depression talking, most people find happiness when they're starting to settle. I also know how it feels like to be broke, in debt, unhappy and stressed - sooner or later, with the proper spirit, it turns around. Also the happiest people in the world you'll find in places that are underdeveloped and cash strapped
@@YBM2007 No That's Life Experience Talking There's A Reason We Lock Our Doors At Night Because In Reality No It Doesn't Turn Around In Fact As You Accumulate More Wealth It Gets Worse You Become A Target For The Have-Nots When You Were Poor You Had Nothing Now That Your Rich You Still Have Nothing Because Your Not Rich Enough To Buy A House In A Decent Neighborhood It Doesn't Get Better And With Kids Now You Have To Fight A Corrupt School System To Keep Your Kids Out of The Same Life You Left Behind After Finally Landing A Steady Job It's A Lose-Lose Situation And Pretty Soon Your Kid Does Something Stupid You Get Fired Your Wife Leaves You End Up Owing Back Child Support And Eventually Are Back On The Street Where Your Whole Life Began Only Now Your Much Older And Less Capable Your Kids Finally Do Something Serious And End Up In Jail Your Ex-Wife Eventually Dies of Old Age And There You Are Still Homeless With No Future Because Nobody Cares That's Life Talking Not Depression
@@gerhardlarsen779there are so many old people who did have kids and still died alone. It’s a misguided decision to only have kids so you won’t be lonely in your old age.
@@bleepelectronic9106 Heck, my grandparents spent way more time with their peers than either me or my parents. Of course, I do the polite thing and stop by for an hour or two when I'm in town, but that's like nothing!
As a teacher AND as a mother, if you are on the fence about becoming a parent and simply cannot decide if parenthood is for you, err on the side of caution and stay child free. I have so many students whose parents strike me as the kind of people that should have worked on themselves before deciding to have kids.
My kids haven't even been CONCIEVED yet, and I'm already trying to protect them. How? By not putting them on this planet until I'm damn well good and ready. Food, medicine, shelter, a comfortable bed, toys etc. I want to have those things lined up without ANY problems before I decide to have any children. Since I can't even afford to feed MYSELF right now, I think it is safe to say that it'll be irresponsible to put them on this rock just so they can suffer. That isn't fair. They're better off floating around in the ethers, being one of the stars or whatever, than being here just because I thought it was a "good idea" to procreate.
Yeah and not to mention global warming and impending climate doom. My wife and I decided on not having kids. I'm getting my vasectomy soon and my wife is getting her tubes tied.
Me too! Love being able to come and go whenever and at a moments notice! Aaaaannnd, when I have emergencies, I don't panic about not having money to cover whatever the situation is!
You develop a financial and economic system that makes it, on the one hand, impossible to financially support one child, let alone several, and one which allows workers to depend on their nest eggs rather than their children to get them through retirement, yet at the same time this same system REQUIRES abundant procreation to sustain itself. The height of contradiction. Not our faults the system itself is inherently unsustainable.
Most Americans these days are going child-free, because they grew up seeing how their own parents struggled financially while trying to raise them. My mother worked two part-time jobs because my father was a deadbeat. I don't believe in marriage, but I would like to have children as long as I can afford it.
mrVomora - no don't have children on your own without a spouse. i know too many people who have kids on their own (adopt, or women who can't find a decent partner have IVF); it is extremely difficult especially if you don't have siblings or a parent to help out. Why have children in a world of 8 billion all on your own?
@@Liberalcalithat's bad why can't I just have no kids.but you know I just wanna make my inclodom up I will just end up going for aw for man n ai GFS for man in future
My wife had a fetal echocardiogram. This is just an ultrasound with cardiologist who looks at the screen for 30 mins or so. The bill came out to 16,000 dollars, after insurance it was 1500. I make a very high income but for the average person this is insane.
I am 67 yo 1956-present. The longest lasting marriages I know of were and still are those that both parties did not have any children. The many many marriages I know of that ended in divorce, including mine, the stresses of raising children and the costs were the main reasons the marriages ended.
At the least, child care is immoral in the US just like elder care. The truth is humans don't like the responsibility of either one, especially elder care. The pursuit of money is the only thing that interests humans, that and dominating others.
I'm a married father. If you do NOT want kids, it makes sense not to have any. Children change priorities and cost a lot of money. People should plan before having children and make their decision.
@@DonardoHenry depends on the income. I mean if you are earning 6 figures monthly or have a different approach in life or a frugalist or other factors. Then the answer is yes. You can never be prepared for anything. Even a single man/woman who is financially stable can get sickness, natural calamity disaster, an accident, a freak accident, a war etc. You cannot prepare for those things.
Older Generations: "If you can't afford kids, then don't have them" Younger Generations: "Okay I guess we won't then" Older Generations: *Surprised Pikachu face*
Honestly, I don't think many older folks care. We will be gone. Those making that decision will live with the ramifications of not having children whatever they may be.
They don’t care, the rich at least don’t because they can afford to have kids. The working class will be replaced with immigration, it’s already been decided.
This idea of Americans or anyone not being able to afford kids is quite hilarious. Just logically think back five six seven generations people were extraordinarily poor on average and they had huge families. My mom had 5 kids in state of Massachusetts second highest cost of living state with an income of $13k 20 years ago. We survived just fine.. The real reason why people don't have kids is the opportunity cost kids are very expensive up front for 18 years but they pay off in the long run me and my siblings have bought my mom a house multiple cars paid for medical bills etc and we won't let her going to a nursing home when the time comes. Right now a nursing home cost about $120,000 per year so your net worth will be gone really fast when you have no one to take care of you and you're in a nursing home. And who cares about net worth anyways if you don't have kids? I suppose you could donate it to charity or something but you won't be alive after.
Roughly a third of people never wanted children, or are ambivalent. We are finally acknowledging that. Increasingly, people are having children when they want to, and when they can afford it. This is, in every way, a positive thing.
that's a very positive way to spin the rapidly decreasing quality of life that americans are experiencing. It's incredibly disturbing that people are getting priced out of a basic biological function
@elenachristian9860 I come from one of the European countries with very big welfare state. If childlessness continues at this rate there will not be a welfare state as i know it in the future for me, not to mention the decreasing economy and quality of life that comes with it. The solution cannot be to import half of the countries future working population, both because the quality of migrant we are attracting is not on par with the native population but also because welfare system would have to accommodate those people as well with even more migrants forever and ever. In my opinion in the vast majority of cases people have always (for the most part) had children because they wanted to and they could afford it (Back in the day the families that could afford it just had huge number of children). Now people are prioritizing here and now instead of long term state of their land/family/legacy after they are gone. It feels like people simply don't care what the world looks like after they die.
Because republicans value dubai and india how can you justify leaving kids in this nightmare homeless untaken care of when in reality your parents arnt taking care of you and your expected to raise another human in this society that eats kids up and spits them out in 3rd world nations missing a kidney or a liver gutted so quick kids are doing it like skinning a pig for supper o but google liberals keep shutting me up vs hiring me google send me a decent pc ill make a youtube channel if i can run it the way i want speaking fact hate and fear see as a american i dont feel safe republicans are crazy and this nation is falling apart but this bs happens over and over and over in this 2 party system
@@illliiiiillliii6265We had stelar welfare in a much smaller population decades ago, there's no point in thinking having a smaller population in total automation era is a bad thing. Also, people are actually thinking way more about future now then in past - is just that we learned to care more about individuals then stupid political symbols that only serve elites. Folks didn't care about breeding in misery, sending their kids to dangerous jobs at 4, wars and lack of food. We worry about our kids having no jobs due to AI, fscing another pandemic, enviroment problems, bizarre realstate prices, inflation, widespread drug adiction and even WWIII.
@@anastasiassecret3837 I would never work a minimum wage job. Money is created by adding more value to marketplace. We started a home business so that created more money. Every year there’s more money being created so there’s actually more opportunity. Have to think bigger than just working a job.
I have 2 kids. I love them with my entire being, they are my world, AND they're expensive and exhausting and cute and challenging and my legacy. Those often conflicting points are real and valid. I don't regret my kids, but I also don't begrudge anyone who chooses not to have children.
100%. My life was awesome before kids. And my life is awesome with kids. The two versions are completely different from each other. Don’t blame anyone who prefers the former.
@@hellokaumea8315 Burden on who? I love them, they love me, at least I strongly believe they do, they're young. My decision to become a mother has nothing to do with them. And I don't impose expectations of gratitude from them for the decision I made.
@@lichi1244evaburden on them, the kids themselves. It's also passing obligation to them to care for you when you age. One shouldn't have kids just to leave or have a legacy. One should have kids because they want them (and can comfortably afford to raise them fine). Been thru this growing up and still am going thru it and I wouldn't want to pass such a burden to my kids if/should I ever decide to have some (likely not). (I was...shall we say groomed to be into a certain profession, health care industry/providing, by most of my fam who're into this one.) I'd rather my kids live their lives how they want. I'm only there to cheer them on, support them, advise, teach, and guide them thru the craziness of life when needed. (It's entirely up to them if they want to return to me the care etc i give them this way.)
@@tropicsgalthrifts you bring up some interesting points, I grew up in a culture of complete obedience, gratitude, deference and expectations, no questions asked, and as an adult I have rejected a lot of that. I have children because I wanted children. The legacy is simply that they're my kids, my future. I love them with all my heart, my husband and I do our best every day for them to keep them loved, safe, supported, fed, clothes, etc. I do that willingly as this is what I wanted, the life I chose. They will inherit whatever I leave for them, to do what they choose. After all, I won't physically be here anymore, right? And they don't HAVE to take care of me when I'm old and/or incapacitated in some way. Ideally, if our relationship always remains strong they may WANT to, but I don't raise them with that expectation. As a parent, I think about all of these things all the time.
One major point is that if both parents work (which they would have to in order to financially support a family in the current economy) requires childcare during the day which knocks out a massive chunk of your paycheck. Living on one income just isn't possible anymore unless you're in the top percentage of earners. It's not that I don't want kids, it's that I don't want to raise a child where we live paycheck to paycheck and I don't get to see my kid grow up due to working 60-80 hours a week to make ends meet.
My family is not in the top percentage earners and we live in one income with four kids. Also most of our friends do as well. We homeschool. It’s all about priorities.
I came to the US as a child and both my parents worked 80 hours a week to support my sister and I. That being said, I am nevertheless glad my parents decided to have kids even though I grew up poor. I’m happy to be alive 😂.
I am a Boomer with one child and a grandchild. I can see both sides of the argument. In my parents time, my father could work, and with one salary we lived a middle class lifestyle. Those days ended 40 years ago. Today, as a retired person, I could not afford my own retirement so I moved to an affordable country that I could on my pension. If I was a young person today, and wanting children, the reality is I must have 2 incomes to be able to afford a comfortable income to raise children. But with a divorce rate of at least 50 percent, the outrageous cost of housing and so on, I don’t know what the solution is. If I was a 20-something male today, I would probably get a good paying trade, build up my income, then move to a country where it is affordable and the society is friendly toward me. I don’t think, in its current state, the Western countries have much to offer the younger generation.
Poor people who chose to have kids then. They are all in trouble apparently. If the economy is the same for everyone, does it mean most of people should not have kids either?
Single millennial teacher in my early 30s. No romantic prospects and debt from just trying to get a degree to do a job that required one. Now, the job has left me financially and emotionally in debt and sadness. However, being a teacher requires a lot of my time and attention for children who are in abusive situations... it is a selfless job. I've been able to help a lot of my students and their families who struggle. It sucks living with my parents in my 30s, but unless I find a partner that I can live with, then this is as good as it gets. I'm not going down the roommate route again after all the terrible people I've stayed with in the past. People just have no idea...
I'm in the same boat. I'm 33 and tried to date. But a lot of these women today are psychos and expect a free ride. I've had my fair share of dates but after a while of relationships not working out I decided to move out of my apartment and back in to my parents place. The amount of time I was renting my own apartment, I could have had my own home by now.
@@ryanj357 woman have always wanted financial provision for men. Y’all modern man are not providing, deserve traditional woman. Most women would prefer being housewifes so they need someone who is stable. It’s not psycho to want the father of your child to take care of them financially.
@@dorino9057You do realize that the average man makes 40-50k per year? What you're wanting is a man who's in the top 20%. Yet you're an average person. Make it make sense.
In a lot of developed countries, couples are not having children. But then the reality would be, more immigration to offset low birth rates. Increasingly, citizens of these countries don't like this, but it is what is it 🤷🏿♀️
That won’t continue for too long tho. Even countries with high population are seeing decline in birth rate. In near future these countries will start trying to hold back their young people from migration.
People that shame others for purposely not wanting to have kids for financial reasons, are the same ones that shame people with kids that they can’t afford.
I grew up in poverty and learned so much from it. Poverty is a circumstance that can break you or inspire you. Depends which side of the coin you focus on
@@Manon-rc5tb you’re right poverty has inspired me To stay sober, go to therapy . get an education, Start a business and have a successful career. I waited till I was 26 To start my first relationship I’m 31 now In the same relationship and childfree.
They forgot to mention that many childfree people by choice don't want kids simply because they don't want to be mothers or fathers. I have simply never wanted to get married or have kids since I was a teenage girl. Marriage and kids are not things that I find interesting or that would bring me happiness.
because the point of the video is about people who figured out that raising kids would cost time and money. if you don't want to raise kids for other reasons, then that's a different video.
@@milton9639 good for you. That’s not everybody but you would be a great parent because you’re aware you want to be one. These people are aware they don’t want to be one because they would not be as good of a parent as you. So you should have the kids, you desire, and they should have the life they desire.
The people brought this, by voting constantly for ever more government benefits, that has made cost of living ever higher. In 1960, in the U.S., a man could work as a clerk at a hardware store and support a family of 4 kids and stay at home wife in a modest house with one car, one TV set, one phone, etc. Then the Great Society and Vietnam came along and put the country in such debt that now we're all working to pay the interest. This was the stupid voters who did this.
If I WERE going to have children, it would NOT be in the United States. I'd first expatriate the USA and SET UP residence in a country that has a proper social safety net that gives its citizens actual benefits of citizenship instead of bilking and exploiting us from birth to death. Ex. basic goods and services like healthcare, fair housing prices, and full public education in return for paying taxes instead of funneling our money into corporate bailouts and endless wars of imperialism. It's absolutely CRAZY to me that anyone would take on the financial burdens of having children in this country, where you can't even leave a hospital with your baby without being followed by a $30,000 bill- even if it's stillborn. Add in all the healthcare costs, housing and income inequality and insecurity, student loan debt, and the additional costs of education children after high school and the entire concept of raising kids in America is absolute, utter insanity to me. I would NEVER bring children into such a low standard of living and regressive government as this. Not under any circumstances. As it is, I'm planning to get myself out as soon as possible.
30 years ago my wife and I made the same decision. Then she was diagnosed with m.s. in 2001 and her perspective on life changed. We agreed that if either of us had a change of mind the other would be in support. I just turned 60 and lost her 2 years ago to complications. It's not always easy but I am very thankful to have my 2 daughters and all the memories of fun camping trips and life experiences. But i also agree that noone should be shamed about their decision regarding whether to have or not have kids. I found myself on both sides of the decision at different points in life.
First my deepest condolences 💐 and second thank you for theses world as a 30 year old I’m in a crossroad the I have no idea with path I should take first
If I WERE going to have children, it would NOT be in the United States. I'd first expatriate the USA and SET UP residence in a country that has a proper social safety net that gives its citizens actual benefits of citizenship instead of bilking and exploiting us from birth to death. Ex. basic goods and services like healthcare, fair housing prices, and full public education in return for paying taxes instead of funneling our money into corporate bailouts and endless wars of imperialism. It's absolutely CRAZY to me that anyone would take on the financial burdens of having children in this country, where you can't even leave a hospital with your baby without being followed by a $30,000 bill- even if it's stillborn. Add in all the healthcare costs, housing and income inequality and insecurity, student loan debt, and the additional costs of education children after high school and the entire concept of raising kids in America is absolute, utter insanity to me. I would NEVER bring children into such a low standard of living and regressive government as this. Not under any circumstances. As it is, I'm planning to get myself out as soon as possible.
I don’t understand why people think having children will guarantee they will be taken care of by them when they age. My aunty is a very good example, she was married once and only had one child (son). Her husband passed away just a year before he was going to retire and since then my aunty said life was too short and retired as soon as she could. Her only son was in his late 30s and was still living with her in her apartment to look over her but the problem is it was affecting his dating life. She was very strict and conservative and did not give him and his girlfriends any privacy so after a while he married someone else from a different state and left her to move in with his wife. She now suffers from Parkinson’s disease and has no one left to be with her. It’s actually very sad but it’s a cautionary tale that having children cannot be treated as a safe guard or future investment.
Bring back a middle class lifestyle and Ill have kids. Ya'll billionaires don't need all the wealth and happiness. Unlimited corporate growth is a fallacy.
@@terwin151 Nope, it is possible to increase your income and get better jobs. Stop making excuses and cutting down others to keep living a minimal life.
Dinkleburg from fairly odd parents was named after this. Timmys dad hates dinkleburg for all his nice stuff but the reason they can afford it is due to them having no kids
Within the last few years, many folks have started to center not just survival but quality of life in their choices. And there is so much diversity in how people view their sense of security, life satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction.
Love this comment, yes! Very much agree that there is a lot of diversity in what people will find in terms of life satisfaction. I love my job and make less than 25k per year (my hubby makes much more so we can afford it) and we have two kids, both under 5. We don't have fancy cars, have phones that are over two years old, our TV is older than our 7 year relationship, but we have a home, supportive friends and family, and get to have a date once every few months. Yes, children can be incredibly expensive, but many people prioritize other spending habits than how we do. I buy almost all of my clothes secondhand, we eat at home most nights, and take one "big" vacation a year that lasts a few nights. We have cheap hobbies. We feel fulfilled, though I will say we got extremely lucky and bought our house in 2016 before the housing cost spike. I think we would have waited on kids longer had we not been as lucky. We are almost mid 30s.
When you're thrown into the real world with absolutely nothing and forced to constantly be on "survival mode", having kids is the LAST thing on your mind. Looking back I wouldn't change a thing because I did what I needed to live. Life is sacrifice.
@@marissa._ Agreed. I don't see the joy in bringing additional humans into this world when even the most competent ones are prone to struggle. There's no real achievement in having poor, suffering kids. The whole thing just sounds like a miserable simplistic joke that everyone keeps on doing. No thanks.
I’m 57, divorced male, no children and retired. My time is spent in the pursuit of caring for people and animals. My life is rich with time. I’ll never be lonely or without security.
This perspective relies on a belief that the current government and economic system will hold throughout your life. Look at countries that go through economic collapse, mass inflation, ect. If you have no family to help you; you will be extremely vulnerable to the chaos and economic collapse.
@@john-nl8iu He is 57 years old. He is more likely to die of stroke than "economic chaos". Besides, who is to say he has no family? Cousins are family.
@@MrCPPG cousins are relatives. Your wife and children are your family. He will regret his decision at some point if he hasn’t already. Notice he tries hard to convince himself?
In Germany, health care is affordable and granted (birth won't be 40k), childcare is affordable, maternity leave is paid, so it is a lot more comfortable, yet I would still prefer to spend my hard earned money on myself. I didn't study for 6 years for nothing, I want to travel, go shopping, be able to afford nice things. The biggest factor for me deciding not to have kids is giving yourself up for a child. The sleep deprivation, the 24/7 care of a child for over a decade, always putting your needs and wants behind theirs, and not being able to be spontaneous. With kids, everything takes ten times longer, and if your kid is crying because it doesn't like the museum, your day there is over. I've been a babysitter for years, I have tasted what it is like, and only for small periods of time compared to parenthood, and I don't need more, despite me loving the kids I babysit to death. I need a lot of time for myself and I have the financial and societal freedom to do so, unlike a few generations ago, and I will make use of that
Yep you are completely correct a child will steal 20 years of your life and most of the work is on the woman while the man sits back and plays with the child the woman will have to cook for the child change clothing and everything, it's basically a second job at home and the worst thing is when the kid turns 13 there is a good chance it starts to hate you and insult you every day for no reason.. No i really don't need that and im a man myself that is in the 20's
I just want to say that I greatly envy you for living in Germany. I spent a year in Darmstadt at the technical university, and I miss it. My country is a dumpster fire. 😣
My grandmother (R.I.P) always told me as I became a young adult "Don't make them if you can't afford them" and I thank her for that message because it stuck with me and alot of people need that entrenched in their minds unless they're financially ready.
Meanwhile, those fat cats are doing everything more expensive to ensure many of us will never be "financially ready"...Did grandma tell you about that? Have you noticed BlackRock buying up 10's of thousands of middle class homes every month and putting them back on the market? Let me guess, you don't have any idea if CNBC is majority owned by BlackRock, Vanguard, or StateStreet? Have you seen housing prices far outpace "inflation" norms? How about on food? Hmmm, get back to me on your short sided grandmothers advice...or maybe she didn't notice or have time to explain just a few more things? You adulting yet?
@@gouveia305 On the one hand its duh basic advice to those that get it already, but at the same time its kind of "are you re tar did" advice when considering the actual cost of living expenses. One has to be 20 years into a well paying job to viably be financially prepared to afford kids. Maybe what you are ACTUALLY seeing is those that figure their jobs will never their cost of living expenses with kids. Its like you struggle with organizing basic parts of life building and looked at everyone elses financial struggles as your own struggle. Pssst, other people addressed some basics and realized its not financially possible way before you figured it out. Did you watch the clip? Did you not get was being addressed?
Some of my cousins are in child free marriages. They didn't make the choice, it was made for them, but they seem to be happy things turned out that way. One of my cousins was born without a uterus and another cousin had cervical cancer and had to have her uterus removed in her 20s. Neither of them made efforts to pursue adoption. They were able to find husbands that were not interested in children.
I'm 34, and have simply not wanted kids because I have no desire. Been that way since i entered adulthood and it hasn't changed. And today's economic climate just further doubles down on my decision.
Most people who decide to not have children actually may just be more level headed than those who do. They tend to think about having kids more carefully and seriously. For that, their decision is respectable.
It's social conditioning. The jevvish eIites don't want whytey breeding. They want to replace them with cheap third worId labour. But we live on through our kids. Those who don't breed are genetic dead ends.
My parents grew up very poor and decided that the only way they could afford children was through the military, so that is what they did. They could never have had kids otherwise, so cut to me being in my 40s, I make easily 3 times what they made together and I still couldn’t afford a child. The way the economy is going in most developed countries is really going to limit who can and can’t have children unless something drastic changes.
It's really sad when couples know they're not financially stable enough to have children. Developed countries might not want people to have kids because the world is too overpopulated.
@@lisarosebolinyou literally don’t know where that person lives, what their housing situation is, what their student loan debt situation is, what their family (parents/siblings) situation is. Yet you think you are qualified to say they are bad with money. Sit down and think about what you typed.
@@SSGoatanks The over populated thing is a bit of a meme really. The high population centres are not the developed countries, over half of the worlds population lives in the asian contintent(bit over 4.5 billion), about 1.5 billion in the african continent. Ironically the low population areas are all the first world areas. I think Europe and the US make up just over 1 billion total. So the world may have an overpopulation issue, but that issue isnt in the first world countries, which actually have the opposite problem, hence so much immigration is needed.
I couldn't POSSIBLY understand how this is happening. Our rent has increased 36% in the time we've lived here. What money are we supposed to use for building a family when we're busy helping the landlord build their family?
@@specialagentorange4329 Why doesn't the landlord make better choices rather than just decide he can pilfer more money from a tenant just because he feels entitled too? So, No...
@@jmz2144 But the Property Values are fictitious. It's usury. Property prices don't just automatically go up, and especially not up and up and up forever. By the end of the day, a house is a livingspace made with materials.
Misery= not listening to the elders who know best but you think your smarter than everyone else until your shown your not. The happiest person in the world is Grandma you know why because we all luv Grandma and luv is the key to life but you go on ahead and die alone. So when someone dies alone does anyone care? I've seen plenty of people do great things because of family and I've seen a lot of miserable people alone cuz they thought they didn't need anybody but we all need human contact from birth to death but you go ahead try your experiment because you know so much. History teaches us otherwise.
This lifestyle will only provide short term happiness. I used to live in a condominium full of childless single middle aged women, and trust me, they were not living a great life. When you don’t have loved ones in your life, that’s when you spiral. And I’m sorry, but your friends don’t provide the same type of companionship that family does. And a relationship that doesn’t have kids in the picture is highly likely to fail. When you get older and spend long weekends and holidays alone with your dog, you’ll be changing your definition of happiness.
And it ends with him… along with his grandfather and ancestors plight, blood, sweat and tears “Sorry guys, I would enjoy all your effort for your memory and consume everything”
@@DonesdeMotivacion wah wah wah, cry them a river, they are already dead, you complain about a family bloodline when genetics only last 6 generations, get over yourself
@@Bluzlbee you seem to not have respect for none of their efforts… what a shame and a waste of human you are… what a shame for your own ancestors memory
@@Bluzlbee by the way… I did my DNA Genealogy and the sample was able to trace my origins from Norway, Gales, Spain and I’m Puerto Rican, you know what that means? Celtic migration to Spain after Viking conquest of Britannia. That’s definetly more than “6 generations” Liar… the Habsburg Jaw survived for more than 10 with the same genetical pre disposition
@@RockroxxgertI don't know where you live but a govt controlled corp in my country makes close to 7% yearly in dividends for its members. There were years it was above 7 iirc. Also, it's TAX FREE
🤔 Hmmm… Financially comfortable (early) retirement or kids? On the one hand, the government actively encourages having children through tax breaks & other incentives. Whereas childless people don’t & end up paying more in taxes. I’m one of 9 children… I’d rather pay the taxes. A decision I made at age 11.
What about when you're in your 60s, 70s, 80s?....No adult children or grandkids around to visit you. Just all your friends dying off one by one, until you're all alone.
It was mine for a long time but I had children with no intention of having a broken home but a loving home. It’s a lot of effort but it’s worth raising the future generation with love
@@robertagren9360it’s not all about money even that is a huge part of it. I just don’t want kids I’m not good with them I don’t have the patience to put with there crap and them wreaking my stuff. I would probably mess them up somehow so I’ll pass
Yep. My husband and I went through 8 years of infertility and rather than spend our life savings chasing a dream that wasn’t a guarantee, we decided to live happily childless. We don’t regret it.
I was raised to believe that “if you can’t afford have children, don’t.” Kids of the 80’s and 90’s will remember that we had required classes meant for the prevention of pregnancy. Looks like the lessons stuck.
These days most young couples can't realistically afford children.. So what's the alternative, only have rich people propergate.. That would be the end of civilization as we know it.. Who's going to work labor jobs and low paying jobs?
My thing is children don’t ask to be here… they don’t ask for whatever living circumstance you have so if you can barely feed your damn self why are you even dreaming about having a child? If you are drowning in debt or living paycheck to paycheck or homeless or just plain struggling, please reconsider bringing an innocent child into that mess. That’s why a lot of us aren’t just popping out kids.
we say older generations didn't have to deal with high living costs...etc. However, there were plenty of families with no money and kids have to grow up dirt poor. it's hard to have children in any generation. Definitely, my parents shouldn't have a house full of kids!
@paodbdauw I grew up poor and most of my friends were dirt poor. Most of my Friends and myself are much better off than our parents. Being poor teaches many life lessons and helped me form determination and the ability to have a endless list of life skills. I had lots of fun growing up in a house of two sets of twins, one year and a day apart. There was weeks we ate salmon and crab for dinner every night because my dad was a financially dumb fisherman and still needed to feed the kids.
Probably you have no regret because you've lost your identity as human being in a life cycle, which include reproduccion, to embrace only cultural one, where any sort of stupidity is allowed.
How come there are no recent news titled "Immature, financially and emotionally unstable parents decide to have (scar) another child" It seems the system is worried about effects on economy and their money loads rather than the mental and physical health of future children.
100%. Having children before being able to care for them adequately is a stain on millions of people’s lives. It’s where most of societal instability is born.
you are spot on, the corporations are scared that they will run out of cheap desperate labor that is willing to do anything for minimum wage, thats why the gov opens the borders so wide open
As a millennial I agree with you that many in our generation are immature. However not having children is not a solution for that. In fact not having children maybe why many millennials are staying immature and emotionally unstable. I know having kids is what motivated my parents into becoming mature mentally stable adults.
Having kids is a societal expectation. If you're childless, you'll understand this because people will let you know you've colored outside of the lines 😂
As someone who is somewhat well off financially, not just the cost is a concern but even finding someone for a serious relationship is a major concern. Everyone seems very anti social now on top of these rising costs. I feel people older than my age would have been way more comfortable having kids. Also have an easier time finding a partner, buying a house and car 10-20 years ago seemed like a easy thing to do. Now I just work and feel like I have no time. Trying to branch out socially is very difficult to do.
I do think the things you say in a way are conected. My parents generation, if they worked hard, were honest good ppl who helped others they succeded in life.. they could as a generalisation afford to buy a house and also get help from family and friends they were friends with and had helped in the past, not in a stressful burden way but in a good way feeling helpful and valued. Today, I have a dream about owning a house and having a big family but I start to see that if I stay as an employee I wont be able to buy a house before Im too old to take care of it, the kods would also have left home when I can afford it... So their childhood would not be in a hoise as I have dreamt... and today its sooooo many randome ppl... if you are nice to a person you might never see them again, therefore never get back kindness from them (and I dont mean that kindness should come with an obligation but if the cycle works in a good way that feel obligation free it bouth gives help AND a sence of meaning and belonging) by not having that in the same way today ppl might get hopeles, less happy and then also less social. Thats my thought.
This decision for this generation not to have kids will end the rise of progressivism. Because the Christians and Muslims are still pumping them out. Way to go socialists!
I have a kid, and I don't blame those who choose to be child free. I'm middle class and don't think I'd be able to afford another one. Let the billionaires have 6-7 children. The middle class have enough struggle with all the taxes we have to pay.
The world is already over-populated - Some billionaires shame those who choose to be child free because there's not enough workers and cheap labor in their companies. Less people means less profits and the end of capitalism.
@@SSGoatankskinda puts the overturn of Roe v. Wade in a new light... We can't have poor people aborting future workers I mean future taxpayers I mean blessed unborn babies
As a former teacher who's engaged to marry someone I want to have a child with, I applaud those who choose to NOT have kids if they dont want to. I saw so many parents in my short teaching career who looked like they didn't actually care about their children. It's as if they had kids strictly because society and/or their religious institutions told them to. The sad reality is that the kids are the one who are truly suffering from the halfhearted actions of their parents.
Mmmmkay, I saw this person eating out of a dumpster...then I saw another...then I saw another....therefor people eat out of dumpsters. This is what I heard you say. THE REAL REALITY is that your society has its priorities so off track that there isn't TIME for kids...our leaders got both adults in the house working 10-12 hour days salary. Can contact us at home, on the we can afford a house? You were a teacher? Riiiiiggggghhhhht, mmmkay. Check out "Latch key kids" its this 1980's term for kids coming home from school with no parents in the home...because they at their salary jobs/"careers". Pssst, that was 40 years ago...and...inflation has been out pacing wages for DECADES NOW... ...oh, happy engagement former teacher. Sorry, are you a real person, not a hired commenter? Your comment is sooo bizarre and disconnected from REAL peoples experiences.
I agree. I honestly am angry at my parents as I didn’t want to be born or exist but am forced to live a life I didn’t even ask for! I am not suicidal but I am angry at the concept of existing without a say! There are billions of people in developing nations who don’t even have access to clean drinking water and yet those children are forced to live a life like that just because their parents were taught it was the right thing to do or they didn’t consider using a glove!
You're 1,000% correct. SO MANY people who have kids only have them because society/religious institutions has effectively set it up so that people don't even know what life is for other than having a kid by age 35. They literally can't even fathom there are other options. Then once they have the kid and realize it's not for them it's too late and it results in a lot of bad parenting, neglect, or those "you're 18 so now you have to pay rent or get out of my house" type parents. Society puts this pressure to have kids on people largely to sustain the work force so billionaires and CEOs can have yearly bonuses and yachts. Our society is very broken, sadly.
I agree. I'm a teacher in Tanzania🇹🇿 Africa and most children suffers so much because the tradition, society and religion has made their parents to have them anyway without the concern to raise them. Neglection is so much high. Children suffers a lot of things from starvations to diseases while their parents brag about their ability to reproduce in the society
@@jon6309 umm thats flawed logic. a child that "choses" to exist. that kinda hurts my brain. kids are born from ONE BASIC thing, no more no less. an infant doesnt have a will. and if anything will/desire is a "privilage" in certain instances. what the parent cooks you eat. full stop period. if the parents come together to have a child, 9 months later a child is born. an infants desire to exist, is NOT even a debatable issue. cuz infants desires are only impluses at best, not a sentient will just yet. hunger, fatigue, pain, joy. object permanence isnt even developed yet. which is why peekaboo is a universally fun game regardless of cultural background. but yeah, parents should put a LOT of forethought before conceiving a child. even as a 8 year old kid, i said it cost a million dollars to raise me. and i just chalked it up to "you just make it work" for those you love. but formula isnt cheap, pampers arent cheap, baby products literally have a small window of use, yet you cant forgo purchasing baby stuff. like a crib, bottles, clothes that the infant grows out of every other month, and so on. and MAYBE you can recoup the cost of baby stuff by reusing it for the second child.
Before you write a nasty comment about childfree people, think for a second: Do happy people need to criticize other people's life choices? Do they get this angry when someone makes a different choice than them? You are not writing that comment because you are trying to convince others, you are writing it to convince yourself. You know you haven't put enough thought into having kids and existence of people that did and picked a different option is causing you uncomfortable thoughts, so you lash out and cope.
Before my parents had kids, my dad worked a starting position in a factory for 30k, and my mom was a teacher making a similar amount (My wife and I currently make about that much). I wonder how they did it, but then realized that adjusted for inflation (according to the bureau of labor statistics) they EACH made 90k in todays money. No wonder they were able to buy a house within a few years and immediately start having kids once my dad got a new job and it began to pay more. My wife and I would like kids some day, but feel like being a d.i.n.k. is literally a necessity, NOT a luxury. If an older generation ever tells you: "We did it, so can you!" Ask them if they could have done it working the same hours for a THIRD the wages.
Upgrade your career, which might mean more education. Stop blaming outside factors for your own failings. I completed undergrad and Master's programs at forty after a career in the military. You are younger than me and haven't done half as much as I have, but complain twice as much. Life is trying to tell you something, but you aren't listening.
@@DIVISIONINCISION How much did college cost you? You mention you were military - did that save you any money? I don't really understand how getting paid less for the same work is somehow jaypane5844's fault.
Hey don't worry what about some of these guys are saying. It's not your fault the economy isn't working as well as it used to. Just do the best that you can. I hope you are having a good day.
@@JohnSmith-bb1sv I'm retired military w/ pension, and disabled now. Both undergrad and Master's were covered by my Veteran's benefits. At this point with the career I have, salary and savings/investments, I can do whatever I want. I can retire now if I wanted.
@@anastasiassecret3837 agree, there’s plenty good channels too who support and teach young kids. But most childless are being seen here lately, they had noting else to do other than watching videos about childless people and watering plants after binge watching stranger things
I'm autistic. I decided not to have children because I have no patience on dealing with them! I usually raise dogs because they're better to deal with.
if you're autistic, don't have kids PERIOD. I have no patience dealing with autistic people, just like you have no patience for dealing with children (most likely due to the fact that you're autistic)
This is my fifth year after retirement. I’ve been following the 4% rule thing I saw on a RUclips channel, but this isn’t really how hard I expected things to be. After I cashed out a lump sum, I still have about $760k left, but at this rate, and with how the market is (we were putting money away in an index fund), I’m starting to get worried.
Amazingly, you were able to save that much during your active years. Not a lot of people can save that much in a lifetime. But now you are retired and depend on your investment, it’s best you redistribute your capital, so you are not left devastated during a market crash or recovery. To simplify the process, you could allocate your resources with the help of a financial advisor.
@@MelindaMatsuda Yeah, I’m also closing in on retirement, and I have benefitted much from using a financial advisor. I didn’t start early, so I knew the compound interest of index fund investing would not work for me. Funny how I pulled in more profit than some of my peers who have been investing for many years.
@@elegboozioma7267 Hey, this caught my interest. I worry that I have a couple more months before retirement, and I want to switch to using a financial advisor, but I don’t know how to find one.
@@ShellyHuerta Well, there are a few out there who know what they are doing. I tried a few in the past years, but I’ve been with Victoria Carmen Santaella for the last five years or so, and her returns have been pretty amazing.
@@elegboozioma7267 Thank you for this tip. it was easy to find your coach. Did my due diligence on her. She seems very proficient and I'm grateful for your guidance.
There are a lot of people who can have kids, but a lot less who want to be parents. There's a difference. I find it better to decide not to have kids rather than having one and resenting the child later.
@@ihatelife486 No one came into being with their own consent... The only way that would be possible would be with time-travel... where you go back in time to your moment of conception, and tell your parents to take a short break from humping, because you are about to give them consent, and that with your consent, it's all good.
Honestly, with today’s economy I can’t afford a child and I’m not about financial irresponsibility so it really leaves no other option than to be child free. Which breaks my heart, I would love to be a mother. However having a reasonable income is no longer enough, having a home and buying groceries is enough of a challenge as is. And I won’t live paycheck to paycheck and raise a child in an environment like that.
I respect you're decision to not have children, but if the average women in the DR Congo can afford to have 6 children who will all live to adulthood, odds are you can afford to have children.
"Children are the death of net worth." Well, that's a way to look at it. I was never a woman who was dying to get married and have kids. Definitely not, but it was more about, would I be a good parent? How much my net worth might be affected was never a consideration. I got married at 29 and had my first child at 31. Now I am 73 and my grandkids are my greatest joy. I am okay financially. I have friends who never had kids and, yeah, their net worth is great. In fact, they all (five couples) have so much money that one set up a foundation at a major university, another donated $100k to the city ballet company, and another takes exotic vacations 4-5 times a year. Good for them. But no amount of money will replace the joy I find from the excited look on my granddaughter's faces when they see grandma coming home. 😊 To each his own.
If the only “worth” people see is housed in a bank account, I venture to say they missed what makes a worthy life entirely. When my first son was born, my world changed. I didn’t know a man could feel those feelings. No money could possibly come close to it. It couldn’t even scratch the surface of what I feel for my children.
@@johnnybizzle2748some people don't feel the same. Many just don't want children. If they are forced to have them, they are the worst parents in the world and the children often become criminals. Could we agree that parenting is not for everybody and that the ones who don't want children should never have them?
@@justmeagain7 I do agree not everyone would make a great parent, and I never espoused forcing people to become parents. But I also say that the blessing of family is far and above money. Yes, no statement applies to every single person usually. And not everyone will have a great family on this earth. The point remains: family and children is lightyears ahead of money.
Having children in virtually all industrialized countries is cost and time prohibited. Wages have not kept up with housing and education costs. And the women tend to be stuck with the lioness share of child rearing and still working outside the home. In the US, the right has decided to limit birth control as a means to push up birthrates. (The US hasn't experienced depopulation due immigration. However, now the US wants to deportation both legal and illegal immigrants.)
If you want people to have kids, then stop making it impossible.
Thats the plan. The US will end up lime China. Not because of a one child policy, but because people want a life of consumerism.
Not anyone else’s fault you can’t get laid lol
It's not impossible in the US but having kids is financially challenging compared to other places like Europe where they have universal healthcare...
There's quite a few social programs to help with raising kids actually, especially if your family is lower income. Stuff like CHIP for example covers kids medical expenses.
Many people just don't want kids because they don't want kids. They want to spend their money on themselves and most have terribly poor financial intelligence., complaining about how they can't afford rent, but will buy the newest Iphone anyway.
The funny thing is a lot of people who site cost for why they don't want kids will buy dogs or cats, both which can have hilariously high expenses as well, especially if they get sick and you have to take them in to an emergency clinic.
@@Skitskl33 The upside of dogs and cats, compared to kids, is that they won't eventually abandon you with a big fat "thanks for nothing".
In many countries including the United States, there has been a failure to create an environment that is conducive to having and raising children.
This infomercial for investing is a trip. I get your point, but that isn't the point of the video. Its still greed putting kids on the financial chopping block. It turns out the rich/cnbc don't want to pay for your kids either. The current external cost of kids is money they could spend somewhere else as well...hmmm, to lower taxes further for the rich?
@@markstewart4501 We're pretty much sacrificing everything to feed the stock market, as though money is the only thing with any value.
@@fnorgen To concur: isn't the nations motto, some cold war troupe, "Capitalism".
People are finding out that money, money making, amassing money, new financial vehicles that cause market bubbles that destroy millions saving and retirements EACH TIME...isn't a "value system".
In the cliche of the donkey and the carrot it is interesting to hear what people pick as their metaphoric place holders.
As it is, family isn't really "family" unless they make it....make what again?
Greed is our Nations Motto...check out our nations/kings "new" clothing. Our country is naked, and it only takes those that have the "courage" to say what they notice...nothing more.
You're absolutely right. Everyone says "have kids" but no one is doing anything to make kids genuinely affordable. They're all more concerned with their FAKE "home values" and endless no limits at all costs self-serving lies and nonsense. Then try to cover it up with FAKE "free market" and FAKE "religion."
exactly nailed it@@fnorgen
People who are perfectly capable of raising children don't but people who have no business raising kids do.
Perfectly capable? These people are insane. Thank God they stay away from being parents
@@LilFatMike913 Thoughtful, rational, well paid professionals with a high net worth. What exactly do you find "insane" about that?
@libertarian4323 you could've just described everyone on epsteins list. They're all thoughtful, professional, yada yada. If you don't know red flags when you see them, that's your problem bud. I know a LIAR(S) as soon as they speak
It's depressing. I have one friend who became a dad at 21 when he was pretty much broke, due to getting a little carried away with an exchange student who was very very catholic. That relationship didn't even last 2 months. Still, he loves his daughter more than anything in the world. Pity he doesn't get to see her much, and child support eats away an considerable portion of his modest income.
Got another pair of friends who have much better jobs and have been in a stable relationship for 8+ years. They plan to have multiple children ...eventually. Though, they're waiting an awfully long time for the perfect conditions. In the meantime they fill the void with cats. I just hope they don't wait too long. They would make great parents.
I don't find the Idiocracy intro sequence very funny anymore.
I don't have kids just because I don't want to be a mother. Not wanting to be a parent is a valid enough reason on it's own. If people don't like my childfree choice then that's their problem not mine.
Nah you're fine, it's your decision
Same with me, except I am a man. I hope that we both have a lot of money when we retire and some trustworthy people to look after us.
Enjoy your life. You can do whatever you want with it. I, medically, financially and mentally can’t deal with kids so I’m not having them either. Rather the company of dogs than kids you need to support for the rest of your life
You're cute 😍
Facts. I’ve never wanted kids.
"This will be bad for the future economy" OK so then society needs to make childcare affordable, raise wages to a living wage to match inflation, productivity, and cost of living, lower income taxes, etc.
Taxes will go up to pay debt.
@@afgibnasina The national debt is a scare tactic used to create more austerity.
@@afgibnasinathat’s going to happen anyway
So if am single income, no kids… I’m a SINK
Exactly!!! I was saying the same thing!!
I love this!!😂😂😂😂
I’m a sink too
It’s because we don’t have any money. I’d love to have kids but refuse to raise them in poverty.
What u call poverty? Me and wife have 139k in savings we having a kid
@@dwaynebrooks2764 kids costs 310k to raise to 18 at TODAY's wages, per kid. It will likely be double that when they reach 18 if you start now. Good luck.
@dwaynebrooks2764 well kiss that savings goodbye
@@dwaynebrooks2764ok be humble
@@carnivorepolice5-0 Children don't cost nearly as much as you think they do + if the happiness of having a child is irreplaceable.
The couple is really supportive of each other....I really admire their strong relationship
These days even finding a partner is very hard, let alone having kids.
Leave the country
Women are the same everywhere. He'd just take the spot of another poor man. Where would that guyy flee to? Cant keep running to poorer and poorer countries
All women do with their status and wealth is raise their standards even higher, to the point of no one being worthy, but that's da man's fault for not trying harder. Save for an android wifu, or whatever. Try nonut for a mont, it'll unblock chakras, and you will realize you are giver of love, not the receiver, in as much the world will tell you otherwise
@@Едентийф in the 3rd world. Gender roles are much closer because of hard times. Go to chile or Peru where divorce rate is 3%
@Ren33469 what wealth? Don't you see comments from women and men saying they don't make enough?
Not having kids doesn't mean you ll be rich. You can be poor and not have kids, but it is better than being poor with many kids
Exactly. Some people see kids as a way of getting money. Kids are an investment and it can turn very bad very quick.
Stop lying to yourself. Majority of these people will grow old and seriously regret not having kids. The data on this is clear. If you think money will replace the biological inclination to procreate, you are unbelievably naive
@@grumpycat9065 literally nobody is having kids to get more money besides a very, very small percentage of the population.
I’m a Childfree woman that’s only ever been poor. Adding a child to the mix I would not survive.
@@grumpycat9065I think it's not the right mindset to think of children as an investment, I think we should think of them as providing a future for humanity
Children are not just financial obligations but require constant emotional support.
This part! I had to stop myself in my tracks when I said "I can't afford them" to my stepma. I explained more simply by saying I can't afford them emotionally either right now. Still working through trauma.
@@kamanijefferson638 Exactly. There are plenty of rich people who have kids and buy them everything they could ever want, but they don’t emotionally support their kids, nor are they physically available for their kids. Kids are a huge responsibility and unless a person is capable of being financially, emotionally, physically, and mentally present for their child, they shouldn’t have kids. It’s not like I’m saying people have to be 100% on point, cuz real life doesn’t work that way, but everyone who wants kids or chooses to be a parent needs to be on a certain level with regards to these factors.
the part a lot of folks don't grasp. if you're not financially and emotionally sound, best to think twice and think again before having them.
Exactly this. While I'm single and definitely can't afford children, my realization on not wanting kids came when I was 22. I was living at home still and was between jobs. The brother of my mom's boyfriend at the time had aome family issues and needed us to look after his two little girls, aged five and six. Since I was going to be home for the next few months...the job fell to me, even though I had my reservations.
The little girls were very sweet and polite. But I hated having to tend to them at all. I became the very kind of "parent" that shoves an iPad in a kid's hands and lets that entertain them (except, it was my laptop and approved sites for Nickelodeon and Disney games. They played so much, though, that the computer got a Blue Screen of Death from the motherboard crashing). I began to resent being responsible for them, wanting to just keep to myself in my room. When they finally left after spending the summer and the start of the school year with us, I have never felt such relief in my life. I knew after that that I never wanted children and the next time I was asked to babysit, I would say no.
I'm super happy as well that my brothers don't have kids and I hope like hell they don't. They're anti-vax conspiracy theorists, and I just know any of their children would suffer medical abuse (such as not going to a doctor for treatments) by them. Which then leaves me to either turn a blind eye to that, or speak up but assuming the child was removed, it would be expected I would care for them...and I admittedly do not want to. I could only hope the child's mother's side of the family is more sane. But, that dark timeline so far hasn't happened and as we're in our 30's, I'm really hoping it never happens and both have realized that they don't want kids.
arguably that is even more important
"At your age I had a house and 3 kids" yes grandpa, back when houses costed peanuts
If most Americans can't even afford college education, healthcare, housing, and transportation, then how will they raise children?
You haven’t been to the more affordable states like Oklahoma. What you quoted is right now.
Why the fk would I want to live in a christofascist state like Oklahoma? 🤣
Never asked you.
Was posting to someone else.
Was meant as a general response as well as a personal one. 😉
I whole heartedly support people who choose to be childfree. Not everyone has the ability to be a good parent. I used to work as a teacher; most of the parents I met were horrible people raising little monsters. I got so tired with dealing with them I quit teaching altogether.
There’s so many entitled parents in the comment section here. Ugh, I can’t even imagine dealing with them in real life smh.
As if procreation is contribution on its own 🙄 There’s a lot of lost children today due to the amount of over-parenting control freaks leading children down an obsolete path. So many irresponsible parents out there flooding our foster care system too. Which only offsets our monthly donations to children in need. Many of us are trying to work together. We need more responsible people on both sides here smh.
Yes. This.
I feel you but the people that don’t Want kids are probably better parents than illegals popping them out every year by the dozen
@@SugarMilk99 as a foster kid how dare you I had bad things happen to me but I choose to be alive and I work and have my own place and I am thankful for being alive
Sounds like you have a lot of self loathing
@@Liberalcali What are you talking about? I donate money to my local facility. So how dare I donate money? 🤔
This was all I said about foster care “So many irresponsible parents out there flooding our foster care system too. Which only offsets our monthly donations to children in need.”
It’s not okay for children to go thru what you went thru. Yes, some can rise above but not all children from foster care make it. It’s not like parents ask their children if they want to be born into that situation. You deserved better than that and the other children that are still in foster care deserve much more as well.
Cite where I said otherwise …
Take it from a teacher himself, having kids aint for the weak. Children will put a huge financial/physical/mental strain on you. And a lot of parents these days dont want to actually parent or dont know how. If you’re not ready to step up and do the work of being a mom/dad then you dont need to be having kids and that’s completely ok.
Yep. I'll just let the immigrants build society anyway. North America cares more about immigrants instead of their own citizens.
I raised a daughter, practically by myself due to her mentally ill mother (which was diagnosed years after). The thing that surprised me the most is once she reached adulthood, I learned it is at least as much work (and more costly) as when she was a child. No one ever told me that part. Having a child is a lifetime commitment, not just for 18 years. If you are not suited for it, do everyone a favor and don’t have kids. Looking back in hindsight that is now 20/20, would I do it again? Probably not. However, there are rewards that I received that made me a better man which I do appreciate now. If I never would have had a child, I would not have had these experiences. I have a grandchild now and that experience is like a “do over” without all the responsibilities of being the parent.
I wouldn’t say “ for the weak “. Sometimes not having a kid is smart
The thing is, I don't even know how a family really works, due to my family story. I don't want to have a kid to experiance the same. Growing up in constant fight and arguments destroys someone. Not everyone is made for kids I believe
Love it. It's not for the weak. It's a generation. of weak boys and girls who never grow up.
Their home is so clean and cared for … and they look well rested and happy.
Reminder for those with kids: a childfree lifestyle is not an attack on you or your family. People are allowed to make the choices that make sense for THEM.
"Reminder for those with kids: a childfree lifestyle is not an attack on you or your family" But it is, purposefully refusing to replace yourself in the labour force means that you want the kids of those who have to pay more tax and work more hours to accomodate you when you become a useless consumer in old age.
@@dekev7503 The planet is overpopulated. If only there was a way to have people from those overpopulated countries move to yours, to replenish the workforce. When someone comes up with that solution, we should call it immigration.
@@dekev7503 Immigration is the answer. The population of the US keeps going up despite birthrates going down. Immigrants are going to be the ones who do all the work in the labor force.
@@dekev7503 you sound stressed
@@dekev7503 they owe those with kids nothing
The 300, 000 bill is assuming the kids are healthy. People don’t factor in health issues for either kids or parents and the financial devastation of medical bills.
This is the main reason that I want to move outside of the US...
The $300k bill also assumes you have to pay for childcare all the way. If you have family (grandparents) who can help, it can go a long way towards reducing that burden.
@@damnjustassignmeone not to mention that all the subsequent children can use clothes and toys from the older child(ren), making the cost that much less. And what's the price of seeing your children and then grandchildren being born?
300k is not all at once and it is adjusted for inflation of 18 years. If you spend 2k per month on rent, that's 24k per year, but that turns in to 40k per year after 18 years of 3% inflation.
@@briankuhn7396✌️ Good luck!
The wife and I make 200k a year and will not have kids. We enjoy life with very little stress. We carry zero debt and buy what we want within reason while investing heavily for retirement. We know we are "sacrificing" the enjoyment of a traditional family but we are fine with that. We don't give a rats ass what anyone thinks of us. Watching people struggle with tight budgets and fighting over money and kids isn't something we are interested in.
The traditional family is what got us in this mess in the first place!!!
If you’re ever in the market to adopt, I’m available! Lol
You guys have your💩together ! Love it !
We're in the same situation...plenty of money no regrets! We live in a high income neighborhood and the kids I see here are F'ed up....not all but many. Just weird kids compared when I grew up. They seemed depressed.
You can still have kids and be financial. Just need to be smart about it. Family is value, money is not.
@@KE-yq2eg You can stfu and move on because their life decision isn’t your call. Besides, child-free adults are totally capable of donating to children in need on a monthly basis. Stop worrying about how others are contributing to humanity. Worry about yourself 🤦♂️
If they don't like children just let them be. They are not bothering/hurting others. They want to live their life to the fullest.
Spoken like a true YOLO libtoid. And who’s going to keep working to pay taxes to keep civilization running when you’re ready to retire? I hope while you’re “living life to the fullest” that you are saving a LOT of money and have someone in mind to take care of you when you’re old that you trust implicitly.
living life to the fullest, for most, involves continuation of bloodline and the valuable stuff that comes from that i.e love, care, purpose, pride, happiness and so on.. I understand it's subjective to an extent but the evidence for psychological (and other) benefits of having children is profound
Life is not full without children
@florida_man0 do you know what literally means young man?
People who don't want kids but do anyway are very likely doing children no favor.
For every 1 couple like them, there are 10 couples popping out babies with no money and no plan.
That is a fact and it has been for too long.
This. All of it. 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
Well that's being happy. 95% of the population was peasants in the middle ages = no money. And they had a lot of kids. No plan needed it can be argued.
@@PistolStar21 no wonder the middle ages lasted so long
Blame global leaders. You want your citizens to work and pay taxes, yet you do not support them with child care, education, health care costs, you can't have both ways. I only had one child when wife wanted 3, zero regrets, couldn't afford to have 3. Now I'm planning my golden years with wifey.
Well, one party is trying. Under Clinton a child tax credit was created that has been greatly expanded under Biden.
It’s something like 2k per child. Makes it more doable.
Childcare should be compensated I believe. Swedish model is a good one to copy.
@@ivannna252 Swedish model is the best on earth by far. Why can't we replicate?
Don't kid yourself. Children is a financial burden, and this is absolute truth.
Life is a burden
Life itself is a financial burden. So defeatist of you.
@@imperialmotoring3789 nice, then you can have a child and have a good life.
I can live on SS that is taxed from your future childrens' income.
So nice of you, thank you.
Your grammar is a burden
I was doing this 40 years ago, today I am dying alone and I’m fine with it too.
Staying childless by choice allowed me to experience places and things others never see in one lifetime. Life was rich, to say the least 😊
Exactly; having kids is like having a pet. It's a choice, NOT an obligation. It's especially tough if you're the child of Asian immigrants, where the family tree plays such a huge role in upbringing. Your immediate family questions and looks down on you for not having children.
@@nahor88 I’m not Asian and my mother always wanted grandkids too, she just couldn’t see how her whole life was almost a century of suffering and demanded I created other beings to come join her and myself, who never wanted to come here either.
Misery loves company for real, what a shame.
@@nocomment4848 the most selfish comment about kids.
@@hinthegroove9740 agree. I grew up in a poor country where that mentality was a thing. Not anymore.
You only know the riches you gained. You know nothing of the riches you missed out on.
I have one child, and his daycare cost is as much as our monthly rent. Yes, rent…because we can’t afford a house. And we can’t afford another child. If I was being faced with this now, I’m not sure I would have a child.
I pay $190.00 a week for one child and I totally understand 😢
Keep your legs closed next time 😂
what ? i used to pay 300$ per week for childcare@@jermainelatimer804
Don't you have any old people in the family to watch them?
@@OrganizationXIII Yes very intelligent response 🤨
This would seem to be a result of slowly suppressing salaries over the last 50 or so years for 'average' Americans. Perhaps an unforeseen consequence.
Spot on
Plus younger generations is drowing in student debt room cant declare bankruptcy on student loans
You hit the nail right on the head there.
@@yoleeisbored Thankfully they can't. It would mean the rest of us pick up their tab, in the form of higher costs for those who DO pay their bills
I'm starting to think it wasn't unforseen 🤨
The US government does not incentivize people to have kids. Wages have not kept up, and kids are not as subsidized as before with costs rising for everything.
Not having kids just makes more financial sense in the current environment.
THIS!!!! 💯💯💯💯💯
That first sentence isn't actually true. You receive a large tax benefit if you have children. Understood that it may not be adequate compensation but there technically is a built in incentive to do so.
@@Barboy0 You mean the government takes a little less money from you ...but they still take almost the full amount .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@@Barboy0 Having children is not just a financial cost but also an opportunity cost. Imagine all the time used to raise children could've been used to further your career or business prospects? The cost is priceless!
life is brutal and violent and painful and lonely and pointless. why bring a kid into this world of survival of the meanest.
life is wonderful and the greatest gift you can ever give someone
@YBM2007 if you really think like that is because you've been one of the very lucky minority. Throughout all history, and for majority of people in the world today, life is very painful, scary and not rewarding at all. So put your "life is wonderful" up wherever fits you...
@@blbjg5294 Thats depression talking, most people find happiness when they're starting to settle. I also know how it feels like to be broke, in debt, unhappy and stressed - sooner or later, with the proper spirit, it turns around. Also the happiest people in the world you'll find in places that are underdeveloped and cash strapped
This is a very interesting perception. I have children and life couldn’t be better.
@@YBM2007 No That's Life Experience Talking There's A Reason We Lock Our Doors At Night Because In Reality No It Doesn't Turn Around In Fact As You Accumulate More Wealth It Gets Worse You Become A Target For The Have-Nots When You Were Poor You Had Nothing Now That Your Rich You Still Have Nothing Because Your Not Rich Enough To Buy A House In A Decent Neighborhood It Doesn't Get Better And With Kids Now You Have To Fight A Corrupt School System To Keep Your Kids Out of The Same Life You Left Behind After Finally Landing A Steady Job It's A Lose-Lose Situation And Pretty Soon Your Kid Does Something Stupid You Get Fired Your Wife Leaves You End Up Owing Back Child Support And Eventually Are Back On The Street Where Your Whole Life Began Only Now Your Much Older And Less Capable Your Kids Finally Do Something Serious And End Up In Jail Your Ex-Wife Eventually Dies of Old Age And There You Are Still Homeless With No Future Because Nobody Cares That's Life Talking Not Depression
My wife and I recently celebrated our 40th anniversary and so many people told us you will regret not having children. Hasn't happened yet.
How many dogs in the household?
wait tell your old and alone
@@gerhardlarsen779 I know a lot of people who are old and alone, despite having children. Don't count on it.
@@gerhardlarsen779there are so many old people who did have kids and still died alone. It’s a misguided decision to only have kids so you won’t be lonely in your old age.
@@bleepelectronic9106 Heck, my grandparents spent way more time with their peers than either me or my parents. Of course, I do the polite thing and stop by for an hour or two when I'm in town, but that's like nothing!
As a teacher AND as a mother, if you are on the fence about becoming a parent and simply cannot decide if parenthood is for you, err on the side of caution and stay child free. I have so many students whose parents strike me as the kind of people that should have worked on themselves before deciding to have kids.
Many! It is a sad situation…
Kids are a biological process. Just happen. People are way more complicated.
What about having kids and then giving them up for adoption?
@@zonkbadonk3937 AWH HELL NAWH!
@@zonkbadonk3937that’s irresponsible. Adoption is trauamatic for many adoptees and many end up abused in the system.
My kids haven't even been CONCIEVED yet, and I'm already trying to protect them. How? By not putting them on this planet until I'm damn well good and ready. Food, medicine, shelter, a comfortable bed, toys etc. I want to have those things lined up without ANY problems before I decide to have any children.
Since I can't even afford to feed MYSELF right now, I think it is safe to say that it'll be irresponsible to put them on this rock just so they can suffer. That isn't fair. They're better off floating around in the ethers, being one of the stars or whatever, than being here just because I thought it was a "good idea" to procreate.
Yeah and not to mention global warming and impending climate doom. My wife and I decided on not having kids. I'm getting my vasectomy soon and my wife is getting her tubes tied.
Preach, preach!🎉
Amen! You practically wrote exactly what ive written in another videos talking about this matter! I am devastated.. and angry !
what you said is the sad reality that we face every day
No kids for me!!! It's the greatest decision I've ever made. I sleep so peacefully.
Me too!
Love being able to come and go whenever and at a moments notice!
Aaaaannnd, when I have emergencies, I don't panic about not having money to cover whatever the situation is!
Same 🤍
Same here! I am 79 years old. Love my life!
You develop a financial and economic system that makes it, on the one hand, impossible to financially support one child, let alone several, and one which allows workers to depend on their nest eggs rather than their children to get them through retirement, yet at the same time this same system REQUIRES abundant procreation to sustain itself. The height of contradiction. Not our faults the system itself is inherently unsustainable.
Absolutely 100% this!
Unlike Modern Asain countries America always has a fountain flow of immigrants. There forvI don't forsee any problems.
@@michaeldpa1333Again seen more diabetic white people than these immigrants you speak of.
Most Americans these days are going child-free, because they grew up seeing how their own parents struggled financially while trying to raise them. My mother worked two part-time jobs because my father was a deadbeat. I don't believe in marriage, but I would like to have children as long as I can afford it.
mrVomora - no don't have children on your own without a spouse. i know too many people who have kids on their own (adopt, or women who can't find a decent partner have IVF); it is extremely difficult especially if you don't have siblings or a parent to help out. Why have children in a world of 8 billion all on your own?
If you don’t believe in marriage then you have no business having kids.
Agreed. If *you* don't want to get married, then *you* have no business having *your* kids.
@@AmericanScout-USA she just said her single mother struggled if there are two parents in the home that might not have happened
@@Liberalcalithat's bad why can't I just have no kids.but you know I just wanna make my inclodom up I will just end up going for aw for man n ai GFS for man in future
My wife had a fetal echocardiogram. This is just an ultrasound with cardiologist who looks at the screen for 30 mins or so. The bill came out to 16,000 dollars, after insurance it was 1500. I make a very high income but for the average person this is insane.
Thanks to crazy health billing
@@josecfdc3240that’s just how expensive healthcare really is. The average cost to just give birth is a down payment on a house.
I'm an echocardiographer. I don't do fetal, but I know how.
That test takes a few seconds and pays the tech
as a Canadian, this baffles me. The US does not have its priorities right.
Yikes! 😮💨
Just because you are married, that doesnt mean that having a child is required. .
I am 67 yo 1956-present. The longest lasting marriages I know of were and still are those that both parties did not have any children. The many many marriages I know of that ended in divorce, including mine, the stresses of raising children and the costs were the main reasons the marriages ended.
So true but the religious right feel otherwise.
And the religious right can feel free to blow me. 😎
@@daisyle1203 Yup, marriage is a finance and child raising contract. Nothing more.
Then why get married?
Child care is criminal in this country
At the least, child care is immoral in the US just like elder care. The truth is humans don't like the responsibility of either one, especially elder care. The pursuit of money is the only thing that interests humans, that and dominating others.
So is family court
Have children only if you can actually take care of them yourself.
What's stopping you from starting a child care service, then?
@leok7193 only to get destroyed by govt funded by Capitalists and companies using every trick illegally to force me out of bussiness
I'm NINK myself (No income, no kids) or just broke 😂😂😂
Hope you become AIEL (Abundant Income, Enjoying Life)
Are you male or female?
@@Mrkevi123 are you a female?
lmao same :(
I'm a married father. If you do NOT want kids, it makes sense not to have any. Children change priorities and cost a lot of money. People should plan before having children and make their decision.
My grandma raised 7 kids on one income
@@-whackdand do you think you could raise 7 kids with 1 income in 2024?
@@DonardoHenry depends on the income. I mean if you are earning 6 figures monthly or have a different approach in life or a frugalist or other factors. Then the answer is yes. You can never be prepared for anything. Even a single man/woman who is financially stable can get sickness, natural calamity disaster, an accident, a freak accident, a war etc. You cannot prepare for those things.
Six figures doesn’t get you very far when childcare is close to 2k rent above 3k per month.
Oddly enough, my mom said she didn't want kids-but my dad did! Thank you, Father! He worked two and three jobs and somehow the money found him . . .
Older Generations: "If you can't afford kids, then don't have them"
Younger Generations: "Okay I guess we won't then"
Older Generations: *Surprised Pikachu face*
It means don’t have too many kids, don’t have 6 kids if you can’t afford it
They don’t mean “ don’t have any kids”
@@PodcastClips23969 What's the issue with having NO kids? It's smart financially.
Honestly, I don't think many older folks care. We will be gone. Those making that decision will live with the ramifications of not having children whatever they may be.
They don’t care, the rich at least don’t because they can afford to have kids. The working class will be replaced with immigration, it’s already been decided.
This idea of Americans or anyone not being able to afford kids is quite hilarious. Just logically think back five six seven generations people were extraordinarily poor on average and they had huge families. My mom had 5 kids in state of Massachusetts second highest cost of living state with an income of $13k 20 years ago. We survived just fine.. The real reason why people don't have kids is the opportunity cost kids are very expensive up front for 18 years but they pay off in the long run me and my siblings have bought my mom a house multiple cars paid for medical bills etc and we won't let her going to a nursing home when the time comes. Right now a nursing home cost about $120,000 per year so your net worth will be gone really fast when you have no one to take care of you and you're in a nursing home. And who cares about net worth anyways if you don't have kids? I suppose you could donate it to charity or something but you won't be alive after.
Roughly a third of people never wanted children, or are ambivalent. We are finally acknowledging that. Increasingly, people are having children when they want to, and when they can afford it. This is, in every way, a positive thing.
seems to only be happening in the west unfortunately, and maybe somewhat in China
that's a very positive way to spin the rapidly decreasing quality of life that americans are experiencing. It's incredibly disturbing that people are getting priced out of a basic biological function
@elenachristian9860 I come from one of the European countries with very big welfare state. If childlessness continues at this rate there will not be a welfare state as i know it in the future for me, not to mention the decreasing economy and quality of life that comes with it. The solution cannot be to import half of the countries future working population, both because the quality of migrant we are attracting is not on par with the native population but also because welfare system would have to accommodate those people as well with even more migrants forever and ever.
In my opinion in the vast majority of cases people have always (for the most part) had children because they wanted to and they could afford it (Back in the day the families that could afford it just had huge number of children). Now people are prioritizing here and now instead of long term state of their land/family/legacy after they are gone. It feels like people simply don't care what the world looks like after they die.
Because republicans value dubai and india how can you justify leaving kids in this nightmare homeless untaken care of when in reality your parents arnt taking care of you and your expected to raise another human in this society that eats kids up and spits them out in 3rd world nations missing a kidney or a liver gutted so quick kids are doing it like skinning a pig for supper o but google liberals keep shutting me up vs hiring me google send me a decent pc ill make a youtube channel if i can run it the way i want speaking fact hate and fear see as a american i dont feel safe republicans are crazy and this nation is falling apart but this bs happens over and over and over in this 2 party system
@@illliiiiillliii6265We had stelar welfare in a much smaller population decades ago, there's no point in thinking having a smaller population in total automation era is a bad thing.
Also, people are actually thinking way more about future now then in past - is just that we learned to care more about individuals then stupid political symbols that only serve elites.
Folks didn't care about breeding in misery, sending their kids to dangerous jobs at 4, wars and lack of food.
We worry about our kids having no jobs due to AI, fscing another pandemic, enviroment problems, bizarre realstate prices, inflation, widespread drug adiction and even WWIII.
If you hate being broke and stressed, not having kids is appealing.
Actually having kids equals being broke and stressed most of your life.
Or you could rise up to the challenge, make more money, and become the type of person that could handle extra stress 🤔
Just get a couple of 100 lb dogs instead.
@@anastasiassecret3837 I would never work a minimum wage job. Money is created by adding more value to marketplace. We started a home business so that created more money. Every year there’s more money being created so there’s actually more opportunity. Have to think bigger than just working a job.
@@PolishFajitas what sane person counters "i don't want more stress" with "rise to the challenge" lmao. Willingly suffering is not the goal
I have 2 kids. I love them with my entire being, they are my world, AND they're expensive and exhausting and cute and challenging and my legacy. Those often conflicting points are real and valid. I don't regret my kids, but I also don't begrudge anyone who chooses not to have children.
100%. My life was awesome before kids. And my life is awesome with kids. The two versions are completely different from each other. Don’t blame anyone who prefers the former.
@@hellokaumea8315 Burden on who? I love them, they love me, at least I strongly believe they do, they're young. My decision to become a mother has nothing to do with them. And I don't impose expectations of gratitude from them for the decision I made.
@@gorgthesalty Community college, at least for the first two years, is a more realistic option. No need to spend 130K x 4 for college tuition.
@@lichi1244evaburden on them, the kids themselves.
It's also passing obligation to them to care for you when you age. One shouldn't have kids just to leave or have a legacy.
One should have kids because they want them (and can comfortably afford to raise them fine).
Been thru this growing up and still am going thru it and I wouldn't want to pass such a burden to my kids if/should I ever decide to have some (likely not). (I was...shall we say groomed to be into a certain profession, health care industry/providing, by most of my fam who're into this one.)
I'd rather my kids live their lives how they want. I'm only there to cheer them on, support them, advise, teach, and guide them thru the craziness of life when needed. (It's entirely up to them if they want to return to me the care etc i give them this way.)
@@tropicsgalthrifts you bring up some interesting points, I grew up in a culture of complete obedience, gratitude, deference and expectations, no questions asked, and as an adult I have rejected a lot of that.
I have children because I wanted children. The legacy is simply that they're my kids, my future. I love them with all my heart, my husband and I do our best every day for them to keep them loved, safe, supported, fed, clothes, etc. I do that willingly as this is what I wanted, the life I chose. They will inherit whatever I leave for them, to do what they choose. After all, I won't physically be here anymore, right?
And they don't HAVE to take care of me when I'm old and/or incapacitated in some way. Ideally, if our relationship always remains strong they may WANT to, but I don't raise them with that expectation. As a parent, I think about all of these things all the time.
Because I value my freedom, have plans to retire early with millions in the bank, and love doing anything anytime.
One major point is that if both parents work (which they would have to in order to financially support a family in the current economy) requires childcare during the day which knocks out a massive chunk of your paycheck. Living on one income just isn't possible anymore unless you're in the top percentage of earners. It's not that I don't want kids, it's that I don't want to raise a child where we live paycheck to paycheck and I don't get to see my kid grow up due to working 60-80 hours a week to make ends meet.
Exactly this! It's all finances for like 80+% of people. Most kids are being born into welfare nowadays.
I second this, and personally relate to this as well. Having a roof over my head is already a struggle, let alone more mouths to feed.
My family is not in the top percentage earners and we live in one income with four kids. Also most of our friends do as well. We homeschool. It’s all about priorities.
I came to the US as a child and both my parents worked 80 hours a week to support my sister and I. That being said, I am nevertheless glad my parents decided to have kids even though I grew up poor. I’m happy to be alive 😂.
the simple solution is to tax those who dont have kids to the point where is cheeper to have kids than not.
I am a Boomer with one child and a grandchild. I can see both sides of the argument. In my parents time, my father could work, and with one salary we lived a middle class lifestyle. Those days ended 40 years ago. Today, as a retired person, I could not afford my own retirement so I moved to an affordable country that I could on my pension. If I was a young person today, and wanting children, the reality is I must have 2 incomes to be able to afford a comfortable income to raise children. But with a divorce rate of at least 50 percent, the outrageous cost of housing and so on, I don’t know what the solution is. If I was a 20-something male today, I would probably get a good paying trade, build up my income, then move to a country where it is affordable and the society is friendly toward me. I don’t think, in its current state, the Western countries have much to offer the younger generation.
YOU: “I don’t know what the solution is”
Me: Respect. Great post and best of luck✌️
yeah divorce rate is wild
And theb your child is in a country that doesn't give you much income. Great plan Walter.
voice of reason. dropping lots of truths there, boomer
So take what you can and leave huh?
Even if I wanted children, there’s no way I could afford it in this economy.
Poor people who chose to have kids then. They are all in trouble apparently. If the economy is the same for everyone, does it mean most of people should not have kids either?
maybe figure out a way to make more money. McDonald's is hiring at 18 an hour.
@@gouveia305 Homeboy ain't trying to make a general statement
wrong concept
If u cant afford children , it simply means u r spending on useless stuff
Why would I ever want my kids to deal with the trudgery of this life? Not having kids is my biggest finger to society.
All the comments trying to insult people for not wanting kids is so weird and unsettling 😭
Pathetic people 😂
(The insulters)
@@freedommatters7677 lmao what 😭
@@cookiegirl891 the people insulting need to get off their high horse 🤣
@@freedommatters7677 lmao yeah they do 😩😂
Single millennial teacher in my early 30s. No romantic prospects and debt from just trying to get a degree to do a job that required one. Now, the job has left me financially and emotionally in debt and sadness. However, being a teacher requires a lot of my time and attention for children who are in abusive situations... it is a selfless job. I've been able to help a lot of my students and their families who struggle. It sucks living with my parents in my 30s, but unless I find a partner that I can live with, then this is as good as it gets. I'm not going down the roommate route again after all the terrible people I've stayed with in the past. People just have no idea...
I'm very sorry you are sad. I really hope you feel better.
Hopefully your parents are letting you stay with minimal costs!
I'm in the same boat. I'm 33 and tried to date. But a lot of these women today are psychos and expect a free ride. I've had my fair share of dates but after a while of relationships not working out I decided to move out of my apartment and back in to my parents place. The amount of time I was renting my own apartment, I could have had my own home by now.
@@ryanj357 woman have always wanted financial provision for men. Y’all modern man are not providing, deserve traditional woman. Most women would prefer being housewifes so they need someone who is stable. It’s not psycho to want the father of your child to take care of them financially.
@@dorino9057You do realize that the average man makes 40-50k per year? What you're wanting is a man who's in the top 20%. Yet you're an average person. Make it make sense.
In a lot of developed countries, couples are not having children. But then the reality would be, more immigration to offset low birth rates. Increasingly, citizens of these countries don't like this, but it is what is it 🤷🏿♀️
yeah at the moment immigrants are key to the US, otherwise our population would be declining
Immigration actually is not a long term solution to low birth rates. There's a lot of statistical research that proves that.
We get Mexicans immigrating here all of the time so we're good.
That won’t continue for too long tho. Even countries with high population are seeing decline in birth rate. In near future these countries will start trying to hold back their young people from migration.
Don't see that happening any time soon. Even if mexico don't do it, other 3rd n 4th world countries will have 0 problem doing it ie asia, mid east ext
People that shame others for purposely not wanting to have kids for financial reasons, are the same ones that shame people with kids that they can’t afford.
Thank you!!! 💯💯💯💯💯
I grew up in poverty and wouldn’t want for a child to experience that. At this point I am also too old for that. Never wanted kids either way.
I grew up in poverty and learned so much from it. Poverty is a circumstance that can break you or inspire you. Depends which side of the coin you focus on
@@Manon-rc5tb a very American way of thinking there.
@@KitsGravity why is it American? Seems like a thought of ancient Greece to me (people like Marcus Aurelius and others knew this well )
@@KitsGravity And a correct way of thinking.
@@Manon-rc5tb you’re right poverty has inspired me To stay sober, go to therapy . get an education, Start a business and have a successful career. I waited till I was 26 To start my first relationship I’m 31 now In the same relationship and childfree.
I think they just don't want kids. And that is OK and enough for not having kids!
@@mmecharlotte - well said!
It's totally OK and theres a real logic to it. I just find it sad that modern society has made our natural biological imperatives so unfeasible.
Voluntary childlessness on a large enough scale, destabilizes the systems of human infrastructure that keep us all alive.
The reason people don’t have kids is because they’re brainwashed into not having them so the government has an excuse to flood your country.
Voluntary childlessness on a large enough scale, destabilizes the systems of human infrastructure that keep us all alive.
They forgot to mention that many childfree people by choice don't want kids simply because they don't want to be mothers or fathers. I have simply never wanted to get married or have kids since I was a teenage girl. Marriage and kids are not things that I find interesting or that would bring me happiness.
because the point of the video is about people who figured out that raising kids would cost time and money. if you don't want to raise kids for other reasons, then that's a different video.
I'm the opposite, since I was a child I dreamed of getting married and having 5 children, today I only have one daughter
A Married Mother Works Very Hard. And If She Has A Job Outside The Home, Which I Hear she Needs One Or Wants One, Forget About It.
feminist lies you will regret it when you cant have kids and no man wants you
@@milton9639 good for you. That’s not everybody but you would be a great parent because you’re aware you want to be one. These people are aware they don’t want to be one because they would not be as good of a parent as you. So you should have the kids, you desire, and they should have the life they desire.
I’m 54 and I’m childfree . I see no problem. I work all year and have my vacation in Europe . There are too many children already .
Thank you, a sane responsible person, a rare find these days.
@@daisyle1203 I’m saving my money and I’ll be in south of France , Manchester , Liverpool, and Paris for 23 days .
When you become to elderly, it's the children of immigrants who'll be taking care of you.
Having kids involves responsibility and affordability is a question. The society and the government brought this
The people brought this, by voting constantly for ever more government benefits, that has made cost of living ever higher. In 1960, in the U.S., a man could work as a clerk at a hardware store and support a family of 4 kids and stay at home wife in a modest house with one car, one TV set, one phone, etc. Then the Great Society and Vietnam came along and put the country in such debt that now we're all working to pay the interest. This was the stupid voters who did this.
Don't worry our new immigrants have enough kids to keep our country running.
If I WERE going to have children, it would NOT be in the United States. I'd first expatriate the USA and SET UP residence in a country that has a proper social safety net that gives its citizens actual benefits of citizenship instead of bilking and exploiting us from birth to death. Ex. basic goods and services like healthcare, fair housing prices, and full public education in return for paying taxes instead of funneling our money into corporate bailouts and endless wars of imperialism. It's absolutely CRAZY to me that anyone would take on the financial burdens of having children in this country, where you can't even leave a hospital with your baby without being followed by a $30,000 bill- even if it's stillborn. Add in all the healthcare costs, housing and income inequality and insecurity, student loan debt, and the additional costs of education children after high school and the entire concept of raising kids in America is absolute, utter insanity to me. I would NEVER bring children into such a low standard of living and regressive government as this. Not under any circumstances. As it is, I'm planning to get myself out as soon as possible.
you mean capitalism
@@patrickboyd3364it is quite fortunate for our economy that we have higher rates of immigration than many would prefer
30 years ago my wife and I made the same decision. Then she was diagnosed with m.s. in 2001 and her perspective on life changed. We agreed that if either of us had a change of mind the other would be in support. I just turned 60 and lost her 2 years ago to complications. It's not always easy but I am very thankful to have my 2 daughters and all the memories of fun camping trips and life experiences. But i also agree that noone should be shamed about their decision regarding whether to have or not have kids. I found myself on both sides of the decision at different points in life.
Thank you for sharing your story with us and I’m sorry for your loss ❤️ I hope you and your daughters are enjoying the holiday season!
Thank you for sharing, and good luck to you brother.
First my deepest condolences 💐 and second thank you for theses world as a 30 year old I’m in a crossroad the I have no idea with path I should take first
If I WERE going to have children, it would NOT be in the United States. I'd first expatriate the USA and SET UP residence in a country that has a proper social safety net that gives its citizens actual benefits of citizenship instead of bilking and exploiting us from birth to death. Ex. basic goods and services like healthcare, fair housing prices, and full public education in return for paying taxes instead of funneling our money into corporate bailouts and endless wars of imperialism. It's absolutely CRAZY to me that anyone would take on the financial burdens of having children in this country, where you can't even leave a hospital with your baby without being followed by a $30,000 bill- even if it's stillborn. Add in all the healthcare costs, housing and income inequality and insecurity, student loan debt, and the additional costs of education children after high school and the entire concept of raising kids in America is absolute, utter insanity to me. I would NEVER bring children into such a low standard of living and regressive government as this. Not under any circumstances. As it is, I'm planning to get myself out as soon as possible.
I don’t understand why people think having children will guarantee they will be taken care of by them when they age. My aunty is a very good example, she was married once and only had one child (son). Her husband passed away just a year before he was going to retire and since then my aunty said life was too short and retired as soon as she could. Her only son was in his late 30s and was still living with her in her apartment to look over her but the problem is it was affecting his dating life. She was very strict and conservative and did not give him and his girlfriends any privacy so after a while he married someone else from a different state and left her to move in with his wife. She now suffers from Parkinson’s disease and has no one left to be with her. It’s actually very sad but it’s a cautionary tale that having children cannot be treated as a safe guard or future investment.
Bring back a middle class lifestyle and Ill have kids. Ya'll billionaires don't need all the wealth and happiness. Unlimited corporate growth is a fallacy.
“Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of a cancer cell.” -Ed Abbey
Go increase your income.
@@jwonz2054 commenting while sitting in mom's basement😂
@@terwin151 Nope, it is possible to increase your income and get better jobs.
Stop making excuses and cutting down others to keep living a minimal life.
Actually, living standard does keep increasing. The problem is, limited resources such as land becomes more and more expensive.
Dinkleburg from fairly odd parents was named after this. Timmys dad hates dinkleburg for all his nice stuff but the reason they can afford it is due to them having no kids
Bed twerp
Within the last few years, many folks have started to center not just survival but quality of life in their choices. And there is so much diversity in how people view their sense of security, life satisfaction, and relationship satisfaction.
Best comment EVER! Respect✌️
and we need to let people be themselves and not force societal norms or pressures on anyone.
Love this comment, yes! Very much agree that there is a lot of diversity in what people will find in terms of life satisfaction. I love my job and make less than 25k per year (my hubby makes much more so we can afford it) and we have two kids, both under 5. We don't have fancy cars, have phones that are over two years old, our TV is older than our 7 year relationship, but we have a home, supportive friends and family, and get to have a date once every few months. Yes, children can be incredibly expensive, but many people prioritize other spending habits than how we do.
I buy almost all of my clothes secondhand, we eat at home most nights, and take one "big" vacation a year that lasts a few nights. We have cheap hobbies.
We feel fulfilled, though I will say we got extremely lucky and bought our house in 2016 before the housing cost spike. I think we would have waited on kids longer had we not been as lucky. We are almost mid 30s.
Perfectly stated!
Amen to that 🙏😢
When you're thrown into the real world with absolutely nothing and forced to constantly be on "survival mode", having kids is the LAST thing on your mind. Looking back I wouldn't change a thing because I did what I needed to live. Life is sacrifice.
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
@@tw8464u are also a LOSER
"Life is sacrifice"
That's the problem!
@@marissa._ Agreed. I don't see the joy in bringing additional humans into this world when even the most competent ones are prone to struggle. There's no real achievement in having poor, suffering kids. The whole thing just sounds like a miserable simplistic joke that everyone keeps on doing. No thanks.
I’m 57, divorced male, no children and retired.
My time is spent in the pursuit of caring for people and animals.
My life is rich with time.
I’ll never be lonely or without security.
This perspective relies on a belief that the current government and economic system will hold throughout your life. Look at countries that go through economic collapse, mass inflation, ect. If you have no family to help you; you will be extremely vulnerable to the chaos and economic collapse.
@@john-nl8iuIf he does truly "care for people and animals" hes invested in his community, and thus not an outsider.
Having purpose is key… #kudos
@@john-nl8iu He is 57 years old. He is more likely to die of stroke than "economic chaos". Besides, who is to say he has no family? Cousins are family.
@@MrCPPG cousins are relatives. Your wife and children are your family. He will regret his decision at some point if he hasn’t already. Notice he tries hard to convince himself?
In Germany, health care is affordable and granted (birth won't be 40k), childcare is affordable, maternity leave is paid, so it is a lot more comfortable, yet I would still prefer to spend my hard earned money on myself. I didn't study for 6 years for nothing, I want to travel, go shopping, be able to afford nice things. The biggest factor for me deciding not to have kids is giving yourself up for a child. The sleep deprivation, the 24/7 care of a child for over a decade, always putting your needs and wants behind theirs, and not being able to be spontaneous. With kids, everything takes ten times longer, and if your kid is crying because it doesn't like the museum, your day there is over. I've been a babysitter for years, I have tasted what it is like, and only for small periods of time compared to parenthood, and I don't need more, despite me loving the kids I babysit to death. I need a lot of time for myself and I have the financial and societal freedom to do so, unlike a few generations ago, and I will make use of that
Yep you are completely correct a child will steal 20 years of your life and most of the work is on the woman while the man sits back and plays with the child the woman will have to cook for the child change clothing and everything, it's basically a second job at home and the worst thing is when the kid turns 13 there is a good chance it starts to hate you and insult you every day for no reason.. No i really don't need that and im a man myself that is in the 20's
I just want to say that I greatly envy you for living in Germany. I spent a year in Darmstadt at the technical university, and I miss it. My country is a dumpster fire. 😣
Kids? In this economy? 😂
So funny 😂😂😂
Economys fine lol. Groceries is a non issue. Its daycare you gotta find a way to swing.
I’m gonna invest in a child free community. I think that would be fun .
My grandmother (R.I.P) always told me as I became a young adult "Don't make them if you can't afford them" and I thank her for that message because it stuck with me and alot of people need that entrenched in their minds unless they're financially ready.
Meanwhile, those fat cats are doing everything more expensive to ensure many of us will never be "financially ready"...Did grandma tell you about that?
Have you noticed BlackRock buying up 10's of thousands of middle class homes every month and putting them back on the market? Let me guess, you don't have any idea if CNBC is majority owned by BlackRock, Vanguard, or StateStreet? Have you seen housing prices far outpace "inflation" norms? How about on food?
Hmmm, get back to me on your short sided grandmothers advice...or maybe she didn't notice or have time to explain just a few more things? You adulting yet?
Nobody has ever financially ready, especially if you believe the fake numbers they give you about how much it is to raise a child
Aren't you lucky your grandmother didn't listen to her own advice, or you wouldn't be here.
I was about to say the same lol
@@gouveia305 On the one hand its duh basic advice to those that get it already, but at the same time its kind of "are you re tar did" advice when considering the actual cost of living expenses. One has to be 20 years into a well paying job to viably be financially prepared to afford kids.
Maybe what you are ACTUALLY seeing is those that figure their jobs will never their cost of living expenses with kids.
Its like you struggle with organizing basic parts of life building and looked at everyone elses financial struggles as your own struggle. Pssst, other people addressed some basics and realized its not financially possible way before you figured it out.
Did you watch the clip? Did you not get was being addressed?
Some of my cousins are in child free marriages. They didn't make the choice, it was made for them, but they seem to be happy things turned out that way. One of my cousins was born without a uterus and another cousin had cervical cancer and had to have her uterus removed in her 20s. Neither of them made efforts to pursue adoption. They were able to find husbands that were not interested in children.
'seem to be happy', are you *sure*?
I'm 34, and have simply not wanted kids because I have no desire. Been that way since i entered adulthood and it hasn't changed. And today's economic climate just further doubles down on my decision.
Most people who decide to not have children actually may just be more level headed than those who do. They tend to think about having kids more carefully and seriously. For that, their decision is respectable.
They go against their natural senses and cope by replacing a baby with a dog. They are the perfect New World Order slaves. Hahahahahahaha
That's why humans aren't levelheaded creatures then. The ones that are don't have kids and die out.
Or selfish
@@smithblack100 I bet you know someone who has kids and is very selfish and someone who doesn’t and is generous 🙂
It's social conditioning. The jevvish eIites don't want whytey breeding. They want to replace them with cheap third worId labour.
But we live on through our kids. Those who don't breed are genetic dead ends.
My parents grew up very poor and decided that the only way they could afford children was through the military, so that is what they did. They could never have had kids otherwise, so cut to me being in my 40s, I make easily 3 times what they made together and I still couldn’t afford a child. The way the economy is going in most developed countries is really going to limit who can and can’t have children unless something drastic changes.
It's really sad when couples know they're not financially stable enough to have children. Developed countries might not want people to have kids because the world is too overpopulated.
There is no way you make three times as much as a dual income military household and can't afford a child. You're just bad with money lol
@@lisarosebolin I never said it was a dual income household...
@@lisarosebolinyou literally don’t know where that person lives, what their housing situation is, what their student loan debt situation is, what their family (parents/siblings) situation is. Yet you think you are qualified to say they are bad with money. Sit down and think about what you typed.
@@SSGoatanks The over populated thing is a bit of a meme really. The high population centres are not the developed countries, over half of the worlds population lives in the asian contintent(bit over 4.5 billion), about 1.5 billion in the african continent. Ironically the low population areas are all the first world areas. I think Europe and the US make up just over 1 billion total. So the world may have an overpopulation issue, but that issue isnt in the first world countries, which actually have the opposite problem, hence so much immigration is needed.
I couldn't POSSIBLY understand how this is happening. Our rent has increased 36% in the time we've lived here. What money are we supposed to use for building a family when we're busy helping the landlord build their family?
Make better choices
@JazzyJizzyJohnson-og5sc Let the kids sleep on the sidewalk! 😂
Landlords raise rent because their property values raise and thay raises property taxes
@@specialagentorange4329 Why doesn't the landlord make better choices rather than just decide he can pilfer more money from a tenant just because he feels entitled too? So, No...
@@jmz2144 But the Property Values are fictitious. It's usury. Property prices don't just automatically go up, and especially not up and up and up forever. By the end of the day, a house is a livingspace made with materials.
Happiness > Having kids just because friends and family and society say you should
I'd like to add : Never do anything because others say you should. What do they know? Nothing.
Misery= not listening to the elders who know best but you think your smarter than everyone else until your shown your not. The happiest person in the world is Grandma you know why because we all luv Grandma and luv is the key to life but you go on ahead and die alone. So when someone dies alone does anyone care? I've seen plenty of people do great things because of family and I've seen a lot of miserable people alone cuz they thought they didn't need anybody but we all need human contact from birth to death but you go ahead try your experiment because you know so much. History teaches us otherwise.
@@kirkdogg007 actually I'd say this couple is anything but lonely and in misery. In fact I think they're thriving and living their best lives.
This lifestyle will only provide short term happiness. I used to live in a condominium full of childless single middle aged women, and trust me, they were not living a great life. When you don’t have loved ones in your life, that’s when you spiral. And I’m sorry, but your friends don’t provide the same type of companionship that family does. And a relationship that doesn’t have kids in the picture is highly likely to fail. When you get older and spend long weekends and holidays alone with your dog, you’ll be changing your definition of happiness.
@@yashnigam6name 1 thing that isn’t “short term happiness”
He got a house from his grandparents. A windfall and generational wealth really does have its benefits.
And it ends with him… along with his grandfather and ancestors plight, blood, sweat and tears
“Sorry guys, I would enjoy all your effort for your memory and consume everything”
@@DonesdeMotivacion wah wah wah, cry them a river, they are already dead, you complain about a family bloodline when genetics only last 6 generations, get over yourself
@@DonesdeMotivacion So he should have kids just to pass possessions on? Great reason.
@@Bluzlbee you seem to not have respect for none of their efforts… what a shame and a waste of human you are… what a shame for your own ancestors memory
@@Bluzlbee by the way… I did my DNA Genealogy and the sample was able to trace my origins from Norway, Gales, Spain and I’m Puerto Rican, you know what that means?
Celtic migration to Spain after Viking conquest of Britannia.
That’s definetly more than “6 generations”
Liar… the Habsburg Jaw survived for more than 10 with the same genetical pre disposition
$300k compounded till retirement would be a ton of money. So you are literally choosing retirement or kids. Crazy
The 7% return is a bit of a stretch though.
The video failed to account for the tax savings families with kids get.
@@RockroxxgertI don't know where you live but a govt controlled corp in my country makes close to 7% yearly in dividends for its members. There were years it was above 7 iirc. Also, it's TAX FREE
🤔 Hmmm… Financially comfortable (early) retirement or kids? On the one hand, the government actively encourages having children through tax breaks & other incentives. Whereas childless people don’t & end up paying more in taxes.
I’m one of 9 children… I’d rather pay the taxes.
A decision I made at age 11.
Kids sorta are a retirement savings in themselves
Sad world we live in. People who should be having kids aren't having kids while people who shouldn't be having kids are popping them out like nothing.
a person who shouldnt be having kids is one who doesnt want a kid
Literally the plot of Idiocracy
@@iamdragonettatoo Idiots, the lazy, people who don't contribute to society.
@@iamdragonettatoo someone who can't afford to provide for their kids
@@eduardo_Skywaller1032How would that work in states that have forced birth?
Having no kids in your thirties is so freaking liberating.
You think THAT'S liberating? Try having no kids in your sixties!
Whatever you say🤣
Agree, 100%
And having no kids in your 70s will make you want to die.
What about when you're in your 60s, 70s, 80s?....No adult children or grandkids around to visit you. Just all your friends dying off one by one, until you're all alone.
We can’t even afford a house how tf would any of us bring a child into the mix that’s selfish
Best birth control is being around family members having kids without thought and seeing the damage of a broken family.
THIS!! THIS!!! THIS!!! Same reason I’M child free!!!! 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
It was mine for a long time but I had children with no intention of having a broken home but a loving home. It’s a lot of effort but it’s worth raising the future generation with love
It's not all about money. I don't even want to be in the same room with a child, let alone raise them.
It's about money.
@@robertagren9360 Projection!
@@robertagren9360it’s not all about money even that is a huge part of it. I just don’t want kids I’m not good with them I don’t have the patience to put with there crap and them wreaking my stuff. I would probably mess them up somehow so I’ll pass
Yep. My husband and I went through 8 years of infertility and rather than spend our life savings chasing a dream that wasn’t a guarantee, we decided to live happily childless. We don’t regret it.
Same here for my wife and I. Infertility issues prevented from having children.
Here I am in my early 30s with 8 years of higher education, no kids, and still no money 🥲
I feel seen.
What is your degree(s) in? How much do you make each year? How much do you spend each year?
Exactly. Hard labor and skilled labor does not necessarily mean disposable income like the people in the vid.
@bigballcomedy skills means money for sure, but getting an education doesn't usually mean you have skills.
I was raised to believe that “if you can’t afford have children, don’t.”
Kids of the 80’s and 90’s will remember that we had required classes meant for the prevention of pregnancy. Looks like the lessons stuck.
Yup. I can vouch. A lot of us waited for the day when we were financially secure. That day never came.
These days most young couples can't realistically afford children.. So what's the alternative, only have rich people propergate.. That would be the end of civilization as we know it.. Who's going to work labor jobs and low paying jobs?
@@jackhemphill7257 Who will work low paying jobs? AI and robots! :D
I think of rainbow on him❤
@@jackhemphill7257robots. It seems to be the reality. Most low wage jobs will be replaced by robots
My thing is children don’t ask to be here… they don’t ask for whatever living circumstance you have so if you can barely feed your damn self why are you even dreaming about having a child? If you are drowning in debt or living paycheck to paycheck or homeless or just plain struggling, please reconsider bringing an innocent child into that mess. That’s why a lot of us aren’t just popping out kids.
Amen!!!!!!!! 💯💯💯💯💯💯
we say older generations didn't have to deal with high living costs...etc. However, there were plenty of families with no money and kids have to grow up dirt poor. it's hard to have children in any generation. Definitely, my parents shouldn't have a house full of kids!
It's also the reason why poverty rises in US when poor people keep breeding like factory 😂😂 Have you seen the recent news yet? It's amusing!
@paodbdauw I grew up poor and most of my friends were dirt poor. Most of my Friends and myself are much better off than our parents. Being poor teaches many life lessons and helped me form determination and the ability to have a endless list of life skills. I had lots of fun growing up in a house of two sets of twins, one year and a day apart. There was weeks we ate salmon and crab for dinner every night because my dad was a financially dumb fisherman and still needed to feed the kids.
Having kids is a choice. They do not choose to be born. If you can't raise children, DO NOT MAKE THEM.
This is impossible to know until you actually have kids lol. You may THINK you know, but you never do.
@@guyincognito9410So have a little HUMILITY and dont pressure everyone to keep having children
@@guyincognito9410 that's why nephews and nieces exist. Hell, even young brothers or cousins.
@@R_wir3 those can help, but it’s absolutely not the same. I have tons of nieces and nephews, but was never gung-ho about a family until I had one.
If you're smart, then it would still be a good idea to make them but then simply give them up for adoption in the form of an open adoption.
I never got married, nor ever brought any children into this world, and I'm in my early 60s - No regrets!
@@RiDankulouslincoln log toy
Probably you have no regret because you've lost your identity as human being in a life cycle, which include reproduccion, to embrace only cultural one, where any sort of stupidity is allowed.
How come there are no recent news titled "Immature, financially and emotionally unstable parents decide to have (scar) another child"
It seems the system is worried about effects on economy and their money loads rather than the mental and physical health of future children.
100%. Having children before being able to care for them adequately is a stain on millions of people’s lives. It’s where most of societal instability is born.
you are spot on, the corporations are scared that they will run out of cheap desperate labor that is willing to do anything for minimum wage, thats why the gov opens the borders so wide open
As a millennial I agree with you that many in our generation are immature. However not having children is not a solution for that.
In fact not having children maybe why many millennials are staying immature and emotionally unstable.
I know having kids is what motivated my parents into becoming mature mentally stable adults.
Having kids is a societal expectation. If you're childless, you'll understand this because people will let you know you've colored outside of the lines 😂
Odd criticism considering the entire case for not having children is selfish materialism and short term thinking.
How can we expect people to take care of another human being when we keep making it harder and harder to take care of ourselves?
This!! 💯💯💯💯💯
@gaslitworldf.melissab2897 Life gets increasingly competitive.
Who's "we"?
@@jcdenton2907you are we are just npc to make you not alone.
As someone who is somewhat well off financially, not just the cost is a concern but even finding someone for a serious relationship is a major concern. Everyone seems very anti social now on top of these rising costs.
I feel people older than my age would have been way more comfortable having kids. Also have an easier time finding a partner, buying a house and car 10-20 years ago seemed like a easy thing to do. Now I just work and feel like I have no time. Trying to branch out socially is very difficult to do.
I do think the things you say in a way are conected. My parents generation, if they worked hard, were honest good ppl who helped others they succeded in life.. they could as a generalisation afford to buy a house and also get help from family and friends they were friends with and had helped in the past, not in a stressful burden way but in a good way feeling helpful and valued. Today, I have a dream about owning a house and having a big family but I start to see that if I stay as an employee I wont be able to buy a house before Im too old to take care of it, the kods would also have left home when I can afford it... So their childhood would not be in a hoise as I have dreamt... and today its sooooo many randome ppl... if you are nice to a person you might never see them again, therefore never get back kindness from them (and I dont mean that kindness should come with an obligation but if the cycle works in a good way that feel obligation free it bouth gives help AND a sence of meaning and belonging) by not having that in the same way today ppl might get hopeles, less happy and then also less social. Thats my thought.
@@abcdefg216you are 100% right
Very true. My bf and I lucked out! Everyone wants to hook up…., we wanted to settle down. Without kids. 😂
This decision for this generation not to have kids will end the rise of progressivism. Because the Christians and Muslims are still pumping them out. Way to go socialists!
You are a walking breathing thinking tabloid. You arent actually sentient lol
My childhood made me not want to have kids. Having kids is a personal choice. It's not for everyone
I have a kid, and I don't blame those who choose to be child free. I'm middle class and don't think I'd be able to afford another one. Let the billionaires have 6-7 children. The middle class have enough struggle with all the taxes we have to pay.
The world is already over-populated - Some billionaires shame those who choose to be child free because there's not enough workers and cheap labor in their companies. Less people means less profits and the end of capitalism.
@@SSGoatankskinda puts the overturn of Roe v. Wade in a new light... We can't have poor people aborting future workers I mean future taxpayers I mean blessed unborn babies
@@wjb4578 Breed damn you! The next quarters profit forecast depends upon it!
@@SSGoatanks get a job
Taxes.... I hope your not American 🤣🤣🤣. Americans complaining about taxes is hilarious
As a former teacher who's engaged to marry someone I want to have a child with, I applaud those who choose to NOT have kids if they dont want to.
I saw so many parents in my short teaching career who looked like they didn't actually care about their children. It's as if they had kids strictly because society and/or their religious institutions told them to.
The sad reality is that the kids are the one who are truly suffering from the halfhearted actions of their parents.
Mmmmkay, I saw this person eating out of a dumpster...then I saw another...then I saw another....therefor people eat out of dumpsters. This is what I heard you say.
THE REAL REALITY is that your society has its priorities so off track that there isn't TIME for kids...our leaders got both adults in the house working 10-12 hour days salary. Can contact us at home, on the we can afford a house?
You were a teacher? Riiiiiggggghhhhht, mmmkay.
Check out "Latch key kids" its this 1980's term for kids coming home from school with no parents in the home...because they at their salary jobs/"careers". Pssst, that was 40 years ago...and...inflation has been out pacing wages for DECADES NOW...
...oh, happy engagement former teacher. Sorry, are you a real person, not a hired commenter? Your comment is sooo bizarre and disconnected from REAL peoples experiences.
I agree. I honestly am angry at my parents as I didn’t want to be born or exist but am forced to live a life I didn’t even ask for! I am not suicidal but I am angry at the concept of existing without a say! There are billions of people in developing nations who don’t even have access to clean drinking water and yet those children are forced to live a life like that just because their parents were taught it was the right thing to do or they didn’t consider using a glove!
You're 1,000% correct. SO MANY people who have kids only have them because society/religious institutions has effectively set it up so that people don't even know what life is for other than having a kid by age 35. They literally can't even fathom there are other options. Then once they have the kid and realize it's not for them it's too late and it results in a lot of bad parenting, neglect, or those "you're 18 so now you have to pay rent or get out of my house" type parents. Society puts this pressure to have kids on people largely to sustain the work force so billionaires and CEOs can have yearly bonuses and yachts. Our society is very broken, sadly.
I agree. I'm a teacher in Tanzania🇹🇿 Africa and most children suffers so much because the tradition, society and religion has made their parents to have them anyway without the concern to raise them. Neglection is so much high. Children suffers a lot of things from starvations to diseases while their parents brag about their ability to reproduce in the society
umm thats flawed logic.
a child that "choses" to exist.
that kinda hurts my brain. kids are born from ONE BASIC thing, no more no less. an infant doesnt have a will. and if anything will/desire is a "privilage" in certain instances.
what the parent cooks you eat. full stop period.
if the parents come together to have a child, 9 months later a child is born.
an infants desire to exist, is NOT even a debatable issue. cuz infants desires are only impluses at best, not a sentient will just yet.
hunger, fatigue, pain, joy.
object permanence isnt even developed yet. which is why peekaboo is a universally fun game regardless of cultural background.
but yeah, parents should put a LOT of forethought before conceiving a child.
even as a 8 year old kid, i said it cost a million dollars to raise me. and i just chalked it up to "you just make it work" for those you love.
but formula isnt cheap, pampers arent cheap, baby products literally have a small window of use, yet you cant forgo purchasing baby stuff. like a crib, bottles, clothes that the infant grows out of every other month, and so on.
and MAYBE you can recoup the cost of baby stuff by reusing it for the second child.
I am a man and I never had children and people think something is wrong with me. Even a doctor I visited once asked me what's wrong.
try being a woman over the age of 40. You get asked on the daily what is wrong with you. LOL. I live it.
people always judge, no matter what, they better mind, their own, f4ck4ng business...
@@rosanegra-urbanmusic7678 yeah I don’t pay no mind.
Keep trying different doctors until you find one who knows
Before you write a nasty comment about childfree people, think for a second: Do happy people need to criticize other people's life choices? Do they get this angry when someone makes a different choice than them? You are not writing that comment because you are trying to convince others, you are writing it to convince yourself. You know you haven't put enough thought into having kids and existence of people that did and picked a different option is causing you uncomfortable thoughts, so you lash out and cope.
indeed its called cognitive dissonance
They're mad jealous
Before my parents had kids, my dad worked a starting position in a factory for 30k, and my mom was a teacher making a similar amount (My wife and I currently make about that much). I wonder how they did it, but then realized that adjusted for inflation (according to the bureau of labor statistics) they EACH made 90k in todays money. No wonder they were able to buy a house within a few years and immediately start having kids once my dad got a new job and it began to pay more. My wife and I would like kids some day, but feel like being a d.i.n.k. is literally a necessity, NOT a luxury. If an older generation ever tells you: "We did it, so can you!" Ask them if they could have done it working the same hours for a THIRD the wages.
They probably forgot to calculate how much it costs to raise a child from age 0 to 18
Upgrade your career, which might mean more education. Stop blaming outside factors for your own failings. I completed undergrad and Master's programs at forty after a career in the military. You are younger than me and haven't done half as much as I have, but complain twice as much. Life is trying to tell you something, but you aren't listening.
@@DIVISIONINCISION How much did college cost you? You mention you were military - did that save you any money? I don't really understand how getting paid less for the same work is somehow jaypane5844's fault.
Hey don't worry what about some of these guys are saying. It's not your fault the economy isn't working as well as it used to. Just do the best that you can. I hope you are having a good day.
@@JohnSmith-bb1sv I'm retired military w/ pension, and disabled now. Both undergrad and Master's were covered by my Veteran's benefits. At this point with the career I have, salary and savings/investments, I can do whatever I want. I can retire now if I wanted.
I love being child-free. I never wanted children since I was a teen and the older I get the happier I am.
Not everyone wants to be a parent.
As average guy I also don't need legacy at all
Both of these choices are as valid as wanting kids.
Don't worry these immigrants have enough children to keep our country running for the next50years
And on youtube all day long
@@anastasiassecret3837 agree, there’s plenty good channels too who support and teach young kids.
But most childless are being seen here lately, they had noting else to do other than watching videos about childless people and watering plants after binge watching stranger things
I'm autistic. I decided not to have children because I have no patience on dealing with them! I usually raise dogs because they're better to deal with.
yes taking care of myself is already a lot when facing burnout, factoring a kid in a whole new life is a lot to carry
if you're autistic, don't have kids PERIOD. I have no patience dealing with autistic people, just like you have no patience for dealing with children (most likely due to the fact that you're autistic)
Not sure what autism has to do with patience that's just you.. Nice excuse though I suppose.. Sad people like you blame everything on autism..
If you're autistic, do you depend fully on your parents or how does that work out?
@@Ignaciombrmany autistic people are high functioning and, with some reasonable modifications, are perfectly capable of living on their own.
This is my fifth year after retirement. I’ve been following the 4% rule thing I saw on a RUclips channel, but this isn’t really how hard I expected things to be. After I cashed out a lump sum, I still have about $760k left, but at this rate, and with how the market is (we were putting money away in an index fund), I’m starting to get worried.
Amazingly, you were able to save that much during your active years. Not a lot of people can save that much in a lifetime. But now you are retired and depend on your investment, it’s best you redistribute your capital, so you are not left devastated during a market crash or recovery. To simplify the process, you could allocate your resources with the help of a financial advisor.
@@MelindaMatsuda Yeah, I’m also closing in on retirement, and I have benefitted much from using a financial advisor. I didn’t start early, so I knew the compound interest of index fund investing would not work for me. Funny how I pulled in more profit than some of my peers who have been investing for many years.
@@elegboozioma7267 Hey, this caught my interest. I worry that I have a couple more months before retirement, and I want to switch to using a financial advisor, but I don’t know how to find one.
@@ShellyHuerta Well, there are a few out there who know what they are doing. I tried a few in the past years, but I’ve been with Victoria Carmen Santaella for the last five years or so, and her returns have been pretty amazing.
@@elegboozioma7267 Thank you for this tip. it was easy to find your coach. Did my due diligence on her. She seems very proficient and I'm grateful for your guidance.
There are a lot of people who can have kids, but a lot less who want to be parents.
There's a difference.
I find it better to decide not to have kids rather than having one and resenting the child later.
Yes to all of this. 💯💯💯💯💯💯
In other words, you are not confident in yourself, to have children.
Exactly: always err to the side of caution, if you are uncertain it is better not to have children rather than risk regretting parenthood
Or the child hating you for making them without their consent.
@@ihatelife486 No one came into being with their own consent... The only way that would be possible would be with time-travel... where you go back in time to your moment of conception, and tell your parents to take a short break from humping, because you are about to give them consent, and that with your consent, it's all good.
Honestly, with today’s economy I can’t afford a child and I’m not about financial irresponsibility so it really leaves no other option than to be child free. Which breaks my heart, I would love to be a mother. However having a reasonable income is no longer enough, having a home and buying groceries is enough of a challenge as is. And I won’t live paycheck to paycheck and raise a child in an environment like that.
Then you're childless, not childfree. Childfree folks don't want kids at all.
@@lillyprince4323ah yes, berating somebody on semantics is the right choice here. try a lil empathy dude.
I hear you! 🫶
They vote for this economy.
I respect you're decision to not have children, but if the average women in the DR Congo can afford to have 6 children who will all live to adulthood, odds are you can afford to have children.
"Children are the death of net worth." Well, that's a way to look at it. I was never a woman who was dying to get married and have kids. Definitely not, but it was more about, would I be a good parent? How much my net worth might be affected was never a consideration. I got married at 29 and had my first child at 31. Now I am 73 and my grandkids are my greatest joy. I am okay financially. I have friends who never had kids and, yeah, their net worth is great. In fact, they all (five couples) have so much money that one set up a foundation at a major university, another donated $100k to the city ballet company, and another takes exotic vacations 4-5 times a year. Good for them. But no amount of money will replace the joy I find from the excited look on my granddaughter's faces when they see grandma coming home. 😊 To each his own.
that's good perspective, thank you for sharing
If the only “worth” people see is housed in a bank account, I venture to say they missed what makes a worthy life entirely. When my first son was born, my world changed. I didn’t know a man could feel those feelings. No money could possibly come close to it. It couldn’t even scratch the surface of what I feel for my children.
@@johnnybizzle2748some people don't feel the same. Many just don't want children. If they are forced to have them, they are the worst parents in the world and the children often become criminals.
Could we agree that parenting is not for everybody and that the ones who don't want children should never have them?
@@justmeagain7 I do agree not everyone would make a great parent, and I never espoused forcing people to become parents. But I also say that the blessing of family is far and above money. Yes, no statement applies to every single person usually. And not everyone will have a great family on this earth. The point remains: family and children is lightyears ahead of money.
@@johnnybizzle2748 Somebody's trash is other people's treasure.
Having children in virtually all industrialized countries is cost and time prohibited. Wages have not kept up with housing and education costs. And the women tend to be stuck with the lioness share of child rearing and still working outside the home. In the US, the right has decided to limit birth control as a means to push up birthrates. (The US hasn't experienced depopulation due immigration. However, now the US wants to deportation both legal and illegal immigrants.)