No the whole issue if comprehension isnt your thing is Russia trying to claim international waters not in theyre exclusive zone. Was kinda the point of entire video.
Russia: Builds military infrastructure on its own sovereign territory. USA, Canada, Norway, Denmark: That is provocation. Finland, Iceland, Sweden: We need to claim Arctic. PRC: Arctic is a nearby maritime area.
_Russia is not allowed to merely peacefully defend its own borders. That is a threat to our democracy_ Yea this channel is yet another neoliberal, neocolonial, Europe exceptionalism, etc
I guess you missed the part where Russia tried extending it's claim into those other countries' claims. That was kinda the whole point of the video that Russia has extended it's claim far further then they're sovereign maritime area
The USA has not ratified the law of the sea, So it is hypocritical of them to claim that their EEZ is to be extended as per a treaty that they haven’t agreed to
This opens them up to even greater problems, though (although this is unlikely) since they're not a signatory to the UNCLOS, Russia could claim waters off of Alaksan territory. It would be violating international law, but the US couldn't legally object, since they don't recognize the legitimacy of that law anyway. And to quickly ratify the UNCLOS would give America another headache, since they would have to support Greece against Turkey, who also doesn't recognize the law (because it would make the entire sea off Turkey's coast exclusively Greek territory).
Pretty sure the us response to that would me to simply treat whoever decides to enforce their claim on the land as an aggressor Which would justify military action No nation on earth wants to face the US in a showdown so close to US territory
I don't see anything controversial with it. Russia is building military bases on its own land to defend its interests and territorial integrity. We don't want Russia expanding into the Eastern Europe or elsewhere, but what Russians do in their own country is only their business. 👍 It is clear that without those bases and Russian nuclear deterrent Western oil & gas companies would be sniffing there and would soon discover some gross violation of the rights of local minorities that require immediate military action 🙈.
Western hydrocarbon companies already found a lot of gross violation of every rights possible ever since Putin pushed them to pay taxes. They were exploiting Russian shores complitely for free during Yeltsin.
@@att7364 I guess you are American because colonization from the area now known as "Denmark" had been the second most influential colonization process in European history, second only to the Italian one.
@@ilFrancotti jeg mener ikke kolonisering som i imperialismen men som i union, eksempel: Danmark-norge unionen. Grønnland var først og fremst kolonisert av norske vikinger fra island som brukte kolonien til å nå vinland i amerika. Det er så vidt jeg vet om grønnland. Greit at Danmark har grønnland og vi har nordsjøen for meg
the word Nonsense is the most appropriated word to this video! can you novigate through any country territorial waters without notification? North Arctic route is going through 200 miles exclusive zone.
"Russia's military presence far outweighs the rests, even the US." Ohh this is such a silly statement. Let's ignore the fact that Russia is building it's military bases on their ground, while US has their bases literary everywhere. Even if you don't count them in total, all around the world, just a list of countries with US military bases is bigger than Russia's bases count in their own country :)
So in other words, the US is an evil fascist global empire. Yea we all know, but unfortunately, none of the soft neolibs wanna support the competitors against the great American tyranny
@@ImGonnaOilYouUp _"As opposed to Russia, who just happens to be the topic of the video"_ And that topic is?.. Russia built a base inside it's own land. Is that illegal? Rhetorical question. It's not an issue of course, but you will make it an issue because you have prejudice against Russia.
Millions of Russians are living in the Arctic thats why there are heavy commercial and military activities in there. It is not comparable to Northern Canada and Alaska where its mostly uninhabited.
More like _"Russia merely being allowed to exist, and defend its sovereign borders, is a threat to our democracy"_ the video Meanwhile the US has bases, in practically every country on the planet outside its borders, yet the European exceptionalists don't take a look at that.
@@eksiarvamus _one country has bases in practically every country on the globe; brutal global domination_ _the other has a base in Syria and that's it_ *_o O o O o m u h h r u s s i a n i m p e r i a l i s m_* 🤪🤪🥴🥴
@@pissyourselfandshitncoom2172 These mostly democratic countries agree with those bases to defend them from evil countries like Russia or China. Syria is one of the most repressive and totalitarian dictatorships on the planet...
"...Russians planted russian flag on the bottom of the ocean near North Pole... They really want the Arctic." In 1969 americans planted their flag on the surface of the Moon. They definetly want it.
The US cannot claim the Moon because they signed the Outer Space Treaty in 1967. But the Russians can claim some of the international waters that are above the continental shelf because they signed the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (the US does not) .
Russia doesn't want anything. The Arctic is theirs, and mind you included Alaska not soo long as. Greed might wipe out the west sooner than anticipated
All these bases are build on 100% Russian land you make it sound like they are not. And only Russia has fleet of Nuclear Icebreakers to sail in those frozen waters, and make passage for commercial ships.
I'm more concerned regarding the PRC's expansion in SEA rather then the Russians in the artic,mostly since the Russians are technically building stuff on what technically can be classified as their land rather then international waters
They're trying to claim international waters in the Arctic, it's not theirs lol. Did you watch the video? You don't live in this region so you probably shouldn't act like you're the spokesperson for our region
Everyone worries about nature until it starts to interfere with making money. I don't care about nature, like 90% of people in the world. Most of the people are just hypocrites who protect nature in words, but they themselves have not donated even $1 to any fund in their entire lives
Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Canada And the USA who all are right next to it, some that have been longer than the existence of Russia: no, but actually yes
@@felixkjornsberg all those countries you named besides the US are irrelevant satellite states and even the US is outclassed in arctic warfare by Russia
It be nice if a Canadian government took their claim seriously and also didn`t keep putting their head in the sand to conflict in the arctic in the next 50 years.
Russia's EEZ doesn't extend to the North Pole. If they don't try to claim more than their EEZ, there won't be a problem. But statements like, "the Arctic is our land" are concerning.
So when the US and Nato do “power projection” it’s fine but when Russia says it wants to project power it’s “concerning”. That’s hypocritical as all hell but ok!
@@cianakril hey you know the rule, NO COUNTRY is allowed to merely exist peacefully or defend its sovereign borders, if they are not a slave to the US neocon overlords. Thus why Nicaragua is about to face disciplinary action for voting for the guy the US didn't like. And also why the US is apparently allowed to park their navy on the Chinese coast
Кто там хочет осваивать Арктику при -50 градусах и полярной ночью? Добро пожаловать! Не забудьте построить десяток ледоколов и разработать военную технику, которая сможет работать в морозы и претендуйте сколько влезет.
@@pissyourselfandshitncoom2172 Stop being disingenuous. Everyone knows the US has obligations to defend other countries as well, not just solely the US. There's a different and clear motive as established in this video as to WHY Russia is creating bases near the artic, so stop moving the goalpost.
NATO ally countries. Most US bases abroad are in Japan (who can't constitutionally create a military) and Germany who also doesn't invest a lot in military budget. Our allies want us there and partially pay for our servicemen to be stationed in their countries
@@ImGonnaOilYouUpI don't understand how you can have such a brainwashed mind. What other obligation is there to protect other countries? Given by God himself? The Vietnamese, Yemenis, and Afghans did not call you to protect you from anyone. We are building military bases on OUR territory, so what kind of claims can there be? Build as many military bases as you want on your own, it's normal when a country manages its own territory
Fact : The United States has so many military bases outside of its borders that even the Pentagon didn't exactly know how extensive its global military presence was.
@@ImGonnaOilYouUp what are you refering to? Posible war with North and South Korea, Chinese expansion to Taiwan? They are not exacly conected with Russia.
Another detail you didnt mention in the video. Along with the Artic Russian Bases, the US is expanding its military capabilities in Norway as tensions rise with rusia. Its probably one of their main proyection plans rn
But its rare to find an explainer covering both sides.... They are like telling the world what the behavior of russian that may be make you angry, but in the other hand, their country, the us, doing the exact same thing, or even worse than the Russian did...
@@arjusofingi7735 except Russia is building a base on its own territory to protect its own economic waters, while US is bullying the mini-country half the planet away to be a spearhead and meatshild in US attempts to cockblock Russia from development. No, not quite the same.
I would be surprised if America even let Russia smell the Arctic ice cuz there's some hefty amounts of oil but Russia ain't scared of Emma has two mom's.
I doubt Canada will contest much more of the arctic ocean outside of legal precedent. The northwest passage is a much more pressing issue tho, as it is definitely through Canadian waters (it literally passes between many of the northern islands) but is already being disputed as an international passage, as China passed an icebreaker through it without asking permission a couple of years ago. Plus the US has refused to recognize it as Canadian water either. If the government doesnt step up soon we'll be left holding the bag
EEZ is not territory. EEZ only guarantees fishing and oil rights (and other under-the-water activities). Passage through an EEZ cannot be impeded by the country the EEZ belongs to and tolls cannot be issues either.
@@asdsdjfasdjxajiosdqw8791 No one has proposed barring or having tolls. The pilots are there to navigate through the ice, as even in warmer waters there is still plenty of it. It is also to ensure ships do not wander close to military bases while trying to go around big chunks of ice. Keep in mind that the Arctic trade route is not open waters - there is still plenty of icebergs and more floating around there. It makes sense to have a ship count, size and expected travel path for all ships on the route to better manage the traffic given the environment there. Look at what happened in the Suez canal with the ship being stuck there - the only way that could happen in such a warm climate is human error. In the Arctic the conditions are a lot less forgiving hence the need for experienced local pilots to avoid such bottlenecks and accidents.
I've watched multiple geopolitically centric videos of this channel. The videos are well produced and well narrated, but one thing is clear, this channel's personnel does not understand geopolitics. That's fine though, many people do not.
You really came to such an insipid answer after the video?? It's not about territory it's about controlling the resources and exploiting trade routes for maximum benefit. Do you really believe that the Arctic has the same value as some shitty permafrost port near Vladivostok?
When these parts of arctic became Russian, Usa wasnt even on the map. Obviously, we have to protect achievements of our ancestors, forthem to not be in vain
@@Яна-мамба you're daftness is in indubitably tremendous! I was making a satirical remark in sarcasm, intentionally undermining the importance of the Artic endeavor! You're truly dense!
Nothing about the continental shelf of Siberia extending into the Arctic Ocean by way of the Lomonosov Ridge? Nice try of potraying Russia as an agressor.
Вся территория Арктики это Российская территория . На своей земле русские строят ОБОРОНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ объекты . А то что это властям США не нравиться это их проблемы , России тоже не нравиться , что американцы с англичанами на Украине открыто убивают наших людей , руками всевозможных неофашистов и прочих больных уродов . Так что ясно , что американцы понимают закон силы . Вот и весь разговор с американцами . Талько на позиции сильного .
I'm just hoping people create an international don't touch zone with some kind of radius around the north pole--say a few hundred kilometers, probably, just to protect the nature there. Everything else? Free game. And due to the geography, it would only make sense that Russia obtain the largest percentage of that remaining area out of the surrounding countries.
@@professorlobato888 Oh xD I made this comment while taking an environmental engineering class for college lol. I literally just finished my last final exam today... I could actually work in that area if I wanted, but idk yet. xD This feels weird Anyways, ye, I think it doesn't get considered enough... (random additional note: the sinking of the Moskva can't be healthy for the black sea...)
Mmm, unfortunately even if the US build a way to stop traffic by way of the baring strate, it would only hurt europe, as Russia can still get goods directly from China. Not sure how you counter? But on the other hand, we have a way to bypass this, the shipping routes we use today, they cost more, but is what we do today. The resources are an interesting question, they are in the economic zone, so they are theirs. I do not thing there is any real chance for a war to start up, MAD is in effect still and nothing here really says it's worth destroying the world over
@@peterg7363 Russia wants to gain control over the North passage so they can charge a feel like canals do, to go though there territorial waters, they want to be able to stop traffic to enforce this, they could also use it as leverage to get consessions from Europe, for instance with getting new pipelines added,
there are perhaps other geostrategic connections for the the NSR. First, Russia might be aiming long-term to have the both NSR AND the Suez route under its control, thus having control of almost all sea trade around the Eurasian continent between China and Europe. This could be why Russia is manoeuvering in the Middle East , and has a major fleet based in Syria, its client state. Second, the NSR provides strategic depth in case of any conflict with China, which has maintained its historical claim to Russia's Far Eastern province, and likely covets Siberia's resources. China has also styled itself a "near-Arctic" nation, expressly in regard to access to the NSR. In case of war with China, Russia would use the NSR as a backup logistic route, especially since it would require very little effort to put the only other mass freight route to Siberia, the transSiberian Railroad, out of commission.
The Russian double standard: -the northern see route is ours and not in international waters -our war ships can pass unannounced through the strait of Tsugura cus' it's international waters
I mean it’s true lol if it’s their waters they can control who and what goes through it. And obviously you don’t gotta ask no one permission to pass through international waters.
@@heversantos7006 Yeah that's true, not gonna argue that. But the thing is they are setting a precedent with their actions & if it works out other nations are going to use that same logic against them & hinder the Russian cause.
@@agentofinfluence8148 as if Russians immune to freezing. Moscow is only 3°C colder on monthly basis than Berlin and has the same climate as Warsaw. For some reasons, frost didn't saved the Poles yet for Russians 3°C differences was enough. Maybe climate has nothing to do with German and French strategic f up? What about the Swedish Empire or Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, did they also lost to the frost?
The sales of 4x4 SUVs are increasing in every single country on Earth, people travel more, consume always more cheap products made of plastic, etc. I don't think we'll stop using oil anytime soon unfortunately, as people don't realize that EVERYONE must make some efforts to change their lifestyle. The government won't magically stop pollution.
I'm confused because obviously it's looking at it from a 3d sphere. But presumably ships can safely travel through the bearing straits on the usa economic zone. Then skim the Canadian coastline and come down to Europe via Iceland and the UK. Im hopeful that by the time there is significant melting of ice for resources that the world will be far less dependent on natural gas and oil. So to some respects let them have it
The issue is less about the trade routes and more about the resources as Russias owns more than 50% of the total coastline in the artics ...Many countries are doing mental gymnastics to somehow reduce russian claim to the natural ressources to a minimum, hence the millitary build up to deter any invaders/ foreign settlers
Actually every country the US has a base in pays the US for protection and that is why the base is there. And the problem isnt the military bases the problem is Russia trying to extend it's claim into international waters that are beyond the maritime exclusive zone.
12 US military bases in Alaska-this is the protection of US national interests. Russia's military bases on its own territory are an aggressive militaristic policy. Don't confuse it up.
Anything built in the permafrost is either built on stilts or big columns. There are quite a few documentaries from Siberia and the big towns there to see how they are built in "warmer" climates. While no one can predict what will exactly happen if/when the permafrost disappears for good, the currently used techniques for building in such conditions should allow for some permanency.
Yes they are , also in twenty years some of these bases will have ample farmland and animals near to them, giving the Military access to good local produce, saving long supply problems.
I see I am not the only one seeing it perfecly legal and reasonable that Russia builds bases on its arctic territotlrry before someone tottally independent from the fact that enormous resources are being uncovered there realises that the arctic badly needs some democracy....
Q: "Is it over? I'm tired." A: "Don't be silly. There's always the next battlefield. Even after we reduce this planet down to ash humans will still be fighting over it."
Russia doesn't claim the whole Arctic as this video would like to suggest. It just wants to solidify its territorial claim, hence all the military presence INSIDE their territory. But yeah, make it look like they claim it all. Laughable. 😅
Regarding Sweden and Finland, they do not border either the North Sea or the Barents sea. They are thus not entitled arctic seaways. Norway is, but are perfectly able to make agreements with its neighbor Russia. When it comes to Russia, Russia has their territorial waters, just like any arctic nation. This is not China, where the US can declare another nations territorial waters "international" and then claim the right to navigate them. Get real.
Maybe math isn't really my cup of tea, but it seems like US has more bases within Alaska/Greenland, than Russia has on their northern islands. But only the latter is concerning, not the former, right?
Alaska isn't trying to claim international waters. And the US has no claim to what waters Greenland wants to claim. So yes, only Russia is a concern here..
When Brits invaded Falklands, nobody said a word. Same thing with the US and Iraq. But when we are building shit on OUR land, they say that we are being aggresive. Like wtf, americans have military bases all over the world.
Most of these military bases existed in the USSR. They were just abandoned after the collapse of the USSR due to financial constraints.
very smart person
What’s the point?
>russia constructs bases on its sovereign territory within its exclusive economic zone
>NATO: *surprised pikachu face*
No the whole issue if comprehension isnt your thing is Russia trying to claim international waters not in theyre exclusive zone. Was kinda the point of entire video.
@@Byronic19134Are you working overtime, agent? Lmao
@@Byronic19134 Уже часть присоединена, и это произошло по решению ООН
@@rostislavgalkin1509 Наконец-то))
@@Byronic19134 The economic zone is 200 miles from your shoreline isn't it. Show where Russia doesn't abide by it?
Russia: Builds military infrastructure on its own sovereign territory.
USA, Canada, Norway, Denmark: That is provocation.
Finland, Iceland, Sweden: We need to claim Arctic.
PRC: Arctic is a nearby maritime area.
_Russia is not allowed to merely peacefully defend its own borders. That is a threat to our democracy_
Yea this channel is yet another neoliberal, neocolonial, Europe exceptionalism, etc
@@pissyourselfandshitncoom2172 sadly, yes.
I guess you missed the part where Russia tried extending it's claim into those other countries' claims. That was kinda the whole point of the video that Russia has extended it's claim far further then they're sovereign maritime area
@@Byronic19134 Nobody forbids you to kiss a Russian penis with indignation...
The USA has not ratified the law of the sea,
So it is hypocritical of them to claim that their EEZ is to be extended as per a treaty that they haven’t agreed to
Ehh it doesn’t have to. Treaty vs agreement is inconsequential
@@markdin2988 that’s false
This opens them up to even greater problems, though (although this is unlikely) since they're not a signatory to the UNCLOS, Russia could claim waters off of Alaksan territory.
It would be violating international law, but the US couldn't legally object, since they don't recognize the legitimacy of that law anyway.
And to quickly ratify the UNCLOS would give America another headache, since they would have to support Greece against Turkey, who also doesn't recognize the law (because it would make the entire sea off Turkey's coast exclusively Greek territory).
Pretty sure the us response to that would me to simply treat whoever decides to enforce their claim on the land as an aggressor
Which would justify military action
No nation on earth wants to face the US in a showdown so close to US territory
@@guilherme1622 well Russians are different ball game
I don't see anything controversial with it. Russia is building military bases on its own land to defend its interests and territorial integrity.
We don't want Russia expanding into the Eastern Europe or elsewhere, but what Russians do in their own country is only their business. 👍
It is clear that without those bases and Russian nuclear deterrent Western oil & gas companies would be sniffing there and would soon discover some gross violation of the rights of local minorities that require immediate military action 🙈.
Western hydrocarbon companies already found a lot of gross violation of every rights possible ever since Putin pushed them to pay taxes. They were exploiting Russian shores complitely for free during Yeltsin.
i forgot greenland was danish and got confused why denmark was in this video lol!
No you didn't forget. You just wrote this comment to get like. You are not a person to forget things easily.
@@warpdrive9229 oh no waaaaah my youtube likes! But for real i was confused because you typically dont think little Denmark had colonies still.
@@att7364 I guess you are American because colonization from the area now known as "Denmark" had been the second most influential colonization process in European history, second only to the Italian one.
@@ilFrancotti jeg mener ikke kolonisering som i imperialismen men som i union, eksempel: Danmark-norge unionen. Grønnland var først og fremst kolonisert av norske vikinger fra island som brukte kolonien til å nå vinland i amerika. Det er så vidt jeg vet om grønnland. Greit at Danmark har grønnland og vi har nordsjøen for meg
the word Nonsense is the most appropriated word to this video! can you novigate through any country territorial waters without notification? North Arctic route is going through 200 miles exclusive zone.
"Russia's military presence far outweighs the rests, even the US." Ohh this is such a silly statement.
Let's ignore the fact that Russia is building it's military bases on their ground, while US has their bases literary everywhere.
Even if you don't count them in total, all around the world, just a list of countries with US military bases is bigger than Russia's bases count in their own country :)
So in other words, the US is an evil fascist global empire.
Yea we all know, but unfortunately, none of the soft neolibs wanna support the competitors against the great American tyranny
@@pissyourselfandshitncoom2172 🙄
@@pissyourselfandshitncoom2172 As opposed to Russia, who just happens to be the topic of the video?
@@ImGonnaOilYouUp _"As opposed to Russia, who just happens to be the topic of the video"_
And that topic is?.. Russia built a base inside it's own land. Is that illegal?
Rhetorical question. It's not an issue of course, but you will make it an issue because you have prejudice against Russia.
Millions of Russians are living in the Arctic thats why there are heavy commercial and military activities in there. It is not comparable to Northern Canada and Alaska where its mostly uninhabited.
Yep. By the way we learn to meet guests from nato. I can say "hands up" on eng or fr c:
@@battlet0adz You do realize that Russia would ABSOLUTELY get demolished by NATO right?
@@ImGonnaOilYouUp nevertheless, we'll try
@@ImGonnaOilYouUpCumshot :D actually i dont know about whole of Russia, but if the boots natos soldiers will step on my land - im gonna fight
@@battlet0adz I'll gladly fight with you 🇷🇺
Arctic Sea: **melts**
I can imagine abandoned bases buried under ice in 100 years
>Russia builds military bases to defend seas noone sails other than Russia
>US calls it a threat to the freedom of sailing
This is just hilarious.
"Russia builds bases on russian islands and wants russian shore to be russian instead of international" the video
And, oh god, they (we) want to profit from that!
Guess Panama/Egypt/Turkey scenario won't work out.
More like _"Russia merely being allowed to exist, and defend its sovereign borders, is a threat to our democracy"_ the video
Meanwhile the US has bases, in practically every country on the planet outside its borders, yet the European exceptionalists don't take a look at that.
Pathetically defending Russian imperialism again...
_one country has bases in practically every country on the globe; brutal global domination_
_the other has a base in Syria and that's it_
*_o O o O o m u h h r u s s i a n i m p e r i a l i s m_* 🤪🤪🥴🥴
@@pissyourselfandshitncoom2172 These mostly democratic countries agree with those bases to defend them from evil countries like Russia or China. Syria is one of the most repressive and totalitarian dictatorships on the planet...
NATO east expansion: totally friendly
Russia arctic expansion: aggressive and provocative
"...Russians planted russian flag on the bottom of the ocean near North Pole... They really want the Arctic."
In 1969 americans planted their flag on the surface of the Moon. They definetly want it.
The US cannot claim the Moon because they signed the Outer Space Treaty in 1967. But the Russians can claim some of the international waters that are above the continental shelf because they signed the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (the US does not) .
Sometimes I forget that only one country has set foot on the moon. The US has the ultimate flex.
Russia doesn't want anything. The Arctic is theirs, and mind you included Alaska not soo long as. Greed might wipe out the west sooner than anticipated
All these bases are build on 100% Russian land you make it sound like they are not. And only Russia has fleet of Nuclear Icebreakers to sail in those frozen waters, and make passage for commercial ships.
Their exclusive economic zone extends 200 miles off their coast. End of story bro. They dont get the north pole. No one does
@@cmw184 but they control it
@@death5913 how so?
@@death5913 by putting a flag there? 😂
@@cmw184 no by mobilizing a phuc ton of soldiers
Lets be honest here russia has the right to claim it. Also they are building it in their own land not other foreign countries.
I'm more concerned regarding the PRC's expansion in SEA rather then the Russians in the artic,mostly since the Russians are technically building stuff on what technically can be classified as their land rather then international waters
They expanding in your brain rent free. That is what you should be concern about, lol.
@@leeo268 I see an opportunity to make a your mom joke here, not sure if I should take it.
They're trying to claim international waters in the Arctic, it's not theirs lol. Did you watch the video? You don't live in this region so you probably shouldn't act like you're the spokesperson for our region
Everyone worries about nature until it starts to interfere with making money. I don't care about nature, like 90% of people in the world. Most of the people are just hypocrites who protect nature in words, but they themselves have not donated even $1 to any fund in their entire lives
Arctic is russia 🇷🇺
And u can't do nothing about it
Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Denmark, Canada And the USA who all are right next to it, some that have been longer than the existence of Russia: no, but actually yes
@@felixkjornsberg sweden Finland??
Denmark rly questionable too
@@felixkjornsberg If we're talking about who is first, then it would be the native people like the Sapmi, Yakuts, Inuits, etc
@@scythal yes but they didnt really create a country with an economy and civilization, basically would not be considered an independent nation
@@felixkjornsberg all those countries you named besides the US are irrelevant satellite states and even the US is outclassed in arctic warfare by Russia
OIL ? Let's liberate the polar bears
Natural Gas not oil if am correct
@@mt8956 maybe both
Definitely both
Ovius answer: they like snow
Just let them have their snow
Theres no snow on the ocean 😂 they have enough on their mainland
@@agentofinfluence8148 you're not getting Canadas snow, buttercup.
@@Jaws10214 I was just kidding
@@agentofinfluence8148 /me throws snowball @ Zudov!
@@Jaws10214 I can't throw a snowball at you because I don't have snow yet(
It be nice if a Canadian government took their claim seriously and also didn`t keep putting their head in the sand to conflict in the arctic in the next 50 years.
The Americans and Brits are putting pressure on us, so hopefully that pushes some action
Canada already has the North Magnetic Pole.
@@robinharwood5044 ""Canada already has the North Magnetic Pole."" Yeah, but it's a slippery little sucker.
Canada to busy worrying about peoplekind to worry about geopolitics
@@graydational But suppose they turn it off? Can our compasses still work with just the South Magnetic Pole?
Well isn't the half of the North Pole already right next to Russia?
North Pole is a point, not an area
more than 70% of "north pole" population are russian and all of their artic military bases are inside their own territory
No the usa revised the world globe - Arctic is now next to Florida, that's why the ice is melting.
Russia's EEZ doesn't extend to the North Pole. If they don't try to claim more than their EEZ, there won't be a problem. But statements like, "the Arctic is our land" are concerning.
@@CAG83 so the eez is for who? Usa?
So when the US and Nato do “power projection” it’s fine but when Russia says it wants to project power it’s “concerning”. That’s hypocritical as all hell but ok!
It isn't even projecting. It's Russia's own territory. Filling up the security gaps on border shores.
@@cianakril hey you know the rule, NO COUNTRY is allowed to merely exist peacefully or defend its sovereign borders, if they are not a slave to the US neocon overlords.
Thus why Nicaragua is about to face disciplinary action for voting for the guy the US didn't like.
And also why the US is apparently allowed to park their navy on the Chinese coast
It's an American world and we are all just living in it
Not to mention Russia build these basses in their own country not outside like USA... Hypocrits..
It's concerning to us just as much as our projection is concerning to them.
USA builds bases on foreign land - world says "liberators"
Russia builds bases on it's own land - world says "aggresors!"
Lol that remembers me of a video about the TSAR BOMBA EXPLODING LOCATION
Lmao yes
i mean the US has bases all around the world.
@Danijel Kuzmanovic Russia just invaded a country so what now ur a hypocrite .. Russia is bad bear
@@DanielReyes-iq3bd And USA never invaded a country?
@@DanielReyes-iq3bd why you act like US is the most innocent
@@DanielReyes-iq3bd Russia has every right to protect itself from NATO agression
@@mxkinist Ukraine has every to defend itself from RUSSiA aggression!?
Simple answer i think is that it is Russian territory:))
Are you a Russian?
@@justfun287 no he just miss typed his name KGB
westoids mad
Кто там хочет осваивать Арктику при -50 градусах и полярной ночью? Добро пожаловать! Не забудьте построить десяток ледоколов и разработать военную технику, которая сможет работать в морозы и претендуйте сколько влезет.
Imagine Russia claiming US coastline in the Atlantic as international waters with a stake in it. Greed kills a nation
In the next video, why the US has hundreds of military bases around the world.
Haha we wish. Western shills never admit their crippling hypocrisy
@@pissyourselfandshitncoom2172 Stop being disingenuous. Everyone knows the US has obligations to defend other countries as well, not just solely the US. There's a different and clear motive as established in this video as to WHY Russia is creating bases near the artic, so stop moving the goalpost.
@@ImGonnaOilYouUp u mean obligations to invade counties and murder innocents all around the planet
NATO ally countries. Most US bases abroad are in Japan (who can't constitutionally create a military) and Germany who also doesn't invest a lot in military budget. Our allies want us there and partially pay for our servicemen to be stationed in their countries
@@ImGonnaOilYouUpI don't understand how you can have such a brainwashed mind. What other obligation is there to protect other countries? Given by God himself? The Vietnamese, Yemenis, and Afghans did not call you to protect you from anyone. We are building military bases on OUR territory, so what kind of claims can there be? Build as many military bases as you want on your own, it's normal when a country manages its own territory
Because Russia has the means to. Voyage to the artic is not cheap!!!
Fact : The United States has so many military bases outside of its borders that even the Pentagon didn't exactly know how extensive its global military presence was.
Of course nobody cares when Japan does the same
Okinotori-shima for example
This is why Trump was interested in purchasing Greenland. But people who only see the world map don't understand how close Russia is to North America.
Trump was the GOAT and for the record Russia never invades Ukraine with Trump in office because they knew better.
Russia build military bases on Russian territory OMG!!!
At least Russia has their bases in their teritory unlike the US.
@@KING-ef2wm Never heard of NATO? Or Japan, or South Korea, among other US obligations?
@@ImGonnaOilYouUp obligacions? You mean expanding towards Russia and soon provocing a nother Cold War.
@@KING-ef2wm You're putting words into other people's mouths. You know what I'm referring to.
@@ImGonnaOilYouUp what are you refering to?
Posible war with North and South Korea, Chinese expansion to Taiwan?
They are not exacly conected with Russia.
So what is your problem with Russia building bases on its own land in the article while nato has bases on other countries territories
Another detail you didnt mention in the video. Along with the Artic Russian Bases, the US is expanding its military capabilities in Norway as tensions rise with rusia. Its probably one of their main proyection plans rn
But its rare to find an explainer covering both sides.... They are like telling the world what the behavior of russian that may be make you angry, but in the other hand, their country, the us, doing the exact same thing, or even worse than the Russian did...
That is up to Norway not Russia
@@jerrymiller9039 but still, the us and Russian are same in this case
@@arjusofingi7735 except Russia is building a base on its own territory to protect its own economic waters, while US is bullying the mini-country half the planet away to be a spearhead and meatshild in US attempts to cockblock Russia from development. No, not quite the same.
@@arjusofingi7735 No America runs the world and Russia are just some wannabes
I would be surprised if America even let Russia smell the Arctic ice cuz there's some hefty amounts of oil but Russia ain't scared of Emma has two mom's.
@@set65 US military ad
Search it up.
To be honest that's scary. I mean there's such a difference between your and our mentality I don't understand where you all go.
@@set65 Russia will end up like nazi Germany during the 1940’s 🔜
@@witikka5134 and who gonna destroy you?
@@set65 The cocky ones always end up losing
I doubt Canada will contest much more of the arctic ocean outside of legal precedent. The northwest passage is a much more pressing issue tho, as it is definitely through Canadian waters (it literally passes between many of the northern islands) but is already being disputed as an international passage, as China passed an icebreaker through it without asking permission a couple of years ago. Plus the US has refused to recognize it as Canadian water either. If the government doesnt step up soon we'll be left holding the bag
What Dominant country lol.
As far as I'm conerned Canada stops at Nunavut I'm not even sure how they got those Northern Islands to begin with
Russian Backyard thus Russian Territory
The Northern sea route belongs to Russia, the route is directly in it's EEZ
EEZ is not territory. EEZ only guarantees fishing and oil rights (and other under-the-water activities). Passage through an EEZ cannot be impeded by the country the EEZ belongs to and tolls cannot be issues either.
@@asdsdjfasdjxajiosdqw8791 No one has proposed barring or having tolls. The pilots are there to navigate through the ice, as even in warmer waters there is still plenty of it. It is also to ensure ships do not wander close to military bases while trying to go around big chunks of ice.
Keep in mind that the Arctic trade route is not open waters - there is still plenty of icebergs and more floating around there. It makes sense to have a ship count, size and expected travel path for all ships on the route to better manage the traffic given the environment there.
Look at what happened in the Suez canal with the ship being stuck there - the only way that could happen in such a warm climate is human error. In the Arctic the conditions are a lot less forgiving hence the need for experienced local pilots to avoid such bottlenecks and accidents.
Remember in the 14th century when the explorers tried to find shortcut to Asia and they got stucked in the ice
Of course, it was in all the newspapers.
@@kevinbergin2225 hi Kevin. Nice to meet you. I like your reply lol
Weird to see any Conflict without the British involvement. 😅
As a Brit this makes me sad 😂
So, Russia militarization of it's own land is bad, but USA militarization anywhere is OK?
Western hypocrisy. As usual, though...
I've watched multiple geopolitically centric videos of this channel. The videos are well produced and well narrated, but one thing is clear, this channel's personnel does not understand geopolitics. That's fine though, many people do not.
Caspian report is a good channel for that 👌
Because Russia's territory isn't big enough as it is
You really came to such an insipid answer after the video?? It's not about territory it's about controlling the resources and exploiting trade routes for maximum benefit. Do you really believe that the Arctic has the same value as some shitty permafrost port near Vladivostok?
When these parts of arctic became Russian, Usa wasnt even on the map. Obviously, we have to protect achievements of our ancestors, forthem to not be in vain
@@Яна-мамба you're daftness is in indubitably tremendous! I was making a satirical remark in sarcasm, intentionally undermining the importance of the Artic endeavor! You're truly dense!
@@edward4659 someone found the thesaurus. Happy 12th birthday kiddo
It's mostly because the bread lines are so long, that Russia needs more space to accomodate them.
Nothing about the continental shelf of Siberia extending into the Arctic Ocean by way of the Lomonosov Ridge? Nice try of potraying Russia as an agressor.
Вся территория Арктики это Российская территория . На своей земле русские строят ОБОРОНИТЕЛЬНЫЕ объекты . А то что это властям США не нравиться это их проблемы , России тоже не нравиться , что американцы с англичанами на Украине открыто убивают наших людей , руками всевозможных неофашистов и прочих больных уродов . Так что ясно , что американцы понимают закон силы . Вот и весь разговор с американцами . Талько на позиции сильного .
China also claimed they are a "near artic nation"
Which is meaningless. China is mostly working with Russia to build up the Polar Silk Road.
Arctic and South China Sea: *exist*
Russia and China: and I took entire stock personally
I'm just hoping people create an international don't touch zone with some kind of radius around the north pole--say a few hundred kilometers, probably, just to protect the nature there. Everything else? Free game. And due to the geography, it would only make sense that Russia obtain the largest percentage of that remaining area out of the surrounding countries.
Finally someone brought up the enviromental question into this topic
@@professorlobato888 Oh xD I made this comment while taking an environmental engineering class for college lol.
I literally just finished my last final exam today... I could actually work in that area if I wanted, but idk yet. xD This feels weird
Anyways, ye, I think it doesn't get considered enough... (random additional note: the sinking of the Moskva can't be healthy for the black sea...)
Mmm, unfortunately even if the US build a way to stop traffic by way of the baring strate, it would only hurt europe, as Russia can still get goods directly from China. Not sure how you counter? But on the other hand, we have a way to bypass this, the shipping routes we use today, they cost more, but is what we do today. The resources are an interesting question, they are in the economic zone, so they are theirs. I do not thing there is any real chance for a war to start up, MAD is in effect still and nothing here really says it's worth destroying the world over
Why should we stop them? Not our problem. We should focus more on what we are doing rather than what everybody else is doing.
They cant stop the traffic through the strait without causing nuclear war, and nobody is going to take the expensive route.
@@overlord4404 so if we stoped traffic, nuclear war, but if Russia does, not Nuclear War????
@@killer3883 why would russia want to stop traffic?
@@peterg7363 Russia wants to gain control over the North passage so they can charge a feel like canals do, to go though there territorial waters, they want to be able to stop traffic to enforce this, they could also use it as leverage to get consessions from Europe, for instance with getting new pipelines added,
there are perhaps other geostrategic connections for the the NSR. First, Russia might be aiming long-term to have the both NSR AND the Suez route under its control, thus having control of almost all sea trade around the Eurasian continent between China and Europe. This could be why Russia is manoeuvering in the Middle East , and has a major fleet based in Syria, its client state. Second, the NSR provides strategic depth in case of any conflict with China, which has maintained its historical claim to Russia's Far Eastern province, and likely covets Siberia's resources. China has also styled itself a "near-Arctic" nation, expressly in regard to access to the NSR. In case of war with China, Russia would use the NSR as a backup logistic route, especially since it would require very little effort to put the only other mass freight route to Siberia, the transSiberian Railroad, out of commission.
LOL, this is for trade, not for war. For the war, Russia does not need to move anything. Everything is already in place.
The Russian double standard:
-the northern see route is ours and not in international waters
-our war ships can pass unannounced through the strait of Tsugura cus' it's international waters
I mean it’s true lol if it’s their waters they can control who and what goes through it. And obviously you don’t gotta ask no one permission to pass through international waters.
@@heversantos7006 Yeah that's true, not gonna argue that. But the thing is they are setting a precedent with their actions & if it works out other nations are going to use that same logic against them & hinder the Russian cause.
Japan: the straits is international water tho because daddy USA said so after WW2
Just returning the favor mate.
The USSR already had bases in the Arctic before Canada claimed it. It belongs to Russia.
Hope your channel explodes in the coming future... great content
I love your videos Bro! They’re very well made.
I think the most annoying part of this for climate people is that Russia has clear motivations for actively escalating climate change.
Yeah Russia will make a fortune and become a lot more powerful. Global warming is their friend.
@@agentofinfluence8148 as if Russians immune to freezing. Moscow is only 3°C colder on monthly basis than Berlin and has the same climate as Warsaw. For some reasons, frost didn't saved the Poles yet for Russians 3°C differences was enough. Maybe climate has nothing to do with German and French strategic f up? What about the Swedish Empire or Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, did they also lost to the frost?
I look out of the window of my apartment in Moscow with a can of cola in my hands and already imagine palm trees blooming in my yard
Well it’s ironic because USA and China are the ones contributing to climate change , not Russia 😂
@@sensi322жду пальмы в сибирских болотах😊
I really like this Channel , bravo 👏🏻
3:33 It's not even a russian army. So hard to find footage with actual russian soldiers in the internet?
That's odd... why do they have the ribbon of St George?
DUDE!!!!Russia Lomonosov continental shelf reaches deep in arctic where y showed the triangle
They all just need to leave it alone since we're going to be carbon neutral in 2050 right? Right?
10% of all fisheries plays a role... + lots of underwater mining possibilities in the future.
The sales of 4x4 SUVs are increasing in every single country on Earth, people travel more, consume always more cheap products made of plastic, etc. I don't think we'll stop using oil anytime soon unfortunately, as people don't realize that EVERYONE must make some efforts to change their lifestyle. The government won't magically stop pollution.
@@PG-3462 True
@@PG-3462 companies too
Russia has many bases in the arctic but still insignificant compared to global US presence
There is a difference when on has presence in a region rich in resources and when one has presence in teritories already owned by other countries
I'm confused because obviously it's looking at it from a 3d sphere. But presumably ships can safely travel through the bearing straits on the usa economic zone. Then skim the Canadian coastline and come down to Europe via Iceland and the UK. Im hopeful that by the time there is significant melting of ice for resources that the world will be far less dependent on natural gas and oil. So to some respects let them have it
The issue is less about the trade routes and more about the resources as Russias owns more than 50% of the total coastline in the artics ...Many countries are doing mental gymnastics to somehow reduce russian claim to the natural ressources to a minimum, hence the millitary build up to deter any invaders/ foreign settlers
there are more then 500 US military instalations worldwide
USA builds a military base
World: I pretend I didn’t see that
Russia builds a military base:
World: provocation
Actually every country the US has a base in pays the US for protection and that is why the base is there. And the problem isnt the military bases the problem is Russia trying to extend it's claim into international waters that are beyond the maritime exclusive zone.
5:37 - I'm Scandinavian and I had no idea that was part of Russia. I thought Finland owned the whole peninsula.
Finland has no access to the Arctic Ocean.
Why, dreaming?
I've said it before but the next conflict will have it's origins in the artic
Russia always has fascinated me as a young boy what a great country.
Does not matter. They are primarily un defended, and can be destroyed very easily. And should be behind the scenes, long range.
Archangel Michael
Russia is adapting really well to climate change, survival of the most adaptable.
Actually global warming will profit Russia
Well they're not allowed to build in the antarctic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@@agentofinfluence8148 France they think they are a big power
@@towaritch they are. The U.S counts on France to do its dirty work.
12 US military bases in Alaska-this is the protection of US national interests. Russia's military bases on its own territory are an aggressive militaristic policy. Don't confuse it up.
If they find Santa's elves will they be referred to as Northern spies?
Will the melting of the permafrost affect the infrastructure of these bases? Are they built with that in mind?
Anything built in the permafrost is either built on stilts or big columns. There are quite a few documentaries from Siberia and the big towns there to see how they are built in "warmer" climates. While no one can predict what will exactly happen if/when the permafrost disappears for good, the currently used techniques for building in such conditions should allow for some permanency.
Yes they are , also in twenty years some of these bases will have ample farmland and animals near to them, giving the Military access to good local produce, saving long supply problems.
I see I am not the only one seeing it perfecly legal and reasonable that Russia builds bases on its arctic territotlrry before someone tottally independent from the fact that enormous resources are being uncovered there realises that the arctic badly needs some democracy....
Russia owns most of the arctic
Love your videos!
This video creator is a good reminder to never ever do drugs
Why not!?in this madnes Choice mean often:"one option",of our extencion
The comment section is full of biased historians shouting at each other about who claims The Arctic.
Usually I just ignore them. Its not like they are making the videos and researching on this issue.
What do you mean "pull a China"? No one is contesting them so they do what they want.
Arctic je Srbije
USA ...Sour Grapes
Q: "Is it over? I'm tired."
A: "Don't be silly. There's always the next battlefield. Even after we reduce this planet down to ash humans will still be fighting over it."
it was not very clear - Russia is building the bases on it's territory in Arctic or on other country territory like Greenlad?
Basically opportunity knocks and it could be a temporary opportunity because we are in between ice ages
What agressive is, NATO bombings on several countries without being sanctioned and helf accountable for thier actions. 😂
So we'll done Russia
Definitely something to keep an eye on in the next 10 years as the remaining ice melts
The US has no forces in Alaska and the Panama Canal...Sure...... Hypocritical
Russia doesn't claim the whole Arctic as this video would like to suggest. It just wants to solidify its territorial claim, hence all the military presence INSIDE their territory. But yeah, make it look like they claim it all. Laughable. 😅
Russia find some advances Galaxy
Regarding Sweden and Finland, they do not border either the North Sea or the Barents sea. They are thus not entitled arctic seaways. Norway is, but are perfectly able to make agreements with its neighbor Russia. When it comes to Russia, Russia has their territorial waters, just like any arctic nation. This is not China, where the US can declare another nations territorial waters "international" and then claim the right to navigate them. Get real.
Maybe math isn't really my cup of tea, but it seems like US has more bases within Alaska/Greenland, than Russia has on their northern islands. But only the latter is concerning, not the former, right?
Alaska isn't trying to claim international waters. And the US has no claim to what waters Greenland wants to claim. So yes, only Russia is a concern here..
even the USA can't stop russians🤣🤣🤣🚀
When Brits invaded Falklands, nobody said a word. Same thing with the US and Iraq. But when we are building shit on OUR land, they say that we are being aggresive. Like wtf, americans have military bases all over the world.
Triangle is based on Russian shoreline, not 200 miles from,or continental line!
But... the earth is flat! How is this possible??
There are magical portals on the edges of the world