Sargon do a video on male feminist sociologist being accused of sexual harassment please.
"When Mars sends its demons, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending demons that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing destruction. They're bringing crime. They're hell-spawn. And some, I assume, are good demons." - Doomguy, 2018
Gokd point but i believe the cops are hogging all the privilege of killing the demons and keeping everyday folk from killing them. Lets face it the cops higher ups would never allow us to defend ourselves from the demons and they only brought them in to get more vots for themselves and to cause more hell so the idiotic working class scum would call for bigger goverment. And thats how you play 4d chess on the idiotic working class normie masses.
Hell yeah. Always trust a man who point blank shotguns everything in the face just because some aliens killed his pet bunny. That's not even a meme, that's Doomguy's actual story from the original Dooms and that just makes him even more badass.
Doom should do great. Back in the day when congress was calling video games "murder simulators." Everyone developed non-violent games like Mario Kart, Tony Hawk's Pro-Skater, and other Sports games. Rockstar made Grand Theft Auto 3, which was the most offensive and violent game ever. It was a huge hit because it had no competition.
The SJW cultists are the new Satanic Panic people from the 1990s. They want to censor everything that doesn't get their explicit approval. They've just switched their paranoia from Satanists to Nazis.
Poisonedblade you realise doom and mortal combat were both extremely violent and they came out well before gta 3 right? In fact they are large contibuters to why we have rating systems also that didn't stop violent video games from coming out either for instance soldier of fortune was extremely violent and gory take a spas to somones stomach and you see right through them with guts hanging out and all honestly to more I think about the old violent games the more tame gta seems
Yes. Funny how all the people in the comment section seem to forget how for the past 30 years it's been the conservative right that has been trying to take away and regulate our video games. The esrb exists because of them
SideshowFarmer yea but Ive heard 6 year olds playing GTA online in game chat.. in the strip club... Esrb ratings just don't mean anything anymore. But your right they can't seem to accept that video games are here to stay
I am a conservative Christian. I loved 1993 DOOM. DOOM didn't offend me. I always hated the attacks against video games, violent or otherwise. I'm old enough to remember BOTH SIDES being offended by and attacking DOOM. I'm old enough to remember leftists in California trying to regulate violent video games, the Supreme Court shooting it down, and me being ecstatic they did the right thing. You paint with a broad brush my friend. Christians today aren't 1950s Christians. News flash, we love going to the movies, listening to pop music, and playing video games. We also like being left alone, instead of being maligned for the problems of the world. DOOM Eternal is a purchase for me. I also bought and enjoyed Wolfenstein 2, even though it insinuated that white christians were nazi loving sympathizers who wanted to bring back slavery.
We'll have to, because the SJWs are going to boycott this out of existence otherwise. Like how they did to Kingdom Come Deliverance...... I mean... the two dozen of them who may have bought it to complain about the toxic masculinity are going to boycott it. The rest is boycotting games the same way I boycott vintage plane turbines.
I mean, for once I agree, it looks to be high quality so far and has beautiful combat, mix that with the jabs at PC culture and I’m pretty set to both enjoy the game and the distant “REEEEEEEEEE” from the SJWs.
DOOM is the only IP I know of (next to GTA, but DOOM is older) that has consistantly caused uproar and dispute. Pretty fascinating if you ask me. The whole story behind the ESRB and such. Other games that were affiliated back then have not caused any recent controversy (mortal kombat, night trap, etc.)
Mortal Kombat has been attacked by SJWs because of the way the female characters dress (This is a common complaint by SJWs regarding many fighting games in general). Mortal Kombat has shrunk the boobages and covered up their female fighters more in their latest game.
GeneralTantzu we went from strippers (and the reason why a LOT of teens painted their console/pc white) to actual fighters. That was an actually good descition to don't oversexualize them TOO much, they are still hot but not that much
This whole attack is one massive marketing scheme that SJWs are unknowingly taking part in. This sort of reaction makes people talk about it. The more people talk, the more interesting it becomes to the public. The more interest the public has means more sales. It's a tactic used as far back as the first GTA, Mortal Kombat and any other violent game ever. It works and I laugh mercilessly at these idiots for taking the bait.
I sincerely hope the devs of Doom Eternal do not cow to the SJW outrage mob. Not just because Doom Eternal looks great and i don't want to see it defanged, but also because it would set a great precedent.
M McQuarrie I'm wondering (with some hope) if game devs and publishers are using anti-SJW jokes to get a sales boost as there are plenty of people who will pay for anything that will trigger SJWs. After all Kingdom Come set a precedent that if SJWs hate the game, actual gamers will love it. Voting with the wallet and all that...
Literally nothing implied that immigrants were demons. The game isn't some secret dog whistle that slipped in under the same studio that made Woke Wolfenstein. It's a joke, and in this context, it's a a criticism/joke about how people shut down any form of discussion regardless of damages for the sake of political correctness. I live on the busiest border crossing in the world. We have no problems with the people from Mexico, it's quite symbiotic in how we exchange goods and services. However when you have things such as marauding gangs chopping down 5,000 olive trees, setting fires, raping people, etc, and when you get people that go "you just hate immigrants, bigot" it's like Fucker, go get raped and cry that it's "just their culture" after, it's no longer about protecting a "minority" it's about excusing extensive crimes for some God forsaken reason.
cactuS Mann Yep, typically how it goes. Fanatics will always look for confirmation their beliefs are truth. And when you have the belief that everything western, first world, and white is inherently evil and must be destroyed, That means that no matter how much is there to prove you wrong, and how much people try to show you it isnt true, you will go towards every avenue to convince yourself you are right. It doesn’t matter how ludicrous the logic is, how petty the instance, or even downright paranoid and farfetched your accusations are, you will always be right. I wish more people, companies, and even nations realized this. These people are fanatics, and they cannot be appeased in any reasonable means because their solutions and ideas are completely unreasonable.
Doom has always been anti-establisment. It pissed off the socially conservative right back in the 90s with its excessive violence and now its pissing off the far left with its satire. They've stuck to their core schtick for 30 years and are always remembered fondly for it.
In a few years next thing you know the far left will be mad because the game focuses too heavily on complex movement mechanics and that learning curve can be intimidating to female gamers. Oh wait, Sarkeesian made that argument years ago.
Play DOOM (2016)! It's a fantastic game and can be found on every gaming system for cheap now. I own in on both PS4 and PC, and it plays great on both.
EnigmaOGN SJW's have been given an unfortunate amount of cultural validation from the entertainment/media dominate radical insane leftists. The fact they are a fringe group that's constantly being catered too(until the past year or two) is what's very concerning about them. No other fringe group has the social power they do. They have no couth or common sense; only blind impassioned zeal of virtue signalling idiocy. That's what makes them tyrannical... That there are people in high positions in the West that take their insipid concerns seriously.
This is pretty late but i do have a confession: i thought it was the morally challenged not mortally challenged. I thought morally since demons essentially kill anything even their own comrades to satisfy their bloodlust
We'll see if it stays in the final release or if they take it out. If they keep it and maybe there are more jokes of this kind in the game, ID-Software have my utter respect. SJW trolls as of Obsidian-Software would have not done something like this and are propably to find amongst the critics.
well, that particular industry was the sanctuary of the stereotypical unloved nerd, who's though of as a man-child for daring to play games past the age of 20. Of course we're not gonna accept the push by peoples with often no connection or even attraction to gaming to dictate the way we should play games and the reaction to DOOM eternal shows it.
it's in the middle of castration looking how soft God of War ps4 is and what happened to Naughty Dog games gay shit or borderline feminism all over. And there are no games like Manhunt, The Suffering, Postal, The Punisher or Judge Dredd vs. Death
MilkySubstance In capitalism, you can fight with your wallet in a way. You buy from those who you like and don't buy from those who you don't. People tend to not buy things they don't like. In a world where profit is everything, not being able to sell something mean it won't be sold because its not profitable...
That's literally what Doom is about, maybe now it might include the "also kill the ones releasing demons" since they are killing humans but I could be wrong.
DOOM devs... Please dont apologize If people such as sjws are going to be so butthurt over it then why dont they just make a game themselves? Dont let these poor excuses of human beings get to you guys From Your loving fanbase Please dont ruin our childhood
Dude they do make games themselves. Boring read-til-u-drop ''visual novels'' that go no where and you do litteraly nothing but click and read. WORST games ever made 100000000% [thinking of doki doki something something]
How on Earth did it piss off people back then? Seriously, it's about killing demons from Hell and reanimated corpses! As a Catholic, I sodding love it for that very reason!
@@Shrapnel-qy4xi: Yes it is. When you make a game supposedly based on WWII featuring a DISABLED, WOMAN fighting at the front lines in a war where women in front line roles was virtually non-existent, then your SJW-agenda is pretty transparent. Dice thought "representation of disabled women" was more important than historical accuracy. Just as they did with BF1 where they not focused way too much on black soldiers (which were also virtually non existent in WW1), but even went as far as including negro characters where they didn't exist at all (like with the german forces). Dice and their battlefield franchise is archetypically SJW. But what else can you expect from developers based in the most hipster area of Stockholm, Sweden?
what better way to market your game than to piss off the people who hate your game yet can not stop talking and raging about it. this tactic always worked, it worked in the past, it works in the present and it works in the future. many franchises owe their success to stupid people like the SJW types. I call it the "forbidden fruit effect".
It's half the reason games like Doom & Mortal Kombat were so popular. They were so violent at the time that they pissed millions of people off, which caused them to grow in popularity really quickly.
The marketing team is brilliant. They've learned from the mistakes of SJW pandering developers and they're doing the exact opposite. Playing up to your customers is excellent salesmanship. I predict this game is going to sell gangbusters.
dude, calm down. they did nothing opposite from something. they just did doom. so what if sjw's where totaly pro doom, do you think they would be a happy day shooter called doom where you can ride gay unicorns?
Your point has some validity, but they still could have made a dark, violent shooter without inserting those audio clips. They’re definitely trying to provoke certain reactions by being politically incorrect. There is a very intentional message being conveyed.
Surprisingly they are doing the opposite, not many game companies have the courage to trigger SJW's and so try to avoid it xD ID isn't just triggering the SJW's they're making sure they in some shape or form piss off every SJW it seems.
Considering that Kingdom Come's sales were solidified when fans found that their developers weren't pussies? Probably going to be a solid, or even a spectacular launch.
Comparing the game(demons) to real life(immigrants) is where the anti-immigration comes from. Both sides of this 'controversy' are doing that, with SJW's being offended by it, and some anti-SJW's through Alt-Righters supporting it. Both fail to see they're in-game/universe jokes.
The in-game lines are spinning the demon invasion as demon immigration("Earth is the melting pot of the universe" being the big one). People are treating this as the game/devs making analogue to real life(were demons = immigrants), and using that to show the game has an anti-immigration stance, where immigration leads to a Hell on Earth scenario. Obviously that's reading way too far into it, but that's where people are getting it.
I know the party is over and I just broke into someones house but I just want to say that being offended because of that reason is like being offended because an evil alien leader calls his soldiers “visitors”.
I hope not, but never underestimate the stupidity of giant, spineless corporations. They give in to browbeating from the far left pretty easily. ID might just get told by the suits in charge of Bethesda to tow the outraged line.
Mr Esturk Really hope they don't, EA left a good example of what would turn off gamers into not wanting to buy any of there games, maybe not as drastic, but they will definitely lose respect of there loyal customers, me included
Now all DooM:Eternal needs to do is have tons of demons holding “Demon Lives Matter!” Signs and have DooM Guy kill one and break the sign in a cutscene. It would be perfect.
I remember people getting triggered about shooting black people in Resident evil 5 which takes place in... Africa... and the game is made by Japanese btw, after they added some white people in to the game some people got triggered again that there are white people in the Africa...
You can never make these people happy. Therefore you shouldn't even try. Just make the game you want to make, and if they start screaming and whining and gnashing their teeth, give them a giant middle finger and tell them not to play it, then, if it hurts their feelings so much. The rest of us will buy it and enjoy it for what it is: a video game, not a social statement.
No one is surprised by but everybody is loving the irony of their autistic screeching. Them not being to take satire on their own beliefs is beautiful and I hope the developer and/or publisher don't backtrack.
Such obvious bait and the SJWs bites it hook line and sinker. Some really smart marketing by ID here. Why spend on advertising when the Twitter outrage machine does the job for you in spades?
Sargon you have to understand.... THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT FRICKEN HUMAN! ANITA SARKESSIAN IS A GOD DAMN DEMON! Note: Doom guy wears proud Kekistani Colors.
Saint318 If Id games did that and shouldered the slings and arrows, the political shockwaves would have me salivatinf for Grand Theft Auto 6. Because the word would be out, Make Mature Games Unapologetically Crass Again.
STORY TIME LESSON: You know, I remember when the USA and other countries limited violent video games like Mortal Kombat in the early 90s. While many people cited this as a common decency issue, it was actually a social issue (like immigration and feelings and shit). It went so far, that they categorized games that were said to be violent, and began the rating system we now have in place. Although some countries within The Greater Commonwealth outrightly ban games or require games change themes and blood textures. The gaming community’s response? Ignore the noise and show people that it’s just a game and has no correlation to actual violent behavior. Now here we are almost 25 years later and we’re still having these outrage cycles. Of course these are politically correct movements. Of course they want to pervert your sense of entertainment. Best thing to do, is to ignore these noisemakers, enjoy your game, and remember that they don’t influence your actual behavior. You’re not an anti-immigrant Nazi for playing Doom as I’m not some whacked out serial killer for playing Sub-Zero on Mortal Kombat. Enjoy, play well, and be kind.
Indeed. I recall during and after the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, they ran around with the "Love Trumps Hate" mantra yet all they've shown towards Trump is hate and vitriol. Ask them about this hypocrisy and they're speechless, it just goes to show how full of shite they are.
A lot of Americans would call liberal/democrats "demons" or something similar so I guess that's why they find such word "offensive" otherwise it is complete nonsense.
Upset SJW's will lose them 0 customers. Those people wouldn't buy Doom anyway. Other people might learn of the game because of this. Plenty people might love it and gain them customers. Seems a pretty clear-cut case what's the correct course to take here.
@Dogs Sing but of you burn them they shall become liquid and then shall become steam until some big fat bloke breaths them all in and then kill them hurray
casbyness angels get to leave in the sky but demons live in a bunch of lava >:( how is that fair! Demons work just as much as angels but we don’t get the same respect!we are tired of being oppressed by this “doom guy” spreading nonstop racial slurs and harassed us for visiting earth! We just wanted to feel like we mattered but nnnoooo this racist nazi comes at us with a plasma gun and wants us to leave because we are DIFFERENT.All ANGELS ARE DEMON HATING BIGOTS! #DEMONLIVESMATTER #STOPDOOMGUYBRUTALITY
Charles Lee Ray that’s what the public wants you to believe ! We are fed lies about a better future and are forced to work at low income jobs because of our missing skin and sharp nails!
SJW's thanks for boosting Doom Eternal's sales, just as you did with Kingdom Come's (no black people in the game, because its in medieval Bohemia) sales
Udrakan Morturim I had an argument with another guy the other day about Kingdom Come, he's like well they could have traveled from Egypt or Ethiopia, there was enough transport infrastructure. My only reaction to that was but why would they want to...
I think it is more advanced than that. They are claiming white nazis are using Demons as a decoy term for foreigners, to be able to trash talk foreigners in a racist way without getting caught. But the left is too smart to let that slip by! I also think they believe the part about "the term X can be offensive" is mocking their gender studies where everyone can be any gender under the sun and assuming the wrong one is offensive. And it is totally offensive to make a game mocking your belief in thousands of genders.
First point: This is hilarious, and I'll be buying Doom Eternal as a thank you to ID Software for poking the SJW's in the eye. Second point: I really miss the days when games, books, movies TV, and music weren't all political tools.
Alex Spec They better not because the complaints are fucking ridiculous and don’t understand what is being satirised. It’s a jab at corporate propaganda using social justice cliches to cover up their anti-human activities, not a jab at the ideals of social justice itself. It’s not a dog whistle to the Right, indeed so-called “Bernie Bros” will be laughing alongside us at the perfectly tuned satire on display here.
i have a feeling that sparking outrage to generate a LOT of publicity was the goal from the start so i fully expect them to double down and put out even more stuff like this xD
Lol imagine if they would receive a fucking amount of complaints and then just say: "We received ALOT of complains about our hidden messages against certain groups, so we got encouraged to PUT EVEN MORE OF IT into the game, thanks."
Well, if you can be racist against an ideology, being racist against the mortally challanged doesn't seem to be that far-fetched. (I'm not racist against them, my best black friend is dead.)
This just shows how deluded some people are, thinking everyone should live in what they perceive as the "right way" of living. I mean they're not stupid, just attention seekers thinking they're smarter than everybody else by forcing their opinion on other people's throats. This is a fucking game about a guy killing demons for crying out loud, it's not meant to be taken seriously.
I'm a simple man, I see anti-SJW jokes, I'm buying the game ... even though FPS games are not my style. I'll gladly support with my wallet any company that satires them.
You need zandronum or gzdoom, then you need the doom wad in the zandronum or gzdoom file. If you already have the latest brutal doom just drag the file on zandronum or gzdoom then select wich doom to play.
Look up a program called ZDL, it's a mod management tool. You can use it to set your preferred source port (Zandronum, GZDoom, Skulltag etc.) your preferred PWAD (Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Plutonia etc.) and it lets you add an set order launch for pk3s and IWADS (These are your mods like Brutal Doom and player created Maps like Scythe or the Brutal Doom campaign Extermination Day). It just removes the complexity for using BAT files or keeping your folders condensed for dragging and dropping.
id won't publicly back down. They COULD remove the "offending" lines from the game... but I doubt they will. And I don't think BethSoft cares enough to pressure them to do it, either.
FrosTy theNoob plus it's a Gore fest about killing demons and the evils that support it. Why the hell do they look at it this way? I mean they even got their hands on god of war.... so I guess they can tell others what to make now.
They were perfectly fine with (left-wing) political messages inserted in games when Naughty Dog presented The Last of Us 2 at E3. But now that's it's on the other side, the "tolerance" of the left has vanished once again.
My cousin is half demon. And I’m glad he didn’t read this because he would be triggered. You see mortally challenged people “raping” and “eating babies.” I see mortally challenges people, engaging in courtship and finding sustenance. Where you see something vile and disgusting I see a beautiful culture that deserves respect and understanding. People like you and the developers of this game make me sick! I hope you all choke on a dick and DIE!!!!
When Hell sends its demons, they're not sending their best. They're sending demons that have a lot of problems and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing ritualistic sacrifices. They're bringing portals to Hell. They're mindless ravenous beasts and some, I assume, are good people.
Intelligent way to generate hype. SJWs are a minority in gaming, and people who cant stand them are the majority. That announcement in the gameplay reveal was not an accident, it's a great way to get free press, and appeal to the majority of gamers, without actually saying or doing anything that is actually offensive. They just relied on the predictability of SJWs to jump off the deep end at the slightest hint they are being mocked. Well played DOOM devs.
I disagree. Over the past year or so, there has been a lot of arguing over SJWs and their attempts to push their fascist ideology onto gamers. Games like Kingdom Come Deliverance, and Farcry 5 etc. And in every incident, the SJWs have lost, because gamers are more than ready to buy games they aren't even interested in, just to send a message to the SJWs. So in the case of DOOM Eternal, whoever came up with the idea, simply followed the trend, and maybe realised that SJWs would advertise the game for them, for free. All it needed was a little push to trigger them, which is very easy to do. And despite their funny anger, they have done a wonderful job of advertising the game in the wake of QuakeCon :D
I hope EA either flips its self on its head or closes down. Losing the creative director behind the gaming cancer that's been infecting EA games for the last 10 or more years. At this point I think they might be to far gone. Love for them to go back to the mildly sinister publisher of the early 2000s but I doubt that will happen. They have got away with to much for to long.
jack chester And that's not even mentioning their microtransaction fiascos. dungeon keeper mobile and battlefront 2 were ruined by their overly aggressive strategy.
BaneOfPhillipBurnell well they are copies right, why would you buy the same thing, it's the same as buying another copy of a book because it was printed on a different kind of paper.
Carlos Pitteri Well, if someone only owns a console, why would you play skyrim on last gen that runs at 20 fps and 10 minute loading screens, rather than buying it again on current gen, with mod support?
GTA V flew off every shelf upon release and sold consistently on every platform for years. That is because GTA is good fun and insanely popular though. It has fuck all to do with SJWs. Rockstar basically have a fuck you brand and fuck you money with GTA. SJWs cannot touch it, it is as popular as fucking Mario and Tetris. Nobody cares if it offends 'SJWs.' They write articles in the crusty old establishment business press analyzing why it sells by the fucking tanker load lol.
Follow OneAngryGamer here:
the man's name is Gaylord, thems the rules
Man literally to soy filled to meme
Sargon do a video on male feminist sociologist being accused of sexual harassment please.
The Thinkery gaylord is real in texas, it's a huge hotel mall thing off lake grapevine.
Ligma balls, A. Shaw.
Doomguy is killing actual demons and the SJWs complain because we didn't give them a fair shake. LOL
Cosmic Error #demonlivesmatter
Demon lives matter
Demon lives matter
rian chan Briliantama not yours
fuckerupper ikr wtf
"When Mars sends its demons, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending demons that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing destruction. They're bringing crime. They're hell-spawn. And some, I assume, are good demons." - Doomguy, 2018
Punkster I will build a wall around hell and make Satan pay for it- Doom Guy 2018
"And *none, I assume, are good demons."
Gokd point but i believe the cops are hogging all the privilege of killing the demons and keeping everyday folk from killing them.
Lets face it the cops higher ups would never allow us to defend ourselves from the demons and they only brought them in to get more vots for themselves and to cause more hell so the idiotic working class scum would call for bigger goverment. And thats how you play 4d chess on the idiotic working class normie masses.
In scary narrator voice, two octaves lower than humanly possible - "The DOOMSLAYER did nothing wrong!" - Scary narrator guy, 2018
Doom guy for 2020!
He can be VP for the God Emperor. Damn chaos xenos...
Mc-chicken dinner "Rip and Tear those letterbox people" - President Doomguy
That Doom Slayer now
Hell yeah. Always trust a man who point blank shotguns everything in the face just because some aliens killed his pet bunny. That's not even a meme, that's Doomguy's actual story from the original Dooms and that just makes him even more badass.
It's called a melting pot because there's lava everywhere
lol, i just got that joke
Doom should do great. Back in the day when congress was calling video games "murder simulators."
Everyone developed non-violent games like Mario Kart, Tony Hawk's Pro-Skater, and other Sports games.
Rockstar made Grand Theft Auto 3, which was the most offensive and violent game ever. It was a huge hit because it had no competition.
Ah, GTA 3. My first console game at 4 years old. Good times.
The SJW cultists are the new Satanic Panic people from the 1990s. They want to censor everything that doesn't get their explicit approval. They've just switched their paranoia from Satanists to Nazis.
And because of the controversy itself.
+Profane Gunman
The first video game I've played was Atari's Centipede on arcade machine. Good times.
Poisonedblade you realise doom and mortal combat were both extremely violent and they came out well before gta 3 right? In fact they are large contibuters to why we have rating systems also that didn't stop violent video games from coming out either for instance soldier of fortune was extremely violent and gory take a spas to somones stomach and you see right through them with guts hanging out and all honestly to more I think about the old violent games the more tame gta seems
Whenever someone brings up "dog whistles," you can be fairly certain they're projecting.
Richie Dagger I deliberately argue with anyone I hear using that term.
Richie Dagger can dogs even whistle
The court appointed a psychiatrist, m'dude. A psychologist can't write my prescription.
The whole term seems like a scam to me. It's just an excuse to call someone racist even though they haven't said anything racist.
Sargon's law.
It caused headlines in the 90s, it's causing headlines now.. When will they learn, you cannot stop the doom slayer
Rip & tear until it is fucking done
Amen, Brother... May the blood on your sword never dry.
(E1M1 starts playing)
"the slayer has entered the facility"
4T3hM4kr0n! “Doomslayer threat level at maximum”
Yeah fuck the drama. I'm just excited for that sweet bloody action and more DOOM lore.
In 1993 DOOM offended a bunch of conservative Christians.
In 2018 DOOM offended a bunch of progressive snowflakes.
Yes. Funny how all the people in the comment section seem to forget how for the past 30 years it's been the conservative right that has been trying to take away and regulate our video games. The esrb exists because of them
SideshowFarmer yea but Ive heard 6 year olds playing GTA online in game chat.. in the strip club... Esrb ratings just don't mean anything anymore. But your right they can't seem to accept that video games are here to stay
I am a conservative Christian. I loved 1993 DOOM. DOOM didn't offend me. I always hated the attacks against video games, violent or otherwise. I'm old enough to remember BOTH SIDES being offended by and attacking DOOM. I'm old enough to remember leftists in California trying to regulate violent video games, the Supreme Court shooting it down, and me being ecstatic they did the right thing. You paint with a broad brush my friend.
Christians today aren't 1950s Christians. News flash, we love going to the movies, listening to pop music, and playing video games. We also like being left alone, instead of being maligned for the problems of the world.
DOOM Eternal is a purchase for me. I also bought and enjoyed Wolfenstein 2, even though it insinuated that white christians were nazi loving sympathizers who wanted to bring back slavery.
Mr Snufflekins the tables have turned
@aristotle, they still call Joe Lieberman a "conservative" today.
I'm just going to pay the full price for this baby. Behavior like this needs to be encouraged
I'll even get an awesome game with it
Olivier Van Der Hoeven im gonna buy as much as i can for it
We'll have to, because the SJWs are going to boycott this out of existence otherwise. Like how they did to Kingdom Come Deliverance......
I mean... the two dozen of them who may have bought it to complain about the toxic masculinity are going to boycott it. The rest is boycotting games the same way I boycott vintage plane turbines.
Olivier van der Hoeven Right with you, man.
do it do it do it do it
I mean, for once I agree, it looks to be high quality so far and has beautiful combat, mix that with the jabs at PC culture and I’m pretty set to both enjoy the game and the distant “REEEEEEEEEE” from the SJWs.
“Nazis and white supremacists are at it a again!”
“Oh no! What did they do?”
“They had a joke in a game that I didn’t find funny!”
Kragar01 and it was towards sand rapist
Underrated comment.
DOOM is the only IP I know of (next to GTA, but DOOM is older) that has consistantly caused uproar and dispute. Pretty fascinating if you ask me. The whole story behind the ESRB and such. Other games that were affiliated back then have not caused any recent controversy (mortal kombat, night trap, etc.)
Mortal Kombat has been attacked by SJWs because of the way the female characters dress (This is a common complaint by SJWs regarding many fighting games in general).
Mortal Kombat has shrunk the boobages and covered up their female fighters more in their latest game.
GeneralTantzu we went from strippers (and the reason why a LOT of teens painted their console/pc white) to actual fighters.
That was an actually good descition to don't oversexualize them TOO much, they are still hot but not that much
Mortal Kombat is over the top craziness. Toning anything down in it is just lame.
This whole attack is one massive marketing scheme that SJWs are unknowingly taking part in.
This sort of reaction makes people talk about it. The more people talk, the more interesting it becomes to the public. The more interest the public has means more sales.
It's a tactic used as far back as the first GTA, Mortal Kombat and any other violent game ever. It works and I laugh mercilessly at these idiots for taking the bait.
Cameron A Mortal Kombat also hasn't released a game in almost a decade... But valid.
I sincerely hope the devs of Doom Eternal do not cow to the SJW outrage mob. Not just because Doom Eternal looks great and i don't want to see it defanged, but also because it would set a great precedent.
I hope they add more anti-SJW satire because of this stupid outrage mob.
M McQuarrie I'm wondering (with some hope) if game devs and publishers are using anti-SJW jokes to get a sales boost as there are plenty of people who will pay for anything that will trigger SJWs. After all Kingdom Come set a precedent that if SJWs hate the game, actual gamers will love it. Voting with the wallet and all that...
There is no outrage mob. The game will release, and it will be awesome.
"Haha, hell yes, punch nazis, they're literally demons and can't be defended"
"Woah, hey now, you can't go demonizing demons, that's inhuman"
Satan tryna kill 100 people:
Ey bro that's
The Icon of Sin do you get stronger the longer you are on earth? Asking for a friend
Literally nothing implied that immigrants were demons. The game isn't some secret dog whistle that slipped in under the same studio that made Woke Wolfenstein. It's a joke, and in this context, it's a a criticism/joke about how people shut down any form of discussion regardless of damages for the sake of political correctness.
I live on the busiest border crossing in the world. We have no problems with the people from Mexico, it's quite symbiotic in how we exchange goods and services. However when you have things such as marauding gangs chopping down 5,000 olive trees, setting fires, raping people, etc, and when you get people that go "you just hate immigrants, bigot" it's like
Fucker, go get raped and cry that it's "just their culture" after, it's no longer about protecting a "minority" it's about excusing extensive crimes for some God forsaken reason.
Do SJWs really want a round 2 with gamers? I missed GamerGate, but I’m all-in on this shit.
Funny how they got triggered by bethesda after the latter spent a fortune on sjw promoting wollfenstein the new colossus and the new blood.......
They don’t just want war, they want Blitzkrieg
Mathew Mecleod there are all kinds of sjw, often united yet with contradictory opinions. So, its not surprising.
RockLegend2 I don't miss it. But if they really are stupid enough to go another round, then bring it on.
cactuS Mann Yep, typically how it goes. Fanatics will always look for confirmation their beliefs are truth. And when you have the belief that everything western, first world, and white is inherently evil and must be destroyed, That means that no matter how much is there to prove you wrong, and how much people try to show you it isnt true, you will go towards every avenue to convince yourself you are right. It doesn’t matter how ludicrous the logic is, how petty the instance, or even downright paranoid and farfetched your accusations are, you will always be right. I wish more people, companies, and even nations realized this. These people are fanatics, and they cannot be appeased in any reasonable means because their solutions and ideas are completely unreasonable.
OMG this is so sad, Alexa play bfg division
suicidal Stanley omg this comment is so epic, Vega play RIPnTEAR
@@aSkymne "hey Alexa. Play I. Dogma and then Rip and Tear"
Best transition of any Doom music.
"Alexa, play unstained by slipknot"
Someone photoshop Sargon in the doomguy armor surrounded by demon SJWs.
Adam Chastain wouldn't that just be normal SJWs???
I shall complete this task.
NotKiraYoshikage touché
Sōsuke Aizen you’re the hero we need but do not deserve
Just commenting to get a note when Sosuke Aizen posts link.
"Demons are just part & parcel of living in a big city like Phobos." - Mayor Sadiq Khan
Nerv ClaX phobostan?
Doom has always been anti-establisment. It pissed off the socially conservative right back in the 90s with its excessive violence and now its pissing off the far left with its satire. They've stuck to their core schtick for 30 years and are always remembered fondly for it.
It's almost like companies make money from pandering to one group by offending the other groups.
Companies in capitalist societies typically pander to their consumers, as that is kind of the point.
yep in the 90s they were attacked for their portrayal of satanic imagery and excessive violence.
The far left is mad because it's gory and violent as well so nothing's changed there I guess.
In a few years next thing you know the far left will be mad because the game focuses too heavily on complex movement mechanics and that learning curve can be intimidating to female gamers.
Oh wait, Sarkeesian made that argument years ago.
Never played a DOOM game
Might have to now
Sir. Beanie play all of them man.. Except doom 3... That shit ain't doom... But except for that. Go for it
Play DOOM (2016)! It's a fantastic game and can be found on every gaming system for cheap now. I own in on both PS4 and PC, and it plays great on both.
Sir. Beanie Play Doom(2016) it’s really good. A good challenge if you want to waste some time(In a good way of course)
The multiplayer on switch 😒
Dude. If you're a metalhead, you'll definitely love this series. Listen to death metal while playing it. So brutal.
Real hell has never been tried.
Not real example of Hell. If only us modern socialists ran it, it would work.
Satan was undermined by Jesus.
Best comment I've seen in weeks.
So good....
Detroit/Chicago anyone?
When the sales numbers skyrocket, the entire industry will see what the right thing to do is.
The Empire was right.
Any developer in this day and age willing to stand up against the tyranny of social justice deserves a pre-order for every snowflake tear they cause.
God damn right.
Where is the tyranny? It aint that bad yet. Yet...
100% pre order the last doom was awesome and the now looks too and after the wolfenstein sht there is a new good game necessary
Genuine Plagiarism Yet implies the existence of tyranny.
EnigmaOGN SJW's have been given an unfortunate amount of cultural validation from the entertainment/media dominate radical insane leftists. The fact they are a fringe group that's constantly being catered too(until the past year or two) is what's very concerning about them. No other fringe group has the social power they do. They have no couth or common sense; only blind impassioned zeal of virtue signalling idiocy. That's what makes them tyrannical... That there are people in high positions in the West that take their insipid concerns seriously.
I can't wait to buy this game and save our melting pot from the mortally challenged.
Stale Bagelz goddamn you are out of your mind
This is pretty late but i do have a confession: i thought it was the morally challenged not mortally challenged. I thought morally since demons essentially kill anything even their own comrades to satisfy their bloodlust
I'm just happy to see that the entire industry hasn't been castrated.
We'll see if it stays in the final release or if they take it out. If they keep it and maybe there are more jokes of this kind in the game, ID-Software have my utter respect. SJW trolls as of Obsidian-Software would have not done something like this and are propably to find amongst the critics.
well, that particular industry was the sanctuary of the stereotypical unloved nerd, who's though of as a man-child for daring to play games past the age of 20. Of course we're not gonna accept the push by peoples with often no connection or even attraction to gaming to dictate the way we should play games and the reaction to DOOM eternal shows it.
it's in the middle of castration looking how soft God of War ps4 is and what happened to Naughty Dog games gay shit or borderline feminism all over. And there are no games like Manhunt, The Suffering, Postal, The Punisher or Judge Dredd vs. Death
MuffinHunterX Yet.
MilkySubstance In capitalism, you can fight with your wallet in a way. You buy from those who you like and don't buy from those who you don't.
People tend to not buy things they don't like. In a world where profit is everything, not being able to sell something mean it won't be sold because its not profitable...
I'm too basic. All I got from Doom is Demons kill humans. So we kill demons.
That's literally how people described the first DOOM.
That's literally what Doom is about, maybe now it might include the "also kill the ones releasing demons" since they are killing humans but I could be wrong.
That's the way people should see it but they rater be fucking pussies instead of chilling out with A GAME
DOOM in a nutshell
rip and tear, mostly.
Game journalist: So whats the new game about?
Game Developer: Demons inva...
So, are you saying we should gas the Demons?
Or try some exorcism? ;)
Triggered by Doom? Name one thing that doesn't trigger SJW.
Steven Gutierrez "My soul is being raped and oppressed!"
Can’t think of anything, how sad.
I can't there's so much they can't handle
@@joelocker8591 WTF?
Toaster & a bath tub
These people would never play DOOm, anyway. So who cares. DOOM fans all like it! I will buy it, for sure.
Suddenly, I’m really looking forward to this animated contest of liberty.
Nicht nur du. Sobald es geht wird es vorbestellt
I already got my pre-order
They are so hateful they might just buy it to seethe over it.
it's too violent for them, and it looks like this time it's gonna look even more violent than ever.
DOOM devs...
Please dont apologize
If people such as sjws are going to be so butthurt over it then why dont they just make a game themselves?
Dont let these poor excuses of human beings get to you guys
Your loving fanbase
Please dont ruin our childhood
If the SJWs got offended by these gags, it means that the devs should keep doing them.
The Red Viking for real!
Dude they do make games themselves. Boring read-til-u-drop ''visual novels'' that go no where and you do litteraly nothing but click and read. WORST games ever made 100000000% [thinking of doki doki something something]
haha. that'd be one boring game. won't even play farmville. why harvest plants right?
"Why don't they make their own games?" These people are usually the ones who can't create, who can only nag about what others have created.
The tradition continues...
Doom pissed people off in the 90's, now Doom is pissing people off today.
*I love it.*
Justa Person And so the cycle starts anew...
(Doom theme intensifies)
How on Earth did it piss off people back then? Seriously, it's about killing demons from Hell and reanimated corpses! As a Catholic, I sodding love it for that very reason!
Scryer the violence.
Why were people pissed off about Doom in the 90s?
I would love to see an interview between DoomGuy and SJWs, they would complain and DoomGuy would just tear them apart. That would be amazing.
A one second interview.
Frank Castle Exactly
Doomguy: *Sees their mutilated bodies that are merged with metal* Yep, another fodder demon.
all Doom fans are defective toxic degenerates fat virgin subhumans
@@monochromeworld2091 cant be much worse than the Danganronpa fans
They threw out the bait, and the SJWs took it hook, line and sinker. So hilarious.
Wolfgang von Bach so obvious I thought they would overlook it.... They can always scrape a new rock bottom XD
Hook, line, sinker, pole, fisherman, boat and lake.
Lol! Pre-ordered!
Free advertisment
I hope Doom Eternal outsales Battlefield V by several million copies!
I hope it does because Doom 2016 was legitimately the best shooter I played since 2010.
@Mein Ehr, Mein Loyalität KoroGro: Breathing heavily through their noses in anger.
Seven Proxies
BFV isn’t SJW, but I still like Doom Eternal more.
@@Shrapnel-qy4xi: Yes it is.
When you make a game supposedly based on WWII featuring a DISABLED, WOMAN fighting at the front lines in a war where women in front line roles was virtually non-existent, then your SJW-agenda is pretty transparent.
Dice thought "representation of disabled women" was more important than historical accuracy. Just as they did with BF1 where they not focused way too much on black soldiers (which were also virtually non existent in WW1), but even went as far as including negro characters where they didn't exist at all (like with the german forces).
Dice and their battlefield franchise is archetypically SJW. But what else can you expect from developers based in the most hipster area of Stockholm, Sweden?
aaand call duty by a several BILLION copies!
Sargon, the SJW flip out is the PERFECT marketing / selling tool for DOOM Eternal. It's going to make it's sales soar.
what better way to market your game than to piss off the people who hate your game yet can not stop talking and raging about it. this tactic always worked, it worked in the past, it works in the present and it works in the future. many franchises owe their success to stupid people like the SJW types. I call it the "forbidden fruit effect".
Have to admit he’s right
It worked for GTAV, and especially Hatred and that wasn’t even a AAA Game
It's half the reason games like Doom & Mortal Kombat were so popular. They were so violent at the time that they pissed millions of people off, which caused them to grow in popularity really quickly.
It sure convinced me to buy.
James Palmer eh I hate all this political bullshit being stuffed into games these days no matter what side or extreme it comes from
The marketing team is brilliant. They've learned from the mistakes of SJW pandering developers and they're doing the exact opposite. Playing up to your customers is excellent salesmanship. I predict this game is going to sell gangbusters.
dude, calm down. they did nothing opposite from something. they just did doom. so what if sjw's where totaly pro doom, do you think they would be a happy day shooter called doom where you can ride gay unicorns?
Your point has some validity, but they still could have made a dark, violent shooter without inserting those audio clips. They’re definitely trying to provoke certain reactions by being politically incorrect. There is a very intentional message being conveyed.
Surprisingly they are doing the opposite, not many game companies have the courage to trigger SJW's and so try to avoid it xD ID isn't just triggering the SJW's they're making sure they in some shape or form piss off every SJW it seems.
They get so much attention and the only ones who won't buy their game now are stupid SJW's which aren't even their target audience
This is fake outrage. If you look at the tweets in the video they only ever had like 2 likes on them and no retweets. Click bait at its finest.
How pissed off will they be when this massively boosts sales of Doom Eternal.
godofthunder9010 Enough to the point where they declare the present world is a literal Hell.
Considering that Kingdom Come's sales were solidified when fans found that their developers weren't pussies? Probably going to be a solid, or even a spectacular launch.
Doesn't matter. They can be pissing blood for all I care and they won't do anything lol.
I kind of want to buy it now
Yeah, I'm one of the people who never bought a doom game. Now I kinda want to
A game that pisses off SJWs from a company that actually caters to their client base. We need more of this!
I mean the demons are at least a bit more tolerant than the Islamists so there's that.
They kill man and woman equally. 0 sexism.
A Random Crusader -, And they’re more accepting of the gays.
Those demons don’t judge who they kill...they just kill lol
Demons are more compassionate than SJW”s, the demons will only kill you, whereas SJW”s want to destroy your life.
Wait how is it "Anti-immigration"?
Comparing the game(demons) to real life(immigrants) is where the anti-immigration comes from. Both sides of this 'controversy' are doing that, with SJW's being offended by it, and some anti-SJW's through Alt-Righters supporting it. Both fail to see they're in-game/universe jokes.
EternalDahaka yeah and what does demons got to do with Anti-Immigration anyway?
The in-game lines are spinning the demon invasion as demon immigration("Earth is the melting pot of the universe" being the big one). People are treating this as the game/devs making analogue to real life(were demons = immigrants), and using that to show the game has an anti-immigration stance, where immigration leads to a Hell on Earth scenario. Obviously that's reading way too far into it, but that's where people are getting it.
This is THE Dumbest shit I have ever heard
I know the party is over and I just broke into someones house but I just want to say that being offended because of that reason is like being offended because an evil alien leader calls his soldiers “visitors”.
It's OKAY to Fear Demons from HELL.
Poisonedblade #ItsOKtoBeAdemon
Poisonedblade But it's not ok to be afraid of demons from Columbus Ohio.
And no one expects the Intersectional Inquisition.
Edit: Lol even my phone doesn't recognize "intersectional" as a real word!
How the hell are you always the top comments? You're everywhere!
Dead Baron they're just that good.
Gonna be so disappointed if devs apologize!
J S even more if they apologize and delete these
They better not change anything or apologize
They won't, game devs are getting sick of these people ruining everything
I hope not, but never underestimate the stupidity of giant, spineless corporations. They give in to browbeating from the far left pretty easily. ID might just get told by the suits in charge of Bethesda to tow the outraged line.
Mr Esturk
Really hope they don't, EA left a good example of what would turn off gamers into not wanting to buy any of there games, maybe not as drastic, but they will definitely lose respect of there loyal customers, me included
If they can't handle tiny joke poking fun at their ideology, chances are that they aren't very convinced of their own ideas.
d962831 It's pretty hard to be convinced by utter bullshit lol
Found the Nazi!
Just joking, fuck these cancerous sjw's.
Wait, they have ideas?
Now all DooM:Eternal needs to do is have tons of demons holding “Demon Lives Matter!” Signs and have DooM Guy kill one and break the sign in a cutscene. It would be perfect.
I remember people getting triggered about shooting black people in Resident evil 5 which takes place in... Africa... and the game is made by Japanese btw, after they added some white people in to the game some people got triggered again that there are white people in the Africa...
You can never make these people happy. Therefore you shouldn't even try. Just make the game you want to make, and if they start screaming and whining and gnashing their teeth, give them a giant middle finger and tell them not to play it, then, if it hurts their feelings so much. The rest of us will buy it and enjoy it for what it is: a video game, not a social statement.
The people comparing the story of Earth in DOOM Eternal to Mass Immigration are also, ironically enough, comparing Refugees to Demons.
*Slow Clapping*
Its a story thing if it's creator's intent for the viewer to make that connection it's the creator whether by accident or purposely.
Or a eye ball wearing a wig using the female I voice
o o p s
Face it they are morons.
Im pretty sure the demons needed a cult to summon a portal for the demons so it's basically the same as countrys letting in them rapin refugees
"Easily offended" can be an offensive term. Please use "Humorously challenged."
Joshua Wainwright They're also challenged, humorously ;)
That's fucking brilliant.
More like mentally challenged, but whatever, I get the joke.
And no quotes for mentally challenged, that is what they are.
Morpheas mentally challenged triggers me I think you mean academically challenged.
don't you me with your oppressive demands.
"This game has offended me and I am mad, I won't be buying this game" - purple haired freak
And then it releases and sells incredibly well.
To be fair, you can say that about SJW infested games as well. NPCs don't give a fuck, they just give demons their money.
"You may have noticed some slight changes to the environment. Do not worry. It is all part of the plan."
Today in news that literally no one is surprised by.
No one is surprised by but everybody is loving the irony of their autistic screeching. Them not being to take satire on their own beliefs is beautiful and I hope the developer and/or publisher don't backtrack.
NFD - You have excellent taste in videos.
Did sjws just got offended from jokes thrown at DEMONS?
cause the SJW apparently consider immigrants.. demons... yeah, they say that apparently
Tyler Scott Yep, there standing up for FuCKiNG ViRTuAL gaME ENEMiES.
Carlos Calderon isn’t that really fucking hypocritical?
Is this story for real? It's a game about killing demons. Get a sense of humour.
there were literally more videos about this fake "outrage" han tweets from "sjws". the right is an outrage machine
Hamza Isa The Left doesn’t like people criticizing mass-migrants and PC rubbish.
Such obvious bait and the SJWs bites it hook line and sinker. Some really smart marketing by ID here. Why spend on advertising when the Twitter outrage machine does the job for you in spades?
Sargon you have to understand.... THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT FRICKEN HUMAN! ANITA SARKESSIAN IS A GOD DAMN DEMON! Note: Doom guy wears proud Kekistani Colors.
Admiral Thrawn again demon is offensive, please use mortally challenged
Admiral Thrawn Darth vader shall destroy you
They need to add this to the game. Build a celestial wall and as someone else said, make hell pay for it. My God, it would be so epic.
Saint318 If Id games did that and shouldered the slings and arrows, the political shockwaves would have me salivatinf for Grand Theft Auto 6. Because the word would be out, Make Mature Games Unapologetically Crass Again.
Psyrgery What about a Tower?
STORY TIME LESSON: You know, I remember when the USA and other countries limited violent video games like Mortal Kombat in the early 90s. While many people cited this as a common decency issue, it was actually a social issue (like immigration and feelings and shit). It went so far, that they categorized games that were said to be violent, and began the rating system we now have in place. Although some countries within The Greater Commonwealth outrightly ban games or require games change themes and blood textures.
The gaming community’s response? Ignore the noise and show people that it’s just a game and has no correlation to actual violent behavior.
Now here we are almost 25 years later and we’re still having these outrage cycles. Of course these are politically correct movements. Of course they want to pervert your sense of entertainment.
Best thing to do, is to ignore these noisemakers, enjoy your game, and remember that they don’t influence your actual behavior.
You’re not an anti-immigrant Nazi for playing Doom as I’m not some whacked out serial killer for playing Sub-Zero on Mortal Kombat.
Enjoy, play well, and be kind.
There is always something that offends them isn't there? You could take a shit and they'd be offended because it's not the right color.
JCSAnimations not brown enough
Yeah to red! Wait what.
JCSAnimations I mean, if you shit red then its time to panic.
If you're that sensitive then Doom isn't for you anyway. Go back to Viva Pinata.
Yeah tell 'em bro
I do like both Doom and Viva Pinata (but only the pet simulator game) so I guess I can divide my time with both? lol.
Lmao Doom is pretty much a game of mindless rampaging
If you have empathy for every demon you face
You're not gonna get past the first enemy
UltraViolence In Viva Pinata you can hit animals with a shovel to death until they explode and their guts fall out
""Demon can be an offensive term" says the UAC voice.... I hate that."
Indeed. I recall during and after the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, they ran around with the "Love Trumps Hate" mantra yet all they've shown towards Trump is hate and vitriol. Ask them about this hypocrisy and they're speechless, it just goes to show how full of shite they are.
CoolHardLogic doom should be filled with hate. The original doom had no mercy and the new ones are incomparable to it regardless of graphics.
A lot of Americans would call liberal/democrats "demons" or something similar so I guess that's why they find such word "offensive" otherwise it is complete nonsense.
Mad seeing conversations like these from 6 years ago, fast forward to today and nothing has changed-just got worse.
Dont call the Demons illegal immigrants,,thats rAcIsT,,instead call them UnDOcUmEnTEd MiGrRanTs. This game is as relevant as ever. lol
"Poor" is an offensive word, they should be called _equity challenged_ .
I guess I’m challenged then
Godd Howard Pfffft we should probably use these to everything just as satire
Don't use rapist
Impulsively Challenged
I just fell in love with you.
Full homo of course.
DominikΩ омега сеншу more like sexually challenged.
I'm equity challenged and I demand reparations!
Upset SJW's will lose them 0 customers. Those people wouldn't buy Doom anyway.
Other people might learn of the game because of this.
Plenty people might love it and gain them customers. Seems a pretty clear-cut case what's the correct course to take here.
Snowflakes gonna melt so fast in hell
and they are creatin g their own hell with the migrants
They shall melt into water and Satan shall drink them and pics them out.
@Dogs Sing but of you burn them they shall become liquid and then shall become steam until some big fat bloke breaths them all in and then kill them hurray
Tears of Soy, I disagree. There are so many snowflakes out there, that hell will probably freeze over.
Holy shit sargon. You really owned that tweet with like 2 likes. Clearly this is a huge outrage.
Mega X whats that? The leftists are moderately annoyed? SJWs are gonna take over the fucking market! THEIR TAKING OUR GAMES AWAY!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH
And the other dozens of tweets?
Demons are Mortally Challenged... Holy shit I needed that laugh.
John Robertson Was it mortally or morally?
Bert Prins Mortally.
Can't believe that triggered people lol. Didn't even know until I saw this vid.
Who Cares? Some people are just amazingly good at being a professional victim.... There's exactly what's going on by these triggered people
John Robertson at least they amount to free advertising for what looks to be a great game
Is it time to discuss the Demon vs. Angel wage gap?
casbyness angels get to leave in the sky but demons live in a bunch of lava >:( how is that fair! Demons work just as much as angels but we don’t get the same respect!we are tired of being oppressed by this “doom guy” spreading nonstop racial slurs and harassed us for visiting earth! We just wanted to feel like we mattered but nnnoooo this racist nazi comes at us with a plasma gun and wants us to leave because we are DIFFERENT.All ANGELS ARE DEMON HATING BIGOTS!
You forget
Wait until the Hdoom mod
Charles Lee Ray that’s what the public wants you to believe ! We are fed lies about a better future and are forced to work at low income jobs because of our missing skin and sharp nails!
Could the prophecy be true? Is Alex Jones the Doom Slayer? Any thoughts anyone?
this would be fucking funny.
we need a mod where the doom slayer just spouts random Alex Jones quotes after killing demons.
Justa Person I almost laughed all the way to hell from this comment xD
1776 BITCHES!!!!! Start killing the SJW demons...Oh sorry "mortally challenged." lolol
I don't get what's offensive in the game. It's just a guy killing demons, thats all
"Don't satire us, we don't defend demons!
We only defend beings that want to invade, conqueror, rape and hurt people!"
SJW's thanks for boosting Doom Eternal's sales, just as you did with Kingdom Come's (no black people in the game, because its in medieval Bohemia) sales
Udrakan Morturim I had an argument with another guy the other day about Kingdom Come, he's like well they could have traveled from Egypt or Ethiopia, there was enough transport infrastructure. My only reaction to that was but why would they want to...
and bf5 sales drops like rain lol :D
People were pissed off about no black people in a medieval white country? I must have missed that one or just blocked it from my mind.
i'm starting to think 90% of the "outraged" people are paid actors at this point X'D
Imagine being triggered into defending demons...
P S *slow clap* Bravo id. Just Bravo. *clap*
The irony being that they immediately associated demons with immigrants.
Litterally asking the Grey Knights to come out and pop a bolt in their ass.
They are demons.
SJW can be an offensive term, they prefer 'politically challenged'
Behold. An entire generation that doesn't know what a joke is. R.I.P. Comedy: Eternity-2018
God bless Doom, Mortal Kombat, and GTA: the unholy trinity of gaming. May they continue to piss off every SJW under the sun.
the rampage with Trevor and hipsters shoulda replaced the hipsters with SJW's
Michael Hill I’d chuck Wolfenstein in there too. As good at pissing them off, if not more than Doom 😂
John Greenslade wolfenstein is a sjw game
You forgot farcry5
GTA:6 is gonna be awesome
Wait so are SJWs calling refugees Demons if they associated them with the DOOM quote?
I think it is more advanced than that. They are claiming white nazis are using Demons as a decoy term for foreigners, to be able to trash talk foreigners in a racist way without getting caught. But the left is too smart to let that slip by!
I also think they believe the part about "the term X can be offensive" is mocking their gender studies where everyone can be any gender under the sun and assuming the wrong one is offensive. And it is totally offensive to make a game mocking your belief in thousands of genders.
Got a boner looking at don't ya, You shouldn't be trying to come up with logics that SJW's don't understand and will never understand xD
Linus Gustafsson jesus christ conspiracy theorists are less delusional
+Q A ' Z E R G O That statement is so true, it's actually sad.
First point: This is hilarious, and I'll be buying Doom Eternal as a thank you to ID Software for poking the SJW's in the eye.
Second point: I really miss the days when games, books, movies TV, and music weren't all political tools.
Hope the developers don`t apologize.
Alex Spec They better not because the complaints are fucking ridiculous and don’t understand what is being satirised. It’s a jab at corporate propaganda using social justice cliches to cover up their anti-human activities, not a jab at the ideals of social justice itself. It’s not a dog whistle to the Right, indeed so-called “Bernie Bros” will be laughing alongside us at the perfectly tuned satire on display here.
i have a feeling that sparking outrage to generate a LOT of publicity was the goal from the start so i fully expect them to double down and put out even more stuff like this xD
Lol imagine if they would receive a fucking amount of complaints and then just say: "We received ALOT of complains about our hidden messages against certain groups, so we got encouraged to PUT EVEN MORE OF IT into the game, thanks."
If they ever do apologize it better be *We're sorry you don't have a sense of humor*
Hopefully Bethesda the publisher doesn't tell ID to apologize
I'm glad that Id Software have offended a whole new generation.
Henry Ambrose New generation?
They have a reputation to uphold.
Trust me bud they arent offending an entire generation, theyre offending a rather extreme group.
Hydra Programmer as they always have
If anythings gonna bump up Eternal's sales, its *THIS*
OMFG I can't believe anyone could be racist against demons...
ukguy please use the term "mortally challenged"
Dr Deadbeat sorry I didn't mean to trigger you.
Well, if you can be racist against an ideology, being racist against the mortally challanged doesn't seem to be that far-fetched.
(I'm not racist against them, my best black friend is dead.)
Yeah, well SJWs identify well with demons so it actually kind of makes sense.
This just shows how deluded some people are, thinking everyone should live in what they perceive as the "right way" of living. I mean they're not stupid, just attention seekers thinking they're smarter than everybody else by forcing their opinion on other people's throats. This is a fucking game about a guy killing demons for crying out loud, it's not meant to be taken seriously.
I'm a simple man, I see anti-SJW jokes, I'm buying the game ... even though FPS games are not my style.
I'll gladly support with my wallet any company that satires them.
Same here XDDD.
Stop using dead memes.
Doom is a classic series for a reason, you will love it.
Really? Huh interesting, as a gamedev I'll take note of that...
masternme+ Yep, you definitely should remember that. A LOT of people buy out of sympathy, or to punish to movement the product positions agaisnt.
Imagine being such an SJW that you get offended by people mocking SJW's they must actually identify as one.
Brutal DooM in the background. Good mod choice, Sargon. \m/
I can't get it to apply to the original campaigns, any tips?
You need zandronum or gzdoom, then you need the doom wad in the zandronum or gzdoom file. If you already have the latest brutal doom just drag the file on zandronum or gzdoom then select wich doom to play.
Have you tried Project Brutality? It’s like Brutal Doom on steroids...
Look up a program called ZDL, it's a mod management tool. You can use it to set your preferred source port (Zandronum, GZDoom, Skulltag etc.) your preferred PWAD (Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Plutonia etc.) and it lets you add an set order launch for pk3s and IWADS (These are your mods like Brutal Doom and player created Maps like Scythe or the Brutal Doom campaign Extermination Day). It just removes the complexity for using BAT files or keeping your folders condensed for dragging and dropping.
Vyor, yeah what xabe said. When you load GZdoom or Zandronum, it will ask you which game WAD to use. Choose Ultimate DooM.
Opinion: Exists
SJW: "Another opinion exists beyond my own and I HATE that!"
They haven't even thought this through. What about the Satanists? Dooms depictions of hell demons just encourages Satanophobia
gullf1sk im gonna be vocal with my wallet. If they dont back down im buying the most expensive version on launch.
DrFaker same here
id won't publicly back down. They COULD remove the "offending" lines from the game... but I doubt they will.
And I don't think BethSoft cares enough to pressure them to do it, either.
_"I'm doing my part."_
I'd consider removing it backing down (unless they replace with something even better)
This was probably calculated. The doom devs knew this would happen and knew this would help their game grow. Lol the opposite of get woke go broke.
So Wake up make stuff?
Immigrant race was the funniest shit I probably ever heard from a twitter user.
the team behind doom must be laughing there asses off because that's exactly what they expected SJW's to do and wanted to happen. lol
Mr_ Emoticon lmao i fucking know right
Doom is known for controversies. This the heritage of Doom I love it
FrosTy theNoob plus it's a Gore fest about killing demons and the evils that support it. Why the hell do they look at it this way? I mean they even got their hands on god of war.... so I guess they can tell others what to make now.
Genius! Sjw triggered=pre order call
Is there are other anti-sjw game ? Wanna buy them all
They were perfectly fine with (left-wing) political messages inserted in games when Naughty Dog presented The Last of Us 2 at E3. But now that's it's on the other side, the "tolerance" of the left has vanished once again.
Now I _really_ want Alex Jones to be the narrator
Space Leopard that'd be hilarious
Space Leopard "They're putting chemicals in the water that turn the freaking Wraiths GAY!!!"
Space Leopard Destroy the child...corrupt them all
I am a warrior of God!!
Every gun shot is Alex Jones screaming “Fuck You Globalist”
I just found your channel and holy shit dude, it was an instant subscribe! Keep up the good work mate
"Mortally challenged" really?
There demons always have been demons,they even call themselve demons
Unacceptable language.
My cousin is half demon. And I’m glad he didn’t read this because he would be triggered. You see mortally challenged people “raping” and “eating babies.” I see mortally challenges people, engaging in courtship and finding sustenance. Where you see something vile and disgusting I see a beautiful culture that deserves respect and understanding. People like you and the developers of this game make me sick! I hope you all choke on a dick and DIE!!!!
You caused a single nerve in my brain to react. Is that sexual harassment?
Thats insensitive
When Hell sends its demons, they're not sending their best. They're sending demons that have a lot of problems and they're bringing those problems to us. They're bringing ritualistic sacrifices. They're bringing portals to Hell. They're mindless ravenous beasts and some, I assume, are good people.
Brad Smithy some people deserve to die. Lol
...awesome redo of the god-emperors' epic speech of wall building needs!
Such a winning comment 🤣
Some is referring to doomguy
Intelligent way to generate hype. SJWs are a minority in gaming, and people who cant stand them are the majority. That announcement in the gameplay reveal was not an accident, it's a great way to get free press, and appeal to the majority of gamers, without actually saying or doing anything that is actually offensive. They just relied on the predictability of SJWs to jump off the deep end at the slightest hint they are being mocked. Well played DOOM devs.
If it was intentional, they are genius bastards. (In the good sense of bastard.)
I disagree. Over the past year or so, there has been a lot of arguing over SJWs and their attempts to push their fascist ideology onto gamers. Games like Kingdom Come Deliverance, and Farcry 5 etc. And in every incident, the SJWs have lost, because gamers are more than ready to buy games they aren't even interested in, just to send a message to the SJWs.
So in the case of DOOM Eternal, whoever came up with the idea, simply followed the trend, and maybe realised that SJWs would advertise the game for them, for free. All it needed was a little push to trigger them, which is very easy to do. And despite their funny anger, they have done a wonderful job of advertising the game in the wake of QuakeCon :D
Zalamael Semper Dius god, I hope more games do this in the future. It's free advertising!
DOOM devs being norm critics
nah todd would save that for skyrim 2
I hope EA learns from this with battlefield 5
ChiefDC1435 EA learning? Good joke
i buy both games... just to piss everyone of.
The fellow that pushed the sjw bull was forced to resign due to the presales flopping hahha
I hope EA either flips its self on its head or closes down. Losing the creative director behind the gaming cancer that's been infecting EA games for the last 10 or more years. At this point I think they might be to far gone. Love for them to go back to the mildly sinister publisher of the early 2000s but I doubt that will happen. They have got away with to much for to long.
jack chester And that's not even mentioning their microtransaction fiascos. dungeon keeper mobile and battlefront 2 were ruined by their overly aggressive strategy.
SJWs protested GTA-V
And it became the most sold game of all times.
making fun of SJWs makes for great marketing. It has been proven, like you said there.
tbh it did went the skyrim way and launched the game on every plataform twice so morons would buy it again
BaneOfPhillipBurnell well they are copies right, why would you buy the same thing, it's the same as buying another copy of a book because it was printed on a different kind of paper.
Carlos Pitteri Well, if someone only owns a console, why would you play skyrim on last gen that runs at 20 fps and 10 minute loading screens, rather than buying it again on current gen, with mod support?
GTA V flew off every shelf upon release and sold consistently on every platform for years. That is because GTA is good fun and insanely popular though. It has fuck all to do with SJWs. Rockstar basically have a fuck you brand and fuck you money with GTA. SJWs cannot touch it, it is as popular as fucking Mario and Tetris. Nobody cares if it offends 'SJWs.' They write articles in the crusty old establishment business press analyzing why it sells by the fucking tanker load lol.
I am going to pre-order this game. And buy a second copy if it is half as good as the previous one. Just to piss of SJWs.
>Just to piss of SJWs.
No better reason.
Good point
"WARNING... The SJWs have entered the facility."
Imagine the mancubus with dyed green/blue air and your got your feminazi sjw
*Whips out chainsaw.*
"WARNING The SJWs butthurt at MAXIMUM"
El Biflo MAKE THIS A BOSS PRONTO! I hope the devs roll this idea out. That would be the best boss ever! 😂