It is so disrespectful to denounce the Messiah's Hebrew name and instead give him a Greek name that the Jews know nothing about. We have been taught in school that names must not be translated because its your identity.
My name is Richard, and when my Mexican co-workers used to call me Ricardo I did not take offense because it doesn't change the essence of who I am. It's the understanding of my name that's comfortable for them to use and I respect it.
Amen! My Mexican friends call me Catalina and my husband Miguel. That is how they say our names. I do not correct or force them to say it the way my mother named me.
Im not sure what all the theories are about but I like to call "Jesus" by his real Hebrew name because that is his name. There is no reason be changing anyones name around to fit your culture better. People started with the name and now have changed the entire gospel into an American Jesus false gospel full of lies. My name is Elora and as much as you want to call me something similar for one reason or another Im not sure why call me anything but my real name. It's not that hard to pronounce. I like my name, I don't need to be called anything else no matter where you come from :)
I understand your meaning, but it is a cultural difference. My name will not be read the same in another country because letter sounds are very different and so are accents. Jesus said here in America is pronounced differently in Latin cultures and everywhere else. So in all actuality, it doesn't matter how His name is read/pronounced as long as you know in your heart who exactly your heart with whom you are speaking and referencing. God knows the heart of the man. And if that isn't enough, then go deeper to study the bible and the languages so you can be as prolific as this gentleman.
Also, many of us may not know how much in fact it is important how names are pronounced but in Hebrew culture it is known the power of sound and words. Unfortunately here in the greek-minded world we like to wait for science to tell us things first, before we believe them.
Isaiah 9:6 and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of peace... He goes by many names. My King, My Lord, My Savior. He answers to all these. He answers to the hearts true intention when using His name.
Catherine Smith His name shall be called those titles. What was his name during his days of flesh? It was Yahweh is Salvation, Yahushua! He name shall be called Yahweh our Righteousness, in the Kingdom as he shines forth Yahweh's righteousness upon that age. Father Yahweh is the source of all things wonderful, of all counsel, mightiness, life, Fatherhood and peace. It is because the Son has inherited the name of the Father and is his anointed, that he will show those in the kingdom these attributes of Yahweh during his kingdom reign. This is why his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty El, The everlasting Father, The Prince of peace. Shalom/peace
I always say Yeshua and not Jesus. People generally don't like it but I don't care. He was Yeshua while he was here on earth and so I'll keep on using his actual name (but like you, it doesn't bother me that others don't). I appreciate the work you do :) Peace.
K M agree this is a great video Thankyou bro! Yes km i have a similar problem. I sing Yeshua if i visit a sunday keeper church. Get some funny looks, im sure one guy thought I was worshipping satan under cover lol. 'my Yeshua, my savour, Lord there is none like you! All of my days i want to praise the wonder of your mighty Love'
I use Yeshua by preference, but I don't judge others for saying Jesus. I'd rather people call Him by either the name they came to know Him by, or with whatever they are most comfortable with. I love studying the roots of the faith and having things in the correct cultural linguistic context. I do understand though, that too many people get puffed up with pride and start beating the sheep they are supposed to feed. Blessing in Messiah.
Patrick McKeel im a little bit guilty of pushing the issue a bit but its also kind of part of being prophetic. I have a t shirt that says 'sunday is not sabbath' with a big ☀ on it and 'come out of her my people'. I rarely attend church but when i do i carry a message. 'there is only one name and that name is Jesus' really annoys me, its tricky to know when to speak up and when to zip it! Every single name for Yah gives us different revelations of His identity i guess. I dislike religeon, i dont think worship or bible study is religeous i think its relationship and truth.
Did you know that in the days of Jesus’ ministry on earth they would popularly drop the “s” at the end of names, similar to how in my childhood it was common for masculine names to have an “o” attached at the end, e.g. Johnno, Jacko. So, it is more than likely that Jesus would have heard his name called out as “Yeshu”. Also, the English tend to place the emphasis on the first syllable whereas the Hebrew sees the stress placed on the last or second last full syllable, so Jesus would likely be pronounced as “YeshU”. I’m glad you’re not dogmatic about Jesus’ name. After all, the earliest manuscripts of the New Testament were predominantly written in Koine Greek and Jesus would have spoken the same Greek to the diasporic Jews who lost their language and to the gentiles, even the Romans would have used this common trade language and the known Scriptures were translated into Koine Greek because of the diaspora. What I’m getting at is that Jesus would commonly hear and say His name as ‘Iesous. He would have spoken each language He knew and adjusted accordingly. Paul wrote in the Koine Greek Jesus Christ as ‘Iesous Christos, depending on the required parsing. What I’m getting at is just as Paul was known as Saul for Hebrew speakers and Paul for the Koine Greek speaking gentiles, Jesus would have spoken His name accordingly too. Paul never insisted his name should be retained in the Hebrew when he was sent out to the gentiles; he adapted accordingly and so does Jesus. He is reconciling all nations under God, so of course He speaks to each person in their own language. While it is beneficial to understand the Old Testament in context, including learning to read the ancient Hebrew, and the New Testament in context including the Koine Greek, who would force new converts to learn these ancient languages to be able to know the written Word of God? Even the Jews during the second temple period authorised the Scriptures to be translated into the Koine Greek, known as the LXX, (the Septuagint). All the important nouns were translated accordingly. They were so strict about their religion yet chose to adapt to another language.
WakeyUpPeople I may just be an idiot ( I know I am), but I have to believe a God who knows all things would know to whom I'm speaking when I pray. Can I call God Yahovah as the Aleppo Codex seems to point to, or must I call Him Elohim? How about ABBA, or Av, or just God or Father? He knows my heart, mind and soul better than I do, so logically it follows that He hears me when I call upon Him. Should I call Yeshua Lord, which is an English word for land owner, or the more correct English word master? Or Kurios in Greek, or Dominus in Latin, Herr from German maybe, or just plain old Adonai? Shaun was sent to spread the gospel to gentiles, He wasn't sent to spread the Hebrew language. Knowing Hebrew is not stated anywhere in scripture as a requirement for salvation. I study out of love for the language and contextual understanding. Feel free in Messiah to share what you learn in love and humility. But please, do not ever be disrespectful, rude, condescending, harsh, judge mental or disruptive towards fellow believers when you approach others with your ideas. The truth stands on its own, you never need to prop it up with aggression or hostility. Keep on with what you do, let your example be your testimony, and live a life filled with love, kindness and peace to maximize your effect on others. The Spirit will lead you in all things. Blessings and peace and love to you in Messiah Yeshua.
Amen! I personally cried out to Jesus and I speak English and Jesus Saved me! I also know His Name is Yeshua, but I speak english. God will not like me more for speakig Hebrew.
What difference does it make if you speak Hebrew or not... IT'S A NAME... If you go to another country where they speak a different language than English does your name suddenly change to something else or are they going to call you Anthony... Your name stays with you regardless of the language being spoken. Example: if your name is Michael and you go on vacation to Mexico do you change your name to Miguel ( the Spanish equivalent to Michael)... No... Again your name is your name. Here's another for you.. Vladimir Putin, that's what we call him, in English, if we were in Russia his name is the same, if we go to France, his name stayed the same, if we go to Mexico, his name stays the same... Again your name is your name... Well the same goes for our Father and our Savior.... They have names.. Regardless of what language you speak.. Frankly it's a bit disrespectful of you to tell them their true names are an inconvenience for you to say and THEY have to just accept whatever you want to call them.
The Hebrew word “Hashem” which means “the name” isn’t necessarily the _appellation_ (my appellation is Elizabeth), but the _nature,_ or _character..._ it is the very _essence_ of a person. So the _name_ of our Creator is Wonderful Counselor, Merciful Savior, Mighty One of Israel, Just and True, Righteous King, and many others. It is His _very essence_ that we ought to portray through our own walk, and it is not to be done _in vain._
I am yet to be convinced because those who translated/transliterated the name Yeshua to Jesus are the same people who inserted pagan festivities like christmas,Easter to be Holidays. Changed sabath from saturday to Sunday,they forgive people's sins etc How can we trust such people with our faith.?why cant we maintain "Yeshua" just as is.
Justina Musyoka no they’re not...those existed long before the translating of the Bible to English.... when you understand translating from one language to another you will understand the transliteration of’s so simple ...not all words in a particular language can be exactly translated word for word or letter for letter into another language... I guess I thought most people would know that but guess not...
Really, what exactly does the name 'Jesus' mean? Does this man-made translation have a meaning? He said that He came in His Father's Name where is His Father's Name in Jesus? Be Baruk:-)
A Believer. It means wonderful counselor, the mighty God the everlasting Father, the prince of peace, the name above all that all in heaven and earth will bow and confess that Jesus is king of kings and lord of lords. If it's funny or you don't understand look in the bible. When you are in trouble call in the name of Jesus Christ the saviour of the world. Every demon is afraid of the name and is the only name that make commands demons to go. The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness. I pray you search the name and realize Jesus came for all the world in love.
If you’re offended by the name “Jesus”, you’re offended by the same name I’ve seen demons tremble at. Take that in for a second. PS. I say this even though I personally prefer calling Him by His Hebrew name.
That's what happens when you translate languages the spelling gets different Yeshua doesn't look like Iesous and Jesus doesn't look like Iesous but all three are correct
Joseph Caesar Padrón but there is in the English language... And we use English... or can we also not say the name of Jerusalem, Jeremiah, Judah, etc etc etc?
Psalms 138:2 I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy you see that if we're not obedient to his word it doesn't make a difference what name you call him... Shalom!
Me too. At first i would say Jesus and many of my prayers were answered in that name but i believe the Most High knew my heart and bc i was ignorant. But once i knew the truth why would i continue calling him Jesus?
@@gmrivera8608 Because His name is Jesus. We are English speakers. It makes zero sense to refer to Jesus any other way. You are being superstitious. God is not some child saying, "nah nah you didn't say the password". Good grief.
@@gmrivera8608 exactly!,the rest of this is for the comments not you Gm! Go call your wife another woman’s name and see how she acts!!! If his name by his people is Yeshua then his name for me trying to be grafted in shall be that too!!! Plus it’s a 2 part name... geo another name for earth Sus... another name for pig So realty Jesus means earth pig! That may be offensive, but it doesn’t change the truth... And taking his name in vain is calling yourself a follower of him while living a worldly lie!..pretending you love Elohim when mammon runs your life! And why tell people it’s ok to give him multiple names when the most high Ya our Elohim inspired the angel to call him Emmanu-El, which HIS people whom he calls HIS people call him Yeshua???... So unless you cannot pronounce his name for what ever reason that may be then he deserves our OBEDIENCE to his Abba by using HIS peoples name for THEIR messiah we are trying to follow!!!... So for a man who follows Torah I’m not sure how you think ANY name is ok to call our messiah who only recognizes those who have “grafted” theirselves to his people!!! The graft HAS to take on the tree it’s grafted to or it will NOT live!!! I’m not apologizing to ANYONE for telling them his real name matters!!! His people call him Yeshua and I wanna show obedience to him by learning HIS people and how he wants THEM to follow!!! Faith without works(Torah) is dead!!! Man is not saved on works(Torah) alone!!! It takes belief in Yeshua with observance of Torah in order to show obedience to Abba the most high Ya our Elohim!!!... So I pray the world sees the TRUTH!, for it shall make them free!!! Stay strong in prayer!.. Shalom!..
When I fell for this and started questioning if I was calling Jesus an earth pig when I used Jesus instead of Yeshua, I was very spiritually attacked. It made me realize there is an evil spirit behind this. So thankful for repentance and forgiveness. It’s a shame I was so easily deceived. Glad it didn’t last long. Thanks for this video, Lex.
Chantal McDougal usually you get attacked when your being righteous, like job, don't let the enemy scare you away stand strong you know what his mother and close friends called him, it was the people who put him on the cross that called him jesus who's side are we on I'm hoping we will be called his family.
@@ourtestimoniesabbathankyou8501. NO ONE IS RIGHTEOUS NO NOT ONE Man’s Righteousness Is as filthy rags to God All have sinned and fallen short of God’s Glory She used the wrong name for the Saviour- obviously she was Gods child . The Lord chastises those he loves
When we use a word like "name," we focus in on how it is written and pronounced. I will tell of thy name to my brethren; in the midst of the congregation I will praise thee. (Psalm 22:23) What does it mean to "tell someone about another's name?" Does it mean to tell others how to write or pronounce the name? From a Western perspective yes, but from a Hebraic perspective a name is much more than its pronunciation; it is the character of the individual, his ethics, workmanship, attitude, dependability, resourcefulness, compassion, honor, etc. When the Bible teaches us to "tell others the name of Yahweh," it isn't telling us to teach others how to write or pronounce it correctly; it is telling us to teach Yahweh's character-- Jeff Benner, ancient Hebrew research center
My name is Angela, I've had plenty of spanish speaking people pronounce it On-Hee-La. It doesn't bother me, I know they are saying my name, and that they didn't CHANGE it, they are pronouncing it in there language. Jesus knows exactly who I'm talking to despite what language I say his name in...
Thank you for your telling of the Word..I had someone tell me that because I was baptised in the name of Jesus I was not saved but I knew different and you have confirmed it
Jesus has been called by many names before, and yet, there is another to come... To end the lies, you must first trust Jesus and His Name..! He has not left us without Truth..! God Bless
Great explanation & breakdown. Doesn't matter. It's still wrong. The messiah does not have a common name. His very particular name carried literal power. Everyone during that time knew that.
I personally got used to calling Him Yeshua, but I don't believe at all it's wrong that his name was "translated" so to speak to make it pronouncable in all the languages of the world. In fact, it proves His Name is Truly Above ALL names and Will be glorified no matter petty MAN'S OPINION. He knows all our hearts, and when you call upon HIS name, HE WILL hear you, no matter what language or name your language calls HIM.
I've had my prayers answered way back when I still referred to Him as Jesus. Our Father reads our hearts. He's such a perfect, wonderful Father/Daddy! But that's not why I'm writing... Did you see the passion behind Lex's speech? You could tell this man would fight with every last bit of strength he had for our Lord! What love and dedication and absolute respect!!! -Sheila
Me to he wasnt bashing those of us you call him Jesus. This message causes me to understand that His given name was Yeshua and that I will try to do with all my heart
Plz read Psalms 95:3. There is absolutely power in ALL the transbastardazations for g-d, l-d. and the subject of this video! Ppl forget who currently is being allowed to control this earth. For Yahuah is a great El, and a great King above all elohiym. TEHILLIYM (PSALMS) 95:3 את CEPHER The Antichrist is going to come in the name that this video is the subject of.
Since HIS mother called HIM YESHUA. I choose to call HIM HIS birth name. YESHUA/YEHOSHUA I call the FATHER/AVI. YEHOVAH. Taking the J off of Jehovah and replacing it with Y. We are all on this journey. Thanks Lex for sharing . I was born again 43 years ago the name of Jesus. No one was saying HIS Hebrew birth name back then. It was still hidden I guess? My life changed 7-25-80. HalleluYAH!
Thank you for a Great video. It's also disturbing that a lot of Hebrew roots movement followers think we're lost or don't know God by using Jesus instead of Yashua and such. Like the sister said below, our God has many wonderful names and attributes and he knows our hearts .
I'll never understand the Pharisee-like attitude ppl have about using Jesus' name, like somehow they're more holy by using Hebrew names than the person who doesn't. God cares a lot more about whether or not we're honoring those names than what language we're using to mention them with.
My parents and my parents parents and called upon the name of Jesus. They did not have the the means that we have now, to look up the Hebrew name for Yahweh. To say that they were being disrespectful is not true. They use the names that were given out of the King James Bible. In their hearts they knew who they were talking to. It was not some mispronounced name it was their God and their savior. Thank you Lex for teaching us and for not condemning those who use the name Jesus.
Sandy Morrison, You are 100% correct, Sandy. HE knows who we mean. HOWEVER, once we know the difference, we should change. AND being willingly ignorant is not right either. Seems like most people only care about what anything means to them. Most of my life I only knew of the name Jesus so that is all I knew to call him by.
Thank you brother,very clear teaching. Like THE FATHER says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". People must quit repeating lies and find the truth and spread it. By your words are you justified and by your words are you condemned. The power of life and death is in the tongue.HE repetitively warns us, it would be wise to take heed.
+UNLEARN the lies.. I had never prayed to Mary before..and I was investigating the catholic church. So..I gave it a try. Jesus corrected me. I only pray to Him..He is the Only One with the Power to answer your prayer. I learned that!
kathleen Wharton I'm pretty sure it was the indwelling spirit of holiness which Yeshua specifically sent to you which corrected you. Yeshua is the only intercessor between G-d & man (or woman). We are to pray in his name only. We are granted the things which are in the Father's will, if requested in the name of the Son. I am so happy to find you did not get led astray. Catholics not only pray to Mary, but also refer to her as Our Lady, Queen of Heaven. Both of these go directly against what the scriptures state directly, as well as fundamental biblical principles, while they are stated as fundamental Catholic doctrine. There is no quekathleen Wharton I'm pretty sure it was the indwelling spirit of holiness which Yeshua specifically sent to you which corrected you. Yeshua is the only intercessor between G-d & man (or woman). We are to pray in his name only. We are granted the things which are in the Father's will, if requested in the name of the Son. I am so happy to find you did not get led astray. Catholics not only pray to Mary, but also refer to her as Our Lady, Queen of Heaven. Both of these go directly against what the scriptures state directly, as well as fundamental biblical principles, while they are stated as fundamental Catholic doctrine. There is no queen in the kingdom, only a bride, & we are part of that bride. If Mary, alone, is the bride, Yeshua would become incestuous at the time of the coming wedding feast. If Saul/Paul publicly denounced a man for having relations with his stepmother, I seriously doubt he thought Mary is the bride, or queen. Of course, Mary would be fine in being a member of the bride, a servant, but not a leading authority being served. Attributing such grandiosity in respect to Mary's character is unbiblical. I have nothing against Catholics per se, & I believe that there will probably be some people who were born & raised Catholic who enter the kingdom, but the Catholic, follow the Pope, pray to Mary, telling your secrets to their uniformed priest in a sacred confessional, saying your ten Hail Marys, rolling rosary beads through the fingers, & participating in Catholic rites is not going to be the reason why. I hope your experience will encourage you to stay clear of misleading Catholic practices & teachings in the future. Shalom & Hallelujah!
Almighty god YHWH gave his son the authority position to be the doorway to his father YHWH almighty God It was YHWH almighty God who gave his son the right to forgive sin Matthew 9:6 John 5:22 John 5:27 Matthew 28:18 John 12:49-50 John 13:3 John 7:16 John 5:19 Almighty God YHWH is always in control through his son . yashua was given authority
If it were important to either God the father or God the son, that we use his Hebrew/Aramaic name, then there would be scriptural precedent for it. But there isn't. Nowhere in the bible does it say that we must be linguistically exact when referringto or callingupon the name of Jesus. For two thousand years, Christians all over the world have been calling on his name in their own language. Only now in the end times has such legalism crept into the church on this issue. It 8s all a satanic lie that is designed to damage people's walk with christ. Now if you choose to use his hebrew name to refer to him then that is fine, its not a sin to use that name. However, telling other Christians that their salvation is dependent upon your legalistic dogma does become a salvation issue, not for them but for those who insist upon it.! Jesu is lord, he is not petty.
I’m a Believer not affiliated with any religion or group and would describe myself as a seeker of the Truth. Something that I noticed was missing from your ‘explanation’ is the fact that all throughout Scripture one thing that is clear is that the Word of YHWH is coming from a Hebrew (Not Western) culture and mindset and honestly it differs greatly from the mindset and culture of ours here in the US. We here in the Western world use names primarily as labels but the Hebrew mindset and culture uses names as far more than labels, but as defining one’s lot in life or his character or his destiny etc. Something that I have always found profound in Scripture is when YAHUAH brought the animals to Adam He was interested and excited to see what he would “name” them. Scripture shows us that the naming of people, places and things are very IMPORTANT to the Almighty Creator. So important that He named His only begotten Son before He was born to this world a Name that reflects His Father’s Name as well as His 'Authority', He also renamed Ya’aqob (Jacob) to Yisrael and Abram to Abraham and Sari to Sarah etc. It seems to me that the Hebrew language is literal, just as the Son’s Name ‘literally’ means; YAH’s SALVATION/DELIVERANCE. Just as the Almighty’s Name (YHWH) ‘literally’ means; ‘Self Existing’. No matter how it is explained and/or even accepted, the name ‘Jesus’ does not “mean” YAH’s SALVATION/DELIVERANCE - I also noticed you conveniently left out that the Son Himself said, that ‘He comes in His Father’s Name’ and that Name is not “Jesus”. I also wanted to point out that in the beginning of your video you state that your name is ‘Lex’ I just wanted to know why is it important for anyone to know ‘your’ name while you’re ‘teaching’ to camouflage the Messiah’s powerful Name? Interestingly to note is that no other religion calls their deity by generic names such as ‘god’ or ‘lord’. The Muslims call their deity ‘Allah’ and those who follow Buddha don’t call him ‘god’ or lord or anything other than “Buddha”, so why then do ‘Christians’ (a pagan title) call the Almighty Creator and His only begotten Son by names that actually are offensive to Him and have nothing to do with Him?! If I met you I would say hello 'Lex' why is it that the Almighty Creator and His Son do not deserve the same thing you expect? I guess I basically want to know is WHY does His Name and the Name of His Father have to be ENGLISH, GREEK or LATIN - He has a Name as does His Father why aren't we using them?! When people travel the world their names don't change, so why do the Names of the Almighty Creator and His only Begotten Son's Names have to be altered and changed?! If there is none other name under Shamayim given among men, whereby we must be saved . . . shouldn't we know and then USE that Name?! I’m not meaning to ridicule you, but to get you to see the other side of your claims. Be Baruk :-)
A Believer Ahmein! Very well said! This video straight blew my mind! How can you quote Scripture saying that you should not bring the name of the Messiah to nothing, while using titles like "lord" & "god" which are also not names. He's being a prime example of what the Word is talking about. Not using the Messiah's true name is bringing it to nothing as if names aren't important. Of course He will not hold you accountable for something you do not know, but after finding out that His name is Yahshua why would you bring it to nothing by calling Him a meaningless transliterated name. The contradictions in these videos are unbelievable.
A Believer HalleluYah! The enemy's plan to erase the True Names is coming apart at the seams. He hates the Name of YHWH and each time we who love the Father speak That Name, it is a defeat handed to satan. YHWH, Yahshua, we love to Hallow and esteem Your Name! John Chapter 17. ☺️
I am Yahuah: that is my name: and my esteem will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images (Yeshayahu 42:8). I am come in my father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive (Yochanon 5:43). How do ye say, we are wise, and the Torah of Yahuah is with us? Lo, certainly the lying pen of the scribes has made it a lie (Yirmeyahu 8:8).
that is satans deception my brother.. Deuteronomy 4:19-20] [Deut 32: 7-9] ALL nations of the world worship their gods, but ISRAELs ALOHIM IS SPECIFIC,,,, for there are many lords and many gods,, which onea re yout calling on?,,, THE ALMIGHTY IS SPECIFIC IN HIS TRUTH!!!!,,,
No matter the language let us honor His name. His name is about Who He is, not what language we speak. He speaks them all. As a loving Father, He does not reject us for not using the right codeword. Remember we are His bride. He is a loving God who has mercy and dwells with us with understanding (1 Peter 3:7). So He is patient and kind. If you have blasphemed His name, in any language, repent.
He doesn't reject us for not using His Name, but our name might not be written in His Book of Remembrance. *Malachi **3:16**. "Then shall those who revere YHWH speak to one another and YHWH listen and hear, and a book of Remembrance be written before Him, of those who revere YHWH, and those who think upon His Name."*
Return Israel. I understand and applaud the idea that we need to honour Yeshua’s (Jesus’) name and who he is. I am not sure, however, that you are doing so clearly here. You seem to be confusing Yeshua (Jesus) the son of YHVH with YHVH himself. Yeshua (Jesus) is not YHVH. It is YHVH who is the loving Father, as Yeshua (Jesus) himself said: “And call no one your father on earth, for One is your Father, the One in Heaven.” (Matthew 23:9 [LITV]) I think that we are to be bride to Yeshua (Jesus) not YHVH. Paul tells us “because a husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is Head of the church, and He is Savior of the body.” (Ephesians 5:23 [LITV]). Yeshua is our saviour as YHVH’s servant and he is our husband. Finally, only YHVH’s name can be blasphemed (Exodus 20:7), not Yeshua’s (Jesus’) as Yeshua (Jesus) himself told us: “And whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him. But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, not in this age nor in the coming one .” (Matthew 12:32 [LITV]) Here Yeshua (Jesus) is referring to himself as the “Son of man”, and YHVH as the “Holy Spirit”. He is saying that there is a difference between the consequences of how you treat him, and how you treat his Father.
Thanks for the thoughts @D R Bwn. Yes, it is the verse I meant to use, but I probably did not explain it very well. The verse in 1 Peter commands husbands to dwell with their wives with understanding. I take that to mean seek to understand their point of view, their thoughts, and to have compassion and patients with them. I then equated to this with how we are the bride of Yeshua, saying that He too dwells with His bride with understanding. Does that make sense?
4 Ezra vs 28 For my Son YAHUSHA shall be revealed with those that be with him, and they that remain shall rejoice within four hundred years. 29 After these years shall my Son MASHIACH die, and all men that have life
Exposure to the original Biblical languages can avoid those absurd play on words by some "conspiracy theory followers". Bible reading, in specific, in original language, is painstaking sometime, but will be rewarded abundantly when the knowledge is combined with faith.
But the angel did not tell mary that the name s Jesus .. .there s no word J in Hebrew language. . .but Yahshua is the real name which has a meaning..Yah is salvation. .HalleluYAH, praise YAH
God knows our intentions ... I use to worry about calling Him JESUS because I read we will no longer call Him baali but Ishi Hosea 2:16 "It will come about in that day," declares the LORD, "That you will call Me Ishi And will no longer call Me Baali. I wondered when did we ever call Him Baali? But than I realised God knows my heart. Jer 17:10 I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. I looked it up but it reminds me of Baal Baali means Lord or master. Thank you for posting this. Sometimes I call Him Womderful!
His name is Yeshua. Why would I let the world dictate to me how to mispronounce his name? Why would I want to blend in with a system that rejects Yah and His Son Yeshua? I don't want to blend in, I want to stand out righteously. I get how somebody decided to call his name Jesus and there is no question there is authority in that name. But just the same I will pronounce his name accurately and choose not to adopt his pseudo name ascribed by men who reject him. Why are we wasting time and energy on such insignificant matters when so much more matters more.
Laura Silverstone Agree. The name Jesus is in your English translation, not what was originally written. What if I did my own version of scriptures and arbitrarily decided to name him Easu. That is what happened in your "Bible". I just prefer to utilize his true name even though like I said before there is power in the name of Jesus.
When you translate a Hebrew text into the Greek language, you have to use Greek letters, so when you get to names you have to transliterate them into the new letters. It is impossible to write ישוע (Yeshua) in Greek, the only way to write it is Ἰησοῦς (Iesous).
Calling him Jesus is disrespectful. If your name is Louis (Lew-ee), and you are from France and you go to America, people don’t call you Luis (Lew-is) they continue to call you Louis. There is no such thing as a translation from a name. The name you are given is your name and that’s the way it’s pronounced. If your name in France is Johan (yo-Han) you’re called johan. Not (jow-Han). Vice verse
Brothers remember what paul said about food: all are permited but if your food makes your brother fall dont eat it. If your brother dont like to say Jesus while with him speak Yeshua, for that way your showing love. Dont make die the ones Christ died for fall. So show love, God will acept all the ones who put their faith in his Son our Messiah. God bless you. Jesus, Yeshua, King of Glory all of the names are permited, dont let yourselfs be pulled to heresy or to legalism, take care.
I agree. But didn't Paul used the word Iesus on his writing even he's Hebrew? And is there any danger and wrong with calling him Jesus though I know it was the REAL YESHUA I PRAISE and glorify? So am I not gonna be saved if I call YESHUA as JESUS? My name is CARL and in Spanish it is KARLO in Japanese it is KARO, in medieval English they would call it CHARLES. Name regardless of geography might get called in a different pronunciation but never cross out it's meaning though, name might get changed through the times like what I said, "Carl medieval English would be CHARLES" but still the same thing. We should Call Jesus as YESHUA or Jesus either, there's nothing wrong with that as long as we have the meaning of that name right. It's not putting the other meaning there but God's understanding, he knows we don't know a lot of things like these meanings and he let the Bible translators to use JESUS for the world to know him. YESHUA by other language would never pronounce right like for example, Carl in Japanese called KARO simply because they doesn't have L in there Katakana alphabet (international representative letters of Japanese language) so they decide to make it Karo to be known by Japanese people that in English it is CARL. All these to say, I agree with you but that doesn't mean I don't get saved it I call him Jesus. YESHUA have so many names but the same meaning. In Filipino the word for Saviour is TAGAPAGLIGTAS, and that's the same in meaning. Much love, Carl.
The problem I have is I don't believe that His name should have been translated from the original text in the first place His name should have remained the same and not changed because His name to them is His name also to us!
Jesus is acceptable to our Lord as it's simply a translation, but "Yeshua" means "Salvation" and is the correct Hebrew translation. Jesus wasn't a known name during the the earthly time of, Yeshua.
As a traditional gentile Christian, I want to thank you for this video. Well done. Graceful, too. And way to kick certain folks in the behind. I appreciate it.
@@KainTayo Jesus, or Joshua in English, or Yeshua in Hebrew, which means, "God saves," is His earthly given name. But one of His title names is "Immanuel," or "God with us," which is fits very well with John 1:1-14, where it discusses the fact that Jesus is God in flesh-- The Word became flesh and dwelt among us..." in order to save us. So, the name and the title dovetail perfectly. Matthew 1 openly says that Joseph calling Him Jesus is in fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14...
Awesome presentation!!! I really admire the fact that you fight for the "honor" of our God, & treat His Great & Holy name with such respect! On this point, you are an example to follow. Shalom & have a blessed Sabbath! Yah bless you all & your families 😎
Great video Lex. The only thing I have to correct you on is the Greek name for Zeus. It is Δίας (Dias) which is completely different to what they teach. God bless
Yes and Amein Brother👏😇 thank you for edifying revealing the truth in helping to unlearn the lies of evildoers blaspheming and taking the lord's name in vain may the Lord Jesus Yeshua lift his countenance upon you and your ministry and bring Shalom to all who hear and see The Living Word Of Truth❤️🔥🕎🕊💞😇🙌
If such cultural etymology regarding Yeshuas name was that critical, then the deaf don’t stand a chance. Many of us came to faith through the name Jesus... don’t deny the work he’s done in you by denying the name that once saved u. Great job on this vid! But if I may, I suggest you study into the trinitarian doctrine and unlearn that as well. Jesus preached the shema as the greatest commandment (mk 13)... there’s only one God, the Father and one Lord, Yeshua the Christ. “This is eternal life, that they may know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one whom You sent” John 17:3
First I wanna say I love your message of getting the truth of Christianity out there. The only thing I would debate Is Jesus has a totally separate meaning from Yeshua. It’s the Greek translation and Jesus was Hebrew. God gave Yeshua his name for purpose and meaning along with every other name in the Bible. Saint Paul translates the Hebrew version in Greek in the original acts of the apostles when he says Joshua and then refers later in his Hebrew books. The importance of the meaning of Yeshua is critical to the belief that Lord God sent a Savior and informed us through his name prior to ever knowing the true power of Christ
Hey lex.. i cant explain how much this video is helpful.. Lord Yeshua bless you.. i want you to make a special video on all the feasts with the date in 2018.. so that we can keep all the feasts and celebrate his holy days. 🙏🏼
But the name “Jesus” is not tied to the Fathers Name. “I come in my Fathers Name and you don’t receive me IF ANOTHER COMES IN HIS OWN NAME HIM YOU WILL RECEIVE.” who has come in his own name? “Jesus”. “what is the Fathers Name and the Son, if you know” these verses should be respected but instead they are dismissed and overlooked.
Yeah, and a lot of these people that make such a big deal about the hebrew or greek interpretation probably fell in love with "Jesus" before they heard of these other transliterations. Now all of the sudden there is a new mystery to understand. I don't think so.
Thank you VERY much for the clarification, Sir. This is extremely helpful and quite timely for me personally, as I am ministering to a couple co-workers who are very young in their faith. You really are living up to the name of your channel! Bravo, Mr. Meyer!! God bless!
Good video! Fun fact: In Danish "Jesus" is written the same way - but Sound like: Iesous. The "I" and the "J" was both just when "J" was made, but is know different. "I" ind danish sounds like "ee", and "J" like "Y" - just a fun fact :-) Yah bless
Thank you so much Lex for helping to reveal this lie and deception. I was confused about this and had started calling him Yeshua and refraining from using the name Jesus because I thought there was something wrong with using it. Thank you so much so shedding light on this issue. Keep up the good work and I hope I can see you in heaven.
Same as always. When the "Messiah" was on earth, He asked > WHO do people say I am? That question and the answer is in Matthew 16:13-17. What is required to inherit eternal life IS WHERE the emphasis should be. Satan knows how to spell & pronounce the names of both the Father & the Messiah. Does that change his end result? Revelation 20:10.
I too got a message from a person on RUclips saying that we should not use Jesus as it is called Antichrist and should use Yehua and Yehusha. Was confused with all. Thank you very much for this video. God bless everyone who sees this
I agree what you say. The only thing that im not in agreement with you is the Hebrew. Yeshua and Yahshua. Yah of The fathers name, and shua salvation. Reeding the New Testament talks about Emanuel. (Elohim among us) Yahweh our Salvation Yahshua. Then, ha Mashiaj. (The anointed) Fig. The Spirit. Yahshua ha Mashiaj Yahweh Savior the Holy Spirit. The Fsthers Name/ the Sons Name /and The Holy Spirit. I dont know if i explained well. But thats what fills right to me of calling him. That revelation and my church we sing and call him by.
Rey Dawid Yes, that is what scripture says. If the Spokesman/Messenger/Son, was called Yahweh in the OT and he will be called Yahweh our righteousness, Yahweh tsidkenu in the kingdom it makes sense that he would be called Yahweh is Salvation in the NT and the name Yahshua/Yahushua, declares this. Anyone who calls on the name of Yahweh will be saved. The adversaries work hard to remove the name of the only one who can save. The Word says to call on Father Yahweh, sing praises to his name and make it known. Psalm 116:13 - I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of Yahweh.
The Prayer Army Forbidden by whom? The Sacred Scriptures tell us to call upon his name, sing praises to his name and make his name known. Disrespectful is remove his name from his Word and causing people to forget his name. Yeshua means salvation but the Messiah real name is Yahushua, meaning YAHWEH IS SALVATION!
Donald Bailey Calling on the name of Yahweh in scripture means putting one's trust in Yahweh believing in him and confessing that Yahweh is righteous. The Name of Yahweh is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe No one can deceive Yahweh who looks into the inner person and knows what is there. “Whoever puts his trust in Him shall not be put to shame.” For “everyone who calls on the Name of Yahweh shall be saved.” Romans 10:9, That if you confess with your mouth the Master Yahushua and believe in your heart that Elohim has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. 10 with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, and so is saved. 11 Because the Scripture says, “Whoever puts his trust in Him shall not be put to shame.” 12 Because there is no distinction between Yahuḏite and Greek, for the same Master of all is rich to all those calling upon Him. 13 For “everyone who calls on the Name of Yahweh shall be saved.” Joel 2:23 And you children of Tsiyon, be glad and rejoice in Yahweh your Elohim, for He shall give you the Teacher of Righteousness, and cause the rain to come down for you, the former rain and the latter rain, as before...26“Then you shall eat - eat and be satisfied - and shall praise the Name of Yahweh your Elohim, who has done with you so wondrously. And My people shall never be put to shame. 27“And you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am Yahweh your Elohim and there is no one else. And My people shall never be put to shame. 28“And after this it shall be that I pour out My Spirit on all flesh. And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men dream dreams, your young men see visions. 29 “And also on the male servants and on the female servants I shall pour out My Spirit in those days. 30“ And I shall give signs in the heavens and upon the earth: blood and fire and columns of smoke, 31 the sun is turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of Yahweh. 32“ And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of Yahweh shall be delivered For on Mount Tsiyon and in Yerushalayim there shall be an escape as Yahweh has said, and among the survivors whom Yahweh calls. Shalom/Peace
The Prayer Army we use titles of respect. I sure don’t call my father or mother by their name. I call them Father and mother...exactly right. Our messiah called him Father most of the time and instructed us to do the same.. . “....and when you pray, say “our Father” who is in heaven..
Also the word "name" in scripture pertains to ones person/character, thus when referring to Jesus, His name refers to righteousness, the Ten Commandments, which is who God is, for God is love, and love is that we walk after and keep His Commandments. And how we know Him is by keeping His Law, the Ten Commandments. Therefore when saying, In the name of Jesus, or in Jesus' name, this refers to His Person and Character, Who is His Law.
I guess We SEE & understand SOME things entirely different. I am not affiliated in any way with the Berean Bible Church, but this message from Pastor Curtis has the "Ring of Truth" in it, at least for me. It's Entitled, "Why I Say Yeshua Instead of Jesus". The thing that is CRITICAL, I think, is, what is required to inherit eternal life. < THIS is what is IMPORTANT.
Check out his videos about the rapture and you can find out who is going to be left behind on 🌍 its gonna seem like Jesus is only going to visit us to bring paradise in other words earthly kingdom.
2: Angelo bague', Angelo baque'. WHY did You send me Zephaniah 3:9 WHEN that IS what I sent to YOU FIRST??? Also, in regards to what is written in Acts 26:14, that IS English, not HEBREW. > Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? Are You testing my competency, Angelo baque?
THANK YOU! There are so many land mines out here for innocent people seeking the truth about our Savior and our Creator. To hear your message and a sound explanation is most definitely a blessing. I am still a bit confused on the difference between Yeshua and Yahusha. I’ve seen it written both ways.
I have a halleluyah scriptures they have the Paleo Hebrew names and it is interesting that people make up something when you have just a little knowledge you become highly dangerous. Good video Lex thanks for the Greek lesson
So what’s your take on the paleo Hebrew names? What are the halleluyah scriptures? I worried for my friend, she was a Christian but is not soooo astray. She says that Jesus Christ is false, he is the counterfeit, she studies extra books like ‘the word of yah’ ‘the final testament’, ‘the gospel of Adam and Eve’ and even the Book of Mormon. She said the name Bible comes from babel. She thinks the real name of Jesus is Yahayasya. I can find so little information about all this. I’m a baby Christian myself, but I have the spirit of discernment and this is all wrong. I feel her growing very distant from the Bible, but accepts any Hebrew roots kind of claims. I few het slipping away in what she visies as truth, by what I see as deception. She is even reading that horrible book ‘the original word of yah’ by that fraud
I don’t know what to do anymore or who to even pray to now. I’ve been baptized in the name of Jesus and I’ve always prayed in the name of Jesus yet people claim that Jesus isn’t His real name, so was my baptism false? Do I call out to the wrong name? Did I get saved in the wrong name? All these questions fill my head and it’s just I don’t know. I don’t know what to do anymore.
simply put your name shouldn't change because someone from a different language is talking to you. for example my name is Roscoe,if I talked to a Polish person,a Mexican person,or a Norwegian person,i would expect them to call me by my original name-Roscoe.I refer to the Savior as YAHshua,as I believe that is what his disciples called him when he was on Earth.nothing more,nothing less
UNLEARN the lies that still doesn't change the fact just because you're speaking another language that an individual's name has to be altered in any way shape or form. is there something I'm missing?
YESHUA is the name he was given at birth, by His mother. I continue to use the name my mother gave me at birth. If I was in another country they may call me something else, it won’t anger me, but I continue to go by my birth name. I do know names have GREAT MEANINGS IN THE SCRIPTURES, MANY STORIES ARE TOLD JUST BE EACH PERSONS NAME and Much about their character. A name may be all you have, make it a good one. OUR MESSIAH HAD A GOOD POWERFUL NAME and lived it out as SAVIOR --A PERFECT, HOLY LIFE. May we imitate HIM!!!!🙏🙏
Ras Grey That’s because then you speak two languages at the same time You might hear ‘’ praise the Lord” in church. Of halleluyah. Language also matters.
I deliberately refrain from liking videos on RUclips unless I find them exceptionally good. For this reason, this video is now #11 on my liked video list (yes, that's how few videos are on that list). Thanks for sharing, and shalom!
Don't let people become a stumbling block for you. I'm the book of Genesis, God came down at the tower of Babel as they all spoke one language and confounded the language. They all then spoke different languages. God created all languages and understands them all. God bless
@@John-eh4yk Sure, but if you were in Mexico, wouldn't you prefer John to Juan? I think the name thing isn't one to get hung up on, but it is interesting to learn the etymology of it all.
@@Adam.Rushing it doesn't change who I am and if it is easier for them to call me my name in their language, that's ok. It's not like they are calling me David instead of John. I'm Greek and when I go to Greece they can me Ιωάννης or Γιάννης which is John in Greek. It doesn't change my name. God bless
There are thousands of people who have the name Jesus. The difference is that the person recorded in the Bible is the Christ, the Son of the living God. He is and was God manifest in human form. You can argue all day about the Hebrew name, but it is still true that the Jews rejected their Messiah and crucified Him. He is raised again from among the dead and will return in the near future to take up His Kingdom rights and reign in righteousness in Jerusalem, not only as King of the Jews, but King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The really sad thing is that the ones that Christ came to 'seek and to save which were lost', still hate and reject Him. But as the apostle Paul tells us that one day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
So if we were in a time machine and there with the Messiah and the apostles what would they have called each other? TO BE CLEAR I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY CALLED EACH OTHER IN PERSON.
B C A person's character and nature is in their name. When you change the name, you take that away, especially, when our Father gave His Name to our Messiah. Read John chapter 17. God and Jesus are not the Father and Son's names..they are nothing alike. YHWH (Yah for short...see Psalm 68:4) gave His Name to Yahshua, His Son, our Messiah! ☺️
@B C I notice Unlearn the lies didn't answer your question. They would have called Him Yahshua. Please go to the Father in prayer & ask Him to real His truth to you & He will. There are still many lies that many ppl on RUclips have to unlearn. This is why the Word tells us in 1 John 2:27, that we do not need a teacher. Ask the Father to lead & guide you & He will.
Right on brother Lex! I get angry when my saviour is bashed by those who are not filled with wisdom and truth about Messiah Yeshuah, Jesus, and we need to understand the accuser makes people say these things. Send love to them through prayer and may shalom be upon them and you!
Thank you so much for this video, it clear up so much nonsense that is around, I’m still learning, I wasn’t sure if it is wrong to continue to call on the name of Jesus, once I knew his original name in Hebrew. Now I can follow my heart and call on both names. I have heard about the Zeus connection too. Will you do videos on the different Hebrew titles we can pray to the Most High. As Hebrew is the heavenly language, it will be nice to learn to pray to our God with his different Hebrew names.
If yeshua is YHWH sons name what's wrong with calling his son yeshua? Theres no need to translate it to english since we already know his actual name is yeshua
It's better to call by Hebrews name rather than to call by any other name to avoid confusion. John 5: 43 " I have come in my Father's name and you do not receive me: if another comes in his own name , him you will receive." What does it mean?
The scriptures are Hebrew and so were the men who wrote it, the Greek just adds to confusion we need to get back as much as possible to the Hebraic origins. Our messiah has many titles but ONE name.
All of the new testament was written in Koine Greek but yeah the Old Testament, Tanakh, was written in Hebrew except parts of the book of Daniel was written in Aramaic. God bless
Yeshua taught the Lord's prayer, and in it he says: "Father in heaven, sanctified be YOUR name...". Yeshua didn't say "sanctified be my name" ... If you're going to preach about respecting names, atleast show some yourself. Talk about the meaning of "Yeshua" and how that is an honourable name. Talk about how your name doesn't change if you go to Greece, so why should Yeshua's... Talk more about the "Joshua" translation, and why the book of Joshua wasn't translated to "Jesus", but yet the messiah's name was fit to muddle in such a way... No way, brother: you're putting the cart before the donkey on this one.
Reign: Why would you listen to a "Hebrew scholar tell you that you do not qualify to say his name, when the scriptures tell you themselves, that "In my name you will be saved" ? ... And there are numerous scriptures that refer to the power and benefit of knowing God's name. Read Your bible.
Andre: That's right. He came in his Fathers name. And that's what "Yeshua" means. It means "Yahova saves" Strong's concordance: check it out at bible hub.
ordinary chap ... I think people are misreading my comment. People are NOT reverencing the KING, the name of God, If they are accepting one and rejecting the other(for whatever reasons). I gave scripture of why God YHWH, sanctified HIS OWN Name. Me referring to a Hebrew scholar was me just simply adding to the fact that this is bible 101. There are more important things as the body of Christ we should be addressing.
It is so disrespectful to denounce the Messiah's Hebrew name and instead give him a Greek name that the Jews know nothing about. We have been taught in school that names must not be translated because its your identity.
My name is Richard, and when my Mexican co-workers used to call me Ricardo I did not take offense because it doesn't change the essence of who I am. It's the understanding of my name that's comfortable for them to use and I respect it.
Amen! My Mexican friends call me Catalina and my husband Miguel. That is how they say our names. I do not correct or force them to say it the way my mother named me.
@@catherinesmith5198 yes brian
Im not sure what all the theories are about but I like to call "Jesus" by his real Hebrew name because that is his name. There is no reason be changing anyones name around to fit your culture better.
People started with the name and now have changed the entire gospel into an American Jesus false gospel full of lies.
My name is Elora and as much as you want to call me something similar for one reason or another Im not sure why call me anything but my real name. It's not that hard to pronounce. I like my name, I don't need to be called anything else no matter where you come from :)
I understand your meaning, but it is a cultural difference. My name will not be read the same in another country because letter sounds are very different and so are accents. Jesus said here in America is pronounced differently in Latin cultures and everywhere else. So in all actuality, it doesn't matter how His name is read/pronounced as long as you know in your heart who exactly your heart with whom you are speaking and referencing. God knows the heart of the man. And if that isn't enough, then go deeper to study the bible and the languages so you can be as prolific as this gentleman.
2: Elora Duran,
As of this day and time, 8/19/18 You have 13 thumbs UP!!! One of the 13 is from me.
@Natural2BMii I speak 3+ languages and in all those languages I can say my name and also the name of Yeshua without any issue.
Also, many of us may not know how much in fact it is important how names are pronounced but in Hebrew culture it is known the power of sound and words. Unfortunately here in the greek-minded world we like to wait for science to tell us things first, before we believe them.
Isaiah 9:6 and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of peace...
He goes by many names. My King, My Lord, My Savior. He answers to all these. He answers to the hearts true intention when using His name.
Catherine Smith it’s actually very interesting to do an exegetical study from the Hebrew language. A real eye opener.
Catherine Smith Wonderful!!!!
He goes by many titles he has one name that the father gave him.
Catherine Smith
His name shall be called those titles. What was his name during his days of flesh? It was Yahweh is Salvation, Yahushua! He name shall be called Yahweh our Righteousness, in the Kingdom as he shines forth Yahweh's righteousness upon that age. Father Yahweh is the source of all things wonderful, of all counsel, mightiness, life, Fatherhood and peace. It is because the Son has inherited the name of the Father and is his anointed, that he will show those in the kingdom these attributes of Yahweh during his kingdom reign. This is why his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty El, The everlasting Father, The Prince of peace.
I always say Yeshua and not Jesus. People generally don't like it but I don't care. He was Yeshua while he was here on earth and so I'll keep on using his actual name (but like you, it doesn't bother me that others don't). I appreciate the work you do :)
K M agree this is a great video Thankyou bro! Yes km i have a similar problem. I sing Yeshua if i visit a sunday keeper church. Get some funny looks, im sure one guy thought I was worshipping satan under cover lol. 'my Yeshua, my savour, Lord there is none like you! All of my days i want to praise the wonder of your mighty Love'
I use Yeshua by preference, but I don't judge others for saying Jesus. I'd rather people call Him by either the name they came to know Him by, or with whatever they are most comfortable with. I love studying the roots of the faith and having things in the correct cultural linguistic context. I do understand though, that too many people get puffed up with pride and start beating the sheep they are supposed to feed. Blessing in Messiah.
Patrick McKeel im a little bit guilty of pushing the issue a bit but its also kind of part of being prophetic. I have a t shirt that says 'sunday is not sabbath' with a big ☀ on it and 'come out of her my people'. I rarely attend church but when i do i carry a message. 'there is only one name and that name is Jesus' really annoys me, its tricky to know when to speak up and when to zip it! Every single name for Yah gives us different revelations of His identity i guess. I dislike religeon, i dont think worship or bible study is religeous i think its relationship and truth.
Did you know that in the days of Jesus’ ministry on earth they would popularly drop the “s” at the end of names, similar to how in my childhood it was common for masculine names to have an “o” attached at the end, e.g. Johnno, Jacko. So, it is more than likely that Jesus would have heard his name called out as “Yeshu”.
Also, the English tend to place the emphasis on the first syllable whereas the Hebrew sees the stress placed on the last or second last full syllable, so Jesus would likely be pronounced as “YeshU”.
I’m glad you’re not dogmatic about Jesus’ name. After all, the earliest manuscripts of the New Testament were predominantly written in Koine Greek and Jesus would have spoken the same Greek to the diasporic Jews who lost their language and to the gentiles, even the Romans would have used this common trade language and the known Scriptures were translated into Koine Greek because of the diaspora. What I’m getting at is that Jesus would commonly hear and say His name as ‘Iesous. He would have spoken each language He knew and adjusted accordingly. Paul wrote in the Koine Greek Jesus Christ as ‘Iesous Christos, depending on the required parsing.
What I’m getting at is just as Paul was known as Saul for Hebrew speakers and Paul for the Koine Greek speaking gentiles, Jesus would have spoken His name accordingly too. Paul never insisted his name should be retained in the Hebrew when he was sent out to the gentiles; he adapted accordingly and so does Jesus. He is reconciling all nations under God, so of course He speaks to each person in their own language. While it is beneficial to understand the Old Testament in context, including learning to read the ancient Hebrew, and the New Testament in context including the Koine Greek, who would force new converts to learn these ancient languages to be able to know the written Word of God? Even the Jews during the second temple period authorised the Scriptures to be translated into the Koine Greek, known as the LXX, (the Septuagint). All the important nouns were translated accordingly. They were so strict about their religion yet chose to adapt to another language.
WakeyUpPeople I may just be an idiot ( I know I am), but I have to believe a God who knows all things would know to whom I'm speaking when I pray. Can I call God Yahovah as the Aleppo Codex seems to point to, or must I call Him Elohim? How about ABBA, or Av, or just God or Father? He knows my heart, mind and soul better than I do, so logically it follows that He hears me when I call upon Him. Should I call Yeshua Lord, which is an English word for land owner, or the more correct English word master? Or Kurios in Greek, or Dominus in Latin, Herr from German maybe, or just plain old Adonai? Shaun was sent to spread the gospel to gentiles, He wasn't sent to spread the Hebrew language. Knowing Hebrew is not stated anywhere in scripture as a requirement for salvation. I study out of love for the language and contextual understanding. Feel free in Messiah to share what you learn in love and humility. But please, do not ever be disrespectful, rude, condescending, harsh, judge mental or disruptive towards fellow believers when you approach others with your ideas. The truth stands on its own, you never need to prop it up with aggression or hostility. Keep on with what you do, let your example be your testimony, and live a life filled with love, kindness and peace to maximize your effect on others. The Spirit will lead you in all things. Blessings and peace and love to you in Messiah Yeshua.
Amen! I personally cried out to Jesus and I speak English and Jesus Saved me! I also know His Name is Yeshua, but I speak english. God will not like me more for speakig Hebrew.
Anthony Marocco Yahushua, not Yeshua, or Yesus,
Like I said, I don't speak Hebrew..
What difference does it make if you speak Hebrew or not... IT'S A NAME... If you go to another country where they speak a different language than English does your name suddenly change to something else or are they going to call you Anthony... Your name stays with you regardless of the language being spoken. Example: if your name is Michael and you go on vacation to Mexico do you change your name to Miguel ( the Spanish equivalent to Michael)... No... Again your name is your name. Here's another for you.. Vladimir Putin, that's what we call him, in English, if we were in Russia his name is the same, if we go to France, his name stayed the same, if we go to Mexico, his name stays the same... Again your name is your name... Well the same goes for our Father and our Savior.... They have names.. Regardless of what language you speak.. Frankly it's a bit disrespectful of you to tell them their true names are an inconvenience for you to say and THEY have to just accept whatever you want to call them.
Z Watch in French class yes. I was not allowed to keep my name but had to change it to Eric for the class
CattyWampus McDoogle good thing we live in reality and not your French class
The Hebrew word “Hashem” which means “the name” isn’t necessarily the _appellation_ (my appellation is Elizabeth), but the _nature,_ or _character..._ it is the very _essence_ of a person.
So the _name_ of our Creator is Wonderful Counselor, Merciful Savior, Mighty One of Israel, Just and True, Righteous King, and many others. It is His _very essence_ that we ought to portray through our own walk, and it is not to be done _in vain._
Check my videos
Lex is wrong, Jesus is not YHWH!
I am yet to be convinced because those who translated/transliterated the name Yeshua to Jesus are the same people who inserted pagan festivities like christmas,Easter to be Holidays. Changed sabath from saturday to Sunday,they forgive people's sins etc
How can we trust such people with our faith.?why cant we maintain "Yeshua" just as is.
Justina Musyoka no they’re not...those existed long before the translating of the Bible to English.... when you understand translating from one language to another you will understand the transliteration of’s so simple ...not all words in a particular language can be exactly translated word for word or letter for letter into another language... I guess I thought most people would know that but guess not...
The name of Jesus is powerful and demons flee.
Really, what exactly does the name 'Jesus' mean? Does this man-made translation have a meaning? He said that He came in His Father's Name where is His Father's Name in Jesus? Be Baruk:-)
A Believer. It means wonderful counselor, the mighty God the everlasting Father, the prince of peace, the name above all that all in heaven and earth will bow and confess that Jesus is king of kings and lord of lords. If it's funny or you don't understand look in the bible. When you are in trouble call in the name of Jesus Christ the saviour of the world. Every demon is afraid of the name and is the only name that make commands demons to go. The blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness. I pray you search the name and realize Jesus came for all the world in love.
Amen Linda. Dont mind the judaizers, they have probably been Scofield-ed.
And there is no “J” in Greek nor Hebrew.
If you’re offended by the name “Jesus”, you’re offended by the same name I’ve seen demons tremble at. Take that in for a second.
PS. I say this even though I personally prefer calling Him by His Hebrew name.
Relax Mr. Jeff, don't you be offended by this persons comments. He's just stating the facts :)
That's why it's called transliteration..
That's what happens when you translate languages the spelling gets different Yeshua doesn't look like Iesous and Jesus doesn't look like Iesous but all three are correct
Joseph Caesar Padrón but there is in the English language... And we use English... or can we also not say the name of Jerusalem, Jeremiah, Judah, etc etc etc?
Psalms 138:2 I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy you see that if we're not obedient to his word it doesn't make a difference what name you call him... Shalom!
I used to call Him Jesus. Now I call Him by His Original Jewish name, YESHUA HAMASHIACKH HE. HalleluYAH!!😊
Me too. At first i would say Jesus and many of my prayers were answered in that name but i believe the Most High knew my heart and bc i was ignorant. But once i knew the truth why would i continue calling him Jesus?
@@gmrivera8608 Because His name is Jesus. We are English speakers. It makes zero sense to refer to Jesus any other way. You are being superstitious. God is not some child saying, "nah nah you didn't say the password". Good grief.
Ive heard some argue that its actually " Yahawashi"
@@gmrivera8608 exactly!,the rest of this is for the comments not you Gm!
Go call your wife another woman’s name and see how she acts!!!
If his name by his people is Yeshua then his name for me trying to be grafted in shall be that too!!!
Plus it’s a 2 part name... geo another name for earth
Sus... another name for pig
So realty Jesus means earth pig!
That may be offensive, but it doesn’t change the truth...
And taking his name in vain is calling yourself a follower of him while living a worldly lie!..pretending you love Elohim when mammon runs your life!
And why tell people it’s ok to give him multiple names when the most high Ya our Elohim inspired the angel to call him Emmanu-El, which HIS people whom he calls HIS people call him Yeshua???...
So unless you cannot pronounce his name for what ever reason that may be then he deserves our OBEDIENCE to his Abba by using HIS peoples name for THEIR messiah we are trying to follow!!!...
So for a man who follows Torah I’m not sure how you think ANY name is ok to call our messiah who only recognizes those who have “grafted” theirselves to his people!!!
The graft HAS to take on the tree it’s grafted to or it will NOT live!!!
I’m not apologizing to ANYONE for telling them his real name matters!!!
His people call him Yeshua and I wanna show obedience to him by learning HIS people and how he wants THEM to follow!!!
Faith without works(Torah) is dead!!!
Man is not saved on works(Torah) alone!!!
It takes belief in Yeshua with observance of Torah in order to show obedience to Abba the most high Ya our Elohim!!!...
So I pray the world sees the TRUTH!, for it shall make them free!!!
Stay strong in prayer!..
When I fell for this and started questioning if I was calling Jesus an earth pig when I used Jesus instead of Yeshua, I was very spiritually attacked. It made me realize there is an evil spirit behind this. So thankful for repentance and forgiveness. It’s a shame I was so easily deceived. Glad it didn’t last long. Thanks for this video, Lex.
Chantal McDougal usually you get attacked when your being righteous, like job, don't let the enemy scare you away stand strong you know what his mother and close friends called him, it was the people who put him on the cross that called him jesus who's side are we on I'm hoping we will be called his family.
Our Testimonies ABBA I call him by multiple names. He knows what I am saying. Thank you for your concern though. ❤️
Hi there
Jesus is not the name that The Lord gave to the son.... in Isaiah 7;14 😲
Hi there
Jesus is not the name that The Lord gave to the son.... in Isaiah 7;14 😲
Man’s Righteousness Is as filthy rags to God
All have sinned and fallen short of God’s Glory
She used the wrong name for the Saviour- obviously she was Gods child .
The Lord chastises those he loves
When we use a word like "name," we focus in on how it is written and pronounced.
I will tell of thy name to my brethren; in the midst of the congregation I will praise thee. (Psalm 22:23)
What does it mean to "tell someone about another's name?" Does it mean to tell others how to write or pronounce the name? From a Western perspective yes, but from a Hebraic perspective a name is much more than its pronunciation; it is the character of the individual, his ethics, workmanship, attitude, dependability, resourcefulness, compassion, honor, etc. When the Bible teaches us to "tell others the name of Yahweh," it isn't telling us to teach others how to write or pronounce it correctly; it is telling us to teach Yahweh's character-- Jeff Benner, ancient Hebrew research center
Thank you very much. You nailed it. Some try to confuse others. They deceive others and they themselves are deceived - 2 Tim. 3:13
My name is Angela, I've had plenty of spanish speaking people pronounce it On-Hee-La. It doesn't bother me, I know they are saying my name, and that they didn't CHANGE it, they are pronouncing it in there language. Jesus knows exactly who I'm talking to despite what language I say his name in...
Thank you for your telling of the Word..I had someone tell me that because I was baptised in the name of Jesus I was not saved but I knew different and you have confirmed it
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Meaning of transliteration in English
the act or process of writing words using a different alphabet: Their texts aimed to produce a phonetic transliteration of the dialect, using the main languages of the day. Transliteration helps people speak a language by showing the pronunciation in the language they understand.19 Jan 2022.
Jesus has been called by many names before, and yet, there is another to come... To end the lies, you must first trust Jesus and His Name..! He has not left us without Truth..! God Bless
Lex is wrong, Jesus is not YHWH!
Great explanation & breakdown. Doesn't matter. It's still wrong. The messiah does not have a common name. His very particular name carried literal power. Everyone during that time knew that.
Lex is wrong, Jesus is not YHWH!
As does his father’s name! A good study of church history along side this would go a long way.
I personally got used to calling Him Yeshua, but I don't believe at all it's wrong that his name was "translated" so to speak to make it pronouncable in all the languages of the world. In fact, it proves His Name is Truly Above ALL names and Will be glorified no matter petty MAN'S OPINION. He knows all our hearts, and when you call upon HIS name, HE WILL hear you, no matter what language or name your language calls HIM.
I've had my prayers answered way back when I still referred to Him as Jesus. Our Father reads our hearts. He's such a perfect, wonderful Father/Daddy! But that's not why I'm writing... Did you see the passion behind Lex's speech? You could tell this man would fight with every last bit of strength he had for our Lord! What love and dedication and absolute respect!!! -Sheila
Check my videos
Me to he wasnt bashing those of us you call him Jesus. This message causes me to understand that His given name was Yeshua and that I will try to do with all my heart
Lex is wrong, Jesus is not YHWH!
Plz read Psalms 95:3.
There is absolutely power in ALL the transbastardazations for g-d, l-d. and the subject of this video! Ppl forget who currently is being allowed to control this earth.
For Yahuah is a great El, and a great King above all elohiym. TEHILLIYM (PSALMS) 95:3 את CEPHER
The Antichrist is going to come in the name that this video is the subject of.
@@mrg466 correct. That is the father. The Messiahs name has that as part of it in the Hebrew, it’s a beautiful word.
Thank you for the wonderful words. I prefer to call Him Yeshua, ever since I know His real name in Hebrew.
My name in spanish means shrimp
It's Yah-shua. Not Ye-shua.... Its YAHWEH saves. Not YEHWEH saves. Hallelu-YAH
Thank you i call on the name of Jesus and He has answered , healed and blessed me God bless you
Since HIS mother called HIM YESHUA. I choose to call HIM HIS birth name. YESHUA/YEHOSHUA
I call the FATHER/AVI. YEHOVAH. Taking the J off of Jehovah and replacing it with Y. We are all on this journey. Thanks Lex for sharing .
I was born again 43 years ago the name of Jesus. No one was saying HIS Hebrew birth name back then. It was still hidden I guess? My life changed 7-25-80. HalleluYAH!
Thank you for a Great video. It's also disturbing that a lot of Hebrew roots movement followers think we're lost or don't know God by using Jesus instead of Yashua and such. Like the sister said below, our God has many wonderful names and attributes and he knows our hearts .
R.G Lewis
Nothing wrong if that's the name you use but our messiah has many titles but one name which comes from the father's name. Halleluyah
I'll never understand the Pharisee-like attitude ppl have about using Jesus' name, like somehow they're more holy by using Hebrew names than the person who doesn't. God cares a lot more about whether or not we're honoring those names than what language we're using to mention them with.
Where did they get they get the Name Yeshua? I thought the new testament was greek
It’s the Hebrew roots movement people. They’re the modern day Pharisees who know more than anyone else.
My parents and my parents parents and called upon the name of Jesus. They did not have the the means that we have now, to look up the Hebrew name for Yahweh. To say that they were being disrespectful is not true. They use the names that were given out of the King James Bible. In their hearts they knew who they were talking to. It was not some mispronounced name it was their God and their savior. Thank you Lex for teaching us and for not condemning those who use the name Jesus.
Sandy Morrison, You are 100% correct, Sandy. HE knows who we mean. HOWEVER, once we know the difference, we should change. AND being willingly ignorant is not right either. Seems like most people only care about what anything means to them. Most of my life I only knew of the name Jesus so that is all I knew to call him by.
Great stuff again! This issue has been very divisive in our family.
Thank you brother,very clear teaching. Like THE FATHER says "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". People must quit repeating lies and find the truth and spread it. By your words are you justified and by your words are you condemned. The power of life and death is in the tongue.HE repetitively warns us, it would be wise to take heed.
+UNLEARN the lies.. I had never prayed to Mary before..and I was investigating the catholic church. So..I gave it a try. Jesus corrected me. I only pray to Him..He is the Only One with the Power to answer your prayer. I learned that!
kathleen Wharton I'm pretty sure it was the indwelling spirit of holiness which Yeshua specifically sent to you which corrected you. Yeshua is the only intercessor between G-d & man (or woman). We are to pray in his name only. We are granted the things which are in the Father's will, if requested in the name of the Son.
I am so happy to find you did not get led astray. Catholics not only pray to Mary, but also refer to her as Our Lady, Queen of Heaven. Both of these go directly against what the scriptures state directly, as well as fundamental biblical principles, while they are stated as fundamental Catholic doctrine. There is no quekathleen Wharton I'm pretty sure it was the indwelling spirit of holiness which Yeshua specifically sent to you which corrected you. Yeshua is the only intercessor between G-d & man (or woman). We are to pray in his name only. We are granted the things which are in the Father's will, if requested in the name of the Son.
I am so happy to find you did not get led astray. Catholics not only pray to Mary, but also refer to her as Our Lady, Queen of Heaven. Both of these go directly against what the scriptures state directly, as well as fundamental biblical principles, while they are stated as fundamental Catholic doctrine. There is no queen in the kingdom, only a bride, & we are part of that bride. If Mary, alone, is the bride, Yeshua would become incestuous at the time of the coming wedding feast. If Saul/Paul publicly denounced a man for having relations with his stepmother, I seriously doubt he thought Mary is the bride, or queen. Of course, Mary would be fine in being a member of the bride, a servant, but not a leading authority being served. Attributing such grandiosity in respect to Mary's character is unbiblical.
I have nothing against Catholics per se, & I believe that there will probably be some people who were born & raised Catholic who enter the kingdom, but the Catholic, follow the Pope, pray to Mary, telling your secrets to their uniformed priest in a sacred confessional, saying your ten Hail Marys, rolling rosary beads through the fingers, & participating in Catholic rites is not going to be the reason why.
I hope your experience will encourage you to stay clear of misleading Catholic practices & teachings in the future.
Shalom & Hallelujah!
WatchingMyLifeFlashB .. Actually, JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT make intercession for every believer! This is biblical.
Almighty god YHWH gave his son the authority position to be the doorway to his father YHWH almighty God
It was YHWH almighty God who gave his son the right to forgive sin
Matthew 9:6
John 5:22
John 5:27
Matthew 28:18
John 12:49-50
John 13:3
John 7:16
John 5:19
Almighty God YHWH is always in control through his son . yashua was given authority
Henry Lafromboise
YHWH was a War Lord. Jesus is my Only God.
We are to pray to GOD the FATHER in HIS Son JESUS's name.
If it were important to either God the father or God the son, that we use his Hebrew/Aramaic name, then there would be scriptural precedent for it. But there isn't. Nowhere in the bible does it say that we must be linguistically exact when referringto or callingupon the name of Jesus.
For two thousand years, Christians all over the world have been calling on his name in their own language. Only now in the end times has such legalism crept into the church on this issue. It 8s all a satanic lie that is designed to damage people's walk with christ.
Now if you choose to use his hebrew name to refer to him then that is fine, its not a sin to use that name. However, telling other Christians that their salvation is dependent upon your legalistic dogma does become a salvation issue, not for them but for those who insist upon it.!
Jesu is lord, he is not petty.
I’m a Believer not affiliated with any religion or group and would describe myself as a seeker of the Truth. Something that I noticed was missing from your ‘explanation’ is the fact that all throughout Scripture one thing that is clear is that the Word of YHWH is coming from a Hebrew (Not Western) culture and mindset and honestly it differs greatly from the mindset and culture of ours here in the US. We here in the Western world use names primarily as labels but the Hebrew mindset and culture uses names as far more than labels, but as defining one’s lot in life or his character or his destiny etc. Something that I have always found profound in Scripture is when YAHUAH brought the animals to Adam He was interested and excited to see what he would “name” them. Scripture shows us that the naming of people, places and things are very IMPORTANT to the Almighty Creator. So important that He named His only begotten Son before He was born to this world a Name that reflects His Father’s Name as well as His 'Authority', He also renamed Ya’aqob (Jacob) to Yisrael and Abram to Abraham and Sari to Sarah etc. It seems to me that the Hebrew language is literal, just as the Son’s Name ‘literally’ means; YAH’s SALVATION/DELIVERANCE. Just as the Almighty’s Name (YHWH) ‘literally’ means; ‘Self Existing’. No matter how it is explained and/or even accepted, the name ‘Jesus’ does not “mean” YAH’s SALVATION/DELIVERANCE - I also noticed you conveniently left out that the Son Himself said, that ‘He comes in His Father’s Name’ and that Name is not “Jesus”. I also wanted to point out that in the beginning of your video you state that your name is ‘Lex’ I just wanted to know why is it important for anyone to know ‘your’ name while you’re ‘teaching’ to camouflage the Messiah’s powerful Name? Interestingly to note is that no other religion calls their deity by generic names such as ‘god’ or ‘lord’. The Muslims call their deity ‘Allah’ and those who follow Buddha don’t call him ‘god’ or lord or anything other than “Buddha”, so why then do ‘Christians’ (a pagan title) call the Almighty Creator and His only begotten Son by names that actually are offensive to Him and have nothing to do with Him?! If I met you I would say hello 'Lex' why is it that the Almighty Creator and His Son do not deserve the same thing you expect? I guess I basically want to know is WHY does His Name and the Name of His Father have to be ENGLISH, GREEK or LATIN - He has a Name as does His Father why aren't we using them?! When people travel the world their names don't change, so why do the Names of the Almighty Creator and His only Begotten Son's Names have to be altered and changed?! If there is none other name under Shamayim given among men, whereby we must be saved . . . shouldn't we know and then USE that Name?! I’m not meaning to ridicule you, but to get you to see the other side of your claims. Be Baruk :-)
A Believer Ahmein! Very well said! This video straight blew my mind! How can you quote Scripture saying that you should not bring the name of the Messiah to nothing, while using titles like "lord" & "god" which are also not names. He's being a prime example of what the Word is talking about. Not using the Messiah's true name is bringing it to nothing as if names aren't important. Of course He will not hold you accountable for something you do not know, but after finding out that His name is Yahshua why would you bring it to nothing by calling Him a meaningless transliterated name. The contradictions in these videos are unbelievable.
A Believer
Well said and spot on! I agree, with all the points you have raised 💯%
A Believer HalleluYah! The enemy's plan to erase the True Names is coming apart at the seams. He hates the Name of YHWH and each time we who love the Father speak That Name, it is a defeat handed to satan. YHWH, Yahshua, we love to Hallow and esteem Your Name! John Chapter 17. ☺️
Praise YAH! Shelley Weir:-)
Praise YAH! Melissa:-)
I am Yahuah: that is my name: and my esteem will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images (Yeshayahu 42:8). I am come in my father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive (Yochanon 5:43). How do ye say, we are wise, and the Torah of Yahuah is with us? Lo, certainly the lying pen of the scribes has made it a lie (Yirmeyahu 8:8).
Regardless of language or pronunciation He know to Whom we make our address, praise, supplication etc. He knows the heart and reigns! HalleluYAH!
Lex is wrong, Jesus is not YHWH!
that is satans deception my brother.. Deuteronomy 4:19-20] [Deut 32: 7-9] ALL nations of the world worship their gods, but ISRAELs ALOHIM IS SPECIFIC,,,, for there are many lords and many gods,, which onea re yout calling on?,,, THE ALMIGHTY IS SPECIFIC IN HIS TRUTH!!!!,,,
The letter J did not even come into the alphabet about 400 years ago. So it was impossible in the New Testament that the son of man’s name was Jesus.
No matter the language let us honor His name. His name is about Who He is, not what language we speak. He speaks them all. As a loving Father, He does not reject us for not using the right codeword.
Remember we are His bride. He is a loving God who has mercy and dwells with us with understanding (1 Peter 3:7). So He is patient and kind.
If you have blasphemed His name, in any language, repent.
He doesn't reject us for not using His Name, but our name might not be written in His Book of Remembrance. *Malachi **3:16**. "Then shall those who revere YHWH speak to one another and YHWH listen and hear, and a book of Remembrance be written before Him, of those who revere YHWH, and those who think upon His Name."*
Camilla **** oh, you mean if we don’t use the right name our name might not be written in the book of life?!
Chuck Book of Remembrance. Different book.
Return Israel. I understand and applaud the idea that we need to honour Yeshua’s (Jesus’) name and who he is. I am not sure, however, that you are doing so clearly here. You seem to be confusing Yeshua (Jesus) the son of YHVH with YHVH himself. Yeshua (Jesus) is not YHVH. It is YHVH who is the loving Father, as Yeshua (Jesus) himself said: “And call no one your father on earth, for One is your Father, the One in Heaven.” (Matthew 23:9 [LITV])
I think that we are to be bride to Yeshua (Jesus) not YHVH. Paul tells us “because a husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is Head of the church, and He is Savior of the body.” (Ephesians 5:23 [LITV]). Yeshua is our saviour as YHVH’s servant and he is our husband.
Finally, only YHVH’s name can be blasphemed (Exodus 20:7), not Yeshua’s (Jesus’) as Yeshua (Jesus) himself told us: “And whoever speaks a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him. But whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it shall not be forgiven him, not in this age nor in the coming one .” (Matthew 12:32 [LITV]) Here Yeshua (Jesus) is referring to himself as the “Son of man”, and YHVH as the “Holy Spirit”. He is saying that there is a difference between the consequences of how you treat him, and how you treat his Father.
Thanks for the thoughts @D R Bwn. Yes, it is the verse I meant to use, but I probably did not explain it very well. The verse in 1 Peter commands husbands to dwell with their wives with understanding. I take that to mean seek to understand their point of view, their thoughts, and to have compassion and patients with them. I then equated to this with how we are the bride of Yeshua, saying that He too dwells with His bride with understanding. Does that make sense?
4 Ezra vs 28 For my Son YAHUSHA shall be revealed with those that be with him, and they that remain shall rejoice within four hundred years.
29 After these years shall my Son MASHIACH die, and all men that have life
And now, all the arguing begins... Those that say you should only use the name they think is correct..
Exposure to the original Biblical languages can avoid those absurd play on words by some "conspiracy theory followers". Bible reading, in specific, in original language, is painstaking sometime, but will be rewarded abundantly when the knowledge is combined with faith.
But the angel did not tell mary that the name s Jesus .. .there s no word J in Hebrew language. .
.but Yahshua is the real name which has a meaning..Yah is salvation. .HalleluYAH, praise YAH
Name one text from the ancient world that contains the name "Yahshua"...Just one, single text. One.
God knows our intentions ... I use to worry about calling Him JESUS because I read we will no longer call Him baali but Ishi
Hosea 2:16
"It will come about in that day," declares the LORD, "That you will call Me Ishi And will no longer call Me Baali.
I wondered when did we ever call Him Baali? But
than I realised God knows my heart.
Jer 17:10 I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. I looked it up but it reminds me of Baal Baali means Lord or master.
Thank you for posting this.
Sometimes I call Him Womderful!
His name is Yeshua. Why would I let the world dictate to me how to mispronounce his name? Why would I want to blend in with a system that rejects Yah and His Son Yeshua? I don't want to blend in, I want to stand out righteously. I get how somebody decided to call his name Jesus and there is no question there is authority in that name. But just the same I will pronounce his name accurately and choose not to adopt his pseudo name ascribed by men who reject him. Why are we wasting time and energy on such insignificant matters when so much more matters more.
His Hebrew name is Yeshua, but JESUS is in the Bible, we are saved by the blood of JESUS CHRIST HAMASHIACH
Laura Silverstone Agree. The name Jesus is in your English translation, not what was originally written. What if I did my own version of scriptures and arbitrarily decided to name him Easu. That is what happened in your "Bible". I just prefer to utilize his true name even though like I said before there is power in the name of Jesus.
When you translate a Hebrew text into the Greek language, you have to use Greek letters, so when you get to names you have to transliterate them into the new letters. It is impossible to write ישוע (Yeshua) in Greek, the only way to write it is Ἰησοῦς (Iesous).
UNLEARN the lies it's not necessary to translate it from Hebrew to Greek to English when I can just take it from Hebrew to English :-)
Calling him Jesus is disrespectful. If your name is Louis (Lew-ee), and you are from France and you go to America, people don’t call you Luis (Lew-is) they continue to call you Louis. There is no such thing as a translation from a name. The name you are given is your name and that’s the way it’s pronounced. If your name in France is Johan (yo-Han) you’re called johan. Not (jow-Han). Vice verse
Praise YAH for your insight and your beautiful explanation. I pray others understand what you're conveying. :-)B Baruk/Blessed
Wow! Very good explanations! 😮
Brothers remember what paul said about food: all are permited but if your food makes your brother fall dont eat it. If your brother dont like to say Jesus while with him speak Yeshua, for that way your showing love. Dont make die the ones Christ died for fall. So show love, God will acept all the ones who put their faith in his Son our Messiah. God bless you. Jesus, Yeshua, King of Glory all of the names are permited, dont let yourselfs be pulled to heresy or to legalism, take care.
It’s the Hebrew roots movement that’s causing division
God Bless you Brother,for untangling the lies of the Enemy.
I agree. But didn't Paul used the word Iesus on his writing even he's Hebrew? And is there any danger and wrong with calling him Jesus though I know it was the REAL YESHUA I PRAISE and glorify? So am I not gonna be saved if I call YESHUA as JESUS?
My name is CARL and in Spanish it is KARLO in Japanese it is KARO, in medieval English they would call it CHARLES. Name regardless of geography might get called in a different pronunciation but never cross out it's meaning though, name might get changed through the times like what I said, "Carl medieval English would be CHARLES" but still the same thing.
We should Call Jesus as YESHUA or Jesus either, there's nothing wrong with that as long as we have the meaning of that name right. It's not putting the other meaning there but God's understanding, he knows we don't know a lot of things like these meanings and he let the Bible translators to use JESUS for the world to know him.
YESHUA by other language would never pronounce right like for example, Carl in Japanese called KARO simply because they doesn't have L in there Katakana alphabet (international representative letters of Japanese language) so they decide to make it Karo to be known by Japanese people that in English it is CARL.
All these to say, I agree with you but that doesn't mean I don't get saved it I call him Jesus.
YESHUA have so many names but the same meaning.
In Filipino the word for Saviour is TAGAPAGLIGTAS, and that's the same in meaning.
Much love,
The problem I have is I don't believe that His name should have been translated from the original text in the first place His name should have remained the same and not changed because His name to them is His name also to us!
You didn’t listen did you??.. you can’t write Yeshua in Greek!!
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@@alaskaaksala123 So why translate it? Last time I checked the bible forbids that.
Why even read the New Testament then? If everything in the New Testament is written in Greek?!
Try reading the book of Genesis and what happened at the tower of Babel.
Jesus is acceptable to our Lord as it's simply a translation, but "Yeshua" means "Salvation" and is the correct Hebrew translation. Jesus wasn't a known name during the the earthly time of, Yeshua.
As a traditional gentile Christian, I want to thank you for this video. Well done. Graceful, too. And way to kick certain folks in the behind. I appreciate it.
Check my videos
Garbage, because Lex is wrong!
Hi there
Jesus is not the name
The name That the Lord gave to the son .... in Isaiah 7;14 😲
@@KainTayo Jesus, or Joshua in English, or Yeshua in Hebrew, which means, "God saves," is His earthly given name. But one of His title names is "Immanuel," or "God with us," which is fits very well with John 1:1-14, where it discusses the fact that Jesus is God in flesh-- The Word became flesh and dwelt among us..." in order to save us. So, the name and the title dovetail perfectly. Matthew 1 openly says that Joseph calling Him Jesus is in fulfillment of Isaiah 7:14...
Thank You so much for sharing this truth with us. I needed this.
Awesome presentation!!! I really admire the fact that you fight for the "honor" of our God, & treat His Great & Holy name with such respect! On this point, you are an example to follow. Shalom & have a blessed Sabbath! Yah bless you all & your families 😎
Check my video
Lex is wrong, Jesus is not YHWH!
Great video Lex.
The only thing I have to correct you on is the Greek name for Zeus.
It is Δίας (Dias) which is completely different to what they teach.
God bless
This is the time of restoration,once you come to know His real Hebrew Name,then the time has come to stop saying a name that means nothing.
Yes and Amein Brother👏😇 thank you for edifying revealing the truth in helping to unlearn the lies of evildoers blaspheming and taking the lord's name in vain may the Lord Jesus Yeshua lift his countenance upon you and your ministry and bring Shalom to all who hear and see The Living Word Of Truth❤️🔥🕎🕊💞😇🙌
Thank you brother for coming out with this information. It is a life saving answer to prayers. Those people confused me so much. I was worried sick.
Lex is wrong, Jesus is not YHWH!
If such cultural etymology regarding Yeshuas name was that critical, then the deaf don’t stand a chance. Many of us came to faith through the name Jesus... don’t deny the work he’s done in you by denying the name that once saved u. Great job on this vid! But if I may, I suggest you study into the trinitarian doctrine and unlearn that as well. Jesus preached the shema as the greatest commandment (mk 13)... there’s only one God, the Father and one Lord, Yeshua the Christ. “This is eternal life, that they may know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ, the one whom You sent” John 17:3
Thanks for this video! Ive argued this same thing many times to certain Hebrew Rooters.
First I wanna say I love your message of getting the truth of Christianity out there. The only thing I would debate Is Jesus has a totally separate meaning from Yeshua. It’s the Greek translation and Jesus was Hebrew. God gave Yeshua his name for purpose and meaning along with every other name in the Bible. Saint Paul translates the Hebrew version in Greek in the original acts of the apostles when he says Joshua and then refers later in his Hebrew books. The importance of the meaning of Yeshua is critical to the belief that Lord God sent a Savior and informed us through his name prior to ever knowing the true power of Christ
Hey lex.. i cant explain how much this video is helpful.. Lord Yeshua bless you.. i want you to make a special video on all the feasts with the date in 2018.. so that we can keep all the feasts and celebrate his holy days. 🙏🏼
Check my videos
But the name “Jesus” is not tied to the Fathers Name. “I come in my Fathers Name and you don’t receive me IF ANOTHER COMES IN HIS OWN NAME HIM YOU WILL RECEIVE.” who has come in his own name? “Jesus”. “what is the Fathers Name and the Son, if you know” these verses should be respected but instead they are dismissed and overlooked.
That makes sense, no wonder I got saved in the name of Jesus. God definitely understands transliteration.
God is the author of languages, at Babel, yes He knows exactly Who we all mean when we think on Him and call and pray in my opinion too.
Yeah, and a lot of these people that make such a big deal about the hebrew or greek interpretation probably fell in love with "Jesus" before they heard of these other transliterations. Now all of the sudden there is a new mystery to understand. I don't think so.
@@marks5239mic drop!!!!
Which is more powerful The real Name or the nick name?
Thank you VERY much for the clarification, Sir. This is extremely helpful and quite timely for me personally, as I am ministering to a couple co-workers who are very young in their faith. You really are living up to the name of your channel! Bravo, Mr. Meyer!! God bless!
Thanks brother
No, Jesus is not YHWH, Lex is wrong!
@@unlearnthelies Jesus is not YHWH Lex, that's where your wrong...your talking that Trinity garbage!
Good video! Fun fact: In Danish "Jesus" is written the same way - but Sound like: Iesous. The "I" and the "J" was both just when "J" was made, but is know different. "I" ind danish sounds like "ee", and "J" like "Y" - just a fun fact :-) Yah bless
May God protect and bless you brother.
Check my videos
I love people who knows what they are talking abut
thank you! and GOD bless you.
Thank you so much Lex for helping to reveal this lie and deception. I was confused about this and had started calling him Yeshua and refraining from using the name Jesus because I thought there was something wrong with using it. Thank you so much so shedding light on this issue. Keep up the good work and I hope I can see you in heaven.
Lex is wrong, Jesus is not YHWH!
The AC is going to come in that name. 😥
Same as always. When the "Messiah" was on earth, He asked > WHO do people say I am? That question and the answer is in Matthew 16:13-17. What is required to inherit eternal life IS WHERE the emphasis should be. Satan knows how to spell & pronounce the names of both the Father & the Messiah. Does that change his end result? Revelation 20:10.
You don't translate people name , would you translate everyone name in other languages into English , name must not be translated.
You transliterate names. Using the letters of that language to represent the sounds of the name
When translating from Hebrew to Greek you can’t use Hebrew letters, you have to transliterate it into Greek letters.
UNLEARN the lies Yeshua name translate into English letter how come it become jesus and not Yeshua.
Eli Max in spain matthew would be matteo, in french it would be mathiue, mateus. So yeah names can be translated.
Jesus is a transliteration from Greek. The majority of New Testament manuscripts are written in Greek.
I too got a message from a person on RUclips saying that we should not use Jesus as it is called Antichrist and should use Yehua and Yehusha. Was confused with all.
Thank you very much for this video. God bless everyone who sees this
Yahshua becuse he come in his father namn, his father namn its yahweh ”YAH”
And Jesus come into the namn Yahshua
You see both has YAH first
I agree what you say.
The only thing that im not in agreement with you is the Hebrew.
Yeshua and Yahshua.
Yah of The fathers name, and shua salvation.
Reeding the New Testament talks about Emanuel.
(Elohim among us)
Yahweh our Salvation
Then, ha Mashiaj. (The anointed)
Fig. The Spirit.
Yahshua ha Mashiaj
Yahweh Savior the Holy Spirit.
The Fsthers Name/ the Sons Name /and The Holy Spirit.
I dont know if i explained well.
But thats what fills right to me of calling him. That revelation and my church we sing and call him by.
Rey Dawid
Yes, that is what scripture says. If the Spokesman/Messenger/Son, was called Yahweh in the OT and he will be called Yahweh our righteousness, Yahweh tsidkenu in the kingdom it makes sense that he would be called Yahweh is Salvation in the NT and the name Yahshua/Yahushua, declares this. Anyone who calls on the name of Yahweh will be saved. The adversaries work hard to remove the name of the only one who can save. The Word says to call on Father Yahweh, sing praises to his name and make it known.
Psalm 116:13 - I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of Yahweh.
The Prayer Army
Forbidden by whom? The Sacred Scriptures tell us to call upon his name, sing praises to his name and make his name known. Disrespectful is remove his name from his Word and causing people to forget his name. Yeshua means salvation but the Messiah real name is Yahushua, meaning YAHWEH IS SALVATION!
Rey Dawid btw its Yahuah not Yahweh. Read the paleo bebrew. Not modern hebrew. Yahuah is Salvation
Donald Bailey
Calling on the name of Yahweh in scripture means putting one's trust in Yahweh believing in him and confessing that Yahweh is righteous.
The Name of Yahweh is a strong tower; the righteous runs into it and is safe
No one can deceive Yahweh who looks into the inner person and knows what is there.
“Whoever puts his trust in Him shall not be put to shame.”
For “everyone who calls on the Name of Yahweh shall be saved.”
Romans 10:9, That if you confess with your mouth the Master Yahushua and believe in your heart that Elohim has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved.
10 with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, and so is saved.
11 Because the Scripture says, “Whoever puts his trust in Him shall not be put to shame.”
12 Because there is no distinction between Yahuḏite and Greek, for the same Master of all is rich to all those calling upon Him.
13 For “everyone who calls on the Name of Yahweh shall be saved.”
Joel 2:23 And you children of Tsiyon, be glad and rejoice in Yahweh your Elohim, for He shall give you the Teacher of Righteousness, and cause the rain to come down for you, the former rain and the latter rain, as before...26“Then you shall eat - eat and be satisfied - and shall praise the Name of Yahweh your Elohim, who has done with you so wondrously. And My people shall never be put to shame.
27“And you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am Yahweh your Elohim and there is no one else. And My people shall never be put to shame.
28“And after this it shall be that I pour out My Spirit on all flesh. And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men dream dreams, your young men see visions.
29 “And also on the male servants and on the female servants I shall pour out My Spirit in those days.
30“ And I shall give signs in the heavens and upon the earth: blood and fire and columns of smoke,
31 the sun is turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of Yahweh.
32“ And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of Yahweh shall be delivered For on Mount Tsiyon and in Yerushalayim there shall be an escape as Yahweh has said, and among the survivors whom Yahweh calls.
The Prayer Army we use titles of respect. I sure don’t call my father or mother by their name. I call them Father and mother...exactly right. Our messiah called him Father most of the time and instructed us to do the same..
. “....and when you pray, say “our Father” who is in heaven..
Also the word "name" in scripture pertains to ones person/character, thus when referring to Jesus, His name refers to righteousness, the Ten Commandments, which is who God is, for God is love, and love is that we walk after and keep His Commandments. And how we know Him is by keeping His Law, the Ten Commandments. Therefore when saying, In the name of Jesus, or in Jesus' name, this refers to His Person and Character, Who is His Law.
Depends on the demon. O yee of little faith
Proverbs 28:1
I guess We SEE & understand SOME things entirely different. I am not affiliated in any way with the Berean Bible Church, but this message from Pastor Curtis has the "Ring of Truth" in it, at least for me. It's Entitled, "Why I Say Yeshua Instead of Jesus".
The thing that is CRITICAL, I think, is, what is required to inherit eternal life. < THIS is what is IMPORTANT.
Thank you so much for this teaching. These lies are very telling of the end times and how many will fall away from the church due to false teachings.
Check out his videos about the rapture and you can find out who is going to be left behind on 🌍 its gonna seem like Jesus is only going to visit us to bring paradise in other words earthly kingdom.
Lex is wrong, Jesus is not YHWH!
@@mrg466 I've watched other videos he has done and since 3 years, I've done more reading. I find him to be a false teacher. Thank you for commenting
@@Natural2bmii I like some of Lex's videos, but every once in a while, we disagree. Have a good day!
@@Natural2bmii who is lex?
Thank you my brother for explaining this. May the Lord Jesus bless and keep you for defending his holy name.
When Yeshua comes back we will have his real name good message shalom
Angelo bague' That's why in Revelations it says He brings a new name that no man knows. much love brothers and sisters Jesus Christ is King
Revelation 2-17
2: Angelo bague'
Thumbs UP on ALL of Your messages. I know YOU will understand what is written in Zephaniah Chapter 3 verse 9.
Allen Elman hebrew language zephanian 3-9, gen 11-9, Isaiah 32-4,acts26-14
2: Angelo bague',
Angelo baque'. WHY did You send me Zephaniah 3:9 WHEN that IS what I sent to YOU FIRST??? Also, in regards to what is written in Acts 26:14, that IS English, not HEBREW. > Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? Are You testing my competency, Angelo baque?
THANK YOU! There are so many land mines out here for innocent people seeking the truth about our Savior and our Creator. To hear your message and a sound explanation is most definitely a blessing. I am still a bit confused on the difference between Yeshua and Yahusha. I’ve seen it written both ways.
People who say Yahshua are trying to get the word “Yah” in His name. It’s not based on any scholarship.
I have a halleluyah scriptures they have the Paleo Hebrew names and it is interesting that people make up something when you have just a little knowledge you become highly dangerous. Good video Lex thanks for the Greek lesson
So what’s your take on the paleo Hebrew names? What are the halleluyah scriptures? I worried for my friend, she was a Christian but is not soooo astray. She says that Jesus Christ is false, he is the counterfeit, she studies extra books like ‘the word of yah’ ‘the final testament’, ‘the gospel of Adam and Eve’ and even the Book of Mormon. She said the name Bible comes from babel. She thinks the real name of Jesus is Yahayasya. I can find so little information about all this. I’m a baby Christian myself, but I have the spirit of discernment and this is all wrong.
I feel her growing very distant from the Bible, but accepts any Hebrew roots kind of claims.
I few het slipping away in what she visies as truth, by what I see as deception. She is even reading that horrible book ‘the original word of yah’ by that fraud
I don’t know what to do anymore or who to even pray to now. I’ve been baptized in the name of Jesus and I’ve always prayed in the name of Jesus yet people claim that Jesus isn’t His real name, so was my baptism false? Do I call out to the wrong name? Did I get saved in the wrong name? All these questions fill my head and it’s just I don’t know. I don’t know what to do anymore.
Thomas -- our son of god knows what our intentions are so don’t get caught up in the name
simply put your name shouldn't change because someone from a different language is talking to you. for example my name is Roscoe,if I talked to a Polish person,a Mexican person,or a Norwegian person,i would expect them to call me by my original name-Roscoe.I refer to the Savior as YAHshua,as I believe that is what his disciples called him when he was on Earth.nothing more,nothing less
His disciples called him master
When translating from Hebrew to Greek you can’t use Hebrew letters, you have to transliterate it into Greek letters.
UNLEARN the lies that still doesn't change the fact just because you're speaking another language that an individual's name has to be altered in any way shape or form.
is there something I'm missing?
YESHUA is the name he was given at birth, by His mother. I continue to use the name my mother gave me at birth. If I was in another country they may call me something else, it won’t anger me, but I continue to go by my birth name. I do know names have GREAT MEANINGS IN THE SCRIPTURES, MANY STORIES ARE TOLD JUST BE EACH PERSONS NAME and Much about their character. A name may be all you have, make it a good one. OUR MESSIAH HAD A GOOD POWERFUL NAME and lived it out as SAVIOR --A PERFECT, HOLY LIFE. May we imitate HIM!!!!🙏🙏
mary ellison you mean was given to Him by HIS FATHER.
One says in church Halleluyah meaning praise ye yah. One does not say hallelujesus or hallelugod or hallelulord. He's name is important.
Ras Grey
That’s because then you speak two languages at the same time You might hear ‘’ praise the Lord” in church. Of halleluyah.
Language also matters.
What you just said makes no sense. I know Hebrew and Greek. Does anyone in this movement actually know the language they lecture everyone else on?
I deliberately refrain from liking videos on RUclips unless I find them exceptionally good. For this reason, this video is now #11 on my liked video list (yes, that's how few videos are on that list). Thanks for sharing, and shalom!
I wish I could like this one a hundred more times! Thank you sir for this info. I myself, struggle w English, let alone learning anything else ;)
Check my videos
Don't let people become a stumbling block for you.
I'm the book of Genesis, God came down at the tower of Babel as they all spoke one language and confounded the language.
They all then spoke different languages.
God created all languages and understands them all.
God bless
@@John-eh4yk Sure, but if you were in Mexico, wouldn't you prefer John to Juan?
I think the name thing isn't one to get hung up on, but it is interesting to learn the etymology of it all.
@@Adam.Rushing it doesn't change who I am and if it is easier for them to call me my name in their language, that's ok.
It's not like they are calling me David instead of John.
I'm Greek and when I go to Greece they can me Ιωάννης or Γιάννης which is John in Greek.
It doesn't change my name.
God bless
@@John-eh4yk 👍
There are thousands of people who have the name Jesus. The difference is that the person recorded in the Bible is the Christ, the Son of the living God. He is and was God manifest in human form. You can argue all day about the Hebrew name, but it is still true that the Jews rejected their Messiah and crucified Him. He is raised again from among the dead and will return in the near future to take up His Kingdom rights and reign in righteousness in Jerusalem, not only as King of the Jews, but King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The really sad thing is that the ones that Christ came to 'seek and to save which were lost', still hate and reject Him. But as the apostle Paul tells us that one day every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Wait! Are you implying that we can't just make stuff up and it be true?!?
I find that hard to believe.
They can't put anything on the internet that isn't true...I'm a 300 lb French model!
So if we were in a time machine and there with the Messiah and the apostles what would they have called each other? TO BE CLEAR I WANT TO KNOW WHAT THEY CALLED EACH OTHER IN PERSON.
Jews spoke Aramaic and Hebrew
B C A person's character and nature is in their name. When you change the name, you take that away, especially, when our Father gave His Name to our Messiah. Read John chapter 17. God and Jesus are not the Father and Son's names..they are nothing alike. YHWH (Yah for short...see Psalm 68:4) gave His Name to Yahshua, His Son, our Messiah! ☺️
@B C I notice Unlearn the lies didn't answer your question. They would have called Him Yahshua. Please go to the Father in prayer & ask Him to real His truth to you & He will. There are still many lies that many ppl on RUclips have to unlearn. This is why the Word tells us in 1 John 2:27, that we do not need a teacher. Ask the Father to lead & guide you & He will.
I liked how direct and to the point that this was. Keep it up!
Check my videos
Lex is wrong, Jesus is not YHWH!
Right on brother Lex! I get angry when my saviour is bashed by those who are not filled with wisdom and truth about Messiah Yeshuah, Jesus, and we need to understand the accuser makes people say these things. Send love to them through prayer and may shalom be upon them and you!
Thank you so much for this video, it clear up so much nonsense that is around, I’m still learning, I wasn’t sure if it is wrong to continue to call on the name of Jesus, once I knew his original name in Hebrew. Now I can follow my heart and call on both names.
I have heard about the Zeus connection too. Will you do videos on the different Hebrew titles we can pray to the Most High. As Hebrew is the heavenly language, it will be nice to learn to pray to our God with his different Hebrew names.
Check my videos
If yeshua is YHWH sons name what's wrong with calling his son yeshua? Theres no need to translate it to english since we already know his actual name is yeshua
Lex is wrong, Jesus is not YHWH!
It's better to call by Hebrews name rather than to call by any other name to avoid confusion. John 5: 43 " I have come in my Father's name and you do not receive me: if another comes in his own name , him you will receive." What does it mean?
The scriptures are Hebrew and so were the men who wrote it, the Greek just adds to confusion we need to get back as much as possible to the Hebraic origins. Our messiah has many titles but ONE name.
All of the new testament was written in Koine Greek but yeah the Old Testament, Tanakh, was written in Hebrew except parts of the book of Daniel was written in Aramaic. God bless
Yes...JESUS! SWEETEST NAME I KNOW. Baptisms were done in the name of JESUS!
J was not added to English language until fifteenth century,.
Yeshua taught the Lord's prayer, and in it he says: "Father in heaven, sanctified be YOUR name...". Yeshua didn't say "sanctified be my name" ... If you're going to preach about respecting names, atleast show some yourself. Talk about the meaning of "Yeshua" and how that is an honourable name. Talk about how your name doesn't change if you go to Greece, so why should Yeshua's... Talk more about the "Joshua" translation, and why the book of Joshua wasn't translated to "Jesus", but yet the messiah's name was fit to muddle in such a way... No way, brother: you're putting the cart before the donkey on this one.
God Sanctified his own name! And through Jesus! Ezekiel 26:23 And 38:23! That's why Jesus said it!!!
Andrê Visser .. oh of Course.. I call Him many names! I am just making it clear that to condemn the name of Jesus is wrong.
Reign: Why would you listen to a "Hebrew scholar tell you that you do not qualify to say his name, when the scriptures tell you themselves, that "In my name you will be saved" ? ... And there are numerous scriptures that refer to the power and benefit of knowing God's name. Read Your bible.
Andre: That's right. He came in his Fathers name. And that's what "Yeshua" means. It means "Yahova saves" Strong's concordance: check it out at bible hub.
ordinary chap ... I think people are misreading my comment. People are NOT reverencing the KING, the name of God, If they are accepting one and rejecting the other(for whatever reasons). I gave scripture of why God YHWH, sanctified HIS OWN Name. Me referring to a Hebrew scholar was me just simply adding to the fact that this is bible 101. There are more important things as the body of Christ we should be addressing.
Thank you brother, because I was struggling with this for a while God bless you
My Jesus holds many titles including Saviour, Redeemer and friend. 💔💗
I seek only TRUTH and stand by those who do to! TEACHING AND SPEAKING THE NEW NAME!