
  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • scylla? more like scy should subscribe
    SCYLLA (walking near the fountain): Āh, mare mē delectāvit! Undae pulcherrimae sunt, et piscēs suculentēs mihi videntur!
    Ah, the sea pleases me! The waves are very beautiful and the fish look succulent to me!
    GLAVCVS: (popping out of the sea): Ecce, ego est, Glaucus!
    Behold, it is me, Glaucus!
    SCYLLA (confused): Em, quis es?
    Um, who are you?
    GLAVCVS: Scies… capita virī, corpus piscis? Et deus, nōn monstrum sum! Tē amō! Amāsne mē?
    You know… the head of a man, the body of a fish? And I am a god, not a monster. I love you! Do you love me?
    SCYLLA: Em, te non amo.
    struts away.
    Um, I don’t love you.
    GLAVCVS: Heu!
    He walks off, defeated, to Circe’s lair.
    GLAVCVS: Scylla nōn mē amat. Rogō tē ut magicam potionem mihi faciās.
    Scylla doesn’t love me. I ask you to make me a magic potion.
    CIRCE: Sed… amō tē!
    But… I love you!
    GLAVCVS: Em… tē nōn amō. Dā mihi potionem.
    Um… I don’t love you. Give me the potion.
    CIRCE (suspiciously): Id tibi dābō.
    I will give it to you.
    SCYLLA (walking near the fountain): Āh, mare mē delectāvit! Undae pulcherrimae sunt, et piscēs suculentēs mihi videntur.
    Ah, the sea pleases me! The waves are very beautiful and the fish look succulent!
    GLAVCVS: Scylla! Vide ad mē!
    Scylla! Look at me!
    SCYLLA: Em… quid est? Iterum?
    Em… what is this? Again?
    GLAVCVS: Multās horās amāvī! Nunc, me amābis!
    Pours potion on Scylla.
    I have loved you for many hours! Now, you will love me!
    Multiple heads appear. Scylla throws a rope out of frame. Cut to Glaucus ensnared. He is dragged into Scylla’s mouth.
    CIRCE: Glaucus mortuus est! Misera sum! Ista Scylla!
    Picks up her wand (stick) and walks off determinedly
    Glaucus is dead! I am miserable! That dastardly Scylla!
    CIRCE (casting spells at Scylla): Magica! Magica! Magica!
    Magic! Magic! Magic!
    SCYLLA: HEU!!!!
    She falls over backwards, arched in the same shape as the sculpture. The sculpture fades in to take her place.
    OH NO!
    CIRCE: Fī lapis!
    Become stone!
    Lapis est.
    She is stone.

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