Divorsus Revolutionibus (Reversed Revolutions) Lore

  • Опубликовано: 24 сен 2024

Комментарии • 71

  • @WTFCDFoxy
    @WTFCDFoxy 3 года назад +58

    Fun fact: a huge part of the German nazi ideology originated from Russia, in particularly the Russian anti-Semitic aristocrats.
    If I remember correctly, the Nazi party in Germany had a lot of Russian white emigres.
    This is a very interesting lore, considering what I mentioned above.

    • @pomernguy1835
      @pomernguy1835  3 года назад +11

      Honestly, I didn't even think that the German Nazis could draw views from the Russians. Nice to know such interesting facts!

    • @crossofsavoy4303
      @crossofsavoy4303 3 года назад +10

      @@pomernguy1835 The protocols of the sages of Zion were written by a Russian
      PS: I don't know if the translation is right anyway that thing: Протоко́лы сио́нских мудрецо́в

    • @WTFCDFoxy
      @WTFCDFoxy 3 года назад +9

      @@pomernguy1835 Yes indeed it's really interesting.
      Here's some info if you're interested. The Nazis used anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that originated from the "Black Hundreds" organization in Russia. The Black Hundreds had a lot of wealthy people who later emigrated to Germany after the revolution... www.britannica.com/topic/Black-Hundreds

    • @kaiserredgamer8943
      @kaiserredgamer8943 3 года назад


  • @spongeboi9899
    @spongeboi9899 3 года назад +31

    mmm yes, *Banana Republic*

  • @raphym.3666
    @raphym.3666 3 года назад +17

    Maybe one day, a mod on Hearts of Iron IV will honor this amazing work

    • @NewRepublicMapper
      @NewRepublicMapper 3 года назад +3

      There’s Should be a Different Mod for different Generations
      1. Divorsus Revolutionibus - The Mod for Second Great War Game
      2. The Red Order - The Mod where Volksrepublik Deutschland and Japanese People’s Republic Won the Second Great War
      3. Frozen War: Mod for Frozen War Era Europe
      4. The New Millenium: Modern Day DR Mod
      5. Eurasian World: Where Eurasian State won the Frozen War

  • @szekelyalt.history8665
    @szekelyalt.history8665 3 года назад +6

    It looks promising, I can't wait for more of Divorsus Revolutionibus!

  • @Scenariania
    @Scenariania 3 года назад +14

    Very interesting way of making an introduction to a lore series, I had thoughts to do this with the Axis puppet states/protectorates/reichskommissariats in my series.
    Keep them going, looking forward to it

  • @theslavboi69420
    @theslavboi69420 3 года назад +4

    Good video, Mat!

  • @vincentbj84
    @vincentbj84 3 года назад +3

    Noice,each Mapper set to create lores, cool

  • @simonsim27
    @simonsim27 3 года назад +6

    hmm ciekawy scenariusz, może zrób jeszczę wielką Republikę Bananową podbijającą świat!

  • @USR1444
    @USR1444 3 года назад +3

    Uuu to jest dobre Mati :D

  • @gui7527
    @gui7527 3 года назад +2


  • @uwukoto
    @uwukoto 3 года назад +4


  • @hijaumuda6554
    @hijaumuda6554 3 года назад +3

    Nice Video

  • @braganca1989
    @braganca1989 3 года назад +4

    0:31 - 1:03 *star wars main theme

    • @backtothefutureman1
      @backtothefutureman1 3 года назад +1

      No it’s not.

    • @braganca1989
      @braganca1989 3 года назад

      @@backtothefutureman1 was to put this, because it's counting the lore of the series

    • @backtothefutureman1
      @backtothefutureman1 3 года назад +1

      @@braganca1989 the song is prußens Gloria.

  • @BartlomiejDmowski
    @BartlomiejDmowski 2 года назад +1

    Where did you find this version of Farewell of Slavianka?

  • @gotcha4649
    @gotcha4649 3 года назад +5

    If this actually happened then the frozen war would continue to this day (since i doubt it would collapse like the soviets)

  • @minertransit
    @minertransit 3 года назад +3

    Wow, this is great! Are you gonna make more of this scenario? If so, I’m really interested!

    • @pomernguy1835
      @pomernguy1835  3 года назад +1

      I am going to do countries / continents for my lore now.

    • @minertransit
      @minertransit 3 года назад +2

      @@pomernguy1835 I’ll definitely watch it! Good luck making it!

    • @pomernguy1835
      @pomernguy1835  3 года назад +1

      @@minertransit Thanks!

    • @minertransit
      @minertransit 3 года назад +2

      @@pomernguy1835 No problem! You deserve it!

  • @musatrobertmarius
    @musatrobertmarius 3 года назад +2

    Very nice alternate world!!!

  • @Wendeta-hq2cp
    @Wendeta-hq2cp Год назад +1

    Seeing as Japan became communist and that the Austrian Empire stopped existing before the Great War, I imagine that the war, while still long, didn't grind as hard, and so people were okay with Russia getting support against the communists.
    I'm happy to see that the government in this version of USA decided to stay out of their economy, but I imagine the reason for that would be other presidents winning, or Hoover simply not trying to exacerbate the problem and instead ignoring it, leading to solve itself over time (and when I say 'ignoring it', I mean not sing that Tariff bill which caused trade with Europe to worsen and therefore made the economy even worse).
    I see that the British Empire is slightly different in terms of colonies, so I imagine that this probably is helping their economy a bit more than in our timeline. Nice to see them being preventive though.
    I see France got a little bit more colonies as well, interesting.
    So I guess that the King of Italy either signed the martial law proposed by the government at the time, or that Mussolini simply didn't have that many supporters. I will assume the latter to be true since the reason the King didn't sign the martial law was because he worried there would be civil was as a result. Also I'm pretty sure Italy got more of the territory that it wanted after the WWI, so there was probably not that strong of a revanchist and irredentist sentiment within the population.
    Considering how Germans felt about nationalism, I imagine their form of communisms would still have some nationalist elements, so it makes sense for them to annex Austria, Sudetenland and try to 'liberate the proletariat' of Czechia... Wait Czechia? Not Czechoslovakia? Interesting.
    So Eurasia is probably not the industrial Juggernaut that it became in OTL under Stalin. Although seeing that the military takes precedence means that they'd be ready for war if time comes. Also I feel like this 'nationalism' is actually a form of creating a federation (like how OTL Russia established its federation) meaning that, I hope, there won't be any Anti-Semitism in Eurasia (even if their flag looks like a version of Nazism)
    So I see that China didn't fall to communism. Makes sense seeing as Russia also didn't fall to communism, so there's no way for a Manchurian communist movement to actually gain traction. Also it's interesting to see a Republic of China that is more of a confederation, along with Tibet being free.
    People's Republic of Japan huh... Interesting, I imagine China and Russia are keeping very tight connections to keep the Pacific Communists in check. Also I imagine that Japan established autonomous regions after disbanding the Empire, forming instead a coalition of sorts like the USSR of OTL.
    The Latin American lands are interesting.
    Poor Netherlands, stuck between the German Communists and Imperial British. Makes sense though. Germany and Britain had been allies against communism OTL, so seeing that Germany turns commie here, it makes sense for Britain to look for the next best state, one which had been in somewhat close ties before.
    I see Poland is huge again. I sense that will not last xD. Maybe I'm wrong though.
    Ugh seeing Hungary have Transylvania hurts... But I hope they at least don't try to make Romanian more Maghiar. Also I imagine that Hungary didn't fall to communism, meaning there was no reason for them to be punished so harshly and be stripped of large swaths of land.
    Nice! Romania has Southern Dobruja at least, that's an accomplishment!
    Seeing a more European and modernized Turkey is nice.
    So here we will have Nationalism vs Democracy ay? I imagine that, in similar ways to how social democracy rose as a way to keep people away from falling into communism during the Cold War, National-Democracy might rise here to (probably) provided ethnic autonomic freedoms as a way of avoiding Nationalist Revolutions. Of course, that's just my theory. I'll see how this develops.
    Consider me hooked into this series.

    • @pomernguy1835
      @pomernguy1835  Год назад +1

      I made a few episodes on this series, I hope you will enjoy them. Unfortunatley this series will not be continued, as I left mapping. I will now focus on making content related to the Hearts of Iron 4.

    • @Wendeta-hq2cp
      @Wendeta-hq2cp Год назад +1

      @@pomernguy1835 Okay. I like Hoi 4 too so that sounds likegood content as well.

  • @BalekduNom
    @BalekduNom 3 года назад +1

    Just excellent ! 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌

  • @szymonbollin6344
    @szymonbollin6344 3 года назад +1

    Blessed path for Poland

  • @UtopianMappeur
    @UtopianMappeur 3 года назад +1

    Are you planning to make a hoi4 mod on this timeline ?
    I can start to work on it but I would need help.

  • @BrianLyons315
    @BrianLyons315 19 дней назад

    What map did you use?

  • @lemonsoda775
    @lemonsoda775 3 года назад +4

    Why the name for central amerca is "Banana republic"?

  • @supermanquantico2005
    @supermanquantico2005 3 года назад +2


  • @ivanserov1846
    @ivanserov1846 3 года назад +2

    Well what can I say about the map and stuff-good.I like it,however
    1-I dont think that Japan even with its sense of nationalism would just leave the war so soon for the reason of "gaining so little",because,well,Japan,unless the history of japan is also changed as well,Japan also wasnt strained that greatly by the war like European powers and in fact somewhat won,with its industry booming from contracts with Entente. "Gaining so little" and "dissatisfaction among citizens" in that case would be an excuse for either some truly Nazbol or Fascist coup,as happened with IRL Italy.
    2-Entente intervening into civil war. Well,alright,thats understandable why Bolshevik lost,but I dont think Entente would be that benelovent to Russia, reason-I am Russian myself. Entente would rather try and split Russia to make it more vulnerable,for example-the Caucasus for its oil fields,or Central Asia with the growing colonial economy. Not considering the possible civil war and breakup from factionalist white movement.
    3-Hitler and Germany. Eh,understandable,but I dont think that Communists would had won the elections,I think that it would be either a short civil war(Kapp putsch and Hamburg\Spartacist uprising but way larger) or the Left wing of NSDAP,the original NatSoc-Strasser.
    US was still isolationist IRL and I doubt that anything will change here,if FDR(or just anyone else) remains in power,as US will only just embargo the Japanese,but nothing more.
    Politicians chose not to intervene...no Great Depression.....heh....funny.
    I am either seeing an Objectivist or maybe an oversimplifier,because the government intervention was actually the thing which pretty muched saved the collapsed banks,and then the industry. Lets also not forget that 1929 crisis already affected entire world(except the Union),as economies of post-war Brittain and France were much closely linked with US after the WW1.
    5-I skip Brittain,nothing much there.
    But France-I dont think that if 1929 Financial crisis would be that harmless for the French. And I dont think that French Section of Workers International would sit quietly while Germany is triumphant,as well as capabilities of French budget to build Maginot from Strassbourg to the Channel.
    6-Italy. No one actually opposed that March on Rome,in fact,Giolinnin pretty much welcomed the Fascists,in hopes of using them against the Communists during the Bienno Rosso when Italy almost became communist from endless riots and workers occupying the countryside and factories. Let us also not forget who stood behind the Fascists-Confindustria,Fiat,Ansaldo,Ilva,Latifundists and other people with big wallets.
    8-Finally,my homeland. Russia.
    First off-why the Eurasian state? What is the reason behind this? Alright,to gain support from minorities,but Savinkov never was a Eurasianist,it would be more thoughtfull just to give autonomies like in USSR. Second off-Republic. Kornilov,why Kornilov? Kornilov was of that part of white movement which wanted a restoration of a Republic rather than dictatorship.
    And yes,he also died in 1918,a year before the POD.
    Savinkov-Savinkov! Why Savinkov? I understand the KR vibes,but really,Savinkov was always a rather left-ish agrarian person,and began playing with Nationalism only after defeat of the White movement,before that being a terrorist PSR(left-ish populist party) member,and I dont think that victorious civil war would change much in this Alt History,he would still be a rather tame Populist.
    Ideology of Militarism and Nationalism? So....just stratocracy. Unless it brings something new in terms of economy,the most important aspect,its not that much of an ideology,more a rhetoric.
    Economy of Russia-ohohohohoho,I dont think so,and here is why
    1-Land redistribution processes. Collectivization always went on throughout history. More land concentration,less farmers. But not in Imperial Russia,unless Kornilov began a new Stolypin Reform(which itself would need at least 20 years to work) I doubt bread situation would improve. Lets also not forget that peasants were the main population group of Russia,and with plough-they wont feed the cities.
    2-Credits. Yes,Russia bought a lot of weapons,and had a lot of loans,a lot. Starting from public debts,ending with the unreturned investments of the French during pre-war period of modernisation. And bolsheviks simply denounced them. Whites wont be able to do the same.
    3-Industry-Unless Russia began a state-guided industrialization(which always works-Chaebols,Zaibatsu,IRI and Union of Rhy and Steel wont lie) I dont think it will go above agrarian-industrial,since only like,15 years passed since the end of civil war and the country's main industrial districts in Central Russia,controlled by Bolsheviks are devastated. Plus,half of the industry before the war were concentrated in foreign hands,doing...pretty much nothing,except exploiting and shooting the protesting workers. Lensk mines wont lie.
    4-Ethnic question. Yes, Soviets immediately created autonomies and not only that-developed Caucasus and Central Asia,which I doubt whites would do much,since they would be more concerned about Central and capital regions of Russia,not only that-Soviets provided a lot for those smaller nations,like making the entire writing system for some and abolishment of a lot reactionary traditionalism. Which I doubt whites would do.
    5-Education. Before the ww1,40% of all male population of European Russian Empire were literate. 40%. Not only that-literate,doesnt mean educated. White movement will need to spend hella lot to upkeep such stuff,and unlike Bolsheviks-they wont sell the Imperial gold.
    6-Inflation which during ww1 reached almost 1300%.
    And finally-the world financial crisis.
    9-China. Eh,lack of info and Japan is explained above.
    10-But Pilsudski never had the plans to annex Belarus and Ukraine,he even wanted to give some parts of Poland to them,moving the Polish borders closer to OTL ones,as the Prometheus project proposed. The reason why Poland kept the eastern territories OTL was the fact that it didnt accomplished its goals in Polish-soviet war and saw no reason it letting those lands go freely.
    11-Romania. Corneliu is displeased.
    Those are all the stuff I personally(!!!) disagree with in this video.

    • @pomernguy1835
      @pomernguy1835  3 года назад

      I fully understand your reasons. I remember taking this video in a little rush and not paying attention to some things or just ignoring them. Two months ago, I didn't know many things about the views of many characters or other historical events. As a nationalist, I copied Savinkov from Kaiserreich, and the theme of Japan emerging from the war from the film Alternative History of Japan by Infinitum. Honestly, after many critical (not hateful) comments on other videos in the series, I wonder if it makes sense to continue this series. I'll have to think about it. But thank you very much for this comment, because such criticism comments make me reflect and think more deeply about what I am doing or will be doing.

    • @ivanserov1846
      @ivanserov1846 3 года назад

      @@pomernguy1835 Nationalist?Left-Right? NatSyn? Fascist? Thatcherist? Classical NatSoc? NatPop? Longist? Imperialist?
      And regarding the content-maybe make a poll on your community deciding whether the series should get rebranding,remaking the plot,characters and everything else,or just continue paying more attention to the details and lore in next episodes.
      And I also have another question which I found just now-Why did Germany lost so quickly to Eurasia? Like,in just one year turning the war 360⁰.

    • @pomernguy1835
      @pomernguy1835  3 года назад

      @@ivanserov1846 Thanks for the advice! As for Germany, I came up with the idea that the army of communist Germany was weaker than the Wehrmacht in our world.

  • @seicomoeamigo
    @seicomoeamigo 3 года назад +2


  • @braganca1989
    @braganca1989 3 года назад +4

    this is on weltreich level

  • @Airborne675
    @Airborne675 3 года назад +2

    2:51 Name of Russian song???

  • @rafakrzentowski9549
    @rafakrzentowski9549 2 года назад +1

    Jaki to program komputerowy?

    • @pomernguy1835
      @pomernguy1835  2 года назад +1

      Mapy robię w paint.net, a montuję w Camtasia 9

    • @rafakrzentowski9549
      @rafakrzentowski9549 2 года назад +1

      @@pomernguy1835 dzięki, a flagi (w sensie te nie prawdziwe) też w paint.net?

    • @pomernguy1835
      @pomernguy1835  2 года назад +1

      @@rafakrzentowski9549 Tak

    • @rafakrzentowski9549
      @rafakrzentowski9549 2 года назад +1

      @@pomernguy1835 ok, a on jest za darmo na internecie/do pobrania?

    • @pomernguy1835
      @pomernguy1835  2 года назад +1

      @@rafakrzentowski9549 Paint.net jest za darmo. Camtasia jest płatna.

  • @kaiserworldc.p.2986
    @kaiserworldc.p.2986 3 года назад +1

    No, Romania had to be Fascist, because it does not have Transylvania.😞😞😞

  • @joelochoazamora2230
    @joelochoazamora2230 3 года назад

    So the U.S lose some nationalist vietnamese in the vietnam war?

    • @NewRepublicMapper
      @NewRepublicMapper 3 года назад

      In this Fictional Lore, Ho Chi Minh is Chairman of Vietnamese Nationalist Party and they from the same Party with Ngo Dinh Diem. Since Vietnam is United as Democratic Nationalist Party, No Vietnam War happened.
      You can watch this Vietnam Episode here

  • @mee5mappentary409
    @mee5mappentary409 3 года назад +1


  • @loopcatthegreat893
    @loopcatthegreat893 3 года назад +2

    Ah fak my country is communist