The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has brought me and my family closer to Jesus Christ. It's taught me how to be a better Dad. It's greatly improved my marriage. I am so grateful for this religion. I also love the Book of Mormon because it brings me peace, hope, comfort, knowledge, and consolation. I know it all to be true.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is simply the True Church which help everyone to become the best person they are capable to become with love of God, goodness and powerful teachings. I know it because I am an LDS church member.
What happens if you don't have your family or your family have let you down through neglect? I love Jesus but come from a family that was abusive and is not in any way constructive. Where does the church stand on people like me? I'm attending an LDS church, but it is the family issue that is stopping me goinn further; not everybody comes from a good or safe family.
Simon, thank you for your question and comment. The Savior knows that we are all imperfect, this is why He came to Earth. You don't have to be part of a perfect family to belong in His church. Sometimes families are affected due to abuse, neglect, mental health and other factors that are out of our control. Despite of any negative family experiences that you have had in your life, the Savior loves you and wants to help you be happy and better everyday. He cares about the present you and what you are willing to do to come unto Him. We commend you for your efforts in attending church and we invite you to continue doing the things that bring you closer to Christ. If you have more questions or doubts, your local bishop is a great resource to reach out to. Take care!
Im christian but as a christian i can say one thing Mormons are prob one of the mostnicest people i ever met and i really like how they are close to god... Although we have different beleifs in jesus and god.... I enjoy your videos #respect
I have been visiting the LDS church for about 2 months now. The only difference I notice is that they believe that Jesus appeared over here in North America after his Resurrection. Considering that people all over the world believe they have seen Christ in one form or another, this is not too far fetched. They also believe that God still gives messages to people today which is why they have a modern-day prophet. Really no different from the Pope or the way the Jews have their pharisees. Still trying to figure out how the Book of Mormon works and what that is all about but yes, very nice people.
Bruce Balthrope II hi I hope you have seen more differences by now as you fast and pray to receive a confirmation from the Lord Himself the Priesthood Authority and the Temple teachings and Authority and blessings when required by the laying on of hands have fun re discovering the Lords purifying forgiving blessings through baptism by one with authority to give you the Gift of the Holy Ghost chat soon
Bruce Balthrope II Bruce, to answer your question about how the Book of Mormon factors in, we believe that it is another testament of Jesus Christ. We use it in addition to the Bible and other scripture, not in place of as some would believe. We "connect the dots" between the Bible and the Book of Mormon in order to clarify doctrine. Because the Bible has been revised and changed many times, it is difficult to know which version is most accurate, so having the Book of Mormon to compare is very beneficial; its doctrinal message has never been corrupted. If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask! :)
The bOOk of Mormon is great, it written by Joseph Smith who is beleived to be a prophet of god.... thats one big diff from us christians and the Mormons
And then many will be led into sin;they will betray and hate one another.Many FALSE PROPHETS will arise and deceive many;..Matt.24:10-11 Neither salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.Acts 4:12 Yahshua Messiah is the same yesterday and today, and forever.Hebs.13:8
" Joseph presided over the church by the voice of the Church. Perhaps it would make some of you stumble, were I to ask you a question--Does a man's being a prophet in this Church prove that he shall be president of it? I answer, no! A man may be a prophet, seer and revelator, and it may have nothing to do with his being the president of the Church. Suffice it to say that Joseph was the president of the Church, as long as he lived. The people chose to have it so. He always filled that responsible station, by the voice of the people. Can you find any revelation appointing him the president of the Church? The keys of the priesthood were committed to Joseph, to build up the Kingdom of God of the earth, and were not to be taken from him in time or in eternity; but when he was called to preside over the Church, it was by the voice of the people; though he held the keys of the priesthood independent of their voice." (Brigham Young, Contributor 10:3) {emphasis mine }Interesting, don't you think?Think about it, if you will, if the Lord gave no revelation that the prophet of the restoration was to be president of the church also (in-addition to being a prophet), then why do people think the Lord would all of sudden give a revelation as to whom should be president of the church after Joseph?" All things shall be done by common consent in the church, by much prayer and faith...." (D. & C. 26:2) {emphasis mine }"For all things must be done in order, and by common consent in the church, by the prayer of faith" (D. & C. 28:13) {emphasis mine }" The elders are to receive their licenses from other elders by vote of the church to which they belong, or from the conferences." (D. & C. 20:63) {emphasis mine } Don't get me started on the previous verse D&C 20:62 (unless you really want me to address it)* Note: In Joseph's day actual "licenses" were given by the elders in a ward to others before others could become elders in that ward. Much much much more could be said about this, and the licenses that were handed to the elected elder (as all edlers are elected and licensed). Remember what I said when I quoted myself about...." When the Patriarchs assemble, each Patriarch is a Sovereign-Lord in his own sphere, BUT, since Sovereigns have gathered together to help each other accomplish things they couldn't do alone (or to accomplish what would be hard to do alone,) they choose from amongst themselves persons to head various efforts of that assembly's business. At no time does any officer in that "business" ( aka "church") have rank over any other Sovereign. Simply, needed managerial positions are filled for their combined efforts. However, no leader in that church has any business telling any other Sovereign ( nor the Queens in that Sovereign's house) what to do in their respective lives; nor can they tell the children of those Lords and Ladies what to do." In-fact, 'licenses' to represent the church (aka "business" ) had to be renewed in Joseph's day. Priesthood does not need to be renewed, PH is a familial matter and has nothing to do with common consent. PH is a family matter and the head of that family and the members of that family deal with PH, but the church is not a family matter; the church IS a common property run by "stake-holders/stock-holders" (the members themselves) and each member has an equal vote in all matters.The mainstream church of today (and the Fundamentalist groups) do not operate this way. Thus they write and preach contrary to the Bible, the Book of Mormon, or the Book of Doctrine and Covenants,"No person is to be ordained to any office in this church where there is a regularly organized branch of the same, without the vote of that church; (D. & C. 20:65) {emphasis mine }" And a commandment I give unto you, that you should fill all these offices and approve of those names which I have mentioned, or else disapprove of them at my general conference. (D. & C. 124:144) {emphasis mine }-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clearly, from the above quotes we may understand that the leaders of the church at every level are subject to the people who are members of the church. If the members of the church want to bring-back the gospel of Jesus Christ into the church, they will need to remove from office it's current leaders. The church needs to return to the doctrine the prophet Joseph actually taught and lived; and, for which he and his brother Hyrum died.
It doesn't make me stumble. There are some facts concerning the organization that you missed, but I'm not going to argue about it. I noticed that you defended baptism for the dead, and for that you have earned my respect. Let us agree to disagree about the organization of the church. Let us instead agree that Joseph Smith and his brother were good men.
and holy soul(s) holy angle(s) with Romance Beauty Love Romance and forever young and holy child and forever young and my family Franco III forever and cyclist !
I hope Mormons see the truth one day and become part of the true church that believes in the Trinity and also that they get rid of baptism for the dead and get rid of the book of Mormons which is a false gospel
+dextamartijn Corinthians 15: 29 " Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?" Paul was asking the ancient Christians why do they perform baptisms for the dead if they don't believe in the resurrection. Baptism for the dead is early-Christian doctrine. I dislike the corporate-Mormon church, but have nothing against the gospel Joseph Smith taught. I cans how from the Bible everything Joseph claimed if you want to read it for yourself?
The Trinity was a creation of the early Christian church primarily after Constantine had essentially established the dominant position of Christianity in Rome. He however never settled on an Arian or Trinitarian viewpoint. The primary driver for a Trinitarian view appears to be the need to in turn establish monotheism in an otherwise polytheistic world. Re-read the Bible where Christ is baptised and tell me honestly there's not two free thinking beings enacting separate personas.
The concept of the Trinity was brought about from the Council of Nicea in 325 AD in an attempt to define "God". By then the true knowledge of who God and Jesus Christ were had long been lost to history, the ancient apostles possessed that knowledge, John the Baptist, Peter James and John knew the distinction between God and his Son Jesus Christ. Christ also mentions many times about him sending a "comforter" and during his baptism, the Holy Ghost descended in the form of a dove while a voice declaring from heaven "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" The Trinity is a belief that God, his Son and the Holy Ghost are all manifestations of the same being, somehow mysterious, better to not be understood by the human race. That way the mysteries of God could stay "mysterious". But there's nothing mysterious about God or the members of the "Godhead" if it is plainly stated in the Bible. Being one being, he could not have possibly been all 3 manifestations at the same time. God the Father has a body as tangible as ours, thus we were "created in his image". The Son Jesus Christ has a body of flesh and bone just like we do "handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bone as ye see me have." He was resurrected, and when that happens, spirit and body reunite, never again to be separated. The Holy Ghost does not have a body like ours, he is a Spirit, and this is how he permeates our bodies, how we are able to feel the Father within us, or God near us. God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are one in purpose, but not in body, so all 3 are separate and distinct, but act in perfect harmony for the salvation of mankind. This is why we believe in a God who is not mysterious, who is like us, and we can become like him. Its not heresy to say that, because, when we are saved in the kingdom of Heaven, that's how we will be, heirs of all that the Father has. This brings God down to a human level, which we are created in his image, and that is the plainest of all speech in the Old Testament that I know of.
baptism was so important that Christ told his apostles after he returned to preach his gospel and to baptise, it's an outward ordinance done to show that you take on Christ, Pauls writing referred to it in a reference about the dead and baptism, if it was so important the, it would be important now, however with restored knoweldge in this dispensation the prophet was able to bring about the baptism for the dead in an orderly way by proxy, it's how it's done, other wise you are not a part of his church
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has brought me and my family closer to Jesus Christ. It's taught me how to be a better Dad. It's greatly improved my marriage. I am so grateful for this religion. I also love the Book of Mormon because it brings me peace, hope, comfort, knowledge, and consolation. I know it all to be true.
you know its a good day when you're browsing church videos and see yourself in a Mormon helping hands t shirt from your mission.
Your videos have helped me become a better Christian, even thought i'm not a Mormon. Thank you for everything.
Visit the Church and you and it will even get better. I promise.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is simply the True Church which help everyone to become the best person they are capable to become with love of God, goodness and powerful teachings. I know it because I am an LDS church member.
Judaism is certainly the oldest religion which still exist. And still worship YHWH the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Ariihau PEDRON what a cool name you have!
What happens if you don't have your family or your family have let you down through neglect? I love Jesus but come from a family that was abusive and is not in any way constructive. Where does the church stand on people like me? I'm attending an LDS church, but it is the family issue that is stopping me goinn further; not everybody comes from a good or safe family.
Simon, thank you for your question and comment. The Savior knows that we are all imperfect, this is why He came to Earth. You don't have to be part of a perfect family to belong in His church. Sometimes families are affected due to abuse, neglect, mental health and other factors that are out of our control. Despite of any negative family experiences that you have had in your life, the Savior loves you and wants to help you be happy and better everyday. He cares about the present you and what you are willing to do to come unto Him. We commend you for your efforts in attending church and we invite you to continue doing the things that bring you closer to Christ. If you have more questions or doubts, your local bishop is a great resource to reach out to. Take care!
Im christian but as a christian i can say one thing Mormons are prob one of the mostnicest people i ever met and i really like how they are close to god... Although we have different beleifs in jesus and god.... I enjoy your videos #respect
I have been visiting the LDS church for about 2 months now. The only difference I notice is that they believe that Jesus appeared over here in North America after his Resurrection. Considering that people all over the world believe they have seen Christ in one form or another, this is not too far fetched. They also believe that God still gives messages to people today which is why they have a modern-day prophet. Really no different from the Pope or the way the Jews have their pharisees. Still trying to figure out how the Book of Mormon works and what that is all about but yes, very nice people.
Bruce Balthrope II hi I hope you have seen more differences by now as you fast and pray to receive a confirmation from the Lord Himself
the Priesthood Authority and the Temple teachings and Authority and blessings when required by the laying on of hands
have fun re discovering the Lords purifying forgiving blessings through baptism by one with authority to give you the Gift of the Holy Ghost
chat soon
Bruce Balthrope II Bruce, to answer your question about how the Book of Mormon factors in, we believe that it is another testament of Jesus Christ. We use it in addition to the Bible and other scripture, not in place of as some would believe. We "connect the dots" between the Bible and the Book of Mormon in order to clarify doctrine. Because the Bible has been revised and changed many times, it is difficult to know which version is most accurate, so having the Book of Mormon to compare is very beneficial; its doctrinal message has never been corrupted. If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask! :)
The bOOk of Mormon is great, it written by Joseph Smith who is beleived to be a prophet of god.... thats one big diff from us christians and the Mormons
ID LIKE TO invite you to read the Book after starting at page 529 please do feel free to chat with me
Best neighbors you could have.
Bishops (pastors), seventies, apostles, the prophet, etc. Just like Jesus organized it during his mortal ministry.
But why so much administration for the 21st century?
Family is the most important part!!
Family is eternal and will last forever.
And then many will be led into sin;they will betray and hate one another.Many FALSE PROPHETS will arise and deceive many;..Matt.24:10-11
Neither salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.Acts 4:12
Yahshua Messiah is the same yesterday and today, and forever.Hebs.13:8
" Joseph presided over the church by the voice of the Church. Perhaps it would make some of you stumble, were I to ask you a question--Does a man's being a prophet in this Church prove that he shall be president of it? I answer, no! A man may be a prophet, seer and revelator, and it may have nothing to do with his being the president of the Church. Suffice it to say that Joseph was the president of the Church, as long as he lived. The people chose to have it so. He always filled that responsible station, by the voice of the people. Can you find any revelation appointing him the president of the Church? The keys of the priesthood were committed to Joseph, to build up the Kingdom of God of the earth, and were not to be taken from him in time or in eternity; but when he was called to preside over the Church, it was by the voice of the people; though he held the keys of the priesthood independent of their voice." (Brigham Young, Contributor 10:3) {emphasis mine }Interesting, don't you think?Think about it, if you will, if the Lord gave no revelation that the prophet of the restoration was to be president of the church also (in-addition to being a prophet), then why do people think the Lord would all of sudden give a revelation as to whom should be president of the church after Joseph?" All things shall be done by common consent in the church, by much prayer and faith...." (D. & C. 26:2) {emphasis mine }"For all things must be done in order, and by common consent in the church, by the prayer of faith" (D. & C. 28:13) {emphasis mine }" The elders are to receive their licenses from other elders by vote of the church to which they belong, or from the conferences." (D. & C. 20:63) {emphasis mine } Don't get me started on the previous verse D&C 20:62 (unless you really want me to address it)* Note: In Joseph's day actual "licenses" were given by the elders in a ward to others before others could become elders in that ward. Much much much more could be said about this, and the licenses that were handed to the elected elder (as all edlers are elected and licensed). Remember what I said when I quoted myself about...." When the Patriarchs assemble, each Patriarch is a Sovereign-Lord in his own sphere, BUT, since Sovereigns have gathered together to help each other accomplish things they couldn't do alone (or to accomplish what would be hard to do alone,) they choose from amongst themselves persons to head various efforts of that assembly's business. At no time does any officer in that "business" ( aka "church") have rank over any other Sovereign. Simply, needed managerial positions are filled for their combined efforts. However, no leader in that church has any business telling any other Sovereign ( nor the Queens in that Sovereign's house) what to do in their respective lives; nor can they tell the children of those Lords and Ladies what to do." In-fact, 'licenses' to represent the church (aka "business" ) had to be renewed in Joseph's day. Priesthood does not need to be renewed, PH is a familial matter and has nothing to do with common consent. PH is a family matter and the head of that family and the members of that family deal with PH, but the church is not a family matter; the church IS a common property run by "stake-holders/stock-holders" (the members themselves) and each member has an equal vote in all matters.The mainstream church of today (and the Fundamentalist groups) do not operate this way. Thus they write and preach contrary to the Bible, the Book of Mormon, or the Book of Doctrine and Covenants,"No person is to be ordained to any office in this church where there is a regularly organized branch of the same, without the vote of that church; (D. & C. 20:65) {emphasis mine }" And a commandment I give unto you, that you should fill all these offices and approve of those names which I have mentioned, or else disapprove of them at my general conference. (D. & C. 124:144) {emphasis mine }-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Clearly, from the above quotes we may understand that the leaders of the church at every level are subject to the people who are members of the church. If the members of the church want to bring-back the gospel of Jesus Christ into the church, they will need to remove from office it's current leaders. The church needs to return to the doctrine the prophet Joseph actually taught and lived; and, for which he and his brother Hyrum died.
It doesn't make me stumble. There are some facts concerning the organization that you missed, but I'm not going to argue about it. I noticed that you defended baptism for the dead, and for that you have earned my respect. Let us agree to disagree about the organization of the church. Let us instead agree that Joseph Smith and his brother were good men.
and Mormons is my nice friends and Bob and roy and sister Olivera and Brother Hung Kai Miss Tsang Waldo andy lo Franco III
and my nice foriengers
love you so muchhhhh
So many heresies, so little time, eh?
To any investigators out there - find a Greek Orthodox Christian Church and run from this nonsense.
and holy soul(s) holy angle(s) with Romance Beauty Love Romance and forever young and holy child and forever young and my family Franco III forever and cyclist !
I hope Mormons see the truth one day and become part of the true church that believes in the Trinity and also that they get rid of baptism for the dead and get rid of the book of Mormons which is a false gospel
+dextamartijn Corinthians 15: 29 " Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?" Paul was asking the ancient Christians why do they perform baptisms for the dead if they don't believe in the resurrection. Baptism for the dead is early-Christian doctrine. I dislike the corporate-Mormon church, but have nothing against the gospel Joseph Smith taught. I cans how from the Bible everything Joseph claimed if you want to read it for yourself?
The Trinity was a creation of the early Christian church primarily after Constantine had essentially established the dominant position of Christianity in Rome. He however never settled on an Arian or Trinitarian viewpoint. The primary driver for a Trinitarian view appears to be the need to in turn establish monotheism in an otherwise polytheistic world. Re-read the Bible where Christ is baptised and tell me honestly there's not two free thinking beings enacting separate personas.
The concept of the Trinity was brought about from the Council of Nicea in 325 AD in an attempt to define "God". By then the true knowledge of who God and Jesus Christ were had long been lost to history, the ancient apostles possessed that knowledge, John the Baptist, Peter James and John knew the distinction between God and his Son Jesus Christ. Christ also mentions many times about him sending a "comforter" and during his baptism, the Holy Ghost descended in the form of a dove while a voice declaring from heaven "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" The Trinity is a belief that God, his Son and the Holy Ghost are all manifestations of the same being, somehow mysterious, better to not be understood by the human race. That way the mysteries of God could stay "mysterious". But there's nothing mysterious about God or the members of the "Godhead" if it is plainly stated in the Bible. Being one being, he could not have possibly been all 3 manifestations at the same time. God the Father has a body as tangible as ours, thus we were "created in his image". The Son Jesus Christ has a body of flesh and bone just like we do "handle me and see, for a spirit hath not flesh and bone as ye see me have." He was resurrected, and when that happens, spirit and body reunite, never again to be separated. The Holy Ghost does not have a body like ours, he is a Spirit, and this is how he permeates our bodies, how we are able to feel the Father within us, or God near us. God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are one in purpose, but not in body, so all 3 are separate and distinct, but act in perfect harmony for the salvation of mankind. This is why we believe in a God who is not mysterious, who is like us, and we can become like him. Its not heresy to say that, because, when we are saved in the kingdom of Heaven, that's how we will be, heirs of all that the Father has. This brings God down to a human level, which we are created in his image, and that is the plainest of all speech in the Old Testament that I know of.
baptism was so important that Christ told his apostles after he returned to preach his gospel and to baptise, it's an outward ordinance done to show that you take on Christ, Pauls writing referred to it in a reference about the dead and baptism, if it was so important the, it would be important now, however with restored knoweldge in this dispensation the prophet was able to bring about the baptism for the dead in an orderly way by proxy, it's how it's done, other wise you are not a part of his church