Why Catholics Should not Receive Communion in the Hand - Part 1

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • www.fatima.org/
    Speaker: Father Gruner
    Host: John Vennari
    YQA Episode 055

Комментарии • 140

  • @determinedone3234
    @determinedone3234 4 года назад +20

    Communion on the knees and in our tongue, is more than just good "Etiquette" as some claim. It is a matter of respecting the first commandment. It is a matter of giving God all of our devotion and respect. It is about having a healthy fear and respect for our Lord Jesus. Present in the consecrated Host. Which after consecration by a validly ordained Catholic Priest, it then becomes the real Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. To Him all the Honor and Glory, now and forever. AMEN.

  • @bumblebee5926
    @bumblebee5926 6 лет назад +37

    Traditional mass and ways are the best.

  • @teresabailey7857
    @teresabailey7857 3 года назад +4

    YAY...this advise is heavenly sent! God bless to you my sweet Lord, my Lord of lords my King of Kings!
    God placed The TLM into my heart years ago, but I never made the change until the China Flu.. when my priest would NOT let me and my daughter receive on the tongue any more
    I went to TLM and was lost almost not really understanding it, couldn't relate. Especially because I heard such beautiful things about TLM. I did not see the beauty🤔
    I continued to drive 45 mins. to the church, well.... I started viewing RUclips for my education of TLM. Taylor Marshall had great ones, along with Mass explanations step by step....OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!
    My 16 year old daughter can't really even stomach the new order service any more! And she was an alter server for years since age 9.
    Never will I choose new order over the TLM. We both LOVE 😘🙏 it! God bless all who teach and encourage TLM. I truly believe this is the ONLY ship whose destination, without a doubt us Heaven!! And this is the ship I want my daughter and I to ride on!
    Thank you Father and The Fatima Center, God bless you ALL for teaching TRUTHS!

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  3 года назад

      Thank you for this inspiring comment! God bless you.

  • @paulbany6603
    @paulbany6603 4 года назад +15

    Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen!

  • @patrickhallis3379
    @patrickhallis3379 4 года назад +3

    You have raised a very true and sad practise that got put on the laity by the leaders of the church. They need to revert. The reverence for Holy communion and even the mass has surely nosedived.

  • @btpcmsag
    @btpcmsag 5 лет назад +9

    How many viewers of these videos are aware that both John Vennari and Fr. Nicholas Gruner have gone to their reward years ago? You are looking at voices from the past, which live on.

    • @MichElle-sd6gj
      @MichElle-sd6gj 5 лет назад +3

      Rest in heavenly peace Reverend Father Nicholas and Brother John🙏🏼

    • @Loudes012
      @Loudes012 3 года назад +1

      @@MichElle-sd6gj Yes.One of the few Christians that knew the law of the Church while alive.
      It's terrible that some priests are giving Communion in the hand in the Tridentine Mass because of the Covid19 ongoing crisis and confusion.

    • @Loudes012
      @Loudes012 3 года назад +1

      Even in the Tridentine Mass.Absolutely terrible.
      May God forgive them.

  • @vincentswift7
    @vincentswift7 3 года назад +1

    Sacrilege has to be wilfull like all sin can't be accidental depends on intention

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  3 года назад

      On the contrary, when one sins through negligence or ignorance that are vincible, he remains culpable. God bless you.

  • @dan_m7774
    @dan_m7774 7 месяцев назад +1

    Most Bishops allow receiving in hand. The Priest should not be opposing Church Authority

  • @teresabailey7857
    @teresabailey7857 3 года назад

    So what do we do when our priest does not think like y'all do? He does not want us to teach holy communion class teach the children to receive on the tongue and kneeling.

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  3 года назад +1

      We would urge you to turn to a traditional Mass in your area, and to inform all of your present parishioners of that more trustworthy venue for the Sacraments and all of their other spiritual needs. See the directories published by the SSPX and the Ecclesia Dei groups:

  • @babyangel315
    @babyangel315 9 лет назад +2

    What's wrong with my mom and family? She doesn't agree because she says what about what the Pope and what he says. What does he say about this? Who is our Pope? I know Pope Benedict gave people communion on the tongue, right? I've not heard anything from francis?

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  9 лет назад +2

      Patricia Megbuniwe As of July 2008, Pope Benedict required those receiving Holy Communion from him at papal liturgies to receive on the tongue while kneeling. The Papal master of Ceremonies, Monsignor Guido Marini announced this practice as a new Vatican protocol in L’Osservatore Romano.

    • @janschmidt8431
      @janschmidt8431 9 лет назад


    • @stephennelson299
      @stephennelson299 8 лет назад

      +TheFatimaCenter his Holiness Pope Francis has said that anyone who comes to the altar in a state of Grace to receive Holy Communion should receive it. Whether it be by hand, on the tongue, or kneeling. I currently am going through a learning series at my Parish where our Priest specifically quoted this, and has said that it doesn't matter how you receive the Host. He did, however, caution that should anyone choose to receive by hand- they should be mindful no crumbs are left behind. I do believe it is more reverent to receive on the tongue, but a good point our Priest made is that Jesus did not place the bread that was his body directly into the mouths of his apostles.

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  8 лет назад +3

      +Stephen Nelson
      "Anyone who comes to the altar in the state of Grace" -- Of course the minister of a Sacrament cannot know the state of a person's soul who approaches him for the Sacrament. We cannot even know with certainty the state of our own soul. Saint Paul warns us that we must carefully examine our consciences before receiving Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, lest we add to other mortal sins a worse condemnation by a sacrilegious Communion. (1 Cor. 11:27-31)
      This examination would be meaningless if we did not first endeavor to inform our conscience and to conform it according to the Church's teachings. Otherwise we act according to a bad conscience of the kind described by Saint Paul as a "reprobate sense." (Rom. 1:28) (See the discussion of the Law of Conscience in this moral theology text: archive.org/stream/moraltheologyaco35354gut/pg35354.txt)
      The great scandal of Francis' recent exhortation "Amoris Laetitia" is that it effectively gives the nod to unrepentant public sinners who wish to receive Holy Communion, as if in the realm of their own consciences they could escape the fact of Our Lord's teachings on the indissolubility of marriage. No authority in the Church can give permission to such a travesty.
      "Whether it be by hand, on the tongue, or kneeling." -- The fact that Communion on the tongue remains the law of the Church is officially published in the Instruction called Memoriale Domini, which can be found in the 1969 volume of the Acta Apostolicae Sedis. The official texts of the instruction and an accompanying letter, in Latin and French, are found on pages 541-547 of the A.A.S. here - www.vatican.va/archive/aas/documents/AAS-61-1969-ocr.pdf (The April 3, 1980 Instruction Inaestimablile Donum issued by the same Congregation, by the way, confirms that the Instruction Memoriale Domini is still in effect.)
      We find two unofficial English translations of Memoriale Domini online at these sites:
      In the final section of Appendix V of the first edition (1997) of Fatima Priest (online at www.fatimapriest.com/Appendix5.htm), Father Gruner provided an unofficial translation of the above-mentioned letter of instruction issued by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship (now called the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Worship) to the Conferences of Catholic Bishops which had petitioned the Holy See for permission to allow the practice of Communion in the hand. The letter outlines seven conditions essential to this permission, including that the practice includes no danger of profanation, that it serves to increase the recipient's faith in the Real Presence, and that it incorporates adequate care that no particles of the Blessed Sacrament are lost. But clearly these dangers (of profanation, loss of faith, and desecration of particles) are inseparable from the practice of Communion in the hand. As the law of the Church forbids the sacramental ministers to give Communion in the hand unless these impossible conditions are satisfied, there exists in fact no permission for this grossly sacrilegious practice.
      "[I]t doesn't matter how you receive the Host ... [but] should anyone choose to receive by hand- they should be mindful no crumbs are left behind." -- The Church's true teaching, tradition, and law is the opposite of this statement. It is not lawful for an unordained person to handle the Blessed Sacrament. In his Summa Theologica, St. Thomas Aquinas addresses the question of whether dispensing the Blessed Sacrament belongs to a priest alone. (III Q. 82, A. 3, www.newadvent.org/summa/4082.htm#article3) He answers:
      “The dispensing of Christ's body belongs to the priest for three reasons. First, because, as was said above (Article 1), he consecrates as in the person of Christ. But as Christ consecrated His body at the supper, so also He gave it to others to be partaken of by them. Accordingly, as the consecration of Christ's body belongs to the priest, so likewise does the dispensing belong to him. Secondly, because the priest is the appointed intermediary between God and the people; hence as it belongs to him to offer the people's gifts to God, so it belongs to him to deliver consecrated gifts to the people. Thirdly, because out of reverence towards this sacrament, nothing touches it, but what is consecrated; hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest's hands, for touching this sacrament. Hence it is not lawful for anyone else to touch it except from necessity, for instance, if it were to fall upon the ground, or else in some other case of urgency.”
      We must remember also the solemnly defined dogma of Catholic Faith - affirmed at the Council of Florence (Dz. 698), the Council of Trent (Dz. 876 and 885), and by Pope Benedict XIV (Dz. 1469) - that the whole Christ is contained under each single part of a sacred Host. (See the texts in this online edition of Denzinger’s enchiridion: www.catecheticsonline.com/SourcesofDogma.php)
      Careful studies have demonstrated what common sense tells us (and what all altar boys have witnessed as they assist the priest in purifying a ciborium) regarding the inevitable separation of countless particles of the Blessed Sacrament from the Hosts. See for instance these studies:
      Our advice to you is to have nothing more to do with the unlawful and sacrilegious practice of Communion in the hand, a practice which unavoidably leads to the crime of desecration of the Blessed Sacrament in the many, many lost particles from the Hosts - particles lost through the criminal carelessness and neglect on the part of both the one administering Holy Communion and the one receiving.
      "A good point our Priest made is that Jesus did not place the bread that was his body directly into the mouths of his apostles." -- We wonder what source this priest could have for this information. Possibly his assumption begs the question. Others with different sensitivities have assumed the opposite. (See for instance the paintings of the Communion of the Apostles by Fra Angelico, Poussin, Veronese, Ribera, Giordano, Tintoretto, Tissot, and Hofmann.)

    • @MichElle-sd6gj
      @MichElle-sd6gj 7 лет назад +2

      Your mum might like to celebrate a traditional,Latin Mass where the Priests are so biblical in their homilies & traditional. She can ignore the Pope unfortunately & follow The Holy Bible & what Priests of tradition preach & practice. - browse Dr. V Dodd to know who runs as well as ruins the True Catholic Church. While on the subject, browse gloriapolo.com moiranoonan.com salvationisfromthejews.com k great vids on The Journey Home by Marcus Grodi. Peace.

  • @a.r.4093
    @a.r.4093 2 года назад

    If I see somebody chewing gum or eating a cough drop during Holy Mass (And even potentially approaching Holy Communion while doing so) what is the proper response? Is it to approach them directly, or to say a reparation prayer? A couple priests have given me different advice.

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  2 года назад

      Thank you for this important question which we will submit for response in our Ask Father video series. God bless you.

    • @a.r.4093
      @a.r.4093 2 года назад

      ​@@TheFatimaCenter Thank you, I ask because it unfortunately happens every Sunday Mass pretty much, and it's really distracting for me. Also, I don't want to be committing a potentially serious sin by doing nothing when I see it-- I could really use Father's insight! God bless you as well!

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  2 года назад +1

      @@a.r.4093 Perhaps while we await Father's response you could try to speak privately to those persons and point out that they are breaking their Communion fast by chewing gum. They may be unaware of this fact and may be grateful for your pointing it out to them. (Cough drops are possibly a different matter. If they are taken as medicine, they may not technically break the fast. Many people however seem to take them for the sake of the sweeteners which they contain or as a breath freshener or for the satisfaction of having something in their mouth. In these cases they would clearly break the fast.) God bless you.

  • @dorothyjacobs9972
    @dorothyjacobs9972 5 лет назад +14

    I have always receive my communion in my tounge for several reasons. First I am a traditionalist my hand might be unclean(to receive the consecrated host in my dirty hand it's a no no). I also always go to the priest to receive communion. I am hostile towards ecumenism. Why should we Catholics bend backwards to the Anglicans etc?

  • @quaintcatholiccottage183
    @quaintcatholiccottage183 5 лет назад +33

    We must pray the rosary daily for our blessed church to return to its traditions the way it was intended.

    • @benedict4891
      @benedict4891 3 года назад +1


    • @kayleea8352
      @kayleea8352 3 года назад

      @@benedict4891 I fully agree. It’s always my first petition. We need to keep on begging so that the Lord will answer our prayer. I do not want to partake with this sacrilege but what can you do. We no longer have traditional solemn mass available in our Parishes. My soul is crying out why why why.

    • @benedict4891
      @benedict4891 3 года назад +1

      @@kayleea8352 check your nearest SSPX chapel 😉

    • @PaulDo22
      @PaulDo22 3 года назад +1

      @@benedict4891 SSPX are not in communion. Avoid them.

    • @benedict4891
      @benedict4891 3 года назад +1

      @@PaulDo22 I will not avoid them. Their masses can fufill our Sunday obligations and we can go there.

  • @ChristianSaintSavior
    @ChristianSaintSavior 6 лет назад +18

    Thank you. This is very important to know about, for ALL Catholic Christians.

  • @esferaal
    @esferaal 8 лет назад +19

    Pope Paul VI: "The smoke of hell have entered the Church." Instruction "Memoriale Divini" S.C.para of divine worship, signed by Pope Paul VI on 28 May 1969. Where Monsignor Annibale Bugnini, secretary, deceptively introduced that Communion in the hand also could be received. Annibale Bugnini entered into Freemasonry on April 23, 1963, with the mombre of "Buan".

  • @roger12393
    @roger12393 4 года назад +7

    Why do the priest allow it then? They should know better.All of these changes are ridiculous. Why does the Pope allow it! Thank you for this information.

  • @michaelheffernan4509
    @michaelheffernan4509 4 года назад +8

    Because it's a sacrilege.
    Next question...

  • @yowwwwie
    @yowwwwie 7 лет назад +40

    I'm so glad I listened to this. Why don't they tell you these things in RCIA? I'll now take the Sacrament as you describe. Thank you and God Bless.

    • @robertdelutri8589
      @robertdelutri8589 7 лет назад +2

      yowwwwie : Apostasy in the Novus Ordo church!

    • @weeklyalexa257
      @weeklyalexa257 6 лет назад +4

      RCIA also taught me to receive on the hand! How interesting.

    • @judithconigliaro3731
      @judithconigliaro3731 5 лет назад +6

      Better yet, why didn't they tell us about this at the time of Vatican II? No, they just changed it and simply expected everyone to go along with it. I never receive from a deacon, an EU but only from a priest period!

    • @MichElle-sd6gj
      @MichElle-sd6gj 5 лет назад +2

      I admire your humility🙏🏼

  • @edshakespeare9122
    @edshakespeare9122 2 года назад +3

    My Church still giving Communion in the hand only...

    • @toussaintmaxwell8071
      @toussaintmaxwell8071 Год назад

      Same here. And it's a foul modernist church. If not for unavailability of the Latin Mass here I would have left that church as well.

  • @music-lt1ex
    @music-lt1ex 10 лет назад +27

    Ave Maria

    • @fpp144
      @fpp144 9 лет назад +1

      Ave Maria! Veva Christo Rey!

    • @johnnyutah218
      @johnnyutah218 8 лет назад +1

      +music Sine Labe Originale Concepta

  • @MagicalGirlRose319
    @MagicalGirlRose319 4 года назад +4

    I always believe that it is the wrong thing to do and I refuse to be given by the hand and I never do so for as long as I live

  • @SmithsnMoz
    @SmithsnMoz 3 года назад +3

    REVERENT to receive OUR BLESSED LORD IN THE HOLY EUCHARIST on our knees and directly on the tongue!! 🙏

  • @gorgana5
    @gorgana5 6 лет назад +9

    Yes I think Jesus is less venerated and respected less now then when I was a child. If the priest know all this why does he needs help in giving out communion?

    • @patriciabrower532
      @patriciabrower532 2 года назад

      New world order version...... The smoke of Satan has entered the church and has taken over. Find the book, "The Thunder of Justice" , you,ll find a chapter about him taking over the church. Doesn,t anybody remember the conversation overheard by a pope between God and the devil asking God to give him 75 to 100 years to mess with the Church? Society needs to wake up and quit living for this sinful world and start paying more attention to God and not humanity....

  • @bettye444
    @bettye444 3 года назад +2

    I am so angry in 2020. In my parish communion on the tongue is not absolutely forbidden, but is vigorously discouraged. I just do not go forward anymore as I believe this is a grave offense to God. After all the consecrated host is the Body of Christ. Believing that and knowing my hands are not consecrated, I cannot in good conscience receive in the hand. I am 77 years old and was confirmed Catholic at Easter Vigil in 2014. I was not taught about receiving on the tongue and the priest discouraged it. Once I did learn about 3 years ago, I have never received in the hand again.

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  3 года назад +1

      Congratulations to you for responding in this way to the pressures and misinformation inclining so many confused faithful toward the sacrilegious practice of "Communion in the Hand." Perhaps there is a Traditional Latin Mass offered in your area at which this will not be an issue. God bless you.

    • @nikoniko2241
      @nikoniko2241 2 года назад


  • @rosesanchezlagrimas9413
    @rosesanchezlagrimas9413 3 года назад +1

    Why father you Priests tell the POPE
    because me I really receive the Holy communion by my tongue and kneel down.

  • @batmanhudson4235
    @batmanhudson4235 2 года назад +1

    Why don’t we use Paten’s?? We need to do it right?

  • @user-ht9fr6eh9u
    @user-ht9fr6eh9u 3 года назад +2

    Really feels like two different churches

  • @purgatorean
    @purgatorean 2 года назад

    You can not talk about communicants receiving in their unconsecrated hands without talking about the unconsecrated hands of the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distributing communion. You also cannot encourage kneeling for communion when there are no kneelers or communion rails to help the elderly and the disabled to kneel. Since the communion rails have been removed from most Churches then why not place a couple of simple portable kneelers in the aisle during communion. The altar boys or others can make this happen on most any occasion without any noticeable disruption to the Mass. This would in itself encourage and enable many more people to kneel when receiving Holy Communion. And the Paten should be brought back into use immediately, regardless of communicant kneeling or not.
    If we can introduce small portable kneelers for Holy Communion, then eventually this may even lead to a full return of the Communion Rails. A little here and a little there. At least it would be a move in the right direction. No one would be forced or coerced to kneel on these kneelers, however, why would someone not do so when presented the opportunity? And from the kneeling position it is only natural when looking up at the Priest to receive on the tongue. This is a very easy remedy and would probably catch on like wild fire from parish to parish. Just saying.
    As a side note, in accordance with Redemptionis Sacramentum in chapter VII, paragraphs 154 - 160 the proper term for the laity distributing Holy Communion is NOT “Eucharistic Minister” nor “Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Eucharist”, but specifically it shall be “Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion”. “Minister of the Eucharist” is to be reserved for the Priest alone. And by reason of their ordination, the “Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are the Bishop, the Priest and the Deacon.

  • @jimkilloughy3413
    @jimkilloughy3413 2 года назад

    What makes our mouth more worthy than our hand, nothing. We are not worthy anyway but if you look in the gospels you will see that Jesus walked and associated with the unworthy and was criticized for it.
    The laws of God cannot be changed but the laws of our church can. There's nothing in scripture saying we should not touch the Eucharist, if it was important then it would be mentioned. The fact that the gospels do not say what way Jesus gave it to his disciples speakes volumes. When the woman touched Jesus did he rebuke her, no her bleeding stopped immediately, the healing powers went from
    Jesus to her. What did Jesus say , “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace.”
    Not the words of someone who is angry because someone touched him. We are all
    his children and in my humble opinion he would not mind us touching him.
    God bless you all.

  • @benedictsangriang5801
    @benedictsangriang5801 3 года назад +2

    Forgive all the Priests Lord.

  • @petermacander2061
    @petermacander2061 2 года назад

    I wish Father would write out his speaking points and read from them. He has a habit of scanning thought and speech, initiating ideas and skipping on without completing his points. It is very difficult to follow such ineffective fragmented thinking and speaking.

  • @m_d1905
    @m_d1905 2 года назад

    If so many particles fall off going to the hand wouldn't particls fall as transferred to the mouth? How many go flying when the larger host is broken then trampled on by the priest? If you worry about recipients not consuming the host make them eat it before walking away from the priest. It was turned from the hand to the tounge in the middle ages because some nefarious folks would steal the host to use for sacrilege. Again make the host be eaten before the next person in line gets theirs instead of rushing through as all to often happens. It's supposed to be reverent. I take mine by hand and move just to the right of the priest (because I dare not hold up the line 🙄) then bow my head to the altar (the tabernacle is right behind the altar, or is was) then reverently consume the wafer, cross myself while still facing the altar then with folded hands return to my seat. I'm also physically unable to kneel.

  • @babyangel315
    @babyangel315 9 лет назад +7

    My mom just said I'm full of the devil for wanting to receive the Eucharist on the tongue and she's denying I had supernatural experiences of Love. I felt the True love of Jesus when my confessor said mass at Saint John the Baptist and I did not want to leave him. I received the Holy Eucharist on my tongue and our Lord said I could receive communion! If I haven't quit smoking which I did for 3 days during the darkness of being surrounded by angry jealous demons while enduring the spiritual and real attacks of these demons on me and my loved one then it is the fault of my family for failing to believe, for judging me instead of looking at their own sins. My mom is in error she is too proud and is not following her conscience!

    • @fpp144
      @fpp144 9 лет назад +2

      My sister, you know when Jesus was put on trial they called him blasphemous. So believe in whatever God teaches you. Even if you must defy your parents. But do not defy in anger. Try to make them see the good. Teach them. If a 13 year old boy can tell you this, you can tell them, sister. God bless.

  • @Maya-yp2ey
    @Maya-yp2ey Год назад

    How about those priest who allow the parishioners to receive the Lord on the hand. What’s gonna happen to them Father?

  • @sunhair5499
    @sunhair5499 6 лет назад +3

    "But if the change be so great that the substance of the bread or wine would have been corrupted, then Christ's body and blood do not remain under this sacrament; and this either on the part of the qualities, as when the color, savor, and other qualities of the bread and wine are so altered as to be incompatible with the nature of bread or of wine; or else on the part of the quantity, as, for instance, if the bread be reduced to fine particles, or the wine divided into such tiny drops that the species of bread or wine no longer remain." - Summa Theologica (Question 77, Article 4), St. Thomas Aquinas

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  6 лет назад +2

      The Councils of Florence and Trent did not follow St. Thomas' opinion in this regard. The Council of Florence (in 1439, Dz. 698) teaches, without adding any qualification as to the size of particles after a division of the species, "Under any part of the consecrated host and consecrated wine, although a separation has taken place, Christ is entire." The Council of Trent (in 1551, Dz. 876) likewise teaches: "Christ exists whole and entire under the species of bread and under any part whatsoever of that species." Also from the same Session of the Council of Trent: "If anyone denies that the whole Christ is contained in the venerable Sacrament of the Eucharist under each species and under every part of each species when a separation has been made, let him be anathema." (Dz. 885) And this same teaching was demanded by Benedict XIV in the Profession of Faith which he prescribed for the Maronites in 1743 (Dz. 1469): "Under each species and in each single part of each species, when a division is made, the whole Christ is contained."

    • @marydolan587
      @marydolan587 6 лет назад

      TheFatimaCenter great explanation. Totally true.

  • @babyangel315
    @babyangel315 10 лет назад +6

    Wow! I think you should re-post these important videos.

  • @Starbat88
    @Starbat88 2 года назад

    I've received communion for Years, not even knowing this. Why do priests allow it??

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  2 года назад +1

      Truly it is a criminal situation in the Church. God bless you. fatima.org/news-views/the-truth-about-communion-in-the-hand/

  • @rosesanchezlagrimas9413
    @rosesanchezlagrimas9413 3 года назад +1

    I have a big problem when I go home to the Philippines in our diocese
    the PRIEST JUST GIVE COMMUNION BY HAND. For me it is my persecution.

    • @nikoniko2241
      @nikoniko2241 2 года назад

      🙏 so sorry for you. I understand. God bless you 🙏🙂

  • @markj.beukema2131
    @markj.beukema2131 5 лет назад +2

    There’s going to be a lot of purple in hell.

  • @luxither7354
    @luxither7354 Год назад

    What section or document of Acta Apostolicae Sedis mentions Communion on the tongue?

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  Год назад

      Thank you for this important question. Father Gruner took great pains to demonstrate the fact that Communion on the tongue remains the law of the Church even today, as is officially published in the 1969 Instruction Memoriale Domini. (In the meantime, other documents including the April 3, 1980 Instruction Inaestimabile Donum issued by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship confirm that the Instruction Memoriale Domini is still in effect.)
      In Appendix IV of the book, Fatima Priest (online at fatima.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Fatima-Priest.pdf beginning on page 358), Father Gruner provided an unofficial translation of the above-mentioned Instruction issued by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship to the Conferences of Catholic Bishops which had petitioned the Holy See for permission to allow the practice of Communion in the hand.
      Outside sources are also easily found. The official Latin text of Memoriale Domini, along with an accompanying letter (in French) issued by the same Congregation, is found in the 1969 volume of the Acta Apostolicae Sedis on pages 541-547, here:
      Inaestimabile Donum begins on page 331 here:
      Two unofficial English translations of Memoriale Domini can be found online at these sites:
      and a translation of Inaestimabile Donum here:
      (see paragraph 2 of the Forward).
      A more recent document, the 2004 instruction Redemptionis sacramentum (regulating certain matters to be observed or avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist), also upholds the fact that each of the faithful always has the right to receive on the tongue, and that it is illicit to deny Communion to any of the faithful who are not impeded by law. A subsequent response issued by the same Congregation in July 2009 verified that these facts of Church law remain unaffected during times of pandemic (at that time, the swine flu pandemic). Not surprisingly, however, present-day authority figures are attempting to ignore the law.
      Nevertheless, the law is clear. The permission which is generally understood to exist for “Communion in the Hand” depends on strict conditions requiring that the practice includes no danger of profanation, that it serves to increase the recipient's faith in the Real Presence, and that it incorporates adequate care that no particles of the Blessed Sacrament are lost. But such conditions are manifestly impossible since these dangers (of profanation, loss of faith, and desecration of particles) are inseparable from the practice of Communion in the hand. Clearly, then, as the law of the Church requires Holy Communion to be administered on the tongue unless these impossible conditions are satisfied, there exists in fact no permission for this travesty.
      God bless you.

  • @fouinyff6792
    @fouinyff6792 5 лет назад +1

    I'm probably the only weirdo in this case but I am afraid of dropping the Lord if I am taking it on the tongue. I am just not sure how to open the mouth and are worried about the possibility the priest could put if wrongly and the Holy Eucharist fall on the floor. I would be heart broken if that happens..as the video said, that would be sacrilege. I don't particularly like the latin mass (though I'm happy it is there for peope who prefer it and for theological reasons) but at least there is usually a "plate" to make me feel safe but in a new mass, there is no such a thing.
    The other thing is because I don't know how to do it, I just prefer receive it on the hands such as my mind can fully prepapre and focus on the miracle of receiving Christ. I still have great respect and love for the Eucharist.

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  5 лет назад +1

      Thank you for your comment. We would ask you to consider three critically important factors offsetting the natural inclination which you have to prefer administering Holy Communion to yourself rather than receiving the Sacrament from a sacred minister -- first, the theological impropriety of a layman handling the sacred Species and administering the Sacrament to himself (cf. www.newadvent.org/summa/4082.htm#article3 ); second, the law of the Church (as explained by Father Gruner in this video presentation); and third, the virtual certainty of sacrilege occasioned by such handling with no ablution to safeguard the countless small particles of the Host which may fall or adhere to your palm and fingers (cf. www.latinmassmagazine.com/pdfs/Losing-Fragments-LM-2009-Fall.pdf ).

    • @bethcrawford4896
      @bethcrawford4896 5 лет назад +4

      fouiny ff It’s actually easier than you are imagining. If you simply extend your tongue slightly, when the priest places the consecrated host upon it, it practically sticks like glue just from the moisture of your tongue. Don’t be afraid. It is the devil who is putting that fear in you to handle it yourself, and deny you the proper reverence due to Our Lord. You already seem like you have the proper reverence for Our Lord, so have no fear, do it as He wishes.

  • @benedictsangriang5801
    @benedictsangriang5801 3 года назад

    Forgive me Lord for I do not know the law on receiving Communion in the hand.

  • @DonaldHSmith
    @DonaldHSmith 5 лет назад

    Very interesting but I find Father very hard to understand- he talks way to fast

  • @Jack-bd4ep
    @Jack-bd4ep 4 года назад

    Why Catholics took communion..once in three months,six months,ones a year...when it should be taken once in a weekly?.From your explaination it seems that human can change Gods law anytime you all wish.

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  4 года назад +1

      Once per year is the minimum established by Church Law for receiving Holy Communion. It is unthinkable (and it would be a grave sin) that a Christian would neglect to receive the Holy Eucharist even just once a year during Easter time. Such matters regarding the discipline of the Sacraments fall within the jurisdiction of the Church, but no one has authority to alter the laws of God.

  • @miguelsemidei7619
    @miguelsemidei7619 4 года назад

    Where does this leave the Deacons ? They are not priest.

  • @210SAi
    @210SAi 3 года назад

    If this is an actual ‘rule’ why isn’t it stated as such? It’s my understanding that Pope Benedict XVI chose not to make it a hard and fast practice/rule because he preferred all should willing receive on the tongue and kneeling. He could have easily made sure this was longer an issue and chose not to. Roman Missal #160 (US edition) is the only clarification I have found on this subject matter. Everything else ate just writings by scholars & theologians.

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  3 года назад

      Thank you for your comment. The permission which is generally understood to exist for “Communion in the Hand” depends on strict conditions requiring that the practice includes no danger of profanation, that it serves to increase the recipient's faith in the Real Presence, and that it incorporates adequate care that no particles of the Blessed Sacrament are lost. But such conditions are manifestly impossible since these dangers (of profanation, loss of faith, and desecration of particles) are inseparable from the practice of Communion in the hand. Clearly, then, as the law of the Church requires Holy Communion to be administered on the tongue unless these impossible conditions are satisfied, there exists in fact no permission for this travesty.
      Father Gruner took great pains to demonstrate the fact that Communion on the tongue remains the law of the Church even today, as is officially published in the 1969 Instruction Memoriale Domini. (In the meantime, other documents including the April 3, 1980 Instruction Inaestimabile Donum issued by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship confirm that the Instruction Memoriale Domini is still in effect.)
      In Appendix IV of the book, Fatima Priest (online at fatima.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Fatima-Priest.pdf beginning on page 358), Father Gruner provided an unofficial translation of the above-mentioned Instruction issued by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship to the Conferences of Catholic Bishops which had petitioned the Holy See for permission to allow the practice of Communion in the hand.
      Outside sources are also easily found. The official Latin text of Memoriale Domini, along with an accompanying letter (in French) issued by the same Congregation, is found in the 1969 volume of the Acta Apostolicae Sedis on pages 541-547, here: www.vatican.va/archive/aas/documents/AAS-61-1969-ocr.pdf
      Inaestimabile Donum begins on page 331 here:
      Two unofficial English translations of Memoriale Domini can be found online at these sites:
      and a translation of Inaestimabile Donum here:
      (see paragraph 2 of the Forward).
      A more recent document, the 2004 instruction Redemptionis sacramentum (regulating certain matters to be observed or avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist), also upholds the fact that each of the faithful always has the right to receive on the tongue, and that it is illicit to deny Communion to any of the faithful who are not impeded by law. A subsequent response issued by the same Congregation in July 2009 verified that these facts of Church law remain unaffected during times of pandemic (at that time, the swine flu pandemic). Not surprisingly, however, present-day authority figures are attempting to ignore the law.
      God bless you.

    • @210SAi
      @210SAi 3 года назад

      @@TheFatimaCenter thank you for the links. I fully believe that we should receive reverently on the tongue and would absolutely love the practice of communion rails to return. (I’m a post Vatican 2 adult with no history of communion rails in my lifetime.) I understand completely the importance of this matter. It’s just difficult when the recommendations and teachings aren’t fully followed and no official stance has be taken, especially when Pope Benedict could have done so when he was Pope. It does not seem to me that Pope Francis has any urgency on the matter.

  • @tonym6920
    @tonym6920 2 года назад

    So why did they change it?

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  2 года назад

      Thank you for your question, which the late John Vennari takes up at length in an article found at the link below. It seems that those ultimately responsible for introducing this revolutionary practice intended to destroy the faith of Catholics in the Real Presence. God bless you.

    • @grandeurglory7777
      @grandeurglory7777 Месяц назад

      To compromise to Protestanism?

  • @abd-ix5qd
    @abd-ix5qd 5 лет назад

    What about those layman helping the priest during commnunion also touching the host by hand?

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  5 лет назад +3

      It is part of the same sacrilege, only multiplied many times over.

    • @abd-ix5qd
      @abd-ix5qd 5 лет назад

      @@TheFatimaCenter I am confused now, then why does the priest allow this? In my place, normaly there are lay people who would help the priest giving the host. And I don't see them washing/purifying their hands just as what the priest do. Thanks for this video though.

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  5 лет назад +3

      @@abd-ix5qd The disorders in today's Church are so many and so grave, only Our Lady will be able to remedy them -- when Her requests given at Fatima are heeded and Her Immaculate Heart is formally invoked through the Consecration of Russia. Until then, these persecutions of the Church will continue, as Our Lady of Fatima warned, in punishment for the sins of the world. In the meantime we urge you to adhere exclusively to the traditional rite of Mass. God bless you. sspx.org/en/mass-locator

  • @Snaggleton
    @Snaggleton 4 года назад +4

    I have a strong devotion to the Holy Eucharist (God willing), always receive on the tongue and strongly desire that hand reception is abolished. I'm also an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion and through the health ministry team at our parish, bring the Blessed Sacrament to sick individuals in the local hospital. The priests in the Diocese here are too few and far between to attend to every sick person desiring Holy Communion. Although a corporal work of mercy, should I refrain from volunteering in this ministry so as not to handle the Blessed Sacrament as a lay person?

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  4 года назад +2

      Absolutely. We urge you to have nothing to do with that sacrilegious practice. God bless you.

    • @stjuliaofavila
      @stjuliaofavila 4 года назад +1

      @@TheFatimaCenter It is not sacrilegious. Yes, we should have respect for our Lord but we shouldn't fear Him either. Please watch this video: ruclips.net/video/hQKPjEG0WdU/видео.html It is not a sin to touch Jesus with our hands. But it is more reverent to receive on the tongue. People aren't walking up to receive with the intention of desecrating the Eucharist. They just haven't been taught that it is God. How can it be a sin if they don't know it is or if they don't consent to it? Thank you.

    • @weinerschnitzelrock1
      @weinerschnitzelrock1 4 года назад +1

      Keep giving Holy Communion. Your local Bishop gives permission to your pastor to designate Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. You are doing God's work. Always listen to your local Bishop (in all that is right). Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are approved in the United States.

    • @St_AngusYoung
      @St_AngusYoung 3 года назад

      @@weinerschnitzelrock1 only the priest should be touching the eucharist. Only a priest can consecrate the host so only he should be touching it. If you think that some bishop knows better than someone like St Francis of Assisi then you're kidding yourself champ. So called Eucharistic ministers have no business touching the host. No respect or reverence for Our Lord

    • @weinerschnitzelrock1
      @weinerschnitzelrock1 3 года назад

      The Blessed Mother allowed Simeon to touch the infant Jesus at eight days old when Jesus was presented in the Temple. St.Teresa of Lisieux told us to obey our Bishops. The Church is encouraging laypersons to help their priests when asked. Recent Popes have encourage the frequent reception of Communion. I am a product of my time and place.

  • @catholicleague4648
    @catholicleague4648 10 лет назад +3


  • @jg-yp5he
    @jg-yp5he 4 года назад +1

    What about the time when Jesus was living on earth. Didn't people touch Him with their bare hands. Jesus didn't mind. The ones who touched Him did so with reverence. Excepting of course the ones who killed Him. So receiving communion on the tongue is a man made rule. The act of receiving communion in the hand is more reverential, like holding something so precious in our hands. It's like we are caressing Jesus Himself. Then we gently place the host on our tongues. The host being our Lord. Its not being disrespectful at all. Receiving in the tongue seems disconnected with Jesus. We just open our mouths 'aaaaah' then close it. That's it. No connection. No feeling of reverence. No love exchanged. It does not matter if the practice is being followed since the time of the caveman. If it's wrong it needs to be corrected. The reasons too are rubbish. Also who wants someone else's saliva on our tongues. Priests fingers have by mistake touched my tongue in the past. There's no time to adjust and ensure that the host is placed carefully without touching the tongue. So even for hygienic purposes,God, I am very sure, will not mind. It's God we are talking about. Not some fussed up judgemental man.

    • @TheFatimaCenter
      @TheFatimaCenter  4 года назад +1

      We encourage you to consider just this one aspect of the issue, how rash it is for a layman to arrogate to himself the role of administering this Sacrament -- a role for which Our Lord established the sacred priesthood. A terrible poisoned fruit of the Novus Ordo Mass is that the faithful no longer even recognize a sacrilege when they see it. God bless you.

  • @jimkilloughy3413
    @jimkilloughy3413 2 года назад

    Tradition was to keep holy the sabath on a Saturday. If something is important to God it is in scripture, the fact that it doesn't say in the gospels what way Christ gave the Eucharist then it doesn't matter.
    God Bless you all.

  • @gillesjolicoeur4735
    @gillesjolicoeur4735 7 лет назад

    Seems pretty strange to me that the Catholic Church would not have taken any precautions to get the manufacturers of the hosts to make their product less likely to crumb. In the light of producing a product that so easily crumbs and then accuse the congregation of sacrilege against the Blessed Sacrament. Here we go again blame the victim and accept no responsibility.

    • @btpcmsag
      @btpcmsag 5 лет назад +2

      Dear Gilles, you see, the problem is, no other ingredients are permitted besides wheat flour and water, so asking the "manufacturers" (which are Catholic nuns BTW) to modify hosts to make them less prone to particle separation would be asking them to do the impossible, since all they can do is bake hosts made from wheat flour and water. Period. Maybe you didn't know that. Maybe you still don't.

  • @antonius3745
    @antonius3745 5 лет назад +1

    What a stupid discussion. The communion on the hand is as old as Christianity. St. John Chrystomos talks about the communion on the hands as a usual practice in the 5th century.

  • @ringeradam4575
    @ringeradam4575 7 лет назад +2

    thank god I'm Anglican...

    • @MichElle-sd6gj
      @MichElle-sd6gj 7 лет назад +6

      Catholic or anti-Catholic.

    • @btpcmsag
      @btpcmsag 5 лет назад

      Ringer Adam Remember you wrote that when you go to your Particular Judgment, which will be about two or three milliseconds after your heart stops beating.

    • @traditionalcatholic4275
      @traditionalcatholic4275 5 лет назад

      Angelical is NOT Catholic. Married Priests are NOT Catholic. Angelical/Catholic services are actually PROTESTANT. May as well be a protestant.....