저 파키스탄 사람이랑 하루종일 일 하는데 처음 두 달 동안은 의사 소통이 않되서 그냥 허수아비처럼 일 했어요 근데 삶에 낙이 없더라고요 그 사람이 가끔 영어로 저에게 알아 듣도록 초등학교 수준으로 얘기 하더라고요 그래서 전 영어도 못 하는 것 같은데 저랑 대화를 하고 싶어 하는 것 같았어요 근데 저는 무시 했습니다 말이 않 통하니깐 답답 하기도 하고.... 직장에 외국 사람들만 있어요 가장으로써 직장을 계속 옮겨 다닐 수는 없고 그래서 영어 공부를 하려고 하는데 시간적 여유와 자금이 부족 하더라구요 그거를 그냥 지나가는 말로 콩글리쉬로 "원트 스터디 잉글리시" 라고 했죠ㅎ 근데 이 사람이 가르켜 주겠다고 하네요 그 대신 저 보고 노력해야 한다고 했어요 와 ~ 이 사람 영국 말을 엄청 잘 하고 bbc 기사도 읽더 라고요 깜~ 놀 그 후로 지금 2달째 옆에서 8시간 동안 퇴근 할 때 까지 오로지 영어로 조언합니다 예를 들어 이런 표현은 여기에 쓰는거고 문법 과거형 다 설명 해 주네요 어느 때는 전 날 술 마시고 출근 한 날은 멍 때리는 날도 영어로 ㅎ 그 대신 저도 하루에 2시간 이상 많게는 5시간씩 했습니다 2달 만에 그와 대화 하며 서로 마음을 위로 하고 격려합니다 이제는 그 사람이 같은 동포 같애요 여러분 포기 하지마세요 저도 열심히 하겠습니다 ㅎ
a new library opend right by my place. it is within walking distance so I don't need to drive my car. Before a new library opened, I used to drive almost 30minutes to go there. but now it's so convienent. I can borrow a lot of books when I have free time and I don't need to worry about having with library card because I can use a QR Code through smartphone apps.
We Don't have to worry about anything! 부지런 하신 선생님 덕분에^^ 일찍 시작 하셨네요. 영상 보면서 감사드리며 늘 배우고 연습하면서 웃기도 해요. 선생님 처럼 연음 발음 잘 안되요. 빨리 말 잘 할려면 좀 수고를 해야 되서요.오늘도 감사한 하루이고 내일은 희망입니다. 희망찬 하루 되세요!
항상 감사합니다! 예문) Don't worry. It's not depend on how you pay. you don't have to worry about paying in cash. 걱정하지 마. 너가 어떻게 지불하는지는 상관이 없어. 현금으로 지불하지 않아도 돼. 신경쓸 필요도 없어.
우리집 바로 근처에 식당 하나가 지난주에 폐업을 했어. 걸어서 갈 수 있는 거리였구 거기 음식이 정말 맜있었어. 뭘 먹을까 결정하기 정말 피곤할 때 현금 갖고 거길 가기만 하면 됐었어.먹는거 말고도 걱정할게 너무 많은데 먹는건 그냥 대신 정해져 있었으면 좋겠어 학교 급식소 처럼. A restaurant that was right by my place completely closed last week. It was within walking distance and the food there was really good. I just used to be there having cash with me when I was exhausted trying to decide what to eat. I've gotten enough to worry about without eating so I wish it was just decided for me like a school cafeteria.
1. They have really kind workers. -> The people there are really kind. 2. Working environment here is not good. = Working *conditions* here are not very good 3. They have really good service. -> The service there is very good.
@@cheese_0427 인디안밥 님 ! Thank you for asking that . 영어공부를 시작하긴 했는데 , 신용하 선생님 영어 강의가 어렵긴 하지만 반면 선생님 만큼 영어를 잘 가르치시는 분 만나기 쉽지 않은것 같아요. 인디안 밥 님 처럼 영어를 잘 하시는 분들도 계시고 많이 배운답니다.
숙제 1. 거기는 사람들이 엄청 친절해. 2. 여기는 근무 환경이 별로 좋지 않아. 3. 거기는 서비스가 아주 좋았어. 본문 우리집 바로 근처에 셀프빨래방이 생겼어요. 완전 편리해요. 걸어서 갈 수 있는 거리고요 신용카드로 지불할 수 있어서 현급을 챙겨가는걸 신경쓰지 않아도 되요. 1. The people there are very kind. 2. The working conditions here are not very good. 3. The service there was very good. A new laundromat opened right by my place. It's so convenient. It's within walking distance. and you can pay with your credit card so you don't have to worry about having cash with you.
Thank you for teaching me, Especially, " It's within walking distance from ~" and " You don't have to worry about ~ing" It's very useful sentences . I won't forget that.. Big thank you..!!
👍👍 외워서 써먹을때의 효용이 최고인 완전 유용한 문장들만 알려주시는 선생님~ 늘 감사한마음으로 강의보며 연습하고 있어요 감사합니다~~ A: I've never seen a laundromat before. How about you? B: Me neither. I wish I had one in my neighborhood. If a new laundromat opened right by my place, I wouldn't have to worry about buying a new laundry machine. If it is within walking distance from the subway station, it will be so convenient to get around a city. If I can pay with my credit card while traveling to several countries with different currencies, I won't have to worry about having cash with me.
There was an old Cafe right by my place. But that Cafe was closed. So it’s inconvenient. After 2months, a new Cafe opened there. It’s convenient. I don’t have to worry about going out far away.
Its within walking distance from sth(station) Pay with a credit card you dont have to worry bout ing :~에 대해 신경쓰지 않아도 된다. Have sth with you :sth을 챙기다. A new laundrymat opened right by ma place. Its so convenient. Its within walking distance and u can pay with ur credit card so u dont have to worry bout having cash with u.
A new coffee shop opened right by my place. The coffee and cookies there are very good. It's within walking distance and you can pay with your credit card. So you don't have to worry about having cash with you.
Thank you for your good lesson ! The red hat you wear looks good on you 😀 A new convenience store opened righ by my apartment complex. It's much smaller than I thought. but I usually like to go there to get some snacks and drinks.it's so convenient. every time I go there I pay with my credit card or debit card. I haven't paid in cach yet. and there is a beach that many people visit near my place in summer nearby my place. It's within walking distance. it takes 10 minutes on foot
A new laundromat opened right by my place. It's so convenient. It's within walking distance and you can pay with your credit card so you don't have to worry about having cash with you.
A new icecream stor opened 😋 right by my house. It's so convenient especially here in America. It's within walking distance and you can send your kids on their own. You don't need to worry about them.
The people there is really nice. >The people there are really friendly. "주어-동사 수일치" The work system here isn't that good. >The working conditions here are not very good. "working conditions" The service there was really great. >The service there was very good.
(아파트당첨이 안되었다는 소식을 듣고) 이사갈 걱정안해도 되어서 오히려 좋아 I'm even glad that I don't have to worry about moving out 그건 신경쓸 필요 없어 You don't have to worry about that 운전은 신경쓸 필요없어, 걔가 태워다 줄거야 You don’t' have to worry about driving. He's going to drive us there 신분증 챙겼어? Do you have your ID with you? 출발하기 전에 차키 챙겼는지 확인해 Make sure you have your car key with you before you leave 카드로 결제할 수 있나요? Can I pay with my credit card? 현금으로 결제 해야 되나요? Do I have to pay in cash? 우리집 근처에 내가 매일 조깅하는 멋진 공원이 있어 There's a nice park right by my place where I go jogging every morning 우리집 근처에 일주일에 두번정도 자주 가는 산이 있어 There's a mountain right by my place that I often go to about twice a week
감사합니다🌺 우리집 바로 근처에 노래방이 생겼어. A new karaoke opened right by my place. 완전 좋아. it’s so nice 여기서 걸어서 갈 수 있는 거리고, 신용카드로도 지불할 수 있어서 현금을 챙겨가는 걸 신경쓰지 않아도 돼. it’s within walking distance from here. And you can pay with your credit card so you don’t have to worry about having cash with you. 우리집 바로 근처에 빵집이 생겼어. A new bakery opened right by by place. 정말? 너 거기 가봤어? Really? Have you ever been there? 응, 지하철 역에서도 걸어갈 수 있는 거리야. Yes, it’s within walking distance from the subway station. 거기 가볼래? do you wanna go there? 좋아. Sure. 공원 맞은편에 자전거 렌탈가게가 생겼어. A bicycle rental shop opened across from the park. 신용카드로도 지불할 수 있어서 현금챙기는 걸 신경쓰지 않아도 돼. you can pay with your credit card so you don’t have to worry about having cash with you. 폰잃어버릴 걱정은 하지 않아도 돼. You don’t have to worry about losing your phone. Do you know that a new cafe opened in front of the school? 너 우리 학교 앞에 새로운 카페 생긴거 알아? Really? I didn’t know that. 정말? 나 몰랐어. It’s within walking distance from here. 여기서 걸어갈 수 있는 거리야. you can pay with your credit card. So you don’t have to worry about having cash with you. 신용카드로 지불할 수 있어서 현금챙기는 걸 신경쓰지 않아도 돼. 너 우리동네에 문구점이 새로 생긴거 알아? Do you know that a new stationery store opened in our neighborhood? 아니 몰랐어. No i didn’t know that. 거기에 가 볼래? 여기서 걸어서 갈 수 있는 거리야. Do you wanna go there? it’s within walking distance from here. 그래. Yeah. 근데 거기는 카드로는 지불할 수 없어. oh, but you can’t pay with your credit card. 정말? 나 지금 현금없는데. Really? I only have cash now. 내 카드로 지불할게 I’ll pay with my credit card. 내 카드로 지불했어. I paid with my credit card. 그가 카드로 지불했어. He paid with his credit card.
A new burger place opened right by my best friend's place, I like it so much. I mean it's so convenient. It's walking distance from his place so I can stop by whenever I go over to his place. Moreover, you can pay with your smart phone so you don't have to have cash or even credit card with you
A new Starbucks opened right by my place. It's so glade. It's within walking distance. You can use a siren order, so you don't have to worry about waiting.
A new cafe opened right by my place. It's so convenient. It's within walking distance from my place and I can both pay with my credit card or pay in cash so I don't have to worry about having cash with me.
The atmospere there wasn’t bad The working conditions here are very good The welfare there was very great A new restaurant opened right by the university. It’s so huge. It’s within walking distance and you can’t pay with your credit card so you have to take the money but I’m lazy to walk
a. I think it's going to be good idea to open a new eel restaurant right by my place. b. There isn't an eel restaurant within working distance from my place. c. Do I need to pay with a credit card? d. The other day, I went to a car wash. One of things that I really like is that I can pay in cash. e. You don't have to worry about paying for food.
A new laundromat opened right by place. It was so convenient. It's within walking distance and you can pay with your credit card so you don't have to worry about having cash with you.
A new pc room opened three days ago right by my school It's so convenient It's within walking distance from school But You can only pay in cash so you never forget to having cash with you
A new convenience store opened right by my place. It's so convenient. But it's a little far to walk but you can order delivery through the application so you don't have to worry about walking there.
Did you hear that new barbecue place opened right by our office. It's with walking distance. You cannot pay with your credit card there. Cash only, you know? But you don't have to worry having cash with you today. Beacuse i'm gonna treat you today~!!
둘 다 맞는데 전달하고자 하는 내용이 조금씩 달라요. A new laundromat opened 라고 하면 "문을 열어서 현재 영업중이다" 라는 어감으로 현재 그 상태라는 부분을 강조하고 A new laundromat was opened 라고 하면 겉으로 보이는 해석은 비슷하지만 [ 과거에 있었던 일 ] , [ 역사적 사건 등 ] 의 얘기를 할 때 더 어울리는 표현방식입니다. 😀
A new jim opened right by my place. The people there are so kind. Its within walking distance and you can work out even though jim isnt open. So you dont have to worry about working out regardless of time
A new laundromat opened right by my place it's so convenient. it's within walking distance and you can pay with your credit card so you don't have to worry about having cash with you
A new gym opened right by my place It's so convenient It's within walking distance from subway station and they lend you sportswear So you don't have to worry about having sportswear with you
영상 보기 전 문장: A new self-laundry store just opened near my place. It's very convenient. I can walk there and pay with my credit card. So I don't need to bring cash with me. 영상 본 후 문장: A new laundromat opened right by my place. It’s so convenient. It’s within walking distance and you can pay with your credit card So you don’t have to worry about having cash with you. 응용문장: a new ramen place opened right by my place. it tastes so good and it's within walking distance from your place. So you don't need to worry about driving your car since they don't have enough parking lots. Oh, there's another thing I'd like to tell you. they accept a credit card so you don't have to worry about having cash with you as well.
저 파키스탄 사람이랑 하루종일 일 하는데 처음 두 달 동안은 의사 소통이 않되서 그냥 허수아비처럼 일 했어요 근데 삶에 낙이 없더라고요 그 사람이 가끔 영어로 저에게 알아 듣도록 초등학교 수준으로 얘기 하더라고요 그래서 전 영어도 못 하는 것 같은데 저랑 대화를 하고 싶어 하는 것 같았어요 근데 저는 무시 했습니다 말이 않 통하니깐 답답 하기도 하고....
직장에 외국 사람들만 있어요 가장으로써 직장을 계속 옮겨 다닐 수는 없고 그래서 영어 공부를 하려고 하는데 시간적 여유와 자금이 부족 하더라구요
그거를 그냥 지나가는 말로 콩글리쉬로 "원트 스터디 잉글리시" 라고 했죠ㅎ
근데 이 사람이 가르켜 주겠다고 하네요
그 대신 저 보고 노력해야 한다고 했어요
와 ~ 이 사람 영국 말을 엄청 잘 하고 bbc 기사도 읽더 라고요
깜~ 놀 그 후로 지금 2달째 옆에서 8시간 동안 퇴근 할 때 까지 오로지 영어로 조언합니다 예를 들어 이런 표현은 여기에 쓰는거고 문법 과거형 다 설명 해 주네요
어느 때는 전 날 술 마시고 출근 한 날은 멍 때리는 날도 영어로 ㅎ
그 대신 저도 하루에 2시간 이상 많게는 5시간씩 했습니다 2달 만에 그와 대화 하며 서로 마음을 위로 하고 격려합니다 이제는 그 사람이 같은 동포 같애요
여러분 포기 하지마세요
저도 열심히 하겠습니다 ㅎ
Hey Bro..
You're so awesome...
I don't know exactly who u are.. but
u're gonna make it whatever u want as long as u stick to it.
God bless you!!!
토들러 일상을 영어로 시리즈는 아주 유용합니다. 뭐 하나 버릴것이 없어요. 감사합니다.
a new library opend right by my place.
it is within walking distance so I don't need to drive my car.
Before a new library opened, I used to drive almost 30minutes to go there. but now it's so convienent.
I can borrow a lot of books when I have free time and I don't need to worry about having with library card
because I can use a QR Code through smartphone apps.
어쩜이리 녹음이 깨끗하고 목소리가 편안하게 들리는지 여러번 들었지만 오늘 또 새삼스레 느껴지네요. 아~~~좋다~~~ 공부하기 딱이예욤.
섬세하고 자상한 설명 정말 멋지세요~
자주 보러올게요^^
광고다보기로 보답했어요 보잘것없지만..늘 감사드려요😍😍😍
🌳오늘도 감사합니다, 즐겁도 행복한 주말되셔요~💚
아침에일어나면 일과시작이 샘강의 듣기부터이죠
어떻게 이런일이 있을수있나요 지금은 제법잘들리고요 그래서 더욱 힘이 납니다
건강도 잘챙기시고요 늘 항상 함께 해요 ♡~
감사합니다 선생님 ♡
오늘도 영어 공부!!! 정말 감사합니다 ㅎ
YOU are the ONE!!!!!!
We Don't have to worry
about anything!
부지런 하신 선생님 덕분에^^ 일찍 시작 하셨네요. 영상 보면서 감사드리며 늘 배우고 연습하면서 웃기도 해요. 선생님 처럼 연음 발음 잘 안되요. 빨리 말 잘 할려면 좀
수고를 해야 되서요.오늘도 감사한 하루이고 내일은 희망입니다. 희망찬 하루 되세요!
선생님 실력이 나날이 좋아지고 있어요 진심으로 감사합니다
매우 유용합니다.
바로 집 근처 : *right by my place. *
* It's within walking distance
* to Pay WITH your credit card / to Have(having) something(cash) with you.
우리집 바로 근처에 셀프빨래방이 새로 생겼어요.
완전 편리해요. 걸어서 갈 수 있는 거리고요. 신용카드로 지불할 수 있어서
현금을 챙겨가는 걸 신경쓰지 않아도 돼요
within walking distance!!! 정말 쓸 경우 많은데 유용한 표현! 감사합니다 🙏❤️
감사해요 선생님! 멋진 한주 되세요~~^^
쌤 넘 좋아여 공부잘돼 채고채고👍
라이브 아카데미는 저에겐 좀 어려웠는데 토들러 생겨서 잘 보고 있습니다.~~
항상 감사합니다!
예문) Don't worry. It's not depend on how you pay. you don't have to worry about paying in cash.
걱정하지 마. 너가 어떻게 지불하는지는 상관이 없어. 현금으로 지불하지 않아도 돼. 신경쓸 필요도 없어.
어제 영어공부 하다가 알듯 말듯 어떻게 의역 된 건가 하는 숙어가 있었는데 샘 강의에서 설명을 듣게 됐네요.감사합니다~^^ 샘 목소리가 신뢰감입니다♡
좋은 영상 감사합니다.
Thanks a lot...
항상 좋은 강좌 올려 주셔서 감사합니다. 잘 보겠습니다.
우리집 바로 근처에 식당 하나가 지난주에 폐업을 했어. 걸어서 갈 수 있는 거리였구 거기 음식이 정말 맜있었어. 뭘 먹을까 결정하기 정말 피곤할 때 현금 갖고 거길 가기만 하면 됐었어.먹는거 말고도 걱정할게 너무 많은데 먹는건 그냥 대신 정해져 있었으면 좋겠어 학교 급식소 처럼.
A restaurant that was right by my place completely closed last week. It was within walking distance and the food there was really good. I just used to be there having cash with me when I was exhausted trying to decide what to eat. I've gotten enough to worry about without eating so I wish it was just decided for me like a school cafeteria.
The people there are really kind.
The working conditions here are not very good.
The service there was great.
일상 영어로 말하기에 주옥 같은 표현들....ㅠㅠ 감사드립니다🙏
1. They have really kind workers.
-> The people there are really kind.
2. Working environment here is not good.
= Working *conditions* here are not very good
3. They have really good service. -> The service there is very good.
정주행으로 하루에 한강의씩 듣고 복습하고 있어요 좋은 강의 감사합니다 ^^
일상영어~~시리즈 벌써8번째네요
쌤의 일상을 이야기하는거라 더재밌고, 유익해요 ㅎㅎ
항상 좋은강의 감사합니다 ~🙂
일상영어는진짜꿀수업이예용~~몇년전볼땐 어려웠는데지금은 재밋어서 교재보다 영상을더보게되네요. 감사합니다
토틀러 내용도 너무 좋아서 선생님 강의는 하나도 놓치지 않을려고 하고 있습니다.언젠가는 영어를 잘 할수 있는날이 올거라 믿으며...
우와 제니코님, 요즘 라이브스트리밍할때 보던 익숙한 아이디인데 3년전부터 열심히 하셨군요! Respect!!
@@cheese_0427 인디안밥 님 ! Thank you for asking that . 영어공부를 시작하긴 했는데 , 신용하 선생님 영어 강의가 어렵긴 하지만 반면 선생님 만큼 영어를 잘 가르치시는 분 만나기 쉽지 않은것 같아요. 인디안 밥 님 처럼 영어를 잘 하시는 분들도 계시고 많이 배운답니다.
좋은 표현 배웠습니다.
아침 출근하자마자 공부했어요~~
선생님 오늘도 감사합니다!!
일상 넘 좋아요 넘나 유용해요 ^^
설명 넘넘 잘하세요!
늘 감사히 시청하고 있습니다.
1. 거기는 사람들이 엄청 친절해.
2. 여기는 근무 환경이 별로 좋지 않아.
3. 거기는 서비스가 아주 좋았어.
우리집 바로 근처에 셀프빨래방이 생겼어요.
완전 편리해요. 걸어서 갈 수 있는 거리고요 신용카드로 지불할 수 있어서 현급을 챙겨가는걸 신경쓰지 않아도 되요.
1. The people there are very kind.
2. The working conditions here are not very good.
3. The service there was very good.
A new laundromat opened right by my place.
It's so convenient. It's within walking distance. and you can pay with your credit card so you don't have to worry about having cash with you.
아침마다 틀어놓고 나갈 준비해요~ 저의 하루의 시작을 함께 하는ㅎㅎㅎ 항상 감사합니다!!!
감사합니다. 출근길에 잘보고 갑니다. 썸네일에 문장 있어서 미리 영작해보기 좋네요.
Thank you for teaching me,
Especially, " It's within walking distance from ~" and " You don't have to worry about ~ing"
It's very useful sentences . I won't forget that.. Big thank you..!!
유익한 영상 감사합니다 :D
빨모쌤의 강의 중 9개의 강의를 마무리 했습니다! 짝짝짝👋🤚👋🤚👋🤚👋
빨래방이라는 표현을 자주 사용해서 사전으로 검색해서 그냥 맞거니 영어로 썼었는데 쌤 덕분에 더 알맞은 단어를 알게 되었어요! 감사합니다! 이번 강의 완전 세심했어요👍👍👍👍
2:56 coin laundry
3:50 right by
4:38 걸어갈수있는거리
5:24 pay with
7:28 신경
8:18 소지
설마 같은 동네에 살고 계신건 아니겠죠?😲..저희 동네에도 최근에 빨래방이 생겨서..ㅋ
고맙습니다 선생님^^💗
👍👍 외워서 써먹을때의 효용이 최고인 완전 유용한 문장들만 알려주시는 선생님~
늘 감사한마음으로 강의보며 연습하고 있어요 감사합니다~~
A: I've never seen a laundromat before. How about you?
B: Me neither. I wish I had one in my neighborhood. If a new laundromat opened right by my place, I wouldn't have to worry about buying a new laundry machine.
If it is within walking distance from the subway station, it will be so convenient to get around a city.
If I can pay with my credit card while traveling to several countries with different currencies, I won't have to worry about having cash with me.
thank you for your teach
9:55 09:59 10:02
It's easy for me to study every day now that you are organized. Thank you so much.~~~^^
There was an old Cafe right by my place. But that Cafe was closed. So it’s inconvenient. After 2months, a new Cafe opened there. It’s convenient. I don’t have to worry about going out far away.
이번주 외울거에요.. #9는 28초 걸렸어요 왕기초한테는 진짜 쌤억양따라 외우는게 짱이네요.. 이번주도 행복한 한주 되세요.🤗🤗🤗
Its within walking distance from sth(station)
Pay with a credit card
you dont have to worry bout ing
:~에 대해 신경쓰지 않아도 된다.
Have sth with you
:sth을 챙기다.
A new laundrymat opened right by ma place. Its so convenient. Its within walking distance and u can pay with ur credit card so u dont have to worry bout having cash with u.
A new coffee shop opened right by my place. The coffee and cookies there are very good. It's within walking distance and you can pay with your credit card. So you don't have to worry about having cash with you.
Thank you for your good lesson ! The red hat you wear looks good on you 😀
A new convenience store opened righ by my apartment complex. It's much smaller than I thought.
but I usually like to go there to get some snacks and drinks.it's so convenient.
every time I go there I pay with my credit card or debit card. I haven't paid in cach yet.
and there is a beach that many people visit near my place in summer nearby my place. It's within walking distance. it takes 10 minutes on foot
A new laundromat opened right by my place. It's so convenient. It's within walking distance and you can pay with your credit card so you don't have to worry about having cash with you.
A new icecream stor opened 😋 right by my house. It's so convenient especially here in America. It's within walking distance and you can send your kids on their own.
You don't need to worry about them.
The people there is really nice.
>The people there are really friendly. "주어-동사 수일치"
The work system here isn't that good.
>The working conditions here are not very good. "working conditions"
The service there was really great.
>The service there was very good.
(아파트당첨이 안되었다는 소식을 듣고) 이사갈 걱정안해도 되어서 오히려 좋아
I'm even glad that I don't have to worry about moving out
그건 신경쓸 필요 없어
You don't have to worry about that
운전은 신경쓸 필요없어, 걔가 태워다 줄거야
You don’t' have to worry about driving. He's going to drive us there
신분증 챙겼어?
Do you have your ID with you?
출발하기 전에 차키 챙겼는지 확인해
Make sure you have your car key with you before you leave
카드로 결제할 수 있나요?
Can I pay with my credit card?
현금으로 결제 해야 되나요?
Do I have to pay in cash?
우리집 근처에 내가 매일 조깅하는 멋진 공원이 있어
There's a nice park right by my place where I go jogging every morning
우리집 근처에 일주일에 두번정도 자주 가는 산이 있어
There's a mountain right by my place that I often go to about twice a week
09:28 듣고 따라하기
우리집 바로 근처에 노래방이 생겼어.
A new karaoke opened right by my place.
완전 좋아.
it’s so nice
여기서 걸어서 갈 수 있는 거리고, 신용카드로도 지불할 수 있어서
현금을 챙겨가는 걸 신경쓰지 않아도 돼.
it’s within walking distance from here. And you can pay with your credit card so you don’t have to worry about having cash with you.
우리집 바로 근처에 빵집이 생겼어.
A new bakery opened right by by place.
정말? 너 거기 가봤어?
Really? Have you ever been there?
응, 지하철 역에서도 걸어갈 수 있는 거리야.
Yes, it’s within walking distance from the subway station.
거기 가볼래?
do you wanna go there?
공원 맞은편에 자전거 렌탈가게가 생겼어.
A bicycle rental shop opened across from the park.
신용카드로도 지불할 수 있어서 현금챙기는 걸 신경쓰지 않아도 돼.
you can pay with your credit card so you don’t have to worry about having cash with you.
폰잃어버릴 걱정은 하지 않아도 돼.
You don’t have to worry about losing your phone.
Do you know that a new cafe opened in front of the school?
너 우리 학교 앞에 새로운 카페 생긴거 알아?
Really? I didn’t know that.
정말? 나 몰랐어.
It’s within walking distance from here.
여기서 걸어갈 수 있는 거리야.
you can pay with your credit card. So you don’t have to worry about having cash with you.
신용카드로 지불할 수 있어서 현금챙기는 걸 신경쓰지 않아도 돼.
너 우리동네에 문구점이 새로 생긴거 알아?
Do you know that a new stationery store opened in our neighborhood?
아니 몰랐어.
No i didn’t know that.
거기에 가 볼래? 여기서 걸어서 갈 수 있는 거리야.
Do you wanna go there? it’s within walking distance from here.
근데 거기는 카드로는 지불할 수 없어.
oh, but you can’t pay with your credit card.
정말? 나 지금 현금없는데.
Really? I only have cash now.
내 카드로 지불할게
I’ll pay with my credit card.
내 카드로 지불했어.
I paid with my credit card.
그가 카드로 지불했어.
He paid with his credit card.
오 처음 배우는 거에요!!
A new burger place opened right by my best friend's place, I like it so much. I mean it's so convenient. It's walking distance from his place so I can stop by whenever I go over to his place. Moreover, you can pay with your smart phone so you don't have to have cash or even credit card with you
You don’t have to worry about ing = All you have to do is...vice viesa?? thanks a lot....every time...👍
A new Starbucks opened right by my place.
It's so glade.
It's within walking distance.
You can use a siren order, so you don't have to worry about waiting.
A new cafe opened right by my place. It's so convenient. It's within walking distance from my place and
I can both pay with my credit card or pay in cash so I don't have to worry about having cash with me.
신경쓰지 않아도 돼요.
The atmospere there wasn’t bad
The working conditions here are very good
The welfare there was very great
A new restaurant opened right by the university. It’s so huge. It’s within walking distance and you can’t pay with your credit card so you have to take the money
but I’m lazy to walk
A new laundomat opend right by my place. It's within walking distance. you don't have to worry about-신경쓰다. having cash with you.
right by my place
a. I think it's going to be good idea to open a new eel restaurant right by my place.
b. There isn't an eel restaurant within working distance from my place.
c. Do I need to pay with a credit card?
d. The other day, I went to a car wash. One of things that I really like is that I can pay in cash.
e. You don't have to worry about paying for food.
A new laundromat opened right by place. It was so convenient. It's within walking distance and you can pay with your credit card so you don't have to worry about having cash with you.
A new pc room opened three days ago right by my school
It's so convenient It's within walking distance from school
But You can only pay in cash so you never forget to having cash with you
A new convenience store opened right by my place.
It's so convenient. But it's a little far to walk but you can order delivery through the application so you don't have to worry about walking there.
Did you hear that new barbecue place opened right by our office. It's with walking distance. You cannot pay with your credit card there. Cash only, you know? But you don't have to worry having cash with you today. Beacuse i'm gonna treat you today~!!
아직 영어 왕초보자라 궁금한 것이 하나 있는대요^^;
A new laundromat opened 이것이 A new laundromat was opened 일꺼라고 생각했었거든요 (수동태형식이요)
둘 다 맞는데 전달하고자 하는 내용이 조금씩 달라요.
A new laundromat opened 라고 하면 "문을 열어서 현재 영업중이다" 라는 어감으로 현재 그 상태라는 부분을 강조하고
A new laundromat was opened 라고 하면 겉으로 보이는 해석은 비슷하지만 [ 과거에 있었던 일 ] , [ 역사적 사건 등 ] 의 얘기를 할 때 더 어울리는 표현방식입니다. 😀
@@LA-TDLR 감사합니다^^ 읽어보면서 "아하!"했어요^^
2:29 강의시작
2:29 / 9:28/ 9:43 / 09:56
A new cake shop opened right by my school so I don’t have to go far anymore it’s so convenient it’s within walking distance
You can pay with your credit card 에서 you your가 당신이아니라 모두를 대표하는 소유격 자리 채우기위해 쓰임
A new jim opened right by my place. The people there are so kind. Its within walking distance and you can work out even though jim isnt open. So you dont have to worry about working out regardless of time
pay with ~ 로 계산하다
have(무엇) with you(자신) ~을 챙기다, 실질적으로 몸에 소지하고 있다. have a phone with me
working conditions 근무 환경
right by 바로 옆에
A new laundromat opened right by my place
it's so convenient. it's within walking distance and you can pay with your credit card so you don't have to worry about having cash with you
A new gym opened right by my place
It's so convenient
It's within walking distance from subway station and they lend you sportswear
So you don't have to worry about having sportswear with you
영상 보기 전 문장:
A new self-laundry store just opened near my place. It's very convenient. I can walk there and pay with my credit card. So I don't need to bring cash with me.
영상 본 후 문장:
A new laundromat opened right by my place. It’s so convenient. It’s within walking distance and you can pay with your credit card So you don’t have to worry about having cash with you.
a new ramen place opened right by my place. it tastes so good and it's within walking distance from your place. So you don't need to worry about driving your car since they don't have enough parking lots.
Oh, there's another thing I'd like to tell you. they accept a credit card so you don't have to worry about having cash with you as well.
일상영어 첫영상수업부터 듣고있는데 이전수업은 어디서 볼수있나요? 이전수업7번째 듣고난뒤 할수있는 숙제가 아닌데 ㅠ
You dont worry about having cash with you 흠 날마다그라고살믄 얼매나 좋을까 쌤
don't have to 대신에 don't need to 써도 되나요?
right by 대신 right next to 라고 써도 되나요 ???
이거 책으로도 나오나요?
가끔 적어놓고 외우기도 하고싶은데 적어논거 담에 못찾아요
책나오면 일등으로 사겠음돠
Oct, 4 2024 @5:00 AM Day-56
A convenient store is right by my place. It's so close. It's within walking distance. Ah, you don't have to worry about room cleaning. I'll do it.
혹시 근무환경 만들때. work environment 와 working conditions 에서 work conditions 나 working environment 라고 안쓰는이유가있다면 이유를 알수있을까요?
여기..지난영상이 뭐죠??