very beautifull ! I presented san-dan few days ago in Vienna, was supposed to be 4th but some people didn't show up and i ended up second of my sharei, i feel you, being ochi of a shinsa sharei must be very difficult. You'll get it next time !!!
Yeah it was absolutely killer. Especially because I broke my leg very badly when I was in junior high school, so now, even cold weather sends shooting pains down my leg, let alone sitting in kiza for 10+ minutes 😭😭😭
That's a small dojo, you where still enetering when the rest was already lining up at the honza, that seemed to translate into not being lined up with the rest of the tachi when you went down to kiza unless your Omae missed the line and you had to correct your position relative to them. The Yonban before you was a tad slow on everything, I hope they don't count that against you :/ that hakama catch before the otoya I felt that XD must have been really stressful. In the tachi after you the Ochi has the same issue with getting to the honza in time, this is a small dojo! Also your left elbow drops a bit to much when waiting for your shot. I hope you make it next time!
very beautifull ! I presented san-dan few days ago in Vienna, was supposed to be 4th but some people didn't show up and i ended up second of my sharei, i feel you, being ochi of a shinsa sharei must be very difficult. You'll get it next time !!!
Oh man. Your legs must’ve been on fire after being the last person.
Yeah it was absolutely killer. Especially because I broke my leg very badly when I was in junior high school, so now, even cold weather sends shooting pains down my leg, let alone sitting in kiza for 10+ minutes 😭😭😭
@@kurikurinton why don't you take Rissha instead?
That's a small dojo, you where still enetering when the rest was already lining up at the honza, that seemed to translate into not being lined up with the rest of the tachi when you went down to kiza unless your Omae missed the line and you had to correct your position relative to them. The Yonban before you was a tad slow on everything, I hope they don't count that against you :/ that hakama catch before the otoya I felt that XD must have been really stressful.
In the tachi after you the Ochi has the same issue with getting to the honza in time, this is a small dojo! Also your left elbow drops a bit to much when waiting for your shot. I hope you make it next time!
辛い事言うようでm(__)m 大前はイケてた気がしましたが詰合伸び合いの方向性が違う様な😅離れた時 体がブレるのは伸び合えていない
跪坐の時左拳が高い 四番の跪坐の姿勢素敵です 四番は体格に恵まれてます三番と落は体格が劣ってるわけでは無い 腰を活かす事により差をカバーする事が出来ます更に言えば、強い弓を引くような射をすると身体が実寸代よりも大きく見えます
🌰チャン所の高橋ノリダー先生と愛知一宮故魚住先生故高木先生の射を見比べるとわかりやすいです 高橋先生 羽島の渡邉俊夫先生との体格差も参考になります😅
故魚住先生故高木先生は尾州竹林流検索するとでてきます あのよ行かなくても🆗