kak mau tanya, Adam 6052 ini saat saya konek kan ke RTU Adam 3600 kok tertulis device error itu kenapa ya kira kira? padahal IP yg dimasukkan ke RTU juga sudah sesuai dg IP nya 6052. mohon bantuannya 🙏
i have button that will b connected to adam 6052 dry contact input. the button press duration is less than 100ms. the adam 6052 will be connected to the ECU using modbus tcp protocol. my application will get the button pressed state via ECU REST API and polls every 1 sec. how can the ECU and ADAM be configured so that the application dont miss the button presessed state?
kak mau tanya, Adam 6052 ini saat saya konek kan ke RTU Adam 3600 kok tertulis device error itu kenapa ya kira kira? padahal IP yg dimasukkan ke RTU juga sudah sesuai dg IP nya 6052. mohon bantuannya 🙏
i have button that will b connected to adam 6052 dry contact input.
the button press duration is less than 100ms. the adam 6052 will be connected to the ECU using modbus tcp protocol. my application will get the button pressed state via ECU REST API and polls every 1 sec. how can the ECU and ADAM be configured so that the application dont miss the button presessed state?