As a somewhat older guy, I can attest that this is 100% true. Ignoring women and the ability to walk away from a relationship is a man's greatest leverage with women.
@@daver1161 ok boy. you remind of the chirpy at the office fresh out of college who thinks they know diddly cause they read a few text books and typed up a few essays. "IF" we don't know what your going through, that's cause the young males of today woulda gotten their butts kicked for being such p#$$&@s
I'd like to add, don't ignore them just to ignore them. Actually keep yourself busy. Workout, study, take care of yourself. You can be so much more productive when not answering texts all day.
@a human body with internet access completely agree. If you actually have to try to "ignore" and it's not just naturally happening then you're doing it for the wrong reason. Need to re-evaluate how much you and your time are worth
Ya agreed when I was younger I ignored them on purpose and played other games to bring them in, but now I just ignore them bc I am typically busy. I will admit I was a bit of a scumbag back in the day, but I became that way somehow like most guys who are like that and it is typically bc of a woman. Now I am pretty straight forward when dating of what I want and expect.
I teach them to not waste my time with endless texting. A quick phone call is mostly way more efficient. And actually being busy yourself is of course the best thing.
Ignoring women is easy, especially if they are very beautiful. I ignore them because i know they would reject me and i dont want to give them the joy of embarrassing me.
@@proudmemberatchaddigangcha8962 it's true though, I hate it when you go to gyms and girls walk in and deliberately workout close to you and you just have to give them the extreme hard ignore. It's genuinely annoying.
Unless I'm gonna talk to a broad, I ignore. When u check her out, even on the sly, and she doesn't look at u at all, you've just given all your power to her. It was sucked out like a vacuum and it feels horrible.... to me anyway
The key to being successful with all women. Looks matter, no matter how much they put on their profile "i'm looking for communication, and feelings, blah blah blah". No, it's all about looks, lady. That's why you continue to put yourself in shitty situations with shitty men.
@@toddjohnson271 That may work, but it would likely be negligible. I'm confident in saying that it doesn't matter if you have the stature and looks as Danny DeVito; no amount of compensation in other departments will make you considerably more attractive to most women. You either have the stuff or you don't.
@@remowilliams7029 yes but no, you're not ignoring them for the sake of ignoring them or to play a psychologic trick, but because yourself needs to always come first.
@@forben3523 @Forben That's only part of the equation. I am an attractive dude and still pull girls at 26 but been working at cafes in Hawaii since I was 19 and never prioritized money. I can see how being poor compared to nerdier dudes my age led to less interest from 25-35 year old girls. They didn't care when I was 22 still give it up, but now its a big deal lmfao luckily I don't wanna spend a dime on them either way. So its either 18-22 or 34-29 (just post wall) for me. What I'm gettin at man is I think they're mostly in it for your lifestyle and image which includes your attractiveness but for dudes its that 99% for chicks I bet its like 25% - 50%
@UC-y6qegqqxbBI1lmrc9vNpg Exactly so many examples of a lard marrying some fire model similarly some good lookin broke dudes I regularly see with fugly chicks
I mean, this is why I dropped out of the dating scene. A lot of modern women are insane narcissist that ironically, like being ignored and abused. When in college, I'd have women compliment me for my intelligence, and I'd tell them how grateful I am and what a considerate comment it was, compliment them back, and they'd lose interest and say they never give their number out to any men. Next week, I'd see the same woman complimenting a guy saying how smart he is and he basically just said "Yeah, whatever, you're actually just too stupid to keep up with me" and she immediately broke out laughing and begged him to give her his number, lmao. For some reason, modern women think "busy and uninterested" means husband material, and "kind and thoughtful" means creepy loser. No wonder they end up with abusive relationships 90% of the time.
They want to win the big prize that can pick any woman but picks her. Then they think he will be loyal and stay with her. That's not how it works. But all nature intended was for him to put his seed in her.
When you ignore her, you will find out whether she cares about you or not. Either she will endlessly try to regain your attention or you won’t hear from her again. Either way, you win! So just keep busy by focusing on yourself, your studies, work ethic and goals for the future and the right person will see your potential without you having to convince or express yourself to be in someone’s life.
@@Woodsaras This ain’t mind games. You seem like you are completely getting the wrong end of the stick. If it doesn’t happen naturally, then it isn’t worth it
This is 100% on point lol. I kinda liked one woman, had a crush on her, so I tried so much to talk to her even when I felt she was ignoring me. No worries, after a bit I began talking to literally every other girl there but her. Not to get at her, but because she showed she's not available. Boy did that do something to her, she's now trying so hard to talk to me now, even sent me a request on Instagram (which I ignored lol). You lost your chance and I'm no longer interested in talking to you.
I disagree, as irrational as it can be, I could see women prefer way more to keep control on unattractive men than see them escape from their sex-appeal. A swarm of eunuchs boost their ego, even if she despises them. Women can't live without validation of ALL men, while she sleeps only with a very few of them
They think you’re paying attention to them anyway. That’s how self-important they are. If you even speak to one you don’t know, in their minds you’re hitting on them. It’s the funniest sh!t I’ve ever seen.
@@Willie_Wahzoo i know what your talking about, you will be making brief eye contact with them and they instantly think you're about to approach them. At first it use to piss me off but now i find it hilarious.
It's fun playing that game. You cold approach and hit them with a tourist information question, or anything highly impersonal, and they expect it to be just another chat up line, but then you just leave. LOL Attention is a powerful weapon if you know how to use it.
Similar to the no-contact rule which is a game changer and something all young men should be made aware of. I have found ignoring women works very well for getting them interested - the problem is I'm ignoring them *because* I'm not interested.
Been getting emails from these "ladies" that have been obsessed with getting company from me of all people, even though I have no flipping idea who these women are and ain't in any position to want any reason whatsoever to go somewhere like for instance Marinatta for example. Heck, every single time I responded asking *why* they're asking me of all people and *what* makes them think this would happen during a pandemic, they *never* *ever* directly answer that question before I decide *f***-it* and just block them.
… at some point it‘s getting ever more difficult to appreciate an individual person rather than to relate to an instance of certain category … i.e. one starts to see | listen through foreground sugaring.
True story.... So I was at a bar sitting next to this smoke show 9/10. I start talking her up and she basically talks about herself for 20 minutes. She's talking about banging her BFs roommate, doing drugs and stuff like that. Total narcissist. She never once asked me anything...not my name or what I do or anything! I got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore so I just turned my chair and faced the other direction. She got noticeably pissed about it and made that disgusted exhaling sound and left soon after. So shortly after that some dude comes over and taps me on the shoulder. He said, "Hey, do you see those two across the bar?" He was pointing at this unattractive red head chick and some nerdy guy. I thought to myself "great...he's gonna set me up that red head chick." He said "that's my wife over there." I was like "uh, ok?" He said "that guy sitting next to her wants to know if you wanna go on a date with him?" I said "HUH? Dude I'm not gay!" He said "Sorry man! We weren't implying anything but we noticed you completely ignored that hot chick so we thought you might be gay." I said "No! She was a total B so I just ignored her!" We all got a laugh out of it.
I had a girl tell me I didn't contact or write her enough. She said that if I wanted the best from her, I had to write her ever day. So I did the opposite: I completely ignored her. She came back, started writing me, and became more affectionate. Always do the opposite of what women tell you they want from you.
@nealmccoy5727 idk man that sounds depressing and like a generalization. Call it cope but I don't believe everyone of the opposite gender behaves like this. The question then is , what percentage and how to tell if a girl is like this. I'd rather not play games and get involved with trouble.
I did this 2 days ago when my girlfriend broke up with me after an arugment. I never pleaded nor called or texted persistently. I asked her if we could work things out, but she blocked me right away and I kept my silence. I gave her the breakup that she wanted. A day and a half later she unblocked me and wanted me back... so yeah, doing the "no contact" approach or by selectively and/or periodically ignoring women, you do regain a lot of power and you keep your dignity intact. No real man disrespects himself and pleads.
@@alessbritish228 No. That wasn't advice. I was only trying to explain that I share Alex's same issue in that I learned how to ignore the ladies (who I was interested in), who were ignoring me.
@@alessbritish228 I have learned to ignore them by being more productive in and out of work. For instance, learn new knowledge and develop new skills (such as learning how to fix your home or car), spend more time with family and friends, and most important, go to a good Bible preaching church and go to God in prayer in regards to whom you should marry. When you ignore them, I am not suggesting that you ignore them out of anger and bitterness. Still be casual and polite, but don't give that woman who ignores you the world.
I work In a warehouse so it like 90% men, we got a new female worker the other day, and we were all sitting in the break room where it's normally quiet with just us guys and this girl was acting like we were breaking the law by not talking lol . She kept asking "it's awkward in here, it's too quiet", keep in mind there was nothing awkward going on we were just minding our own business eating and looking at our phones etc... literally every 10 minutes she would say it's quiet , someone ended up saying "yeah it's nice and peaceful, relaxing", she looked at him as if he were an alien. At that point I realized women are wired differently.
I chased after a girl for years... then just ignored her, met someone else, and got engaged... then she started to be interested in me, but it was too late... really sucks 'cuz she was the one I wanted all my life... just didn't work out that way. Last year, my relationship ended... almost a year later, when I'd been sure I was over my ex, I tried calling that same girl... to see if she was interested in meeting up for coffee. No answer. Ah well.
There's one text that says this, "Do not give your vigor to women, Nor follow ways that destroy kings." Proverbs 31:3 Lesson? Don't throw away your time, energy, and too much of your efforts into pleasing women, but rather stay on the path that builds you and seek the things that add value to your life. Keep your crown kings 👑 ✊🏼
Another thing about ignoring women is it works better, even sometimes only if you're a high value guy. If your a nobody last thing she wants is your attention. Alex said that himself in his video about "why are women so cruel when rejecting men".
If you are not what she wants you can ignore her as much as you want, she will not care. If you are you dont have to ignore her and you can act like you want, she will dance for you.
@@andersistbesser I agree with your first sentence, but not with the second. You can easily lower her interest to zero, even if it's almost 100/100 at the beginning.
@@Heywood.Jablome idk if you were replying to me but if somebody's becoming a high value just to get women's attention they're doing it for the wrong reasons
@@Heywood.Jablome Yeah. I am a 7/10(8/10) looksmaxxed, small time male model, 6 foot 1 tall, dark skin, six pack, v shape, and I have been rejected in very strange ways by some women MUCH lower than my looksmatch. One time one of the "ugliest" women I've ever dated even cheated on me. I just think, "GOODLUCK, ma'am". It is also very weird seeing women reject me who are MUCH less pretty than my ex wife/daughter's mom. If you want to get under their skin a better way, call them average-looking, but say it in a nice way. Gotta let them know they aren't 10/10s. 😎
I remember a video Alex made saying the best way to with someone cheating on you is to completely ignore them. My friend was recently cheated on I directed him to that video. His ex has since gone from being cocky and unapologetic to losing her mind, it's scary how affective it is. You're saving lives Alex lol
I learned this quite by accident in high school. I was a sophomore checking out the incoming freshman girls. Saw a pretty one, just my type, with fair skin and dark eyes. I flirted a little and there was a spark. Over the following weeks I grew intimidated and increasingly avoided her. This kicked her off and for the next year or so she began to persue me relentlessly. She gave Christmas gifts, sent me notes, sent meassges through friends, waved and made eyes at me... She finally won me over with her persistence. That was 1984. We've been exclusive ever since. Married 30 years now, and the kids are grown. We're still in love, we still laugh, and we still...
I also had my first relationship sophomore year, I feel like it could've actually went like this, fact I hoped it would've but i ended up breaking up with her, just too attention seeking. And I now have proof of that because we ended up becoming friends again (Junior year now) and she's messaging me every day trying to get me to reply, in subtle ways, but she has a bf and is trying to get attention from me which is proof she most likely did the same when we where together.
Considering I spend all my time on camping & fishing trips, plus enjoying my hobbies and having total peace & quiet in my life, it is very easy for me to completely ignore all women.
Feeling compassion for a woman when the tables are turned on her is like picking up and feeling compassion for a snake hibernating in the cold. The moment conditions are right and it warms up; it will not hesitate to bite you even though you meant it no harm. It's simply their nature. Give them the chance to learn from their mistakes, it builds character. If they can't learn from their mistakes, too bad, so sad.
Whenever you start to feel bad for a woman, consider if she would do the same if you were in her position. 9 times out 10 your sympathy with instantly disappear.
@@JJ-wi2uw Smartly so. I wonder - it feels like a lot of our culturally based empathy and compassion towards women is just a cover up for the want and need to look good in the women's eyes and keep the females in tribe safe. It really does feel like we just reinterpret it as compassion nowadays.
I worked with a girl who this exactly applies to. She was an emotional and attention black hole. She sucked it all up with it never being enough or ever giving anything in return. As soon as she started to go through a rough time and asked me for help I just ghosted her since she never helped me with anything. Feels good.
Don't listen to this clown's boomer advice. W omen want simps. A few simps will luck out when the w oman is in her prime, but most will obtain used up w omen.
that's not the case. if she don't have interest into you, whatever you do to arouse her attention will eventually lower you value and esteem it should not be some achievement you need to work for, but chance for you to elevate yourself
So true, a girl that rejected me last year when I showed her interest was so desperate for attention when our paths crossed again at the gym two weeks ago, she started walking in front of me, stretching right next to me, started working out next to me for no reason, followed me in the gym for a bit. I just ignored her and minded my own business finishing my workout. She's got a boyfriend too, poor guy really, girls are so desperate for male validation...
@@Jpaintingdesignscan't believe they'll flirt whilst already in a relationship. Goes to show who they are and at least you don't have to give them attention
Ignoring girls only works if you're on her radar to begin with. If you're not an attractive guy she doesn't even know you exist. She doesn't even know you're ignoring her because you don't even exist in her mind. If you're not an attractive guy the better thing you can do is tell her no if she asks you to do something for her.
You can still ignore her and work on yourself, you'll feel better, eventually someone will notice you and when that happens usually women find a dude more attractive if he's with other women so she'll feel like she's missing out, it's a win-win.
All the more reason to not pay attention to her. Why pay attention to people who don't value you? Men need to learn to stop caring. Ignoring people who don't like you is the best way to start.
If you get to talk to an attractive woman at work, and you’re just a co worker, another lesson to know is, she’s not into you and there is no possible chance you will get her! Facts
I'm not one to ignore women, especially the ones I love, being obsessive. But each time I ignored a woman, whether it was my girlfriend, or otherwise, it worked all the time. Always.
@@canobenitez Yep, seems that they're not attracted by men that already validated them, because it's granted but by men who haven't yet or don't anymore, because it's a challenge.
I did it yesterday with a girl I like, who was a bit cold the last time, without a reason (mood swing). And it worked! She tried to attract my attention several times. But I still ignored her, not speaking with her and not looking at her. Next time I will be nicer. Hopefully.
I work at a university here in Japan and one of my female co-workers was essentially testing to see how I would respond in certain situations in a rather annoying manner. I'm just there to do a job, so within the first month I just resorted to ignoring her. She tried to hold a Zoom meeting with me wherein she would try to get to the bottom of what I was doing, but the ignoring continued. Now for a bit of context, I'm the youngest person and am also the only single guy amongst a staff that is about 70% female (mostly single). I can't say that this is a contributory variable for certain, but she's now quitting.
@Potato I did end up quitting that job, but for other reasons. Regarding women's tendencies, you'll likely get something out of my content as it's all based around academic research on men and women.
I did this 2 days ago with mine, and today I randomly came across this video, and it is HITTING. I can 100% confirm that this is the biggest and most relevant power you have in a relationship. You can't be abused, manipulated or taken advantage of if you don't engage. Simple as that.
This only works if the woman is already attracted to you, like you said. And I agree that men have to be a LOT more selective about whom they give attention to, and how much of it. In general, men give WAY too much attention to women, whether it’s to compliment them, help them, or comfort them. If men had more restraint and weren’t such simps, the gender dynamics would be better balanced in the dating market.
If we had done this from the outset, we wouldnt be in the predicament we are in now! But we as men didnt ask for this biology, it was given to us. But yes, we should be very disciplined by being selective to who we give our attention to.
It is all bullshit. You cannot as a whole sex manipulate women into being less selective or men to be more selective. Individual humans will just give in to their biological urges and once they see a chance they will fall back. You have to do this on the government level with regulations. For example, limit the way dating apps can be used by creating artificial scarcity of men, change the gender ratio, cut down payments for single mothers and always make the father pay. These issues need to be addressed by society.
Not strictly true. They don't like it when an unattractive man ignores them either as it shows they can't get attention from him or use him as an "orbiter" around them.
You forgot to mention that women only care that you ignore then when they are INTO YOU. If they don't have feelings for you they couldn't care less about being ignored. I've ignored girls that don't like me for months and they seem unaffected, but girls who DO Like me will always come back and ask why I'm ignoring them or get upset. So guys, if the girl isn't slightly into you don't think she'll become attracted to you just because you're ignoring them. You'll be waiting for months like an idiot until you realize she couldn't care less.
Not quite, they always care, sometimes more, sometimes less. If you're in the same social circle and you ignore the woman you desire, but talk to every other woman, she's gonna feel it. It may not affect her as much, but she will. Women compete for male attention and validation.
@@cosmopolitanbay9508 how a girl that does not like you, will care ? There is no opinion in that, its a fact. If you have a relation with a girl and she is mistreating you, then you should walk away and this 100% will help
@@cosmopolitanbay9508 As a woman I can tell you that Andy is right. If there is zero initial attraction, women won't care if you ignore them, regardless if you're in their social circle or not. But if there's a bit of attraction towards you on her part (and she's used to men usually falling head over heels for her), then yeah, she'll definitely notice.
I just ignore woman to keep being out of trouble, my life is full of peace and I don't want to give that up, solitude and ignoring toxic people is something i became addicted to.
When I hear women try to mock the “fragile male ego” I am totally amused by the nonsense of that statement. A woman’s ego can be shattered so easily and so effortlessly in a fraction of a second. We learn this truth at a very early stage of our lives (our teenage years).
I had a friend in high school who was a master of this. When one of the pretty girls said something to him he'd chew on the tip of his thumb, turn away, and make a sort of "pih" sound, like he was blowing whatever he'd chewed off of his thumb into the wind. Then he'd turn back to them, no rush, and say something like "I guess." I, foolishly, talked to them and was truly interested in whatever they were saying. Unsurprisingly (in retrospect) they had no use for me, but practically hung on my friend's every word. He also insulted them pretty liberally. He and I were about the same in physical attractiveness; neither ugly nor particularly handsome, but my friend got no shortage of female attention. This was about 40 years ago, for what it's worth.
It's always so pathetic to me to see how much validation my gf thinks she needs in order to walk through life with an ounce of confidence. She tells me things about what her friends say about me as if it's big news. "My boss saw photos of you on IG and said she thinks you're stylish." And then she gets upset if I'm not over the moon about her saying that. I spend a copious amount of money on clothes and looking good. So I'm aware I look stylish because I think I look stylish. I don't need to hear it from anyone else, nor do I really care to.
@@jackspinner4727 Would examples help? My girl was complaining about me and talking about breaking up over text so I just left her on read. After a few days, she messaged me and asked why I was ignoring her then she called. Everything went back to normal after that. The other angle to “ignoring” a girl is instead of chasing her, let her chase you. After a date, I don’t message girls or ask when I can see her again. I don’t acknowledge that she was a nice date either. I leave her wondering. If she had a good time, she’ll definitely tell you and thank you. Just be short with her along the lines of “glad you had a good time, now go get some sleep” being ambiguous like this makes you mysterious and attractive. i.e. you’re not pedestalizing her.
@@hoju510 ok I can check him out. Although a wierd part of me when I watch videos like this. I feel like just being yourself(truly being yourself is hard and rare to find) but not a huge fan of alpha type stuff. I think just being yourself naturally means you will be attractive to all people. I struggle with being myself and sticking up for myself. Don’t like confrontation
Some thing to add to this. Ignoring women is even more effective the higher on the SMV scale they are above you. If a 5 woman get ignored by chad, she can get over that because deep down she knows shes shopping out side her price range. If a 7 woman gets ignored by someone she sees as below her, it really bugs them. Im a high5/low6. I see these woman all the time at the gym. They are good looking and they want every mans eyes on them. It very obvious when they are going out of there way to put them selfs in my line of sight. Now dont get me wrong, i know these women aren't interested in me, but they are interested in my thirst. They love it when the can hold their sexuality over a "lesser mans" head. When a 5 like me denies them a stare that they are expecting, they walk away super deflated. This is atleast a weekly occurrence at the Planet Fitness i go to. Frankly, i dont think most women really go to the gym to work out. If you look at the effort they put into the exercises they do, its very minimal compared to what the men are doing. Ignoring women dosnt really get the average man dates, or sex, or affection or what ever from women........but it does knock them off their high horse a bit.
Yep it feels good destroying thier ego last time in gym I used to talk to random girls who were like 8/10 in thier looks, she was always hesitant whenever I tried to have a small talk to her once I asked her phone number she started complaining to her friends and she ran away from the gym thankfully I wasn't reported for $e❎️ual her-ass-ment ,since next day ignored her and didn't even say hi and ran on treadmill pretending to unsee her and it buged her abit she came close to me while staring at mirror and pretending to exercise the next day I saw her ego hurt and intentionally pretending to be competing to me intrinsically while I was focused on doing all kinds of training and sometimes getting praise by other gym members for pushing myself to the limits
It’s true. In a different case, I’m a woman that work among 80% women. I’ve been at this place for 10 years, I’ve seen people talk behind peoples back and so on. To stay in my lane I ignore most of them especially when they try to start gossiping (I understand some gossiping is healthy) but I just want to be left alone. Just the past year I realized some of them wants my validation and it’s obvious. I’m sarcastic and when someone bothers me I speak to them right away, and the rest of the time I ignore them… it’s crazy honestly… because now they bug me more for attention. So yeah it works.
So many women I've met absolutely dispise women. I used to not understand why they would be extremely friendly to each others faces and then seeth about each other afterwards.
The fact that my girlfriend made a mistake just 30 minutes ago and I started ignoring her immediately, and then she started scrambling for ways to contact me in any way shape or form and THIS video pops up... hoo boi. This is too good to be be ignored, the timing is just perfect. I'll ignore her for as long as I can so she realize the weight of her mistake. *(Her Mistake: She made a prank of her cheating on me. Yeah... NOT FUNNY)*
oof, bro. I have really bad news for you. If a woman really likes her man, she would never make such prank. Now you have to pay more attention on your relationship
@@groovesan, she saw the prank on Tiktok and decided to test it on me. Well, bad news for her. I don't react the same way the other guys do. 😤 The other guys messaged their girl back, I just ignored mine completely.
@@xyon9090 This is a clear sign of lack of respect. You have to tell her if she does something like this ever again she is out. And be ready to walk away.
We either go back to whatever they didn’t tell us they hate that we do, or we go back to being the guy that attracted her in the first place when we didn’t know she was watching or even liked us or was aware she wanted to talk to us.
*Ignoring someone might seem counterintuitive, but it makes sense that it can create curiosity. Understanding the balance between attention and distance is crucial in attracting the right partner.*
Love doesn't exist... what exist is a need of validation, the obsession of that dependency is what we call "love", but it isn't love at all, it is just validation. Love for woman is the chase for the reward, love for men is the reward itself. (They are not the same and should have their own respective words)
Bullshit. Love for me means much more than that, and that's why love is not used only for relationships. If you can't understand that, you're just one more sad man.
The women who were obsessed with me the most were the women I wouldn’t commit to. I still gave them meaningful attention and made them feel special when I wanted to but they knew I was making other girls feel special too, then I would forget they exist. I wasn’t ignoring them on purpose, I just simply didnt feel like talking to them so I didn’t. They would then go out of their way to be in my presence and to get my attention, so I entertained it almost as a reward for her. I also very rarely complimented them, if ever. You gotta make them earn it. This only works if theyre attracted to you or your personality in some way. I was basically bullying them in a fun way or making them laugh and sometimes being genuinely sweet. You cant ever let a woman feel like shes above you or she wont respect you.
Yes guys, 100 percent true. Her fake disgust with you, and created drama, and princess b-c-h-i- ness, etc is all an act, to throw you off. Let her know. She doesn't have an audience with you.
Sometimes when I have a bad day, my fiancée asks me what's wrong. Usually, it seems, I'm really talkative (in her estimation - she's really introverted), and when I'm not, something is off. After this video, I guess the reason why she even noticed it that intricately is that she felt ignored by that. And the feeling of being ignored is quite hard on her.
@Cuddle Pugs I hope so. Also, I believe your comment will be very helpful. Thank you. It's not that of a complicated thing, but it's hard to express that properly and you've done that.
@Cuddle Pugs It’s good that you’re aware of how to communicate with you’re partner like that. The “are you mad at me” question is always such a chore to deal with for a lot of men.
The funniest thing you can do as a man, is to deny women sex .... they are really not wired to get rejected... specially not on sex... you can almost see it in her eyes... she is having a meltdown. ha ha ha...... as comedian said "it is like her brain is saying.... wh... whaa... whaaaat did the man say?"
I cannot really believe that men in cavemen days were out alone. Imagine doing this today in North America. There are bears that can and will rip you in pieces. Still, if a group of men are out hunting for days, they won't have any contact with women.
Native Alaskans hunted alone all the time. Some successfully hunted whales on kayaks all alone with just a spear and a rope. Men were different ages ago. Like REALLY different. In fact most animals could be easily killed by a single man with even the most rudimentary of tools. It would have been rare that a hunter was killed by a bear or lion. People go hiking alone and unarmed all the time in the North American wilderness and bears aren't ripping them to pieces. Jeez.
It only works, if you pretend that you are half-assed interested in her, just to grab her attention a bit and then show her absolute indifference. If you are totally invisible to a woman, you'll stay invisible to her, no matter how much you try to "Ignore" her.
This is 100% true My neighbor is used to turning heads The men in the street do what they can to pander to her and some are outright simps going out of their way to do things I ignore her and it eats her alive It does have it's drawbacks though, she doubles down on getting my attention, deliberately calling my name and waving when she sees me or she does obvious things like taking the trash out multiple times when I'm working outside in the yard I don't do it to be mean, she's a nice enough person, I'm just genuinely uninterested in her and frankly I'd rather not play those stupid validation games they love to play Plato mentioned something about no longer being driven by sexual urges and desires and the peace it brings, I'm beginning to understand just what he meant A bit like the movie a beautiful mind when John Nash decides that no one should go for the pretty blonde
I spent six years with no libido because of an undiagnosed thyroid condition, I got two college degrees in that time with a 3.8 gpa, I would like to think having no libido kept me out of trouble, it got diagnosed when my body started failing me and I had to bite the bullet and see a doctor. One of my ex-girlfriends, a smoking hot woman was in my anatomy 2 class and tried to get me to go to a hotel with her and I denied her, because again I had no libido, and this drove her crazy, at one point she said 'you know other people would be all over this' and I said 'yeah fortunately I'm not other people.' Now that my body is back I do regret not pouncing on that opportunity but there's no point in feeling sad about it.
@@kylefer I have a condition that temporarily, not permanently, reduces libido occasionally. When I get the medication wrong which needs occasional adjustment. I have been "informally" "accused" - by the court of office girl opinion, of being interested in girls many times when I was not biologically capable of being. It also gives me a lot of very strange insights into sexuality in general. Like how much general even basic politeness from men is due to sex drive.
I find this only works when you're the desired one. Even then I've known some women who will be petty and prideful enough to date someone else to get you jealous or they'll find someone else that looks like a discount version of yourself. Frankly I'm over the games and people not being honest with themself or me. I'll put in just as much effort as the woman but I won't chase, I'm not a dog and that won't win my respect. So when I move on they usually get shitty because I didn't play the game or treat them like a "Queen".
if you ignor a girl not attracted to you , it does'nt work . so if she ignors you as well this means she is not your type so please don't waste your time . focus on you , women will too
My ex fiancee left me for a discount version of me. I laughed so hard when I read your comment. I completely understand. Discount me in EVERY category. 10 months no contact is whe she reached out to me.
My father in law told me right after I married his daughter (I didn't have a dad around in my life) that I'll know I'm a man when I learn how to ignore women and when to be quite. I already wasn't a talkative or chatty person so it confused me a bit. I struggled with it but I did eventually understand what he was telling me. RIP Bob. You are sorely missed. Edit - 25 years of marriage so far. Ignoring is really powerful but DON'T take it too far.
Remember this does not always mean you getting her attention back. Sometimes they get so angry that youll never hear from them again or a really long time no contact. So be prepared.. this is for strong men that have options.
I've seen this manifest in female managers. Every customer feedback is taken by the word no matter how absurd it is, leading to micro managing! They are simply not confident and are quick to shift blame. You're a manager, you need to protect ur team, be someone your employee can look upto. Instead of leading by example, they cry about how tough things are and how everyone is out to get them. They are literally undoing their own life's work. Talk about irony😅
Every female manager I've ever had will absolutely throw her own team under the bus to save face. They think it's a power move among their management level, when really it just makes those under her more willing to find other career choices.
It's a common debate I have with a friend of mine; I think ignoring women works only when they are interested in you from before. Otherwise, they're more than happy for you to ignore them.
Nah, if a guy i like ignores me, no matter how '' handsome'' he is im not going to beg for attention, ill just never contact him again and move on with my life. Anyone who is attracted to someone ignoring them is at a bad place mentally and yall shouldnt play with them- its plain unethical. Sad to se videos like this, people like him are the reason why we cant make real connections
One thing, most quality women don’t need reassurance. It’s only the low quality incapable of critical thinking women who need it the most. Don’t ignore quality women, she will simply ignore you back👌🏼
That's not true... a woman with a loyal and kind heart could need reassurance, while a narcissist manipulative woman made be head strong and not need this
I was use to being ignored by women and then I had a post high school glow up. I would target girls who I considered on my level and started to notice more attractive women noticing me and responding to me. It's a weird game. I've realized women's entire world revolves around their relationships and status.
What is common may be easily ignored and dismissed. What is uncommon demands our attention. It's like that old phrase "If you want to capture someone's attention, whisper".
It only works if she desires you. 90 % of men are for a average woman unattractive, she doesn't care if one of the 90th percentile ignores her, because their male attention is in abundance and for them worthless. But it would be kinda interesting if ALL men stop validating via social media to woman. Woman live in such an sexual/social abundance, I envy them.
Yes. One should not forget what I call ASIA, the Attention and Self Interest Agenda, that motivates all women every day. It is not the only thing that drives them of course, but it is there, to a lesser or greater extent, all the time.
If she wronged you and you give her silence and she still doesn't fall in line or willing to make things right, fellas she doesn't care about you. She just wants to control and manipulate you and is angry that you're a guy who will stand his ground. That's when it's time to walk away
Totally agree with this, and when I was single, I would do this. It works. Hot chicks expect attention, and wear it as a mark of pride when they get it. Deprive them of that attention and make them feel ignored, and it drives them nuts. They become interested in you and don’t realize it.
I used to know this female I flirted with and she got pissy at me for it and didn’t want to look at me. One time I decided to stop and I told her “I’ll leave you be” and I swear her face instantly got sad after I did , she stopped being aggressive and stared at me after doing it. I thought she felt bad for me cause I did that now I realize she felt bad for herself cause I showed my independence from her lol
I remember one of my exes was about to explode after ignoring her. for me the relationship was over, and I was not ignoring her to piss her off or something, I just wanted her to leave, she meant nothing for me at that time. she started using different techniques to get my attention just as you said, sending me her pictures with flirty lines and I respond with a like emoji, then start roasting me and criticizing my haircut n I also respond with a like emoji. she literally started begging me to say anything anything, even roasting would be better than the damn like emoji, she did not get a single word from me tho, yet followed me for days.
Greetings from Spain. I have asked a few women why they go out with their boyfriends. They usually respond something like “he makes me feel like a queen”, “he makes me feel comfortable”. Some of them are excited about making a family. On the other hand, when I ask the same question to men, they usually underline some qualities of their girlfriends. Not necessary their beauty, maybe their character, feminity, intelligence, etc. so that they feel attracted to these characteristics and want to be with them. At the end, all the attention is focused on women. This fact is also mentioned in books on the topic, such as “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus”. Men give and women receive. At least at the beginning of the relationship. Once there are children, the story changes. Both parents must give, this time, to the children.
Being ignored is probably the single easiest way to mess with my head. Otherwise I’m left overthinking about why I’m being ignored. The lack of knowledge is extremely discomforting. And not receiving attention in reciprocation is itself a disappointment.
This makes me really sad. I saw a guy recently whom ive known for a while. He contacted me out of the blue, and I replied, was polite, said I would like to see him. From that moment on he was rude, tried to make me pick him up, came over late and talked about himself, barely looked at me, just wanted to.. chill. The next day he ignores me. The stupid thing is, I know for a fact he likes me. The ignoring me, being rude etc etc is quite transparent with him. I know he does it bc he has stereotyped me as the girls he used to date that didnt go well. I didnt need validation or attention when he came over, i wanted friendship, an equal, someone to confide in, be silly with. Men put up walls, and this 'ignoring her' thing, is just another one.
Idk, everything is about balance I believe, you shouldn't give too much attention to women, or too little. Men take this advice but they can't interpret it and use it successfully. They tip too much on one end of the spectrum, either they get too clingy or just very avoidant, both are catastrophic. But honestly, we can't and shouldn't try to control this, our generations are indeed mega control freaks. We just have to accept that there are things we can't control and move on, if it doesn't work out then just accept fate as it is. The most important lesson from this video is to try to not give too much of your attention.
@@witcherpie I agree with the over control of this generation when it comes to succeeding at something. The times Ive put myself in a healthy frame of mind, Ive suceeded naturally without trying.
Keep in mind if women loved attention and validation at all times, a guy calling them everyday or bring flowers for her then only the nice guys would have got all women. But women are attracted to the complete opposite kind of guy the jerk the A holes. They don't chase women or do nice things for her or give them attention every single minute. Women rather forgive an unfaithful A hole than be with a loyal boring guy.
@@moderndemon84 there's a difference between a guy who get girls and don't care and a guy keeping to himself. If you're in a relationship but don't validate her or call her all time she would be more interested in you.
@@Predcat Right, it honestly makes me laugh the amount of people who think there's an intricate psychology beneath the surface. Women AND men have no idea what you're like even during the first week, what they're drawn to are physical traits that makes them going sexually. We can get into the more complex psychology patterns later in the relationship, but nobody will even approach you in the first place if you're not attractive. The alpha/beta spectrum literally doesn't matter. If a beta, good guy who worships women looks like Chris Hemsworth and you look like a generic turd and you're alpha then the way you treat women doesn't actually matter.
@@stonerawks9882 Worshipping part might make it possible for them to pick a 7/10 or 8/10 over you since it's a little too disgusting. But I agree with you for the most part. Looks are the most important factor.
Intelligent women in particular, suffer from Confirmation Bias; the tendency to search for, interpret, favour, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. Because after all, they are highly solipsistic creatures.
Doesn't sound very intelligent to me. I've always viewed intelligence as the ability to admit when you are wrong, to admit that you ultimately know nothing but are ready to learn.
It's not only emotion over reason, but also emotion over reality. They try to bend reality to fit the fantasies created by their emotions. So they either keep on trying again and again, and fail to arrive at the desired outcome. Or they end up bitter and hateful. Cognitive dissonance at play just as well.
As a celibate woman waiting for marriage (low count), we don’t enjoy these games. Once a man begins ignoring me, I figure he isn’t interested and exclaim such. If they do it continuously after I expressed wanting communication from both parties, they are not worth my time, and I block them. This method works for men going after promiscuous women, women who enjoy obsessing and lusting over multiple men. For us who was stability and a genuine gentleman, these games are not cute; they’re very discouraging and are an easy way to get you cut off from the woman you like.
This is too funny this video was just released. There is a woman at my local gym that is particularly attractive and has been going out of her way to get my attention. She literally follows me around using machines next to me or near me. She does constant bending over stretches, squats, lunges, etc., and I never even give her the satisfaction of glancing her way. I'm totally aware of what she's doing and why, but I just keep ignoring her. It's literally driving her insane that I won't engage her. This has become my daily entertainment. Just last night, she approached me and asked how many sets I had left on the squat rack. I simply responded and went back to lifting without further engagement. I could tell this drove her even crazier. Take note gentlemen, Alexander is spot on with this video. Just to be abundantly clear, I am NOT ignoring her because I'm trying to torture her, but rather because I'm simply not interested.
@@رجلاً-مجهول That's where you're dead wrong. I'm an in shape 44 year old guy who knows his value. Young flashy women wearing tons of makeup desperately trying to get men's attention doesn't do it for me at all.
I've had this platonic girl I saw as a friend. We share the same demons and we got every close. Still platonic. Later they challenged me psychologically, and I needed a break from the friendship. At first we both put energy in the friendship, then later I was carrying the ball in that. Later I spent 2 weeks just not talking to her. When I sooner or later talked to her, she a little later ended the friendship. Found out from a common friend its because I didn't talk to her for 2 weeks. I would have continued the friendship if she put more energy into it. Debatable she wanted more than friendship. Doesn't matter, if she can't be a good friend, she will not be a good spouse.
@@jagosevatarion8822 I understand that logic. That means they in particular dont want you. I thought she was forecoming. Also she had feelings for someone totally different. I find most if my female friends are on the same page. This one was not.
You can learn a lot from being friends with a women, so I think it's great to have female friendships, if they're pretty attractive and they start to like you, win win
Truth. Used to work with a girl that all the guys used to drool over, she wasn't my type so I was pleasant to her but didn't give her the priority the other guys did. It got to the point where she was pretty much throwing herself at me and getting super jealous of other women if I was helping them.
I tried this yesterday to my wife after we have a fight, i ignore her for a whole day. And in the evening when i got home from work she's waiting for me right in the frontdoor and the moment i enter our bedroom she almost cried while apologizing and hugging me. It hurts me to ignore her for a whole day, but she have to learn the hard way or otherwise she wont learn to say sorry. I know some people may say that i have stupid man's pride, but its not about our pride, but about saying sorry when you make mistake.
I started flirting with a girl that was getting so many attention from other dudes. I started backing up because I didn't want to look like the simps chasing her. Next thing I know, she is coming towards me and sits down at my table, when I leave before going back to class, she starts asking me why I leave. Last couple of weeks she started giving me light touches, she bites her lips, she starts the conversation, but honestly I'm not looking for a girl anymore.
Yep, this approach works too well, and manipulates female weakness too well to be ethical. I've done it accidentally. It can make a girl take you out of the 'hate' zone, and put you straight into the 'obsession' zone. Granted, my examples of this happening were cases of very attractive but unstable women who already had strange, _negative_ fixations on me. That probably makes a lot of difference. If she already ignores you, ignoring her probably won't do much... but I'm not sure.
I'm glad to see at least one mam express the truth of the type of woman this is going to work with. A confidemt, healthy woman isn't going to waste her time with someone who ignores as a form of communication. Also, a healthy man shouldn't be in a relationship with a "girlfriend who manipulates" as her form of communication.
Real story: a cute chick from a new social circle (I wasn't interested in) kept ignoring me for some reason, until I started ignoring her back, to the extent that I would talk through her, as if she was transparent, turn my back or side to her and talk to everyone else. 2 days later, a miracle happened, she started saying hello and engage in some small talk. Some time later I heard the bar owner she was dating ditched her without prior warning. He just left the bar with another woman, holding hands. Whatever that was ...
This works, but it also doesn't work. It depends on the girl and the circumstances. If it's a night out, sure, it works. If for example, it's the hot new girl at work and you ignore her time and time again, she just thinks you're either strange, or an asshole. Either way, she's on the fence about you, because you've made a point to not interact with her for no real good reason. It's a balance, but it's easy to screw up and just look like you have an attitude or a chip on your shoulder for attractive woman.
I had a girl in university ask me why I'm silent and never talk to anyone, I told her that I have nothing to say. She didn't say anything after that and never tried to speak to me again and I continued not talking to anyone. It's really perplexing, as if I need to talk to anyone when noone cares that I don't.
I got my current (and pretty hot) girlfriend by ignoring her first messages. And it wasn't even on purpose lol, I was just too nervous to answer. But it got her obsessed with me. And I'm in no way rich, we work at the same place (customer service), and I don't even have a car (she does). So yeah ya'll gotta stop with this loser mentality that she'll only go for you if you have money. You gotta be interesting and have an array of subjects to talk about besides sex, after the ignoring part (yes at some point you have to stop with the ignoring).
Seriously Gentlemen, I know we feel as though our attention doesn’t matter to most women because they find us unattractive, but believe me when I tell you that it does make a difference, now you don’t have to ignore them to get back at them, no, ignore them because it’s a waste of your valuable time!
So ignoring her is a powerful tool to create attraction, but my question is this, at what point do we stop ignoring her in order to get the benefits from the woman who is now attracted to us, but without the downfall of now being paying her attention? In other words, how do we go from ignoring her to stop ignoring her without failing in our final goal? I.e., without them losing interest in us for having stopped ignoring them?
Once a woman is attracted, meet up and smash her. Keep the challenge up forever, once you get into them again they play their games. Always keep the attraction up.
When she seems particularly interested, offer her sex at a time and place that's convenient for YOU. Don't ASK for it -- OFFER it. If she goes for it, fine. (You can re-negotiate the time and place now, if she asks nicely enough, but don't go out of your way significantly.) If not, return to what you were doing. Behave as if you had offered her a stick of gum. She may still change her mind later, so don't break character. Note: this worked in the 1990's when I was still in the game -- modern girls may be different from their moms.
As a somewhat older guy, I can attest that this is 100% true. Ignoring women and the ability to walk away from a relationship is a man's greatest leverage with women.
Agreed, but it doesn't work for long once you have her, you have to keep up the dynamic the whole time. Then it's not worth it.
Don't need boomer advice. This generation of w omen is not the same species as your generation of w omen.
@@warrenbuffet5152 That's what you think. The nature of women remain the same bro
Agreed with Warren. Go tend to your rental properties Edwards. This is a young man's game and you don't know what we're going through.
@@daver1161 ok boy. you remind of the chirpy at the office fresh out of college who thinks they know diddly cause they read a few text books and typed up a few essays.
"IF" we don't know what your going through, that's cause the young males of today woulda gotten their butts kicked for being such p#$$&@s
I'd like to add, don't ignore them just to ignore them. Actually keep yourself busy. Workout, study, take care of yourself. You can be so much more productive when not answering texts all day.
@a human body with internet access completely agree. If you actually have to try to "ignore" and it's not just naturally happening then you're doing it for the wrong reason. Need to re-evaluate how much you and your time are worth
Ya agreed when I was younger I ignored them on purpose and played other games to bring them in, but now I just ignore them bc I am typically busy. I will admit I was a bit of a scumbag back in the day, but I became that way somehow like most guys who are like that and it is typically bc of a woman. Now I am pretty straight forward when dating of what I want and expect.
I teach them to not waste my time with endless texting. A quick phone call is mostly way more efficient. And actually being busy yourself is of course the best thing.
This was at 420 likes but I had to ruin it and add my own thumbs up because this is a great comment! Have hobbies friends
Ignoring women is easy, especially if they are very beautiful. I ignore them because i know they would reject me and i dont want to give them the joy of embarrassing me.
Hahahah this is the most honest comment
@@proudmemberatchaddigangcha8962 it's true though, I hate it when you go to gyms and girls walk in and deliberately workout close to you and you just have to give them the extreme hard ignore. It's genuinely annoying.
Perfectly said........
@@kylefer i enjoy the ignoring i give them lol
Unless I'm gonna talk to a broad, I ignore. When u check her out, even on the sly, and she doesn't look at u at all, you've just given all your power to her. It was sucked out like a vacuum and it feels horrible.... to me anyway
Don't forget to be tall, handsome, wealthy, and have status.
WTF is WRONG with you
Yup. Only shorter mid guys understand this struggle buddy.
The key to being successful with all women. Looks matter, no matter how much they put on their profile "i'm looking for communication, and feelings, blah blah blah". No, it's all about looks, lady. That's why you continue to put yourself in shitty situations with shitty men.
@@JWO0413 What you lack in one department you have to make up in the others.
@@toddjohnson271 That may work, but it would likely be negligible. I'm confident in saying that it doesn't matter if you have the stature and looks as Danny DeVito; no amount of compensation in other departments will make you considerably more attractive to most women. You either have the stuff or you don't.
You don't need to ignore women....just don't put any woman on a pedestal. Put yourself, your goals and your purpose on a pedestal. put her on a pedastal she is literally looking down on you....
Yep! And if you treat a woman like a celebrity, she'll treat you like a fan.
That is literally ignoring them.
@@remowilliams7029 yes but no, you're not ignoring them for the sake of ignoring them or to play a psychologic trick, but because yourself needs to always come first.
When she mistakenly believes that I want something from her, I remove all my attention. Funny how they eventually always come back to beg for it.
Surprised this isn't top comment. This is gold
At least as long you look good. If you are ugly they are happy you are finally gone haha
@@forben3523 @Forben That's only part of the equation. I am an attractive dude and still pull girls at 26 but been working at cafes in Hawaii since I was 19 and never prioritized money. I can see how being poor compared to nerdier dudes my age led to less interest from 25-35 year old girls. They didn't care when I was 22 still give it up, but now its a big deal lmfao luckily I don't wanna spend a dime on them either way. So its either 18-22 or 34-29 (just post wall) for me. What I'm gettin at man is I think they're mostly in it for your lifestyle and image which includes your attractiveness but for dudes its that 99% for chicks I bet its like 25% - 50%
@UC-y6qegqqxbBI1lmrc9vNpg Exactly so many examples of a lard marrying some fire model similarly some good lookin broke dudes I regularly see with fugly chicks
I love the touch of light humor at the start 🤣
I mean, this is why I dropped out of the dating scene. A lot of modern women are insane narcissist that ironically, like being ignored and abused. When in college, I'd have women compliment me for my intelligence, and I'd tell them how grateful I am and what a considerate comment it was, compliment them back, and they'd lose interest and say they never give their number out to any men.
Next week, I'd see the same woman complimenting a guy saying how smart he is and he basically just said "Yeah, whatever, you're actually just too stupid to keep up with me" and she immediately broke out laughing and begged him to give her his number, lmao. For some reason, modern women think "busy and uninterested" means husband material, and "kind and thoughtful" means creepy loser. No wonder they end up with abusive relationships 90% of the time.
They want to win the big prize that can pick any woman but picks her. Then they think he will be loyal and stay with her. That's not how it works. But all nature intended was for him to put his seed in her.
Don’t be resentful. Learn from this patterns for they are reality. Your time will come kid.
@a human body with internet access Although in this universe, there doesn't seem to be such thing as Toxic Femininity.
@@conormcgregor6932 accurate sir
When you ignore her, you will find out whether she cares about you or not. Either she will endlessly try to regain your attention or you won’t hear from her again. Either way, you win!
So just keep busy by focusing on yourself, your studies, work ethic and goals for the future and the right person will see your potential without you having to convince or express yourself to be in someone’s life.
Thank you for this comment, it resonates very much with what I am recently going through, a good approach to the better future.
That’s true man wow
@@Woodsaras This ain’t mind games. You seem like you are completely getting the wrong end of the stick. If it doesn’t happen naturally, then it isn’t worth it
Halfway true. You can't expect people to come into your life if you don't express yourself fully in front of them.
@@Woodsaras Some girls can’t stand to be ignored. Not all but some.
This is 100% on point lol. I kinda liked one woman, had a crush on her, so I tried so much to talk to her even when I felt she was ignoring me. No worries, after a bit I began talking to literally every other girl there but her. Not to get at her, but because she showed she's not available. Boy did that do something to her, she's now trying so hard to talk to me now, even sent me a request on Instagram (which I ignored lol). You lost your chance and I'm no longer interested in talking to you.
Well played big man👏🏾
If she doesn’t find you attractive ignoring her does nothing.
Yeah but if she doesnt find you attractive hardly anything will do anything.
Still good for yourself to ignore her then. Don't ignore her thinking "this will surely work", but saying "she doesn't get my attention for nothing".
They are billions women around the world you can find good women heart in Asia east willing be your wife and have children and build family.
@@Smiler2724 nope.
I disagree, as irrational as it can be, I could see women prefer way more to keep control on unattractive men than see them escape from their sex-appeal.
A swarm of eunuchs boost their ego, even if she despises them. Women can't live without validation of ALL men, while she sleeps only with a very few of them
They think you’re paying attention to them anyway. That’s how self-important they are. If you even speak to one you don’t know, in their minds you’re hitting on them. It’s the funniest sh!t I’ve ever seen.
Funny and annoying.
@@johannsalzstreuer5006 bro what is this word salad
@@Willie_Wahzoo i know what your talking about, you will be making brief eye contact with them and they instantly think you're about to approach them. At first it use to piss me off but now i find it hilarious.
It's fun playing that game. You cold approach and hit them with a tourist information question, or anything highly impersonal, and they expect it to be just another chat up line, but then you just leave. LOL Attention is a powerful weapon if you know how to use it.
It's always about the ego, but she's getting evaluated on my terms whether she likes it or not.
Similar to the no-contact rule which is a game changer and something all young men should be made aware of. I have found ignoring women works very well for getting them interested - the problem is I'm ignoring them *because* I'm not interested.
lol i am not sure if i need them so i ignore them too
Been getting emails from these "ladies" that have been obsessed with getting company from me of all people, even though I have no flipping idea who these women are and ain't in any position to want any reason whatsoever to go somewhere like for instance Marinatta for example. Heck, every single time I responded asking *why* they're asking me of all people and *what* makes them think this would happen during a pandemic, they *never* *ever* directly answer that question before I decide *f***-it* and just block them.
… at some point it‘s getting ever more difficult to appreciate an individual person rather than to relate to an instance of certain category … i.e. one starts to see | listen through foreground sugaring.
Same here, ma dude, and I’m a woman 😂 If I say good bye, *its good bye*
@@ameliepoulain4654 please come back I miss you😂🤷
True story....
So I was at a bar sitting next to this smoke show 9/10. I start talking her up and she basically talks about herself for 20 minutes. She's talking about banging her BFs roommate, doing drugs and stuff like that. Total narcissist. She never once asked me anything...not my name or what I do or anything! I got to the point where I couldn't take it anymore so I just turned my chair and faced the other direction. She got noticeably pissed about it and made that disgusted exhaling sound and left soon after.
So shortly after that some dude comes over and taps me on the shoulder. He said, "Hey, do you see those two across the bar?" He was pointing at this unattractive red head chick and some nerdy guy. I thought to myself "great...he's gonna set me up that red head chick." He said "that's my wife over there." I was like "uh, ok?" He said "that guy sitting next to her wants to know if you wanna go on a date with him?" I said "HUH? Dude I'm not gay!" He said "Sorry man! We weren't implying anything but we noticed you completely ignored that hot chick so we thought you might be gay." I said "No! She was a total B so I just ignored her!" We all got a laugh out of it.
Don't look for women at bars unless you only want a one-night stand 😉
Cool story bro. Good thing you wrote "true story", you bullshit artist.
@@simonmorris746 Ahahahaha
THIS. This is one of the big reasons I walked away from dating and/or the nightlife ✌️
Stop. This never happened.
I have 4 sisters. I learned this over 50 years ago. And yes, being ignored by women is pure bliss.
He meant
Ignore them. Not them ignore you
Though I get your point. The blissful silence. Uuummmmmm
lol, because they all are so much annoying
They don't remain quiet but talk so much.
You need serious mental counseling
I had a girl tell me I didn't contact or write her enough. She said that if I wanted the best from her, I had to write her ever day. So I did the opposite: I completely ignored her. She came back, started writing me, and became more affectionate.
Always do the opposite of what women tell you they want from you.
@I love Teslas lmao
Women also give the very worst dating advice to men.
Top bad advice: "Just be yourself."
@protorhinocerator142 you can't really believe only shallow women exist?
@nealmccoy5727 idk man that sounds depressing and like a generalization. Call it cope but I don't believe everyone of the opposite gender behaves like this. The question then is , what percentage and how to tell if a girl is like this. I'd rather not play games and get involved with trouble.
I ignored her and she ignored me back. We haven't talked in over a year.
@@wunder1385lol, in which case ignoring or not ignoring makes no difference because SHE desires him.
It must be a peaceful year.
I did the same:
I ignored her, She ignored me and It's been like... 6 Years.
@@ignaziotravaglio49 i ignored her and she did the same.. its been 11 years. im kinda over her lol
I ignored her and she ignoring me for 13 years..the SAGA continues. :P
best times tho
I did this 2 days ago when my girlfriend broke up with me after an arugment. I never pleaded nor called or texted persistently. I asked her if we could work things out, but she blocked me right away and I kept my silence. I gave her the breakup that she wanted. A day and a half later she unblocked me and wanted me back... so yeah, doing the "no contact" approach or by selectively and/or periodically ignoring women, you do regain a lot of power and you keep your dignity intact. No real man disrespects himself and pleads.
did you take her back
I did XD xD xD whoops, asleast I know now!
She cheated
Marius, thats a red flag from your girl. I would urge you to rethink whether you think this girl knows what a healthy relationship is like.
She might've cheated on you bro.
I learned to ignore women after decades of being ignored by them.
Same here
@@richdelaney9500 advice?
@@alessbritish228 No. That wasn't advice. I was only trying to explain that I share Alex's same issue in that I learned how to ignore the ladies (who I was interested in), who were ignoring me.
@@richdelaney9500 pls man I just need advice from u, how to ignore them?
@@alessbritish228 I have learned to ignore them by being more productive in and out of work. For instance, learn new knowledge and develop new skills (such as learning how to fix your home or car), spend more time with family and friends, and most important, go to a good Bible preaching church and go to God in prayer in regards to whom you should marry. When you ignore them, I am not suggesting that you ignore them out of anger and bitterness. Still be casual and polite, but don't give that woman who ignores you the world.
I work In a warehouse so it like 90% men, we got a new female worker the other day, and we were all sitting in the break room where it's normally quiet with just us guys and this girl was acting like we were breaking the law by not talking lol . She kept asking "it's awkward in here, it's too quiet", keep in mind there was nothing awkward going on we were just minding our own business eating and looking at our phones etc... literally every 10 minutes she would say it's quiet , someone ended up saying "yeah it's nice and peaceful, relaxing", she looked at him as if he were an alien. At that point I realized women are wired differently.
I chased after a girl for years... then just ignored her, met someone else, and got engaged... then she started to be interested in me, but it was too late... really sucks 'cuz she was the one I wanted all my life... just didn't work out that way. Last year, my relationship ended... almost a year later, when I'd been sure I was over my ex, I tried calling that same girl... to see if she was interested in meeting up for coffee. No answer. Ah well.
All good choices. It was also good to reach out because 💯 that was all she was ever in it for. I call it clearing the building
There's one text that says this, "Do not give your vigor to women, Nor follow ways that destroy kings." Proverbs 31:3
Lesson? Don't throw away your time, energy, and too much of your efforts into pleasing women, but rather stay on the path that builds you and seek the things that add value to your life. Keep your crown kings 👑 ✊🏼
Another thing about ignoring women is it works better, even sometimes only if you're a high value guy. If your a nobody last thing she wants is your attention. Alex said that himself in his video about "why are women so cruel when rejecting men".
If you are not what she wants you can ignore her as much as you want, she will not care. If you are you dont have to ignore her and you can act like you want, she will dance for you.
@@andersistbesser I agree with your first sentence, but not with the second. You can easily lower her interest to zero, even if it's almost 100/100 at the beginning.
Agree and that's why men should focus on becoming high value instead of chasing women. It works out way better for them than being used for attention
@@Heywood.Jablome idk if you were replying to me but if somebody's becoming a high value just to get women's attention they're doing it for the wrong reasons
@@Heywood.Jablome Yeah. I am a 7/10(8/10) looksmaxxed, small time male model, 6 foot 1 tall, dark skin, six pack, v shape, and I have been rejected in very strange ways by some women MUCH lower than my looksmatch. One time one of the "ugliest" women I've ever dated even cheated on me. I just think, "GOODLUCK, ma'am".
It is also very weird seeing women reject me who are MUCH less pretty than my ex wife/daughter's mom. If you want to get under their skin a better way, call them average-looking, but say it in a nice way. Gotta let them know they aren't 10/10s. 😎
I remember a video Alex made saying the best way to with someone cheating on you is to completely ignore them. My friend was recently cheated on I directed him to that video. His ex has since gone from being cocky and unapologetic to losing her mind, it's scary how affective it is. You're saving lives Alex lol
What the title ofthe video
I learned this quite by accident in high school. I was a sophomore checking out the incoming freshman girls. Saw a pretty one, just my type, with fair skin and dark eyes. I flirted a little and there was a spark. Over the following weeks I grew intimidated and increasingly avoided her. This kicked her off and for the next year or so she began to persue me relentlessly. She gave Christmas gifts, sent me notes, sent meassges through friends, waved and made eyes at me... She finally won me over with her persistence. That was 1984. We've been exclusive ever since. Married 30 years now, and the kids are grown. We're still in love, we still laugh, and we still...
that's amazing man 😊
I also had my first relationship sophomore year, I feel like it could've actually went like this, fact I hoped it would've but i ended up breaking up with her, just too attention seeking. And I now have proof of that because we ended up becoming friends again (Junior year now) and she's messaging me every day trying to get me to reply, in subtle ways, but she has a bf and is trying to get attention from me which is proof she most likely did the same when we where together.
Considering I spend all my time on camping & fishing trips, plus enjoying my hobbies and having total peace & quiet in my life, it is very easy for me to completely ignore all women.
I hear ya ! 😄👍
That's how you enjoy life my friend 🤝
i wish for a nature-oriented life aswell. Great choice!
Feeling compassion for a woman when the tables are turned on her is like picking up and feeling compassion for a snake hibernating in the cold. The moment conditions are right and it warms up; it will not hesitate to bite you even though you meant it no harm. It's simply their nature. Give them the chance to learn from their mistakes, it builds character. If they can't learn from their mistakes, too bad, so sad.
Whenever you start to feel bad for a woman, consider if she would do the same if you were in her position. 9 times out 10 your sympathy with instantly disappear.
@@trenaceandblackmetal5621 Excellent point. They operate solely out of self interest.
@@JJ-wi2uw Smartly so. I wonder - it feels like a lot of our culturally based empathy and compassion towards women is just a cover up for the want and need to look good in the women's eyes and keep the females in tribe safe. It really does feel like we just reinterpret it as compassion nowadays.
I worked with a girl who this exactly applies to. She was an emotional and attention black hole. She sucked it all up with it never being enough or ever giving anything in return. As soon as she started to go through a rough time and asked me for help I just ghosted her since she never helped me with anything. Feels good.
Agreed. Never ever feel sorry for them, because they will never have compassion for YOU.
Gives women attention: "This guy is desperate"
Ignores women: "This guy lacks confidence"
Can't win bro, can't win.
Some games... you win by not playing.
@@رجلاً-مجهول !That is a very good sentence can't win. If you don't don't care. You're controlling and possessive
Don't listen to this clown's boomer advice. W omen want simps. A few simps will luck out when the w oman is in her prime, but most will obtain used up w omen.
that's not the case. if she don't have interest into you, whatever you do to arouse her attention will eventually lower you value and esteem
it should not be some achievement you need to work for, but chance for you to elevate yourself
I don't want to be the center of anything. I want to be LEFT ALONE and live my only life in peace and quiet.
So true, a girl that rejected me last year when I showed her interest was so desperate for attention when our paths crossed again at the gym two weeks ago, she started walking in front of me, stretching right next to me, started working out next to me for no reason, followed me in the gym for a bit. I just ignored her and minded my own business finishing my workout. She's got a boyfriend too, poor guy really, girls are so desperate for male validation...
She was being a cat 🐈 for sure
@@Jpaintingdesignscan't believe they'll flirt whilst already in a relationship. Goes to show who they are and at least you don't have to give them attention
Ignoring girls only works if you're on her radar to begin with.
If you're not an attractive guy she doesn't even know you exist.
She doesn't even know you're ignoring her because you don't even exist in her mind.
If you're not an attractive guy the better thing you can do is tell her no if she asks you to do something for her.
true enough
You can still ignore her and work on yourself, you'll feel better, eventually someone will notice you and when that happens usually women find a dude more attractive if he's with other women so she'll feel like she's missing out, it's a win-win.
All the more reason to not pay attention to her. Why pay attention to people who don't value you? Men need to learn to stop caring. Ignoring people who don't like you is the best way to start.
I ignore them, I'm not pretty. I'm also not interested, so saying no makes it worse
If you get to talk to an attractive woman at work, and you’re just a co worker, another lesson to know is, she’s not into you and there is no possible chance you will get her! Facts
Talk to multiple women at once, it makes it much easier to ignore one of them then
so fuxking true...
I'm not one to ignore women, especially the ones I love, being obsessive. But each time I ignored a woman, whether it was my girlfriend, or otherwise, it worked all the time. Always.
yeah once you initate contact and widthdraw, they keep coming back
@@canobenitez Yep, seems that they're not attracted by men that already validated them, because it's granted but by men who haven't yet or don't anymore, because it's a challenge.
@@GaylordBonnafous exactly, thats how attraction works.
I did it yesterday with a girl I like, who was a bit cold the last time, without a reason (mood swing). And it worked! She tried to attract my attention several times. But I still ignored her, not speaking with her and not looking at her. Next time I will be nicer. Hopefully.
I work at a university here in Japan and one of my female co-workers was essentially testing to see how I would respond in certain situations in a rather annoying manner. I'm just there to do a job, so within the first month I just resorted to ignoring her. She tried to hold a Zoom meeting with me wherein she would try to get to the bottom of what I was doing, but the ignoring continued. Now for a bit of context, I'm the youngest person and am also the only single guy amongst a staff that is about 70% female (mostly single). I can't say that this is a contributory variable for certain, but she's now quitting.
Looks like we experienced the same thing!
"but she's now quitting"
lmao well played
@Potato I did end up quitting that job, but for other reasons. Regarding women's tendencies, you'll likely get something out of my content as it's all based around academic research on men and women.
Ignoring them is the absolute best way to keep your sanity, and self control....
I did this 2 days ago with mine, and today I randomly came across this video, and it is HITTING. I can 100% confirm that this is the biggest and most relevant power you have in a relationship.
You can't be abused, manipulated or taken advantage of if you don't engage. Simple as that.
This is also why the strategy of wearing fake wedding rings works. They *know* they'll be likely rejected coming onto him.
This only works if the woman is already attracted to you, like you said. And I agree that men have to be a LOT more selective about whom they give attention to, and how much of it. In general, men give WAY too much attention to women, whether it’s to compliment them, help them, or comfort them. If men had more restraint and weren’t such simps, the gender dynamics would be better balanced in the dating market.
If we had done this from the outset, we wouldnt be in the predicament we are in now! But we as men didnt ask for this biology, it was given to us. But yes, we should be very disciplined by being selective to who we give our attention to.
I have been saying that from my teen's to my 30's
It is all bullshit. You cannot as a whole sex manipulate women into being less selective or men to be more selective. Individual humans will just give in to their biological urges and once they see a chance they will fall back. You have to do this on the government level with regulations. For example, limit the way dating apps can be used by creating artificial scarcity of men, change the gender ratio, cut down payments for single mothers and always make the father pay. These issues need to be addressed by society.
@@teliph3U yo, omega has a point, actually... :D
Not strictly true. They don't like it when an unattractive man ignores them either as it shows they can't get attention from him or use him as an "orbiter" around them.
You forgot to mention that women only care that you ignore then when they are INTO YOU. If they don't have feelings for you they couldn't care less about being ignored. I've ignored girls that don't like me for months and they seem unaffected, but girls who DO Like me will always come back and ask why I'm ignoring them or get upset.
So guys, if the girl isn't slightly into you don't think she'll become attracted to you just because you're ignoring them. You'll be waiting for months like an idiot until you realize she couldn't care less.
Not quite, they always care, sometimes more, sometimes less. If you're in the same social circle and you ignore the woman you desire, but talk to every other woman, she's gonna feel it. It may not affect her as much, but she will. Women compete for male attention and validation.
this only works with women you have either already been physical with or when she has shown interest. Otherwise you are just a stranger to them.
@@cosmopolitanbay9508 how a girl that does not like you, will care ? There is no opinion in that, its a fact. If you have a relation with a girl and she is mistreating you, then you should walk away and this 100% will help
@@cosmopolitanbay9508 As a woman I can tell you that Andy is right. If there is zero initial attraction, women won't care if you ignore them, regardless if you're in their social circle or not. But if there's a bit of attraction towards you on her part (and she's used to men usually falling head over heels for her), then yeah, she'll definitely notice.
@@Bella.Parabellum Right on, the part you put in brackets is the most important part.
Alex is a lifesaver. I was just looking to learn about not giving women validation.
watch all his videos bro
that analogy with the stairs is genius
Yes I act like a women and feel I lost my manly roots and want to get back in touch with them Silence is awesome
@@doubleglaze7979 You got this brother. No fap (or at leas no porn) and working out might help, did for me.
@@AuRowe Me too man. Self-mastery is true freedom and is the masculinity you see in a Roman statue, not in a monkey's cage.
I just ignore woman to keep being out of trouble, my life is full of peace and I don't want to give that up, solitude and ignoring toxic people is something i became addicted to.
When I hear women try to mock the “fragile male ego” I am totally amused by the nonsense of that statement. A woman’s ego can be shattered so easily and so effortlessly in a fraction of a second. We learn this truth at a very early stage of our lives (our teenage years).
I had a friend in high school who was a master of this. When one of the pretty girls said something to him he'd chew on the tip of his thumb, turn away, and make a sort of "pih" sound, like he was blowing whatever he'd chewed off of his thumb into the wind. Then he'd turn back to them, no rush, and say something like "I guess." I, foolishly, talked to them and was truly interested in whatever they were saying. Unsurprisingly (in retrospect) they had no use for me, but practically hung on my friend's every word. He also insulted them pretty liberally. He and I were about the same in physical attractiveness; neither ugly nor particularly handsome, but my friend got no shortage of female attention. This was about 40 years ago, for what it's worth.
It's always so pathetic to me to see how much validation my gf thinks she needs in order to walk through life with an ounce of confidence. She tells me things about what her friends say about me as if it's big news. "My boss saw photos of you on IG and said she thinks you're stylish." And then she gets upset if I'm not over the moon about her saying that. I spend a copious amount of money on clothes and looking good. So I'm aware I look stylish because I think I look stylish. I don't need to hear it from anyone else, nor do I really care to.
Wish you the best with your relationship brother!
drop her
It really is bizarre! When men say they dont care, most often they really mean it. When a woman says she doesnt care, she almost Never means it! LOL
@@billyscorner2232 she's otherwise top LTR material. Her insecurity is essentially her only drawback. Jw what the long term outlooks of this would be
@@inconnu4961 not almost, always never means it. Their skin is paper thin
I’ve been red pilled for about 2-3 years and have been using this technique ever since. It always works.
Just asking? Why is it you have to ignore them. Can you get into a relationship and stay in it. Or you just ok with being single?
@@jackspinner4727 Would examples help? My girl was complaining about me and talking about breaking up over text so I just left her on read. After a few days, she messaged me and asked why I was ignoring her then she called. Everything went back to normal after that.
The other angle to “ignoring” a girl is instead of chasing her, let her chase you. After a date, I don’t message girls or ask when I can see her again. I don’t acknowledge that she was a nice date either. I leave her wondering. If she had a good time, she’ll definitely tell you and thank you. Just be short with her along the lines of “glad you had a good time, now go get some sleep” being ambiguous like this makes you mysterious and attractive. i.e. you’re not pedestalizing her.
@@hoju510 perfect yes that awnser my questions. Makes sense!!
@@jackspinner4727 I highly suggest watching Alpha Male Strategies. My knowledge is from him.
@@hoju510 ok I can check him out. Although a wierd part of me when I watch videos like this. I feel like just being yourself(truly being yourself is hard and rare to find) but not a huge fan of alpha type stuff. I think just being yourself naturally means you will be attractive to all people. I struggle with being myself and sticking up for myself. Don’t like confrontation
Some thing to add to this.
Ignoring women is even more effective the higher on the SMV scale they are above you.
If a 5 woman get ignored by chad, she can get over that because deep down she knows shes shopping out side her price range. If a 7 woman gets ignored by someone she sees as below her, it really bugs them.
Im a high5/low6. I see these woman all the time at the gym. They are good looking and they want every mans eyes on them. It very obvious when they are going out of there way to put them selfs in my line of sight. Now dont get me wrong, i know these women aren't interested in me, but they are interested in my thirst. They love it when the can hold their sexuality over a "lesser mans" head. When a 5 like me denies them a stare that they are expecting, they walk away super deflated. This is atleast a weekly occurrence at the Planet Fitness i go to. Frankly, i dont think most women really go to the gym to work out. If you look at the effort they put into the exercises they do, its very minimal compared to what the men are doing.
Ignoring women dosnt really get the average man dates, or sex, or affection or what ever from women........but it does knock them off their high horse a bit.
It's also good for your self respect.
Yep it feels good destroying thier ego last time in gym I used to talk to random girls who were like 8/10 in thier looks, she was always hesitant whenever I tried to have a small talk to her once I asked her phone number she started complaining to her friends and she ran away from the gym thankfully I wasn't reported for $e❎️ual her-ass-ment ,since next day ignored her and didn't even say hi and ran on treadmill pretending to unsee her and it buged her abit she came close to me while staring at mirror and pretending to exercise the next day I saw her ego hurt and intentionally pretending to be competing to me intrinsically while I was focused on doing all kinds of training and sometimes getting praise by other gym members for pushing myself to the limits
3:26 Men are super well aware that we're different from women. It's WOMEN who struggle with this concept.
I haven’t watched this video yet, but I can already tell you this is the most accurate thing I’ve heard
😂 im not surprised you watch alexander grace too
Oh boy
Hell naw a chameleon lol
Have a good day, Pearl.
😅 Pearly welcome to the Gold pot. Your content is fire 🔥🔥🔥
It’s true.
In a different case, I’m a woman that work among 80% women. I’ve been at this place for 10 years, I’ve seen people talk behind peoples back and so on. To stay in my lane I ignore most of them especially when they try to start gossiping (I understand some gossiping is healthy) but I just want to be left alone.
Just the past year I realized some of them wants my validation and it’s obvious. I’m sarcastic and when someone bothers me I speak to them right away, and the rest of the time I ignore them… it’s crazy honestly… because now they bug me more for attention.
So yeah it works.
LMAO Hysterical. Nice to hear a different perspective.
Can you explain how some gossiping is healthy?
Need more women like you at my workplace lol - Man in 80% female workplace
So many women I've met absolutely dispise women. I used to not understand why they would be extremely friendly to each others faces and then seeth about each other afterwards.
The fact that my girlfriend made a mistake just 30 minutes ago and I started ignoring her immediately,
and then she started scrambling for ways to contact me in any way shape or form and THIS video pops up... hoo boi.
This is too good to be be ignored, the timing is just perfect. I'll ignore her for as long as I can so she realize the weight of her mistake.
*(Her Mistake: She made a prank of her cheating on me. Yeah... NOT FUNNY)*
oof, bro. I have really bad news for you. If a woman really likes her man, she would never make such prank. Now you have to pay more attention on your relationship
she is litterally testing her limits if she really can cheat on you or not
@@groovesan, she saw the prank on Tiktok and decided to test it on me.
Well, bad news for her. I don't react the same way the other guys do. 😤
The other guys messaged their girl back, I just ignored mine completely.
@@xyon9090 This is a clear sign of lack of respect. You have to tell her if she does something like this ever again she is out. And be ready to walk away.
@@PortfolioPL I did. and hopefully, she doesn't do it ever again.
Being ignored as a man is not so bad, it's familiar territory 😅
We either go back to whatever they didn’t tell us they hate that we do, or we go back to being the guy that attracted her in the first place when we didn’t know she was watching or even liked us or was aware she wanted to talk to us.
*Ignoring someone might seem counterintuitive, but it makes sense that it can create curiosity. Understanding the balance between attention and distance is crucial in attracting the right partner.*
I have no problem ignoring women i do it pretty much all the time.
who need them anyway these days full of crap and narcisism better with ourselves
Its easy to ignore women that you dont know, its called "the art of not looking at them"...
Blind yourself and everything will be clear🗿
Your wife or girlfriend that’s it just ignore every other woman, don’t boost their ego you are gaining nothing
Love doesn't exist... what exist is a need of validation, the obsession of that dependency is what we call "love", but it isn't love at all, it is just validation. Love for woman is the chase for the reward, love for men is the reward itself. (They are not the same and should have their own respective words)
You are very wise my man👌
Bullshit. Love for me means much more than that, and that's why love is not used only for relationships. If you can't understand that, you're just one more sad man.
Love doesn't exist for women, they don't know what that is. For men it does, we are the romantic ones
@@Kain_R_Heinlein They know when it comes to their own children. But that's the only case.
@@upsxace 🤣 Cool story.
The women who were obsessed with me the most were the women I wouldn’t commit to. I still gave them meaningful attention and made them feel special when I wanted to but they knew I was making other girls feel special too, then I would forget they exist. I wasn’t ignoring them on purpose, I just simply didnt feel like talking to them so I didn’t. They would then go out of their way to be in my presence and to get my attention, so I entertained it almost as a reward for her. I also very rarely complimented them, if ever. You gotta make them earn it. This only works if theyre attracted to you or your personality in some way. I was basically bullying them in a fun way or making them laugh and sometimes being genuinely sweet. You cant ever let a woman feel like shes above you or she wont respect you.
dude, why females are so much cruel that they strat to feel they are above you.
Hot n cold I see.....
Yes guys, 100 percent true. Her fake disgust with you, and created drama, and princess b-c-h-i- ness, etc is all an act, to throw you off. Let her know. She doesn't have an audience with you.
Sometimes when I have a bad day, my fiancée asks me what's wrong. Usually, it seems, I'm really talkative (in her estimation - she's really introverted), and when I'm not, something is off. After this video, I guess the reason why she even noticed it that intricately is that she felt ignored by that. And the feeling of being ignored is quite hard on her.
@Cuddle Pugs I hope so. Also, I believe your comment will be very helpful. Thank you. It's not that of a complicated thing, but it's hard to express that properly and you've done that.
@Cuddle Pugs It’s good that you’re aware of how to communicate with you’re partner like that. The “are you mad at me” question is always such a chore to deal with for a lot of men.
The funniest thing you can do as a man, is to deny women sex .... they are really not wired to get rejected... specially not on sex... you can almost see it in her eyes... she is having a meltdown. ha ha ha...... as comedian said "it is like her brain is saying.... wh... whaa... whaaaat did the man say?"
What's wrong with women dressing in alluring clothing? Are you religious?
No, though if that's not your position, I find it odd to mention it here.
What does "behaving like a female" mean to you?
@@technoloverishand what if he's religious? Do you have a problem with that ?
Not at all, unless they are intending to create a theocracy in which everyone else has to follow their religion.
I cannot really believe that men in cavemen days were out alone. Imagine doing this today in North America. There are bears that can and will rip you in pieces.
Still, if a group of men are out hunting for days, they won't have any contact with women.
Good point! But deer hunters often go it alone. I imagine if small game is on the menu a cave man could go it alone.
Native Alaskans hunted alone all the time. Some successfully hunted whales on kayaks all alone with just a spear and a rope. Men were different ages ago. Like REALLY different. In fact most animals could be easily killed by a single man with even the most rudimentary of tools. It would have been rare that a hunter was killed by a bear or lion. People go hiking alone and unarmed all the time in the North American wilderness and bears aren't ripping them to pieces. Jeez.
@@B.LEE.DbrianleedurfeeREVIEWS I've never been to America. It's more what people told my brother who went there.
@@B.LEE.DbrianleedurfeeREVIEWS whales? Like the 5ton whales? Or are we talking baby whales lmao
It only works, if you pretend that you are half-assed interested in her, just to grab her attention a bit and then show her absolute indifference. If you are totally invisible to a woman, you'll stay invisible to her, no matter how much you try to "Ignore" her.
Lately I’ve been treating women like they’re all NPC’s. Makes it so much easier to ignore them
This is 100% true
My neighbor is used to turning heads
The men in the street do what they can to pander to her and some are outright simps going out of their way to do things
I ignore her and it eats her alive
It does have it's drawbacks though, she doubles down on getting my attention, deliberately calling my name and waving when she sees me or she does obvious things like taking the trash out multiple times when I'm working outside in the yard
I don't do it to be mean, she's a nice enough person, I'm just genuinely uninterested in her and frankly I'd rather not play those stupid validation games they love to play
Plato mentioned something about no longer being driven by sexual urges and desires and the peace it brings, I'm beginning to understand just what he meant
A bit like the movie a beautiful mind when John Nash decides that no one should go for the pretty blonde
Me, male 26y and in a 11y relationship with a female - I start to understand what Plato meant. Brings peace to my mind and body.
Since ancient times, most men are redpilled. Things just broke down after 1960s with more feminism and media.
I spent six years with no libido because of an undiagnosed thyroid condition, I got two college degrees in that time with a 3.8 gpa, I would like to think having no libido kept me out of trouble, it got diagnosed when my body started failing me and I had to bite the bullet and see a doctor.
One of my ex-girlfriends, a smoking hot woman was in my anatomy 2 class and tried to get me to go to a hotel with her and I denied her, because again I had no libido, and this drove her crazy, at one point she said 'you know other people would be all over this' and I said 'yeah fortunately I'm not other people.' Now that my body is back I do regret not pouncing on that opportunity but there's no point in feeling sad about it.
@@kylefer I have a condition that temporarily, not permanently, reduces libido occasionally. When I get the medication wrong which needs occasional adjustment.
I have been "informally" "accused" - by the court of office girl opinion, of being interested in girls many times when I was not biologically capable of being.
It also gives me a lot of very strange insights into sexuality in general. Like how much general even basic politeness from men is due to sex drive.
@@lordkent8143 yes, feminism AND the birth control pill.
I find this only works when you're the desired one. Even then I've known some women who will be petty and prideful enough to date someone else to get you jealous or they'll find someone else that looks like a discount version of yourself. Frankly I'm over the games and people not being honest with themself or me. I'll put in just as much effort as the woman but I won't chase, I'm not a dog and that won't win my respect. So when I move on they usually get shitty because I didn't play the game or treat them like a "Queen".
if you ignor a girl not attracted to you , it does'nt work . so if she ignors you as well this means she is not your type so please don't waste your time . focus on you , women will too
"Discount version" Holy crap that hits hard. I had this happen to me, I thought I was tripping, but it's actually a thing.
My ex fiancee left me for a discount version of me. I laughed so hard when I read your comment. I completely understand.
Discount me in EVERY category.
10 months no contact is whe she reached out to me.
Ignore her and silent treatment. Having 5 sisters and a Mom can confirm. You won’t convince them with logic if they won’t listen with an open mind.
My father in law told me right after I married his daughter (I didn't have a dad around in my life) that I'll know I'm a man when I learn how to ignore women and when to be quite. I already wasn't a talkative or chatty person so it confused me a bit. I struggled with it but I did eventually understand what he was telling me.
RIP Bob. You are sorely missed.
Edit - 25 years of marriage so far. Ignoring is really powerful but DON'T take it too far.
damn. I wish to have a father in law like him if I ever happen to marry.
Remember this does not always mean you getting her attention back. Sometimes they get so angry that youll never hear from them again or a really long time no contact. So be prepared.. this is for strong men that have options.
Nothing of value lost.
I've seen this manifest in female managers. Every customer feedback is taken by the word no matter how absurd it is, leading to micro managing! They are simply not confident and are quick to shift blame. You're a manager, you need to protect ur team, be someone your employee can look upto. Instead of leading by example, they cry about how tough things are and how everyone is out to get them. They are literally undoing their own life's work. Talk about irony😅
women are great at leading and managing women. very few women are good at leading men.
@@inconnu4961 Probably because they're not meant to, from an evolutionary perspective.
Every female manager I've ever had will absolutely throw her own team under the bus to save face. They think it's a power move among their management level, when really it just makes those under her more willing to find other career choices.
woman moment
There’s the problem right there… “female managers”
It's a common debate I have with a friend of mine; I think ignoring women works only when they are interested in you from before. Otherwise, they're more than happy for you to ignore them.
100%….if they don’t want you’re interest. You’ll still be invisible to them
Ok captain obvious 🤣
Nah, if a guy i like ignores me, no matter how '' handsome'' he is im not going to beg for attention, ill just never contact him again and move on with my life. Anyone who is attracted to someone ignoring them is at a bad place mentally and yall shouldnt play with them- its plain unethical. Sad to se videos like this, people like him are the reason why we cant make real connections
One thing, most quality women don’t need reassurance. It’s only the low quality incapable of critical thinking women who need it the most. Don’t ignore quality women, she will simply ignore you back👌🏼
That's not true... a woman with a loyal and kind heart could need reassurance, while a narcissist manipulative woman made be head strong and not need this
High quality wont play games. Simple. And most high quality are not supermodels.
I was use to being ignored by women and then I had a post high school glow up. I would target girls who I considered on my level and started to notice more attractive women noticing me and responding to me. It's a weird game. I've realized women's entire world revolves around their relationships and status.
What is common may be easily ignored and dismissed.
What is uncommon demands our attention.
It's like that old phrase
"If you want to capture someone's attention, whisper".
It only works if she desires you. 90 % of men are for a average woman unattractive, she doesn't care if one of the 90th percentile ignores her, because their male attention is in abundance and for them worthless.
But it would be kinda interesting if ALL men stop validating via social media to woman.
Woman live in such an sexual/social abundance, I envy them.
Social media has been a plague upon the dating scene for this reason. Every wom*n has become entitled with endless validation from simps.
But if most men not simps ignore women in general except your potential girlfriend or wife then it will make a difference
If you envy them you’re doing something wrong
Yes. One should not forget what I call ASIA, the Attention and Self Interest Agenda, that motivates all women every day. It is not the only thing that drives them of course, but it is there, to a lesser or greater extent, all the time.
Women from 증평, 충청북도 Asia are Also very good.
You can love women or you can understand women; but you can't do both.
Interesting, not sure I agree...'see' your point, giving this some thought.
Great insight... never heard that one before !
Once you fully understand will never love them. Very true comment.
If she wronged you and you give her silence and she still doesn't fall in line or willing to make things right, fellas she doesn't care about you. She just wants to control and manipulate you and is angry that you're a guy who will stand his ground.
That's when it's time to walk away
Totally agree with this, and when I was single, I would do this. It works. Hot chicks expect attention, and wear it as a mark of pride when they get it. Deprive them of that attention and make them feel ignored, and it drives them nuts. They become interested in you and don’t realize it.
I used to know this female I flirted with and she got pissy at me for it and didn’t want to look at me. One time I decided to stop and I told her “I’ll leave you be” and I swear her face instantly got sad after I did , she stopped being aggressive and stared at me after doing it.
I thought she felt bad for me cause I did that now I realize she felt bad for herself cause I showed my independence from her lol
I remember one of my exes was about to explode after ignoring her. for me the relationship was over, and I was not ignoring her to piss her off or something, I just wanted her to leave, she meant nothing for me at that time. she started using different techniques to get my attention just as you said, sending me her pictures with flirty lines and I respond with a like emoji, then start roasting me and criticizing my haircut n I also respond with a like emoji. she literally started begging me to say anything anything, even roasting would be better than the damn like emoji, she did not get a single word from me tho, yet followed me for days.
This is so true. Ignoring them eats them up from the inside.
Greetings from Spain. I have asked a few women why they go out with their boyfriends. They usually respond something like “he makes me feel like a queen”, “he makes me feel comfortable”. Some of them are excited about making a family. On the other hand, when I ask the same question to men, they usually underline some qualities of their girlfriends. Not necessary their beauty, maybe their character, feminity, intelligence, etc. so that they feel attracted to these characteristics and want to be with them. At the end, all the attention is focused on women. This fact is also mentioned in books on the topic, such as “Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus”. Men give and women receive. At least at the beginning of the relationship. Once there are children, the story changes. Both parents must give, this time, to the children.
Being ignored is probably the single easiest way to mess with my head. Otherwise I’m left overthinking about why I’m being ignored. The lack of knowledge is extremely discomforting.
And not receiving attention in reciprocation is itself a disappointment.
This makes me really sad. I saw a guy recently whom ive known for a while. He contacted me out of the blue, and I replied, was polite, said I would like to see him.
From that moment on he was rude, tried to make me pick him up, came over late and talked about himself, barely looked at me, just wanted to.. chill.
The next day he ignores me.
The stupid thing is, I know for a fact he likes me. The ignoring me, being rude etc etc is quite transparent with him. I know he does it bc he has stereotyped me as the girls he used to date that didnt go well. I didnt need validation or attention when he came over, i wanted friendship, an equal, someone to confide in, be silly with.
Men put up walls, and this 'ignoring her' thing, is just another one.
Idk, everything is about balance I believe, you shouldn't give too much attention to women, or too little. Men take this advice but they can't interpret it and use it successfully. They tip too much on one end of the spectrum, either they get too clingy or just very avoidant, both are catastrophic.
But honestly, we can't and shouldn't try to control this, our generations are indeed mega control freaks. We just have to accept that there are things we can't control and move on, if it doesn't work out then just accept fate as it is.
The most important lesson from this video is to try to not give too much of your attention.
@@witcherpie I agree with the over control of this generation when it comes to succeeding at something. The times Ive put myself in a healthy frame of mind, Ive suceeded naturally without trying.
Keep in mind if women loved attention and validation at all times, a guy calling them everyday or bring flowers for her then only the nice guys would have got all women. But women are attracted to the complete opposite kind of guy the jerk the A holes. They don't chase women or do nice things for her or give them attention every single minute. Women rather forgive an unfaithful A hole than be with a loyal boring guy.
bruh imagine believing it's anything other than attractiveness
Just because I don't chase women,do nice things for them or give them attention...that doesn't make me a jerk or a A hole.
@@moderndemon84 there's a difference between a guy who get girls and don't care and a guy keeping to himself. If you're in a relationship but don't validate her or call her all time she would be more interested in you.
@@Predcat Right, it honestly makes me laugh the amount of people who think there's an intricate psychology beneath the surface.
Women AND men have no idea what you're like even during the first week, what they're drawn to are physical traits that makes them going sexually.
We can get into the more complex psychology patterns later in the relationship, but nobody will even approach you in the first place if you're not attractive. The alpha/beta spectrum literally doesn't matter. If a beta, good guy who worships women looks like Chris Hemsworth and you look like a generic turd and you're alpha then the way you treat women doesn't actually matter.
@@stonerawks9882 Worshipping part might make it possible for them to pick a 7/10 or 8/10 over you since it's a little too disgusting. But I agree with you for the most part. Looks are the most important factor.
As a man I feel an intense need for social validation as well / can’t stand being alone or ignored.
Exceptions to rules exist.
There are also exceptions to human dynamics 💁
Intelligent women in particular, suffer from Confirmation Bias; the tendency to search for, interpret, favour, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values. Because after all, they are highly solipsistic creatures.
Doesn't sound very intelligent to me. I've always viewed intelligence as the ability to admit when you are wrong, to admit that you ultimately know nothing but are ready to learn.
It's not only emotion over reason, but also emotion over reality. They try to bend reality to fit the fantasies created by their emotions. So they either keep on trying again and again, and fail to arrive at the desired outcome. Or they end up bitter and hateful. Cognitive dissonance at play just as well.
As a celibate woman waiting for marriage (low count), we don’t enjoy these games. Once a man begins ignoring me, I figure he isn’t interested and exclaim such. If they do it continuously after I expressed wanting communication from both parties, they are not worth my time, and I block them.
This method works for men going after promiscuous women, women who enjoy obsessing and lusting over multiple men. For us who was stability and a genuine gentleman, these games are not cute; they’re very discouraging and are an easy way to get you cut off from the woman you like.
Another bonus of doing this: Peace and quiet, and ... as a result = lack of drama
This is too funny this video was just released. There is a woman at my local gym that is particularly attractive and has been going out of her way to get my attention. She literally follows me around using machines next to me or near me. She does constant bending over stretches, squats, lunges, etc., and I never even give her the satisfaction of glancing her way. I'm totally aware of what she's doing and why, but I just keep ignoring her. It's literally driving her insane that I won't engage her. This has become my daily entertainment. Just last night, she approached me and asked how many sets I had left on the squat rack. I simply responded and went back to lifting without further engagement. I could tell this drove her even crazier. Take note gentlemen, Alexander is spot on with this video.
Just to be abundantly clear, I am NOT ignoring her because I'm trying to torture her, but rather because I'm simply not interested.
@@رجلاً-مجهول That's where you're dead wrong. I'm an in shape 44 year old guy who knows his value. Young flashy women wearing tons of makeup desperately trying to get men's attention doesn't do it for me at all.
Uh... you know I was complimenting you, right? The Alpha Chad that doesn't run around chasing women to sleep with, but rather focuses on himself
@@رجلاً-مجهول my mistake…normally the term Chad is a bit of an insult. Anyway, I do what I want and don’t chase anyone or anything accept my goals.
@@tag_76 good man. ❤💪
I've had this platonic girl I saw as a friend. We share the same demons and we got every close. Still platonic. Later they challenged me psychologically, and I needed a break from the friendship. At first we both put energy in the friendship, then later I was carrying the ball in that. Later I spent 2 weeks just not talking to her. When I sooner or later talked to her, she a little later ended the friendship. Found out from a common friend its because I didn't talk to her for 2 weeks. I would have continued the friendship if she put more energy into it. Debatable she wanted more than friendship. Doesn't matter, if she can't be a good friend, she will not be a good spouse.
you should not be friends with women unless they introduce you to other women
@@jagosevatarion8822 I understand that logic. That means they in particular dont want you. I thought she was forecoming. Also she had feelings for someone totally different. I find most if my female friends are on the same page. This one was not.
So by that logic, can gay men and lesbian women also only be friends with the opposite gender.
You can learn a lot from being friends with a women, so I think it's great to have female friendships, if they're pretty attractive and they start to like you, win win
@@Joshy2-E when I find them like minded and im attracted to them, yeah I can feel it. But even then, I dont play games to get what I want.
Truth. Used to work with a girl that all the guys used to drool over, she wasn't my type so I was pleasant to her but didn't give her the priority the other guys did. It got to the point where she was pretty much throwing herself at me and getting super jealous of other women if I was helping them.
They cause so much drama and unnecessary crap.. they are really not worth dealing with
I tried this yesterday to my wife after we have a fight, i ignore her for a whole day. And in the evening when i got home from work she's waiting for me right in the frontdoor and the moment i enter our bedroom she almost cried while apologizing and hugging me. It hurts me to ignore her for a whole day, but she have to learn the hard way or otherwise she wont learn to say sorry.
I know some people may say that i have stupid man's pride, but its not about our pride, but about saying sorry when you make mistake.
I started flirting with a girl that was getting so many attention from other dudes. I started backing up because I didn't want to look like the simps chasing her. Next thing I know, she is coming towards me and sits down at my table, when I leave before going back to class, she starts asking me why I leave. Last couple of weeks she started giving me light touches, she bites her lips, she starts the conversation, but honestly I'm not looking for a girl anymore.
Yep, this approach works too well, and manipulates female weakness too well to be ethical. I've done it accidentally. It can make a girl take you out of the 'hate' zone, and put you straight into the 'obsession' zone. Granted, my examples of this happening were cases of very attractive but unstable women who already had strange, _negative_ fixations on me. That probably makes a lot of difference. If she already ignores you, ignoring her probably won't do much... but I'm not sure.
I'm glad to see at least one mam express the truth of the type of woman this is going to work with.
A confidemt, healthy woman isn't going to waste her time with someone who ignores as a form of communication.
Also, a healthy man shouldn't be in a relationship with a "girlfriend who manipulates" as her form of communication.
Real story: a cute chick from a new social circle (I wasn't interested in) kept ignoring me for some reason, until I started ignoring her back, to the extent that I would talk through her, as if she was transparent, turn my back or side to her and talk to everyone else. 2 days later, a miracle happened, she started saying hello and engage in some small talk. Some time later I heard the bar owner she was dating ditched her without prior warning. He just left the bar with another woman, holding hands. Whatever that was ...
This works, but it also doesn't work. It depends on the girl and the circumstances. If it's a night out, sure, it works. If for example, it's the hot new girl at work and you ignore her time and time again, she just thinks you're either strange, or an asshole. Either way, she's on the fence about you, because you've made a point to not interact with her for no real good reason. It's a balance, but it's easy to screw up and just look like you have an attitude or a chip on your shoulder for attractive woman.
I think this is happening to me at work so I just ignore everyone.
Like a wise man once said if a woman hates you/thinks you're an asshole you're doing something right
if she's getting a lot of attention from other guys and one guy is unbothered so yeah she won't think much about it.
Haha who cares what the girls at work think. They're irrelevant
Only works if you're high value man. If you're just OK, she'll go on chasing another one (chad)
Thats valid point
Nope, femaIes want everyone to notice her. If all men ignore her she hates it.
And even the wealthy men are desperate to get laid so just sit back and laugh at the show.
Thank you for being willing to put "toxic femininity" into words.
Unrelated to dating market, but i learned to stop reacting to people who ignore me, happened so many time that i stopped caring, literally.
I had a girl in university ask me why I'm silent and never talk to anyone, I told her that I have nothing to say. She didn't say anything after that and never tried to speak to me again and I continued not talking to anyone. It's really perplexing, as if I need to talk to anyone when noone cares that I don't.
After 36 years of being happily married i just realized something. Now i am laughing.
Me too, pal!😁
i guess it would be ,
‘ u ignored her ‘
iam 20 iam fed up of mind games
I got my current (and pretty hot) girlfriend by ignoring her first messages. And it wasn't even on purpose lol, I was just too nervous to answer. But it got her obsessed with me. And I'm in no way rich, we work at the same place (customer service), and I don't even have a car (she does). So yeah ya'll gotta stop with this loser mentality that she'll only go for you if you have money. You gotta be interesting and have an array of subjects to talk about besides sex, after the ignoring part (yes at some point you have to stop with the ignoring).
Haha, did you later say to het that you were busy or did you ask something and pretend you never ignored her?
How did you even started dating, no one says the only important part lol
I've employed this tactic and it works. The girl that can have everything tends to want what she can't have, or what doesn't care for her attention.
Seriously Gentlemen, I know we feel as though our attention doesn’t matter to most women because they find us unattractive, but believe me when I tell you that it does make a difference, now you don’t have to ignore them to get back at them, no, ignore them because it’s a waste of your valuable time!
So ignoring her is a powerful tool to create attraction, but my question is this, at what point do we stop ignoring her in order to get the benefits from the woman who is now attracted to us, but without the downfall of now being paying her attention? In other words, how do we go from ignoring her to stop ignoring her without failing in our final goal? I.e., without them losing interest in us for having stopped ignoring them?
You have to pay for this answer 😉
Once a woman is attracted, meet up and smash her. Keep the challenge up forever, once you get into them again they play their games. Always keep the attraction up.
If you start ignoring her she may take it as lack of interest and move on
When she seems particularly interested, offer her sex at a time and place that's convenient for YOU. Don't ASK for it -- OFFER it.
If she goes for it, fine. (You can re-negotiate the time and place now, if she asks nicely enough, but don't go out of your way significantly.)
If not, return to what you were doing. Behave as if you had offered her a stick of gum. She may still change her mind later, so don't break character.
Note: this worked in the 1990's when I was still in the game -- modern girls may be different from their moms.
You have to watch the video bozo he literally told you