  • Опубликовано: 8 сен 2024

Комментарии • 72

  • @Herzschreiber
    @Herzschreiber 7 месяцев назад +38

    I can well understand why he thinks driving in the US is more relaxed, it probably is. BUT: This is exactly the reason why the fatality rate in the US is way higher than in Germany. The more relaxed you drive, the less focused you are. PLUS: Americans do not have to think about shifting gears. In Germany you have to be highly concentrated and focused on the traffic around you, you have to additionaly decide which gear is appropriate to the situation and to what you are planning to do (e.g. overtaking or getting close to your exit, preparing to enter a rest area, service station or whatever). You simply don't have the time to play with your phone or do something else than actively drive!

    • @-Alemann
      @-Alemann 7 месяцев назад +2


    • @cheebadigga4092
      @cheebadigga4092 7 месяцев назад +1

      true, driving a car ANYWHERE is NOT for relaxing!

  • @julemama2604
    @julemama2604 7 месяцев назад +21

    Yes.. 6:46: Mittelspurschleicher!! 😀the word for someone who's driving too slow on the middle lane..

    • @christiankastorf4836
      @christiankastorf4836 7 месяцев назад +2

      In Britain people use the same term: middle lane crawler

    • @hape7539
      @hape7539 7 месяцев назад

      but its not the white car infront of the camera , its the transporter 2 cars infront of the white one whos causing problems.

    • @cheebadigga4092
      @cheebadigga4092 7 месяцев назад

      @@christiankastorf4836 I was under the impression you'd just call them an absolute knob or something lol

  • @PotsdamSenior
    @PotsdamSenior 7 месяцев назад +21

    There are speed cameras, and if you go too fast, you might get a letter with a nice picture of your car in the mail some time later. There are also unmarked policecars sometimes, which follow you and if you behave really recklessly, they might pull you over and show you an interesting video, with your car as the main character.

  • @SunStar2111
    @SunStar2111 7 месяцев назад +14

    07:00_yes it's not legal and their behavior annoys everybody. That's why they're called middle lane creepers.

  • @schnelma605
    @schnelma605 7 месяцев назад +6

    8:59 Bundesamt für Güterverkehr (BAG, Federal Office for Goods Transport). On January 1, 2023, the authority was renamed the Federal Office for Logistics and Mobility. You rarely see vehicles like this. They are e.g. responsible for checking trucks, buses and their drivers, etc. on technical safety, often together with other authorities (police).

    • @schnelma605
      @schnelma605 7 месяцев назад +2

      They also have a few other tasks, e.g.: Currently, a crisis team set up by the Federal Office for Logistics and Mobility is coordinating the distribution and transport of refugees from Ukraine arriving in Germany as part of the federal government's refugee aid.

  • @Humpelstilzchen
    @Humpelstilzchen 7 месяцев назад +4

    2:00 The silver car standing in the opposite direction to the traffic is police. They often stand at exits and entries of the Autobahn.

  • @schnelma605
    @schnelma605 7 месяцев назад +9

    5:00 In Germany, speed is usually controlled with speed cameras. A fee will be delivered by mail. There are police on the autobahn, but it is rare that you will be pulled out by the police if you exceed the speed limit (but it is possible in principle). In this case, the police car will drive in front of you and display "please follow" in German and English. The police will take you to the next rest stop or exit. There is almost no stopping on the shoulder, except for serious criminals or acute danger to life, never for normal speeding, because it is too dangerous on the autobahn and therefore disproportionate. There are plenty of other things that the police to check, e.g. whether trucks are in proper condition. Foreigners often have to pay fines on site, otherwise authorities cannot get the money.

    • @schnelma605
      @schnelma605 7 месяцев назад +2

      Addition: Instead of a “please follow” on a display, you can also be pulled out with a trowel

    • @fl45459
      @fl45459 6 месяцев назад +1

      a big difference between US and Germany is that, if you get pulled over, they will swerve in front of you to lead to the next exit. In US I see the troopers stopping behind the vehicle (probably due to gun risks involved)

  • @Attirbful
    @Attirbful 7 месяцев назад +7

    We have speedometers often randomly put up. If they catch you, you will get the ticket by mail, NEVER are you pulled over. IF the police stops someone on the Autobahn it is mostly traffic controls of trucks (such as, have they not kept their breaks/pauses as they’re suppose to etc.).

  • @user-bz3hv7nt1p
    @user-bz3hv7nt1p 6 месяцев назад +1

    I can tell as a German and driving regularly for decades - I'm truly relaxed no matter if I'm driving at a speed of a 100 or 250 km/h. Doesn't matter to me 😂😂 As you said. The respect and awareness is always there

  • @nobodx
    @nobodx 7 месяцев назад +3

    @5:15 police is usually driving themselves in unmarked cars - if you get their attention, eg by driving recklessly they follow you some distance and record / document you, and try to pull you over the next reststop
    You will never find a policecar sitting at the side of the autobahn waiting, unless they block the section because of an accident or something similar - it's way too dangerous if someone accidentally crash at >130 km/h into it

  • @madkuya9862
    @madkuya9862 7 месяцев назад +1

    Acctualy there is 1 exception, in which overtaking is allowed on the right. when a highway splits into 2. There is a thick dashed line. There you can also overtake on the right if someone is driving on the left who is slower than you are akowed to.
    These sections are sometimes many kilometers long, so that even the largest truck has enough time and space to arrange itself properly. depending on whether he wants to go on the left or right highway.
    Close to the end there is an no overtaking at all sing "usualy" not always. then you are not alowed to overtake anyways no matter left or right.

  • @wadewilson1464
    @wadewilson1464 7 месяцев назад +1

    Hey Giobozz thanks for the video:-).....Yes, no speed limit is cool, but in Germany we also have the toughest rules for car technology that you can imagine...You have to go to the state TÜV workshop every two years, no matter how old your car is.......They really check everything for rust and whether everything works. If not, you will lose your car license........It's called TÜV, the hardest test on the planet you can imagine 🙂......And if you don't pass, you can pay everything again, €150.........The police also check and stop you if you think something doesn't fit :-) Then you can push your car home or confiscate it :-)

  • @rwsrwsrwt
    @rwsrwsrwt 7 месяцев назад +2

    There are police cars on the Autobahn watching for traffic offenses but usually they use unmarked police cars with cameras so you won't recognize them while they might be recording. Even if there is no speed limit, there are still other rules that drivers could be fined for if they ignore them (e.g. distance to the vehicle in front of you, keep right when possible, only pass on the left etc.). And some sections of the Autobahn do have speed limits, of course - but you have to exceed the speed limit a lot to get pulled over by the police on the spot. Speed limits are usually enforced by traffic cameras - if you go above the speed limit, they take a photo of the driver and the license plate and you get the fine sent home by mail.

  • @klausm5460
    @klausm5460 7 месяцев назад +1

    Advisory speed also means that by going faster you take on some part of the legal liabilty in case of an accident even if the accident was caused by someone else - for example a car pulling from the slow lane into the fast lane underestimating your speed.

  • @dirkvornholt2507
    @dirkvornholt2507 7 месяцев назад +5

    I almost drove 1.5 Mio kilometers on the german Autobahn, so I'm probably statistically overdue for a fatality 😅. But actually, I think it's pretty safe if you adjust your speed to the traffic and weather conditions. The most important points in having no speed limits are well-educated drivers, regular technical inspections of the vehicles, well maintained roads, and most important respect for other drivers.

  • @michaelkruse4864
    @michaelkruse4864 7 месяцев назад +1

    The "police car" you saw is not police but BAG - "Bundesamt für Güterverkehr" (federeal office for goods transports). Those guys pull over the trucks to see if the trucks are in technical correct condition, check if the truckers take their brakes correctly, didn't drive longer and/or faster as they're supposed to, and so on

  • @jancleve9635
    @jancleve9635 7 месяцев назад +2

    5:25 Rarely
    Normal is that the cops set up radar traps on speed limited sections or on longtime construction.
    They don´t follow you or even guard the radars, if to fast you get a nice photo and a bill 2-3 weeks later in the mail.
    No chase or fuss here.

  • @CDP1861
    @CDP1861 7 месяцев назад +3

    Less stress or not, I hate 'flying in formatiom'. The more cars are around you, the more likely something unexpected can happen. At the same time it also takes its toll on your alertness when you just swim with the current for a longer time. I think having to pay a little attention when passing or switchng lanes is a small price to pay for the freedom to move as fast as you think is right and not getting stuck in a herd unless traffic really gets tight.

    • @marylacken4016
      @marylacken4016 7 месяцев назад

      Maybe that's why the death toll on US highways is about double as high as the death toll on the Autobahn.

    • @SpkeNo1
      @SpkeNo1 7 месяцев назад

      @@marylacken4016 yes that and In Germany Getting a Drivers Licence is hard work ind The US Kids in High School Drive once in a Round and The get a Drivers Licence

  • @marsch8276
    @marsch8276 7 месяцев назад +1

    A very romantic view on the Autobahn.
    It feels like there is a construction site every 2km with a speed limit of 80km/h or even less. And no one is actually working there.
    And the good old 'Rechtsfahrgebot' is only working well if everybody is aware of this and is driving correctly. Especially the very old and very young drivers seem to be overwhelmed to change the lanes.
    Last but not least, vehicle tax and the taxes on petrol should be used for maintenance, but in fact it is used for literally everything but this. There are tens or even hundreds of billions missing, e.g. for new bridges. Most of them are older than 50 yrs. now and need to be replaced. Until then - speed limit etc.
    But it was fun watching you!

  • @maryannecomment3302
    @maryannecomment3302 3 месяца назад

    I never drove in the USA, only in Europe, but when I have to drive a long way, I also take it easy in the right lane, drive between 80-100 km per hour and do not overtake anybody unless I really have to. It is more relaxing, than driving fast and overtaking cars.

  • @chasethewolf4497
    @chasethewolf4497 7 месяцев назад

    At 6:42 = To be honest, i am from Germany and always lived in Germany, and i actually didn't know that there is a specific amount of time you have until you have to go to the right lane again.
    But since there is way too much traffic these days, it's actually not possible to go back on the right lane most of the time because almost every driver is NOT keeping enough safety distance.
    Often there is not even 10 Meters (30 Feet) between my car and the car behind me, sometimes not even 5 Meters (16 Feet). F***ing a**holes.
    But i'm glad that i'm a relaxed and patient driver (unlike most drivers these days).

  • @azrael7582
    @azrael7582 7 месяцев назад

    the deceleration lane is like the acceleration lane, its a lane thats so 400m long maybe longer maybe shorter where you have room to brake to get off the Autobahn

  • @gedeuchnixan3830
    @gedeuchnixan3830 7 месяцев назад

    Manual speed controlls on the Autobahn are rare and mostly done for semi trucks, but when you pause around 8:35 you can see various additional lines on the lanes: those are for manual speed controlls like you asked. Difference between Germany and the US is, police can´t just use a speed gun/ radar that´s not holding up in court, they need those line and drone footage to scientifically proof their messuring was accurate because you can´t argue against science.

  • @wandilismus8726
    @wandilismus8726 7 месяцев назад +1

    Using Taxes for Infrastructure .... who could think of that... oh the guys who invented Taxes 😂😂

  • @schnelma605
    @schnelma605 7 месяцев назад +2

    6:40 I think you would be a "good" German. That is exactly the German attitude ;-)

  • @k.l.8702
    @k.l.8702 7 месяцев назад

    The fastest I ever drove on the Autobahn was 240 km/h (approximately 150mph) but this was in the early morning hours with literally no other car around. It's not pleasant to drive that fast because you have to be so cautious. But it's fun for a short while. 😄 Usually I just drive around 120km/h with all the traffic and construction sites even this is rarely possible.

  • @donnerschwein
    @donnerschwein 7 месяцев назад

    6:45 yeah ... despite the rules, people love to stick to the middle lane for way too long. They think "the guy in front isn't switching lane so why should I?". Especially annoying in mountainous Autobahns like the A7 strip between Lower Saxony and Hessen.

  • @fl45459
    @fl45459 6 месяцев назад

    Big Difference is also in the general driving education. The german drivers license is hard and consists of at least 3 hours of driving autobahn conditions. There are also special driving lessons for driving in the nighttime and the theory part is quite hard to learn. My driving instructor especially had me drive the car at 200kph+ at once to learn how to control the car at that speed.
    General outcome is a much safer environment for everyone, if everyone is on the same rulebook. And in my opinion it also makes it more relaxed with growing experience.
    LA or NY Interstate Traffic would be my personal nightmare. Everyones on the phone not paying attention, almost no truck has his load secured properly, no structure in the traffic flow, just horrendous.

  • @christiankastorf4836
    @christiankastorf4836 7 месяцев назад +1

    The advisory speed means that you have to make sure not to endanger anyone when you are faster. Dashing along at top speed with your powerful car is therefore only okay for the law when the road is free ahead of you and/or that you are able to slow down in time if someone changes lanes or any obstacle comes in sight. There are, yet, required minimum speeds*. The signs for them are the logical opposite to the speed limits. Signs that ban some behaviour/ tell you NOT to do this or that/ are the circular ones with the red rim around a white field and black digits or symbols in them. The signs that tell you WHAT to do are the blue discs with a white symbol. You have those mimimum speed signs mostly at steep gradients, for example the dreaded "Kasseler Berge" along the A7. Let us say you are towing a caravan. The law allows you a top speed of 80 km/h or even 100 km/h depending on items like the brake system of your trailer. When you are going uphill and notice that your car is not powerful enough to keep a speed of let's say 80 km/h and there are those signs that say that the minimum speed for the middle lane is 80 and the fast lane is 100 there is no other choice for you than joining the trucks and other slower traffic on the right line. *That is of course depending on weather conditions like no fog and no ice on the road.

  • @hujankeks3856
    @hujankeks3856 7 месяцев назад

    9:01 BAG is Bundesamt für Güterverkehr. Basicly they are looking for and checking trucks, that they dont transport anything illegal or in an illegaly way.

  • @cheebadigga4092
    @cheebadigga4092 7 месяцев назад

    Police are posted on the Autobahn. But sure as hell not as many as the highway patrol I would assume, because we have speed cameras etc. to catch the "basic" things. The two occasions you'll most likely see a police car on the Autobahn (or posted at some place near the Autobahn) is 1) there was an accident, or 2) a suspicious driver was reported by another police car or other people and they have their licence plate (drug trafficking or carrying stolen goods mostly).
    Edit: totally unrelated but you might be interested in Kollegah's song Aventador lol

  • @OTON_TV
    @OTON_TV 7 месяцев назад

    BAG (Bundesamt für Güterverkehr) are a special Police for checking trucks and load of security in technical support and load savings

  • @Likr666
    @Likr666 7 месяцев назад

    The advised 130 Km/H can't be ignored completely. If you have an accident, the insurance company can argue, you have been driving inappropriate fast and the accident could have been avoided by driving slower. They'll try to refuse paying or reduce the amount of money.
    There are static cameras for speed/radar control. There are rarely police cars or officer in normal cars pulling you over or recodring faults to fine you.
    Something not mentioned is the emergency lane. As soon as the traffic stucks, you have to make place for the emergency lane. The cars in the most left lane have to drive to the left, all other lanes far to the right.
    When merging the lane, most driverse lift the pedal or speed up, to give you a better gap, be they don't have to.
    I don't agree, that driving without speed limits is more relaxing. It's different. If youare driving on the Autobahn without speed limit, you have to use the mirror regularly, because cars from the back could approach really fast. I've been driving a lot in nehterlands and austria with speed limits and people especially the netherlands tail gate and cut in quite close in front of you. It seems to be safer, because the cars have the same speed. But it annoys me, because it's dangerous. You have no chance to brake in time in case of an accident in front. My impression is, that people there drive very rude.

  • @JohnHazelwood58
    @JohnHazelwood58 7 месяцев назад +2

    There is a special "Autobahn-Polizei" avaible in random, inconspicuous cars - like in the silver car at min 2 ... :)
    Maybe you want to watch a video about the "Autobahn-Polizei" and what they are doing, beside giving speeding-tickets!? o_O

  • @IsodorRodosi
    @IsodorRodosi 6 месяцев назад

    BAG is the "Bundesamt für Güterverkehr", they are like poilice, but they only pull over trucks.

  • @TiQdelf
    @TiQdelf 7 месяцев назад

    used the same way for 4 years to get to university every day and yes u will see police on the autobahn, specially on this part... u can spot them at 2:54 ..... that silver VW caddy, waiting with his speedgun and signaling incoming speeders to his colleeagues, they will also be also be civil police, but instead of vw caddys, they will use bmw m5's and audi rs7's..... u will only recognize them by their huge long antennas, which they need for police radio.. sometiems they were waiting in the same spot, as the caddy was .....
    car at 8:59 is not a police car btw .... but the Bundesamt für güterverkehr (was renamed into bundesamt für logistik und mobilität BALM(federal office for logistics and transport) last year). very rare to see those cars, but on this part u can see them from time to time .... this autobahn in close to the austrian border and a lot of stuff is gettin smuggeled into germany at this place (mostly from eastern europe). so the BALM will help the police catch some criminals with stuff like mobile x-rays to scan trucks ....for example: they close the right lane for normal cars, but every truck and transporter will be directed to the next rest stop on the right lane, where they wait with all their equipment ....

  • @CycloTourist
    @CycloTourist 7 месяцев назад

    BAG means "Federal Institute for Long-Distance Freight Transport" (Bundesanstalt für den Güterfernverkehr). But it was renamed. It's now called "Bundesamt für Logistik und Mobilität (BALM)". The BALM = "Federal Office for Logistics and Mobility" is an independent higher federal authority within the scope of the Federal Ministry for Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV) and carries out tasks in the area of road freight and passenger transport.
    They are also responsible for checking whether the truck drivers adhere to their driving and rest times, the trucks are in appropriate condition and whether the load is properly secured. And many, many other tasks.

  • @jochenlutz7195
    @jochenlutz7195 7 месяцев назад

    To avoid traffic jams on the Autobahn there are round blue signs with a white number inside which means that you are not allowed to drive slower than the number on the sign. Often this minimum speed is different for each lane.

  • @josefineseyfarth6236
    @josefineseyfarth6236 7 месяцев назад

    You need to keep in mind that in Europe, gas prices are PER LITER, while in the US it's PER GALLON. 1 gallon is roughly 3.8 liters, so if the fuel prices would be "the same" (like 1.70$ per gallon vs 1.70€ per liter), Europeans would still pay nearly the quadruple amount of money for the same amount of gas.
    Now, comparing the average 5.00$ per gallon vs the today's average fuel price in Germany which is 1.77€ per liter, the US is still cheaper by 0.50€ per liter.
    And, at least in Germany, fuel taxes are really high and the current govt still wants to raise them. Without taxes, 1 liter of fuel would cost like 0.65€ instead of 1,70€, which would still be more expensive than in the US.

  • @-AJaj
    @-AJaj 7 месяцев назад +1

    Yesterday I took the A9 and then the A4, that makes a difference. Nothing worked at all on the A9. A4 then had unlimited speed. reached ~230 km/h on the A4 and was going over 200 km/h for a total of 20 minutes, but when I looked at the fuel needle, the fun was quickly over. then I also have a guilty conscience. Don't think that you can drive at 250 km/h for hours in Germany, that's total nonsense and you are not faster, you'll spend more time at the gas pump. the damn air resistance when traveling over 130 km/h is immense and increases exponentially with higher speed. At 300 km/h you notice that the limit has been reached and you hit a concrete wall (made of air) so unfortunately you can't outsmart physics, not even with a Porsche Carrera

  • @commandershepard2490
    @commandershepard2490 7 месяцев назад

    The "BAG" car is a special unit of the police that is specilly responsible for transport traffic controlls. They controll Trucks if they stick to their pause times, load safety and so on.
    German drivers are well more and better trained, a licence is between 2000-3000€ and it takes months of theoretical and practical lessons. This has 2 major effects: First, they are better prepared. Second, its much more valued to keep ur liscence. It has more vaule to you. It was an effort, it cost a lot of money... We have a mandatory "car safety check" every two years. If your car does not pass, it cant be longer driven on the road until the failures are solved. So accidents caused by damaged cars are super rare. I once forgot to bring my car to the 2 year check and got fined with the threat that the police is coming to unvalue my licence plate.
    All of this is leading to the fact, that we can drive as fast as we can and still have a much less fatality rate.
    I think we germans always underrate us cause of our history... i think, we do a lot of things pretty well, and iam glad to be a german :)

  • @RustyDust101
    @RustyDust101 7 месяцев назад

    Nope, in areas where no speed limit exists the cops have almost no reason to check for speeders. They do however use undercover vehicles to check for left or center lane hogs, or other hazardous behavior. However they don't stand by the side but flow with the traffic. They have calibrated cameras on board as well as at least two cops. The two cops rule is to make corrupt cops fairly unlikely as BOTH have to sign off on any tickets they hand out.
    Cops on the Autobahn do control in those areas where local speed limits exist, but not very regularly. However there are some permanent speed cameras installed at dangerous areas (Elzer Berg, and Kassler Berge are two notorious spots). In most cases they won't pull you over but send you the ticket by mail, including a nice photo of your mugg plus your license plate, plus the reason for the ticket. The notorious red flash when you get caught by those speed traps is the reason why they are called Blitzer / flashers in German. Nooo, not THOSE kind of flashers, darn it... 😁
    Edit: 6:40 Yepp, even Germans mess up the Rechtsfahrgebot, the drive right ordnance. You are totally correct; at that point the cars on the center lane SHOULD have gone over to the right lane.
    Edit 2: 9:00 BAG = Bundesamt für Güterverkehr = Federal office for transport traffic. They control for semi-trucks on specific sections of the Autobahn where such traffic is very common or often even congested. They also check foreign semi-trucks that they keep the required rest stops and rest periods, as well as the general condition of semi-trucks. If they have good reason to believe something is awry they are also allowed to pull over semi-trucks to control them for technical gear status (brakes, pneumatic connections, profile depths on treads, etc).
    Edit 3: Distance before exits. Signs indicate the upcoming exit usually at least one kilometer ahead, often even two kilometers ahead. Then you get three blue upright rectangular signs consecutively with three, two, and one withe diagonal bars indicating that the exit lane begins in 300m, 200m, and 100m respectively. Only then does the actual exit lane begin. In most cases you will get another 300 meters or so of actual exit lane before the curve leading off the Autobahn. In the cases where this isn't possible you will usually get a special warning sign indicating a short exit lane, so you will know to slow quicker than usual.

  • @-Alemann
    @-Alemann 7 месяцев назад

    Paying toll wouldn't be disturbing without these barriers every 80 miles or so in some countries

  • @davdaninja
    @davdaninja 7 месяцев назад

    As a German who grew up in usa and later back to germany and has a german driver's license, driving in america is chill but I rage at the sheer amount of dumb behaviour on the roads. In Germany I do as well, but its kinda more like nitpicking instead of just straight up slapping my forehead.

  • @melchiorvonsternberg844
    @melchiorvonsternberg844 7 месяцев назад

    It may seem to the creator of the original video that things are more relaxed in the USA and that is certainly true from his subjective perspective. But the statistics of fatal accidents tell a clearly different story. You always have to keep the traffic density in mind. The Federal Republic is slightly larger than Montana. However, the population is twice as high as that of California, with a similar level of development. With our traffic rules, that means always driving vigilantly. When I look at the USA, with overtaking on the right and swimming along with the pack, I think the risk of a drowsy, too relaxed driving situation is extremely dangerous. This leads to slow reactions, out of a feeling of relative “security”. In Germany, which is constantly crossed by half of Europe, we have around 3,500 traffic deaths every year (just over 50 years ago there were almost 20,000!). Of these, around 450 per year are on the motorway. Motorcyclists and other motorized two-wheelers die every year, between 600 and 800. Just to give you an idea of the conditions...

  • @hape7539
    @hape7539 7 месяцев назад

    at the end " ... less stressfull in america.... " nobody forces u to drive fast and overtake trucks, u can stay behind a truck on the right side and drive 80 like them. ;D

  • @biloaffe
    @biloaffe 7 месяцев назад

    11:10 There are motorway sections where the information about an exit or exit to the next motorway is displayed up to 2 km in advance, it depends on what the situation is on the motorway.

  • @maryannecomment3302
    @maryannecomment3302 3 месяца назад

    No, if you would violate a speed limit this would be on camera, and you will receive a ticket at home. Same in the Netherlands.

  • @Kivas_Fajo
    @Kivas_Fajo 7 месяцев назад

    Next to no cops and if there are, it is like in the U.S.
    You don't know it is one, until bling bling and Yahoo.

  • @ElectricEnfield
    @ElectricEnfield 7 месяцев назад

    Most of police vehicles on the Autobahn are unmarked cars, except there is something dangerous in front of you. Then they use marked cars for better visibility.

  • @marylacken4016
    @marylacken4016 7 месяцев назад

    I get this american guy. You could feel his stress level raising on this short part of the Autobahn!
    If you don't know how to drive, better keep away from the Autobahn.

  • @TommiBrem
    @TommiBrem 7 месяцев назад

    Driving in the US, and my GPS tells me to turn left on the highway. And it's a proper left. Dudes, just put a proper intersection ...

  • @SweetSchnubbl
    @SweetSchnubbl 7 месяцев назад

    They advice you to stick to 130 kmh as the insurrance mite pay less, if you're faster than that.
    Also compared to many other countries, we dont have a big issues with car accidents...way less than Americans btw.
    We basically stick to the rules.
    You shud come over and give it a try..😊
    Germany is not only one country but also devided into many different areas, with different culture, dishes and dialects...
    But we all speak recognizable least 75% of us...😮
    Also- id wud drive me fucking simple, if everyone was only allowed to sneak, rather than to drive.

  • @michaelschuckart2217
    @michaelschuckart2217 7 месяцев назад

    "Are police posted on the Autobahn?"
    Yes, but not very often. Mostly they look for cars without enough safety distance, trucks, that look like beeing not well maintained or overloaded, poor fixation of load, overweight car trailers.

  • @IceyJones
    @IceyJones 7 месяцев назад

    yes....many ppl are lazy and just stay in the middle lane unfortunatley.....

  • @Marcel_Germann
    @Marcel_Germann 7 месяцев назад

    Police uses unmarked cars for speed checks or other violations.видео.htmlsi=S15ZEVyQS3EJz9gY&t=48

  • @Kelsea-2002
    @Kelsea-2002 7 месяцев назад

    It's more relaxed to drive in America??? If that's really his opinion, I wonder if there's something wrong with his mental attitude to driving. He can relax on his couch in front of the TV, but not behind the wheel of a vehicle!!! Such people really scare me on the street.