I have been riding BMWs for about 16 years and had the 99 F650 that I found for 800$, it had sat outside it's entire life and the original red paint had turned pink and the windscreen turned yellow but only had 2500 miles on it! I rode it off and on for 6 years and beat the hell out of it and never had one problem with it!
The F800GT was my first bike. I've always wanted to jump on one again now that I'm a little more experienced. One thing a do remember is that the engine was buzzy. You noticed that too. Good stuff!
Thank ya, sir. Much appreciated. Yeah, I've done some research on how Rotax designed the engine, and I think the buzzing may have to do with the third connecting rod and counter-balancer assembly. It kills the overt vibration, but the remaining higher frequency resonance manifests as a buzz at certain revs.
Much appreciated, sir. By the way, the acoustic jam at the end isn't me this time. The song is called 'Front Porch Blues' and it's by Chris Haugen. Great little tune!
Mom jeans are actually pretty freeing. Just wear a tiger striped banana hammock underneath to keep it real ;-) Great stops on this one. We usually get an excellently produced video, history, motorcycles and wisdom. Now you add flowers and Brit freezing his nutz off and this is a TKA classic. Well done mi amigo.
I just keep coming back for the Wide Glide. LOL. Man, it sucks when the weather doesn't do what you expect. I hate riding cold. And yet.. I keep doing it too.
Exactly. The psychological reinforcement of motorcycling is still much stronger than the physical pain of riding in the cold and wet. LOL. Cheers, Chris!
Amazing scenery so beautiful! Texas is deffo on my bucket list to visit...I live in England and I’m always stunned by how amazing the United States looks! Brilliant video as all of yours are 👌
That's cold and even by cold standards. Man we should have " Go fund me" Brit a warm riding coat LOL For gas money, I would have delivered it on the road right there in Texas .@@TimKreitzAdventures
One thing you might like is the app radarscope. It gives current raw radar data so when riding you know when it’s gonna get hard or when it’s gonna be clearing.
Forget the motorbikes, I'm just here for the flowers. Great shots mate! One of the things I like about touring on my Strom as opposed to a full touring bike is that I'm still somewhat exposed to the wind to cool me down. On those occasions where I'm riding in the cold I can always layer up, but when it's hot, it's hard to get cool without airflow. Downside is that I get a lot more wet from passing traffic when riding in the rain. HaHa! Love a bit of motorcyclist banter on a road trip. Especially when someone plans poorly and the weather gets them. Usually it's me on the end of that! lol Awesome back road find my man! It wouldn't be a Tim Kreitz Adventure without some ruined building exploration!
Appreciated as always, my friend. This was one of those trips I didn't wanna come home from. If it wasn't for real life getting in the way, I'd still be standing out in the middle of those wildflowers. Cheers, brother!
Tim, You got to do three sisters on a dual sport bike, Your only seeing 25 % of the sights on road bikes, My brother has a hunting cabin off Hwy 41 between 335 and 336, Just came back from a seven-day KLR adventure, Yep we hit that cold weather Saturday to, Too bad we do not have a BMW dealer within 300 miles of Odessa/Midland
Well, I didn't even know BMW did a mid-size tourer! Sounded like, all in all, you liked it - 90 odd HP is plenty for a bike that size I reckon. Great trip mate and really funny edit. I was moved to tears, haha! Will remember Brit fondly... Take care mate and all the best.
It's hard to say. It didn't bother me too bad with the ducts obstructed, but it was April and the weather was pretty cool. On a 110-degree day, it might be a different story. Cheers and thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the episode.
Hello from Ireland where it rains and temperatures are low almost all year 😂 great video and review of the f800gt I have an old xj600 (seca2) and am looking at reviews of the BMW hopefully to travel to Europe ride safe,,if you do visit Ireland bring waterproofs 👍
Gotta ask, have you ridden Cliff's bike? it looks like it has comfort and power. Cant say Ive ridden but a few Yamazuki's but that FJR makes me want one.
I wish you were too, man. You need to plan a Texas visit and I need to plan a Florida trip. BTW, I know you probably won't make SCMM this year, but Clif and I are going. Fingers crossed we might see you and Jessica there. :)
Love these videos! Was this shot last weekend? We were in Austin for motogp races and was stuck in the camper most of Saturday because of the rain! But we did get to ride all day Friday and see the blue bonnets.
Maybe it's improved since then but last time I did the Willow Loop about 8 years ago I swore it would be my last because it was just crowded and the friggin road was like a war zone.I'll do 16 from Llano all the way to Kerrville or Enchanted Rock or west towards Mason any day, in fact I just did that yesterday (4/27), but I'm done with Willow. Not worth the hassle for me anymore. As usual a top notch video from TKA!!!
I have to point out that 100% of your "dad jeans" comments are made while you're wearing actual dad jeans. Get the BMW. Pair it with a Roadcrafter (with hipster jeans under it) and be cool like me. Great vid, wish I could have been there.
@@TimKreitzAdventures When we get back stateside(USN - Spain) I would love to meet up for some rides and Traveling I am definitely getting a BMW RT1150 , looking forward to to more videos keep up the good work!
Since it's his wife's bike, wouldn't it be a "Mom jeans" bike? And that casket looked a mite small for the lad! So you'll be 50? Heck, I have a bike that's 45 (and I'm the original owner), I'll be 65 (maybe I'll grow up some time, but I'll keep riding, so maybe not)....When I rode across TX years ago, the zipper on my leather jacket broke at a gas stop outside Amarillo; only thing I could do was tuck it in and wear my rain suit top over it. About froze my nuts by the time I reached Albuquerque, stopped at a truck stop for some coffee and chili and shivered for some time, hypothermia is no joke! After I got back home here I worked with a guy who voiced the opinion that it never gets cold in the desert; I told him to sit his ass on a bike outside Wilcox, AZ around 5am in early November and then tell me it doesn't get cold!
Clif had the exact same thing happen to the zipper of his riding jacket on a 100-mile trip one cold winter morning. It's funny to hear him tell the story. IIRC, he turned around and went home. LOL.
You're not greeting other riders, what's with that man. Here I thought it was an universal, global gesture. On a funnier note, in Scandinavia, Britt is a girls name. I have the f800ST, which is the precursor to the GT, with many of the same characteristics. Really great bike, plan to take it thru the Alps, to Iceland and the Norwegian fjords
It's more of a unisex name here, like Kelly or Pat or Tracy. The female version of Brit here is short for Britany. Cheers. BTW, I will sometimes wave in response, but I rarely initiate the greeting. It is slowly falling out of favor in Texas. Cheers.
This looked like a great trip with friends. Bad weather and rain is part of the adventure and make the trip even more memorable.
Exactly. You cuss and moan a little at the time, but it makes for great stories down the line.
I have been riding BMWs for about 16 years and had the 99 F650 that I found for 800$, it had sat outside it's entire life and the original red paint had turned pink and the windscreen turned yellow but only had 2500 miles on it! I rode it off and on for 6 years and beat the hell out of it and never had one problem with it!
BMWs are known for their reliability and support network. I'm really thinking a Beemer will be my next bike.
I have owned a dozen former police RTP's and they are great deals for what you are getting and knowing their service history.
The F800GT was my first bike. I've always wanted to jump on one again now that I'm a little more experienced. One thing a do remember is that the engine was buzzy. You noticed that too. Good stuff!
Thank ya, sir. Much appreciated. Yeah, I've done some research on how Rotax designed the engine, and I think the buzzing may have to do with the third connecting rod and counter-balancer assembly. It kills the overt vibration, but the remaining higher frequency resonance manifests as a buzz at certain revs.
nice licks for the closing... Great video Tim... congrats
Much appreciated, sir. By the way, the acoustic jam at the end isn't me this time. The song is called 'Front Porch Blues' and it's by Chris Haugen. Great little tune!
Mom jeans are actually pretty freeing. Just wear a tiger striped banana hammock underneath to keep it real ;-) Great stops on this one. We usually get an excellently produced video, history, motorcycles and wisdom. Now you add flowers and Brit freezing his nutz off and this is a TKA classic. Well done mi amigo.
Very much appreciated, my friend, especially coming from you. Even despite the weather, I didn't want this trip to end. It was a great one.
F800GT nice middle class bike !!! Nice video. Hey from the Czech Republic, central europe))
I injured myself laughing during the casket scene, that was too funny especially with the music choice.
Thanks! Heh-heh-heh. RIP Britt! LOL.
Keep them coming Kreitz, even if you have to have bikers looking at wildflowers.
It's a Texas thang. We appreciate our natural treasures. Heh-heh. :)
Hahahaha! Good video Tim thanks for sharing. Finally riding again here in upstate ny!
Thanks very much and glad to hear it. Here's to a great riding season in 2019. :)
I just keep coming back for the Wide Glide. LOL. Man, it sucks when the weather doesn't do what you expect. I hate riding cold. And yet.. I keep doing it too.
Exactly. The psychological reinforcement of motorcycling is still much stronger than the physical pain of riding in the cold and wet. LOL. Cheers, Chris!
Willow Loop is Awesome. I need to make that trip sometime.
You'd love it. This was the best bloom I've seen in years.
Nice vid +TimKreitzAdventures! Good seeing you atop “dad jeans”. I broke down last year and rescued a ‘17 R1200GS Rallye. Love it!
Cheers and right on. I think an 800GT will be my next bike.
Amazing scenery so beautiful! Texas is deffo on my bucket list to visit...I live in England and I’m always stunned by how amazing the United States looks! Brilliant video as all of yours are 👌
Thank you kindly, Alex. Of course, you know to look me up if you're ever in my part of the Star State! Cheers. :-)
Been a tad consumed by life Mr. Kreitz...after 1500 views not a single down vote. Sums up the enjoyment your vids provide. Fun one! #RIPBrittsNuts
Hey, I completely understand. "Life happens", as they say. Cheers!
Dad jeans??? Lmao Tim! I call it comfort!
Loved the video Tim. Soft spot for the F800, took my riding lessons and test on one here in the U.K.👍
Much appreciated. I want one now. LOL. :-)
What are you calling cold? 10 , 20, 30 degrees? or 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 ? lol
About 35º(F) with wind chill. LOL. :0)
That's cold and even by cold standards. Man we should have " Go fund me" Brit a warm riding coat LOL For gas money, I would have delivered it on the road right there in Texas .@@TimKreitzAdventures
As cold as it is on its own, being on a bike magnifies it to a miserable degree. LOL.
One thing you might like is the app radarscope. It gives current raw radar data so when riding you know when it’s gonna get hard or when it’s gonna be clearing.
I'll check it out. I normally use my aviation apps, but that sounds interesting.
Forget the motorbikes, I'm just here for the flowers. Great shots mate!
One of the things I like about touring on my Strom as opposed to a full touring bike is that I'm still somewhat exposed to the wind to cool me down. On those occasions where I'm riding in the cold I can always layer up, but when it's hot, it's hard to get cool without airflow. Downside is that I get a lot more wet from passing traffic when riding in the rain.
HaHa! Love a bit of motorcyclist banter on a road trip. Especially when someone plans poorly and the weather gets them. Usually it's me on the end of that! lol
Awesome back road find my man! It wouldn't be a Tim Kreitz Adventure without some ruined building exploration!
Appreciated as always, my friend. This was one of those trips I didn't wanna come home from. If it wasn't for real life getting in the way, I'd still be standing out in the middle of those wildflowers. Cheers, brother!
Dad jeans not Dad pants...lol The flowers looked awesome. I always ride with a warm jacket and rain gear just in case. Great vid Tim. RSM8
Thanks, Kev! I'll let Mr. 'Dad Pants' know you got a kick from his comment. LOL.
I came from bobberfett channel ;D .. he mention ur u tube channel so i look around and yep u like adventures .wohoo..
Yeah, Devin is a great guy. Welcome to the channel. Enjoy the vids.
Great video again Tim. Y’all get so close to my stomping ground! Too bad the weather was not perfect for your entire trip.
I've gotta be more diligent about letting you and a few others know when I'm gonna be near ya. Are you on the Two Wheel Texan forum, by any chance?
Yes I am but not very often. More Instagram and Facebook.
I just reset my TWT password. Lol
Heh-heh. I'm pretty active there and we usually discuss rides and GTGs. :)
Tim, You got to do three sisters on a dual sport bike, Your only seeing 25 % of the sights on road bikes, My brother has a hunting cabin off Hwy 41 between 335 and 336, Just came back from a seven-day KLR adventure, Yep we hit that cold weather Saturday to, Too bad we do not have a BMW dealer within 300 miles of Odessa/Midland
Well, I didn't even know BMW did a mid-size tourer! Sounded like, all in all, you liked it - 90 odd HP is plenty for a bike that size I reckon.
Great trip mate and really funny edit. I was moved to tears, haha! Will remember Brit fondly...
Take care mate and all the best.
We miss him already! LOL. Thanks as always, my friend. :)
Good video. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the F 800 GT. And glad to see you broke out the drone on the last day for some closing shots.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. This was a really fun trip on a great bike.
Good days out by the look of it and good fun a bit wet just like being in the uk lol BMW tim nice bike i have to say rsm
Thanks, Andy. This year's trip was unique in that it comprised both the best and worst weather. LOL. Cheers. RSM.
Hey Tim. Thanks for the beautiful video. In your opinion, will the heat coming off the engine will be too much on a hot day? Thanks in advance.
It's hard to say. It didn't bother me too bad with the ducts obstructed, but it was April and the weather was pretty cool. On a 110-degree day, it might be a different story. Cheers and thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the episode.
Enjoyed this 😊👍
Thank you. :)
Very cool but be careful if Carol around looking at a the flowers
No doubt.
Great video as usual
Thanks as always!
Another great video, looks like a fun trip, except the cold 🥶 👌🏻✌🏻💯🏍🏄🏼♂️
Yeah, the cold snap definitely sucked some of the enjoyment, but over all it was pretty great.
Maybe the next bike to try is a s1000rr or HP4
The 1000rr is definitely awesome. If only I knew someone who'd let me borrow theirs. LOL.
Dad pants is when you forego the jeans altogether...at least it is in the UK ;)
Great video Tim.
RIP Britt >_
Don’t see many videos on bmw bikes. I wonder how many similarity’s they have with the cars.
Hopefully, they are more dependable! Hahaha.
Could you put a large plastic bag on underneat Bret mesh jacket gotten from the road diner , would it make a difference ???
He eventually stuffed it with newspapers.
Hello from Ireland where it rains and temperatures are low almost all year 😂 great video and review of the f800gt I have an old xj600 (seca2) and am looking at reviews of the BMW hopefully to travel to Europe ride safe,,if you do visit Ireland bring waterproofs 👍
I'd love to visit Ireland someday, sir. Thanks for the kudos and good luck finding your new Bimmer.
Gotta ask, have you ridden Cliff's bike? it looks like it has comfort and power. Cant say Ive ridden but a few Yamazuki's but that FJR makes me want one.
I rode his 2006 and loved it: ruclips.net/video/t75cKwHnCNQ/видео.html
DAAAAD JEANS!! I love these types of videos the most man, wish i was there doing some touring with you guys.
I wish you were too, man. You need to plan a Texas visit and I need to plan a Florida trip. BTW, I know you probably won't make SCMM this year, but Clif and I are going. Fingers crossed we might see you and Jessica there. :)
Love these videos! Was this shot last weekend? We were in Austin for motogp races and was stuck in the camper most of Saturday because of the rain! But we did get to ride all day Friday and see the blue bonnets.
Affirmative, sir. The trip was April 11-14. Austin got it hard, much worse than where we were basing in Junction.
Maybe it's improved since then but last time I did the Willow Loop about 8 years ago I swore it would be my last because it was just crowded and the friggin road was like a war zone.I'll do 16 from Llano all the way to Kerrville or Enchanted Rock or west towards Mason any day, in fact I just did that yesterday (4/27), but I'm done with Willow. Not worth the hassle for me anymore.
As usual a top notch video from TKA!!!
Much appreciated as always, sir. Willow Loop is usually best on a weekday. Saturdays and Sundays are miserable.
I hate to hear about Brett’s demise, but is his bike spoken for? I assure you it would be cherished. 😁
Heh-heh. I'll ask the executor of his estate. LOL.
Dadgum Tim!
Editing Level: 1,000
... as always 😉
Thank you, sir! :-)
Any issues with wind noise (especially at speeds over 70 mph)?
No more than you'd expect. If it were my bike, I'd actually put a shorter windscreen on it for more wind, but that's just me.
Another benefit to having the sport tourer is room for the camera gear B-)
This is true. :0)
Next time you get caught in the cold like that stop in a town and try find a news paper. Pack that under the jacket you will be just fine 😉👍
By the time we were a hundred miles from home, Britt had that jacket stuffed with 10 unfolded Thrifty Nickels. It was hilarious. LOL.
Hi what is the manufactor of this crash bars please ?
I'll ask Clif.
I have to point out that 100% of your "dad jeans" comments are made while you're wearing actual dad jeans. Get the BMW. Pair it with a Roadcrafter (with hipster jeans under it) and be cool like me. Great vid, wish I could have been there.
We missed you for sure, brother. All the DBB guys sent their regards your way.
Great video brother/G\
Thanks. :)
@@TimKreitzAdventures When we get back stateside(USN - Spain) I would love to meet up for some rides and Traveling I am definitely getting a BMW RT1150 , looking forward to to more videos keep up the good work!
Since it's his wife's bike, wouldn't it be a "Mom jeans" bike? And that casket looked a mite small for the lad! So you'll be 50? Heck, I have a bike that's 45 (and I'm the original owner), I'll be 65 (maybe I'll grow up some time, but I'll keep riding, so maybe not)....When I rode across TX years ago, the zipper on my leather jacket broke at a gas stop outside Amarillo; only thing I could do was tuck it in and wear my rain suit top over it. About froze my nuts by the time I reached Albuquerque, stopped at a truck stop for some coffee and chili and shivered for some time, hypothermia is no joke! After I got back home here I worked with a guy who voiced the opinion that it never gets cold in the desert; I told him to sit his ass on a bike outside Wilcox, AZ around 5am in early November and then tell me it doesn't get cold!
Clif had the exact same thing happen to the zipper of his riding jacket on a 100-mile trip one cold winter morning. It's funny to hear him tell the story. IIRC, he turned around and went home. LOL.
The moral of this story is.....Never die from frozen nuts.
Amen! :0)
Geez I love Texas
Me, too!
Common mistake not taking enough gear just in case. :) Looks like he survived so all is good.
No reports of Pneumonia yet! LOL. :)
You're not greeting other riders, what's with that man. Here I thought it was an universal, global gesture. On a funnier note, in Scandinavia, Britt is a girls name.
I have the f800ST, which is the precursor to the GT, with many of the same characteristics. Really great bike, plan to take it thru the Alps, to Iceland and the Norwegian fjords
It's more of a unisex name here, like Kelly or Pat or Tracy. The female version of Brit here is short for Britany. Cheers. BTW, I will sometimes wave in response, but I rarely initiate the greeting. It is slowly falling out of favor in Texas. Cheers.
Up next dad jeans tim and the chad's grab lunch at the country club till next time creatures
Ha! :0)