Hello from Canada! This is how my Bedstemor used to make rabarbergrød, except she did not put almonds in it. Or at least not that I can recall. I see many people do not strain the rhubarb, and I have made it that way many times. I think I will have to try it this way today, as I have quite a lot of rhubarb at the moment. Thanks for the video.
Hello from Canada! This is how my Bedstemor used to make rabarbergrød, except she did not put almonds in it. Or at least not that I can recall. I see many people do not strain the rhubarb, and I have made it that way many times. I think I will have to try it this way today, as I have quite a lot of rhubarb at the moment. Thanks for the video.
Thank you for your comment. In our family we love the alminds, as they add some bite to the rabarbergrød.
Tror faktisk ikke jeg har fået siet rabarbergrød, huske det som at der er frugtkød i og uden mandler. Men det ser vild lækket ud, må jeg prøve en dag.
Vi spiser også rabarbergrød, det ikke er siet, eller laver det til trifli, men dette er alligevel vores favorit.