This game is one of the best ones I have ever played in my life. I've been playing video games since I was 8 years old and I'm currently 35. I think what you all have made here has so much potential and I am beyond excited to see what comes of it. Thank you for making this game! Thank you for being transparent and communicating with your players! Thank you for not making it a game prioritizing microtransactions and built purely for corporate greed. It's truly a breath of fresh air in an industry that's being squeezed to death by corporate greed.
@@michaparchas5394 They've made their own engine to fill the needs of their own creative vision. That in itself is a huge task. But I know things like this are subjective. For me, I love survival games. I also LOVE fantasy settings. More than anything I love being able to build in games. It's a creative outlet for me that genuinely helps me with my mental health. So far this game has brought a ton of fun for my wife and I and the different groups of people we game with. We all have different things we love about survival games and we all always tend to break off to do our own preferred tasks and this game let everyone do this and we all had fun. I believe if they stick to this game, the potential it has to deliver varied things to offer people of different playstyles and what they consider entertaining could be unrivaled. I have thousands of hours in games like Conan Exiles, Valheim, Raft, 7 Days to Die etc. They all were fun and great in their own ways but none ever felt like they had the potential this game has. So while my opinion here is subjective and might not be true for you, it absolutely is for me. I am excited to see where this game goes.
I am not a big fan of playing ea games, but this is the rare title that exceeds my expectations. If the ea is this good already, I can't imagine how bad ass 1.0 will be. Keep up the great work and glad I decided to jump in a support you guys and gals. Good luck and wish you all well
Honestly, the pause is all I need extra. I'm happy with more of the same for story and experience. It's my favorite game to play atm. I forgot to mention the music! Keep that amazing soundtrack going. Such a good game. It's right up there with Zelda and Skyrim in my book. Very fun to play. Thanks!
I'm glad we have this game to look forward to with everything that's been going on in the game industry lately. It's the game survival players never thought we'd get
Im so glad you guys are working so hard on the game, your dedication to giving the community their reasonable requests and being so involved is amazing. My small request is to have purple things 😍 blocks, fire, decorations. If that happened i would simply fall over and die, and then play enshrouded for eternity!
I can't wait for the Great New Content that you guys are going to be creating. Already this year Enshrouded as became the best played game of all time in my book. Thank you so much for crafting a Amazing Great Game that I have played nonstop and I look forward to seeing all kinds of new ways of gameplay, dungeons, biomes, and more.
Pls dont loose momentum. I want your vision to be fullfillt. Such a great game with so much potential, I realy hope the Minecraft community gets a glance of what is possible in this game to spark a fire😃
On top of all the amazing things this game has to offer, please make it possible to complete new content in refurbished/reclaimed cities/sites. I've read where some people had to remove flame alters from their base to be able to complete quests that were released with this update. Keep it coming! You all ROCK!
The communication here and the answers given are extremely promising. I've barely touched the game and I'm already in love with the building system; I've spent many days on single base builds in other games and I can't wait to do it again and better than before. I wish this game success and much love to the devs for your hard work
I've been enjoying the game for the past few weeks & really digging (sometimes literally, ha) into the base-building system, and I absolutely love it! I also appreciate the fact that you take the time to answer community questions and such. I'm personally happy with the current world reset thing, but am hoping for eventually being able to build more flame altars/bases or at least have a few more fast-travel points in the future. Also hoping that the Cordyline-looking shrubs you find in the Nomad Highlands and the cacti in the Kindle Wastes will get added to the list of seedlings you can craft at the seedbed, because they will go quite nicely with the Mexican-style hacienda I built on the Pillars of creation.
I really love Enshrouded. I'm very interested to find out more about the story and what really happened to the world. Looking forward to all the new things you plan to bring to the game. Thanks for your great work.
Super excited about the future of this game, right now taking a bit of a break to not get burn out but i absolutely love this game and appreciate the hard work going into it.
The thing I'm most looking forward to in terms of added content is for the game's construction to be as rich as Conan Exiles or Valheim, I'm hoping for triangular or even rounded foundations, all the rest added will just be a welcome bonus. Otherwise, keep up the good work, it's my favourite game of the year, and please don't make it harder to survive over time, because I really appreciate the game's flexibility when it comes to survival. It's a nice change from games where the survival difficulty is too high, because it's often too punishing for solo players! THANK YOU FOR THE ENSHROUDED EXPERIENCE!!!
안녕하세요! 인슈라오디드를 사랑하는 한국 유저입니다! 지금도 완벽한 게임이지만 몇가지 추가되면 더욱 훌륭할 것 같습니다. 아이템을 주울 때 해당 버튼을 연타하면 너무 힘듭니다. 특히 농작물이 많아질 때 피로도가 상당해요 ㅜㅜ 버튼을 누르고 있으면 연속적이고 빠르게 줍는 기능을 만들어 주세요! 그리고 몬스터를 소환 할수 있는 장치가 있다면 게임이 매우 재밌을 것 같아요! 항상 건강하세요!
Love the game, love the way the devs ore open about plans and obstacles. After putting over 1200+ hours into Snowrunner I never expected to find another game that would suck me in the same way. Thanks for creating this game and continue making it more and more awesome 👍
The main thing I feel melee really needs is some sort of resistance/immunity to things like Stun/knockback/attack interruption. Especially when swinging a 2handed weapon. It's one thing if a large enemy stuns me, or a boss especially, but rats and weak skeletons? it's ridiculous.
There's a spellsword perk along the blink line that's super helpful- it allows you to teleport even if you're stunned, and that breaks the stun. But you have to branch into the magic side of it to get there
Agreeing with everyone in here who have said that this is one of the best games they’ve ever played. I’m racking up those hours quick!! Also would love to see more secret doors and chests. I feel like I spend too much time looking for them to be disappointed when nothing appears lol. Keep up the amazing work!!
Oh man I simply can't wait for water and weather! I love rainy weather in games! Its my favorite! I just hope when rain comes the surfaces look wet and there are rain drop effects on the texture surfaces.
@@Enshroudedgame In a building-focused game, we need to be able to build absolutely everywhere. I have hundreds of bases/buildings in Valheim. I would have as many here.
Oddly enough I remember playing portal knights on the phone thinking it was super unique it’s nice to see how far you all have come. Personally haven’t played enshrouded but have already purchased it looking forward to playing it after a few more updates!
I love the idea of breathing life into the base with NPC doing stuff. Survival games always have this loneliness aspect, so having the base filled with life is a welcomed contrast.
The addition i wanna see in the game is to make skill tree and equipment groups. For example with one click to change the whole skill tree and equipment when I want to play wizard.
EverQuest Landmark was super ambitious and really cool (if you had access to the dev tools, otherwise building was unnecessarily painful). I miss that too, but I'm hoping that Enshrouded picks up in popularity during its development and can turn into what I always envisioned Landmark to be.
I'd really love to see mounts added to this game. I know the gliding is a functional way to get around the map, but I think it can be more immersive to run on the ground and enjoy the scenery up-close without having to go on foot. I'd love to know if this is being considered!
Honestly there’s certain caveats to me playing a creative game that I’m worried about with Enshrouded: • I hate timed stuff, so being timed in the shroud seems anxiety-inducing • If you guys ever add base invasions, your base is no longer a permanently safe and cozy space to hang your hat. If it’s done optionally (MC’s Pillager banners) it can be fun. But not forced.
In my opinion, they should add a hardcore option mode with more survival aspects, such as: - Base Invasions = This would mean that you’re not just building for style but also for your safety. Imagine defending your base against hostile forces! - No More Free Teleportation = Instead of freely teleporting, players would need to plan their travels and perhaps even camp out when they’re far away from their base. - Death Penalty = When you die, you’d lose experience points (XP) and drop all your items on the ground. This would add an extra layer of challenge and encourage players to pay attention to details on the map. these changes could add more depth and immersion to the game
Never forget : "listen to the feedback BUT not always the solution players provide" 👀 Don't make me sad like Formula Fusion did 😭 The game is already Amazing !!
@03:25 Super curious, what does your video producer use to make these great looking videos with the smooth panorama shots free of a character perspective without some sort of internal camera mode? I'm desperately looking for something to be able to make my next video!
He breaks the game with dev tools and prays that things don't fall apart. 🤣 They aren't really something we can give to players directly like that, but I do know that some players have created some free cam mods/cheats that can sorta brute force get the job done if you want. Might be worth asking about it in our Discord server if you haven't already :)
I’d love rounded shapes for building. Also I know it may be a stretch and a difficult implementation but, ai raiding system that attacks you base periodically. Then we can have defense pieces to help with defending the base!
I think for those hardcore players who easily get through the content (like most of my friends and cousins) and get to the end-game quickly, they need something to sustain their interest. I honestly feel what Enshrouded is missing (among a few things) is a really intriguing crafting system for items late-game. Players should feel like they have some really interesting options for them to craft. Right now it just doesn't feel like it's all that interesting once you reach the end-game.
You know a cool idea for maybe a way to get rid of the shroud in the enshroded towns maybe a special build item that pushes the shroud away. Like some sort of Crystal that wards it off.
Thank you for such an amazing game. I was a long time fan of need for speed, Skyrim, and elite dangerous. I have played all of them since day one on each game respectively. But since you came out with Enshrouded, I haven't touched any of them. awesome job.
PS. do you plan on changing the valley above the revelwood hollow halls? i recently found that area and would like to build there but don't want to risk it if youre going to change the area again....
that question about height and dept,... i did find a specific spot before nomad highlands that went waaaaaaaay deep, but i couldnt go deeper after a little while but it definitly looked like there was gonna be something there
A few suggestions if I may... I do think the reset is nice, but it also feels like when we beat a shroud root its soo cool to see us actually make some progression. Having that reset feels kind of bad and a little pointless like we aren't actually helping. Maybe that is one thing that should stay is the small area that gets "fixed" when you cut down a shroud root? Also I get being able to only enter building mode while within a flame alter, but it would be amazing if we could still lay down items. (Ones that would disappear if left out long enough)... but I would love to be able to take my crafting bench along with me and plop it down while exploring to fix items as well as lay down BEDS. How many times have I been stuck out after dark and I either have to just wait it out or go back to base and sleep. It feels like a real adventure killer having to do that, because let's face it... Night time is DARK
I hope this base invasion request will never be fulfilled. I'm spending hours and hours to build my dream base and the thought it might be destroyed makes me anxious
As a casual player, add on challenge outside during the adventure will be acceptable, but I would like to be safe and comfort in my base, not trying hard to defend 🙏
Our plan is to aim for major updates every 2-3 months or so, with smaller updates and hotfixes sprinkled in-between as needed. Our last update, Hollow Halls, was a little over a month ago.
What about building a flame shrine after you have cleared the shroud to "lock" out the shroud from that area. And then in the previous enshrouded area you could have base raids. So base building outside of previously shrouded areas is "safe" but defensive base building would be needed in shroud areas. I personally wouldn't like a "Change" such that my current bases started to get raided. But if I choose to build in shroud areas that would come with the territory.
please add randomized affixes for all the weapons, having stats like chain, pierce, multi proj , crit chance, crit multi as rare outcomes would be so much more fun than just all the same weapons, if you need inspiration just look at path of exiles itemization
wonderful game and judging by the answers wonderful devs too! Very well written answers, realistic goals, mindfulness of limitations and issues, makes me happy to see one of my favourite games has intelligent and competent people behind it. Keep on creating! :) Please never let yourselves get bought by a big company that'll kill your creative spirit
Great work! One question though, how does one fix the laggy map when zooming out? Game is running smooth, but this changes when I open the map.. can’t be the pc, i’ve seen people play with “lesser pc’s” without the lag. Would love to hear it! Keep up the great work!
I think you could remove the shroud if you rebuild certain areas and .ake the players put real work and kills to complete an area. Like the shroud disappearing when we 100% a zone.
awesome AMA. i really hope dual wielding comes! Specially for assassin gameplay. Also with the NPCS I would love if there was some sort of ai - like if they were walking around and doin stuff.
Could you please help out explaining how the laggy map can be fixed? Game runs butter smooth on high, expect the map. Tthe fps drops when opened up, haven’t seen to find any solution. Thanks in advance, keep up the good work!
Target dummies that allow weapon/build testing and double as armor stands would be awesome. And transmog is the biggest one for me. Please work on transmog!
What about the Char Editor? Any plans to optimize it? More options for individual Characters? don't reallay like both of the female presets. Would love to create a char that pleases me more..
This game will be the best thing when it hits 1.0, I wont touch it until then because I dont want to go through all the updates and get attached to anything that might change. But im excited for when it get finished.
This game is one of the best ones I have ever played in my life. I've been playing video games since I was 8 years old and I'm currently 35. I think what you all have made here has so much potential and I am beyond excited to see what comes of it. Thank you for making this game! Thank you for being transparent and communicating with your players! Thank you for not making it a game prioritizing microtransactions and built purely for corporate greed. It's truly a breath of fresh air in an industry that's being squeezed to death by corporate greed.
Best? Where. Seriusly
@@michaparchas5394 They've made their own engine to fill the needs of their own creative vision. That in itself is a huge task.
But I know things like this are subjective. For me, I love survival games. I also LOVE fantasy settings. More than anything I love being able to build in games. It's a creative outlet for me that genuinely helps me with my mental health.
So far this game has brought a ton of fun for my wife and I and the different groups of people we game with. We all have different things we love about survival games and we all always tend to break off to do our own preferred tasks and this game let everyone do this and we all had fun.
I believe if they stick to this game, the potential it has to deliver varied things to offer people of different playstyles and what they consider entertaining could be unrivaled.
I have thousands of hours in games like Conan Exiles, Valheim, Raft, 7 Days to Die etc. They all were fun and great in their own ways but none ever felt like they had the potential this game has.
So while my opinion here is subjective and might not be true for you, it absolutely is for me. I am excited to see where this game goes.
Yeah and theres so much they csn do, just think about wow stuff in enshrouded
Can't wait for New Content. Thx 4 the Update!
New Biomes -> but especially : *WATER !!!* 😊
The ability to use the pick axe on any area is probably the one thing I enjoy the most .
You can break down the locked Hollow Halls doors with pick. 😂
Same, why go around the mountain when I can go through it?
I am not a big fan of playing ea games, but this is the rare title that exceeds my expectations. If the ea is this good already, I can't imagine how bad ass 1.0 will be. Keep up the great work and glad I decided to jump in a support you guys and gals. Good luck and wish you all well
Please keep up the excellent work and even if it pains some of us, go at your pace to get things to where you feel comfortable!
Wonderful work, Keen! Truly a keen eye for quality! Im stoked for new biomes and POIs!
Amazing guys, i finished the game a few weeks back but im so glad to see you have big plans coming up!
Woot, our multiplayer group getting their closeup at the 4:03 mark!
Love this game so far.
Memorable and full of promise! Can't wait to see where it all goes.
Honestly, the pause is all I need extra. I'm happy with more of the same for story and experience. It's my favorite game to play atm.
I forgot to mention the music! Keep that amazing soundtrack going. Such a good game. It's right up there with Zelda and Skyrim in my book. Very fun to play. Thanks!
I'm glad we have this game to look forward to with everything that's been going on in the game industry lately. It's the game survival players never thought we'd get
Awesome update on what you're working on and overall thoughts. Can't wait to see where this game goes in the future!
A bright light in the dark and hopeless gaming scene as of now. 100 hrs in and loving this game more each day!
Im so glad you guys are working so hard on the game, your dedication to giving the community their reasonable requests and being so involved is amazing. My small request is to have purple things 😍 blocks, fire, decorations. If that happened i would simply fall over and die, and then play enshrouded for eternity!
I can't wait for the Great New Content that you guys are going to be creating. Already this year Enshrouded as became the best played game of all time in my book. Thank you so much for crafting a Amazing Great Game that I have played nonstop and I look forward to seeing all kinds of new ways of gameplay, dungeons, biomes, and more.
Pls dont loose momentum. I want your vision to be fullfillt. Such a great game with so much potential, I realy hope the Minecraft community gets a glance of what is possible in this game to spark a fire😃
On top of all the amazing things this game has to offer, please make it possible to complete new content in refurbished/reclaimed cities/sites. I've read where some people had to remove flame alters from their base to be able to complete quests that were released with this update. Keep it coming! You all ROCK!
The communication here and the answers given are extremely promising. I've barely touched the game and I'm already in love with the building system; I've spent many days on single base builds in other games and I can't wait to do it again and better than before. I wish this game success and much love to the devs for your hard work
Great game fellas, keep up the good work! Holding my breath for more juicy content post Hallow Halls.
I've been enjoying the game for the past few weeks & really digging (sometimes literally, ha) into the base-building system, and I absolutely love it! I also appreciate the fact that you take the time to answer community questions and such. I'm personally happy with the current world reset thing, but am hoping for eventually being able to build more flame altars/bases or at least have a few more fast-travel points in the future. Also hoping that the Cordyline-looking shrubs you find in the Nomad Highlands and the cacti in the Kindle Wastes will get added to the list of seedlings you can craft at the seedbed, because they will go quite nicely with the Mexican-style hacienda I built on the Pillars of creation.
I really love Enshrouded. I'm very interested to find out more about the story and what really happened to the world. Looking forward to all the new things you plan to bring to the game. Thanks for your great work.
You guys are killing it! Thank you for making this awesome RPG.
Super excited about the future of this game, right now taking a bit of a break to not get burn out but i absolutely love this game and appreciate the hard work going into it.
The thing I'm most looking forward to in terms of added content is for the game's construction to be as rich as Conan Exiles or Valheim, I'm hoping for triangular or even rounded foundations, all the rest added will just be a welcome bonus.
Otherwise, keep up the good work, it's my favourite game of the year, and please don't make it harder to survive over time, because I really appreciate the game's flexibility when it comes to survival. It's a nice change from games where the survival difficulty is too high, because it's often too punishing for solo players!
Really love this team behind Enshrouded
Great communication! Thanks.
Im so excited for this game in what it is, and whats to come! Thanks for your great work :)
Thank you for your support!
Super exciting stuff guys, keep it up :)
안녕하세요! 인슈라오디드를 사랑하는 한국 유저입니다! 지금도 완벽한 게임이지만 몇가지 추가되면 더욱 훌륭할 것 같습니다. 아이템을 주울 때 해당 버튼을 연타하면 너무 힘듭니다. 특히 농작물이 많아질 때 피로도가 상당해요 ㅜㅜ 버튼을 누르고 있으면 연속적이고 빠르게 줍는 기능을 만들어 주세요! 그리고 몬스터를 소환 할수 있는 장치가 있다면 게임이 매우 재밌을 것 같아요! 항상 건강하세요!
Love the game, love the way the devs ore open about plans and obstacles. After putting over 1200+ hours into Snowrunner I never expected to find another game that would suck me in the same way. Thanks for creating this game and continue making it more and more awesome 👍
GUY'S, thanks so much for these Q@A
The main thing I feel melee really needs is some sort of resistance/immunity to things like Stun/knockback/attack interruption. Especially when swinging a 2handed weapon.
It's one thing if a large enemy stuns me, or a boss especially, but rats and weak skeletons? it's ridiculous.
Getting stunned constantly sucks.
@@NegativeROG ya, the tank tree absolutely needs resistance to this.
There's a spellsword perk along the blink line that's super helpful- it allows you to teleport even if you're stunned, and that breaks the stun. But you have to branch into the magic side of it to get there
@@loppydoodle726 ah, shame i dont have enough left over points for that.
Agreeing with everyone in here who have said that this is one of the best games they’ve ever played. I’m racking up those hours quick!! Also would love to see more secret doors and chests. I feel like I spend too much time looking for them to be disappointed when nothing appears lol. Keep up the amazing work!!
Oh man I simply can't wait for water and weather! I love rainy weather in games! Its my favorite! I just hope when rain comes the surfaces look wet and there are rain drop effects on the texture surfaces.
More flame altars?/larger flame altar building areas?
Yep, changes/additions to how flame altars work are planned for the future. They won't stay like they are now forever. 😉
@@Enshroudedgame In a building-focused game, we need to be able to build absolutely everywhere. I have hundreds of bases/buildings in Valheim. I would have as many here.
Thank you very much for the update!
best build, explore, survival craft game, make it big, love the stuff you do
Oddly enough I remember playing portal knights on the phone thinking it was super unique it’s nice to see how far you all have come. Personally haven’t played enshrouded but have already purchased it looking forward to playing it after a few more updates!
Can't wait till this comes to PlayStation, I've always wanted a game like this!
if not a pause, what about when you go into the settings bar it either makes enemies passive or stops them in place
Please, more content, i need play this game more and more...
id love to have that red centurion armor or scythe
All I want is to be able to change the orientation of the flame alter to adjust the base grid. It's such a shame we can't.
You guys are doing an amazing Job
I'm coming from a game called New World where the Devs could not give a crap about their community.
Keep it up!!
I love the idea of breathing life into the base with NPC doing stuff. Survival games always have this loneliness aspect, so having the base filled with life is a welcomed contrast.
Will there be any plans for pets? Tameable or Summons: Simple mounts, Farm pets, Beastmaster skill expansion.
Check their roadmap! :3 They're planning to add farm pets!
Not sure about mounts, but that'll be nice too.
"... and fly safe."
-Scott Manley
Just want to say that I love this game! It´s so much fun (and beautiful) solo or with friends. Almost perfect!
The addition i wanna see in the game is to make skill tree and equipment groups. For example with one click to change the whole skill tree and equipment when I want to play wizard.
There used to be a game called "Landmark" you could make round voxels, spheres, arches and you could get voxels down to a pin point. I miss that game.
EverQuest Landmark was super ambitious and really cool (if you had access to the dev tools, otherwise building was unnecessarily painful). I miss that too, but I'm hoping that Enshrouded picks up in popularity during its development and can turn into what I always envisioned Landmark to be.
@@WingTzu343 After they made all the pre made shapes it was much better. Figuring out spiral stairs was painful though
I'd really love to see mounts added to this game. I know the gliding is a functional way to get around the map, but I think it can be more immersive to run on the ground and enjoy the scenery up-close without having to go on foot. I'd love to know if this is being considered!
This game is already a 7/10. So good. adding fishing in it would make it 10/10 no debate.
Honestly there’s certain caveats to me playing a creative game that I’m worried about with Enshrouded:
• I hate timed stuff, so being timed in the shroud seems anxiety-inducing
• If you guys ever add base invasions, your base is no longer a permanently safe and cozy space to hang your hat. If it’s done optionally (MC’s Pillager banners) it can be fun. But not forced.
Greetings from Russia . Thank you for a great game!❤
is it coming to console
I never knew yall developed Portal Knights! I loved Poetal Knights which might help explain why I LOVE Enshrouded. Y'all are great!!
In my opinion, they should add a hardcore option mode with more survival aspects, such as:
- Base Invasions = This would mean that you’re not just building for style but also for your safety. Imagine defending your base against hostile forces!
- No More Free Teleportation = Instead of freely teleporting, players would need to plan their travels and perhaps even camp out when they’re far away from their base.
- Death Penalty = When you die, you’d lose experience points (XP) and drop all your items on the ground. This would add an extra layer of challenge and encourage players to pay attention to details on the map.
these changes could add more depth and immersion to the game
Never forget :
"listen to the feedback BUT not always the solution players provide" 👀
Don't make me sad like Formula Fusion did 😭
The game is already Amazing !!
@03:25 Super curious, what does your video producer use to make these great looking videos with the smooth panorama shots free of a character perspective without some sort of internal camera mode? I'm desperately looking for something to be able to make my next video!
He breaks the game with dev tools and prays that things don't fall apart. 🤣 They aren't really something we can give to players directly like that, but I do know that some players have created some free cam mods/cheats that can sorta brute force get the job done if you want. Might be worth asking about it in our Discord server if you haven't already :)
When the next content updatet come? Enshrauded is my all time faveourit Survivor game
I’d love rounded shapes for building. Also I know it may be a stretch and a difficult implementation but, ai raiding system that attacks you base periodically. Then we can have defense pieces to help with defending the base!
Super hyped
I would love to see some dyes to change outfit colors for more customization
I think for those hardcore players who easily get through the content (like most of my friends and cousins) and get to the end-game quickly, they need something to sustain their interest. I honestly feel what Enshrouded is missing (among a few things) is a really intriguing crafting system for items late-game. Players should feel like they have some really interesting options for them to craft. Right now it just doesn't feel like it's all that interesting once you reach the end-game.
You know a cool idea for maybe a way to get rid of the shroud in the enshroded towns maybe a special build item that pushes the shroud away. Like some sort of Crystal that wards it off.
The huge crypt door is either one block too narrow or too wide depending upon your placement. It needs to be redone.
Thank you for such an amazing game. I was a long time fan of need for speed, Skyrim, and elite dangerous. I have played all of them since day one on each game respectively. But since you came out with Enshrouded, I haven't touched any of them. awesome job.
PS. do you plan on changing the valley above the revelwood hollow halls? i recently found that area and would like to build there but don't want to risk it if youre going to change the area again....
This game is amazing.
that question about height and dept,... i did find a specific spot before nomad highlands that went waaaaaaaay deep, but i couldnt go deeper after a little while but it definitly looked like there was gonna be something there
A few suggestions if I may... I do think the reset is nice, but it also feels like when we beat a shroud root its soo cool to see us actually make some progression. Having that reset feels kind of bad and a little pointless like we aren't actually helping. Maybe that is one thing that should stay is the small area that gets "fixed" when you cut down a shroud root? Also I get being able to only enter building mode while within a flame alter, but it would be amazing if we could still lay down items. (Ones that would disappear if left out long enough)... but I would love to be able to take my crafting bench along with me and plop it down while exploring to fix items as well as lay down BEDS. How many times have I been stuck out after dark and I either have to just wait it out or go back to base and sleep. It feels like a real adventure killer having to do that, because let's face it... Night time is DARK
All I want is a pause feature
You definitely missed the boat on the world/individual mission progression, glad to see it’s changing soon.
Saw the question regarding weapon variety, but is Two handed greatsword coming ???
Are there any plans to allow players to create their own quests and tie them to NPCs for their own realm?
Awesome! 😉💙🥰🤗💪🏻
I hope this base invasion request will never be fulfilled. I'm spending hours and hours to build my dream base and the thought it might be destroyed makes me anxious
As a casual player, add on challenge outside during the adventure will be acceptable, but I would like to be safe and comfort in my base, not trying hard to defend 🙏
Any idea when the next update will come out?
Our plan is to aim for major updates every 2-3 months or so, with smaller updates and hotfixes sprinkled in-between as needed. Our last update, Hollow Halls, was a little over a month ago.
How soon til a console release ?
What the heck is this secret passage at @3:50? I've never seen that yet!
What about building a flame shrine after you have cleared the shroud to "lock" out the shroud from that area. And then in the previous enshrouded area you could have base raids. So base building outside of previously shrouded areas is "safe" but defensive base building would be needed in shroud areas. I personally wouldn't like a "Change" such that my current bases started to get raided. But if I choose to build in shroud areas that would come with the territory.
What is the armor with those spiky shoulders and the blue cape ? I thought I had the best melee armor but I dont recall seeing this one
love this game so much!!
please add randomized affixes for all the weapons, having stats like chain, pierce, multi proj , crit chance, crit multi as rare outcomes would be so much more fun than just all the same weapons, if you need inspiration just look at path of exiles itemization
wonderful game and judging by the answers wonderful devs too! Very well written answers, realistic goals, mindfulness of limitations and issues, makes me happy to see one of my favourite games has intelligent and competent people behind it. Keep on creating! :)
Please never let yourselves get bought by a big company that'll kill your creative spirit
Great work! One question though, how does one fix the laggy map when zooming out? Game is running smooth, but this changes when I open the map.. can’t be the pc, i’ve seen people play with “lesser pc’s” without the lag. Would love to hear it! Keep up the great work!
I think you could remove the shroud if you rebuild certain areas and .ake the players put real work and kills to complete an area. Like the shroud disappearing when we 100% a zone.
Greatest developers ive ever seen
Will there be armor and weapons racks?
awesome AMA.
i really hope dual wielding comes! Specially for assassin gameplay.
Also with the NPCS I would love if there was some sort of ai - like if they were walking around and doin stuff.
Player made content could be massive for this game on steam workshop, imagine adding cities or random/ roaming bosses like elden ring
Could you please help out explaining how the laggy map can be fixed? Game runs butter smooth on high, expect the map. Tthe fps drops when opened up, haven’t seen to find any solution. Thanks in advance, keep up the good work!
Target dummies that allow weapon/build testing and double as armor stands would be awesome. And transmog is the biggest one for me. Please work on transmog!
What about the Char Editor? Any plans to optimize it? More options for individual Characters? don't reallay like both of the female presets. Would love to create a char that pleases me more..
Just an idea for base raids.🤷♂️ maybe make a quest to protect the flame alter and build defenses ??
Will this ever be on ps5???
I would love to see first person or even camera offset in this game!
This game will be the best thing when it hits 1.0, I wont touch it until then because I dont want to go through all the updates and get attached to anything that might change. But im excited for when it get finished.
all I want is a 2 handed sword that can be weilded fast (thru skills or whatever)
Can enshrouded have 1x12 meter or 2x4s to build?
you can use 3 x 1x4 and 2x 2x4 :)