Crescent City is so pretty, last time I was up there It was 1983, I was 4, and the entire beach was covered with massive logs from a bad El Niño. Still remember it 40 years later.
Oh how I remember that day so clearly, being woke up at 4:15am being told to evacuate my 5th street home. I was looking at other wave videos when this one was added to my suggested videos list.
To keep this in Perspective….while we are enjoying the beauty & power of the ocean, the Japanese are having farmlands ruined, villages wiped out,homes swept away, & the deaths of thousands. This is devastating to local fishing industries as well. Their loved ones can never be forgotten!
If you were in Japan for this show, you could easily have been swept away. There are places where the waves were 120 feet high. That would be enough to send water fairly close to the high school.
Hard to believe that an earthquake from one side of the planet can have an effect a 1/4 of the world. Go look up NOAA's animation showing the tsunamis spread over the ocean. Its stunning.
LOL, they are just lucky it was a tiny tsunami. It could have been almost as powerful as it was in Japan. Had that happened, they would all be dead. Always treat a tsunami warning like your life depends on it, because it DOES!
The fact that an earthquake that was centered almost 4000 miles away could create even a small tsunami in Crescent City should be enough to give any thinking human being pause for thought. That little mini-tsunami caused MILLIONS of dollars of damage all along the west coast of the USA and Canada and even down south into Mexico, mostly to moored boats and marinas. If that much damage can occur HOURS after the trigger event, 4000 miles away, just take a moment to consider the power of the tsunami had when it hit Japan. I've seen video of an airport in Japan that was about 50 miles away from the epicenter of the earthquake, taken during the earthquake itself, from inside the airport terminal, looking out across the tarmac at the planes and sea beyond, and the tsunami arrived IMMEDIATELY, the shaking of the earthquake had not yet stopped. And no, it wasn't aftershocks, the airport was still experiencing the main seismic event, parts of the building falling apart, when the tsunami arrived, sweeping aside planes and flooding the airport buildings.
It just shows the raw power of mother nature, even though this happened in Japan it took a bit for the waves to hit here in California, and also this being 12 years ago it's still impressive to watch!
This is the wave when it's fresh and new. I assume that the debris from this same wave, from Japan, has already come to this same shoreline, many months later. But now, the stuff that will was ashore is damaged and worn from its trip across the Pacific.
This reminds me that people had permitted themselves to be deceived by the recession of the water ahead of a tsunami. In Lisbon, Portugal a severe earthquake struck in 1755 and then the water receded from the harbour and people went to look at all the things that suddenly became visible. And then the tsunami came and they drowned.
It wasn't scary. I am in a Tsunami safe zone for waves of up to 50' and these were only predicted @ 10. so I knew I would be safe there or I wouldn't have been stupid enough to be there (Unlike the guy who went to sea level to take pics).
@@John-o2v3z it is common misconception that a tsunami is a wave, it’s actually a wall of water not a wave at all, it was quite dissipated when it reached our shores although videos of our harbor (Which nobody else was allowed to be at for filming due to safety concerns) will prove how powerful even these small swells did and Fukushima would argue against this not being a powerful event.
You’re free to check the date but it was defiantly the Tsunami, underwhelming? For sure. Not what was expected, absolutely. Especially for what a big deal they made of it, but this was defiantly it.
How many people in this world do not know that if the ocean is draining you might want to run, not stand and take pictures. This is why we are dying out as a species, well deserved.
25 اوكل الله جل في علاه بكل شئ ملكا : فهناك ملك الجبال وملك البحار وملك السحاب وملك الرياح وباستطاعته ان يامرها بما يريد ان زلزلوا او احرقوا او دمروا او حطموا او اغرقوا فينتقم الله ممن يشاء ولا يستطيع اي مخلوق في هذا الكون منع قضاءه جل وعلا ويقال ان صوت الرعد حسبما ورد في الاثر انه صوت الملك الذي يزجر به السحاب ويسوقه حيث يشاء بامر الله عز وجل ... والله اعلم قال تعالى ( وما تاتيهم من آية من آيات ربهم الا كانوا عنها معرضين ) وقال تعالى ( فأرسلنا عليهم الطوفان والجراد والقمل والضفادع والدم ... ) وقال تعالى ( وان يروا كسفا من السماء ساقطا يقولوا سحاب مركوم ) وقال تعالى ( فلما راوه عارضا مستقبل اوديتهم قالوا هذا عارض ممطرنا بل هو مااستعجلتم به ريح فيها عذاب اليم ) وقال تعالى ( ولو شئنا لرفعناه بها ولكنه أخلد إلى الأرض واتبع هواه فمثله كمثل الكلب إن تحمل عليه يلهث أو تتركه يلهث ذلك مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآياتنا فاقصص القصص لعلهم يتفكرون ) وقال تعالى ( مثل الذين حملوا التوراة ثم لم يحملوها كمثل الحمار يحمل اسفارا بئس مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآيات الله والله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين ) وقال تعالى ( قل ياأهل الكتاب لستم على شيء حتى تقيموا التوراة والإنجيل وما أنزل إليكم من ربكم وليزيدن كثيرا منهم ما أنزل إليك من ربك طغيانا وكفرا فلا تأس على القوم الكافرين ) يَـأَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ رَسُولُنَا يُبَيِّنُ لَكُمْ كَثِيراً مِّمَّا كُنتُمْ تُخْفُونَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَيَعْفُواْ عَن كَثِيرٍ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ مِّنَ اللَّهِ نُورٌ وَكِتَابٌ مُّبِينٌ* يَهْدِي بِهِ اللَّهُ مَنِ اتَّبَعَ رِضْوَانَهُ سُبُلَ السَّلامِ وَيُخْرِجُهُمْ مِّنِ الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ بِإِذْنِهِ وَيَهْدِيهِمْ إِلَى صِراطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ وهذا ما سيحدث لامريكا كثيرا وستدفع الثمن باهضا انتهت امريكا وكل شئ انتهى ولا يستطيعون فعل اي شئ اللهم عليك بهم فانهم لا يعجزونك حقيقة اعصار التورنادوا : هو في الاساس رباني ومن غضب الله الجبار ومن شدته انه اذا مر على نهر شقه نصفين ورفع قاعه الطيني وذر ترابه في الهواء وكذلك يقتلع البنايات والبيوت والاشجار ومن ثم رميها في مكان بعيد مهما كانت ثقيلة وعظيمة ويحمل الجسور والقناطر والخزانات الكبيرة ويدور بها وكانها عود ثقاب ويلفها كالمروحة من شدة قوته العنيفة ويحمل معه الحيوان والانسان الى عنان السماء ثم يلفظه خارج الغلاف الجوي او الكرة الارضية وكانها عملية تفريغ اي شفط نحو الفضاء الخارجي مما يتسبب بخسائر مادية جسيمة وهائلة تقدر بتريليونات الدولارات وهذا غيظ من فيض وهذا بعض ما يجري في امريكا ان الذين كذبوا باياتنا واستكبروا عنها لا تفتح لهم ابواب السماء ولا يدخلون الجنة حتى يلج الجمل في سم الخياط ...
Going to the beach in a town with a history of devastating tsunamis during a tsunami warning seems like a great idea.
Crescent City is so pretty, last time I was up there It was 1983, I was 4, and the entire beach was covered with massive logs from a bad El Niño. Still remember it 40 years later.
If only more videos were shot this well. Oy veh. Landscape, steady, panning, and persistence - kudos to whoever shot this - the Internet thanks you!
Oh how I remember that day so clearly, being woke up at 4:15am being told to evacuate my 5th street home. I was looking at other wave videos when this one was added to my suggested videos list.
To keep this in Perspective….while we are enjoying the beauty & power of the ocean, the Japanese are having farmlands ruined, villages wiped out,homes swept away, & the deaths of thousands. This is devastating to local fishing industries as well. Their loved ones can never be forgotten!
Always a Captain Obvious where we don't need them.
@@jamiebraswell5520 No shit, I hope she feels better about herself now.
Well said Kari.
I wouldn’t worry they eat anything that moves.
@@hotlips55 FU Troll
nice capture of the tidal surge there... thx for posting!
If you were in Japan for this show, you could easily have been swept away. There are places where the waves were 120 feet high. That would be enough to send water fairly close to the high school.
Hard to believe that an earthquake from one side of the planet can have an effect a 1/4 of the world. Go look up NOAA's animation showing the tsunamis spread over the ocean. Its stunning.
LOL, they are just lucky it was a tiny tsunami. It could have been almost as powerful as it was in Japan. Had that happened, they would all be dead. Always treat a tsunami warning like your life depends on it, because it DOES!
it was american nuclear underwater explode to bring Japan back to order
Makes you realize earth isn't as big as we think
Looks like a 2meter wave generated 4000 miles away. Pretty awesome.
Great video.. best I’ve seen.
Good documentation of the effects of this event on the California coast.
Sometimes you see the beauty and sometimes you experience the heartache.
The wave hit heights of over 6 inches.
No matter how small the waves are, watching the ocean recede always gives me the creeps.
3.5 hours to cross the entire Pacific Ocean!
The fact that an earthquake that was centered almost 4000 miles away could create even a small tsunami in Crescent City should be enough to give any thinking human being pause for thought. That little mini-tsunami caused MILLIONS of dollars of damage all along the west coast of the USA and Canada and even down south into Mexico, mostly to moored boats and marinas. If that much damage can occur HOURS after the trigger event, 4000 miles away, just take a moment to consider the power of the tsunami had when it hit Japan. I've seen video of an airport in Japan that was about 50 miles away from the epicenter of the earthquake, taken during the earthquake itself, from inside the airport terminal, looking out across the tarmac at the planes and sea beyond, and the tsunami arrived IMMEDIATELY, the shaking of the earthquake had not yet stopped. And no, it wasn't aftershocks, the airport was still experiencing the main seismic event, parts of the building falling apart, when the tsunami arrived, sweeping aside planes and flooding the airport buildings.
When the ocean recedes don't hang around to watch
It just shows the raw power of mother nature, even though this happened in Japan it took a bit for the waves to hit here in California, and also this being 12 years ago it's still impressive to watch!
The ocean burped….a little bit. Let that sink in.
This is the wave when it's fresh and new. I assume that the debris from this same wave, from Japan, has already come to this same shoreline, many months later. But now, the stuff that will was ashore is damaged and worn from its trip across the Pacific.
There’s a boat at the airport that washed up from Japan
Это несколько отличается от того, что я пережил в декабре 2004 на побережье Индийского океана...
This reminds me that people had permitted themselves to be deceived by the recession of the water ahead of a tsunami. In Lisbon, Portugal a severe earthquake struck in 1755 and then the water receded from the harbour and people went to look at all the things that suddenly became visible. And then the tsunami came and they drowned.
On November 1st, All Saints Day. Some God.
There is a video on RUclips about the Lisbon earthquake of 1755, not watched it yet but I will.
How did you all survive?
Are you serious?
How did anyone survive that?
Actually it's going to take about 3 years to get here, there are a few things that have come to shore further north but nothing to ours yet.
Ummm no. That's definitely not how it works
Tsunami waves not like regular waves.
Crescent city tsunami the video is great. What you see
At first is the drawback. Then the waves will come in
Unbelievable the power of water
It wasn't scary. I am in a Tsunami safe zone for waves of up to 50' and these were only predicted @ 10. so I knew I would be safe there or I wouldn't have been stupid enough to be there (Unlike the guy who went to sea level to take pics).
Yeah but wouldn't be awesome to witness a 20m tsunami wave of full destructive of power coming right at you?🤷😁
@@orlandowells6319 no
There's 9 mins I will never get back
It's not quite a Tsunami is it ? 😂😂
It is exactly what it is.
This is a tiny tsunami .., maybe 1-2m.
Damn i woulda been so scared
I've seen larger waves in my bathtub.
@@John-o2v3z it is common misconception that a tsunami is a wave, it’s actually a wall of water not a wave at all, it was quite dissipated when it reached our shores although videos of our harbor (Which nobody else was allowed to be at for filming due to safety concerns) will prove how powerful even these small swells did and Fukushima would argue against this not being a powerful event.
Scary stuff
Tsunami? Looks like surf to me. Be thankful that it wasn't the big one.
Sorry I have to get going got a date to watch some ditch water dry
Questo non è uno tsunami , è una altra marea
Příroda je mocná a bere si vše zpět
Just a ripple in the pond
It's a sad thing. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
Tsunami? BS...
You’re free to check the date but it was defiantly the Tsunami, underwhelming? For sure. Not what was expected, absolutely. Especially for what a big deal they made of it, but this was defiantly it.
How many people in this world do not know that if the ocean is draining you might want to run, not stand and take pictures. This is why we are dying out as a species, well deserved.
We are dying out??? All I hear is "over population."
Ah, questo sarebbe lo tsunami??? 😂
Ma x favore, lo dovresti cancellare x rispetto dei morti in Giappone. 😢
No. Historia.
Very boring video, not worth viewing....
اوكل الله جل في علاه بكل شئ ملكا :
فهناك ملك الجبال وملك البحار وملك السحاب وملك الرياح وباستطاعته ان يامرها بما يريد
ان زلزلوا او احرقوا او دمروا او حطموا او اغرقوا
فينتقم الله ممن يشاء ولا يستطيع اي مخلوق في هذا الكون منع قضاءه جل وعلا
ويقال ان صوت الرعد حسبما ورد في الاثر
انه صوت الملك الذي يزجر به السحاب ويسوقه حيث يشاء بامر الله عز وجل ... والله اعلم
قال تعالى ( وما تاتيهم من آية من آيات ربهم الا كانوا عنها معرضين )
وقال تعالى ( فأرسلنا عليهم الطوفان والجراد والقمل والضفادع والدم ... )
وقال تعالى ( وان يروا كسفا من السماء ساقطا يقولوا سحاب مركوم )
وقال تعالى ( فلما راوه عارضا مستقبل اوديتهم قالوا هذا عارض ممطرنا بل هو مااستعجلتم به ريح فيها عذاب اليم )
وقال تعالى ( ولو شئنا لرفعناه بها ولكنه أخلد إلى الأرض واتبع هواه فمثله كمثل الكلب إن تحمل عليه يلهث أو تتركه يلهث ذلك مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآياتنا فاقصص القصص لعلهم يتفكرون )
وقال تعالى ( مثل الذين حملوا التوراة ثم لم يحملوها كمثل الحمار يحمل اسفارا بئس
مثل القوم الذين كذبوا بآيات الله والله لا يهدي القوم الظالمين )
وقال تعالى ( قل ياأهل الكتاب لستم على شيء حتى تقيموا التوراة والإنجيل وما أنزل إليكم من ربكم وليزيدن كثيرا منهم ما أنزل إليك من ربك طغيانا وكفرا فلا تأس على القوم الكافرين )
يَـأَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ رَسُولُنَا يُبَيِّنُ لَكُمْ كَثِيراً مِّمَّا كُنتُمْ تُخْفُونَ مِنَ الْكِتَابِ وَيَعْفُواْ عَن كَثِيرٍ قَدْ جَآءَكُمْ مِّنَ اللَّهِ نُورٌ وَكِتَابٌ مُّبِينٌ* يَهْدِي بِهِ اللَّهُ مَنِ اتَّبَعَ رِضْوَانَهُ سُبُلَ السَّلامِ وَيُخْرِجُهُمْ مِّنِ
الظُّلُمَاتِ إِلَى النُّورِ بِإِذْنِهِ وَيَهْدِيهِمْ إِلَى صِراطٍ مُّسْتَقِيمٍ
وهذا ما سيحدث لامريكا كثيرا وستدفع الثمن باهضا
انتهت امريكا وكل شئ انتهى ولا يستطيعون فعل اي شئ
اللهم عليك بهم فانهم لا يعجزونك
حقيقة اعصار التورنادوا :
هو في الاساس رباني ومن غضب الله الجبار
ومن شدته انه اذا مر على نهر شقه نصفين ورفع قاعه الطيني وذر ترابه في الهواء
وكذلك يقتلع البنايات والبيوت والاشجار ومن ثم رميها في مكان بعيد مهما كانت ثقيلة وعظيمة
ويحمل الجسور والقناطر والخزانات الكبيرة ويدور بها وكانها عود ثقاب ويلفها كالمروحة من شدة قوته العنيفة
ويحمل معه الحيوان والانسان الى عنان السماء ثم يلفظه خارج الغلاف الجوي او الكرة الارضية وكانها عملية تفريغ اي شفط نحو الفضاء الخارجي
مما يتسبب بخسائر مادية جسيمة وهائلة تقدر بتريليونات الدولارات
وهذا غيظ من فيض وهذا بعض ما يجري في امريكا
ان الذين كذبوا باياتنا واستكبروا عنها لا تفتح لهم ابواب السماء ولا يدخلون الجنة حتى يلج الجمل في سم الخياط ...
This is called a Rogue Tsunami.