I needed this! I think I’ve determined 3 things which while I know they are the bare minimum but I struggle with every morning: make my bed every day, eat breakfast, wake up at 6:15am every morning which will give me enough time to do these things and leave for work on time
This is a PERFECT non-negotiable list! Even if you feel like it’s the bare minimum, remember that the routines you set are specific to you, your life and your journey. I love it!!
Which routine are you going to reset first?
I needed this! I think I’ve determined 3 things which while I know they are the bare minimum but I struggle with every morning: make my bed every day, eat breakfast, wake up at 6:15am every morning which will give me enough time to do these things and leave for work on time
This is a PERFECT non-negotiable list! Even if you feel like it’s the bare minimum, remember that the routines you set are specific to you, your life and your journey. I love it!!
Needed this reminder to stay consistent in the summertime! Thank you🩵🩵
Absolutely! The summer time can definitely make it harder to stay on track lol. Glad you saw this ❤️