I was raised to not do alot of Tanakh or Bible study. I was told live a Good life and everything will fall into place. and the books stories simply, help people who need more guidance, in dark times to live a good life. Glad it's all available online for anyone to do anytime. When I was growing up my mother wanted me to just spend a little bit Every Day reflecting and philosophizing on what Kabbalah she was passing down to me. I wish everyone had a mother as Good as mine was and is in that regard. Excellent voice overs! and excellent animations! This makes it alot easier for young ones coming up vs when I was a kid. Just a small Tanakh and Yad haha.
Love the way you connect ideas from one place in the Torah to another. Makes me wonder why I never saw it before. Also love your graphics. Now that you're introducing staff members, maybe we can hear from Shoshana Blum and others on the graphics staff. Keep up the good work.
Just found your channel yesterday. I praise God for guiding me. (the texts under neath, yesterday, were a bit confused, I am glad, my english is reasonable, so I understod the the great messesage in Rachels (reward) & tears! Be unto others as.. I love to learn about Gods will, plan and greatness! I shall enjoy following your teachings. Thank you for doing the work of our Lord Jesus Christ! Shalom & ❤️ from Denmark
Shalom, great teaching, it is amazing how many small details you guys pull from the text. One important thing to note is that days one and two were not declared good by Elohim. The light (Torah) was good on day one but day one not good. Day two, not good. Only when we arrive at day three are the days declared good. You might note that something very significant happened on the third day! Something that was covered and hidden appears. Not just visible, but full of Life and bearing fruit and seed after it's kind.
I see such a connection with our (humans) desire to celebrate Christmas when YAHWY wants us to celebrate HIS feasts. Why do we always want to do it our way...? Blessings are HUGE when we do as HE wants. Thank you for your videos, they open up my mind and see how He wants us to live.
I really love the way you are digging into the scriptures here. May I add to this conversation? Consider the following citations: 2 Nephi ch.2 22 And now, behold, if Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end. 23 And they would have had no children; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no joy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no sin. 24 But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things. 25 Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy. 26 And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given. www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/2-ne/2.14-27?lang=eng#24 Alma ch.12 31 Wherefore, he gave commandments unto men, they having first transgressed the first commandments as to things which were temporal, and becoming as gods, knowing good from evil, placing themselves in a state to act, or being placed in a state to act according to their wills and pleasures, whether to do evil or to do good- 32 Therefore God gave unto them commandments, after having made known unto them the plan of redemption, that they should not do evil, the penalty thereof being a second death, which was an everlasting death as to things pertaining unto righteousness; for on such the plan of redemption could have no power, for the works of justice could not be destroyed, according to the supreme goodness of God. www.lds.org/scriptures/bofm/alma/12.21-32?lang=eng#23 Moses ch.5 10 And in that day Adam blessed God and was filled, and began to prophesy concerning all the families of the earth, saying: Blessed be the name of God, for because of my transgression my eyes are opened, and in this life I shall have joy, and again in the flesh I shall see God. 11 And Eve, his wife, heard all these things and was glad, saying: Were it not for our transgression we never should have had seed, and never should have known good and evil, and the joy of our redemption, and the eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient. 12 And Adam and Eve blessed the name of God, and they made all things known unto their sons and their daughters. www.lds.org/scriptures/pgp/moses/5.5-12?lang=eng#4
Am I understanding that this citation is saying if they had not sinned they would not have had children? If so , I beg to differ . God created all living things to reproduce Adam and Eve were created with reproductive organs and commanded to be fruitful and multiply- I believe in all aspects. Believing that sin became a prerequisite to procreation is mind boggling. To think that God in His awesomeness was limited to reproduce, procreate without the fall of man? Am I reading and understanding right?? My understanding is that sin caused childbearing to be painful not that sin facilitated or have birth to childbearing. Where did this writing or 'citation" originated from? Is it God inspired/breathed or man inspired? I find so much meaning to life, solid truth and understanding the Father His holy love, His ways, His plan, His instructions , His light and life in the Hebrew roots of scripture; the Torah that was entrusted to His chosen people , the descendants of Abraham who God made an everlasting covenant with. Aleph Bet
“Eleh toledot hashamyim v’haaretz.”(These are the generations of the heavens and the earth.) Man was formed from the earth (it’s physical source, like a parent) and then the earth was cursed for the disobedient deeds of its offspring. The initial curse was tilling the ground would be by the sweat of the brow, but still would produce. After the murder, Kayin was cursed with vanity. He would work the land by the sweat of his brow, but it would not produce. Vanity of vanities, working hard with nothing to show for his troubles. Havel (Able) is translated vanity in Ecclesiastes. Kayin’s punishment was the meaning of the name of Havel.
B"H This is the highest level of Compassion that the Rabbis are capable of. Their interpretation is not without sincere attempts to be understanding. But they continue to think that they are in a position to judge Chava's motivations, her character and to judge her. And here we are in the midst of a world epidemic in which all of the Rabbis are rendered utterly helpless in the face of a mere virus. Yet, they persist in their presumption to judge The Mother Of All That Lives. No one who presumes to judge the Keeper of The Garden is permitted entrance into the Garden. Mom is tough enough not to let you in until she is sure you will not trample of the flowers or uproot the vines. You will be out on the porch until you clean up your AttaTood.
I always found it difficult to understand ... G - D created this incredible world... then created man but then was disappointed with its own creation... I don't understand this, were we intentionally created with faults to improve... Then G - D was disappointed? how does this incredible creator be disappointed with its creation
There is a different interpretation of these first parts of Genesis by Rabbi Friedman, which make a lot more sense to me than the traditional way of reading
There are several elements of the Adam and Eve story that are missing here and could provide challenging counter evidence-the serpent in the garden was presumably created by G-d, yes? So what was its role in convincing Eve that G-d was lying? Why was there also a tree of eternal life, and why did G-d talk about how Adam and Eve would become like G-d if they ate from it? But even more difficult is the thesis that you show your love to others by making arbitrary demands for obedience while placing elements for disobedience in easy reach. How is it loving for G-d to make his creations curious and then give them a snake that inflamed their curiosity, only to punish them when they pursue that curiosity *because they don’t understand right and wrong*. Is it loving to tell Adam and Eve to obey a law they cannot understand? Is it loving to tell our children and our partners to obey arbitrary rules with no basis in reason or we will kick them out of the house? Or if those rules are based on reason, like not playing with a firearm in the house, is it not our responsibility to *make them understand* the rule by explaining why the gun is dangerous and giving them knowledge to make an informed decision? Should doctors simply demand their patients take random pills whose effects they cannot know or avoid eating certain foods for completely arbitrary reasons, only to refuse to treat them or allow any other doctors to treat them if they don’t follow treatment orders? I don’t understand the moral here, not with the other information present.
During a very tumultuous time of my life, I questioned my beliefs and faith because so many things did not make sense theologically. I was convinced that there was a Creator but struggled with so many biblical things that were in conflict with what I saw in life but also conflicting ideas in the bible or what was preached. I asked some of the same question that you have here. In my quest , I received some 'understanding" to a couple of the questions in my own personal meditation and pursuit that I would like to share. He is Creator by nature, He has to create. A characteristic you see in human beings , His creation. Carpenters, engineers, the Alexander Graham Bells, Thomas Edisons, Steve Job, Trump tower, Elon Musk..allare compelled to discover and create . He is a just Creator. His justice, His just nature requires Him to give equal opportunity to both good AND evil. He is the essence of love and faith. Faith works by love is a mystery my mind is still trying to grasp. His perfect love compels Him to have an object of His love so He had to create man to lavish His love on. Think of the longing/yearning a man has in desiring a woman , a partner who he can care for and to birth a child to lavish his love on. The movie Braveheart comes to mind. He is all victorious and He is perfect faith so He fears nothing, not even evil . He is undefeatable so evil is not a threat to Him. To not create evil would be giving place to fear of what evil would do. Love is not selfish , it does not control and is not controlling so He gave the power of choice to Satan/Lucifer also to Adam/Eve. I started to have a mind shift that took God off trial, from being the prosecutor of what He has "seemingly"done or not done, stop the trial in my mind in the case against Him and shifted position to be on the Defense team (not that He needs it) then my relationship with God as Father began to unravel and unveal. A father takes away a teenager's driving permit if that child drove the car without permission and is driving against the law. Some parents may take away the permit with a punitive motive while another parent does it with a safety motive. Understanding the heart of the Father makes such as difference! Not just the letter of the word-banishing Adam/Eve from the garden is understood by some Rabbis as being an act of love and protection. Was it punitive in totality or a preset consequence to a choice? E.g. losing driving privilege or prison sentence due to DWI ? The following verse started to become clearer and more real once I took Him off trial and off the judgement seat . He wants us to understand Him. Jer 14 but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD.” You mentioned that it seems that they are elements of the story that is missing. My reason for being here is that quest for the answer to those missing elements. The question about Satan/serpent: The ongoing battle for conquest, territories and allegiance that you see in movies and videos. Mankind is the territory , what the battle is all about. Antagonist and Protagonist. Good guy and the evil guy in the story . What I call a spiritual coup d'etat, spiritual Operation Interrogation and Exploitation Special Force takeover. I found some interesting beliefs, explanations from the Jewish sages , Rabbis, other books such as the Book Jubilees and Enoch , from the oral teachings passed down through the ages also from some website and ministries such as Assembly of Called Out Believers and Chabad.org I pray you find the truth, your Way and life giving answers.
I asked some of these questions as I questioned my beliefs and faith. I was convinced there has to be a Creator but aspects of theology did not add up. In my personal meditation one answer I receive is that God is a God of justice so He is bound to His character of justice to create or allow both Good and evil. He is a victorious , conquering, sovereign God who is perfect love, He is the essence of love. There is no fear in love. He has no fear, including no fear of evil so He had to create or allow evil.
After Adam and Eve "knew" good and evil they had 2 sons. These are the "fruits" of the knowing(intimacy with) the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Cain was evil and Abel good. Fruits are made up of 2 things, but are one fruit. These are the flesh of the fruit and the seed hidden in that flesh. The seed is the life(the good) hidden in the flesh(the evil). The seed represents the spirit(life) hidden in the flesh(death). Eve was a female, and her body was designed to receive seed. Eve received the "promise" of a redeemer. A promise is like a seed. It's a seed a promise of a tree, but not the actual tree? Adam, however, was male. As a male, he had no resting place for seed in his body. Eve received the promise(the seed), of a redeemer(the good and the life) of the Tree of Knowledge in her flesh, and Adam received death in his flesh. The redeemer(life) would come by Eve ..."the mother of all living", but in Adam... all flesh died. The story of Cain and Abel is a metaphor....and yet also a true story. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.(Leviticus 17:11) Abel gave God a lamb...shedding its blood on the alter. As a shepherd of his flock, it was certainly sorrowful for him to kill his little one. But in obedience to God...in faith, he did so. Cain's offering had no blood...no life was given to atone for his sin. Cain represented the curse of sin in the flesh, for he was born of the knowledge of sin. Sin gets worse when it is not dealt with. Cain did not deal with his sin. Because of Adam's sin he was banned from the garden...the land God had prepared for him. Cain's banishment went a step further than the banishment of his father, for he was separated from ALL the land of the earth. Adam was commanded by God, in the beginning, to 'keep" the garden, and Abel is described as a keeper of flocks. God Himself is a keeper, a shepherd by nature....He looks after the poor and is defender of the weak. As His children He wants us to also be keepers also. A keeper cares for and attends to the needs of others. Cain asked God, "Am I my brother's keeper?"... Cain was looking out only for himself. Remember Cain represents the fruit of the flesh of the Tree of Knowledge. Our flesh nature is selfish because of sin... We are to "put to death" that selfish flesh nature, and live unto God as keepers. We are to be obedient as Abel, and agree with God. We must deal with our sins, as He has said and be keepers...caring for others.
As a religious school teacher I'm really excited to have found this! However, I don't feel right showing it to my students because all of the characters in all of the animations are white. I want my students of color to feel that they belong in Judaism too- and we know that the original Jews and the original people were probably much darker than those in this video. Any way to tweak some colors in the future for accuracy and inclusivity?
yea I am brown and I'm questioned my jewishness ...my white jewish friends are not questioned at all...I feel discriminated and sounds a bit of racist the first jews were not obviously blond white they were middle East looking.
Leah Singerman This seems a bit on the petty side. And I think perhaps that you are not giving your darker completed students much credit. I think that they are a lot less emotionally fragile than you perhaps think. The message is what is important here, not the shade of the construction paper out of which the characters were cut, No?
The best answer to this comes from the Rabbis themselves, who asked "why does the Torah start with the creation of one man and one woman, and not countless other ways it could have started?" and they answer: "So no one can say to the other - "Your family is better than my family.": We all come from the same G-d, and the same original couple: we are all One Family.
It is one story it is called the Word of God. We pass things down through generations as stories, parables with lessons attached. This is how ultimate truth is shown, the only way for society to get better is to repent and obey God but law 613 of them without a relationship is a curse. Noone wanted to obey laws but if you love the person giving them and understand that He only wants the best for you, like a good Father then you will want to comply because you know that your Father knows best and you will be better off in the long run. This is the reason for the Holy Spirit I do not want to sin anymore and have simply decided not to because I love God and know that he promised something much better on the other side for those that sacrifice and give in this life. I am covered on my door posts by the blood of his sacrificial lamb that Abraham foretold that God would provide. I am set free in my exodus from sin and baptised in the Jordan on my way to the promised land. I have peace doing what is pure even when Noone will know because I will be more blessed in compliance and God is smarter than me. May God show you his face and that of His own son put on the altar as a sacrifice for his chosen bride Rachel. Listen to the prophet that Moses spoke of, he is calling for you now
Yes, it is a story about adulterers and murderers. A family who is chosen, not for their quality but because of their need for redemtion. This redemtion is available to all even adulterous murderers who are habitual idol worshipers. Story finished on the cross with the fruit of this family...the very body of Christ. Love you.
Lookup the beresheit prophecy, there are many videos on RUclips showing that the first word of the Bibke points to and prophecies of Jesus on the cross. YHWH in original Hebrew is behold the hand behold the nail
This type of exegesis is making the Torah more exciting than I ever thought possible. Much appreciated!
I was raised to not do alot of Tanakh or Bible study. I was told live a Good life and everything will fall into place. and the books stories simply, help people who need more guidance, in dark times to live a good life. Glad it's all available online for anyone to do anytime. When I was growing up my mother wanted me to just spend a little bit Every Day reflecting and philosophizing on what Kabbalah she was passing down to me. I wish everyone had a mother as Good as mine was and is in that regard.
Excellent voice overs! and excellent animations! This makes it alot easier for young ones coming up vs when I was a kid. Just a small Tanakh and Yad haha.
Amazing, and so sad, yet compelling! I want more. You make me want more. Thank you. Tizku L'mitzvot.
Love the way you connect ideas from one place in the Torah to another. Makes me wonder why I never saw it before.
Also love your graphics. Now that you're introducing staff members, maybe we can hear from Shoshana Blum and others on the graphics staff. Keep up the good work.
I love your videos! Please never stop making them, God bless you❤
Just found your channel yesterday.
I praise God for guiding me.
(the texts under neath, yesterday, were a bit confused, I am glad, my english is reasonable, so I understod the the great messesage in Rachels (reward) & tears!
Be unto others as..
I love to learn about Gods will, plan and greatness!
I shall enjoy following your teachings.
Thank you for doing the work of our Lord Jesus Christ!
Shalom & ❤️ from Denmark
Love these! I am binge watching as many as I can. :)
Thank you for such a thought-provoking teaching! Erich from New Zealand
I have found these videos invaluable as a bar/bat mitzvah tutor. Thank you for a wonderful teaching resource!
Barugh Hashem :) Thank you for sharing, teaching, my children and I loved it. Shalom!
Thank you, Aleph Beth! You always make an interesting topic much more interesting! 🙏🏼
My favorite website.
Thank you! My children and I really enjoyed this!
Shalom, great teaching, it is amazing how many small details you guys pull from the text. One important thing to note is that days one and two were not declared good by Elohim. The light (Torah) was good on day one but day one not good. Day two, not good. Only when we arrive at day three are the days declared good. You might note that something very significant happened on the third day! Something that was covered and hidden appears. Not just visible, but full of Life and bearing fruit and seed after it's kind.
Thank you, this video touches the heart. It conveys deep truths in a simple manner.
Shalom this was a very good RUclips. Thank you I am subscribing right now. Thumbs up and Shalom,
Great work! Love the new guys and new experiment
I see such a connection with our (humans) desire to celebrate Christmas when YAHWY wants us to celebrate HIS feasts. Why do we always want to do it our way...? Blessings are HUGE when we do as HE wants.
Thank you for your videos, they open up my mind and see how He wants us to live.
Thank you
Much gratitude for these videos!
This was awesomesauce!
Well done! Well said! Tov!
I love aleph beta
Awesome teachings, Thank You 🙏
Someone else watching this video in 2020?
2024! 🤣
Me too! 2024
I really love the way you are digging into the scriptures here. May I add to this conversation? Consider the following citations:
2 Nephi ch.2
22 And now, behold, if Adam had not transgressed he would not have fallen, but he would have remained in the garden of Eden. And all things which were created must have remained in the same state in which they were after they were created; and they must have remained forever, and had no end.
23 And they would have had no children; wherefore they would have remained in a state of innocence, having no joy, for they knew no misery; doing no good, for they knew no sin.
24 But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things.
25 Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy.
26 And the Messiah cometh in the fulness of time, that he may redeem the children of men from the fall. And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon, save it be by the punishment of the law at the great and last day, according to the commandments which God hath given.
Alma ch.12
31 Wherefore, he gave commandments unto men, they having first transgressed the first commandments as to things which were temporal, and becoming as gods, knowing good from evil, placing themselves in a state to act, or being placed in a state to act according to their wills and pleasures, whether to do evil or to do good-
32 Therefore God gave unto them commandments, after having made known unto them the plan of redemption, that they should not do evil, the penalty thereof being a second death, which was an everlasting death as to things pertaining unto righteousness; for on such the plan of redemption could have no power, for the works of justice could not be destroyed, according to the supreme goodness of God.
Moses ch.5
10 And in that day Adam blessed God and was filled, and began to prophesy concerning all the families of the earth, saying: Blessed be the name of God, for because of my transgression my eyes are opened, and in this life I shall have joy, and again in the flesh I shall see God.
11 And Eve, his wife, heard all these things and was glad, saying: Were it not for our transgression we never should have had seed, and never should have known good and evil, and the joy of our redemption, and the eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient.
12 And Adam and Eve blessed the name of God, and they made all things known unto their sons and their daughters.
Am I understanding that this citation is saying if they had not sinned they would not have had children? If so , I beg to differ . God created all living things to reproduce Adam and Eve were created with reproductive organs and commanded to be fruitful and multiply- I believe in all aspects. Believing that sin became a prerequisite to procreation is mind boggling. To think that God in His awesomeness was limited to reproduce, procreate without the fall of man? Am I reading and understanding right?? My understanding is that sin caused childbearing to be painful not that sin facilitated or have birth to childbearing.
Where did this writing or 'citation" originated from? Is it God inspired/breathed or man inspired?
I find so much meaning to life, solid truth and understanding the Father His holy love, His ways, His plan, His instructions , His light and life in the Hebrew roots of scripture; the Torah that was entrusted to His chosen people , the descendants of Abraham who God made an everlasting covenant with.
Aleph Bet
Amen!! Glory to GOD!!
“Eleh toledot hashamyim v’haaretz.”(These are the generations of the heavens and the earth.) Man was formed from the earth (it’s physical source, like a parent) and then the earth was cursed for the disobedient deeds of its offspring. The initial curse was tilling the ground would be by the sweat of the brow, but still would produce. After the murder, Kayin was cursed with vanity. He would work the land by the sweat of his brow, but it would not produce. Vanity of vanities, working hard with nothing to show for his troubles. Havel (Able) is translated vanity in Ecclesiastes. Kayin’s punishment was the meaning of the name of Havel.
Wow this is great ty so much
This is the highest level of Compassion that the Rabbis are capable of. Their interpretation is not without sincere attempts to be understanding. But they continue to think that they are in a position to judge Chava's motivations, her character and to judge her.
And here we are in the midst of a world epidemic in which all of the Rabbis are rendered utterly helpless in the face of a mere virus. Yet, they persist in their presumption to judge The Mother Of All That Lives.
No one who presumes to judge the Keeper of The Garden is permitted entrance into the Garden. Mom is tough enough not to let you in until she is sure you will not trample of the flowers or uproot the vines. You will be out on the porch until you clean up your AttaTood.
Love it, blessing
I enjoyed it, but, no more Rabbi David Fohrman?
Please tell me the relevance of the black figure illustrations if there is any....
Not every day of creation was "good", read it again. That makes it hard to trust what you build up to when that foundation is wrong.
I always found it difficult to understand ... G - D created this incredible world... then created man but then was disappointed with its own creation... I don't understand this, were we intentionally created with faults to improve... Then G - D was disappointed? how does this incredible creator be disappointed with its creation
There is a different interpretation of these first parts of Genesis by Rabbi Friedman, which make a lot more sense to me than the traditional way of reading
HalleluJah Blessed is the God of Israel
There are several elements of the Adam and Eve story that are missing here and could provide challenging counter evidence-the serpent in the garden was presumably created by G-d, yes? So what was its role in convincing Eve that G-d was lying? Why was there also a tree of eternal life, and why did G-d talk about how Adam and Eve would become like G-d if they ate from it? But even more difficult is the thesis that you show your love to others by making arbitrary demands for obedience while placing elements for disobedience in easy reach. How is it loving for G-d to make his creations curious and then give them a snake that inflamed their curiosity, only to punish them when they pursue that curiosity *because they don’t understand right and wrong*. Is it loving to tell Adam and Eve to obey a law they cannot understand? Is it loving to tell our children and our partners to obey arbitrary rules with no basis in reason or we will kick them out of the house? Or if those rules are based on reason, like not playing with a firearm in the house, is it not our responsibility to *make them understand* the rule by explaining why the gun is dangerous and giving them knowledge to make an informed decision? Should doctors simply demand their patients take random pills whose effects they cannot know or avoid eating certain foods for completely arbitrary reasons, only to refuse to treat them or allow any other doctors to treat them if they don’t follow treatment orders? I don’t understand the moral here, not with the other information present.
During a very tumultuous time of my life, I questioned my beliefs and faith because so many things did not make sense theologically. I was convinced that there was a Creator but struggled with so many biblical things that were in conflict with what I saw in life but also conflicting ideas in the bible or what was preached. I asked some of the same question that you have here.
In my quest , I received some 'understanding" to a couple of the questions in my own personal meditation and pursuit that I would like to share.
He is Creator by nature, He has to create. A characteristic you see in human beings , His creation. Carpenters, engineers, the Alexander Graham Bells, Thomas Edisons, Steve Job, Trump tower, Elon Musk..allare compelled to discover and create .
He is a just Creator. His justice, His just nature requires Him to give equal opportunity to both good AND evil.
He is the essence of love and faith. Faith works by love is a mystery my mind is still trying to grasp. His perfect love compels Him to have an object of His love so He had to create man to lavish His love on. Think of the longing/yearning a man has in desiring a woman , a partner who he can care for and to birth a child to lavish his love on. The movie Braveheart comes to mind. He is all victorious and He is perfect faith so He fears nothing, not even evil . He is undefeatable so evil is not a threat to Him. To not create evil would be giving place to fear of what evil would do.
Love is not selfish , it does not control and is not controlling so He gave the power of choice to Satan/Lucifer also to Adam/Eve.
I started to have a mind shift that took God off trial, from being the prosecutor of what He has "seemingly"done or not done, stop the trial in my mind in the case against Him and shifted position to be on the Defense team (not that He needs it) then my relationship with God as Father began to unravel and unveal.
A father takes away a teenager's driving permit if that child drove the car without permission and is driving against the law. Some parents may take away the permit with a punitive motive while another parent does it with a safety motive. Understanding the heart of the Father makes such as difference! Not just the letter of the word-banishing Adam/Eve from the garden is understood by some Rabbis as being an act of love and protection. Was it punitive in totality or a preset consequence to a choice? E.g. losing driving privilege or prison sentence due to DWI ?
The following verse started to become clearer and more real once I took Him off trial and off the judgement seat .
He wants us to understand Him.
Jer 14
but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the LORD.”
You mentioned that it seems that they are elements of the story that is missing. My reason for being here is that quest for the answer to those missing elements.
The question about Satan/serpent: The ongoing battle for conquest, territories and allegiance that you see in movies and videos. Mankind is the territory , what the battle is all about. Antagonist and Protagonist. Good guy and the evil guy in the story . What I call a spiritual coup d'etat, spiritual Operation Interrogation and Exploitation Special Force takeover.
I found some interesting beliefs, explanations from the Jewish sages , Rabbis, other books such as the Book Jubilees and Enoch , from the oral teachings passed down through the ages also from some website and ministries such as Assembly of Called Out Believers and Chabad.org
I pray you find the truth, your Way and life giving answers.
I asked some of these questions as I questioned my beliefs and faith. I was convinced there has to be a Creator but aspects of theology did not add up.
In my personal meditation one answer I receive is that God is a God of justice so He is bound to His character of justice to create or allow both Good and evil.
He is a victorious , conquering, sovereign God who is perfect love, He is the essence of love. There is no fear in love. He has no fear, including no fear of evil so He had to create or allow evil.
Eigkivkdg j
Cc us
Figure fncu
Awesome. I wish i could pay monthly.
Wonderful! Can you please keep the Parshas free?
how about supporting their ministry with money so that they can continue to publish quality teachings to the masses.
@@phillippirisino9330 Maybe they can't afford to...ever thought of that?
After Adam and Eve "knew" good and evil they had 2 sons. These are the "fruits" of the knowing(intimacy with) the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. Cain was evil and Abel good. Fruits are made up of 2 things, but are one fruit. These are the flesh of the fruit and the seed hidden in that flesh. The seed is the life(the good) hidden in the flesh(the evil). The seed represents the spirit(life) hidden in the flesh(death). Eve was a female, and her body was designed to receive seed. Eve received the "promise" of a redeemer. A promise is like a seed. It's a seed a promise of a tree, but not the actual tree? Adam, however, was male. As a male, he had no resting place for seed in his body. Eve received the promise(the seed), of a redeemer(the good and the life) of the Tree of Knowledge in her flesh, and Adam received death in his flesh. The redeemer(life) would come by Eve ..."the mother of all living", but in Adam... all flesh died. The story of Cain and Abel is a metaphor....and yet also a true story. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.(Leviticus 17:11) Abel gave God a lamb...shedding its blood on the alter. As a shepherd of his flock, it was certainly sorrowful for him to kill his little one. But in obedience to God...in faith, he did so. Cain's offering had no blood...no life was given to atone for his sin. Cain represented the curse of sin in the flesh, for he was born of the knowledge of sin. Sin gets worse when it is not dealt with. Cain did not deal with his sin. Because of Adam's sin he was banned from the garden...the land God had prepared for him. Cain's banishment went a step further than the banishment of his father, for he was separated from ALL the land of the earth. Adam was commanded by God, in the beginning, to 'keep" the garden, and Abel is described as a keeper of flocks. God Himself is a keeper, a shepherd by nature....He looks after the poor and is defender of the weak. As His children He wants us to also be keepers also. A keeper cares for and attends to the needs of others. Cain asked God, "Am I my brother's keeper?"... Cain was looking out only for himself. Remember Cain represents the fruit of the flesh of the Tree of Knowledge. Our flesh nature is selfish because of sin... We are to "put to death" that selfish flesh nature, and live unto God as keepers. We are to be obedient as Abel, and agree with God. We must deal with our sins, as He has said and be keepers...caring for others.
As a religious school teacher I'm really excited to have found this! However, I don't feel right showing it to my students because all of the characters in all of the animations are white. I want my students of color to feel that they belong in Judaism too- and we know that the original Jews and the original people were probably much darker than those in this video. Any way to tweak some colors in the future for accuracy and inclusivity?
yea I am brown and I'm questioned my jewishness ...my white jewish friends are not questioned at all...I feel discriminated and sounds a bit of racist the first jews were not obviously blond white they were middle East looking.
Leah Singerman This seems a bit on the petty side. And I think perhaps that you are not giving your darker completed students much credit. I think that they are a lot less emotionally fragile than you perhaps think. The message is what is important here, not the shade of the construction paper out of which the characters were cut, No?
The best answer to this comes from the Rabbis themselves, who asked "why does the Torah start with the creation of one man and one woman, and not countless other ways it could have started?" and they answer: "So no one can say to the other - "Your family is better than my family.": We all come from the same G-d, and the same original couple: we are all One Family.
2022 Anyone?
Maybe the Torah is not a story at all.
It is one story it is called the Word of God. We pass things down through generations as stories, parables with lessons attached. This is how ultimate truth is shown, the only way for society to get better is to repent and obey God but law 613 of them without a relationship is a curse. Noone wanted to obey laws but if you love the person giving them and understand that He only wants the best for you, like a good Father then you will want to comply because you know that your Father knows best and you will be better off in the long run. This is the reason for the Holy Spirit I do not want to sin anymore and have simply decided not to because I love God and know that he promised something much better on the other side for those that sacrifice and give in this life.
I am covered on my door posts by the blood of his sacrificial lamb that Abraham foretold that God would provide. I am set free in my exodus from sin and baptised in the Jordan on my way to the promised land. I have peace doing what is pure even when Noone will know because I will be more blessed in compliance and God is smarter than me. May God show you his face and that of His own son put on the altar as a sacrifice for his chosen bride Rachel. Listen to the prophet that Moses spoke of, he is calling for you now
Yes, it is a story about adulterers and murderers. A family who is chosen, not for their quality but because of their need for redemtion. This redemtion is available to all even adulterous murderers who are habitual idol worshipers. Story finished on the cross with the fruit of this family...the very body of Christ. Love you.
The tree is the most poisonous tree on the planet
They didn’t obey God. That’s why they were punished
Lookup the beresheit prophecy, there are many videos on RUclips showing that the first word of the Bibke points to and prophecies of Jesus on the cross. YHWH in original Hebrew is behold the hand behold the nail