【Complex Numbers 複數 HKDSE 數學補習】 F 4 Math 中四數學 虛數 Real part 實部 Imaginary Part 虛部 【含字幕】 第一集 網上補習
- Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
- Express the following in standard form
6 + i(1 - 5i)^2
= 6 + i(1 - 10i + 25i^2)
= 6 + i(-24 -10i)
= 6 -24i - 10i^2
= 16 - 24i
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複數 虛數 實部 虛部 實數 標準式 複共軛 一元二次方程 根 因式法 二次公式 根的性質 判別式 兩個相異實根 一個二重根 沒有實根 函數 定義域 值域 上域 應變量 自變量 常值函數 線性函數 二次函數 拋物線 頂點 對稱軸 開口方向 配方 極值 極小值 極大值 兩根之和 兩根之積 直線方程 點斜式 兩點式 斜截式 截距式 一般式 x截距 y截距 多項式 長除 除式算式 被除式 除式 商式 餘式 整除 因式定理 餘式定理 最大公因式 最小公倍式 有理函數 有理指數律 立方根 四次方根 n次方根 根式 根號 分數指數 指數方程 指數函數 對數函數 對數 常用對數 對數特性 對數方程 對數的應用 聲強 聲強級 分貝 黎克特制 地震 對數變換 底數 換底分式 對數方程 續方程 聯立方程 二元一次方程 線性方程 一元二次方程 分式方程 根式方程 變分 正變 變分常數 反變 聯變 部分變 續三角數 續三角比 旋轉角 正角 負角 象限 三角恆等式 三角方程
Complex numbers Imaginary numbers z = a + bi real part imaginary part standard form real number complex conjugates Functions and graphs f(x) domain co-domain range dependent variables independent variables constant functions linear functions quadratic functions parabola vertex axis of symmetry direction of opening completing the square minimum value of the function maximum value of the function optimum values Quadratic equations in one unknown root factor method quadratic formula graphical method coefficients nature of roots discriminant delta b^2-4ac D>0 two distinct roots D=0 one real root double roots D<0 no real roots sum of roots + - b/a product of roots c/a Equations of straight lines point-slope form two-point form slope-intercept form y=mx+c intercept form general form Ax+By+C=0 x-intercept - C/A y-intercept - C/B slope - A/B More about polynomials quotient remainder long division division algorithm dividend = quotient x divisor + remainder divisible factor theorem remainder theorem highest common factor H.C.F greatest common divisor G.C.D. lowest common multiple L.C.M. rational functions Laws of Rational Indices cube root fourth root nth root radical radical sign fractional index Exponential Equatoin Exponential functions rational indices logarithmic functions logarithms common logarithm properties of logarithms graph of exponential functions graph of logarithmic functions symmetry of graph Logarithmic Functions Common Logarithms x = 10^y y = log x Properites of Common Logarithms log(MN) = log M + log N log(M/N) = log M = log N log M^n = nlog M logarithmic equations Applications of Common Logarithms sound intensity sound intensity level decibel Richter scale earthquake logarithmic transformation Logarithms to an Arbitrary Base base-change formula Logarithmic Equations More About Equations Simultaneous Equations Linear Equations Quadratic Equations Fractional Equations Equations with Sqare Root Signs Ratical Equations Variations Direct Variation variation constant Invrese Variation Join Variation Partial Variatoin More About Trigonometry trigonometric ratios of any angle angle of rotation positive angles negative angles arbitrary angles reference angles quadrant CAST trigonometric identities graph of trigonometric functions sine functions sine graph cosine functions cosine graph tangent functions tangent graph trigonometric equations Applications of trigonometry area of a triangle Heron's formula sine formula sine law cosine formula cosine law included angle
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終於出片啦 ,, 加油💪🏻
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請問會唔會岀有關F4 Roots and Coefficients of Quadratic Equation 同Equations of Straight Lines 呢兩個topic 嘅教學?
感謝,加油 :)
謝謝收看, 陸續會拍 sum of roots & products of roots, eq. of st. line 及 factor theorem / remainder theorem
我志在教懂同學當中的運作嘛,條片不是 DSE 攞分攻略來的😉