+1a You are right dude. Whatever you do, calisthenics or weightlifting it's better than doing nothing at all. People always want to discuss about everything: Religion, Polithics... now exercise? it's supposed to be that exercise tries to reach a better health, being better than before.
CM changed my life! The change was so phenomenal that people routinely say, "Whatever you are doing, it's working!" and "I've never seen you looking in better shape." Calisthenic training is like a supercharger for strength, and it makes weight training exercises seem very easy by comparison.
Reason I love Calisthenics is you can do it anywhere NO EXCUSES. Also I have grown to hate the gym not because of the exercises but the people. My workouts also serve as meditation and I don't like distractions or Im not doing it to impress anyone.
Personally, I hate the gym. I understand it's useful for people who just want to build muscle, but personally, my ideal is being able to move and control my own body. Having lots of muscle to look nice seems pointless to me.
for sure OP!! I personally dont understand, why guys like to close them selves in a room with bunch of other guys, sweating. and breathing each others sweat..
I agree ! You're 100% right. And another reason why I prefer calisthenics is because it's free. You don't have to pay for it because it's your own body and you can do it wherever you want and whenever you want.
Hey guys, I personally prefer calisthenics workout. First of all, you dont need a membership, nor equipment (besides bars) and you can exercise EVERYWHERE. As the bar brothers say, the world is your gym. You can perform all sorts of exercises you like and look badass! Ofcourse its hard, but you'll build a powerful core! The key to become successful into performing these moves, is to lose weight first, all calisthenics athletes are fit NOT BULK. Body builders can not perform these moves. Whats healthier also to your body is doing bodyweight, it's totally harmless once performed accurately. Second key is to practice! A lot! A 20 minutes workout a day wont hurt anyone. And you can always find 20 minutes in your full schedule day! The last key, is to never give up. You can do this. We all can.
I also like calistenics more because the full body workouts and workouts tht pushes your body through space give better resoults then pushing a bar or lifting weights. I started lifting with some program that isolates mousle groups per day. Thats what the gym coach recomended. Bit then after couple months i started doing jason blaha 5x5 novice, and i added pullups and dips to it :D
Only issue I have with Calisthenics is many of those movements performed are advanced and take strength and practice. Whereas the gym you can start with low weight and perform the basic exercise. Don't get me wrong, I think Calisthenics are amazing and I am working on them myself, but you can't just walk on in to do these exercises.
True. Sadly, the same is true for the most effective exercises you can do with weights. Someone squatting for the first time without instruction can be really bad. I guess, machines offer a lot of safety at the expense of effectiveness.
When it comes to lifting weights or improving your strength there seems to be two main groups. Those who want to lift a lot of weight, and those who want to be able to control their body in a wide range of holds and motions. Lifting weights feels great, but calisthenics and park work outs feel amazing.
that's why I choose calisthenics because you don't have to go to the gym... you already can do enough with just a bar and the ground and I love that... and it's more effective for tumbling and parkour :) still: big respect for weight lifters! keep doing what you can do best ;)
Very good video, it's good that someone has a video showing alternatives for a lot of main exercises done in the gym, there's always a way to improvise using calisthenics.
Finally some video that shows the two worlds! I mean i love lifting but i think besides leg day, you don't need anything else, just your body weight, although I combine both!
Great alternatives! Thanks for uploading! ( It is "Machine" and "Triceps") It is safer to use our body weight, with machines we tend to exaggerate, we then take too much weight according to our ability. Thanks!
There's reasons for both, I do both, and I encourage anyone to consider exercises from either category. If you just have something against that barbell sitting on the floor, that's religion, not fitness.
Awesome. Simply awesome. Altough i do prefer calisthenics, SOME of the exercises were actually substituting some of my fav free weights, and the altenative was, generally, quite insane. Still, the demonstration that you can build any muscle of your body without weights is the definitive word on the matter. Weights and machines are useful, especially for certain movements, i will never deny it, but i will always prefer a training were you use your whole body, and you learn to use it, to move it through space in an efficient way. It's more overall useful and provides more general health benefits, and it's something i feel more kinship for. Functional training for functional movements. One of the very best RUclips channels
Awesome video. Though i may sound cheap to others, i believe these BWE alternatives may well be the solution for college students much like me who are always looking to cut down cost given budget is quite limited during that period.
Awesome guys, I'm becoming a Belgian physiotherapist and these vids do give me great ideas (go calisthenics, ho... with a bit more proprioception) this is GOOOD.
i love this fucking vid cuz it gives me a much better idea of what muscle groups the calisthenic workouts attack...i'm slow like that, so this was a big help
I like deadlifts but I only do them about 2 times a week only 2 sets. Cause I squat 3 times a week for about 5-7 sets so my lower back and legs are aleady tired
Niemam Amam just hang upside down on the bar lower your body but keep your legs perpendicular to the ground. Then go back up. Repeat. Congratulations you now know how to perform a bodyweight deadlift.
I didn't even knew a machine for calf raises existed lmao. This video was very much needed. Weightlifting/Machines vs. BW Training achieves different goals but you can obviously see the practicality in using just your own body as resistance.
One thing is clear---guys who do BWEs are usually weaker when lifting weights while guys who lift weights and generally weaker and have more trouble at doing BWEs. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. I'm a gym and weight lifting type of guy personally. It helps me maintain and gain a huge amount of strength.
I'm just getting started in BWE and I gotta say after watching this video that it appears that using machines for many of the examples would allow you to progress faster from a beginning standpoint [for weak-ass newbs like me] until you can do the BWE shown [ie lat pulldowns]. Main reason for my interest in BWE is 'functional' strength over aesthetics with isolation which make sense to me if I was going to compete in bodybuilding competitions ...but that isn't my interest. Anyway, great video - really informative!
in my opinion BWE is better for beginning, doesn't matter if you are going to focus on BWE or machine workout later. calisthenics exercices involves muscle groups and does not isolate particular muscles - that's why (that's just my opinion) you gain OVERALL strenght and performance amplification. I see why lat pulldowns seems to be a problem but you can just put a chair or something high enough in front of your pull up bar like this guy here: watch?v=z8VjxiZleAA , start with bend legs like he does but as you progress try doing this with your legs staright (something like Lsit with legs support) with support under your ankles. then with only one leg supported only. eventually you'll be able to do pullups with no support. there is always a way ;)
thank you for this and your other vidios . you appear to give the subject much thought and research, not to common in many of the training clubls I have been to, and I have been bumpping weights for nearly 60 years.
I think the gym will give you more muscles and calisthenics will give you more agility so it all depends on what you want to have, muscles or dominate your body weight? so there's no better one, both are good but depending on your goals.
the only difference between is that you have to be already a bit strong to do some of the exercises you guys did like the planches and tucked planches while with weights you can start with low weights but it was a great vid non the less!
This is the scrutiny that people make of videos. You misspelled a word and you had a 'fail' at a particular point. I thought it was great video. I take from it all the positive and leave behind anything that I am not convinced about. I am not going to make petty criticisms to try and show someone up. Well done guys.
Deadlift= i think u can obtain similar effects training a combination of back lever progressions +front lever progressions + pistol squat Snatch= plyometric pistol squat + any pulling exercise with shoulder in extension (like pulling from an inverted dead hang position) + maybe some handstand work Hang clean= something same of snatch, like plyometric jumps, inverted pulls exercises and maybe some handstand work with bent arms Squat= pistol squat, increasing the difficulty with some weight or instable surface and some additional work for posterior kinetic chain, but here is where bodyweight training lack a bit Barbell work and bodyweight strength exercises are very complex movements and maybe there's not a direct strength transfer, but at a close analysis you can see some similarities from a byomechanical and fisiological point of view
There aren't really any calisthenic equivalents to these. Breaking them up into composite movements doesn't really do them justice. If you want, you could get a barbell on craigslist and combine it with upper body calisthenics. All you need is a barbell, bumper plates, and a pull up bar to have the best gym on the planet for less than 300 dollars.
I agree with you, but there are some strength experts (Steven Low, Zaciorskj, C.Sommer, etc) that affirm that there's some kind of strength transfer from bodyweigth exercises to barbell work and viceversa: for example an athlete that can deadlift heavy, with some additional tecnique work, can probably do a half-lay or straddle back lever; and an athlete that can do a planche push up can probably bench press 1.5-2 x his bodyweigth. Breaking exercises into composite movement can be an effective way to obtain a similar stimulus (just look how powerliftes, gymnasts and olympic lifters train their competition lifts and movement), and i think that, with the right exercises, bodyweigth strength work can simulate barbell work expecially with closed kinetic chain exercises. However there aren't any studies yet (that i know) that proof this, just some evidences from various trainers. At the end it comes to personal goals: if you must train for a powerlifting competition it's better to train squat, deadlift and bench press with barbell work. If you want to train for gymnast competitions or fitness goals you can use only calisthenics for amazing results that has nothing to envy to barbell work. Or you can combine the two methodologies for an outstanding strength performance and physical shape.
Kanazawa88 Yeah, there's certainly some carryover, but you won't be able to completely replicate the motion of picking something off the ground without doing exactly that. Don't get me wrong; many sports and forms of training have significant carryover, but the deadlift, snatch, and clean have benefits that they alone can provide. In the same sense, no barbell exercise can replicate a proper pull up. Ultimately, it all comes down to what you want. If you want a 200kg clean, you're going to need a barbell. If you want to do 20 consecutive muscle ups, you're going to need a pull up bar.
Machines only let your muscles go in a certain path but prevent injury because of it. Bodyweight exercises and free weights freak out your nervous system and make you stronger because of it (10 reps on a dip machine is like 5-8 reps of regular dips).
Can we stop asking "which is better"? They are different sports. They accomplish different goals. It's like comparing baseball and tennis. Ridiculous. Can we just admit that if you train hard, you will be amazing and a badass, regardless of the sport you choose?
If you want to impress people Calisthenics is better If you want to be functional Calisthenics is better If you want to look more natural Calisthenics is better
Wäre mal interessant zu testen, wenn beispielsweise jemand, der mit Gewichten trainiert, das für 6 Monate sein lässt und nur intensiv calisthenics betreibt, danach wieder mit Gewichten trainiert und man den Unterschied in der Performance misst. Meine Vermutung wäre, dass er sich verbessert, da die intermuskuläre Koordination verbessert wird...oder gibt's schon solche Studien? Bin gerade erst auf Euren Kanal gestoßen, sehr sehr gut gemacht- weiter so!!!
Nice video brah I wish every one work their leg in SW calistenics but they afraid to get heavier or lost their levers plance.... This spor life style is not for show your movement it how good you can use your ALL body not only upper body
If you want to be strong, fit and athletic the combination of weightlifting and calisthenics is the best choise. The bad thing with calisthenics is that when you get strong enough you have to increase the reps. So the best sollution is classic weightlifting and weighted calisthenics
Daumen hoch, Hab mal ne Frage: Kann man oder sollte man bei calisthenics immer alles an einem Tag durchmachen Oder lieber nach Plan vorgehen? Z.B. Montag Dips, Liegestütz.. Dienstag klimmzuge...
Du kannst auch bei Ganzkörpertraining nach einem Plan vorgehen. Ob du den ganzen Körper an einem Tag trainierst oder dein Training nach Muskelgruppen/ketten splittest hängt von deinen Zielen und deiner Trainingserfahrung ab.
For most of the calisthenics moves you need a lot of strength before you can attempt them I feel. I think that's where the weights will help to build a foundation so you can incorporate Cal's into the mix.
no even without weight calisthenics can be started, its just the routines will be simple, like simple forms of pushups and when he/she is able to do it progress into more harder forms
In my opinion, the problem with calisthenics workout is that if you are lucky, you have just one only alternative to important exercises. Example: legs exercises -cali: bw squat, pistol squat, sissy squats, lunges, hams bridge. -gym: squats, front squats, hack squats, sissy squats, leg press, weighted lunges, leg curl (lying, seated, standing), leg extensions, romanian deadlifts (bb, db) and many many others! It's important to develop strenght to switch up with exercises, you can't always stay with the same! Just my opinion, not judging.
Those isolation exercise machines are for those who are recovering from an injury. Calisthenics and free weights are the way to go to build strength and get hypertrophy.
In my opinion, a mix of calisthenics, weights and machines is best because you don't get too bored just doing one thing and each has strong points over the other. Any workout to get healthier is better than no workout.
I like to think of my push ups as me bench pressing the earth
According to physics, you are actually bench passing the entire universe. Seriously.
+Connor Tait and how dumb are you he say he likes to think think
+Connor Tait then Iam sorry I apologize ok thx
+Γιάννης Αλεξανδρόπουλος Newtons third law
+Liara T'Soni I was thinking more about the relativity of movement, but that one applies as well.
i literally don't care if you're lifting your body or lifting weights as long as you're lifting something
It's about resistance.
+1a You are right dude. Whatever you do, calisthenics or weightlifting it's better than doing nothing at all. People always want to discuss about everything: Religion, Polithics... now exercise? it's supposed to be that exercise tries to reach a better health, being better than before.
You have a point but there is a fact that,someone who oftenly uses free weights does not simply lift his own weight.
CM changed my life! The change was so phenomenal that people routinely say, "Whatever you are doing, it's working!" and "I've never seen you looking in better shape." Calisthenic training is like a supercharger for strength, and it makes weight training exercises seem very easy by comparison.
Reason I love Calisthenics is you can do it anywhere NO EXCUSES. Also I have grown to hate the gym not because of the exercises but the people. My workouts also serve as meditation and I don't like distractions or Im not doing it to impress anyone.
I feel you on the no distractions part. The gym can be a very distracting place
The preciseness in which you guys do your excerices is something I love.
Personally, I hate the gym. I understand it's useful for people who just want to build muscle, but personally, my ideal is being able to move and control my own body. Having lots of muscle to look nice seems pointless to me.
100% agree :)
for sure OP!! I personally dont understand, why guys like to close them selves in a room with bunch of other guys, sweating. and breathing each others sweat..
i do both, but i prefer calisthenics for the same reason as you and it also gets you ripped
1221kary A cutting diet makes you ripped, whichever the exercise you're doing.
I agree ! You're 100% right. And another reason why I prefer calisthenics is because it's free. You don't have to pay for it because it's your own body and you can do it wherever you want and whenever you want.
Hey guys, I personally prefer calisthenics workout. First of all, you dont need a membership, nor equipment (besides bars) and you can exercise EVERYWHERE. As the bar brothers say, the world is your gym. You can perform all sorts of exercises you like and look badass! Ofcourse its hard, but you'll build a powerful core! The key to become successful into performing these moves, is to lose weight first, all calisthenics athletes are fit NOT BULK. Body builders can not perform these moves. Whats healthier also to your body is doing bodyweight, it's totally harmless once performed accurately. Second key is to practice! A lot! A 20 minutes workout a day wont hurt anyone. And you can always find 20 minutes in your full schedule day! The last key, is to never give up. You can do this. We all can.
I agree with you bro!!totally
Ricardo cam thanks bro :D
***** Awesome man! Keep up the good work :D
I also like calistenics more because the full body workouts and workouts tht pushes your body through space give better resoults then pushing a bar or lifting weights. I started lifting with some program that isolates mousle groups per day. Thats what the gym coach recomended. Bit then after couple months i started doing jason blaha 5x5 novice, and i added pullups and dips to it :D
Only issue I have with Calisthenics is many of those movements performed are advanced and take strength and practice. Whereas the gym you can start with low weight and perform the basic exercise. Don't get me wrong, I think Calisthenics are amazing and I am working on them myself, but you can't just walk on in to do these exercises.
True. Sadly, the same is true for the most effective exercises you can do with weights. Someone squatting for the first time without instruction can be really bad. I guess, machines offer a lot of safety at the expense of effectiveness.
Then search progressions , literally there are progressions to every exercise
I love the disclaimer at the beginning. It is so nice to see reasonable well reasoned informaiton on what can often be a forum for dogma.
These guys execute these moves so perfectly, great job to both of you.
i think you should do both for maximum results!
When it comes to lifting weights or improving your strength there seems to be two main groups. Those who want to lift a lot of weight, and those who want to be able to control their body in a wide range of holds and motions.
Lifting weights feels great, but calisthenics and park work outs feel amazing.
that's why I choose calisthenics because you don't have to go to the gym... you already can do enough with just a bar and the ground and I love that... and it's more effective for tumbling and parkour :)
still: big respect for weight lifters! keep doing what you can do best ;)
Very good video, it's good that someone has a video showing alternatives for a lot of main exercises done in the gym, there's always a way to improvise using calisthenics.
For me lifting weights is tedious but calisthenics is fun and I always feel motivated to train.
Saubere ausführung.Sachlich gut dargestellt.Einfach ein gewinn für alle!
Finally some video that shows the two worlds! I mean i love lifting but i think besides leg day, you don't need anything else, just your body weight, although I combine both!
then ur crossfit :O
vinit basnet no. crossfit also has a high cardiovascular trainings effect.
Great alternatives! Thanks for uploading! ( It is "Machine" and "Triceps")
It is safer to use our body weight, with machines we tend to exaggerate, we then take too much weight according to our ability.
Calistenics and weight training both have benefits. Why limit your training and only do one or the other?
no time for gym sir, aint gonna waste time on a 20 min drive to a gym
There's reasons for both, I do both, and I encourage anyone to consider exercises from either category. If you just have something against that barbell sitting on the floor, that's religion, not fitness.
No money for gym or home equipment lol.
It's great to incorporate both Calisthenics and weightlifting into your workouts.
Hacía mucho que no veía un vídeo tan bueno. Congratulations.
i am eating my sausages and ice cream while watching this exercise video
That sounds like a terrible combination.
+iLLUMiNATi32492 How can u hear his typing !??? xDD
ur eating ur own sausage? ur mouth goes there?
I love calisthenics... 9 months doing it and believe me, its really nice to see yourself improving.
Nice video guys!
Wow! Great idea!!! Thanks!
Awesome. Simply awesome. Altough i do prefer calisthenics, SOME of the exercises were actually substituting some of my fav free weights, and the altenative was, generally, quite insane. Still, the demonstration that you can build any muscle of your body without weights is the definitive word on the matter. Weights and machines are useful, especially for certain movements, i will never deny it, but i will always prefer a training were you use your whole body, and you learn to use it, to move it through space in an efficient way. It's more overall useful and provides more general health benefits, and it's something i feel more kinship for. Functional training for functional movements. One of the very best RUclips channels
Awesome video. Though i may sound cheap to others, i believe these BWE alternatives may well be the solution for college students much like me who are always looking to cut down cost given budget is quite limited during that period.
great video guys, well put together... will be trying out some 'not so hard moves' tonight
Awesome guys, I'm becoming a Belgian physiotherapist and these vids do give me great ideas (go calisthenics, ho... with a bit more proprioception) this is GOOOD.
i love this fucking vid cuz it gives me a much better idea of what muscle groups the calisthenic workouts attack...i'm slow like that, so this was a big help
This is one super informative video. Sharing this to a few gym friends. Thanks for this.
Tolles video... finde ich echt klasse! Macht weiter so jungs!
But one exercise you cannot replace. Deadlift.
I like deadlifts but I only do them about 2 times a week only 2 sets. Cause I squat 3 times a week for about 5-7 sets so my lower back and legs are aleady tired
Niemam Amam just hang upside down on the bar lower your body but keep your legs perpendicular to the ground. Then go back up. Repeat. Congratulations you now know how to perform a bodyweight deadlift.
***** Oh them back snaps...ALL KINDS OF GAINS....all kinds...
+Olivier Staumont what you just said is like ' turn on your computer watch redtube, fap, congratulations you are not a virgin anymore.
L-Sit helps with deadlifts right? I don't do gyms FYI.
This is my go to vid for body weight exercises. I started a channel and hope to be implementing this stuff in eventually. Thank you!
I didn't even knew a machine for calf raises existed lmao. This video was very much needed. Weightlifting/Machines vs. BW Training achieves different goals but you can obviously see the practicality in using just your own body as resistance.
One thing is clear---guys who do BWEs are usually weaker when lifting weights while guys who lift weights and generally weaker and have more trouble at doing BWEs. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. I'm a gym and weight lifting type of guy personally. It helps me maintain and gain a huge amount of strength.
great video. I like all your videos and how you guys are promoting bodyweight exercises. I myself is joining the calisthenic movement.
Great video man. Gotta love bodyweight workouts
Great video!!! Will most likely try several of these. Just got some rings so I'm eager to try a few new things! Great ideas!!!
I'm just getting started in BWE and I gotta say after watching this video that it appears that using machines for many of the examples would allow you to progress faster from a beginning standpoint [for weak-ass newbs like me] until you can do the BWE shown [ie lat pulldowns]. Main reason for my interest in BWE is 'functional' strength over aesthetics with isolation which make sense to me if I was going to compete in bodybuilding competitions ...but that isn't my interest. Anyway, great video - really informative!
in my opinion BWE is better for beginning, doesn't matter if you are going to focus on BWE or machine workout later. calisthenics exercices involves muscle groups and does not isolate particular muscles - that's why (that's just my opinion) you gain OVERALL strenght and performance amplification. I see why lat pulldowns seems to be a problem but you can just put a chair or something high enough in front of your pull up bar like this guy here: watch?v=z8VjxiZleAA , start with bend legs like he does but as you progress try doing this with your legs staright (something like Lsit with legs support) with support under your ankles. then with only one leg supported only. eventually you'll be able to do pullups with no support. there is always a way ;)
thank you for this and your other vidios . you appear to give the subject much thought and research, not to common in many of the training clubls I have been to, and I have been bumpping weights for nearly 60 years.
this video is sick i was trying to search this everywhere
How about the dead lifts? Also your channel is professional, comprehensive and full of good advices. You did good work, I like it.
Helpful vid. Thanks!
I think the gym will give you more muscles and calisthenics will give you more agility so it all depends on what you want to have, muscles or dominate your body weight? so there's no better one, both are good but depending on your goals.
Calesthenics can also build muscle mass ,it depends on your goals
Spot On dude!! No.1.
Super! Thanks for that!
the only difference between is that you have to be already a bit strong to do some of the exercises you guys did like the planches and tucked planches while with weights you can start with low weights but it was a great vid non the less!
Great video!!
I liked this video , always wondered about equivalent body weight exercises.
Calisthenics is número uno
Fantastic exercises!
This is a great video. Keep up the good work.
Great man! Most of that you can do it in home!
Great alternatives thanks a lot sir
This is the scrutiny that people make of videos. You misspelled a word and you had a 'fail' at a particular point. I thought it was great video. I take from it all the positive and leave behind anything that I am not convinced about. I am not going to make petty criticisms to try and show someone up. Well done guys.
Yeah! This is right
Calisthenics is much more
Extreme than gym work outs
I'm working out!
Definitely a great video !!
Deadlift, snatch, hang clean, squat???
kettle bell
Deadlift= i think u can obtain similar effects training a combination of back lever progressions +front lever progressions + pistol squat
Snatch= plyometric pistol squat + any pulling exercise with shoulder in extension (like pulling from an inverted dead hang position) + maybe some handstand work
Hang clean= something same of snatch, like plyometric jumps, inverted pulls exercises and maybe some handstand work with bent arms
Squat= pistol squat, increasing the difficulty with some weight or instable surface and some additional work for posterior kinetic chain, but here is where bodyweight training lack a bit
Barbell work and bodyweight strength exercises are very complex movements and maybe there's not a direct strength transfer, but at a close analysis you can see some similarities from a byomechanical and fisiological point of view
There aren't really any calisthenic equivalents to these. Breaking them up into composite movements doesn't really do them justice. If you want, you could get a barbell on craigslist and combine it with upper body calisthenics. All you need is a barbell, bumper plates, and a pull up bar to have the best gym on the planet for less than 300 dollars.
I agree with you, but there are some strength experts (Steven Low, Zaciorskj, C.Sommer, etc) that affirm that there's some kind of strength transfer from bodyweigth exercises to barbell work and viceversa: for example an athlete that can deadlift heavy, with some additional tecnique work, can probably do a half-lay or straddle back lever; and an athlete that can do a planche push up can probably bench press 1.5-2 x his bodyweigth. Breaking exercises into composite movement can be an effective way to obtain a similar stimulus (just look how powerliftes, gymnasts and olympic lifters train their competition lifts and movement), and i think that, with the right exercises, bodyweigth strength work can simulate barbell work expecially with closed kinetic chain exercises. However there aren't any studies yet (that i know) that proof this, just some evidences from various trainers. At the end it comes to personal goals: if you must train for a powerlifting competition it's better to train squat, deadlift and bench press with barbell work. If you want to train for gymnast competitions or fitness goals you can use only calisthenics for amazing results that has nothing to envy to barbell work. Or you can combine the two methodologies for an outstanding strength performance and physical shape.
Kanazawa88 Yeah, there's certainly some carryover, but you won't be able to completely replicate the motion of picking something off the ground without doing exactly that. Don't get me wrong; many sports and forms of training have significant carryover, but the deadlift, snatch, and clean have benefits that they alone can provide. In the same sense, no barbell exercise can replicate a proper pull up. Ultimately, it all comes down to what you want. If you want a 200kg clean, you're going to need a barbell. If you want to do 20 consecutive muscle ups, you're going to need a pull up bar.
*just the video I was searching!*
i think a mix of all them is the best :)
Machines only let your muscles go in a certain path but prevent injury because of it. Bodyweight exercises and free weights freak out your nervous system and make you stronger because of it (10 reps on a dip machine is like 5-8 reps of regular dips).
Great Video ;) Tucked Planche Push-Ups are also a good substitution for Bench Press.
Calisthenics forever !
Can we stop asking "which is better"? They are different sports. They accomplish different goals. It's like comparing baseball and tennis. Ridiculous. Can we just admit that if you train hard, you will be amazing and a badass, regardless of the sport you choose?
I agree with your statement.
More like tennis and badminton or squash
+justin mcconnell We can't, as much as you like to. People won't allow it, nature made humans and every animal for one thing, dominance.
If you want to impress people
Calisthenics is better
If you want to be functional
Calisthenics is better
If you want to look more natural
Calisthenics is better
What he said ^ :D
Excelent video!
Great Video. Thanks!
Excellent, thanks!
3:26 gotta give a little stretch hahah
I will start doing these
Lol at 3:00 his head became so red!
perfect video..calisthenics wins all the time :)
I prefer the Bodyweight Exercises ;)
Wie trainierst du deine Schulter ?
its Amazing & heard to..o always love this type of excessive..my best wishes with you..
Wäre mal interessant zu testen, wenn beispielsweise jemand, der mit Gewichten trainiert, das für 6 Monate sein lässt und nur intensiv calisthenics betreibt, danach wieder mit Gewichten trainiert und man den Unterschied in der Performance misst.
Meine Vermutung wäre, dass er sich verbessert, da die intermuskuläre Koordination verbessert wird...oder gibt's schon solche Studien?
Bin gerade erst auf Euren Kanal gestoßen, sehr sehr gut gemacht- weiter so!!!
what a music gonna make me crazy ...👍👍👍👌👌👌
Great video!
Awesome Video!!!!!
Precisava disso Obrigado!!! pelo video
Amazing Video!
Nice video brah I wish every one work their leg in SW calistenics but they afraid to get heavier or lost their levers plance.... This spor life style is not for show your movement it how good you can use your ALL body not only upper body
I think that the best is combination calisthenics with weighted calisthenics and the gym... :))
This is great, I always disliked how artificial gym feels, but will definitely try this out
Amazing alternatives
Te faltaron algunos pero muy buen video me suscribo.
great content, I wish I could save the vid
If you want to be strong, fit and athletic the combination of weightlifting and calisthenics is the best choise. The bad thing with calisthenics is that when you get strong enough you have to increase the reps. So the best sollution is classic weightlifting and weighted calisthenics
Great video. I have some more that l do you may want to add to your routines or vids.
thank u guys
I prefer Spider-Man than Captain America.
So I will go for Calisthenics.
Daumen hoch,
Hab mal ne Frage:
Kann man oder sollte man bei calisthenics immer alles an einem Tag durchmachen
Oder lieber nach Plan vorgehen?
Z.B. Montag Dips, Liegestütz..
Dienstag klimmzuge...
Du kannst auch bei Ganzkörpertraining nach einem Plan vorgehen.
Ob du den ganzen Körper an einem Tag trainierst oder dein Training nach Muskelgruppen/ketten splittest hängt von deinen Zielen und deiner Trainingserfahrung ab.
***** danke für die schnelle Antwort.
For most of the calisthenics moves you need a lot of strength before you can attempt them I feel. I think that's where the weights will help to build a foundation so you can incorporate Cal's into the mix.
no even without weight calisthenics can be started, its just the routines will be simple, like simple forms of pushups and when he/she is able to do it progress into more harder forms
Just search progressions bro
Nice stuff
In my opinion, the problem with calisthenics workout is that if you are lucky, you have just one only alternative to important exercises. Example: legs exercises
-cali: bw squat, pistol squat, sissy squats, lunges, hams bridge.
-gym: squats, front squats, hack squats, sissy squats, leg press, weighted lunges, leg curl (lying, seated, standing), leg extensions, romanian deadlifts (bb, db) and many many others! It's important to develop strenght to switch up with exercises, you can't always stay with the same! Just my opinion, not judging.
I like both
Those isolation exercise machines are for those who are recovering from an injury. Calisthenics and free weights are the way to go to build strength and get hypertrophy.
In my opinion, a mix of calisthenics, weights and machines is best because you don't get too bored just doing one thing and each has strong points over the other. Any workout to get healthier is better than no workout.
Thank you
It's amazing!