Take a close look at the boiler - the engine was far from complete when I took the video. The engine belongs to a friend of mine, and he sent it to me to get it to operational condition and make a few optical improvements - what I did is far from restoration level. It took me some time searching, but I found a new Doll safety valve, a Doll filler cap screw, a fitting water level gauge and a manometer which is not from Doll but fits. All parts were bought on eBay. Doll co-operated with Bing when building steam engines, and in 1938 Doll was taken over from Fleischmann - Fleischmann's steam engines were either Doll design or further developped from the Doll designs. And Fleischmann continued producing steam engines until the Sixties. So some parts from Doll, Bing and Fleischmann are interchangeable.
Very expensive cigarette lighter, but I love it 👍thanks for sharing.
very nice item ,thx for show.
Thats so good to see, I have the same one but was missing parts before I got it, now i know but will probably never find them.
Take a close look at the boiler - the engine was far from complete when I took the video. The engine belongs to a friend of mine, and he sent it to me to get it to operational condition and make a few optical improvements - what I did is far from restoration level. It took me some time searching, but I found a new Doll safety valve, a Doll filler cap screw, a fitting water level gauge and a manometer which is not from Doll but fits. All parts were bought on eBay.
Doll co-operated with Bing when building steam engines, and in 1938 Doll was taken over from Fleischmann - Fleischmann's steam engines were either Doll design or further developped from the Doll designs. And Fleischmann continued producing steam engines until the Sixties. So some parts from Doll, Bing and Fleischmann are interchangeable.
Yep, a few bits missing but is the same. Thanks.
Bing boiler 😂