X-Men- Did Krakoa break Marvel's greatest superhero team? What's in the Stack: Episode #2

  • Опубликовано: 22 янв 2025

Комментарии • 6

  • @liamhq1877
    @liamhq1877 Месяц назад +4

    The X-Men line should just be the flagships like Uncanny and Wolverine, and then have an anthology title where you can showcase the more obscure and newer mutants. Instead of over-saturating the line with a dozen solo books you can just have one ongoing with 2-3 stories per issue, and maybe that character can get their own title if they become popular enough.

    • @RMLitegrade
      @RMLitegrade  Месяц назад +3

      Certainly agree, 3-5 Titles is the most an X-line should be, Possibly two team books, a wolverine book and Some sort of X-Force and Deadpool book, the rest should be in backup stories or side plots in the main book

  • @suartgilmour4540
    @suartgilmour4540 Месяц назад +3

    Hey, I agree with you guys on this one. When the X-Men line did a reset after Krakoa, I tried X-Men #1, Wolverine #1, X-Factor #1, and Uncanny X-Men #1. The only comic I'm still on is Uncanny, and it's OK, not great. Im pretty underwhelmed with these new books. I liked your burger chain analogy alot, it kind of encapsulates the problem! There are too many titles, so the quality and characters are spread too thin.
    If I was in charge, I'd have only 3 books - X-Men, Uncanny, and Wolverine - and have them at the 3.99 price point. Build from a basic, core beginning that, as you say, focuses on the dynamics between the characters. With only 3 books you can focus on getting the best talent and the marketing is very cost effective and simple.
    Then, if things go well, maybe a year later, you could branch out to more titles like X-Factor and X-Force. This whole tactic of throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks just seems very amateur, to me at least. Anyways, here's hoping things improve! Thanks, Stuart

    • @RMLitegrade
      @RMLitegrade  Месяц назад +2

      Certainly they need to build some momentum before throwing out all of these books, if they took time and built up characters in the background of the main books, or in backup stories you might actually generate excitement for X-Factor or New mutants or something like that.

  • @EvandroACruz
    @EvandroACruz Месяц назад +4

    Krakoa era proved that Humankind always were right in to fear and hate mutants. They are all dangerous and merciless killers just like Magneto in the end of day. Why humans should give a new chance for them again? All them killed dozens of people in Fall of X and now everybody have a body count in your hands. How they supposed preach about mercy again after all this? I believe that this relauch will fail because is useless to appeal to old 90's nostalgia at this point. The days when the X-Men were heroes are over long time ago. Just reboot the entire line and erase Krakoa from the canon. Make a retcon with the reveal that all these characters are nothing more than plant clones and the original X-Men died long time ago.

    • @RMLitegrade
      @RMLitegrade  Месяц назад +4

      Completely agree, krakoa basically justified humans fears of the mutants and made the X-men complete hypocrites, once they are telling humanity that mystique, apocalypse and sinister are ok with them and allowed to be free you basically lose all moral highground you could ever claim. They have to find a way to wash away so much of the actions that happened during that era