GOD PLEASE let me hear this not with my ears,,,but with my HEART....ITS time to REPENT and TURN from our WICKED ways..and run back to the HOLINESS of JESUS.....
I remind people that God did not say " Be thou happy for I am happy!" but instead He has commanded us to "Be Holy for I am HOLY. He has given us great holy love and we've trampled on it. May those who claim to know Christ show it!Many will say"Lord Lord didn't I do this in your name."And He will say,"Depart from me. I never knew you." Let it not be said of me, Oh Lord. Yes God loves us dearly unto death. But how are we showing our life appreciation.Thanks for this video.Truth sets us free.
I don't know how many times I've watched this but it burns through me every time... I pray for that holy desperation for Gods people and for my family! God bless you brother David!
"Entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy" wow! so vey true. Look at our nations today. Look at both the believers and non-believers alike. If anything is keeping us from God it is the desire to be entertained. Well I want to hunger and thirst for Jesus and to be in His presence always. Forget entertainment, I want the joy of the Lord.
It's a shame there are hardly any more churches that are concerned with the souls of men. They do not speak of hell, of sin and repentance, of the saving power of the name of Jesus. Sadly, they cannot afford to offend anyone to prevent them from walking away and taking their money with them revealing that money is their god. Jesus Christ is Lord and He is coming!!
I recently shared this clip in a Christian chat and the administrator threatened to ban me!! Must have hit a nerve .... the message always seems to make some "Christians" so angry.
This is one of the best short video's I have ever seen. It was in fact, "The Gospel according to Jesus." The reason we don't hear this message today is, people don't want the Truth, they want to go to church to hear joke's, be entertained, have itching ear's, 2 Tim. 4: 3. listen to the like's of Joel Osteen so they can come away from church feeling "comforted" rather than convicted. Tell them the truth and they tell you, that you have a spirit of criticism, and your unloving.
This is one of the most powerful videos I have ever seen and it is truly convicting !! Iwant to encourage you to share this with your friends as the Lord leads you.TIME TO WAKE UP CHURCH!!
OH...and what greater indicator of "The Great Falling Away" do we need, than the testimony of what calls itself "the church" today....Even so come Lord Jesus...
I re-listened to this and I especially can relate to 8:23 of the dwarves. My friends who I thought were believers started to avoid me when I would share some of the things I've learned in the last couple of years. It's been hard, but a small price to pay for my Lord. I'm considered some kind of religious nut now. Ravenhill and all the rest are spot on. I wish preachers would preach the hard truths and either save or drive the goats out.
This is one of the best short video's I have ever seen. It was in fact, "The Gospel according to Jesus." The reason we don't hear this message today is, people don't want the Truth, they want to go to church to hear joke's, be entertained, have itching ear's, 2 Tim. 4: 3. listen to the like's of Joel Osteen so they can come away from church feeling "comforted" rather than convicted. Tell them the truth and they tell you, that you have a spirit of criticism, your unloving. Continued.
WOW!!! That was such a true and very powerful preaching....FROM our Lord Jesus mighty soldiers. God Bless Them all, their reward from God will be great...AMEN!!
This is reigniting the FIRE in me as I watch it. Thank You for uploading aflame4God. Indeed the so-called "church" is falling away from the Truth because of it's itching ears. But if we are following Jesus that itch ought not to be scratched ...just let it Burn...otherwise it's not Jesus who we're following.
everything in this video struck a nerve in me because i have been feeling this way for a while. Im tired of this watered down Christianity. I want to feel convicted when i go to church, i want to know if im being a good servant to the kingdom, i want to be set in my place so the fear of God will cover me. I WANT THE TRUTH! Im tired of hearing about prosperity and what i need to do to have material things on earth YHVH is not a genie, he is the true GOD over all things and his Judgement is near
This makes me cry...and I know not many of us preach this way. It is very hard to preach this among churches in Malaysia. Christhians are following whatever problems in the US. Our church is now almost has no difference with the secular and came through music and sensation. Concerts everywhere but they are not willing to hear the truth in His word.
I believe in the local Church :Acts 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. So the revival must come your local Church. Just like my Pastor Preaches!!
When the zeal of God burns inside of a man of God he must raise his voice like a trumpet! Hosea8:1"Set the trumpet to thy mouth.He shall come as an eagle against the house of the Lord,because they have transgressed my covenant ,and trespassed my law.'Zep.1:16"The great day of the Lord is near,it is near and hasteth greatly,even the voice of the day of the Lord:the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.'The message is right on!
I agree with EVERY WORD OF THE VIDEO......the question is what will we do with what we have heard!! Will its impact be lasting in our lives.Will we pray for personal revival? Will we cast off besetting sins? What will we do?Worth sharing with others for sure!
I have watched this But i am watching this again! Where else would Satan go but to a church to attack? Wow it is so sad i have seen so many churches change dead churches! this is so powerful and the truth! Thanks for sending this! Love YSIC~Paula
@aflame4God. Thanks for sending this powerful message to my email, on Friday. This was truly a confirmation! Thanks for sending this! I shared it as well on my facebook, also shared through email. Every One Take A Stand for Christ!!! Jesus didn't go to the Cross so we could have only half the truth. Jesus is Truth! We need to get back to teaching The whole Truth! One Truth! One Message! One Gospel! The Gospel Of Christ! and him Crucified! Thank you Lord for conquering the grave!!!
I shared this clip as soon as I received it with a so called Christian chat and the administrator threatened to ban me !! The message always seems to make some "Christians" so angry. Thank you for sharing this. God bless you for taking a stand in this evil day.
'You will rarely find a message on repentance..' That is so true !! Where is the holy hatred of sin in the Church !! PS.97:10" Ye that love the Lord hate evil.'We have everything in the church but the presence of a holy God!! Programs but no passion for God ! Ravenhill words are piercing ! AND ALL THOSE GLOSSY BESTSELLERS ARE full of self-help,human potential and you can have it all ! Where are the pastors who will preach against sin?
I've seen this a while back and I loved the part when he said that the true Bride will not be satisfied anymore with coffee and cookies. Aint that the truth. Give me real food preachers. It's a sad day that a true believer can only find real Spirit led teaching on the internet. Keep em coming brother. I hope that more and more pastors will live to glorify God and not pander to their flocks.
This reminds me of Elijah and John the baptist who came in the spirit of Elijah and both preached boldly against the sin and the world. Lets pray that God can fulfill His prophecy in us today. Malichi 4:5 "SEE, I WILL SEND YOU THE PROPHET ELIJAH BEFORE THAT GREAT AND DREADFUL DAY OF THE LORD COMES!
I agree with the man @ 4:48 when he speaks of the books in Christian bookstores. A lot of them are pumping up man in both subtle and blatant ways. I see the glossy book covers and photo shoots, and can't help but to wonder if these individuals are stealing God's glory. It's easy to do and tempting, but we musn't. The gospel is about Christ and glorifying Him - it is not about us. Lord have mercy on us.
thank you brother.....what a timely message...weall need to ask ourselves if we are like this in our hearts..how can the church as a whole come alive if we, as individuals are not..
Dear friends we are very sad to hear that David Wilkerson died a few days ago in a car accident.We love him and now he is with Jesus ! He had a holy passion for the LORD and for holiness! I have just done a 4 part series on 'OBEDIENCE' in his honor.It is a very convicting message and I hope you will watch and share all 4 parts.Your comments are welcomed.Bro.David.
Thank u for sending this video 2 my email on Friday night! I shared this message with many people from my Church. Also shared on my Facebook! This was great to hear! This was so powerful!! God didn't send Jesus to die on the cross so we might have half the truth! Jesus gave up his whole body, not half his body! We must teach the Whole Word of God! We cannot afford to water down The Gospel of Christ! For if we teach only half the truth/ watered down truth, what Gospel is That? Preach Christ!! ALL
Amen Brother David!!!!! This is so true!!!!! Wake up Churches and people The time is coming! So sad alot of people are staying at home and leaving the churches. We found a awesome pastor Jon Courson Applegate minnistry From Brother Dennis were they live! God Bless You brother David and your family!!!! Love YSIC~Paula
Amen! Amen! Amen! To GOD be the glory. I love truth preachers that will not compromise. Tell it like it is and souls will truly be saved but luke warm message only vbring false conversions.
great video, i really enjoy pastor wilkerson.....love the movie "cross and the switchblade" wish they would redo that movie for today generation.....grace and peace.
Without Doubt we are living in the days of the Laodicean church, mentioned in Revelations 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked: The Church doesn't even realise what condition she is in, anymore! She thinks everything is fine, while we are at our Spiritual weakest, Ever! While it is discouraging, it is foretold, and will get much worse,before he comes! ~Lee
This is old ,yet we still deal with it today,the cross is our throne untill we deal with sin and process what it means until we get a generation that finish,s it,s purpose,and walk the sinners walk all the way to the right hand of God,die to self Peace
I have a problem with my attention span and sometimes change videos because I lose interest. From the second I turned this video on I was unable to do anything else but watch. It is a truly amazing ten minutes,I thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting this.
Great Message! The churches has become a meeting place to gossip about their neighbor instead of helping him while patting a click on the back. 5 stars!
WWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! Man of GOD, please put together a video about witnessing and evagelism; especially when it comes to people who refuse the gospel and what we should do. Tell mom I said HELLO and GOD bless!!!
We are all praying for a great American Awakening. Maybe we will have that if there enough true christians left to pray. Think of it...The Third American Awakening.
I think people need to toss out all of what they "THINK" they know and humble themselves and listen to what the Lord God, has been trying to tell us: Repent ! We are in a sleep in which we seem unable to wake up from. We are in desperate need to be revived. We need to wake up. Leave the finger pointing out and soul searching in. There is not one of us who doesn't need to be awakened. Wake up ! We all need to search and repent and follow Christ ! Amen ! HaHo !
IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP & STOP GETTING ENTERTAINED & ALL THAT! We cant just preach about love, miracle, deliverance, prosperty etc, its all good but you have to preach holiness, preach against sin because thats where the true deliverance & miracles happen. We know God loves us & the Devil is a Deceiver, we know that Jesus did Miracles & we know that Satan saw him that's why he TEMPTED Jesus, We believe in Jesus & the Devil does too. Satan's not a HEARER & DOER BUT AS CHRISTIANS HAVE TO BE!
o so true. people do not look at truth. people want now. not time with him. sadly.to read the bible one verse and go on. no we are to be wachmen on the wall. . yes we will get hate mail. but that shows you doing his truth. o this is good. many are call but only a few will go. in the takeing away. wake up. God not playing a game.well done. bless you. in Yeshua,Jesus. bell .
We have offended the Holy Spirit. Where is the Power that we are to command in His name. We are to be the healing salt of the earth. Would Jesus throw us out of the church? He is about to walk away from us forever. Claiming the name of Jesus Christ but denying the POWER therein because we refuse to be truly Holy. Bride you are about to lose your husband! Do not push it to the point of no return...
Great, excellent, wonderful? no......we should cover our heads in dust and mourn as these men speak the truth, but few actually listen, much less understand. (...and passing forward...)
The last days church is Nebuchadnezzar, who declares when the music plays, if you do not bow down to the false image of God, you will be cast into the fiery furnace to suffer for eternity. But the fire came not near those who were cast there by this false decree, and there appeared one other standing with those who were cast in the fire, and even their clothes were not touched. P.S. Nebuchadnezzar repents
Unfortunately "they did not listen. They did not know how." is what I think the church is doing to prophets in this late day and time. I hope and pray that the church wakes up, lets the prophets in, and lets them talk about what is to come. It's the only way the church will be saved, because there are too many luke warm Christians today. The only way the people themselves will be saved is repentance, prayer, and not glorifying yourself, but God and Jesus. That's my two cents.
The prophets of old were men of God with a message to a stubborn backslidden people who had forsaken the Lord and they were never smooth.Isaiah58;1"CRY ALOUD,SPARE NOT,LIFT UP THY VOICE LIKE A TRUMPET,AND SHOW MY PEOPLE THEIR TRANSGRESSIONS,AND THE HOUSE OF JACOB THEIR SINS'.1st Tim.5:20"Them that sin REBUKE before all,that others also may fear.' This never happens today.Sin is taken lightly!There is no rebuking or church discipline and the church has lost the fear of God.
@CBALLEN i agree but he does love the sinner but he does put up with the sinner hints he will send them to eternal damnation because we where once sinners and still are because where in this fleshly body but we answered the calling and the healing began
GOD PLEASE let me hear this not with my ears,,,but with my HEART....ITS time to REPENT and TURN from our WICKED ways..and run back to the HOLINESS of JESUS.....
I remind people that God did not say " Be thou happy for I am happy!" but instead He has commanded us to "Be Holy for I am HOLY.
He has given us great holy love and we've trampled on it. May those who claim to know Christ show it!Many will say"Lord Lord didn't I do this in your name."And He will say,"Depart from me. I never knew you." Let it not be said of me, Oh Lord.
Yes God loves us dearly unto death. But how are we showing our life appreciation.Thanks for this video.Truth sets us free.
We need more people like this who have the Word of the Lord in their hearts like fire shut up in their bones, as Jeremiah once said.
I don't know how many times I've watched this but it burns through me every time... I pray for that holy desperation for Gods people and for my family! God bless you brother David!
"Entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy" wow! so vey true. Look at our nations today. Look at both the believers and non-believers alike. If anything is keeping us from God it is the desire to be entertained. Well I want to hunger and thirst for Jesus and to be in His presence always. Forget entertainment, I want the joy of the Lord.
"...a deluded gospel is no gospel at all..." Love that quote!
It's a shame there are hardly any more churches that are concerned with the souls of men. They do not speak of hell, of sin and repentance, of the saving power of the name of Jesus.
Sadly, they cannot afford to offend anyone to prevent them from walking away and taking their money with them revealing that money is their god.
Jesus Christ is Lord and He is coming!!
I recently shared this clip in a Christian chat and the administrator threatened to ban me!! Must have hit a nerve .... the message always seems to make some "Christians" so angry.
May the LORD use this video to bring us to repentance of any compromise in our lives ! Share with others as the LORD leads ! Bro.David.
This is one of the best short video's I have ever seen. It was in fact, "The Gospel according to Jesus." The reason we don't hear this message today is, people don't want the Truth, they want to go to church to hear joke's, be entertained, have itching ear's, 2 Tim. 4: 3. listen to the like's of Joel Osteen so they can come away from church feeling "comforted" rather than convicted. Tell them the truth and they tell you, that you have a spirit of criticism, and your unloving.
This is one of the most powerful videos I have ever seen and it is truly convicting !! Iwant to encourage you to share this with your friends as the Lord leads you.TIME TO WAKE UP CHURCH!!
May God raise up more men like this.
OH...and what greater indicator of "The Great Falling Away" do we need, than the testimony of what calls itself "the church" today....Even so come Lord Jesus...
I re-listened to this and I especially can relate to 8:23 of the dwarves. My friends who I thought were believers started to avoid me when I would share some of the things I've learned in the last couple of years. It's been hard, but a small price to pay for my Lord. I'm considered some kind of religious nut now. Ravenhill and all the rest are spot on. I wish preachers would preach the hard truths and either save or drive the goats out.
@CoreOfMe I agree 100% ! Evey church should show this on a big screen and watch 10 times in a row till it sinks in !!! Brother David.
You will rarely find a message on repentance..................exactly true. God bless
This is a POWERFUL video with powerful preaching by TRUE men of God! ALL churches NEED to see this video!!!!
This is one of the best short video's I have ever seen. It was in fact, "The Gospel according to Jesus." The reason we don't hear this message today is, people don't want the Truth, they want to go to church to hear joke's, be entertained, have itching ear's, 2 Tim. 4: 3. listen to the like's of Joel Osteen so they can come away from church feeling "comforted" rather than convicted. Tell them the truth and they tell you, that you have a spirit of criticism, your unloving. Continued.
WOW!!! That was such a true and very powerful preaching....FROM our Lord Jesus mighty soldiers. God Bless Them all, their reward from God will be great...AMEN!!
This is reigniting the FIRE in me as I watch it. Thank You for uploading aflame4God. Indeed the so-called "church" is falling away from the Truth because of it's itching ears. But if we are following Jesus that itch ought not to be scratched ...just let it Burn...otherwise it's not Jesus who we're following.
everything in this video struck a nerve in me because i have been feeling this way for a while. Im tired of this watered down Christianity. I want to feel convicted when i go to church, i want to know if im being a good servant to the kingdom, i want to be set in my place so the fear of God will cover me. I WANT THE TRUTH! Im tired of hearing about prosperity and what i need to do to have material things on earth YHVH is not a genie, he is the true GOD over all things and his Judgement is near
This makes me cry...and I know not many of us preach this way. It is very hard to preach this among churches in Malaysia. Christhians are following whatever problems in the US. Our church is now almost has no difference with the secular and came through music and sensation. Concerts everywhere but they are not willing to hear the truth in His word.
I believe in the local Church :Acts 2:41 Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls. So the revival must come your local Church. Just like my Pastor Preaches!!
i have been subscribed to you for over a year. I have never been disappointed with your post. Keep sharing the truth flame4God!
When the zeal of God burns inside of a man of God he must raise his voice like a trumpet! Hosea8:1"Set the trumpet to thy mouth.He shall come as an eagle against the house of the Lord,because they have transgressed my covenant ,and trespassed my law.'Zep.1:16"The great day of the Lord is near,it is near and hasteth greatly,even the voice of the day of the Lord:the mighty man shall cry there bitterly.'The message is right on!
I agree with EVERY WORD OF THE VIDEO......the question is what will we do with what we have heard!! Will its impact be lasting in our lives.Will we pray for personal revival? Will we cast off besetting sins? What will we do?Worth sharing with others for sure!
These ministers are on point ! I love this video !
I have watched this But i am watching this again! Where else would Satan go but to a church to attack? Wow it is so sad i have seen so many churches change dead churches! this is so powerful and the truth! Thanks for sending this! Love YSIC~Paula
Yes it time for all to wake up,thanks for sharing God Bless.
@aflame4God. Thanks for sending this powerful message to my email, on Friday. This was truly a confirmation! Thanks for sending this!
I shared it as well on my facebook, also shared through email. Every One Take A Stand for Christ!!!
Jesus didn't go to the Cross so we could have only half the truth. Jesus is Truth!
We need to get back to teaching The whole Truth! One Truth! One Message! One Gospel! The Gospel Of Christ! and him Crucified! Thank you Lord for conquering the grave!!!
I shared this clip as soon as I received it with a so called Christian chat and the administrator threatened to ban me !! The message always seems to make some "Christians" so angry. Thank you for sharing this. God bless you for taking a stand in this evil day.
This video open eyes for many forgotten truths, for truе repantance.
Thank you!
'You will rarely find a message on repentance..' That is so true !! Where is the holy hatred of sin in the Church !! PS.97:10" Ye that love the Lord hate evil.'We have everything in the church but the presence of a holy God!! Programs but no passion for God ! Ravenhill words are piercing ! AND ALL THOSE GLOSSY BESTSELLERS ARE full of self-help,human potential and you can have it all ! Where are the pastors who will preach against sin?
I've seen this a while back and I loved the part when he said that the true Bride will not be satisfied anymore with coffee and cookies. Aint that the truth. Give me real food preachers. It's a sad day that a true believer can only find real Spirit led teaching on the internet. Keep em coming brother. I hope that more and more pastors will live to glorify God and not pander to their flocks.
Thanks for posting this video inthe name of Jesu Christ!
This reminds me of Elijah and John the baptist who came in the spirit of Elijah and both preached boldly against the sin and the world. Lets pray that God can fulfill His prophecy in us today. Malichi 4:5 "SEE, I WILL SEND YOU THE PROPHET ELIJAH BEFORE THAT GREAT AND DREADFUL DAY OF THE LORD COMES!
Hallelujah! Praise our Lord and our God for this message!
Thank you very much for posting this.
I agree with the man @ 4:48 when he speaks of the books in Christian bookstores. A lot of them are pumping up man in both subtle and blatant ways. I see the glossy book covers and photo shoots, and can't help but to wonder if these individuals are stealing God's glory. It's easy to do and tempting, but we musn't. The gospel is about Christ and glorifying Him - it is not about us. Lord have mercy on us.
@MrChakkaloso Amen brother time to get serious with God and follow after holiness.Bro.David.
thank you brother.....what a timely message...weall need to ask ourselves if we are like this in our hearts..how can the church as a whole come alive if we, as individuals are not..
@aflame4God We need more preachers like these men in these last of the last days!
Amazing! May God multiply this message into all denominations!
Wonderful video. God help us and protect us!
Dear friends we are very sad to hear that David Wilkerson died a few days ago in a car accident.We love him and now he is with Jesus ! He had a holy passion for the LORD and for holiness! I have just done a 4 part series on 'OBEDIENCE' in his honor.It is a very convicting message and I hope you will watch and share all 4 parts.Your comments are welcomed.Bro.David.
This is one of the first videos I watched on RUclips......it impacted me enormously!
Lord help us all to be your salt in this world today for your glory not ours!!!
Thank u for sending this video 2 my email on Friday night! I shared this message with many people from my Church. Also shared on my Facebook! This was great to hear! This was so powerful!! God didn't send Jesus to die on the cross so we might have half the truth! Jesus gave up his whole body, not half his body! We must teach the Whole Word of God! We cannot afford to water down The Gospel of Christ! For if we teach only half the truth/ watered down truth, what Gospel is That? Preach Christ!! ALL
Oh i like this !!!
I seen the website too and i love how you don't ask to buy a DVD but download it free !!
Good work May the Lord bless you
~ + ~
Wow, I haven't seen David when he was younger. We love him. God bless.
1 Joh 4:1
church has to open the doors!
Amen! Amen! and Amen!
Amen Brother David!!!!! This is so true!!!!! Wake up Churches and people The time is coming! So sad alot of people are staying at home and leaving the churches. We found a awesome pastor Jon Courson Applegate minnistry From Brother Dennis were they live! God Bless You brother David and your family!!!! Love YSIC~Paula
Amen! Amen! Amen! To GOD be the glory. I love truth preachers that will not compromise. Tell it like it is and souls will truly be saved but luke warm message only vbring false conversions.
Entertainment is the devils substitute for joy!
very very powerful! this is a video the church needs to hear!
David Wilkerson has inspired me since I wad a teenager and still does! Elizabeth
Thank you for sending this. I will pass it on.
great video, i really enjoy pastor wilkerson.....love the movie "cross and the switchblade" wish they would redo that movie for today generation.....grace and peace.
Without Doubt we are living in the days of the Laodicean church, mentioned in Revelations 3:17 Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:
The Church doesn't even realise what condition she is in, anymore! She thinks everything is fine, while we are at our Spiritual weakest, Ever! While it is discouraging, it is foretold, and will get much worse,before he comes! ~Lee
LORD dont let me stay behind... break my heart for what breaks YOURS.....
amen... glory to God
This is old ,yet we still deal with it today,the cross is our throne untill we deal with sin and process what it means until we get a generation that finish,s it,s purpose,and walk the sinners walk all the way to the right hand of God,die to self
I have a problem with my attention span and sometimes change videos because I lose interest. From the second I turned this video on I was unable to do anything else but watch. It is a truly amazing ten minutes,I thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting this.
amazing....! Touching...!
@aflame4God amen our pastor has been teaching the same thing!Lord help us have mercy!
Amen & Amen!!!
no one finds the Kingdom unless they repent
AMEN & AMEN...Very powerful..very TRUE!!
awesome upload
The best video I have ever seen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
Wow! This is a great video that speaks truth. God bless you abundantly!!!
@MrEvangelist777 Amen!!! Well said! I thank God for the truth! We should embrace truth not turn away from it or water it down.
Great Message!
The churches has become a meeting place to gossip about their neighbor instead of helping him while patting a click on the back.
5 stars!
Jesus save. Only Jesus.
Man of GOD, please put together a video about witnessing and evagelism; especially when it comes to people who refuse the gospel and what we should do. Tell mom I said HELLO and GOD bless!!!
Awesome video !
We are all praying for a great American Awakening. Maybe we will have that if there enough true christians left to pray. Think of it...The Third American Awakening.
I think people need to toss out all of what they "THINK" they know and humble themselves and listen to what the Lord God, has been trying to tell us: Repent ! We are in a sleep in which we seem unable to wake up from. We are in desperate need to be revived. We need to wake up. Leave the finger pointing out and soul searching in. There is not one of us who doesn't need to be awakened. Wake up ! We all need to search and repent and follow Christ ! Amen ! HaHo !
Amen and amen.
IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP & STOP GETTING ENTERTAINED & ALL THAT! We cant just preach about love, miracle, deliverance, prosperty etc, its all good but you have to preach holiness, preach against sin because thats where the true deliverance & miracles happen.
We know God loves us & the Devil is a Deceiver, we know that Jesus did Miracles & we know that Satan saw him that's why he TEMPTED Jesus, We believe in Jesus & the Devil does too. Satan's not a HEARER & DOER BUT AS CHRISTIANS HAVE TO BE!
Thanks for this movie.
o so true. people do not look at truth. people want now. not time with him. sadly.to read the bible one verse and go on. no we are to be wachmen on the wall. . yes we will get hate mail. but that shows you doing his truth. o this is good. many are call but only a few will go. in the takeing away. wake up. God not playing a game.well done. bless you. in Yeshua,Jesus. bell .
We have offended the Holy Spirit. Where is the Power that we are to command in His name. We are to be the healing salt of the earth. Would Jesus throw us out of the church? He is about to walk away from us forever. Claiming the name of Jesus Christ but denying the POWER therein because we refuse to be truly Holy. Bride you are about to lose your husband! Do not push it to the point of no return...
@aflame4God Thanks for this!!!
Great, excellent, wonderful?
no......we should cover our heads in dust and mourn as these men speak the truth, but few actually listen, much less understand.
(...and passing forward...)
Thank u for posting. How do I download this pls email me response thank u
any one know pastor daniels full name i wanna hear more of his sermons??
Thank you, very good video and message.
Who were those preachers?
God bless you and yours in Christ.
The last days church is Nebuchadnezzar, who declares when the music plays, if you do not bow down to the false image of God, you will be cast into the fiery furnace to suffer for eternity. But the fire came not near those who were cast there by this false decree, and there appeared one other standing with those who were cast in the fire, and even their clothes were not touched.
P.S. Nebuchadnezzar repents
Unfortunately "they did not listen. They did not know how." is what I think the church is doing to prophets in this late day and time. I hope and pray that the church wakes up, lets the prophets in, and lets them talk about what is to come. It's the only way the church will be saved, because there are too many luke warm Christians today. The only way the people themselves will be saved is repentance, prayer, and not glorifying yourself, but God and Jesus. That's my two cents.
I recognize David Wilkerson and Leonard Ravenhill, but who are the other preachers?
@aflame4God Do the ministers in this video have accounts on YT? If so can you give me the names or channels for them?
The prophets of old were men of God with a message to a stubborn backslidden people who had forsaken the Lord and they were never smooth.Isaiah58;1"CRY ALOUD,SPARE NOT,LIFT UP THY VOICE LIKE A TRUMPET,AND SHOW MY PEOPLE THEIR TRANSGRESSIONS,AND THE HOUSE OF JACOB THEIR SINS'.1st Tim.5:20"Them that sin REBUKE before all,that others also may fear.' This never happens today.Sin is taken lightly!There is no rebuking or church discipline and the church has lost the fear of God.
Amen! Who is the preacher in 4:40?
@CBALLEN i agree but he does love the sinner but he does put up with the sinner hints he will send them to eternal damnation because we where once sinners and still are because where in this fleshly body but we answered the calling and the healing began
My error, I hear the accent now. Not David.
A deluded Gospel is No Gospel at All
@MrEvangelist777 Isn't that the truth. People want to be satisifed and pacified without being sanctified.