You find the answer, try to share, get denied and ignored. You try to force your answer on others, see the monster you’ve created... And realize people need to find the answer themselves.
Could possibly mean that the answer is different for everyone? Everyone is going through something different so the answer to your problems might not be the answer to theirs.
That was my interpretation. Your answer is not necessarily their answer. And just because it's your answer, doesn't mean you need to keep it to yourself either, just leave it somewhere someone like you can find it.
This is a great parable I think. When you have an answer, or something important to you, you want to share it with other people and people almost always turn you away, and so u go along trying to share your ideas with the world, but no one cares. So u go to a place to trade ideas, but what your giving your idea for isn't worth it. You get angry and in your last effort force it on people who didn't want/care. (Those snake things) this causes an uproar, so your good intentions go down the drain. Its sad, but what people miss is that the best way to share something important to u, is to start small, watch it grow, and then one day, someone who really cares will stumble upon it. This told us all of that with only a few representative scenes, this is truly an amazing and beautiful video ❤❤
I didn't understand what all the signs meant in the video. I did know that it was someone with some answer that was try to show it to the world but when the grasshopper thing came in I got lost. Thanks for clearing it up.☺
People don't want to see the answer when in front of them. People want to give you other or their own answers instead of considering yours. Even when others are out of answers they may refuse yours. Forcing your answer on someone can cause problems. Sometimes it's best to let it go and let someone else discover their own answer. This is my take on all this.
I think there's more to it. First off - people need to be in the right mindset you receive. This is why when the protag approaches random people around, they don't care. They aren't in the right headspace right now. In the emporium, the person is receptive but wants to share in turn, and the protagonist isn't willing to receive either. None of the other answers feel as important to them as their own. But notice how in the very end of the story, one of the Emporium shopkeeps answers DOES enrich that of the protagonist! Without letting it in, they wouldn't have been able to truly share their idea! But the trash monster especially isn't just unreceptive. It eagerly looks at the answer! Only to be unimpressed with it once it sees it. Because some people are in places in life where your advice is just absolutely unhelpful. You can't tell a homeless person to tidy up their room. That advice may be almost universally helpful, but it's not just useless, but utterly insulting to them. I think that's what that scene represents, how forcing your own solutions on certain people can even do more harm than good. In the end, the protagonist creates the right environment for their answer. An environment that is welcoming to people with the right mindset, questions and problems to find it helpful. And that is when the answer does the most good it can. The exchange at the Emporium was necessary for this. The protagonist's answer couldn't have gotten there without that exchange. The protagonist was never singularly correct, and the ending represents them realizing this to the point where they can let go a little and shift from shoving the answer at others to just making it easily accessible.
@@Broeckchen I would also like to add that others do not need your answer, but they will appreciate what happens after applying the answer to its intended purpose
Anyone else realize all the holes and torn up boxes that the snakes were hanging their heads over. Like torn up dreams answers that were tried and failed. Third and misfits the outcasts of society that can try as hard as they might something is holding them down and back and separate from the rest of society
honestly, the color theory in this short is insanely good??? some scenes have a much more calm, peaceful atmosphere with darker positive spaces and bright light leaks, then you got bright neon hues splattered against darker backgrounds that suprisingly doesnt hurt people's eyes. this is extremely pleasing to look at, so id like to say that this short was very well made and creative! great job!! ^o^
I’m obsessed with this short film!! The message is very powerful and I really enjoyed the main character. The flow of the animation, the coloring and backgrounds, anD GOSH THE SOUND TRACK, everything about this is beautiful. HUGE props to everyone that worked on it !!! :)
This could possibly be a metaphor on how people may have a certain belief or view, but sometimes it feels like nobody quite understands it? Personality my belief is that nothing matters unless you want it to. Whenever I try to explain that to family members or friends they will listen sometimes but usually change the subject pretty quickly because it doesn't align with what they think to be true. It often makes me frustrated and I want to make them see exactly how I see the world (which basically is portrayed when he tries to force the answer onto the snake dude thing in the alley rip) I mean I guess what I'm saying is it doesn't usually go well. Everybody has their own view on things and I have to remind myself that my answer is most likely not the answer for everybody else. Even if I move on from what I believe now, there may come a day that somebody else understands exactly what I'm going through. Spread what you believe not through force but through flowers
I thought it was something to do with that cave this in, I believe, the republic. You know, the one with the people in the cave seeing shadows, one of them finds out the truth of what the shadows are, but when he tries to show them they don't believe it, and think him an idiot.
That's exactly what I thought, but the last scene with the girl picking the flowers makes me confused. Maybe she shares the same answer? I'm not sure - anyone else have theories?
I'm pretty sure the girl at the end represents those who will eventually find the same answer he did, in the same way he did: lying in a pile of flowers. A naturally found answer.
jetfeulcantmeltsteelmemes my belief is that none of us matter, cause we're all gonna die. We will only make a difference to those around us. It won't matter.
Yeah, and that people then try to make up false answers instead, like the grasshopper who tried to offer her something else, some other "box" rather than accepting hers. To him, the rightness of the answer didn't matter, just that there was some answer to give. As if an answer was just a piece of clothing to try on. Then the worms in the back were so desperate for answers, excavating every possible answer they had been fed by the grasshopper (or others like him). When they see the truth, they only idly look at it, sort of hopeful, then leave, feeling disappointed, not understanding it for what it is. Just another box, just another false answer. And force-feeding them upon it doesn't work either. No matter if the box were real or not, trying to do that to a crowd that has already been disappointed so many times will get a giant-monster mob like that. It's interesting, how so many different reactions to truth are displayed. Though, whether the truth is just her own personal truth or something that would have had merit to the deniers had they understood it, is another question. Different things work for different people, I guess.
we don't need to dive super deep, looks like it could just be saying that you have to find the answer for yourself. OR there is no answer for everybody and acting like there is one is pointless. In which case the meaning of the film is totally subjective.
That's what the goo snake thing represents, it finds no point in these boxes which everyone holds. It doesn't see the point of why people hold their own boxes, so there for it finds it pointless to have one. It is an obvious metaphor for nihilism. But nihilism is different from optimistic nihilism, optimistic nihilism in this video symbolizes those people who've put their own things in their own empty boxes, but the person who found the box didn't put his own things in the box, because it already has something inside of it. If this which a person holds deer made thembe a good person and gave them jobs so the person could provide for his/her family, would you consider their solution to their question wrong? Or evil?
To me it's like saying you might find something to be very special to you, and others will not always agree, no matter how amazing or special it seems to you. A person may be completely unimpressed by what you find to be so amazing and that doesn't give you the right to force your opinion on others, just as it doesn't give them the right to tear you love for it away. You should just accept that it make you happy and no one else needs to approve of that or see what you see. It makes you happy and that's what matters
Tfw your trying to show someone the greatness of cardboard but they turn out to be a sensory limb attached to a alligator with semblance to a biblical angel. I swear it's a yearly thing for me now.
This is so cool, I notice how he tries to share "the answer" with everyone, thus showing that when you know the truth you want to share. But no one wants to listen, and he gets harassed for it. The answer to your problems is probably really hard to accept, and most people want to find something easier. He got frustrated and eventually tried to force the answer onto someone else, which was obviously a bad idea. When someone isn't in a position and frame of mind to accept a hard answer then they will push back, no matter how well intentioned you are. Ultimately he left the answer where someone who goes out of their way to put themselves in the appropriate mindset will find it, when they are able to accept it. That's not the end though, during credits you see him helping people, being a positive influence. Cause while they may not be able to accept the answer, they can see his example, see how he shines, and still have their lives enriched through his actions.
This short is living proof that you can say so much, without actually saying anything at all. You've done a beautiful job of illustrating the old saying that everyone must find their own answers. And I loved the mantis merchant.
I love this very much, I also love that no matter how many people seem dissatisfied with the kids box the kid still sees the good in the box and loves it.
honestly, the meaning is understood only reviewing several times intermittently. and only now dawned on me. this is incredible! when you just want to tell someone, when you understand something, something simple and small, which fits relatively to the box, it glows like a real treasure, but for the others "answer" something really disgusting, empty or they not needed it. and it's useless to try to force others to know "answer". it's...brilliant. hope to see another animation from you~
This is a beautiful animation, I'd like to share my theory on the symbolism of this amazing work of art. Inside the box was a bunch of NSFW fanfiction that our hero wrote long ago, he found it while searching through his computer. He looked at them, and was quite impressed, he thought they were great. So he tried to show people, friends, family, random strangers, they were all disgusted. So he went to a website to share his creation, in a sort of... fanfiction trading system, but he wasn't satisfied by anything, no story could appeal to all of his fetishes. So he went somewhere else. He found a group of people that had all the same kinks as him, but they had ran out of good content to read. He once again went to share his writing, but the grammar was so bad, that even these people just couldn't accept it as quality content. After he went into a fit of rage, the people of this place turned on him, they forced him out because of his bad grammar. After all this trouble, he just gave up. He made a tumblr account and posted it there, for someone to find, but he slowly forgot about it. Then comes the girl. She finds his story, and loves it, but by now, our hero has forgotten about it, he's got a job, a family, he gave up long ago. The girl is left with this one story, and nothing else, now her journey will continue beyond what we see, she will search and search, to find a similar fanfiction. The moral of the story is that no matter how good you think your Yoda x Webkinz story is, you can't just go around forcing people to like it, you need to let people find it themselves. You just gotta let them come to you, but this requires patience, if you let go too soon, none of it matters... yes, someone will read it, but now they'll want more, and you'll doom them to a similar journey to yours. If you stay, you can watch your fanbase grow, and grow. Your writing will slowly improve, and everyone, will be happy.
Every time I watch this I cry because it’s a lesson I had to learn the hard way, and it’s a lesson many people have to learn but haven’t yet. The art is really cute and your character design is really lovable. Every time I come back to this I think I can watch it without crying - but it hits too close to home and I cry every time I watch it. It was so nicely put together and I hope everyone can find their own answer one day, and understand that it’s a different answer for everyone.
It shows that everyone has their own perspective of life and everything around them. Edit: And that life repeats itself to those who share the same mindset. But this is written by people so I don't take it as truthfully since I haven't experienced this. Only the feeling of a true and happy world. Although another reason this animation is incorrect is because there will always be bad people and flowers don't magically grow. After all, my opinion is that this is a not so bad video.
I like that idea. We all have to find our own Answer. You can't force your answer on someone else and expect them to see it the same way you do; and you have to come to terms with that. If everybody had the same answer we'd have no individuality; and as frustrating as differences can be sometimes, they're what make life beautiful and diverse.
Scp-7649: The Answer Class: Euclid A lone box with the label "The Answer" taped onto it. When it is dormant, it lays closed at [REDACTED] forest, until someone opens the box and looks inside. They are temporarily known as SCP-7649-1. They will then have the unresistable urge to show the contents of the box with everyone they can. However, the box's contents are tailored in such a way that only SCP-7649-1 is interested in the object or objects. All others show disgust and disinterest. After going to the [REDACTED] Emporium in [REDACTED], SCP-7649-1 Will travel to place SCP-7649 back onto it's place at [REDACTED] forest.
, if not currently being occupied by an instance of SCP-7649-1. Edit 9/15/2023: after actually knowing what 682 is, I'd like to retract this and say that 682, and by extension, Dr. Bright himself should not be let near 7649 even if being occupied by SCP-7649-1.
Just like this comment section, the answer isn't always the same thing that appeases everyone. So just hold on to what makes sense to you and makes you happy.
THIS IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I'VE SEEN ALL DAY! 😭 This is awesome. I love the expressions, the character designs, the beautiful backgrounds, and the hopeful feel. The message, the way I interpret it, speaks to me on a spiritual level. Instead of trying to force other people to believe what you believe, let the positive impact on others speak for itself and lead others to the light. I liked how the light was portrayed. The viewer can't see it, making it magical and open to imagination, as well as better for storytelling in this instance IMO. Whatever it is always puts joy in the child's heart, even when he feels bad about blowing up at the slime thing. Personally, it reminded me of God's grace. 😀 The child's decision to leave the box for someone else to find was incredibly heartwarming and a satisfying conclusion. In fact, I was engaged throughout the whole film, waiting to see where it would go. No filler! Major props! I hope to make animations as amazing as yours someday!!
This is beautifully animated, I love the character designs - especially the sludge monster, I love the movement, colour, and weight of it. Great shapes all around.
Ok so the art and animation in this is simply INCREDIBLE, pure eye candy, the colors, the character designs, it's hard to tak it all in. Then there's the story which was masterfully told (not so easy in a short film) and the music... All in all, it's absolutely fantastic! This is why I love animated short films
The backgrounds are just beautiful just gorgeous !!!!! They are so captivating and they are amazing The animation is so fluid and so nice too ! I love the sorry too You did an amazing job!!!!!
I must say this animation was absolutely beautiful all the backgrounds and colors just went together perfectly and the characters were absolutely adorable it also had a perfect mix of pastel and neon colors and just the animation itself with all the facial expressions and the characters moving fluently it was just incredible you just earned a subscriber
I can't believe you made such a beautiful 5 MINUTE film! The paintings are gorgeous, and animation is soft and fluid. That's a lot of work length for such a small team. Great job!
Jemmy The Fox dont take me serious when i say this please i say it in a jokeful way Your a mistake for us all fox =_= you litteraly have to be a cat to say what you just said =_= youve doomed us all Forgive me if it sounded mean plz. Your not a mistake.
Can i just talk about how STUNNING the music is??? seriously took my breath away. films like these remind me why I want to do what I want to do- I'm also applying to SVA this year^^
This reminds me of my time As a missionary. I left because I thought I found something really great and I wanted to share with people because it made me happy. But I was amazed and sad because so many people didn’t quite see it the way I did. This short film is applicable to many things but I think the main message is that, some people just don’t know a good thing when they see it. The one-eyed worm’s face was indicative of seeing something uncomfortable. I can only imagine that whatever is inside the box is surrounded by misunderstandings and social stigma. A shame really.
You find the answer, try to share, get denied and ignored.
You try to force your answer on others,
see the monster you’ve created...
And realize people need to find the answer themselves.
Perfect summary
Like how people say USA is money hungry and doesn't care about the people
Could possibly mean that the answer is different for everyone? Everyone is going through something different so the answer to your problems might not be the answer to theirs.
I think so
That was my interpretation. Your answer is not necessarily their answer. And just because it's your answer, doesn't mean you need to keep it to yourself either, just leave it somewhere someone like you can find it.
Midnight Tea I
yeah, that was my answer too lol
My answer is m&m kitkat and snickers and youtube roblox games minecraft more games undertale comic dubs and more
Yes, following the ominous trail of dark slime is indeed a good idea.
Hello warriors fan
Yes Always
He just wanted to share the gospel
Attempting to suffocate said slime is even better.
Indeed but it didn’t work out so well for billy from stranger things
Moral of the Story;
*To Each Their Own*
Nail meet head.
Loraine Hall ....?
@@queensavvvy Loraine meant that she agrees with you completely, even if not everyone does.
Everyone is saying all this philosophical stuff and I'm over here looking at this goo monster thing like "682? Is that you?"
*dr. Bright is not allowed to bring a box for whatever reason near scp-682*
Inside the box is a single small note on slightly yellow paper. On this paper is three words.
Here were dragons.
@@ashlin7482 NOOOOOOOOOOOOO-
peppy sneppy You monster
dont remind me
SCP-682 has breached containment, attention all staff we are fucked
As Wander once said,
"Okay...but what's in the box?"
Pasty's Bakery or as Box Mom said: "....."
Yeah she's not much of a CONVERSATION.
Pasty's Bakery a bomb
the answer or children(explains why no one wants it)
Pasty's Bakery Another box?
"What was it? The answer?"
"Wow, I knew it."
"Me too."
GingerGamer can’t believe this is already a year old and nobody said Steven universe
I was looking for this comment
@@missingdimple same lol
@@missingdimple Same
Isn't this a Steven Universe reference?
This is a great parable I think. When you have an answer, or something important to you, you want to share it with other people and people almost always turn you away, and so u go along trying to share your ideas with the world, but no one cares. So u go to a place to trade ideas, but what your giving your idea for isn't worth it. You get angry and in your last effort force it on people who didn't want/care. (Those snake things) this causes an uproar, so your good intentions go down the drain. Its sad, but what people miss is that the best way to share something important to u, is to start small, watch it grow, and then one day, someone who really cares will stumble upon it. This told us all of that with only a few representative scenes, this is truly an amazing and beautiful video ❤❤
I totally agree with that Alyssa
I didn't understand what all the signs meant in the video. I did know that it was someone with some answer that was try to show it to the world but when the grasshopper thing came in I got lost. Thanks for clearing it up.☺
So, you have the answer, and boxed it up for all to see. Nice. I was wondering what was in it. ^.^
@Alyssa Martinez you are a genius.
People don't want to see the answer when in front of them.
People want to give you other or their own answers instead of considering yours.
Even when others are out of answers they may refuse yours.
Forcing your answer on someone can cause problems.
Sometimes it's best to let it go and let someone else discover their own answer.
This is my take on all this.
Bravo 👏👏 beautiful message
The only explanation that make sence
burhhhhhhh thats *D E E P*
I think there's more to it.
First off - people need to be in the right mindset you receive. This is why when the protag approaches random people around, they don't care. They aren't in the right headspace right now.
In the emporium, the person is receptive but wants to share in turn, and the protagonist isn't willing to receive either. None of the other answers feel as important to them as their own. But notice how in the very end of the story, one of the Emporium shopkeeps answers DOES enrich that of the protagonist! Without letting it in, they wouldn't have been able to truly share their idea!
But the trash monster especially isn't just unreceptive. It eagerly looks at the answer! Only to be unimpressed with it once it sees it.
Because some people are in places in life where your advice is just absolutely unhelpful. You can't tell a homeless person to tidy up their room. That advice may be almost universally helpful, but it's not just useless, but utterly insulting to them. I think that's what that scene represents, how forcing your own solutions on certain people can even do more harm than good.
In the end, the protagonist creates the right environment for their answer. An environment that is welcoming to people with the right mindset, questions and problems to find it helpful. And that is when the answer does the most good it can.
The exchange at the Emporium was necessary for this. The protagonist's answer couldn't have gotten there without that exchange. The protagonist was never singularly correct, and the ending represents them realizing this to the point where they can let go a little and shift from shoving the answer at others to just making it easily accessible.
@@Broeckchen I would also like to add that others do not need your answer, but they will appreciate what happens after applying the answer to its intended purpose
Anyone else realize all the holes and torn up boxes that the snakes were hanging their heads over. Like torn up dreams answers that were tried and failed. Third and misfits the outcasts of society that can try as hard as they might something is holding them down and back and separate from the rest of society
honestly, the color theory in this short is insanely good??? some scenes have a much more calm, peaceful atmosphere with darker positive spaces and bright light leaks, then you got bright neon hues splattered against darker backgrounds that suprisingly doesnt hurt people's eyes. this is extremely pleasing to look at, so id like to say that this short was very well made and creative! great job!! ^o^
I’m only seeing this animation now and I’m seeing how right u are
I speak French too 😎
That and the music!!
It irritates the eyes for me for some reason.
Oh yeah it’s gorgeous. If you like the style they have a really cool webtoon called “Deathsitter”
The box actually had a four pack of lemon lime bitters by Schweppes.
So the box came from life..?
i think it came out of a chocolate egg!
2ks worth
I think it was COCAINE
This was ... this was really good. Definitely one of the best modern examples of dialog-less animation I've ever seen.
I’m obsessed with this short film!! The message is very powerful and I really enjoyed the main character. The flow of the animation, the coloring and backgrounds, anD GOSH THE SOUND TRACK, everything about this is beautiful. HUGE props to everyone that worked on it !!! :)
Damn, that praying mantis guy looks so cool, his design is just awesome overall. Good work! Your animation is super smooth
This could possibly be a metaphor on how people may have a certain belief or view, but sometimes it feels like nobody quite understands it? Personality my belief is that nothing matters unless you want it to. Whenever I try to explain that to family members or friends they will listen sometimes but usually change the subject pretty quickly because it doesn't align with what they think to be true. It often makes me frustrated and I want to make them see exactly how I see the world (which basically is portrayed when he tries to force the answer onto the snake dude thing in the alley rip) I mean I guess what I'm saying is it doesn't usually go well. Everybody has their own view on things and I have to remind myself that my answer is most likely not the answer for everybody else. Even if I move on from what I believe now, there may come a day that somebody else understands exactly what I'm going through. Spread what you believe not through force but through flowers
jetfeulcantmeltsteelmemes made that conclusion as well
I thought it was something to do with that cave this in, I believe, the republic. You know, the one with the people in the cave seeing shadows, one of them finds out the truth of what the shadows are, but when he tries to show them they don't believe it, and think him an idiot.
That's exactly what I thought, but the last scene with the girl picking the flowers makes me confused. Maybe she shares the same answer? I'm not sure - anyone else have theories?
I'm pretty sure the girl at the end represents those who will eventually find the same answer he did, in the same way he did: lying in a pile of flowers. A naturally found answer.
jetfeulcantmeltsteelmemes my belief is that none of us matter, cause we're all gonna die. We will only make a difference to those around us. It won't matter.
The answer is 42
Edit: holy shit I commented this 2 years ago an now it has 2k likes lmao thanks
The answer to life and everything?
No is 41
@@EteSiuleems well that's 69
I feel like this is a metaphor for saying that the answer is right there, but so many people just don't accept or value it.
@@antisimptrooper4635 maybe both
@@antisimptrooper4635 but is it a *bOI* or *GirL*
Mr. Shellmen diddly doo dum
I personally think it shows that not every one will have the same answers each one needs to find there own
Yeah, and that people then try to make up false answers instead, like the grasshopper who tried to offer her something else, some other "box" rather than accepting hers. To him, the rightness of the answer didn't matter, just that there was some answer to give. As if an answer was just a piece of clothing to try on.
Then the worms in the back were so desperate for answers, excavating every possible answer they had been fed by the grasshopper (or others like him). When they see the truth, they only idly look at it, sort of hopeful, then leave, feeling disappointed, not understanding it for what it is. Just another box, just another false answer.
And force-feeding them upon it doesn't work either. No matter if the box were real or not, trying to do that to a crowd that has already been disappointed so many times will get a giant-monster mob like that.
It's interesting, how so many different reactions to truth are displayed. Though, whether the truth is just her own personal truth or something that would have had merit to the deniers had they understood it, is another question. Different things work for different people, I guess.
we don't need to dive super deep, looks like it could just be saying that you have to find the answer for yourself. OR there is no answer for everybody and acting like there is one is pointless. In which case the meaning of the film is totally subjective.
People need to find the answer themselves. If you shove it in their face, they will not like that, and think the answer is false
The answer to the meaning of this video is different to everyone else
The meaning of the film *is* the meaning of the film!
That's what the goo snake thing represents, it finds no point in these boxes which everyone holds. It doesn't see the point of why people hold their own boxes, so there for it finds it pointless to have one.
It is an obvious metaphor for nihilism. But nihilism is different from optimistic nihilism, optimistic nihilism in this video symbolizes those people who've put their own things in their own empty boxes, but the person who found the box didn't put his own things in the box, because it already has something inside of it.
If this which a person holds deer made thembe a good person and gave them jobs so the person could provide for his/her family, would you consider their solution to their question wrong? Or evil?
Its not subjective. Its very blatant.
To me it's like saying you might find something to be very special to you, and others will not always agree, no matter how amazing or special it seems to you. A person may be completely unimpressed by what you find to be so amazing and that doesn't give you the right to force your opinion on others, just as it doesn't give them the right to tear you love for it away. You should just accept that it make you happy and no one else needs to approve of that or see what you see. It makes you happy and that's what matters
I'm dying
That was beautiful 💜💜💜
Such wonderful character designs and animation
OtterBoy Vocals I think the same :D
Catalina 🐰🐇
Tfw your trying to show someone the greatness of cardboard but they turn out to be a sensory limb attached to a alligator with semblance to a biblical angel.
I swear it's a yearly thing for me now.
Joshua Stone what
The box's contents are the same as the Pulp Fiction briefcase!
A light bulb and a battery
A flashlight with limitless power
nihilagis a small glowing rock
Or the briefcase that Kenny Loggins had in Archer!
nihilagis The box contents half-life 3
This is so cool, I notice how he tries to share "the answer" with everyone, thus showing that when you know the truth you want to share. But no one wants to listen, and he gets harassed for it. The answer to your problems is probably really hard to accept, and most people want to find something easier. He got frustrated and eventually tried to force the answer onto someone else, which was obviously a bad idea. When someone isn't in a position and frame of mind to accept a hard answer then they will push back, no matter how well intentioned you are. Ultimately he left the answer where someone who goes out of their way to put themselves in the appropriate mindset will find it, when they are able to accept it. That's not the end though, during credits you see him helping people, being a positive influence. Cause while they may not be able to accept the answer, they can see his example, see how he shines, and still have their lives enriched through his actions.
You cannot force others to see, even if you're right and they desperately need it, everyone must find the answer on their own. Beautiful.
This was awesome!! The whole thing was really gorgeous, especially how the general colours changed to suit the mood. You did such a wonderful job!!
Kat Ozkosar I don't think they made this but I have to agree
Reminds me of when my teacher brought a box to school and we spent the entire class seeing what could and could not be in it
The Answer is your answer and, nobody elses...
2+2=4. If your answer is something that is not equal to approximately four you are doing it wrong.
+Mims Zanadunstedt I thought it was fish. My bad
This short is living proof that you can say so much, without actually saying anything at all. You've done a beautiful job of illustrating the old saying that everyone must find their own answers. And I loved the mantis merchant.
I love this very much, I also love that no matter how many people seem dissatisfied with the kids box the kid still sees the good in the box and loves it.
Woah! amazing m8! love the vibe this bring me with the color music and expression u have given the characters...
Alfred Granberg Olofsson XD
Dafrogeron Sir, I beg of you to not use: "XD" It's not healthy. Thanks. -The corrector.
alright sir, you're welcome - the guy.
Dafrogeron lmfaoo
It's vsauce inside the box.
where are your fingers
clear exposision. beautiful and fitting score. fluid animation. I give it an A+
honestly, the meaning is understood only reviewing several times intermittently. and only now dawned on me. this is incredible! when you just want to tell someone, when you understand something, something simple and small, which fits relatively to the box, it glows like a real treasure, but for the others "answer" something really disgusting, empty or they not needed it. and it's useless to try to force others to know "answer". it's...brilliant. hope to see another animation from you~
"When u try to hand out the key answers for an exam
but they dont trust you."
Me: what's in the box
You: a glowing light
Me: decides that
a Geiger counter
Mims Zanadunstedt lol
Shortbread crème's
Wowzers! That was great. Hope this gets more views soon. :)
This is a beautiful animation, I'd like to share my theory on the symbolism of this amazing work of art. Inside the box was a bunch of NSFW fanfiction that our hero wrote long ago, he found it while searching through his computer. He looked at them, and was quite impressed, he thought they were great. So he tried to show people, friends, family, random strangers, they were all disgusted. So he went to a website to share his creation, in a sort of... fanfiction trading system, but he wasn't satisfied by anything, no story could appeal to all of his fetishes. So he went somewhere else. He found a group of people that had all the same kinks as him, but they had ran out of good content to read. He once again went to share his writing, but the grammar was so bad, that even these people just couldn't accept it as quality content. After he went into a fit of rage, the people of this place turned on him, they forced him out because of his bad grammar. After all this trouble, he just gave up. He made a tumblr account and posted it there, for someone to find, but he slowly forgot about it. Then comes the girl. She finds his story, and loves it, but by now, our hero has forgotten about it, he's got a job, a family, he gave up long ago. The girl is left with this one story, and nothing else, now her journey will continue beyond what we see, she will search and search, to find a similar fanfiction.
The moral of the story is that no matter how good you think your Yoda x Webkinz story is, you can't just go around forcing people to like it, you need to let people find it themselves. You just gotta let them come to you, but this requires patience, if you let go too soon, none of it matters... yes, someone will read it, but now they'll want more, and you'll doom them to a similar journey to yours. If you stay, you can watch your fanbase grow, and grow. Your writing will slowly improve, and everyone, will be happy.
Bo28111 wow. :)
This is deep
Bo28111 ... deep 0w0
Bo28111 **claps slowly** That is so beautiful :,)
"You can't give them the answer. They have to find it themselves."
Every time I watch this I cry because it’s a lesson I had to learn the hard way, and it’s a lesson many people have to learn but haven’t yet. The art is really cute and your character design is really lovable. Every time I come back to this I think I can watch it without crying - but it hits too close to home and I cry every time I watch it. It was so nicely put together and I hope everyone can find their own answer one day, and understand that it’s a different answer for everyone.
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.
It shows that everyone has their own perspective of life and everything around them.
Edit: And that life repeats itself to those who share the same mindset. But this is written by people so I don't take it as truthfully since I haven't experienced this. Only the feeling of a true and happy world. Although another reason this animation is incorrect is because there will always be bad people and flowers don't magically grow. After all, my opinion is that this is a not so bad video.
*This is how it feels to chew 5 gum.*
Nice one 😂😂😂😂
This is like a mix of Undertale, hallow knight, and SCP all at the same time!
This is amazing, keep up the good work!
I like that idea. We all have to find our own Answer. You can't force your answer on someone else and expect them to see it the same way you do; and you have to come to terms with that. If everybody had the same answer we'd have no individuality; and as frustrating as differences can be sometimes, they're what make life beautiful and diverse.
Storytelling with no dialogue can be difficult to pull off, but when done right (and I do think it is here) can be really good.
I got ads about potatoes, now give me my *ANSWER* !!
Also gimme answer to ma prayers lmao
The answer was potatoes
Scp-7649: The Answer
Class: Euclid
A lone box with the label "The Answer" taped onto it. When it is dormant, it lays closed at [REDACTED] forest, until someone opens the box and looks inside. They are temporarily known as SCP-7649-1. They will then have the unresistable urge to show the contents of the box with everyone they can. However, the box's contents are tailored in such a way that only SCP-7649-1 is interested in the object or objects. All others show disgust and disinterest. After going to the [REDACTED] Emporium in [REDACTED], SCP-7649-1 Will travel to place SCP-7649 back onto it's place at [REDACTED] forest.
*dr. Bright it not allowed to bring scp-7649 near scp-682*
, if not currently being occupied by an instance of SCP-7649-1.
Edit 9/15/2023: after actually knowing what 682 is, I'd like to retract this and say that 682, and by extension, Dr. Bright himself should not be let near 7649 even if being occupied by SCP-7649-1.
Ooh, I like this!
Literally this video gave me an answer to what I was thinking about for a very long time. Thank you and this is beautiful
I am at peace again now :) it’s been years
Just like this comment section, the answer isn't always the same thing that appeases everyone. So just hold on to what makes sense to you and makes you happy.
THIS IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I'VE SEEN ALL DAY! 😭 This is awesome. I love the expressions, the character designs, the beautiful backgrounds, and the hopeful feel. The message, the way I interpret it, speaks to me on a spiritual level. Instead of trying to force other people to believe what you believe, let the positive impact on others speak for itself and lead others to the light.
I liked how the light was portrayed. The viewer can't see it, making it magical and open to imagination, as well as better for storytelling in this instance IMO. Whatever it is always puts joy in the child's heart, even when he feels bad about blowing up at the slime thing. Personally, it reminded me of God's grace. 😀 The child's decision to leave the box for someone else to find was incredibly heartwarming and a satisfying conclusion. In fact, I was engaged throughout the whole film, waiting to see where it would go. No filler!
Major props! I hope to make animations as amazing as yours someday!!
I love it! I'm so proud I want to cry.
This is beautifully animated, I love the character designs - especially the sludge monster, I love the movement, colour, and weight of it. Great shapes all around.
Ok so the art and animation in this is simply INCREDIBLE, pure eye candy, the colors, the character designs, it's hard to tak it all in. Then there's the story which was masterfully told (not so easy in a short film) and the music... All in all, it's absolutely fantastic! This is why I love animated short films
The backgrounds are just beautiful just gorgeous !!!!! They are so captivating and they are amazing
The animation is so fluid and so nice too ! I love the sorry too
You did an amazing job!!!!!
currupted cinomin did u draw your profile picture its really good like you should totaly start a RUclips channel
sketchy milk gopmk👿👿👿👿
Looks like your answer only works for you.
legend says the box still stands on that small hill to this very day
I must say this animation was absolutely beautiful all the backgrounds and colors just went together perfectly and the characters were absolutely adorable it also had a perfect mix of pastel and neon colors and just the animation itself with all the facial expressions and the characters moving fluently it was just incredible you just earned a subscriber
I can't believe you made such a beautiful 5 MINUTE film! The paintings are gorgeous, and animation is soft and fluid. That's a lot of work length for such a small team. Great job!
well im pretty blown away
Bojangle Dorlyp that someday you will BLOW US ALL AWAY
ladies I'm looking for a mr george eacker, made a speech last week
He disparaged my father's legacy in front of a crowd I can't have that, I'm making my father proud!!
Jemmy The Fox dont take me serious when i say this please
i say it in a jokeful way
Your a mistake for us all fox =_= you litteraly have to be a cat to say what you just said =_= youve doomed us all
Forgive me if it sounded mean plz. Your not a mistake.
I love the art in this short film it’s so cute
Wow. I love this concept.
this music and animation was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
I like this animation because in place of the "answer" everyone represents what he/she likes. The people who worked on this video did a great job!
Yo this was actually pretty good
Nicole P were you expecting it to not be?
Scatterbrain dont start anything lmao
Thank you, horse, hehe
Great animation. I had flashbacks to a game I loved called Oneshot. The character looked oddly similar to Niko, minus the cat ears hat and long scarf.
Got those yellow eyes...
Amazing animation and artwork! Ahhhh, I love the metaphors too
Can i just talk about how STUNNING the music is??? seriously took my breath away. films like these remind me why I want to do what I want to do- I'm also applying to SVA this year^^
The subtlety of the message is boarderline brilliant. Exelent job.
Glad you shared this, I loved it!
I'm hopping there was radioactive rabbit shit in that box. other than that, Great animation
You made this animation so funny just by saying that.
It was rainbowdash
+Melissa That explains all of this.
Mur Lol
you did an accidental pun
This is so awesome and I love it!! Wonderful work!
God I love senior thesis films. They have students put so much thought and effort into the film and it’s truly the peak of their current talent
This reminds me of my time As a missionary. I left because I thought I found something really great and I wanted to share with people because it made me happy. But I was amazed and sad because so many people didn’t quite see it the way I did.
This short film is applicable to many things but I think the main message is that, some people just don’t know a good thing when they see it. The one-eyed worm’s face was indicative of seeing something uncomfortable. I can only imagine that whatever is inside the box is surrounded by misunderstandings and social stigma. A shame really.
*In a world, where humans are too stupid to open their eyes to goodness-*
Nah, fam, thats our society right there
Dang, im 13 and this is shallow.
Welcome to a world where ur the kid who thinks he is right, in a world of kids who think they are right.
Nostalgia Bomb activated...this reminded me of Wander of Yonder..."The Box"
yo this kid look'n like Niko from OneShot
btw, love the film, well animated and a good story line.
First off, I’m always SOO excited to see another OneShot fan, second off, your totally right, third off did you game access to the goat fan club?
Thanks RUclips for actually recommending something good for once.
This is beautiful. The character designs are beautiful. The music is beautiful. The backgrounds are beautiful. This is simply incredible.
I like this art style :3 also the animation :3 edit: also the characters are soo cute
The premise is - "don't throw pearls to pigs".
Only those who deserve the answer will find it.
No. Pig. Pearls are in the eye of the beholder, and its what you do not what you say that makes a difference.
Some answers people just have to find for themselves.
“Your answer has meaning. Put it out there. People may need or want it. But don’t force your answer on others. It will only cause pain for everyone.”
I love this. You can't force anyone to see the answer. You just have to live according to the answer.
I’m getting total Steven Universe inspired vibes, not necessarily in the art style, but some of the background characters
handanhan 2001 why?
The good part of toutube still exists??
Hell no
Plot twist: the box actually had the worlds largest collection of furry yiff VHS tapes in it.
What a dream
stressed loaf despite the look I’m not a furry,
"target spotted" *carpet bombing incoming*
I love this so much! The meaning of the story and the character design are both just mwah
I love how instead of keeping 'The Answer' to themselves they decided to try and let everyone else feel the same happiness that they felt.
Before I clicked the vid The title got me The Awnser what could it be?
KongterGD GD I
4:08 Oh well that was anticlimactic
Its a koala
@@Silvia.Araujo its a duck
I love it, great work friendo :D
The answer is what you decide it is.
so easy to understand, so cool
getting a bit of a vivziepop feel from this
BlueBeamProductions well they went the same animation school and worked on projects together. The creator of this also help animate die young.
BlueBeamProductions o
Those damn chins and thin bodies! But I really like this!
BlueBeamProductions lawl same
Have I been summoned
Great animation!
I have been summoned
Mantis 4 life
I love the music because it sounds like the same tune only barly changing when the mood changes and that is awesome
One of the best short films I’ve seen in a long while! Wish I would’ve seen it sooner!
3:51 at that moment he knew, he screwed up.