I loved the comment at 21:10. I started to believe that inheritances are from the enemy. Unless a son/daughter is in need, the inheritance should go to charity or the person should spend it. My father who passed away left almost nothing, just a car. And that car caused issues in the inheritance. I have seen personally people inherit much more an cause very bitter problems between siblings. The best thing parents do for their children is not inherit, or if they do, constraint it for education, or something like that.
I loved the comment at 21:10. I started to believe that inheritances are from the enemy. Unless a son/daughter is in need, the inheritance should go to charity or the person should spend it. My father who passed away left almost nothing, just a car. And that car caused issues in the inheritance. I have seen personally people inherit much more an cause very bitter problems between siblings. The best thing parents do for their children is not inherit, or if they do, constraint it for education, or something like that.