Awesome build. Going to try to make one based of Mack from Disney's Cars for my son. Can I ask if you had the acrylic pre-cut somewhere or did it yourself? If you did it yourself, what did you use to get such a clean cut? Thanks!
Salam kenal om.... Sya lgi belajar wood working, seneng bgt nemu chanel ini... Kebetulan tetangga ada yg mau dibuatin kya gtu, cuma sya masih pemula, jdi blm lengkap alatnya... Curcol ni... Hiks... Hiks... Btw mau tanya dan minta saran om, klo utk rak2 dlm nya itu ngga pake jati Belanda, alternatif lainnya yg mudah di aplikasikan pake apa ya?
hei, halo om. pelan2 nanti juga kumpul alatnya, saya juga gitu. untuk rak2 kecil paling gampang pake multiplek 3-5 mm, tipisnya udah pas segitu kira-kira. Atau semuanya pake multiplek juga bisa. bagian yg tebal pake 15-18 mm yg tipis pake 3-5 mm.
Hi excellent workmanship any possibility you could provide the cab diagram in a printable format or the full specifications on paper the angles and measurements etc thank you
Great work! Love it. My heart sank when the knot broke. Nice recovery! Thanks again for a great video.
Love the drill/disk sander jig! Never thought of that. Keep up the great work sir!
Muy buen video
Bagus sekali cara menbuatnya
beautiful work!
thank you!
Very skilled. You can tell he loves his work
Thank you, really apreciate it
Very talented!
Thank you !
Sgt detailed 👍🏻👍🏻 sy mau buat sendiri tp saw hanya ada jig saw. Jd buat yg mudah shj 😅
Super 😊
@dekadoki ,very nice bang skil ,kira2 dharga brapa kalo dmaahr
Hebat bro
finally foud the truck ive been looking for. i want one made. i will be emailng you.
Awesome build. Going to try to make one based of Mack from Disney's Cars for my son. Can I ask if you had the acrylic pre-cut somewhere or did it yourself? If you did it yourself, what did you use to get such a clean cut? Thanks!
Thank you. I cut the acrylic myself using my table saw.
Buenas noches.
Excelente trabajo.
Seria mucha molestia en proporcionarme lad medidas de la cabina y las llantas por favor.
Where can I buy one?
Do it 😂
Salam kenal om.... Sya lgi belajar wood working, seneng bgt nemu chanel ini... Kebetulan tetangga ada yg mau dibuatin kya gtu, cuma sya masih pemula, jdi blm lengkap alatnya... Curcol ni... Hiks... Hiks... Btw mau tanya dan minta saran om, klo utk rak2 dlm nya itu ngga pake jati Belanda, alternatif lainnya yg mudah di aplikasikan pake apa ya?
hei, halo om. pelan2 nanti juga kumpul alatnya, saya juga gitu.
untuk rak2 kecil paling gampang pake multiplek 3-5 mm, tipisnya udah pas segitu kira-kira. Atau semuanya pake multiplek juga bisa. bagian yg tebal pake 15-18 mm yg tipis pake 3-5 mm.
@@DEKODOKI siap om... Makasih saran dan sharing nya... Btw domisili dmn om?
saya di tegal om
Great job! i just love it and want to have this one.. but how can i get this?
Keren.... aku suka selingan jeruk sama minuman panas ny 😂👍🏼
Klo bole tau cat apa yg di semprot itu?
hee makasih om,
cat/finishing pake milan acqua stain, clear gloss.
brape harga bt rak hw mcm ni
Mlm om.... Mau tanya itu gantung di dindingnya gmn ya caranya?
pake sistem "french cleat"
@@DEKODOKI oh... Iya2...terimakasih pencerahannya om
Daerah mna om
Saya di tegal
Good job 👍
What are the measurements of the cabin?
9*4*4 cm
Boleh minta detail ukuran nya om ?
Ukuran box nya dan kedalaman nya aja. Pengen coba buat sendiri 😊🙏
Makasih om
tiap box kecil ukuran 9 x 4 x 4 cm, total ada 60 box kecil.
@@DEKODOKI makasih om. Sukses 👍🙏
Hi excellent workmanship any possibility you could provide the cab diagram in a printable format or the full specifications on paper the angles and measurements etc thank you
Im sorry, i don't have the plan and measurement like that.
Kalo mau order gimana caranya?
Dm di IG : dekodoki
Bang bisa pesan engga
Hi how much for one but with an extra box I collect monster trucks hotwheels
Itu untuk isi mobil berapa ya?
Oiya... mika yg seperti kaca itu apa namanya ?
isi 60 om.
itu pake akrilik 2mm
Sy mau pesan yg isi mobil 30 bisa ya? Harganya brp
kirim ke jombang jatlwa timur
Itu akrilik ukuran brp ka
saya pake ukuran 2mm
Panjang nya brp ka
Harga akriliknya brp itu ka
panjang total sekitar 90*30cm dibagi 2, pintu kiri & kanan.
harganya sy lupa, bisa di cek di toped
Are there plans for this project? I would love to make this for my son.
I'm sorry, unfotunately I don't have it, in fact I didn't use plan at all. just some refference picture from pinterest.
MORNING WOOD WORK how much ?? Can you please make us 1.
@@DEKODOKI thank you for the upload anyway. Awesome project 👍
need close captioning ...
kalo misal dikasih harga, ini kisaran berapa pak udh jadi gitu ?
600rb an om
Hey anyway I can order one???
Hi, this is my email if you're interested.
Mau pesen
Boleh d beli ga??
boleh kalo mau pesan
@@DEKODOKI brpan om??
600 rb.
How much would you charge to make us 1 (in dollars )? Thanks
hi, It's around $100, email me if you're interested.
Watchout the glass break
don't worry, it's acrilyc and it's quite flexible.
Jual ga bg ? Ap nama ignya ?
Dijualin gak om?
saya jual om kalo ada yang pesan, ini juga pesanan orang.
Dijual berapa ni om
Klo pesan harganya berapa om?
Kirim ke haurgeulis indramayu bisa om?
bisa om
Muebles de sala