Lettie's Lines: *WAYPOINT TAGS* - I got something! - Check it out! - Location marked, sale? - Look there! - Hey, what's that? - Check it! - Interesting... - There! - Yo, yo, over there. - Pinning something! - Hey, any use? - Found something! - Right there! - Dropping pin. - Hey, hey, check it! - Yo, what do you make of this? - Could be something. - Over there! - Marked!
*ENEMY TAGS* - Priority target. - Hit that one first! - OH you want some chingadazos friend? Target marked! - We got a threat! - Yo! - Target marked! - Don't like the way this one's eyeballing me. - Danger close, ponte trucha! - This one looks like trouble! - You seeing that? - Hit this pendejo hard! - Focus fire! - Take it down! - Hostile tagged! - Let's dance, ¡pendejo! - Target! - Might wanna write that one as a priority - ¡Wacha! eyes open! - Marking for death! - ¡Aguas! Hostile marked!
@@aishascarlet3164if you have multiple protoframes on the team they talk to each other as well i was using Lettie and has someone on Aoi they was talking back and fourth
Lettie's Lines:
- I got something!
- Check it out!
- Location marked, sale?
- Look there!
- Hey, what's that?
- Check it!
- Interesting...
- There!
- Yo, yo, over there.
- Pinning something!
- Hey, any use?
- Found something!
- Right there!
- Dropping pin.
- Hey, hey, check it!
- Yo, what do you make of this?
- Could be something.
- Over there!
- Marked!
- Priority target.
- Hit that one first!
- OH you want some chingadazos friend? Target marked!
- We got a threat!
- Yo!
- Target marked!
- Don't like the way this one's eyeballing me.
- Danger close, ponte trucha!
- This one looks like trouble!
- You seeing that?
- Hit this pendejo hard!
- Focus fire!
- Take it down!
- Hostile tagged!
- Let's dance, ¡pendejo!
- Target!
- Might wanna write that one as a priority
- ¡Wacha! eyes open!
- Marking for death!
- ¡Aguas! Hostile marked!
Only u hear this or your teammates too? Great video btw
Thanks! I'll test it out and post a video about it 😃
Your teammates can hear it, my friend has Eleanors gemmni skin and yeah I can hear the voice lines.
I have Amir's Gemini skin and my friend can hear his voicelines, so yeah. Your teammates can hear them.
@@aishascarlet3164if you have multiple protoframes on the team they talk to each other as well i was using Lettie and has someone on Aoi they was talking back and fourth