Aoi's Lines: *WAYPOINT TAGS* - New point of interest! - What's... that? - Over there. - Right there! - Updated heading! - Found something! - Hey, over there! - Check this out! - Pay attention! - Oooh... - Look at this! - New objective. - Maybe... this? - Hey, what do we think about this? - Look! - Check the map. - Heads up! - I spy, with my little eye... - Hey hey! - Mama like (probably) *ENEMY TAGS* - This one won't be getting up in the morning. - Key hostile, on your scope! - Locked on target! - Don't lose this one. - Bring it on, ugly. - Bozo, marked! - Target! - I. Want. It. DEAD. - Bad guys really wanna dance. - New target! - I wanna HURT IT! - Let's get that one. - I'm coming to get youuu... - First to shoot this one gets a cookie. - They. suspect. nothing. - This one first. - Go get em! - High priority, right here. - Enemy, tagged! - Spotted! This will be fast. Don't forget to subsrcibe, it helps me out a lot 😊
Thanks! I thought so too, "mama would like..." or something like that but it was so out of place compared to the rest of the lines that I wasn't sure about it :(
Aoi's Lines:
- New point of interest!
- What's... that?
- Over there.
- Right there!
- Updated heading!
- Found something!
- Hey, over there!
- Check this out!
- Pay attention!
- Oooh...
- Look at this!
- New objective.
- Maybe... this?
- Hey, what do we think about this?
- Look!
- Check the map.
- Heads up!
- I spy, with my little eye...
- Hey hey!
- Mama like (probably)
- This one won't be getting up in the morning.
- Key hostile, on your scope!
- Locked on target!
- Don't lose this one.
- Bring it on, ugly.
- Bozo, marked!
- Target!
- I. Want. It. DEAD.
- Bad guys really wanna dance.
- New target!
- I wanna HURT IT!
- Let's get that one.
- I'm coming to get youuu...
- First to shoot this one gets a cookie.
- They. suspect. nothing.
- This one first.
- Go get em!
- High priority, right here.
- Enemy, tagged!
- Spotted! This will be fast.
Don't forget to subsrcibe, it helps me out a lot 😊
sounds like she's saying "mama like"
Thanks! I thought so too, "mama would like..." or something like that but it was so out of place compared to the rest of the lines that I wasn't sure about it :(
It's definitely "mama like"