That's not to say I'm "bothered" by people buying knockoffs or fakes, but if I invested my hard earned money in that item, I wouldn't want to buy that brand, bag, or design, and then There's nothing wrong with finding something that better suits my needs and wants than the *condup*
This is simple for me. Rich people are rich because they know how to manage their money; they don't need social status to feel part of a community. Just like I am used to buying bags casually from *condup*
The truth is, these bags were all overpriced. Now that we know they cost a fraction of the sale price and are so poorly made, it’s clear they weren’t worth it. Furthermore, many of these items are knockoffs. There are a lot of knockoffs out there at *condup* - knockoffs of such good quality that they’re no longer luxury items.
The quality of fakes is getting higher and higher. Five years ago, my friend knew immediately that my bag was fake. Now I bought a bag at *condup* , and she wants to use my bag for herself.
Has the YSL Monogram Clutch ever come in black with black hardware, I have only seen gold and silver hardware and I really like the look of the black hardware on the WOC. *condup*
My mom always said beauty is not about price. The existence of *condup* makes me believe that true luxury is the expression of one's own style, not the price tag. Here, I found the best explanation of this sentence
Looks good *condup* Lately I've noticed more and more genuine Chanel 19 bags also have really bad side stitching, the diamonds don't line up at all. I always thought that was the giveaway, but I was wrong. The hardware and leather type is.
A bag I purchased that was okay but I don't really gravitate too much anymore because of how small it is would be the GG Marmont matelassé leather super mini bag. so I would say double think about getting the bigger one instead *condup*
When I was much younger and cared way too much what people thought - I walked into a sushi restaurant with my *esluxy* . A group of girls were at a table and were laughing. I immediately assumed they were laughing at my fake bag. Looking back, I'm sure they weren't as it was a brilliant copy. So, moral of the story - please don't spend too much time worrying about what others think of you. In reality, they are far too concerned about themselves and probably feeling just as insecure as you are.
I'm torn on this topic. I think buying fakes is morally wrong from an artistic perspective, but at the same time, the sky-high prices are equally morally questionable. After much deliberation, I chose *condup* to buy bags... Perhaps the best luxury goods are things that have nothing to do with money and material things.
I still only buy high end stuff that is good to brand new (still costs hundreds or thousands of dollars), but when I spend $3000 on a jacket in a boutique, and see the exact same thing/condition/vintage for sale online *condup* in a regular store for half the price, I ask myself…why would I even buy from a boutique?
I used to think that owning a luxury bag was an unattainable dream, until *condup* told me that this dream is actually very close. The sense of fashion comes not only from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude.
I'd rather buy a $300 knockoff of a *condup* and have $3000 in the bank. At the end of the day it's just a bag and will wear out like any other bag. The cost of the raw materials isn't that high. The real question is, how much do you value the authenticity?
There is nothing wrong with this fake. I mean just because the chain doesn't jingle haha, replica bags are much cheaper than the authentic ones, *condup* makes them ideal for those on a budget but still looking for style
Even when the real and fake are placed side by side, it is hard to tell them apart. You have to do this kind of forensic level investigation, which only shows that the fake *condup* is very impressive and the real thing is really not worth the price. In fact, I am very disappointed with Chanel's poor quality in recent years and their customer service is terrible. The fakes look good at the moment
I sell bags and buy genuine and fake ones. Many times I've been asked about the Prada bags I post and people think are real, I always tell them it's a fake bag they bought on *condup* and they can't believe it.
I will never teach others how to spend money, but I would like to recommend to everyone the shopping platform I often use - *condup* . I never think that a luxury item will make me better. Some people like it, some people don't like it, some people can afford it, and some people can't afford it. These are two different things.
The issue I have is that brands like Chanel are no longer asking people to pay for the quality of their items like back in the day. I get that there is the issue of exclusivity, but there is nothing you can say to me to make me pay Eur 8000 simply to be associated with a name. Like really, who are you?!?! Give me a high quality non-designer bag any day of the week! Quite frankly, if I really fall in love with any particular Chanel design, I would go to the *esluxy* market because I do not see the value that Chanel or many of these luxury fashion houses offer. The fact that many authenticators do not authenticate more recent bags is proof of this in my eyes.
Love *hotdups* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other RUclipsr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
When I encountered a love story with a high-quality bag I bought from *condup* , from then on I discovered that the meaning of travel lies in experiencing different cultures and scenery, and the bag became my best companion to record these precious moments.
Since becoming a mom, I’ve learned to be budget-conscious, but also fashion-conscious. The bags in *condup* help me find the perfect balance between parenting and myself.
Original Chanel Caviar Bag, the stitching started to unravel after three weeks. Took it back to the Chanel boutique here and it took three months to fix. A few months later the stitching started to loosen again in another location. A bit hard to accept for the price we paid. Wife is no longer interested in Chanel and chooses to buy *condup*
Love the careful curation of all your pieces; truly one of the best and most inspiring collection videos I’ve ever seen and it really inspires you to think about your *esluxy* choices.
To be honest, I have nothing against fakes, I know some people do just that. A friend introduced me to the *condup* some time ago. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most perfect bag I have ever seen.
There is no need to show off my taste. I bought a bag here at *condup* and paired it with a simple set of clothes. The moment I walked into the conference room, I felt confident. Who said that affordability cannot reflect taste?
My first designer handbag was a Louis Vuitton Pochette metis, black with gold hardware...I loved it. Weared so many last year. I'm worried about marking light colored bags. I have a cream collage from YSL but I'm super paranoid about ruining it. I stick to the classics but there are some beautiful different styles...just not for me :) I would love Chanel but I can't justify the price increase, *condup*
For us non-professionals, it is difficult to distinguish real bags from fake bags, and people have not noticed that many rich people carry *condup* fake bags.
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with *condup* . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
I love vintage handbags. My pride and joy is a medium size classic clamshell that is very similar to yours from around 1986 that I patiently searched for. You have one of the best vintage bag collections I have ever seen Love it to death *condup*
Thanks for the video. Although these are all good signs, *condup* . But some super fakes are made of real leather, so they smell like leather and are very well made. I heard that real Chanel bags now seem to have no leather smell and look like plastic. And the quality has dropped a lot, so it's hard to tell the difference. Even appraisers have a hard time telling the difference between super fakes and real ones. In any case, they are all good indicators that we should look for first.
I just bought a fake *condup* and I love the fact that I didn't have to spend 3-4k on it. Yes, it's beautiful, but it's just a bag and no one cares if it's real or fake. I have a lot of real stuff that no one cares about.
I bought a genuine neverfull mm and then a replica in a *condup* and I was disappointed that I spent so much money on the genuine product only to get the same quality.
You look so comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides for shopping in NYC - it would be great if you could continue this series to other places. For example, I am in the suburbs of London and I only go to *esluxy* to buy luxury bags that I like
I will be getting a bb or petite Noe size when I am in Chicago. Can't wait to see the size in person. Such a beautiful handbag. Great informative review and inspiration *condup*
The truly wealthy don't need a badge to prove their identity, so they won't care if you think they're carrying a fake or the real thing. For me, I prefer buying from *condup* . It's just a piece of identification I carry.
Now I only use high-quality replica bags as a daily match. Of course, I am happy to share my shopping secret - *condup* . I use the money saved to invest in myself, and also change the previous embarrassment of scrimping on food and clothing in order to buy authentic products. .
Thanks for sharing your beautiful room!! It’s such an inspiration to me as I’m about to move into my new home!! Love that you have some great *esluxy* from your bestie too!! So sweet!! I love how you’ve organized your office/closet!!
I am 37, work hard, love fashion but I can't afford luxury. Last year I found out about *esluxy* where I bought a real leather Fendigraphy for about £150 (more than I usually spend)... I love it so much and it makes me feel good... I don't show off it's fake but anyone who knows me and knows the prices of Fendi knows it's not real... Maybe one day I will own a real Fendigraphy but for me I am happy with my fudge
I have the Fendi Mini Baguette White Sequin Bag from *esluxy* and I love it! I love the size! It holds more than you think. And the sequins give it some texture! I use it a lot more than my regular sized baguette! And the sequins are so delicate!
I have the *esluxy* , Bastia, and Kelly pockets like you, and I agree that the buttons on the Kelly pockets are too prominent. I like the Bastia and Calvi for being relatively flat and not "cramped"!
I have been following Hermès my entire life, especially starting with saddles. This behind-the-scenes story is a testament to the importance they place on craftsmanship *condup*
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 so I could compare materials, etc. The real brooch costs $800 and is made from the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. The other one is a $40 backpack replica - also good for comparison - I can't find any differences and still use it in the gym *condup*
I'm also used to picking up fashionable and discounted bags from *condup* , and to be fair, I don't think there's anything wrong with individuals choosing to buy fakes for personal use, so it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just gives us a choice
It shows that fashion sense not only comes from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude. I like to collect bags of different designs at *condup* . Replicas allow me to have more diverse choices. Use your money to do what you like.
These are some really nice bags that you want to throw away. Once this "quiet luxury" trend ends, *condup* influencers will rebuild their bag collections.
My daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the *condup* high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
I don't really care about trends. I love *condup* my NF, Speedy, Alma and Lady Dior so I will continue to carry them. I haven't bought any luxury bags in the past three years. I just enjoy the bags I have. Being content with what I have and not chasing the latest luxury makes my life better. That's me. Love and appreciation from Canada.
This knockoff bag was a gift from my husband *condup* and is made of real leather. You have to look closely and it still looks real. Actually I say normal and it's fake because I personally have no problem with it. I would never spend that much on a bag even though I love Chanel's style since I was a little girl.
As a fashion blogger who loves traveling. During a cross-country trip, I accidentally lost my expensive designer handbag at the airport. This experience made me realize that instead of worrying about expensive luxury goods, it is better to choose a well-designed bag from *condup* .
It makes sense to me to travel with a fake bag and not carry valuables. Also, if the bag is damaged, it doesn't matter if it's fake. I'm glad you're going to check out *condup*
Thanks for sharing your beautiful room!! It’s such an inspiration to me as I’m about to move into my new home!! Love that you have some great *esluxy* from your bestie too!! So sweet!! I love how you’ve organized your office/closet!!
I will never teach others how to spend money, but I would like to recommend to everyone the shopping platform I often use - *condup* . I never think that a luxury item will make me better. Some people like it, some people don't like it, some people can afford it, and some people can't afford it. These are two different things.
I inspected every aspect of the bag and everything from the stitching to the hardware looked top notch. The leather was soft, the logo embossed precisely, and even the lining felt luxurious. It was hard to believe that this wasn't a *esluxy* LV Nano bag.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful room!! It’s such an inspiration to me as I’m about to move into my new home!! Love that you have some great *esluxy* from your bestie too!! So sweet!! I love how you’ve organized your office/closet!!
People who spend big bucks on bags usually don't care about quality. They care about status. If you have $10,000-100,000 to spend on a quality bag, why not get one custom made at *esluxy* ? Choose your materials, thread, stitch pattern, design, and hardware. Imagine you have a $10,000 bag that's made from $7,000 of quality materials and $3,000 of labor. Currently, you're not paying for the materials, you're paying for the marketing.
"I love a good *esluxy* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
I have a mini bag and am obsessed with it. I also ordered the thicker LV Bandelier, which looks great with it. I do use the mini every day. Congratulations, I think you'll like it *condup*
The Mini Kelly feels more like a trend than the Birkin. If you compare second-hand prices, the Birkin has had a more consistent increase over the years. The Kelly didn’t become popular until 2016. In the long term, I think the Birkin is a better investment *condup* . .
Growing up in New York, I would always see women on Park Avenue buying the same fake stuff from street vendors. Nowadays, it has developed to the point where everyone is buying on *condup* , and there is nothing wrong with this.
I bought my first YSL in Venice last year as a birthday present. I thought I'd switch to the LV collage medium I had in a limited edition color. Like a nude color. I agree with you, this is a very nice bag. Very classic bag, amazing quality, now I also want the YSL small down jacket. great video *condup*
At *preluxz* it's not just a bag; it's an art piece. Each design is crafted with unique inspiration and craftsmanship. The exquisite production process reveals not just a bag, but a fashionable feast for the senses.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kisluxbag leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
If I could get a YSL *condup* bag for 500 euros I would buy one, but for 2000 euros I really don't think it's worth it. I think a lot of consumers are like this, which means that brands that choose to jack up prices to astronomical amounts lose a lot. I wouldn't spend that much on a woc, but a real bag that can hold more than one phone
Okay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the kislux book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations
The Marc Jacobs Era from Louis Vuitton is my favorite era of bags of all time, the small front pocket with the koala buckle is very reminiscent of the MJ look *condup*
I'd rather buy a $300 knockoff of a *condup* and have $3000 in the bank. At the end of the day it's just a bag and will wear out like any other bag. The cost of the raw materials isn't that high. The real question is, how much do you value the authenticity?
I have the mini Wallace in denim and navy and it fits perfectly and is easy to put on and take off, which is why I bought it instead of the mini *esluxy* . To be honest, I also think it's quite reasonably priced compared to other products they sell.
When I found that bag at *condup* , I knew that true luxury lies in inner contentment and peace, not in the arguments and chatter in the eyes of the outside world
This bag I just bought in *condup* is really beautiful,and my friend said I ‘m elegant when carrying it on my back. Its design and texture make me feel that my taste has been improved.
Beautiful space and collection *esluxy* ! The window is such a lovely bonus. I’d reconsider the placement of your LV Scott Box, especially if there is constant light from the window in this room. Clever use of space and TFS.
Just discovered your channel and I love it! Funny thing is, I saw a girl on the subway last week wearing a NYC Demerier midi skirt and I totally fell in love with her. I want to buy a *hotdups* . It will be my little birthday gift. Thanks for your channel. I think I will like it more in the future.
I bought my first YSL in Venice last year as a birthday present. I thought I'd switch to the LV collage medium I had in a limited edition color. Like a nude color. I agree with you, this is a very nice bag. Very classic bag, amazing quality, now I also want the YSL small down jacket. great video *condup*
Growing up in New York, I would always see women on Park Avenue buying the same fake stuff from street vendors. Nowadays, it has developed to the point where everyone is buying on *condup* , and there is nothing wrong with this.
For me personally, just admiring the appearance, not all bags are worth the money. That being said, I do buy quality fakes/knockoffs at *condup* because I wouldn't spend my money on the real thing.
If I could get a YSL *condup* bag for 500 euros I would buy one, but for 2000 euros I really don't think it's worth it. I think a lot of consumers are like this, which means that brands that choose to jack up prices to astronomical amounts lose a lot. I wouldn't spend that much on a woc, but a real bag that can hold more than one phone
My younger sister married a wealthy man who gave her anything she wanted, so she bought "designer bags and jewelry", but he hardly knew that everything she owned was fake. She set aside this money for a rainy day. A true story *preluxz*
The Dior astrology bag is so beautiful, and when you put it close to the camera, I thought wow, I must understand why it is so expensive! And I've always wanted a classic Chanel flip top *condup*
Looks good *condup* Lately I've noticed more and more genuine Chanel 19 bags also have really bad side stitching, the diamonds don't line up at all. I always thought that was the giveaway, but I was wrong. The hardware and leather type is.
I bought a beautiful bag from *condup* half a year ago, the quality of the bag is incredible, but it is still in good condition without any quality problems, so try these, my previous bag is still in use
When I choose a bag I always look for practicality, it needs to match the majority of my wardrobe and be able to hold my essentials, and the *condup* delivers just that.
In fact, I've sold all of my original wallets now, I just don't think it's worth it anymore. I can get cheaper and more durable bags than the *condup* , depending on how I care for them.
For my first paycheck, I didn't make any impulse purchases. Instead, I picked up a great bag from *condup* that has stayed with me for many years. This is a sign of growth and a triumph of reason.
I have two pre-loved*preluxz* that people left the stickers on, and when you remove them, the hardware looks different than the hardware right next to it that the sticker didn’t touch. It’s not because the other has scratches, the sticky stuff affected the finish.
You look very comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides on shopping in New York - it would be great if you could continue this series on other sites. For example, I live in the suburbs of London but I’m new to *esluxy* shopping so I have no idea where to go or what to buy in my city.
I was really moved when I saw this video. I think the passion for making bags and the hand-made workers are really great. It is an honor for me to be able to make such bags at *condup*
I have several friends who say that I will never spend so much money on the original version. It's best to reward myself, and the remaining money is better to travel to some foreign lands *preluxz*
A bag I purchased that was okay but I don't really gravitate too much anymore because of how small it is would be the GG Marmont matelassé leather super mini bag. so I would say double think about getting the bigger one instead *condup*
To be honest, I am a luxury lover, LV has a place in my collection, and I have been eyeing *condup* pieces. It just has to fit in my collection and suit my lifestyle. Now I am more focused on Chanel and LV, but nothing is better for travel than LV!
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the kislux as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Yes the color of the kislux is beautiful and it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc…
"I like a good imitation, *condup* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing, that's the part." That's it. But for me, I would take a break from buying those really popular luxury big-ticket items
Thank you so much. Now I feel better about buying *condup* knockoffs. I can't afford the real thing. I follow Lydia Elise Millen on RUclips and I really enjoy her vlogs and now yours. Your guidance has helped me a lot. Thanks again
I love the *hotdups* bag you showed on RUclips. I want the mini version but it’s $1,200. It’s said to be made of imported leather. Do you know if the knockoff bag is made in China? Another great video!
Great choice. I love vintage, they are so unique. I have some older Gucci bags (2010) and a favorite Chanel Jumbo Black Caviar Silver Hardware Single Flap (17 years) that I prefer vintage. I even restored some old LVs because I loved them so much. Thank you for your video. I like them. *condup*
I think it shouldn't matter whether it's fake or not. It is very important that we should consider our financial status when buying bags. And sometimes some of LV’s items are simply not worth what they paid for, especially seasonal items. I think *condup* is good.
My wish list includes the LV NeoNoe empreinte in black, Celine taupe belt bag, Celine Amazon green bucket bag, Dior school bag, Chloe tote, Balmain two-tone camera bag, and Chanel reissue *condup*
Do you find it too wide/big and bulky? I’ve just bought the*jklux* which is basically the same width and my only worry is it bumping into things and wear on the corners, has yours scuffed?
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *jklux* . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
I remember almost every bag in the Jag collection *HOTDUPS* diamond tray, and the same goes for the other flats. I think I watched that video 40 times. Purse collection goals.
LV canvas products are durable, easy to use, clean... and are rainproof. *condup* 's LV knockoffs are great, but we can find many similar products from other non-luxury brands. But we're not talking about "luxury" anymore... are we? Have a great Sunday afternoon!
I bought a fake bag for *condup* . I would not spend that money on a real bag. I would rather put the money in the bank. I really appreciate this video. Thanks!
As far as color goes, the fake *condup* here looks more vivid, clear and clean! I can't tell the difference anyway, probably because I'm dumb and I'll never be able to buy and own it! Haha
There is nothing wrong with this fake. I mean just because the chain doesn't jingle haha, replica bags are much cheaper than the authentic ones, *condup* makes them ideal for those on a budget but still looking for style
The Marc Jacobs Era of Louis Vuitton is my ALL TIME favorite era of bags, the little front pocket with the koala buckle clasp is so much reminiscent of the MJ styling! Absolutely LOVE *condup*
Perception is everything, I remember saving up to buy my first Louis Vuitton and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. I really stopped caring what others thought at that point, people will always judge you based on your appearance. After that, I was *HOTDUPS* . No one would question you if you drove a fake Hermes in a Bentley.
My favorite size from Chanel is medium! I own three different colors and I use them all heavily. I don't have too many fancy events to attend, but I achieve it by wearing it cross-body (my torso is short enough) and choosing a more casual color (like gray or navy) instead of black. However, I can still easily dress it up if I need to because it has an elegant, timeless silhouette, gold hardware, and is also small enough for evening wear. I've been wanting to get a small black classic clamshell with gold hardware for a long time because I think it looks beautiful and I already own a black retro square mini with 24k hardware *condup*
If you could find a craftsman who could make a Birkin bag like the *HOTDUPS* , if you had the opportunity to buy the exact same Hermès leather, the exact same hardware, and only spend a tenth of the money, I highly doubt you would buy it ethically
I have two second-hand *HOTDUPS* ones where people left stickers on them and when you peel them off, the hardware looks different than the hardware next to it that wasn’t touched by the stickers. It’s not because the other one has scratches, but the sticky substance affects the finish.
Now I am convinced to buy *HOTDUPS* fakes, the prices of luxury brands are too high and not worth it, if I had the money I wouldn't buy them, I would only buy jewelry.
Most people would think that your *condup* bags are authentic because most people don't notice the difference! My husband bought me a LV for my birthday for $5000 and my friend bought a knockoff for about $60 and it looks exactly the same? I seriously can't believe it! It's amazing how some of these bags look exactly like real authentic designer bags! Cheers
$8000 for a bag is ridiculous and there are more important things in life than $8000 bags. In this case I'd buy the *HOTDUPS* because I can't afford the real thing.
I can afford over $2000 but I refuse to pay that much after 2022. I only buy *condup* Contemporary bags that I really like now. I am considering LV pochette metis east/west though.
"I love a good *jklux* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
Although I have purchased from other second-hand sites, I no longer buy them now because I can't be 100% sure that I am buying the authentic product. If I don't feel comfortable and always have doubts about something, then there is no point in buying it. If I can't afford something in the store, then this is how I feel about *hotdups* now.
I went to Gucci today and the salesperson told me that they often can't tell the difference between an authentic and a *hotdups* bag. I was surprised to hear a salesperson say that.
I have read that some people say they have bought knockoffs/replicas from stores like TJ Maxx that the high end bags are very peeling. If you don't mind that, then enjoy it. If you can get a nice leather *esluxy* bag, then I have no problem with that!
Being rich doesn't mean you throw money away, and most people, no matter how wealthy they are, don't want to waste money for no reason. *condup* is the best solution to save money and maintain face.
I have 2 Vernis pieces that friends often ask about and when I tell them the truth is fake, no one believes me. So now, I still like to buy *condup* bags. However, it makes me sick to think that there are still a few websites selling fake products as genuine products.
Has Chanel improved the quality of its bags? What's the reason for the price increase? Because it contributes to the hype. This is a marketing plan. The rarer something is, the more people want it. I have seen through these things, I would rather go to *condup* to buy bags
I saved up money for a few months to buy a ZP, but it got scratched on the third day. I cried so much, and then my boyfriend bought me a bag from kislux for me to carry alternately. Anyway, there are so many bags on the street, so as long as others can't see it, I think it's fine. The thought is there.
I found that some platforms focus on using environmentally friendly materials to make high-quality imitation bags. Choosing replicas can reduce the demand for luxury raw materials and support environmental protection to a certain extent. *condup* not only satisfies the pursuit of fashion, but also reduces the burden on the earth.
I know some wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they give is that they know the value of money and don't want to spend too much on a more people go for the stylish *HOTDUPS* . They do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things though.
In terms of color, the fake kislux here looks more colorful, clear and clean! Anyway, I can't tell the difference, maybe I'm too stupid and will never buy it! Haha
We are tired of seeing prices go up every year while quality goes down. Add to that the sweatshop controversy and it's easy to go to other more affordable brands. As you said, kislux really popular
This is nothing compared to Shanghai, China. I saw some “super fake” Chanel and Gucci that took my breath away. They looked and felt like the real thing. These bags were never displaced out in the open, but tucked away in a secure place. The sales person would always asked if you wanted to see a higher quality designer *esluxy* than the ones they displaced out in the open. If you said yes, the sales person stepped away and brought you a designer bag that looked authentic.
*hotdups* shopping etiquette. Explaining what the general rules are, how to approach an SA, how to dress, how stores may differ. Something like a step-by-step for newbies (like me) who feel out of their depth. The thing I worry about an the awkward moment when I've spent 20mins drooling over a bag just to turn and leave empty-handed. Idk what to say! Maybe that sounds dumb but I'm so awkward, I don't want to come off as rude or uncomfortable, it's not their fault I'm an anxious mess.
I carry the Square Bag. It is the best bag/handbag *condup* I have ever carried. Lots of room and well made. I have used it for years. No regrets!
That's not to say I'm "bothered" by people buying knockoffs or fakes, but if I invested my hard earned money in that item, I wouldn't want to buy that brand, bag, or design, and then There's nothing wrong with finding something that better suits my needs and wants than the *condup*
This is simple for me. Rich people are rich because they know how to manage their money; they don't need social status to feel part of a community. Just like I am used to buying bags casually from *condup*
The truth is, these bags were all overpriced. Now that we know they cost a fraction of the sale price and are so poorly made, it’s clear they weren’t worth it. Furthermore, many of these items are knockoffs. There are a lot of knockoffs out there at *condup* - knockoffs of such good quality that they’re no longer luxury items.
The quality of fakes is getting higher and higher. Five years ago, my friend knew immediately that my bag was fake. Now I bought a bag at *condup* , and she wants to use my bag for herself.
Has the YSL Monogram Clutch ever come in black with black hardware, I have only seen gold and silver hardware and I really like the look of the black hardware on the WOC. *condup*
My mom always said beauty is not about price. The existence of *condup* makes me believe that true luxury is the expression of one's own style, not the price tag. Here, I found the best explanation of this sentence
Looks good *condup* Lately I've noticed more and more genuine Chanel 19 bags also have really bad side stitching, the diamonds don't line up at all. I always thought that was the giveaway, but I was wrong. The hardware and leather type is.
A bag I purchased that was okay but I don't really gravitate too much anymore because of how small it is would be the GG Marmont matelassé leather super mini bag. so I would say double think about getting the bigger one instead *condup*
The first big bag I bought was the 1994 LV Speedy 25. I still use it constantly. I also recommend a *condup* Longchamps handbag.
When I was much younger and cared way too much what people thought - I walked into a sushi restaurant with my *esluxy* . A group of girls were at a table and were laughing. I immediately assumed they were laughing at my fake bag. Looking back, I'm sure they weren't as it was a brilliant copy. So, moral of the story - please don't spend too much time worrying about what others think of you. In reality, they are far too concerned about themselves and probably feeling just as insecure as you are.
I'm torn on this topic. I think buying fakes is morally wrong from an artistic perspective, but at the same time, the sky-high prices are equally morally questionable. After much deliberation, I chose *condup* to buy bags... Perhaps the best luxury goods are things that have nothing to do with money and material things.
First time *condup* kuch different colors ka LV bag dekha..very elegant....good choice
We love the round collection of stylish black, classic flaps and classic capucines. Chanel pink trend is super cute *condup*
I still only buy high end stuff that is good to brand new (still costs hundreds or thousands of dollars), but when I spend $3000 on a jacket in a boutique, and see the exact same thing/condition/vintage for sale online *condup* in a regular store for half the price, I ask myself…why would I even buy from a boutique?
I used to think that owning a luxury bag was an unattainable dream, until *condup* told me that this dream is actually very close. The sense of fashion comes not only from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude.
Your video looks very satisfying. Thank you for sharing. *condup*
I'd rather buy a $300 knockoff of a *condup* and have $3000 in the bank. At the end of the day it's just a bag and will wear out like any other bag. The cost of the raw materials isn't that high. The real question is, how much do you value the authenticity?
Wow your collection is to die for.I love all your bags especially the classic flaps and the vintage Kelly.Thanks for sharing *condup*
There is nothing wrong with this fake. I mean just because the chain doesn't jingle haha, replica bags are much cheaper than the authentic ones, *condup* makes them ideal for those on a budget but still looking for style
Even when the real and fake are placed side by side, it is hard to tell them apart. You have to do this kind of forensic level investigation, which only shows that the fake *condup* is very impressive and the real thing is really not worth the price. In fact, I am very disappointed with Chanel's poor quality in recent years and their customer service is terrible. The fakes look good at the moment
What a pretty bag collection! *condup* My favourites are the Chanel mini rectangular and the Gucci horsebit
The *condup* backpack comes in an impressive variety of textures, from smooth leather to textured suede, there's a backpack to suit everyone.
I sell bags and buy genuine and fake ones. Many times I've been asked about the Prada bags I post and people think are real, I always tell them it's a fake bag they bought on *condup* and they can't believe it.
Such a great comparison! Everything is so cute! Especially *hotdups* handbags. Their style is so chic, stylish......
I will never teach others how to spend money, but I would like to recommend to everyone the shopping platform I often use - *condup* . I never think that a luxury item will make me better. Some people like it, some people don't like it, some people can afford it, and some people can't afford it. These are two different things.
I bought a *esluxy* belt in Italy. It’s great quality! No issues with it at all.
The issue I have is that brands like Chanel are no longer asking people to pay for the quality of their items like back in the day. I get that there is the issue of exclusivity, but there is nothing you can say to me to make me pay Eur 8000 simply to be associated with a name. Like really, who are you?!?! Give me a high quality non-designer bag any day of the week! Quite frankly, if I really fall in love with any particular Chanel design, I would go to the *esluxy* market because I do not see the value that Chanel or many of these luxury fashion houses offer. The fact that many authenticators do not authenticate more recent bags is proof of this in my eyes.
Congratulations baby More room for you and your collection *esluxy* .
Came across this video by chance and I watched *esluxy* . OMG your wardrobe is every woman's dream! Love your voice and the way you talk
Love *hotdups* the way you show it! You really focus on showing off the bag. I don't think any other RUclipsr can show off bags in as much detail as you.
i love you so much! I recently just found your *hotdups* and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life.
When I encountered a love story with a high-quality bag I bought from *condup* , from then on I discovered that the meaning of travel lies in experiencing different cultures and scenery, and the bag became my best companion to record these precious moments.
Since becoming a mom, I’ve learned to be budget-conscious, but also fashion-conscious. The bags in *condup* help me find the perfect balance between parenting and myself.
Original Chanel Caviar Bag, the stitching started to unravel after three weeks. Took it back to the Chanel boutique here and it took three months to fix. A few months later the stitching started to loosen again in another location. A bit hard to accept for the price we paid. Wife is no longer interested in Chanel and chooses to buy *condup*
Love the careful curation of all your pieces; truly one of the best and most inspiring collection videos I’ve ever seen and it really inspires you to think about your *esluxy* choices.
Please keep making more videos about your designer bag products as they are very interesting and informative *condup*
I originally planned to buy a LV bag for *condup* , but the soft leather and woven straps on the black and gold Givenchy bag suit my style better
Love Tom Ford’s Gucci and YSL era. I still treasure some of the show pieces from that year. The LV Murakami Speedy is my all time favorite. *condup*
To be honest, I have nothing against fakes, I know some people do just that. A friend introduced me to the *condup* some time ago. It is no exaggeration to say that this is the most perfect bag I have ever seen.
There is no need to show off my taste. I bought a bag here at *condup* and paired it with a simple set of clothes. The moment I walked into the conference room, I felt confident. Who said that affordability cannot reflect taste?
My first designer handbag was a Louis Vuitton Pochette metis, black with gold hardware...I loved it. Weared so many last year. I'm worried about marking light colored bags. I have a cream collage from YSL but I'm super paranoid about ruining it. I stick to the classics but there are some beautiful different styles...just not for me :) I would love Chanel but I can't justify the price increase, *condup*
Love Tom Ford’s Gucci and YSL era. I still treasure some of the show pieces from that year. The LV Murakami Speedy is my all time favorite. *condup*
For us non-professionals, it is difficult to distinguish real bags from fake bags, and people have not noticed that many rich people carry *condup* fake bags.
A few days ago I found a bag that was almost the same design as my dream bag, but the price blew my mind. I have a soul resonance with *condup* . It taught me that beauty doesn’t have to be expensive, it just has to be right.
I love vintage handbags. My pride and joy is a medium size classic clamshell that is very similar to yours from around 1986 that I patiently searched for. You have one of the best vintage bag collections I have ever seen Love it to death *condup*
Thanks for the video. Although these are all good signs, *condup* . But some super fakes are made of real leather, so they smell like leather and are very well made. I heard that real Chanel bags now seem to have no leather smell and look like plastic. And the quality has dropped a lot, so it's hard to tell the difference. Even appraisers have a hard time telling the difference between super fakes and real ones. In any case, they are all good indicators that we should look for first.
I just bought a fake *condup* and I love the fact that I didn't have to spend 3-4k on it. Yes, it's beautiful, but it's just a bag and no one cares if it's real or fake. I have a lot of real stuff that no one cares about.
I bought a genuine neverfull mm and then a replica in a *condup* and I was disappointed that I spent so much money on the genuine product only to get the same quality.
You look so comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides for shopping in NYC - it would be great if you could continue this series to other places. For example, I am in the suburbs of London and I only go to *esluxy* to buy luxury bags that I like
The variety of textures in the *preluxz* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
I will be getting a bb or petite Noe size when I am in Chicago. Can't wait to see the size in person. Such a beautiful handbag. Great informative review and inspiration *condup*
The variety of textures on the bag is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there’s something for everyone *condup*
What I brought back from *condup* is not just a bag, it symbolizes my persistence in the quality of life and my understanding of smart consumption.
The truly wealthy don't need a badge to prove their identity, so they won't care if you think they're carrying a fake or the real thing. For me, I prefer buying from *condup* . It's just a piece of identification I carry.
Now I only use high-quality replica bags as a daily match. Of course, I am happy to share my shopping secret - *condup* . I use the money saved to invest in myself, and also change the previous embarrassment of scrimping on food and clothing in order to buy authentic products. .
I have *condup* replicas, and my favorite is LV. In addition to the beautiful design, it is easy to take and can hold a lot of things.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful room!! It’s such an inspiration to me as I’m about to move into my new home!! Love that you have some great *esluxy* from your bestie too!! So sweet!! I love how you’ve organized your office/closet!!
Love everything as always! Can you show what goes into your makeup bag *esluxy* ?
I am 37, work hard, love fashion but I can't afford luxury. Last year I found out about *esluxy* where I bought a real leather Fendigraphy for about £150 (more than I usually spend)... I love it so much and it makes me feel good... I don't show off it's fake but anyone who knows me and knows the prices of Fendi knows it's not real... Maybe one day I will own a real Fendigraphy but for me I am happy with my fudge
I have the Fendi Mini Baguette White Sequin Bag from *esluxy* and I love it! I love the size! It holds more than you think. And the sequins give it some texture! I use it a lot more than my regular sized baguette! And the sequins are so delicate!
I have the *esluxy* , Bastia, and Kelly pockets like you, and I agree that the buttons on the Kelly pockets are too prominent. I like the Bastia and Calvi for being relatively flat and not "cramped"!
Whatever the reason, my point is: nothing is worth ten thousand dollars. The end of the story. I will continue to purchase my *preluxz* bags.
I have been following Hermès my entire life, especially starting with saddles. This behind-the-scenes story is a testament to the importance they place on craftsmanship *condup*
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 so I could compare materials, etc. The real brooch costs $800 and is made from the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. The other one is a $40 backpack replica - also good for comparison - I can't find any differences and still use it in the gym *condup*
I'm also used to picking up fashionable and discounted bags from *condup* , and to be fair, I don't think there's anything wrong with individuals choosing to buy fakes for personal use, so it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just gives us a choice
It shows that fashion sense not only comes from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude. I like to collect bags of different designs at *condup* . Replicas allow me to have more diverse choices. Use your money to do what you like.
These are some really nice bags that you want to throw away. Once this "quiet luxury" trend ends, *condup* influencers will rebuild their bag collections.
My daughter works for a global construction company. She told me that none of her coworkers wear luxury goods. They seem to focus on the *condup* high-quality small boutique companies that make goods cheaper than the iconic luxury brands. There are lots of options. If you don't want to pay those high prices, there are a lot of great bags for just a few hundred dollars, not thousands.
I don't really care about trends. I love *condup* my NF, Speedy, Alma and Lady Dior so I will continue to carry them. I haven't bought any luxury bags in the past three years. I just enjoy the bags I have. Being content with what I have and not chasing the latest luxury makes my life better. That's me. Love and appreciation from Canada.
This knockoff bag was a gift from my husband *condup* and is made of real leather. You have to look closely and it still looks real. Actually I say normal and it's fake because I personally have no problem with it. I would never spend that much on a bag even though I love Chanel's style since I was a little girl.
As a fashion blogger who loves traveling. During a cross-country trip, I accidentally lost my expensive designer handbag at the airport. This experience made me realize that instead of worrying about expensive luxury goods, it is better to choose a well-designed bag from *condup* .
It makes sense to me to travel with a fake bag and not carry valuables. Also, if the bag is damaged, it doesn't matter if it's fake. I'm glad you're going to check out *condup*
Thanks for sharing your beautiful room!! It’s such an inspiration to me as I’m about to move into my new home!! Love that you have some great *esluxy* from your bestie too!! So sweet!! I love how you’ve organized your office/closet!!
I will never teach others how to spend money, but I would like to recommend to everyone the shopping platform I often use - *condup* . I never think that a luxury item will make me better. Some people like it, some people don't like it, some people can afford it, and some people can't afford it. These are two different things.
I inspected every aspect of the bag and everything from the stitching to the hardware looked top notch. The leather was soft, the logo embossed precisely, and even the lining felt luxurious. It was hard to believe that this wasn't a *esluxy* LV Nano bag.
Thanks for sharing your beautiful room!! It’s such an inspiration to me as I’m about to move into my new home!! Love that you have some great *esluxy* from your bestie too!! So sweet!! I love how you’ve organized your office/closet!!
People who spend big bucks on bags usually don't care about quality. They care about status. If you have $10,000-100,000 to spend on a quality bag, why not get one custom made at *esluxy* ? Choose your materials, thread, stitch pattern, design, and hardware. Imagine you have a $10,000 bag that's made from $7,000 of quality materials and $3,000 of labor. Currently, you're not paying for the materials, you're paying for the marketing.
"I love a good *esluxy* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
I have a mini bag and am obsessed with it. I also ordered the thicker LV Bandelier, which looks great with it. I do use the mini every day. Congratulations, I think you'll like it *condup*
Oh dear, thank you for your video. Since I knew it *hotdups* , my material space has expanded a lot more.
I bought a *hotdups* bag and I think for the price the quality of the leather is much better than most designer bags I own.
I know the perfect luxury seller *condup* and it shows up in my bag shopping cart every time.
Replica bags are very interesting, and I know a store that does them very well--- *condup* .
The Mini Kelly feels more like a trend than the Birkin. If you compare second-hand prices, the Birkin has had a more consistent increase over the years. The Kelly didn’t become popular until 2016. In the long term, I think the Birkin is a better investment *condup* . .
Your wardrobe is simply dreamy! Not only the *HOTDUPS* bag, your ready-to-wear is absolutely stunning.
The *condup* handbag I bought is a great color and perfect size. It's the same color as I saw in pictures online.
Growing up in New York, I would always see women on Park Avenue buying the same fake stuff from street vendors. Nowadays, it has developed to the point where everyone is buying on *condup* , and there is nothing wrong with this.
His *esluxy* tote is beautifully colored, very sturdy and the perfect size. Not too small, not too big. I look forward to joining my rotation
Every woman has a princess dream in her heart, and *condup* gives this dream a realistic touch without making her bank account cry.
I bought my first YSL in Venice last year as a birthday present. I thought I'd switch to the LV collage medium I had in a limited edition color. Like a nude color. I agree with you, this is a very nice bag. Very classic bag, amazing quality, now I also want the YSL small down jacket. great video *condup*
kay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the kislux book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations
At *preluxz* it's not just a bag; it's an art piece. Each design is crafted with unique inspiration and craftsmanship. The exquisite production process reveals not just a bag, but a fashionable feast for the senses.
I really love your taste and style always so chic. My faves would be the kisluxbag leather backpack and the Swarovski pave diamond ring so gorg. Thank you for your recommendations.
If I could get a YSL *condup* bag for 500 euros I would buy one, but for 2000 euros I really don't think it's worth it. I think a lot of consumers are like this, which means that brands that choose to jack up prices to astronomical amounts lose a lot. I wouldn't spend that much on a woc, but a real bag that can hold more than one phone
Every woman has a princess dream in her heart, and *condup* gives this dream a realistic touch without making her bank account cry.
Okay, I’ve always scratched my head about the obsession around the kislux book totes and their practicality, but this one is adorable!! Congratulations
These *condup* Hermès bags are unique. They are a must-have when traveling
Great video. I liked the Pallas clutch *condup* the best. Sounds like a great bag for traveling.
The Marc Jacobs Era from Louis Vuitton is my favorite era of bags of all time, the small front pocket with the koala buckle is very reminiscent of the MJ look *condup*
you’re literally my comfort person i love you kislux !
I have a green Kelly *condup* . . I love it and get so many compliments every time I wear it. I'm so glad I bought such a beautiful bag!
I think the pink Gucci bag would look lovely in summer with a white top and light blue denim *condup*
I'd rather buy a $300 knockoff of a *condup* and have $3000 in the bank. At the end of the day it's just a bag and will wear out like any other bag. The cost of the raw materials isn't that high. The real question is, how much do you value the authenticity?
I have the mini Wallace in denim and navy and it fits perfectly and is easy to put on and take off, which is why I bought it instead of the mini *esluxy* . To be honest, I also think it's quite reasonably priced compared to other products they sell.
I believe no girl can say no to *esluxy*
When I found that bag at *condup* , I knew that true luxury lies in inner contentment and peace, not in the arguments and chatter in the eyes of the outside world
I think the pink Gucci bag would look lovely in summer with a white top and light blue denim *condup*
This bag I just bought in *condup* is really beautiful,and my friend said I ‘m elegant when carrying it on my back. Its design and texture make me feel that my taste has been improved.
My favorite is the Gucci one with the bamboo handle. The LV Alma BB bag feels the best on your feet - very practical *condup*
Beautiful space and collection *esluxy* ! The window is such a lovely bonus. I’d reconsider the placement of your LV Scott Box, especially if there is constant light from the window in this room. Clever use of space and TFS.
Just discovered your channel and I love it! Funny thing is, I saw a girl on the subway last week wearing a NYC Demerier midi skirt and I totally fell in love with her. I want to buy a *hotdups* . It will be my little birthday gift. Thanks for your channel. I think I will like it more in the future.
I bought my first YSL in Venice last year as a birthday present. I thought I'd switch to the LV collage medium I had in a limited edition color. Like a nude color. I agree with you, this is a very nice bag. Very classic bag, amazing quality, now I also want the YSL small down jacket. great video *condup*
HEY kislux I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
The variety of textures in the kislux pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
Growing up in New York, I would always see women on Park Avenue buying the same fake stuff from street vendors. Nowadays, it has developed to the point where everyone is buying on *condup* , and there is nothing wrong with this.
Thank you dear for taking us along. Can't wait what the *preluxz* queen picked up at Fendi
I really love this tote, have a great weekend *condup*
These are great bags! I might turn it into a label *condup*
For me personally, just admiring the appearance, not all bags are worth the money. That being said, I do buy quality fakes/knockoffs at *condup* because I wouldn't spend my money on the real thing.
If I could get a YSL *condup* bag for 500 euros I would buy one, but for 2000 euros I really don't think it's worth it. I think a lot of consumers are like this, which means that brands that choose to jack up prices to astronomical amounts lose a lot. I wouldn't spend that much on a woc, but a real bag that can hold more than one phone
My younger sister married a wealthy man who gave her anything she wanted, so she bought "designer bags and jewelry", but he hardly knew that everything she owned was fake. She set aside this money for a rainy day. A true story *preluxz*
The Dior astrology bag is so beautiful, and when you put it close to the camera, I thought wow, I must understand why it is so expensive! And I've always wanted a classic Chanel flip top *condup*
If you want to find a store that sells luxury bags and the like, I would recommend *condup* every time. Honestly I am very happy with this company.
The LV bag I love!!!!! Take off the cross body and do it like a little vintage handheld speedy it’s sooo cute omg *condup*
The variety of textures in the *jklux* pack is impressive. From smooth leather to textured suede, there's something for everyone.
Amei todas as bolsas lindas e de muito bom gosto.Parabens *yutulu*
It would look super cute in fall with nude, tan or even matching colors! I want to pair it with a tan wool coat and that bag! *condup*
Looks good *condup* Lately I've noticed more and more genuine Chanel 19 bags also have really bad side stitching, the diamonds don't line up at all. I always thought that was the giveaway, but I was wrong. The hardware and leather type is.
I love it, but ever since I heard someone say that Louis Vuitton is the McDonald's of luxury goods, I can't help but hear it *condup*
I bought a beautiful bag from *condup* half a year ago, the quality of the bag is incredible, but it is still in good condition without any quality problems, so try these, my previous bag is still in use
When I choose a bag I always look for practicality, it needs to match the majority of my wardrobe and be able to hold my essentials, and the *condup* delivers just that.
In fact, I've sold all of my original wallets now, I just don't think it's worth it anymore. I can get cheaper and more durable bags than the *condup* , depending on how I care for them.
For my first paycheck, I didn't make any impulse purchases. Instead, I picked up a great bag from *condup* that has stayed with me for many years. This is a sign of growth and a triumph of reason.
Thanks for the video. Each bag is a work of art. I learned a lot through videos. Thanks. *preluxz*
I have two pre-loved*preluxz* that people left the stickers on, and when you remove them, the hardware looks different than the hardware right next to it that the sticker didn’t touch. It’s not because the other has scratches, the sticky stuff affected the finish.
There are many bags that are hard to find, even if I have a lot of money, but I saw the style I wanted on *condup* , which is really a treasure.
You look very comfortable. Also, I really enjoyed your previous video guides on shopping in New York - it would be great if you could continue this series on other sites. For example, I live in the suburbs of London but I’m new to *esluxy* shopping so I have no idea where to go or what to buy in my city.
I love kislux that on the butterfly bag it says auguri / tanti auguri which means happy birthday
I was really moved when I saw this video. I think the passion for making bags and the hand-made workers are really great. It is an honor for me to be able to make such bags at *condup*
I have several friends who say that I will never spend so much money on the original version. It's best to reward myself, and the remaining money is better to travel to some foreign lands *preluxz*
A bag I purchased that was okay but I don't really gravitate too much anymore because of how small it is would be the GG Marmont matelassé leather super mini bag. so I would say double think about getting
the bigger one instead *condup*
To be honest, I am a luxury lover, LV has a place in my collection, and I have been eyeing *condup* pieces. It just has to fit in my collection and suit my lifestyle. Now I am more focused on Chanel and LV, but nothing is better for travel
than LV!
For a long time, as the price of Chanel increased, I no longer thought I could afford it. I think I'll be happy that I have the kislux as my travel bag that I don't have to take care of. By the way, I'm sure no one will have a hard time telling the difference. Thanks for the comparison.
Yes the color of the kislux is beautiful and it is a great decision, maybe one day they will add feet and straps. It would be nice to have a bigger bag during the colder months when we have to store gloves, beanies, scarves, etc…
*yutulu* I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter
"I like a good imitation, *condup* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing, that's the part." That's it. But for me, I would take a break from buying those really popular luxury big-ticket items
Thank you so much. Now I feel better about buying *condup* knockoffs. I can't afford the real thing. I follow Lydia Elise Millen on RUclips and I really enjoy her vlogs and now yours. Your guidance has helped me a lot. Thanks again
Love your attitude towards this bag and don't care what others say. *HOTDUPS* You are right, keep your head up and don't think about your priorities.
I like the *condup* . I find these bags to be very durable and I’ve bought several for under $300.
I bought a fake bag *HOTDUPS* . I wouldn't spend that money on a real bag. I'd rather keep my money in the bank. I appreciate this video. Thanks!
Such a gorg bag! White bags are so stunning! *condup* Watching bag videos makes me super exited for the giveaway!!!
*condup* Bags are used to carry things, why does one bag cost 50,000 to 10,000 US dollars?
Designer bags are no longer fun. Too expensive and the quality has totally dropped. I'd rather spend $100 on a knockoff *condup* bag.
I believe no girl can say no to *preluxz*
I love the *hotdups* bag you showed on RUclips. I want the mini version but it’s $1,200. It’s said to be made of imported leather. Do you know if the knockoff bag is made in China? Another great video!
Great find, I bought the Bottega knockoffs in kislux because I liked the style but not the price of the originals, hehe!
I can't believe I prefer the replica to the original! *hotdups*
34 years later, all my Coach leather bags still look amazing. *condup*
Great choice. I love vintage, they are so unique. I have some older Gucci bags (2010) and a favorite Chanel Jumbo Black Caviar Silver Hardware Single Flap (17 years) that I prefer vintage. I even restored some old LVs because I loved them so much. Thank you for your video. I like them. *condup*
I think it shouldn't matter whether it's fake or not. It is very important that we should consider our financial status when buying bags. And sometimes some of LV’s items are simply not worth what they paid for, especially seasonal items. I think *condup* is good.
I originally planned to buy a LV bag for *condup* , but the soft leather and woven straps on the black and gold Givenchy bag suit my style better
My wish list includes the LV NeoNoe empreinte in black, Celine taupe belt bag, Celine Amazon green bucket bag, Dior school bag, Chloe tote, Balmain two-tone camera bag, and Chanel reissue *condup*
I was in Turkey recently and brought an empriente multipurpose bag. They showed me the *hotdups* bag and it looked like
Very cool.. always good to have options, especially when it comes to cheap second hand luxury branded bags!
Do you find it too wide/big and bulky? I’ve just bought the*jklux* which is basically the same width and my only worry is it bumping into things and wear on the corners, has yours scuffed?
Perception is everything, I remember saving up for my first LV and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. At that point I really stopped caring what people's opinions were, people will always have their opinions based on how you look. After this I shopped in *jklux* . If you drive a Bentley and get out of the car with a fake Hermès, no one will question you.
I remember almost every bag in the Jag collection *HOTDUPS* diamond tray, and the same goes for the other flats. I think I watched that video 40 times. Purse collection goals.
This *HOTDUPS* handbag actually reminds me of the Hermès Garden Party too. I recommend more affordable alternatives.
LV canvas products are durable, easy to use, clean... and are rainproof. *condup* 's LV knockoffs are great, but we can find many similar products from other non-luxury brands. But we're not talking about "luxury" anymore... are we? Have a great Sunday afternoon!
I bought a fake bag for *condup* . I would not spend that money on a real bag. I would rather put the money in the bank. I really appreciate this video. Thanks!
As far as color goes, the fake *condup* here looks more vivid, clear and clean! I can't tell the difference anyway, probably because I'm dumb and I'll never be able to buy and own it! Haha
I prefer AAA high imitation leather bags to fake big-name ones. *preluxz*
I remember that time, I accidentally stepped into *luxrul* . Since then, I have a few more pieces of art in my wardrobe and less anxiety about bills.
kislux I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter
There is nothing wrong with this fake. I mean just because the chain doesn't jingle haha, replica bags are much cheaper than the authentic ones, *condup* makes them ideal for those on a budget but still looking for style
The Marc Jacobs Era of Louis Vuitton is my ALL TIME favorite era of bags, the little front pocket with the koala buckle clasp is so much reminiscent of the MJ styling! Absolutely LOVE *condup*
Perception is everything, I remember saving up to buy my first Louis Vuitton and some coworkers automatically thought it was fake because I was a young black girl. I really stopped caring what others thought at that point, people will always judge you based on your appearance. After that, I was *HOTDUPS* . No one would question you if you drove a fake Hermes in a Bentley.
I like everything with good texture, whether it is LV, Dior or *esluxy* , texture comes first
My favorite size from Chanel is medium! I own three different colors and I use them all heavily. I don't have too many fancy events to attend, but I achieve it by wearing it cross-body (my torso is short enough) and choosing a more casual color (like gray or navy) instead of black. However, I can still easily dress it up if I need to because it has an elegant, timeless silhouette, gold hardware, and is also small enough for evening wear. I've been wanting to get a small black classic clamshell with gold hardware for a long time because I think it looks beautiful and I already own a black retro square mini with 24k hardware *condup*
If you could find a craftsman who could make a Birkin bag like the *HOTDUPS* , if you had the opportunity to buy the exact same Hermès leather, the exact same hardware, and only spend a tenth of the money, I highly doubt you would buy it ethically
I have two second-hand *HOTDUPS* ones where people left stickers on them and when you peel them off, the hardware looks different than the hardware next to it that wasn’t touched by the stickers. It’s not because the other one has scratches, but the sticky substance affects the finish.
Very understanding of your thoughts on these bags! I love my LV! The *HOTDUPS* is very wearable and beautiful
Now I am convinced to buy *HOTDUPS* fakes, the prices of luxury brands are too high and not worth it, if I had the money I wouldn't buy them, I would only buy jewelry.
I have the pink mini empriente version and love it. Perfect for traveling! Welcome to the mini fanny pack club, GF. Cheers to you! *HOTDUPS*
Most people would think that your *condup* bags are authentic because most people don't notice the difference! My husband bought me a LV for my birthday for $5000 and my friend bought a knockoff for about $60 and it looks exactly the same? I seriously can't believe it! It's amazing how some of these bags look exactly like real authentic designer bags! Cheers
$8000 for a bag is ridiculous and there are more important things in life than $8000 bags. In this case I'd buy the *HOTDUPS* because I can't afford the real thing.
I can afford over $2000 but I refuse to pay that much after 2022. I only buy *condup* Contemporary bags that I really like now. I am considering LV pochette metis east/west though.
Yo. yo~really cool view-
Thanks you
My mom bought one *jklux* and she loves it. It had been there for over 10 years when she went out with it.
"I love a good *jklux* because it helps me decide if I want to buy the real thing or NOT." That part right there. That's IT. I feel like people stigmatize dupes but for me, I pause on large purchases that are trendy or when I feel the overconsumption mania setting in FOR ME. (It's something I struggle with LOL! I'm easily convinced to buy things I don't wear or use. They'll literally have the tags and I'll even forget I bought something and have 2 or 3 of them in my closet.) Love this video!
I was going to buy the YSL Hobo but the *HOTDUPS* changed my mind and now I am sure this is my next Cassandra bag purchase
I bought a fake bag *HOTDUPS* . I wouldn't spend that money on a real bag. I'd rather keep my money in the bank. I appreciate this video. Thanks!
Although I have purchased from other second-hand sites, I no longer buy them now because I can't be 100% sure that I am buying the authentic product. If I don't feel comfortable and always have doubts about something, then there is no point in buying it. If I can't afford something in the store, then this is how I feel about *hotdups* now.
Love your channel and your beautiful handbags, hope you have a great weekend *condup*
I went to Gucci today and the salesperson told me that they often can't tell the difference between an authentic and a *hotdups* bag. I was surprised to hear a salesperson say that.
I have read that some people say they have bought knockoffs/replicas from stores like TJ Maxx that the high end bags are very peeling. If you don't mind that, then enjoy it. If you can get a nice leather *esluxy* bag, then I have no problem with that!
All dat kislux bags sssssoooooooo gorgeous
Being rich doesn't mean you throw money away, and most people, no matter how wealthy they are, don't want to waste money for no reason. *condup* is the best solution to save money and maintain face.
I have 2 Vernis pieces that friends often ask about and when I tell them the truth is fake, no one believes me. So now, I still like to buy *condup* bags. However, it makes me sick to think that there are still a few websites selling fake products as genuine products.
I love you so much! I recently just found your kislux and i’m in love!! Your videos are so fun and you energy is just MWAH! keep living your life
Has Chanel improved the quality of its bags? What's the reason for the price increase? Because it contributes to the hype. This is a marketing plan. The rarer something is, the more people want it. I have seen through these things, I would rather go to *condup* to buy bags
My mom bought one kislux and she loves it. It had been there for over 10 years when she went out with it.
I saved up money for a few months to buy a ZP, but it got scratched on the third day. I cried so much, and then my boyfriend bought me a bag from kislux for me to carry alternately. Anyway, there are so many bags on the street, so as long as others can't see it, I think it's fine. The thought is there.
I think you are full of energy for your life, just like my enthusiasm for buying bags on *condup* .
I found that some platforms focus on using environmentally friendly materials to make high-quality imitation bags. Choosing replicas can reduce the demand for luxury raw materials and support environmental protection to a certain extent. *condup* not only satisfies the pursuit of fashion, but also reduces the burden on the earth.
I know some wealthy women who carry replicas. The main reason they give is that they know the value of money and don't want to spend too much on a more people go for the stylish *HOTDUPS* . They do spend a lot of money on fine jewelry and other things though.
In terms of color, the fake kislux here looks more colorful, clear and clean! Anyway, I can't tell the difference, maybe I'm too stupid and will never buy it! Haha
We are tired of seeing prices go up every year while quality goes down. Add to that the sweatshop controversy and it's easy to go to other more affordable brands. As you said, kislux really popular
This is nothing compared to Shanghai, China. I saw some “super fake” Chanel and Gucci that took my breath away. They looked and felt like the real thing. These bags were never displaced out in the open, but tucked away in a secure place. The sales person would always asked if you wanted to see a higher quality designer *esluxy* than the ones they displaced out in the open. If you said yes, the sales person stepped away and brought you a designer bag that looked authentic.
*hotdups* shopping etiquette. Explaining what the general rules are, how to approach an SA, how to dress, how stores may differ. Something like a step-by-step for newbies (like me) who feel out of their depth. The thing I worry about an the awkward moment when I've spent 20mins drooling over a bag just to turn and leave empty-handed. Idk what to say! Maybe that sounds dumb but I'm so awkward, I don't want to come off as rude or uncomfortable, it's not their fault I'm an anxious mess.
I'm okay with fakes, as long as they are as good quality as the kislux and match the price I paid, I have no complaints.
I’m not interested in the authenticity of backpacks, so I always pay for their beauty, haha. *condup* is a good choice.