I enjoy your presentations. Interesting and insightful. I'm thinking you don't really believe that what is true of a rat's brain is true of human brains - possible MAYBE. How would anybody know? They can't exactly express themselves in human terms. Do you know of a study that has shown calcification in the pineal gland affects spirituality or intuition, or is this assumed? Seems like this would be difficult to study.
tRuE nEuRoScIenCe
I enjoy your presentations. Interesting and insightful. I'm thinking you don't really believe that what is true of a rat's brain is true of human brains - possible MAYBE. How would anybody know? They can't exactly express themselves in human terms. Do you know of a study that has shown calcification in the pineal gland affects spirituality or intuition, or is this assumed? Seems like this would be difficult to study.
You............TALK....... too....FAST🤨